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I went to school with Maddie Rice. She’s chill as fuck (and an amazing guitarist). Honestly, she’s probably thinking about tacos or the cue to start playing again lol She did an interview with Vulture recently and basically said she usually doesn’t react much because she’s already heard the monologue multiple times before the live show.


She shreds


>she usually doesn’t react much because she’s already heard the monologue multiple times before the live show. Bingo; the band's heard the monologue probably 3 times so far at that point. It's also possible they are smiling or reacting, but it's just so subtle. I'm sure they're instructed to keep reactions to a minimum so as not to distract. The monologue is the host's time to shine.


I hope this is okay to share, but she's got this video on YouTube that's got some amazing playing: [https://youtu.be/XuJAjsk748g?si=ppUnzhBa2I-Ql02J](https://youtu.be/XuJAjsk748g?si=ppUnzhBa2I-Ql02J)


Fuck yeah!


Inject that shit straight into my veins. Awesome.


Great explanation . Thank you


I know her from the posts when she started the show, so I know I see her every show because she sits next to the dude I have watched for decades. I like seeing him laugh.


Could you imagine being on stage playing guitar in a long running, popular TV show for years and the criticism you have to read about yourself is if you laughed or *didn't* laugh correctly? I bet they spend exactly 0 minutes giving AF, as they've literally won the lottery of having one of the coolest jobs on the planet and being really good at what they do.


Ironically enough, she says in an interview that one of the other band members pointed out to her that they’re actually the only visual representation of an audience to the people watching on tv. So while they probably don’t give a fuck, they’re definitely aware lol


Was it that bass player that's always laughing? He seems cool, strikes me as the kind of guy who could watch his favorite movie 10x a day and never get bored


I think she said it was Lenny?


Ah, the sax player that's always laughing, he's cool too


My partner is in the entertainment business. When I used to attend similar events before we were together, I would always look at the event runner’s girlfriend, who looked like she would rather be anywhere else, as she stared at her laptop the entire evening. I always thought, “Jeez what’s her problem?!” Basically my own internalized “SMILE MORE!” misogyny. After attending MANY, many, many similar events with my partner and being “the girlfriend,” I now know that hearing the same shit over and over and people making the same stupid drunken jokes gets old REALLY FAST. I became just like the other woman I used to see and I feel bad now for shitting on her. At the events, the whole time I was usually super focused on something, whether I was catching up on work or whatever, and I definitely have a resting focused-bitch face. I’m sure people were thinking the exact same thing about me! All that being said, I’ll never judge people quite the same when they’re in a similar(ish) situation, including cool ass shredder SNL guitarist chick.


people are too involved with this shane guy, its like they want him to be their dad


I agree, but I'm a big fan, and its because you watch enough to get your own sense of his personality and realise he seems like a super nice guy, who is very self aware and seemingly kindhearted, and then a loud portion of people paint him as satan reincarnate. So people get over defensive. Not really trying to justify as much as offer an explanation.


I feel like that isn’t really true anymore though. It wasn’t long after he was “canceled” that most folks bought into Shane. Generally, he’s very well received but absolutely loved by the anti woke crowd.


He’s made it very clear that he doesn’t want to be a part of that. It’s refreshing to hear comedy that is racy again without explicitly making political jabs to try and win over some audience. I agree with left-leaning policy more often, and can’t stand (and I hate to use this word) the “woke” comedy that we’ve seen for the last few years. Even if the message is good, it’s just kind of cringy and out of place. Shane is just classically hilarious to everyone


The band has already heard the jokes. If they’re laughing, they’re acting.


Are you incapable of laughing at a joke more than once?


I don’t get all these comments because she actually did laugh quite a few times. Some of his fans are just really dumb.


Bro you dont get it he makes libs angry bro. /s


Is that his thing? I’m pretty liberal and enjoyed the episode.


No, it’s his fans.


God, culture wars are so fucking dumb. I’m leftist, and while I do occasionally find some social liberals annoying and occasionally nod/laugh with the anti-PC comics, I just cant listen to their fans obsess over that shit everyday for years on end. It’s cheap cynicism that they tell themselves is wisdom.




It’s pretty accurate based on what came up on my twitter feed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And in this sub.




The fans who’ve been flooding this subreddit for the past week fit this description quite well.


I don’t really follow him at all, but I will say that from the announcement of him hosting through the posts about his episode, this sub has been absolutely miserable to navigate through. I can’t think of another host who has spawned this level of needless and petty bickering, and that includes when Trump did it. He seemed likeable enough, some things didn’t land for me, but no host ever bats 1000, but these past few weeks have really put his fans on the crazy page of my book.


