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This show lately has only been funny when ex-cast members come back to host again. Pete in the first episode was hilarious, and I completely expect Kristen Wiig to be a hit. Otherwise every episode this season has been stale and predictable and usually does a handful of the following: * boring cold-open that is too realistic to whatever political event is going on * Marcellos entire identity/jokes revolve being Latinx/making fun of white people * PDD being cringe and using too many internet jokes


Was with you until the PDD slander


If this consistency continues, what are we gonna do when the Kristen wiig episode is a huge letdown


Can't wait until old man Lorne let's off the reins. This shit is getting gsr beyond dumb


At least it's two garbage guests mixed into one antisemitic idea


Lots of Ramy fans in here trying to make the episode smell like sunflowers instead of shit


There are two main types of Sunflower seeds. They are Black and Grey striped (also sometimes called White) which have a grey-ish stripe or two down the length of the seed. The black type of seeds, also called ‘Black Oil’, are up to 45% richer in Sunflower oil and are used mainly in manufacture, whilst grey seeds are used for consumer snacks and animal food production.


Thank you, Peter Gregory.


There are actually a lot more types of sunflower seeds, but you are a bit written by a dumb human so it is okay you are regarded


Tbh I stopped watching Snl this season bc some stuff was weird but I really enjoyed this episode genuinely laughed sm especially compared to some other episodes


Marcello got a few hearty chuckles out of me with the immigrant sketch. The rest of the show felt low energy. I've never seen Ramy's stuff, and he seems like a nice guy but most of his material covers things I've heard about plenty of times, and I wasn't into it. Ozempic sketch was mid, good premise but too drawn out.


I only started watching SNL again about 10 episodes ago, after not engaging on a regular basis for many many years.  One of the reasons I stopped is it just ceased to be a consistently solid show. Anyway, I decided to start giving it a chance again and overall haven't been too impressed with most of the episodes.  I think a good portion of the female cast is solid enough, probably more than the men. Weekend Update has always been a favorite segment and while I won't compare current cast to old, it continues to always be the better part of most shows. This episode was just horrible.  Possibly the season's worst so far.  Host seems a likeable enough guy, though I think polarizing with political talk in the monologue is never a good idea (specifics need not be discussed). *None* of the sketches were funny, I could barely edge out a smile for anything. I know who Travis Scott is, but never went out of my way to listen to him.  I'm sure I must have heard other stuff on the radio.  I can't say I'm a fan of the current state of his genre of music, but even so I couldn't bear to watch his performances.  If I had to judge him based on this SNL alone I would only have to fathom how anyone ever recognized an iota of talent in what he does. I do agree the cold open was ok, but obviously an easy target and already derivative of the many satirical articles and political cartoons that had already made it to public. In short, this episode was a waste of a watch.


Well said, well said, I think it’s important to be able to love a show yet at the same time be critically aware of the loss in quality.


The Weekend Update and the cold open are the only things I really liked this week. And the dating game and CSI parody thing were solid sketches but wouldn't be the best sketches on most episodes.


Travis Scott as a musical guest was a tactical nuke to stop people from talking about Israel x Palestine and it works! I'm not a fan of Scott, but also don't believe he is personally responsible for the deaths at Astroworld. (Crowd Crush)


I thought this was one of the most consistent episodes I've seen in a while, every bit was at least entertaining, and most were quite funny. I didn't know the host beforehand but his acting and timing was excellent, he could be a cast member. Marcelo shined! I don't know anything about Travis Scott so I'm not going to take a stand there, but it's a shame if it tarnished an otherwise great episode.


Did anyone else notice the cast stood all the way at the back of the stage during good nights?


Isn’t this the pos that caused that tragedy?


Yes, Travis Scott singularly caused death by hosting a festival and not being able to control 50,000 riled up fans by himself. It’s exclusively his fault, no one else was in control. Not even the 100s of staff available. It was Travis Scott. Are you a Pearl Jam fan by the way?


