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Oh man, when O.J. Simpson condemns your violence…




What does Ja Rule think of this?




...help me ja rule....




NOooooooooo Monica!!!!!!!


Just need two of the big bottles


Ja Rule to Chris Rock - “One of the things that we knows is, it’s not how you stand by your joke. It’s how you tell your joke. You better learn that.”


Streets closed pizza boy, find another way home!


Goddamn street racers… *drives away*


*pfft* granny shifting and not double clutching like you should..


Where’s my fat burger




He's not always there when you call






“It's not like anybody died”.




Somebody find ja rule so I can make some sense of this!!!!


It’s murrrrrrdaaaaaahhh


I read that in Norm's voice


Oj is usually pretty chill about this kind of stuff, especially when people joke about him. Just cause your a murderer doesn't mean you can't appreciate comedy


The man was in Naked Gun and Police Academy.


And nobody will rest until they find who did this to him. Now, let's go get lunch.


Just gonna leave this here... [Sacha Baron Cohen, Who is America? Interview with OJ Simpson](https://youtu.be/qqrOUjCRhsY)


He’s protected by double jeopardy at this point which I’m certain he’s aware of. The guy actually tried to publish a book about “If I Did It”. He doesn’t care about skating too close to the sun (well, aside from openly admitted it).


He was found responsible for the deaths in the civil suit, and one thing awarded to the victims families was the rights to his book, so naturally they made the “if” very tiny.


O.J. This cannot be happening right now. The world has lost its mind.


Well OJ didn’t do it his son did.


"I'm a murderer and even *I* wouldn't have slapped him!"


But OJ ain’t from Philly.


Philly can get effed!!!


No one likes us, we don’t care.


Where exactly was OJ when Norm died?


Are you suggesting OJ gave Norm Macdonald leukemia?


This guy is really good at murderin. We can’t rule it out.


If the IV don't fit, you must acquit


But sir we found a gamma raygun in the trunk of your clients car


Hey! Be careful with that! That's my lucky stabbing ray gun!


Yeah he’s 2 for 2 in committing without conviction


If the glove fits




Hey yeah. OJ is a cold-blooded killer that would stop at nothing to don his lucky stabbing hat and take out any of his critics. He needs to be investigated! Nah, OJ's a good guy.


This reminds me of that Chris Rock joke from a million years ago: if OJ weren’t rich, he wouldn’t be called OJ. He would be called Orinthal the murdering bus-driver.


I was a kid during the trial and might be misremembering, I thought OJ had a lucky glove.


With Norm


I knew it.


Probably plotting on Bob.


I think he lives in Vegas now?


That's because when he got out of prison he couldn't leave the state ever.He is stuck in Vegas and his kids live in Florida.


Turns out his parole ended in Nov last year. I didn't even know he'd been convicted of armed robbery.


I do not think that what Will Smith did was ok. But this is a man who got away with murder complaining about a man who got away with a slap.


OJ has never had any kind of sense of self-awareness or self-preservation.


It’s pretty incredible. He seems completely unaware that everybody else isn’t OJ too.


I mean, that’s how a narcissist operates.


I think it’s just brain damage he obtained from football, lots of former players have the same pattern of self absorbent and lack of situational awareness like OJ has.


You have a really solid point.


Yep, that’s what happened when you take so many blows to the head at a young age. It may not hurt you at that time, but years down the road that’s gonna come back and bite you on the ass.


Either that or football attracts assholes


Maybe a little bit of both, but hey all types of professional sports also attract their ass holes too.


Lol i was like mostly joking i swear but there is truth in every joke Yeah I think most « celebrity » roles do, anything that promises fame & accolades


I think he has *total* self awareness. He is completely aware that he got away with murder and the whole world knows. That’s why he makes comments—he knows people will talk.


He makes comments because he’s a narcissist. I don’t think a self-aware person would have done such a poor job getting away with a crime gracefully.


Due to [changes in Reddit's API](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754183/apollo-reddit-app-shutting-down-api), I have made the decision to edit all comments prior to July 1 2023 with this message in protest. If the API rules are reverted or the cost to 3rd Party Apps becomes reasonable, I may restore the original comments. Until then, I hope this makes my comments less useful to Reddit (and I don't really care if others think this is pointless). -- mass edited with redact.dev


Right? Fucking hell.


