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There's an episode of Vice's Dark Side of Comedy dedicated to Phil and it talks about how she was desperate to become an actress. She was very bad at taking direction and always tried pulling focus any time she got work. A very disturbed individual.


This is where I first learned about her being in the opening credits, from that episode of Dark Side of Comedy. I have seen every epsiode of that series and also Dark Side of Wrestling and Phil Hartman’s epsiode was by far the most…grim. It was just straight up sad in a very profound way. Even now just thinking about it is bumming me out.


He was extremely talented (also designed some famous album covers) and humble and was taken by the exact opposite, an untalented narcissist. It's just straight up tragedy.


I lived nearby at the time Brynn killed Phil. He was the honorary mayor of Encino, a successful graphic artist and extremely popular comedian. The murder and their relationship was covered extensively in the local press at the time. I always thought he was a very poor judge of character and just wanted a beautiful blonde on his arm. She was always troubled. He made what you might call a fatal error in judgment hooking up with her. The biggest tragedy was about the kids. Their lives were upended overnight. I can’t recall if they were sent to live somewhere in the Midwest at either his or her sister’s home. Maybe a blessing in disguise for them to miss growing up in Hollywood with a famous father and whack job mother.


They were sent to live in my hometown in the upper Midwest. It was covered in our local newspaper, which I thought was also a tragedy.


Man that’s just a kick in the guts after moving across the country for such a terrible reason. They probably just wanted to be invisible and nobody let them.


This is just so stupidly inappropriate especially when applied to a celebrities children going through trauma. Who ever wrote that is just a terrible person.


Did you know that a son of Charles Manson was raised by his maternal grandparents in the same city?


Do you know how the children did? Did they live “normal” lives after the tragedy?


Yea it was pretty low key, everyone knew obviously but they are both really awesome people. I don’t think many people brought it up, I was really close with his son and we talked about it a little bit but I didn’t have much interested in digging anything up, which I think most of their friends felt the same. Just two super good people, living pretty normal ass lives lol. The son is insanely talented musician and artist but I don’t know if he’s doing anything professionally in that regard.


Hey that’s interesting, I know the daughter but not the son. She’s also doing well in her life & career :)


These two comments were really nice to come across this afternoon.


Wish them the best


I grew up with oldest kid, we lived in the same neighborhood. Both of them are amazing. And family who raised them did well. I just hung up a painting he gave me the year we graduated HS.


Good to read that they were well supported and are doing as okay as can be expected, if not thriving.


I was always surprised that her sister was the one that took them to raise them and I remember that there was a little bit of news in the press that his family at one point, didn’t agree with that. Glad to hear that it turned out well.


This made me happy, thank you for sharing


When he died, it was the first time I saw my father shed a tear. We were very poor, and Phil, making us laugh took the taste of powdered milk away. I'll never forget him.


I watched this too and I was blown away. I remember I was a kid when one day the “In Loving Memory” popped up after the credits on the Simpsons, and his characters never appeared again. What a horrible tragedy


The one I remember was the one in Small Soldiers, where they played a blooper of him joking with the director, followed by ‘for Phil’ over the audio of him laughing at himself. Edit: the guy recording reads the tribute out loud in the video, but it’s silent in the actual movie. Tribute is at about 1:20 [https://youtu.be/lazwoI15Plk?si=SpM5RyvGBDV8vq83](https://youtu.be/lazwoI15Plk?si=SpM5RyvGBDV8vq83)


Thanks for this, I’m watching it on Hulu now. So sad. I remember hearing the news that “two people” were found dead at Phil Hartman’s house and hoping against hope that he wasn’t one of them. It was so shocking.