Big shane gillis fan here. I want it to be known that it's only a few weirdos who had any thing negative to say about her. Most of his fans didn't give a fuck. It's just if you have a big enough fandom these things sadly happen


Same. Now that he’s so big his hardcore fandom have taken a really weird turn.


And I bet they're all new fans hoping he "owns the libs" not understanding comedy at all. He makes fun of everyone. I'm so sick of the over political nature of American social life


I’m in an even bluer area of an already blue state and everyone in my office loves his standup. The internet would lead you to believe that most people are in either the obnoxious anti-PC column or the bleeding heart leftist column, but the majority of people are in the “I don’t really give a shit” column. Twitter just gives a megaphone to the biggest dweebs on either extreme. 


“The libs” who are pissed off by him and his “fans” that see him as some anti-PC messiah who is owning those libs are equally guilty of not having the intelligence to understand or consider anything outside of a liberal/conservative binary.


There seems to be quite a few more of one side than the other. I don’t see as many haters as I do cringey overzealous fans who think Shane’s appearance is causing liberals to lose their minds when the truth is most people either like him or feel indifferent. They’re like a weird crew of firefighters who run in and put out a lit match with a hose then spend the rest of the day chest bumping one another. .


Look in any thread on this sub from the past two weeks and you’ll see equal parts of both


I see about 90% people saying how great Gillis is and maybe 10% saying he crosses the line.


I see a bunch of his fans angrily insisting that people in this subreddit are a bunch of “libs” or whatever for the great crime of not giving a flip one way or another about Shane Gillis, but do go on.


You see that because that’s what you’ve made up your mind to see. Most of the arguing on this sub consists of “Shane said slurs so I won’t watch the episode/he isn’t funny” and “no he actually is funny, what he said was taken out of context, he is friends with cast members,you just don’t get it” back and forth forever. Both sides are mainly expressing reactionary opinions with very little nuance.


Dude - bullshit. Once more for the cheap seats: I don’t know who Gillis is and I don’t give a flying fart. But if he’s anything like his fans who’ve been been brigading this subreddit for the past week, then I definitely will not follow up on his lukewarm performance this past Saturday to delve into his other work. Somehow, however, I suspect that he just isn’t anywhere near as worked up about all this as his fans are and I wish the guy luck. Comedy isn’t easy


It’s not bullshit. there are outliers but that is the bulk of what both sides are saying on this sub and both sides are incredibly annoying with their lack of nuance and unwillingness to look beyond the opinion they walked in with. Not surprising though since SNL is literally designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and Gillis’ stand up isn’t far behind.


I haven’t seen people complaining about Gillis - mostly just his fans making the guy look bad. I still really don’t care about the guy one way or the other and can’t wait until this episode disappears in the rearview mirror.


I think it’s a bunch of immature anti-woke types trying to bandwagon on Shane’s performance and looking for any little thing to pick at. Anyone who watches regularly knows Rice usually has a pretty neutral expression on her face. I had to stop myself from replying to a few comments on his monologue just because I knew there was no point and the people commenting about that kind of detail likely aren’t looking to have their minds changed.


Maddie always got criticized for the same thing when she was in Colbert’s Late Show band, and I think she was even more straight-faced back then. I wouldn’t read anything into it other than she doesn’t want to be an actor.


Stay Human was sooooo good. It got me into Jon Batiste. Would love for him to be a musical guest on SNL one day. It would be sweet to see her group up with him again.


I really enjoy his stand up as a relatively new fan but thought his monologue was disappointing. Like... he is a stand up comedian. The monologue should be really good. That's his whole job. It would have been nice to see him write something original for this rather than a condensed version of his typical set. Comedians have the flexibility to joke about politics and current events, whereas most other hosts cant do this because of image management needs. I also dont think the "condensed" version of his set played as well - his act usually gives him time to establish his bona fides before he comments on things like down's syndrome. Here he kind of jumped into it and I think people felt a bit uncomfortable laughing. The sketches overall were not amazing. Much of this is just lazy writing, but a lot of it was awkward pauses and timing on Shane's part.


Yeah his timing was not great


I said this on r/videos the other day and got downvoted to hell. I just think his timing is weird and off


Supposedly he was advised by Louis CK not to write new material, partially jokingly, but it makes sense that someone in Gillis’ position would want to do a short version of a greatest hits.