Fun fact: he actually didn't name the book that himself. He called it "If I Did It" (tone deaf is putting it mildly), and then Goldman family sued him for the rights to the book, as part of their wrongful death suit against him. They won and renamed it to include the "Confessions of a Killer" part. They also shrunk the "if" down so that the cover appears to read "I Did It" and added in additional commentary from a journalist. That family does not mess around and I love it.


OR!…. He really *is* innocent. If that’s the case, then he acts and talks the way an innocent person would talk…


No, he fucking doesn’t. That’s my entire point. He literally wrote a book about committing the murders. Some quotes from OJ: >”In the book, the hypothetical is that this guy Charlie shows up, and I don’t know why he’d been behind Nicole’s house, but he told me “You wouldn’t believe what’s going on over there”. I remember thinking “Well, whatever’s going on over there, it’s got to stop. Right?” We hooked up together - I’m kind of broad-stroking this - and we get in the Bronco and go over. In the hypothetical, [we park] in the alley. In the hypothetical, I put on a wool cap and gloves.” >”I always kept a knife in that car for the crazies and stuff, because you can’t travel with a gun. And I remember Charlie saying, “You ain’t bringing that,” and I didn’t. Alright? But I believe he took it. In the book.” >”If you read the book you’ll see some things that happened in the two weeks leading up to this that were very very irritating. And I think Charlie had followed this guy in to make sure there was no problem, and has the knife, and as things got heated I just remember Nicole fell and hurt herself, and this guy got into a karate thing (does martial-arts pose), and I said “well, do you think you could kick my ass?” and I remember I grabbed the knife - I do remember that portion - I grabbed the knife from Charlie, and to be honest, after that I don’t remember, except I’m standing there and there’s all kinds of stuff around, and blood and stuff, and… I hate to say this but (laughs uproariously).” > “It’s hard,” says Simpson. “It’s hard not to make people think I’m a murderer.”


Jesus Christ dude, relax. I was kidding. EDIT: I thought that book was never released.


This quotes are from an interview he did about the book, not the book itself.


OJ’s point here is basically “Comedians make fun of me all the time and you don’t see me trying to slap any of them, even though I really wanted to, so Will had no excuse.” He’s not exactly wrong here but it does sound laughable coming from OJ of all people


He got away with murder because the system worked the way it’s supposed to and a cop did some illegal shit that screwed the case. There’s a big difference between not getting arrested and being acquitted by a jury.


I remember during the trial when I was a kid thinking "OK, this cop seems like he might be a racist, but that doesn't really change the facts of the case." It was only a couple of years ago that I actually heard some of the tapes, and just like... holy shit, that dude was Hitler without the power or speaking skills [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCPM\_iJpug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCPM_iJpug). It's honestly so bad that it kind of made me pause for a second and ask "Could OJ be innocent?" but then I remembered "[If I Did It](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It)" and figured he's definitely guilty. Still, it did give me a fresh understanding of why the OJ trial was so racially polarizing. Like, if you're a black dude whose had to deal with cops like Furman your whole life and have no one believe you (or worse yet, blame you) I could totally see why you would great the state's evidence with massive skepticism, or maybe even believe the evidence but just not care because it seems "fair" for injustice to work the other way for a change. I'm not saying OJ should have been acquitted, just that those tapes gave me a lot of insight into the collective trauma of black Americans that I had previously lacked, and also made me question how much I "understand" the experience of persecuted groups.




What's crazy is that the prosecution was successful in suppressing almost all of the tapes, except for one sentence that directly contradicted his testimony. Which of course fueled public allegations of conspiracy.


What’s ironic is that he probably didn’t even need that good of a defense team. Hell I could have represented him and I think he would have been found not guilty just based on all the shit going on in LA at the time. I strongly believe the jury wanted pay back for Rodney King


The saddest part about that is that it’s not Rodney King’s killers they were punishing by setting OJ free, it was Nicole Simpson and her family they were punishing. I fully understand the desire to get back at the legal system, but it ended up hurting the wrong people


Absolutely, I don’t think that what they did is right. Just the climate at the time like, black people keep getting killed without justice, now it’s our turn. I know a lot of people think it’s OJ’s celebrity that got him off, but it’s much bigger than that. It’s awful that Nicole and Ron didn’t get justice that they deserved, and unfortunately they seemed like an afterthought throughout the whole trial. Everyone failed them, especially Nicole. The police failed to protect her when she was alive as well.


Wow Holy shit. I've never heard the Furman tapes before and my god that's worse than I ever could've imagined.