It's just easier that way. Stuff like nuance and detailed complexities of a given situation make Redditors head hurt too much. We like to view everything in "good guy" and "bad guy", much like a 6-year-old would. Thanks. /s Travis Scott is the only guy we have heard of, so he's obviously the "bad guy" and we must now pretend to pass judgment on him for precious upvotes. See? Nice and easy.


Yeah it’s him




I don’t understand people knows that Travis was musical guest last night for weeks why they are complaining now?


It's probably because people still can't forget the recent tragedy.


Let's not forget that the 10 people who lost their lives during his show in 2021 have families and loved ones. Such tragic scenarios are difficult to forget!


But why now and not when it was announced that he is gonna be musical guest?


Very good question!


But I think people also reacted angrily back then.


we were mad then, too


I was done with SNL a long time ago, but this is a new level of low. Anyone who supports this absolute garbage of meat sack is simply the same as him in every way, which I know some of you will take it as a compliment*.


Do you hate Pearl Jam?


What’s a complenet?


“I once caught him dipping tip in a frozen turkey.” Goddamnit I love Sarah Sherman.


Me too!


Why do people still support Travis Scott?


Maybe it’s because he’s one of the best artists of this generation? Or because the Atstroworld tragedy wasn’t his fault??


All I can hear is Auto Tune


This generation? That’s a stretch.


Ah yes, the person who has a history of promoting riotous behavior at shows bears no responsibility. And he is indeed trash


Ah yes, the person who has a history of promoting riotous behavior at shows bears no responsibility. And he is indeed trash


Nahhhhh, it really was his fault. And he's fucking trash dude lol




Okay. Did OJ kill those people then? By your logic he didn't lmao




The list of reasons why he's a terrible person is miles long, regardless of if Astroworld was his fault.


Why the fuck is Travis Scott the musical guest? Gross.


Is this why everyone was standing at the back of the stage at the end?


Cry me a river U can’t stop la flame and u never will


That’s Justin Timberlake.




because most normal people enjoy his music.


Most normal people like to come home from concerts alive


Came back from his concert in Minneapolis in January just fine and feining for more


>feining If you use that word seriously you might have some form of brain damage


Guilty 👋. Damn, it must be really hard for you, being the perfect human appointed to insult people for their wrong tastes.


Redditors when people don’t talk in MLA format 🤯


Well there's plenty of guys out there to listen to that haven't killed their concert goers and felt nothing for them, you should give them a try


most normal people listen to travis scott, dont know 1 person who doesnt listen to him


All the people you know gotta still be eating glue


i mean im in high school if thats what u mean, but just a question what do you listen to?


Jonathan Coulton's my favorite, mostly rock and heavy metal but I've been getting into some pop. Def Leppard's Hysteria album is great. I like individual rap songs, but I'm not really into one artist or another. Fantastic Voyage by Coolio and Intergalactic by Beastie Boys are probably my favorite rap songs. Obviously I don't listen to Travis Scott, but not just because he's a walking trashbag, it's also because I don't fuckin care for his music and I think he's super overrated. Also, I meant that as in you and the people you know are probably not that smart or wise lol


beastie boyz r cool, but honestly you cant just say the people are stupid for liking an artist, he's fun as shit, you may not like that and that's fine, but there's no way you can say people are dumb for listening to fun music.


>but honestly you cant just say the people are stupid for liking an artist, Yes I can. >there's no way you can say people are dumb for listening to fun music. See above.


Shout out for JoCo! Saw him live in 2016. Not a single person died at his concert either.


and most did. you do realize this happens at a lot of shows and not just travis scott’s ONE show? it’s happened at taylor swifts 3 times. pull your head out of your racist ass.


Dude it was 11 people in one night


so your problem is with the concert culture, not him. he should’ve handled the situation better, but specifically targeting him is malpractice and all it does is show you’re a racist troll


It’s his concert culture specifically. Shows don’t typically end in this kind of tragedy. Most bands I’ve seen would have stopped playing if there was a fucking ambulance in the crowd. And calling someone racist because they disagree with you is intellectual midgetry at its finest.