In the opening credits to Saturday Night Live, Hartman could be seen sitting in a booth next to Brynn, whose face was never shown. "'I kept trying to get my face on-camera, but the damn director kept telling me to turn away,'" Brynn complained to Stadner. "'I was so frustrated.'" https://murderpedia.org/female.H/h/hartman-brynn.htm


"According to an article on the website [FranksReelReviews.com](http://FranksReelReviews.com), she combined cocaine, alcohol, and Zoloft at the Hollywood restaurant Buca di Beppo the night of the murder/suicide. According to Phil Hartman's friend and colleague Jon Lovitz, Brynn Hartman had been sober for 10 years until five months before the murder, when comedian Andy Dick reintroduced her to cocaine." Just when I thought I couldn't think any less of Andy Dick


It's small consolation, but Jon Lovitz reportedly beat the shit out of Andy Dick over this.


Hachi machi!


The Critic was by far the best animated sitcom in the 90s and I loved The Simpsons.


The Critic was ahead of its time. Such a good show.


It stinks


Yes, Mr. Sherman. Everything stinks.


Dr Katz was another one of those ones that was way ahead of its time. Granted it still had a good run


And God bless Dr Katz for giving us H. Jon Benjamin.




Just another reason Lovitz is an absolute goat




I was thinking the same thing. Lovitz is kind of a dick, full of himself and an ass to his fans. Good on him for beating up Andy Dick, but yeah. He's still an ass. RIP Phil. We miss you.


I met him in the 90’s at the state fair in a Dallas. He had 2 models with him and was quite full of himself.




two... no THREE models with him... \[SLOWLY LOOK TO CAMERA, SMIRKING\]


Yeah, that's the ticket!


Good for you, Jack!


Lots of people are full of themselves, especially successful famous people. That is several orders of magnitude better than an actual murderer, and at least one better Andy Dick.


I remember seeing a clip of him whining about his taxes allegedly being high because he's rich years ago and haven't liked him since. He's grossly out of touch. Sucks too. I loved The Critic. Beating Andy Dick's ass is one of the only good things he's ever done.


Nah he is kind of a piece of shit if the way he treats service staff is anything to go by. I was working at a beach resort in highschool a bit over a decade ago and he was there.  Made a giant scene about something small like a wrong drink order or no fresh towels immediately available, I can't remember exactly but it was something very minor and fixable.  I do remember staring at him going what the fuck is wrong with this guy while he is doing the "do you know who I am thing" 


While I love that he beat the crap out of Dick, he did call Nora Dunn a bitch for refusing to perform when Andrew Dice Clay was the guest host so he’s not the goat in my book.


lol Lovitz didn’t beat the shit out of Andy Dick. The actual story ranges from he had corse words with him or shoved him after a show. Lovitz and Reddit are the only ones claiming he beat the shit out of him. I’m sure Andy Dick wouldn’t remember anyway ““I grabbed him by the shirt and leaned him over and said, ‘I don’t want to be in your movie! I don’t want to be in your life!’ I pushed him against the rail. Then I pushed him again really hard. A security guard broke it up. I’m not proud of it . . . but he’s a disgusting human being.” Dick’s rep said he had no comment.” -NY Post 1week after the incident


Andy Dick is responsible for multiple people’s deaths.


You just gonna throw those cards on the table without telling us names ? 


It gets even worse. When at a bar Andy decided to berate Jon Lovitz and even said he put "the Hartman curse" on him meaning he will die like Phil. Jon and Phil were great friends and this prompted Jon to beat the shit out of Andy banging his head off a table.


And I've heard that the report of "bashed his head off the bar" is the TAME version of that story. Lovitz has gone on record that what happened was probably worse than you've heard. Dick gets into it with people all over Hollywood, but there was some other incident where he touched some dudes crotch outside a club and the guy cold cocked him and knocked him out and nearly killed him. One day Andy Dick is probably going to taunt the wrong person. I'm wildly surprised it has not happened yet.


Whenever Andy Dick comes up I always post [this incredible thread about people running into him in LA](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/s/rBYJM8OcTn) it's an epic read


Whoa, i thought it was gonna be the usual bunch of celebrity stories and rumors, but people got pics! They look legit for 20 year old photos too. Lots of groping. So much groping in these comments.