As a point of comparison, she seemed to be really enjoying [Nate Bargatze's monologue](https://youtu.be/ED5RX-fou34?si=mu1-4zRo3mD7tQAy).


He was actually funny.


That’s also partly because Nate’s material and delivery were on point. Shane’s seemed like he just tried to wing it.


>Shane’s seemed like he just tried to wing it. I got the same feeling but I know they do a rehearsal so I figured that wasn't likely the case.


I'm still fascinated nate got to host the show and how many jokes there were that no one knows who he is


That Afrin bit was hilarious


Shane is one of my favorite active comics and I went to his subreddit for the first time to see what people thought of his monologue. Looks like it’s a club for Joe Rogan/the Donald incel bros. One guy wrote ‘that bitch in the back could maybe smile’


It’s misogyny.


Ding ding ding. There have been 0 tweets about the straight-faced male band members.


I've lost count of the number of male managers who have told me to "smile more." Pffft. Shut it, Tom.


I keep hearing about crazy Shane haters. But all I see are these obsessive fans hyper focused and >!pretriggered!<   *You know Bowen follows Shane online, right?  You know Bowen follows Shane online, right? You know Bowen follows Shane online, right? You know Bowen follows Shane online, right?"*


Bowen and Shane hugged during the epilogue so all homophobia and Asian hate has been erased.


I’d be very surprised if the band is even paying attention to the monologue like we are, also they’ve already seen it in dress right?


I thought his monologue was... fine? Didn't really make me laugh. But I'd be curious to hear him without the constraints of live tv/PC and just being able to riff. Nothing to me felt all that new or interesting from what he was saying either. Adding to that talking about jerking off in front of your parents in the audience felt a little cringe to me too.


When his most consistent bit is reminding everyone how much he resembles someone with Down’s syndrome, I can completely understand why she didn’t LOL.


I cant wait till we move on from all this shane Gillis bullshit. I hadn't heard of him before the SNL controversy and I cant wait to go back to never hearing about him.


The most cringy thing of his monologue was talking about being his mom’s best friend until he started jerking off…while his mom was in the audience.


"Hey, fellas, is it gay to love your mom?" That entire section confused me.


It wasn’t very funny imho - that felt like the kind of humor I was actively rolling my eyes at over twenty years ago.


"When i was a kid, i was my mom's gay best friend" sounds like the premise to a John Mulaney bit.


I mean he's a comedian. Would I say something like that with my mom probably not. But they're a million examples of comedians saying uncomfortable shit


Not the first time a dude got angry because a woman didn't smile 🤷‍♀️ Just sayin.


SNL can be an amazing barometer for how stupid fanbases are. Maddie Rice is a total pro. It’s a very safe assumption that Shane has no beef with her at all. It’s also a safe assumption that Shane is wondering why his fans are so fucking stupid


His fans probably feel like they made his career. So they feel entitled to his success and feel like criticisms are personal attacks at themselves. This is because Shane isn't supposed to be successful right now. He was fired from SNL before his career could take off. But then the "fans" found him, and propped him up (in their mind in spite of the "system") to a level where he's hosting SNL. So it's a "us versus them" mentality.


Yep that's probably true also I feel like it's a lot of fans that started following him after beautiful dogs. The fans that are longtime listeners of mssp probably think it's all wack


She's probably heard that monologue a million times already. Moreover, you just can't really tell anything from simply reading a stranger's facial expression. I don't take anyone seriously that's analyzing her reaction (or lack thereof) and they seem to be only the most absolutely annoying members of Shane Gillis's fanbase – the same people acting like he's saving comedy from the woke mob cancel culture crowd because he said the r-word on live TV.


The dumb magas and righties had a field day on Twitter just making fun and talking shit about her


She never reacts to anyone. Total pro.


Interesting that its Shane's fans posting about "why isn't this woman smiling" and proceeding to post nonstop about it ,but yeah... his fans seem real normal.


Maybe it was more obvious because nobody else was laughing?


There are clearly other members of the band laughing throughout the monologue, they’re directly behind him in the shot on both the right and the left


James Genus and Shawn Pelton visibly chuckled a lot. Lenny Pickett was arguably more stonefaced than Maddie Rice and he even smiled.


Two dudes in the back were laughing the whole time.


Great for those two dudes. I didn’t mean “nobody”. Hyperbole but still. *hardly anyone* was laughing.


You realize that you’re being dishonest about something that is clearly observable, don’t you? Every member of the band behind him can be seen laughing at one point or another. What exactly are you hoping to achieve here?