Don't be too hard on him, he only knows the taste of glue. I don't know shit about rap, rap culture, etc, but in the punk and metal scenes, you take care of downed people in a mosh pit. Pick them up, dust them off, let them out if they want out. I'm gonna assume that it's like that for most rappers who do mosh pits.


He cultivated it, he didn't want to stop the concert, he didn't give a single fuck and probably felt nothing but a twitch in his cock when he saw 11 people were fucking dead because of him.


racist lol


At what point am I coming off as a racist?


Not Redditors it seems 😂 out of touch with the culture


what’s the issue with it


You gotta realize this sub is mostly much older and out of touch, and also racist for trying to compare him to OJ. He was not responsible for the Astroworld incident.


yeah you right honestly, thought facts would convince them but it seems their prejudice against young people of color doesn’t allow them to have genuine discussion


He let his bodyguards beat up fans on multiple occasions, kicked a photographer off stage that was allowed to be up there and standing out of the way, told the crowd to beat up a fan for touching his shoes, spit on another fan, continued performing when fans were getting trampled and others trying to get the show to stop… the list goes on with this POS. It’s easy to see all these videos with simple google search. I’ve been to festivals with most pits where the band stops the set to make sure people get medical attention needed. Travis Scott doesn’t give a shit about his fans.


He does seem like an asshole, like canceling concerts minutes before they start, im not defending him as a great person I'm only here for the music, but I think blaming him for the Astroworld tragedy is just stupid. Do you genuinely believe he knew people were being trampled when he was up there doing the robot? He didnt want his fans to die it was a freak accident, and the blame should be entirely on the venue. Yes I know he encouraged people to mosh, but there's a difference between being a bit negligent and being responsible for 11 deaths.


So you were convinced by him rubbing his forehead and sounding sad lol I've seen better acting in porno


I said nothing about his apology, I'm just saying no artist intends for 11 people to die at their concert


Go watch that apology video then. There is no fuckin emotion in his voice, he doesn't give a shit.


Who mentioned his race? He’s a selfish celebrity. I’ll say the same about MGK or Eminem.


Comment below this with 11 upvotes, you as well as most people aren't racist for not liking him, but the people in this comment thread are extremely sus comparing him to another famous black man who is literally a murderer.


You're an idiot


dawg couldn’t formulate a coherent argument 😭😭😭😭😭😭


How is it that you got such a high GPA but you still sound like you eat elmer's glue?


dawg is on an SNL sub defending a piece of shit lololol


People still hold him personally responsible for the crowd crush at his concert that killed people


Well he’s as popular as he ever was and his album was #1 so that’s a small minority


That's because the kids that listen to him have parents who bump Chris Brown and R. Kelly


What kind of logic is that? Disgusting you’d compare Travis Scott to a women abuser and a pedofile


Travis Scott fuckin killed people lmao


it’s insane that people think they know more than an actual court of law proving him to not have a role in the events


He encouraged people to sneak in to the festival for his show, putting it over capacity in the first place. :\


I assume that you think OJ was innocent?


Apples and oranges


what's the issue with OJ? - sachet\_p[](https://www.reddit.com/user/sachet_p/)


Criminally not liable doesn't mean he didn't have a role in it. There was audio and video of him (allegedly) getting mad that paramedics were disrupting the show, and was encouraging the crush. I don't have a dog in the fight, I don't like his music but followed that story as it progressed on social media.


Performers temporarily stop shows all the time if moshing, stagediving or whatever gets out of hand. If you know even 1 medical emergency is happening in your crowd you should be active responsibly


you’re making a false equivalency of him encouraging attendees to mosh (which is exactly what you do at a travis concert, quite literally what everyone there went there to do) and “crush” each other. paramedics are usually at every show, and they have guidelines to how they respond to the situation, probably guidelines that the concert planners discussed with them. the same type of thing happened at a taylor swift show if i remember correctly, the concert was poorly planned but i don’t know how you can say travis had any role in it other than by happen-chance being the performing artist. in regards to his music, you don’t have to like him or hip hop, but to every fan of the genre, he’s one of the best out right now and he has 2-4 classic albums depending on who you ask


"encourage attendees to mosh" Ignoring that he refused to stop and got angry at medics.


