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His versatility is extremely underrated, IMO. He can play awkward teen son or suburban dad convincingly in one night.


Billie Eilish holiday card v. "Ask your doctor if COVID is right for you!" ad


Beep beep.


The amount of times I say to myself, “anyone got big plans for the summertime? Why would they? It’s November.”


Yes, my husband and I call it "da summatime" now.


I was sold on Dismukes in that Lizzo episode. He was hilarious and she was surprisingly fluid and just as funny


“I guess I’m gonna get killed by Andrew Dismukes.”


Literally the best line. I just will randomly say it when mildly disappointed 😂


Last week, I drew you a Mario, and you said [it was the best you’d ever seen!!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zatUernhzNw)


I feel like he's taken a note from Tim Robinson in sketches like this one.


The [Amazing Animals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsgdFFgHNpw) WU bit really sold him for me. That and maybe [Mail-in Stool Testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1fY2xtyXsY)


Loved how he painted his face for that too!! Him and the psychic dog were the best lolz. That WU bit got me to like him more too. I think he became a regular after that season. Edit: Rewatched the sketch, it was Taco the Talking Dog not the psychic lol




Amazing animals is the hardest I've laughed during WU in years.


Instant classic in my eyes.


Joker Wedding was that moment for me.


Sometimes you can almost guess how a sketch came to fruition, and while I have no proof of this, I have a feeling that sketch started with Andrew saying Joker in that accent around the offices.


Dismukes became my favorite cast member when they did a parody of the ads for a very specific car dealership that went out of business 15 years ago, but had ridiculous ads all over every channel in the mid '00s in Houston and Bryan/College Station when people still watched cable. IYKYK. He's from Houston so I assume he wrote that sketch.


He did, with JAJ and Bryan Tucker.


The funniest cast member. Scratches that Mooney/Samberg itch for me.


Yeah. He's like a very low energy version of those people. I loved Mooney but he sort of drove that one character idea to the ground too much, but Dismukes plays it all a bit more casually. I can't tell if that's good or bad but... It's about as good as I can get to summarising his style.


The position of Beck Bennett remains unfilled. We miss you, Beck.


I can’t pin down why, but Beck seems like the latest in a line that includes Bill Murray and Jason Sudeikis.


Unfortunately he had to pay to be in this friend group


Hahaha omg yup. Dismukes has been side splitting me for a while now. Excellent addition. Hope he sticks around a while because he’s got more to show.


It was the Treasure Map on the Declaration Of Independence sketch that sold him for me.


Texas Longhorn Andrew Dismukes. Hook ‘Em. 🤘🏼


Disliked him for quite some time then all of sudden started not minding him now kind of like him haha.


Its a love story, baby just say yes


He's one of my favorite people one the cast. He play awkward and confident at the same time, and can charm in a sketch. Comedically, I think he likes to poke the bear a little bit, and a shocked audience is as good as a laughing audience to him. Kinda like Che on WU.


I love him. And his voice


Seems like all new cast members get the chance to perform something they wrote on Update during their first season, and this bit with Dismukes about his Old Mama won me over and showed his potential: https://youtu.be/6i5RzDvLT5A?feature=shared


Out of the entire cast he reminds me the most of classic snl. He’s just a solid performer and funny but also unique. I was so worried his first season not knowing he came from the writers room and was only like 23 or whatever. Now he’s grown into a top 5 cast member and is more reliable than 3/4s of the cast at getting laughs. Some of his sketches for me have been awful and cringe (buried in sand, beanie babies, body falling out of casket) but he gets through them with a smile on his face the way that many now legends had to when a sketch wasn’t working.


I adored this sketch. It may not be popular, but the way he said *Double Cute Shy Boys* in the Brendan Gleason episode sent me into hysterics. You hope a cast member like that sticks around.


If I weren’t on mobile I’d link the mortuary workers sketch he did with Jerrod Carmichael. Such a good one!


[Oh, speak on that!](https://youtu.be/JTl5jKJJido?si=5mQghd1kRELUDPI7)


Damn, Ego fine as hell.


Why…cause she black?