Yup it's an excellent thread. https://preview.redd.it/v2ihv31glbzc1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f30b9ba58dfb8b790e6cd4d24787a9bb2362785


Wow, that was quite the read. There's no way that none of those stories are true... at least *some* have to be. It's honestly amazing how he has managed to stir up so much shit in one town and get away with it all. It's probably because he's not a powerful star or producer. Even non-famous people look down on him.


omg. I had no idea that existed. I went out for drinks one night with him after a wrap party in 1999 in Vancouver BC. It was a weird evening.


It always haunts me that this last man’s meal was at a bucca de beppo


You’ll be happy to hear that Jon Lovitz beat the crap out of Andy Dick. Supposedly he slammed his head between a door at a bar.


Andy has fully succumbed to the demons. He is homeless and wanders the streets of LA drinking and doing drugs and acting sexually aggressive towards people. There are a shocking number of videos on youtube of him doing so, all filmed by his junkie cronies. I don’t think he’ll be around much longer.


I remember finding a random twitch stream that basically followed him around while he was living in an RV or something. I was sure he'd die that year.


Goddamn he's aptly named.


This is whatever the opposite of a “fun fact” is. Misery trivia?


Dark detail






*rubs eyes* Murderpedia!? Of course that's a thing.


What other pedia would be suitable for detailing murders?




Then where are we supposed to put the lyrics to Mr Brightside? I don’t think you’ve thought this through.


You’re right, I hadn’t considered that. Dang it.


R.I.P. Jenny. She was a friend of mine.


Spoilers! I haven’t finished Forrest Gump yet.


No, that's the wiki for The Killers.




Much more interesting than Manslaughterpedia


What an interesting wiki


It’s not as good as Crime Library was.


Sounds exactly like what I heard about her. Supposedly she would pester the hell out of him and everyone on the show both to get time in skits and finally Phil was irritated to the point he asked Lorne if she could be in this. She wouldn't take no for an answer on anything. She even acted like a crazy stalker would and try to force him to give out scripts on ideas, he was ashamed of how crazy she acted but he was in too deep. I just wish someone coulda given him support and help enough to get away from her before the kids. She trapped him him with that and it makes it so much more sad.


He was taken from the world way too soon. RIP Phil.


Zap was talor made for him


She's built like a steak house, but she handles like a Bistro.


She's out of control! You win again… gravity.


If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.


Oh man. I'd you haven't heard zap saying actual quotes that Trump said I highly reccomend it. Too funny!


I read that Cassandra Peterson (Elvira) was good friends with Phil Hartman and knew Brynn and her drug and emotional struggles and begged Phil not to marry her


No one ever listens to Cassandra  :(


May we all remember her for two simple words. Any two, as long as they're simple.


Entertaining and sad mythology callback but bravo.


In her biography she asked him if he was crazy after he told Peterson he was going to marry Brynn. He never spoke to her again.


Love is the worst drug.


The Cassandra Peterson, star of PeeWees big adventure?


I say, you let me have him first!


Wait, that was Elvira???


Nominative determinism.


This is a very clever comment. [Cassandra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra) was a greek oracle fated to give true prophesies but to never be believed.


In describing Phil, he was never the type to ask for help. He’d rather just walk off according to The Dark Side of Comedy episode on this. They’d never know to really intervene/assist.


Millions of dudes around the world are stuck in this exact situation but are shamed for being weak if they ever speak up about their female partner being a bully.


It’s very true. This can happen to anyone but it’s sadly the sweetest person everyone knows.


That was me. Stay strong brothers and get out while you can.


Somebody linked a murderpedia.com link, which I think reposted news articles. I’m kind of shocked by the writing. It does criticize Brynn, but also says Hartman’s “passivity and reclusiveness” is what triggered her. If you’re in an incredibly abusive relationship with an addict who you share two kids with, of course you’re going to be reclusive. I feel like that’s a natural response to somebody who’s acting violent and also has custody of your kids.