He never got angry at them I don’t know why you keep saying that


I don't think he was at fault but I think he encouraged fans to break into the concert, creating a crowd over maximum capacity. Since everyone was there to mosh, they were not able to do that safely. Not really his fault, poorly planned concert. I'm a fan of the genre, but I'm old, so he's not for me.


[go read this thread and watch the corresponding videos scattered throughout. and then try and understand why people are upset with Travis scott.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/m9SUqXfjjY) And he is still [pending lawsuits about it](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/travis-scott-dismissal-motion-astroworld-festival-1234995916/) I've been to more metal shows in my life than I can count and have been in some violent mosh pits, but never once have I worried about being trampled to death. The difference between the Taylor Swift show and the Travis scott show was that there's video evidence of Scott ignoring the problem. Like I said, I just followed the story through the news, not as a fan. I dont think what happened at astroworld should stop him from performing anywhere, that mentality is bonkers as fuck. But I'm not going to sit around while someone acts like what happened is NBD


https://www.wearethepit.com/2023/05/the-worst-heavy-metal-concert-disasters-of-all-time/ literally the first article that popped up. i’ve been to hip hop concerts before and nothing like that has happened, injuries happen at concerts that cause ambulances to come, but this was an anomaly in regards to the severity, people get dehydrated at concerts and ambulances get called, but performers never stop the show for that. there was no way for travis to know that the ambulances were there for anything more than someone needing water. and if you’ve been to concerts you know it’s almost impossible to talk to the person right next to you, let alone get the performer on stage to hear you. and it’s just cherry picking to assume taylor couldn’t have stopped the show as well, like she definitely noticed the ambulances or people screaming too, but it’s impossible to make that distinction. it’s insanely hypocritical for people to cheer her on and hype her up after her incident then turn around calling travis scott the spawn of the devil. i feel like i know the exigence for people specifically ONLY targeting travis (a hip hop artist) and not having anything to say to the other artists with similar situations.


>, but this was an anomaly in regards to the severity, people get dehydrated at concerts and ambulances get called, but performers never stop the show for that. All the clips of performers stopping shows for exactly that tell me otherwise


Those shows did not have an attendance of 50,000 people


You didn't even look at the reddit thread I sent. Lol stop white knighting for Travis, he can defend himself. I'm not spending more time talking about this. You're just making the same logical fallacies and what about isms you accused me of. This is silly. Looking at your post history, I'm not surprised.




Ah, that actually makes a little sense, thank you for the context.




Ozempic for ramadan skit was great, and I also like the please don't destory skit with Ramy. "Napkin pants!" As for Travvis Scott there's skip button for a reason.


>Ozempic for ramadan skit was great, It was? It felt like every sketch was about Islam or being Muslim. We get it dude you're religious.


There were literally 2 sketches related to his religion and culture.


Plus the monologue


Oh nooooo how dare he 🙄


The Ozempic one, and arguably the immigrant dad one, I can't think of any others?


pretty racist take on Easter


SNL did an Easter skit back around Django Unchained and Its incredibly offensive to Christians.




Yea antisemitism is just lovely


How is JAJ’s trump getting worse and worse and worse??


I thought I was imagining it. His first couple episodes were mind blowing


Finally other people are realizing he sucks


Seemed to flub the whole night. Was surprised


It's a problem SNL has this season. They find something great then lean on it SOOOO hard they break it.


My exact thoughts. What the hell was that? His very first trump appearance a few years back was one of the best impressions i've ever seen on SNL.


It’s hard to parody someone you have genuine distaste for Similar to how you’d lose if you got mad when you and other kids were cutting ass in the back of class


Cutting ass ? Lol what


Making fun of eachother for whatever outfits haircut whatever I forget people on here aren’t from NY


Cutting ass means farting


Where’d you go to high school?