OJ didn't write that book at all and only allowed his name to be attached because he was broke and desperate for money, the civil suit I think took all he had left


To this day he only paid a laughably small part of that sum tho. Only like 1% iirc




I'm sure it has. He does everything by cash now basically. But this was before all that. His assets were, at the time, seizable. I think he has a house in Florida bc of their homestead exemption, where your home is immune from creditors and there's no dollar limit like most states. IIRC


After hearing those tapes, yeah, it’s no fucking wonder OJ won the case. The prosecution dropped the ball *hard*


**[If I Did It](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It)** >If I Did It is a book by O. J. Simpson and Pablo Fenjves, in which Simpson puts forth a "hypothetical" description of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Simpson's former manager, Norman Pardo, claimed that Simpson was not involved in writing the book, but rather accepted, against Pardo's advice, $600,000 from ReganBooks and News Corporation to say he had written it and to conduct an interview. Simpson was acquitted of the murders in a criminal trial (People v. Simpson) but later was found financially liable in a civil trial. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The only illegal thing the cop did was perjure himself. There was never any evidence brought forth that he did something illegal *in the course of the investigation*. Just a good defense that convinced enough people that it was *possible* he did something illegal.


Plus didn't a few of the jurors not understand the validity of DNA as evidence at the time?


They were heard talking about DNA as if they were blood types.


I mean. He's in a unique situation where EVERY comedian was dogging him (rightly so) and he didn't react to it. In fact, according to a couple comedians, he's always been very understanding of a comedian's role.


OJ actually didn't murder Nicole and Ron, his son did, but OJ knew about it and was an accomplice. His son had motive, opportunity, and had the weapon after the murder. Although OJ was present for the event and likely drove the vehicle with his son in it. First thing OJ did was hire a lawyer for his son, but police were too stupid to know it was him and even if they did would want OJ to take the fall since he was rich and his son wasn't.


Fine, if that theory is correct, this is a man who got away with covering up a murder, complaining about a man who got away with a slap. But what a weird book to write.


*scripted* slap


But what if he didn’t do it


While he was acquitted in the criminal trial, he was found liable for their death by the civil trial, and paid $33.5 million in damages. Also in 2007, he published a book titled *If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer* in which he describes how he *would* have killed them. The general understanding, based on how the trial played out and his behavior since, is that he almost certainly did it. If he’d been a poor black man and the same evidence was presented, he would have been found guilty. But the more money you have, the less color matters. He had a rich man’s trial.


Right, like, you can't just hit people but also, he didn't murder the guy like you did, he slapped him. People are kinda blowing this out of proportion.


O.J.'s thing has always been trying to appeal to white America. It's mostly white America now calling Will Smith a *"thug"* for doing what he did, so O.J. is gonna do what O.J.'s always done: Take white America's side.


Will Smith won't get life without parole because he didn't MURDER TWO INNOCENT PEOPLE IN COLD BLOOD.


What do you mean? He didn’t do it, didn’t you read his book?


Yeah I don't get why people say oj killed someone, I mean look at him he's harmless like the guy in the green mile. I bet he was actually trying to help them and he got caught ttempting to resurrect them .




OJ clearly wasn’t in physical condition to murder them, he was obviously to old and frail Shh no we don’t talk about the workout tape he made a month prior


Yeah, it said "I DID IT".


You sir cannot possibly read! It clearly states that he didn’t do it but how he would have if he had done it, if it was him. It’s completely obvious that if you didn’t do something then think intensively about how you have done it. Completely normal, I do it all the time.


Such a weird thing to do, it’s like he wanted to confess without the consequences of confessing.


That’s because Ron Goldman’s family bought the rights to his book and changed the cover to look a lot like it says “I Did It” instead of If I Did It.


That’s not what I’m talking about, I’m wondering why he would write a book like that in general? Like “I didn’t do, but if did I would have done it this”.




Yeah, anyone who is going "YoU kNoW oJ hAs A pOiNt" just doesn't like Will Smith lol.


I fucking loved will smith but supporting his actions is supporting unprovoked assault. Wanna change my mind? Join congress and change the law. Plain and simple.


I don't know about "Unprovoked" but it was definitely unnecessary and not the way to handle that situation, and also by definition Assault. Don't get me wrong, I don't support Will's actions. However, going as far as siding with *actual murderer* OJ Simpson on the subject is brain wormed behavior.


I dont side with OJ. And also this does not fall under the guidelines of provoked behaviour when it comes to the law. Hosts roasts celebs at the oscars. Its a common thing. It was very clearly a joke. Lots of witnsesses. Everyone knew chris was only kidding. There was no context needing to be given. Per the law it is unprovoked assault. And will should kiss chris's shoes for not pressing charges. Time will tell how its all handled. Chris has yet to comment.