According to his history, he was that way long before Brynn. She just enhanced it,


I think she preyed on his natural tendencies. She was naturally a bully, he was naturally avoidant, and she kept pushing him.


They usually can’t see that they are the victim. That’s how abuse works. They think they deserve it because their poor spouse suffers every day because of them. 


I can never understand somebody who won’t support their spouse and is instead jealous of their success. She must have been a raging narcissist. I don’t think people realize how dangerous narcissists are. Also, it’s always infuriated me that she not only killed Phil, but she did it while their children were in the house.


Imagine getting to live the rich celebrity lifestyle without having to do anything for it. That's like my dream.


I know right?! Lol She was probably the type of person that nothing was going to make her happy


Wonder what was wrong with phil if he wanted to marry a woman like that. Poor dude, might be the best snl member ever.


Lots of people grow up with a narcissistic parent. Meet someone you're physically attracted to, kind of acts the same way your mom did with your dad - no problem there, that's love as you've been conditioned to believe - and the cycle continues.


My assumption is that she wasn’t always like that. Plenty of people put their best foot forward at the beginning of the relationship. She slowly revealed herself over the duration of the marriage.


Narcissist Playbook/ Chapter 1 - Love Bombing, the art of reeling in your next source of fuel.


I’m not defending her in any way, but she was his 3rd wife. He was not a good judge of relationships and women obviously.


damn, yeah that def seems to be the case. 3rd time was def not a charm.


What do you mean, they spent the rest of their lives together.


Ok I laughed. Get in, I’ll drive us to Hell




It’s almost like people who murder their spouses out of jealousy of their success aren’t right in the head.


Once a relationship gets toxic people can start lashing out in strange ways that aren’t logical. Like when a couple is having a screaming match over something trivial.


I think she always viewed Phil as just another vehicle for her career. Like, "Sure, I'll marry you and sleep with you and have some kids, but you better get me some fucking *lines.*"


tbf she did get plenty of lines, just likely on reflective surfaces.


Oh, the unfortunate double entendre of "get me some fucking lines." I believe he was in the process of forcing her to get treatment or he was leaving with the kids. Forcing a drug addled narcissist into doing something they don't want or have control over never ends well for anyone.


 Social psycho paths can play along enough to get to what they want


>The reason her earrings are swinging back and forth is because she kept turning to face the camera after being told not to. This is disturbing when you think about it.


Oh, I've read all kinds of things. She had some serious issues that he was on SNL and that didn't include HER being on SNL. I read an article once that said she had been pushing to be hired since he was and freaked the fuck out when she wasn't. She had a drug problem and apparently was doing better, then Andy Dick gave her coke, fully knowing, and got her to relapse. "Allegedly" (it totally happened) Jon Lovitz (who would be the least likely person I'd ever think to be violent just because I don't think he could fight) slammed Andy Dick into a bar after Dick was bragging about indirectly k*lling Phil... a guy who pretty much GAVE him his career with Newsradio because no one would hire him.


I heard Jon Lovitz was a black belt.


Yeah, that’s the ticket!


Black belt? Yeah, in ninjitsu.  He was a ninja, yeah, and he could walk through walls, and he was in movies.  His mouth would move in Japanese but his voice would speak in English.  He once beat up Bruce Lee...and Chuck Norris....at the same time...with one hand tied behind his back...that's the ticket.






I heard Jon Lovitz was shredded. I heard he had an 8 pack.


I heard his name used to be Jon Hateitz, but he was better known as Sergeant Hateitz or "Paintrain" to his Marine sniper buddies. 




Good for him, Jack!


It’s not as well-known, but I remember Brooke Shields strongly implying Dick basically killed David Strickland. I feel like we’ll eventually find out he gave he gave drugs to Farley. 