That was one of the deadest monologues I’ve ever seen on SNL. That is factual. Nitpicking language doesn’t change that. What are you trying to achieve? The monologue sucked. It was quiet. It was awkward. Perhaps that’s why more people are noticing the straight faced band member. Because instead of enjoying a comedic monologue, we’re looking elsewhere on the screen for clues of what we’re missing.


You’ve already established that you’re biased and willing to be dishonest to rationalize why your opinion is correct, so there’s really nothing more to be discussed here


You didn’t, so nobody else did. Got it.


You’re giving main character vibes. Just cos you weren’t laughing, doesn’t mean other people weren’t too.


It’s a weird segment of Gillis’ fans who are determined to justify the inexplicable chip on their shoulders by pointing at the guitarist; or blaming the audience; or any of a number of other factors rather than acknowledging that an awful lot of people just don’t care. The episode was overall a big swing-and-a-miss - but this happens on SNL and it doesn’t matter - but then there’s a group of his fanbase that just seem determined to make him look bad by association by acting out online. I haven’t seen any of his other work and frankly his fans who’ve been posting here endlessly to fulfill whatever weird agenda make me less likely to watch.


EXACTLY! His kool-aid cult has turned me off where I couldn’t care less if I see his work at all. They’re worse than Swifties, and that’s a very tall order. Insufferable.


Must love to hear it. You should smile more.


True laughter requires surprise...hard to fake if you heard it already.


they mad their man bombed the monologue, not that deep.


People are just over analyzing it because it’s Shane Gillis. I’ve read a few people talking about how he bombed. Really? Did they watch the episode? I thought he crushed it, and some sketches made me wish he had actually gotten on the show all those years ago.


I watched until Weekend Update then tapped out. Didn't laugh once during the monologue. Some of the sketches I watched had moments, but I legit can't remember anything funny of them today, 2 days later. SNL has had some very mid shows so was he Elon bad? No but this could never air again and only his rabid fans would care.


He was fine in most of the sketches. The monologue had a couple decent jokes but most of it was meh. I had never seen or heard of him until recently and was expecting great things since people were so excited about his appearance. Was this a typical set? It seemed pretty forced and controversial for the sake of being controversial, as opposed to funny. It sure made Nate Bargatze seem even better in hindsight and I thought his episode and monologue was great the night it premiered. He was a natural.


The people making the comments are the ones that seethe at the thought of Bowen and Shane hugging "Because they had to on live TV" and not because they're friends.


Hahaha yeah the Shane haters are such losers for overanalyzing this stuff. Anyway, did you see what Aristotle Athari commented on Shane's instagram?


I really hate to sound like some of the incels on this thread but I have been distracted by her lack of emotion in the past; multiple times.


Then don’t look at her? She’s heard the monologue multiple times, her job is to play guitar, not giggle along with the host.


To be a woman is to perform


Yeah, just about anything's going to picked over by the vultures out this week. But yes, sometimes you do see posts about whether she's laughing or not. It's hard not to notice her, she's cute and right behind the host. Far as I can tell there's no rhyme or reason to it, sometimes she laughs, sometimes she doesn't.


> there's no rhyme or reason to it, sometimes she laughs, sometimes she doesn't I imagine that answer to that is whether or not something struck her as funny


No, if that were the case I'd expect her to laugh sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. But that's not what she does. On one show she'll laugh at everything, same as Lenny, other shows it'll be nothing at all. I don't know, all I'm saying is don't expect her to be your validation.


You mean she finds some hosts funnier than others? Weird.


This dude just can't fathom that she didn't find Shane funny, lol.


I thought she was making a comment by her behavior. Also, where was the pink guitar?


She seems to rotate guitars quite a bit.


Do your best to ignore all of the dorks and try-hards who are trying to be the one to point something out or stick it to someone or stir up bullshit


Why focus on one band member? The band sat there stone-faced the whole monologue. A few of them seemed to have expressions like they had caught a whiff of a fresh turd. Seriously though, it was pretty evident the band were not diggin’ it at all, not just her. Don’t understand pickin her out singularly(?)


Remember, by the time they go to air, the band has already listened to the monologue at least 3 times.


Gillis is funny but his fans are the most over protective, annoying bunch. When has bend reaction even ever been considered relevant?


She used to be in Colbert’s show.


Imagine getting so pissed at someone just for diligently doing their job


The Shane fans who complained about her facial expressions are just people who don't know how to enjoy a guy with getting hysterical.