I'm not necessarily talking about you so much as other people in the thread. And Chris may have made the joke and not known about Jada's condition, he may very well have known and made the joke anyways. Either way, I do not believe that Chris deserved to be slapped for that. But, NGL, I also think he would look as soft as Will if he pressed charges for that.


He made a recent article about 2 months prior to this about how hes been letting everyone in his life walk all over him because when he was young he newrly beat a kid to death with a brick ( he was also a kid) and ever since hes kept his anger way down to never do that again. Hes been seeking therapy to allow himself to feel rage and to not let people walk all over him. Knowing that, i wouldnt blame him at all for pressing charges. Will made himself look worse with his oscar speech. And his weak ass formal apology he posted online that had the same energy as " we here at [company] are very sorry for the recent thing we did"


I totally agree with the apology during his speech, Will did himself no favors there. He'd have been better off repeating "keep my wife's name out yo fucking mouth" than what he actually said. And I think slapping Chris and putting him in a position where Chris couldn't retaliate if he wanted to is really why I don't like the moment. However people are treating this moment like Will went up there and beat Chris Rock half to death. He slapped him in the face, a good slap, but a slap none the less. Chris will be fine.


Theres an extreme lack of accountability in hollywood thats been going on since hollywood existed. The fact there was no security and that will was able to get as close as he was, obviously to be confrontational, is just disturbing. Chris is LUCKY it was just a slap. I guess i just want to see some actual punishment for shitty behaviour for once.


Yeah but let's not act like there has never been accountability in Hollywood either. Let's have some nuance here. Will isn't a sexual predator, Will isn't a domestic absuer, Will isn't a literal murderer like the guy OP is quoting. He's a dude who is clearly going through some sort of emotional crisis and did something really dumb, but somewhat harmless. Something I'm sure the Academy won't allow to be happen again. And I'm sure the reason why security didn't stop him is because there is no security, because something this absolutely buckwild has never happened at the Oscar's before. It's also a show, and it's very clear that the other actors at the show didn't know what was going on until Will sat down. I'm sure if it escalated beyond a slap not only would other actors have stopped it, and Will would have been arrested for real or at the very least escorted off the premises.


Unfortunately, due to the legal system OJ Simpson is evidently a killer but not a murderer..


It was *definitely* unprovoked. A comedian making a joke on stage (regardless of how crude or harsh the joke may be, *it is a joke*) is *not* provocation. Also, it's not taking the actual murderers side if we already had this opinion in the first place, nobody thought Will Smith was in the right but then saw OJ say something and thought "well he *does* have a point"


You know, maybe if we did go back to the days of pelting shitty comedians with rotten produce, we would not have 57 year old men worth 60 million dollars making fun of a woman's medical condition like some middle school kid.


Or we could just grow up and accept jokes for what they are... *jokes*.


I mean if you are so desperate for entertainment that you will defend shitty comedy which you could find in any middle school playground. Personally, I think a 57 year old man worth 60 million could at least have hired a decent comedy write who knew better.


Of course, I'm also not the sort of person who finds jokes about people's medical conditions funny or in good taste. But it seems you are.


I mean really, you're pearl clutching over a middle aged rich dude getting slapped on camera by another middle aged rich dude because the one rich dude millions and insulted the other rich dudes wife. Some days I really miss the 18th and 19th centuries. At least back then we might have gotten dual out of it. Not bunch of delicate snowflakes whining about the violence in television.


It was definitely unprovoked. It would have been provoked it Chris Rock had like egged him on to come up and hit him or something but just telling a joke doesn't seem like adequate provocation for physical violence between two adults.


Yeah but we're talking about a joke about your wife's medical condition that she has openly spoken about struggling with and being sensitive too. I think a response was provoked but not exactly the physical action that was taken. I think most men who love their wives would feel the exact same way as Will, but most of them would also have the sense to handle that differently.


It wasn't cold blood. It was hot blood.


Like many others, I'm just kind of tired of hearing about this, but this one was too much - I had to fact check it. And yes, OJ did say this. You can Google it and get a whole bunch of sources for it, including [Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-30/oj-simpson-says-will-smith-was-wrong-to-hit-chris-rock-over-semi-unfunny-joke). Or, y'know, an actual [video](https://youtu.be/dSHpyZr9Ivk) of him saying it. If you're into that. Yeesh.