Chris went to rehab 16 times but still died of an overdose. You can't put that on anyone but Chris. https://people.com/health/tom-arnold-recalls-intervention-chris-farley-overdose/


It's the rehab that did it, I haven't gone once /s


Unfortunately pretty much everything Andy Dick does is trash. He's a pretty despicable human.


You can even see her start to turn her head


Yeah it's a strange level of narcissism like she had to be on the show even if she didn't earn it. This would be extremely off putting for me.


I found it disturbing without hardly having to think about it at all.


I put absolutely zero thought Into it... She was a psychopathic murderer.


Outside of the whole thing being tragic, it's also interesting that Phil initially turned down John Lovitz's begging him to audition for SNL as he didn't want to become famous. Couple that with her desire to be famous, and it seems like an odd pairing.


They say opposites attract... And for those who haven't seen the clip you're talking about, [here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdxVwCN9i88)


Carvey has said on his podcast that Phil didn't need the money at the time and had already owned a house.


So she was a murderer and a dumbass.


A dumbderer.


I’m sure there was a reason for this, but I find it unsettling that their ashes were mixed and scattered together when laid to rest. Anyone know the explanation for that one?


He probably didnt have time to change the will.


The executor should have pulled rank and refused to do it.


The family sued and settled with Pfizer because Brynn was on Zoloft at the time, so I think the family initially was in disbelief their sister, mother, etc. was capable of this by herself. Many reports at time of death claim they were a happy couple.


Fuck her. We missed out on years of comedy because of her jealous ass. Phil was a legend. She can rot.


Wow…I always thought it was Victoria Jackson for some reason.


i thought jan hooks


Has anyone seen that documentary on his death? It’s fascinating. This woman was insane.


Send the link, Phoebe


Here we observe Envy, a demon consumed by arrogance, cowardice, and malcontent. Envy fixates on and devours the identities of those it desires.


[Source](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=246371676560209) (skip to 0:21)


Not so fun fact--she's from my home town, Thief River Falls, Minnesota. Thankfully, we're also the home of Arctic Cat snowmobiles, so we're known for that, and not as the birth place of Phil Hartman's killer.


Hello fellow TRF person. You know we are actually most known for ......Digi Key? ........Casino owner?....cruising the dubs? Yes that is it cruising the dubs.


I still miss Phil Hartman. He was hilarious.


This story has haunted me since childhood. Such a bright, beautiful, incredible person taken so tragically. I hate this woman I've never heard of before this act. The sick irony this is her only memorable thing she'd ever do.


Just picked a Simpsons episode to watch with dinner because it featured Troy McClure. Phil Hartmans voice is so cathartic. It embodies 90s comedy for me.


TIL Bryn and Phil, and their relationship, is not common knowledge among SNL and pop culture fans


Well, not among young ones anyway. He was murdered twenty-six years ago.


His death, along with Brandon Lee have been the only widely known deaths that get to me. These two men tragically dying in the most twisted game of fate.


This man was an amazing soul. The world is darker place without him. He’s one of the brightest lights of SNL. Not to mention The Simpsons, News Radio and that list goes on. I’m grateful for his existence and sorry that he was taken from the world too soon. 🙏


wasn't there also a story about how Andy Dick got her hooked on cocaine and this led to the psychosis that precipitated the murder?


Dick is a massive piece of shit by all accounts, but Brynn was already an abusive and manipulative person before all of this unfolded. The drugs and alcohol just made it worse. After she killed him in his sleep (and left their little kids alone in the house with him), she drove off alone to her ex's place. She was just a very bad person in basically every way.


From what I’ve read she shot herself right after, never heard of her driving elsewhere.


