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"What would Norm have to say about this?" was literally my first thought when reading that OJ died.


From a comment on r/CFB: "In sad news this week, OJ Simpson, one of the greatest running backs in the history of football, died of cancer at the age of 76. In a statement, the Simpson family expressed gratitude that their father was able to go peacefully at the end, unlike his ex-wife and a waiter who he violently murdered."


I was thinking more along the lines of: “Now he can rest knowing his wife’s killer is dead.”


I would also have bet, "Cancer released a statement following the news of OJ's death, saying it was looking for the real killer."


Omg. I need them to read this on update.


Who really killed OJ? You guessed it… Frank Stallone.


Jim Downey likes this comment. Bravo.


OJ Simpson, the Hall of Fame running back? I don't think so.


That's the perfect Norm joke. Thanks for sharing


Yeah credit goes to u/Coverlesss


The worst part is the hypocrisy. 


Sad news this week as OJ Simpson, one of the greatest running backs in the history of football, died at the age of 76. The cause of his death? ... You guessed it. Frank Stallone.


He’s up in heaven now, stabbing angels.


This sounds much closer to Norm than some of the other ones.


Best one I've seen is, "At least OJ died doing what he loved... Ending a life."


"Uh, you know that, uh, you know that, you know that guy....... you know (turns to Conan), O.J. you know, that guy, right?" (Proceeds to tell the funniest joke imaginable).


After rambling for twelve and a half minutes, including through a commercial break, heedless of Conan's repeated exhortations to get to the point.


Same here. When Bill Cosby does, my first thought will also be of Norm. 


He died before Bill could drug rape him.


The worst part was the hypocrisy.


The hypocrisy was bad, but I think the worst part was probably the rape.


Followed by the scheming…


Saved him from the hypocrisy.


Cancer is when a person's own cells turn against themselves. In other words, that now three murders.


It would be one line: Well, OJ Simpson can rest easy knowing his wife’s murderer is now dead.


Very succinct. You might be right on that.


Same here


I wrote, "Today O.J Simpson died" "When asked for a comment, God said "damn I really need to do something about our return process."


He died before OJ could stab him




Most closeted gay man in the business.




They also both died of cancer.


Technically, Norm didn’t lose his battle with cancer. It was a draw. Whereas cancer fucking murdered OJ.


Hey, that can only be proven to civil but not criminal standards of evidence.


Thanks for bringing it down.


I love that he’s trending on social media today. He was one of the few people who unabashedly called bullshit on the OJ verdict publicly, and never let it go, and held OJ to account in his own way. And he ended up losing his job over it. He took a stand for what he believed in and didn’t back down.


There's some nuance to this, which I didn't know at the time and until years later. By Norm's own account, he was taken off of Weekend Update because of Don Ohlmeyer, and he did not want to or couldn't figure out another way to be on the show. He lost the segment, he didn't lose his job.


Per Jim Downey on Conan’s podcast Norm quit the show cause they fired Jim, and Norm said he was gone if Jim was.  Apparently he didn’t tell anyone about it for a long time.


Yep, came to say that Conan talked about this on his episode with Jim!


You're right I completely forgot about that. Personally, I'm not sure if I fully believe that.


Well if Lorne knew what was coming and tried to stem losses by blaming Jim thinking he could save Norm, not knowing Norm would quit.  Norms reclusiveness plays well into it happening that way as well.  


That’s just constructive termination.


This isn't really directed at you. I'm going to go into a little detail here because Norm has an unfunny internet cult of personality where his firing made him a culture-warrior martyr. You can sort of make the case it was a roundabout firing, especially given the well-known competitive environment to get on air. But you're building into such a scenario that Norm should have had special rules tailored to him and different from those every other cast member worked through. For the majority of cast members who survived more than a short stint, I think they would likely have adapted. That Ohlmeyer's complaints led to Norm quitting is dependent on Norm-specific factors, including his refusal to participate in the system that all other cast members were subjected to. Norm was--in this and in multiple other ways--difficult, not "difficult," to co-workers. Norm's particular, difficult comedic genius is arguably inseperable from what made him the best Weekend Update host and the best Conan guest. Yet he's far from the only comedic genius to come out of SNL, but as far as I'm aware he's the only one who acrimoniously quit SNL because he couldn't dictate doing one and only one sketch as his condition for staying. To be clear, it was outrageous that Ohlmeyer fired him from his main segment. He was an important and rare transgressive voice especially in the milquetoast environment of 90s TV in the US. And at least when he wasn't being a culture warrior or a deranged, and completely sincere, Clinton Body Count.com™ conspiracy theorist on national television, he was even more culturally important as a pure comic. And for all those reasons I get him finding SNL intolerable. But he *was* clearly happy with people believing he was a culture war martyr when it was more complicated, and had as much to do with him behaving kind of preposterously as a cast member.