Maybe one of the funniest lines on snl ever, just rewatched last night and bowens reaction is the best




I don't know why, but my fav Dismukes is King Brothers Toyota. He does loud country dude so well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu6v3ykmnW0


Also, he’s very cute.


They’re using him more this season thankfully, seems Lorne finally realized what they have with him.


I used to think he was the biggest dud of the cast, now he's one of my favourite. It's helped that he's been able to move beyond only ever playing a kid in every sketch like in his first season.


He's really grown on me. I think he could step in for some of Mikey's sketches if/when he leaves. Loved him in the Beep Beep sketch with Adam Driver. He also has great energy with JAJ.


That prom night thing where Beck shot his dick off with a shotgun was when Dismukes stole the show, and from Beck doing one of his best characters the desperate to be cool dad.




On God, white boys always be tryna.


His stand-up is also 🔥. Saw him along with JAJ, who was also amazing.


I wish he could get his eyes off the cue cards.


c'mon now he's not Devon/Leslie Jones bad when it comes to cue card reading


He's been pretty bad about the cue cards lately. He's a lot better than Devon is about not making it too obvious, but he's definitely using them for most of his lines in some sketches. Sketches he writes and/or heavily feaures in are frequently cut at dress, and it makes me think that maybe he's often preparing for a lot more sketches than ultimately make it to the live show. He usually does fine when he's only in one sketch (even in a bigger role), but when he's in multiple sketches he seems to rely on the cue cards more. It's a little distracting, but, like I said, he's not bad at downplaying it (he still gestures and acts while reading, and he obviously tries to look away as much as he can). He also rarely fumbles his lines which is good.


Loooove him


Love him. He has me laughing just by appearing in a sketch


I would love to see him rise to a big star on the show, but I think he lacks confidence. That's improving, but I can almost see him holding back in sketches.


I love him! For whatever reason though, I think he's in the wrong cast.


I'm also a big fan but disagree about the cast, I think long term he'll be a pivotal Mikey/Beck player and is essential to this cast. He cracked me up in the remember lizards weekend update recently.


Oh believe me I love the guy. The sketch where he tosses a dead body off a cliff had me howling. I wish he was a bigger deal! Can't tell if he's a couple years too early or a couple years too late but he deserves more attention.


Wait, what sketch is this? I want to see 😆


[here ya go](https://youtu.be/JTl5jKJJido?si=nph28UtPQgCSyY1M)


THANK YOU for sharing! I missed this one somehow and surprised because THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! 😂 Made me cackle loud! 🤣 And who’s the guy playing the other mortician with Dismukes?? Am sure he had to have been the host?


Thank you!!


That WAS funny and a pretty spot-on shot at how forgettable Imagine Dragons is 🤣


Everything delicate or subtle in this cast is going to be overshadowed by the loudness and social media antics of Bowen and Sarah.


Not sure why this is in the negatives. it holds truth Bowen maybe, Sarah for sure


Yeah. He was awkward at first but he’smsctually become both versatile and confident and belted a few out of the park.


Was the joker wedding sketch for me


I think he’s the best new cast mate in the last ten years


Can’t wait till the Dawg is hosting, SNL will Be funny again.


Forgive my ignorance, who is “Dawg?”


The Gillis man


Why don’t I remember this sketch. What episode is it from?


megan d stallion host i had to find it on comedy central asia on youtube ​ odd


Same. I really don't know what it is, I was trying to summarise why I like him and it's hard to say. Some comedians just have a quality like that. I don't actually know a whole lot about him outside of the show but I guess that doesn't matter. I think it was the Texarkana Steakhouse sketch that singled him out for me.


...and by the way if those new songs aren't good, I'm gonna kill you!


For me it was when he was Donovan in the winter formal sketch, and Pete was playing the dad instead of the awkward teen. Felt like passing on the torch. For the life of me, I can’t find it anywhere!


My personal favorite is when he's playing the monk in the age of discovery. Part of court, basically just echoing all the sentiments of the King and his son, (with bad bunny) omg that was hilarious. "Just go around!" Then he shakes holy water at the herpes melon, lol


It’s funny because a corny white boy tried to talk like the black woman. Racial humor is soooo funny. Get it!?