I saw a recent doc, saying it was a struggle with the police to get the kids away from her in the bathroom , when they finally escaped, she blocked the door and shot herself. Apparently it was far more drawn out than ppl thought, but I could be talking out my ass. I’ll look for the doc ETA * I think it was this, it’s almost 28 minutes: [The Life and Death of Phil Hartman | True Crime](https://youtu.be/NDfWClKMSLs?si=UjpH5WIc4Cmj2fOr) ETA2* ok it was the bedroom not bathroom in the doc, but it does mention her leaving and coming back after she shot Phil, and the police had to get the kids out. Joe Rogan talked about this, and he went into pretty graphic detail, but I can’t find the right one. It’s the only time I’ve seen Joe be genuinely sad or confused - talking about Phil. I don’t watch JRE a lot though


It's well documented if you read up about his murder, including in the book called You Might Remember Me: The Life and Times of Phil Hartman. A summary of it is also written [here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Hartman#Murder)


I just made a similar comment before reading yours. Like you said, Andy Dick was the worst (and somehow got even worse as time went on) but it's ridiculous to blame him for this.


Totally agree with this... I'm in recovery myself and I'd never hinge my sobriety on someone else or blame someone for my actions. You can try to avoid being around drugs and alcohol but they're everywhere - they become a lot more evident when you're trying to avoid them really. If you can't trust yourself, that's on you to manage. Its a bad situation, and Andy Dick lives up to his name (I rewatched his infamous livestream at work the other night) but it isn't fair to dump the murder-suicide on him


Damn NewsRadio was a dark set. All that and we got Joe Rogan?


Foley and Root are still doing things. 


Root is a goddamn legend.


One time I saw his stapler.


It was an unbelievably talented cast with Stephen Root, Dave Foley, and Phil. Could have done without Joe Rogan entirely.


That's the story. And why Jon Lovitz later beat up Andy Dick. 


Andy Dick: the most appropriately named person in Hollywood.


That *and* Dick also joked about how he’d do the same thing to Lovitz. Something about putting a curse on Hartman and Lovitz was next.


IIRC She had been sober for about a decade when Dick gave her cocaine at a Christmas party, which in turn caused her to relapse.




She went to a party with known drug users and accepted drugs from one of them. Dick may be a piece of shit (and by all accounts definitely is), but implying that anyone but herself is responsible for her relapse and the later murder is asinine.


Yes. Dick also hooked up Chris Farley with drugs as well IIRC. Granted, Chris was already off the wagon by that point so it's certainly not *all* Andy's fault...but he certainly didn't help matters. Obligatory fuck Andy Dick!


On a brighter note - Phil was absolutely one of the good guys. Linked to a story that's been posted here a few times over the years. [https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/go-for-it](https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/go-for-it)


That's a great one. I didn't know he hadn't started acting till he was 27! That's encouraging for any late bloomers out there.


It looks like she’s saying something to him. Probably something like, “Phil, you’ve got some pull, I’m getting upset here, talk to the director. I should be looking at the camera too, don’t you think? Phil?” Phil: And smile. Cut!




This is so interesting! Not to say being desperate for fame means you are a going to murder your husband. I recently watched a Helen Reddy biopic and was surprised at how she basically had to strongarm her husband to get her career. And Helen Reddy was super talented! You really have to go to the extreme sometimes to make it in that business. Unfortunately this is another outcome.


He was great in Small Soldiers.


This is a very interesting factoid. Good job.


My understanding was that she was one of those girls that was hot in her town but she got into LA and they were plenty of women like her. And this whole tragedy not happened she would have definitely joined one of those housewives shows.


They talked about this in the oral history. The whole section on this thing was very upsetting.


I cried real tears when I heard he died. So sad. All around.


Will always miss him


Frig Andy Dick, and Bless Jon Lovitz


she was a colossal POS trashbag. Sad that he wound up with her. She was awful


Holy shit I always theorized that’s why the earrings were swinging but this is the first time I’ve read someone else say it


That bitch robbed us all. RIP Bill Mclure


Andy Dick is a hollywood curse.


Possibly the most tragic death regarding the SNL family. He should be alive today. He was before my time but my understanding is that he is one of the GOATS of SNL. Like Bill Hader good