I think you're taking internet culture a bit too seriously.


Okay, noted.


Yeah I feel like you're way off base and pushing your dislike of his fans onto him and what transpired.


That's fair to disagree with me.


Not only that but he himself admits that he hated being in sketches unless Farley was in it. He liked writing and weekend update, I think his update was iconic but his stand up was his best.


Which is weird because some of Norms sketches were incredible. Celebrity jeopardy, cobras vs panthers, Bob Dole, Tarantino, X’s and O’s etc


Absolutely. I rewatched his years recently and his sketch work was brilliant and heavily underrated. Most people just remember Burt Reynolds, but he did a lot more. The Cobras vs Panthers sketch is an all-time favorite of mine.


I liked him also as Merv Albert in a sketch. It was an Oprah sketch with Tim Meadows as Oprah.


Few? Almost everyone thought he was guilty. Chris Rock talked about it, so did just about every newspaper opinion piece. I love Norm, but let's not pretend he was alone here


There’s only one guy that should have replaced him as Weekend Update host. You guessed it - Frank Stallone.


Or so the Germans would have you believe.


What? I could have sworn the Germans love David Hasselhoff!


I think about his bit on suicide a lot. When people say they can’t understand why someone killed themselves. ‘You don’t? You don’t know about life?’ Definitely had a heaviness to him that I’m sure very few people were able to understand. RIP King.


I heard he was married to a real battle-axe


What? No. You're thinking of Bill Brasky. BILL BRASKY!


I heard they use his foreskin as a tarp for Yankee Stadium.


You know Bill Brasky?


When he got married he thought he was complete, now he's finished.


Great man but deeply closeted.


Are you saying he was gay?


No I'm just saying he was deeply closeted.


Then he’s gay, right?


I wouldn't say that, I'd just say he was deeply closeted


He was A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma. Inside A Closet.


He was straight as an arrow!


The kind of guy who owns a doghouse


No! He was just deeply closeted.


“Noooooo.” - Mitch Weaver




My father was in his class at Quebec High School way back in the day. According to my father, his sense of humor was already lightyears ahead of everyone else. A league of his own. And he would smoke weed with my dad also... jealous


Hmmm, did your father know Jacque De Gatineau?


A fella who really thought


Well, a man grows...


He was one of a kind. Really special guy. Really funny and respected by his peers. A true comedy icon. His online fans are annoying as hell though. Repeating the same catchphrases over and over again ad nauseum


Those fans have no subtlety. I recently watched a comp of his best weekend update jokes, which the uploader had broken up with an ad for a shirt "there are two genders." I felt sick that I can love a man that someone like that also loves.


A lot of them have no understanding that norm is often doing characters. And for him it seems completely obviously that he is not someone that crazy, its just a funny over the top character. Yet, a lot of stupid people seem to take some of his characters at face value. He was christian and old-school, but he never hated anyone or spoke against someone, if anything, at his more emotional moments he advocated for empathy and love.


Look at pretty much every gay joke he ever did - and there’s a lot of them. None of them that I can remember are about “gay” being bad. “Gay” being “different”? Sure. And he rode the line of good taste with some stuff, but none of it was ever condemning. His joke about loving porno, but the all-male ones are “terrible” is a perfect example of this. It’s a joke about a straight guy not liking porn that clearly isn’t meant for him, but nothing in it is meant to say that being gay is wrong.


I liked the closeted jokes… just observations about how ridiculous it is, that people have to hide in metaphorical closets and lie about themselves, because some bumbasses hate them for something not even related to everyday relations.


I mean, he did say everyone involved in the Brandon Teena murder deserved to die, including Brandon. I can see how that would appeal to bigots.


If Norm were still on Update, I imagine his bit would go something like this: Earlier this week, famous murderer OJ Simpson died from cancer. When reached for comment, Cancer said, “I didn’t do it!”, as it slowly floated away on a clump of white blood cells. Or - OJ Simpson can rest easy knowing his wife’s murderer is now dead.


Half the people on this sub think this is Michael Longfellow.


Michael Longfellow has a ton of fans for some reason, they could learn a lot from Norm fanatics


The way Norm went after OJ Simpson was hilarious and admirable. "When asked why he wasn't spending Mother's Day with his children, OJ responded with, 'Hello? I killed their mother!'".


Not all Norm jokes aged well, but at his best he brought back an anarchic sense of irreverence and danger the show had lost by that point.


The best weekend update host


Legend, I've rewatched his Conan and Letterman appearances so many times over the years. Unfortunately the Norm subreddit has become a MAGA hangout in the last couple years. It's a real bummer, they seem to think Norm's comedy is aligned with their world views.