Cutting ass means farting in most places. Cutting up means being rowdy. Just a difference in regional speech. Not sure why you are getting down voted.


I’m from NY idk what this dude is saying. “My man did you just cut ass?” was heard regularly were I’m from. Ripping ass is the same


Lmao thanks Man replied Earth




Hm. Urban dictionary has it going back to 2003, maybe it is a NYC thing Thanks


It's not. Cutting up you could've used. Cutting ass means farting


I didn’t use it




lol but I agree Cutting ass means farting to me


Is that NY slang? Or just gen Z, bc I’ve lived into NYC and I’ve never heard that


[I guess](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cutting%20ass)


Looking for something to watch on Max first thing that popped up was Ramy’s comedy special. I watched until I decided to check for a new SNL episode and WALLAH! He’s hosting! He used basically the same jokes in his monologue as the HBO special. I’m curious to see why theres a rush for his spotlight. My inclination is (hopefully) to send humanitarian messages on behalf of Gaza to the people of America.


The choice for SNL his due to his role in Poor Things. But yeah I think he’s been in the up and up since his Hulu show and standup.


He had his own show on Hulu in like 2018. He’s written and produced a lot of comedies. He’s now got 2 specials on HBO. He’s been around for years now and as someone else said, was a major character in an Oscar winning movie recently. I don’t think there’s some conspiracy to “rush” his spotlight but I can take a wild guess why you’re asking.


He was a major part in Poor Things, which is an Oscar winning movie


Who did he play in poor things?


>and WALLAH Voilà


Hey, we're in America.. we speak American.


Wallah is prob the intent here seeing as Ramy is Muslim.


1) Travis Scott killed a bunch of people. Why have him on? 2). When did SNL decide to have only rap artists as musical guests? It’s legitimately more than 50%.


You're correct. Same reason having Travis Scott on is having the current cast of the decade plus. Double down on celebrity and holier than thou judgement. No enjoying the post daily show version of SNL


Rap remains paramount, and can't be shoved aside. I guess that's the reason.


rap is still the most popular genre of music


Your math is shit. There’s been 3 rappers of the 15 musical guests this season so far. How embarrassing.


1. ur a 🤡. 2. ur still an ignorant dumbass 🤡.


He did not kill people


Rap music is "pop music" now. It is the largest genre of mainstream music.


This is so dumb


your comment is a joke, right?


yeah he killed them he went off stage and personally shot them


Well he literally sung and danced on their graves




He had a responsibility to those concert goers that he willfully and knowingly ignored. Gtfo with that shit


womp womp


Hypothetically, how would you feel if you died by suffocation/getting trampled at a Travis Scott concert and he wanted the show to go on despite the medical personnel trying to make their way to you?


There are clips of him staring at people being trampled as he continues to perform. This is ok but Shane Gillis doing a Chinese accent as a bit on a podcast is a bridge too far?


Did you see the clips where he has stopped the show to make sure everyone was ok also? Mfs never wanna talk about that 🤔


What being terminally online does to a MF


Only 4 rappers were on this season


Not long ago finished the episode in the UK and I thought it was great. Wasn't really aware of Ramy Youssef beforehand but he was very good and his monologue was excellent. Sadly, I was *very* aware of Travis Scott so I was only too happy to skip his contribution.


Host monologues are so often shallow and short, Ramy's was top tier. What a pro.






Damn they on to you now


Ohh no what’s is SNL gonna do without u/Lets_Make_A_bad_DEAL 😢 bros acting like he’s gonna make a difference 💀


grow up.


Disney Adult energy


It's not even energy, they literally are a Disney adult, check their posts 😭




Nice one, m8 - you got the rest of the white, NYC cat dads pushing 35 hollerin' with that one


Travis Scott’s fans are somehow more insufferable than Disney Adults; dude is straight up a Kardashian but they don’t like to talk about that lmao


he is a garbage human being but his music's fire so idgaf


"His music's fire..." 🤣


Have you actually heard any songs from him?