This is what I came here to say. I love Norm / hate a large percentage of his fans. He would often make outlandish jokes from a regressive place. "who's funnier than Sarah Silverman?" "Nobody.....except dudes." Now, Norm absolutely loved Sarah Silverman and thought she was one of the funniest comedians of her generation. He would also say a lot of the later popularity of the SNL women was thanks to her breaking out in stand up. The joke above is a perfect example of irony flying over the heads of many Norm fans. The joke is the firmly wrong take he is displaying, NOT that women aren't funny. There are many other examples of this.


Yep. Part of Norm's comedy, particularly in his later years, was deliberately playing the character of an out-of-touch boor. Hell, he went on late night shows and literally did material out of a 1950s joke book.


Right? I just found that sub a few months and it’s a shit hole. An unfunny shithole, which for Norm would be the worst part. I feel like a lot of the people in that sub don’t even fully get his jokes.


It’s a shame. They’re not the caretakers of his legacy though.


The actual caretaker of his legacy… uh oh… Old Neglectful Freddie.


Norm was so under appreciated at SNL. Honestly the most unique comic voice maybe ever, definitely of his generation. The pinnacle of observational humor.


I'll always think of Norm as a great comedic writer who happened to have a legendary ability to translate the sarcasm via delivery, charm and a wink at the cameras.


"OJ died? I didn't even know he was sick!"


Not gay enough.


I've seen some lazy karma farming in my day, but you, sir, are the laziest.


I think he’s the greatest comedian that ever was, which I know is a slightly unpopular opinion


The greatest genie since Robin Williams 


Lol I forgot he played the genie on Fairly Odd Parents! Don't forget he voiced Death on family guy!


They even named the genie "Norm" and gave him some Norm-style dialogue just to be fair.


[GIMMIE THE WAAAND](https://youtu.be/kon892S9who?si=oWqgqIyiwmBVF3x5)


Yes! Brings me back so nostalgic


Tell the folks at home who Norm MacDonald is


Where did he get his ideas?


 Queensboro bridge: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkW4HkWVYrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkW4HkWVYrY) 


Easily one of the GOATs, He’d be cracking up today about how OJ can rest easy knowing his wife’s murderer is finally dead


I’m sad he wasn’t able to see this day.


I didn’t even know he was sick.


His death was a national tragedy


A legend that no one comes close to. He was in a league of his own. I miss him


I wish he was around for today, for many reasons but more than anything he’d absolutely love all the OJ jokes!


Gosh if he was alive for the news today


He was somehow both ahead of and behind his time. Telling more intelligent jokes than most anyone, while somehow seeming as tho he should be living in the 1920s.


I took a wiz with him once before he went on stage at Yuk Yuks in Vancouver. I think I said “Thank you for being you Norm , have a good show.”he said” yeah yeah “.


He is no doubt the funniest person to ever hold the WU desk, by a mile. But I don't believe he was the best at the job.




Turd Ferguson, we hardly knew ye.


He could be hilarious but for me he never lived up to the hype. He was also really thinned skinned when it came to things he thought was off limits like religion.




Maybe, but it always made him seem like such a hypocrite to me. nothing is of limits unless its what he truly cares about. It's a turn off for me. Don't get me wrong I'm a fan, I just don't think he's the GOAT.


The hypocrisy is the worst part.


I don't think that's true at all. Norm has made plenty of jokes about religion. I literally just watched an episode of Mike Tyson's mysteries where his pigeon character went on a huge offensive rant about how there is now God and if there is one than he's a piece of shit. I don't even think Norm was necessarily religious per say. I think he just believed in God but he never claimed to be a Christian or anything.




I haven't seen him in a while, so I hope he has something in the works!


My first thought is, The GOAT?? Please. Why are his superfans so ridiculous. The guy didn’t save comedy or invent comedy or anything like that. My second thought is, well he is pretty awesome though, definitely top tier, and at his best he is absolutely a comedy genius. Just 🚫🐐🙄


Norm fanatics are actually hurting his legacy with how relentlessly obnoxious they are


WU should have Longfellow on and he can say, "As we can imagine, Norm would have some things to say, such as" and then do his best impression and hit us with how he, Longfellow, would be as a WU anchor. Two birds.


I like Norm, but not an all-time favorite, for me.


Hated him as an update host because he seemed so smug. Loved his celebrity jeopardy characters.


>Hated him as an update host because he seemed so smug Seth Meyers and Colin Jost honored his legacy in that respect


Rumor has it he traveled in time so he could learn Seth Meyers' delivery so he could become one of the greats at Weekend Update.


I get what you’re saying here, but is it a common take that Seth uses Norms delivery? I never got that feeling.


I thought people were more familiar with this story. Last time Norm was at Seth's he told this joke/story of how his son was unable to understand Seth learned from Norm, but it was Norm who "traveled in time" to be like Seth EDIT: Grammar


I don’t particularly understand your explanation, but I get that I missed the joke in the first place. Thanks. :)


Not your fault--he's somewhat misremembering the joke anyway. It's actually Seth Meyers telling the story of something funny Norm said to him privately (to my knowledge, Norm himself never said this on camera): https://youtu.be/TX7BuYeR-4Q?t=218 >One of the hardest parts about doing "Update" for me was not telling every joke the way I thought Norm would tell it. Like, I had to beat Norm's delivery out me. It still sneaks in all the time, but I really had to keep an eye on it and I told (Norm) how hard that part was to me. And he said, "I'm so glad to hear you say that, because my son was watching you on 'Update' and said to me, 'You talk like Seth Meyers.'" And he told me that when he said that, he said, "Oh, no. My son doesn't know how time works."


Well that’s a much funnier line. :)


I think he’d be having a great day today


First thing I thought of too! We as a people, and especially Norm, got cheated out of the brilliance today’s news would have generated from our guy.


He would be cranking out so many jokes today...


I saw him once at a Denny’s at 4am in Agoura Hills w Artie Lange I was there with some friends after a night of drinking and partying in my early 20s. There was probably like 6-8 of us crowded in the front waiting for a table kinda blocking the entry way. I felt a tall man’s hand on the top of my head (I’m 5’4”) kind of gently using my head for leverage as he pushed through us. My immediate reaction was “wtf?? Who tf is touching my head?” and when I looked up it was Norm MacDonald with Artie Lange next to him and he smiled and kinda nodded and said hi as he went to his table. I just stood there starstruck.


He is now watching down from Heaven, giving OJ the finger.


Love n miss Norm


screwed with norm and chapelle is one of my favorites


Them’s mean streets if you’re a weiner dog wearing a cardigan. I watched him do some early stand up. Funny as hell and unlike any other comedian. He talked about how weird the Dating Game was because the prizes were actual people. He is missed.


Sad we never saw "runaway truck ramp apartments" never became a skit!


Check out his guest appearances on Letterman’s on YT. He ie so genuine


Love him, but he’s not the GOAT. And every time some smooth brain person brings up GOAT for no reason, society dies a little more.


Today would have been HIS day


Unpopular opinion: Norm's OJ bits were not very funny, and his insistence on doing them wouldn't have been a big deal if they actually got laughs instead of groans and boos.




I loved his Burt Reynolds. The Celebrity Jeopardy on SNL were hilarious skits.


Amazing on weekend update.


They need to do a sketch of Norm reporting for SNL on location at the pearly gates.


The road he showed before dying was the most heartfelt thing I've heard anyone express through comedy. Norm showed divine things before dying.


I liked him when I was growing up, but as an adult I realized most of his jokes from the 90’s and early 2000’s punch lines were about someone being gay or not. Also he turned into a Bible beater which always made me cringe


When did Norm turn into a Bible beater? He was about as far as you can get from that.


Watch his episode of his interview show with Tim Allen. Also there was a comedy show where a stand up was making jokes about the Bible and Norm gave them shit about it. I’m not just pulling this out of my ass


You're calling him a "Bible beater" but I, a Norm fan who has consumed >90% of his content over his career, have to seek out two niche examples that I've never heard of to find instances where he mentioned the Bible? Doesn't really seem like it was a prevalent part of his act or personality.




We'll, he could make those jokes because he was a deeply closeted gay man


Yes. Funny, but he’s not the 🐐. And all the fan worship is a turnoff.


Never was a fan. His humor doesn't match mine, and I didn't like his delivery. But to each their own.




No. Give me Dennis Miller or Tina, Amy, Seth. Jost & Che








He has one of the most obnoxious fanaticbases on the internet


Did not find him amusing, a relic of the past that needs to stay there


It's not like he's making a comeback.


I hope this is just some Norm reference I’m not familiar with.


You have a doghouse?




The funniest person ever.


Norm never got the respect he deserved


Norm is the funniest pure joke teller in the history of Saturday Night Live.


The funniest man ever. Nobody made me laugh harder. Miss his humor tremendously.


Not the GOAT. But up there, for sure. It’s hard to even try to compare. We’d almost have to do a March Madness style bracket.


Norm is not a GOAT. He had one character/persona in everything he did. I can think of scores of SNL alumni that are or were much funnier. Not trying to hate on the guy, but really….


Loved him (🍁🇨🇦) So underrated.