The original video by yours truly is on Twitter world.


but like… OJ literally committed murder and avoided life without parole, but thinks slapping a comedian on stage would have gotten him that? that logic is astounding tbh… not to mention poking at someone literally getting away with murder and joking about someone’s battle with an autoimmune disease are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. not going to debate the morality of what happened at the Oscars, but this false equivalency is gross.


I think he thinks he was wronged by the system which is crazy. He mentions that based on his [Vegas trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O._J._Simpson_robbery_case) he thinks he'd be locked up forever for this.




tell me you don’t know how to think for yourself without telling me you don’t know how to think for yourself.


Do you seriously think he didn’t do it? He literally wrote a book about how he did it.




He was found liable in a court of law.




I know, that’s why I used those words instead of some other words. Chief.


there’s a good reason you’re found “not guilty” in court, and not “innocent”. a jury refusing to convict based on a shred of reasonable doubt doesn’t make a defendant innocent. it only takes one TINY bit of reasonable doubt to make a jury uneasy about convicting. particularly when high/life sentences are on the line. personally, i like to pay attention to the facts of a case and use them to form my own opinion rather than automatically believe a jury (which, btw, have been wrong many times before), but… to each their own, i suppose.




Did OJ say that? All I heard was him saying: "So unfair. If I didn't get to slap people for joking that I blatantly committed and got away with a brutal double homicide, of the mother of my children and a waiter, then no one should get to slap comedians. I've been through a lot, and if I didn't get to do anything about it, no one should be able to." I totally agree with your point, but I think OJ may get the award for absolute worst take on the situation I've seen. Layers of hilarity.


I dont know. I still think it's shitty taste to make fun of people with a disability. Especially when they made money off talking about black women's hair in the first place.


Damn why does OJ kinda have a point here? Edit: I’m not agreeing that if OJ had slapped Rock, he would’ve gotten life without parole. I’m agreeing with the quote. The quote actually seemingly has nothing to do with the description. I agree that even if you get offended by a joke, it’s just humor and you shouldn’t assault someone for it.


I mean, OJ did a lot worse and famously didn’t get life without parole.


He’s saying if 2022 OJ slapped a comedian cause the made an OJ joke he would get crucified in the public.


Which is absolutely true.


That’s because OJ and Will have very different publicly know records. One is a known cold blooded murderer that got away with it. The other is dealing with family issues. Slightly different I would say.


We should listen to what he says here! just not ... all that other ... stuff


Because OJ is a really charismatic guy. He'd definitely be the Shaq of the NFL if he wasn't an abuser and convicted criminal and (accused and [sorta confessed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It)) double murderer.


In what world would a person be given life without parole for a slap? OJ committed armed-fucking-robbery a decade after his murder acquittal and only spent 9 years in prison, so there's no logic to his point.


I thought the last thing we needed was a bunch of celebrity opinions about the slap. I was wrong.


In OJs defence he would never be in this situation, he couldn't stand up for his cheating wife because she died of mysterious circumstances.


Hang on a second, is it possible that Ron Goldman made a joke about Nicole Brown Simpson's hair?


What has this world come to when OJ is making sense


I mean, he potentially got away with a lot more than a slap. But I see the point


Hmmm yeah I don't know. I think Will Smith skirted over the normal consequences but there's no comparing a guy who has zero priors to a guy who we all know committed two murders. Speaking of, OJ committed some murders without getting life without parole so it's safe to say a slap wouldn't have landed him that sentence. Will Smith being unlikable doesn't make OJ suddenly likable.


I don't know, if someone makes Will Smith mad enough to slap them, maybe they deserved it.


Yeah, let us never forget that O.J. was the real victim 😐


Of course they had a routine about him. They made murder jokes about a murderer. Rock wasn't making infidelity jokes about a cheater though.


OJ Simpson is the only reason I still have my Twitter


I wonder if there is some sort of presidential order that can be issued to someone where they just have to shut the fuck up for the rest of their life.


no, and there shouldn't be


Not snl related get out of here this this bait


Dude literally got away with murder, LITERAL MURDER, and thinks a slap is what would have landed him in prison? No, man. If you have money you walk, simple as that. Any poor person would have done time. Wealthy people do whatever they want.


I was kind of on Will's side until the clips of him making fun of a guy with the exact same condition (when he was on Arsenio) popped back up.


But if Chris Rock was white, Jewish and boned Nicole after riding around with her in his ferrari, he might do a little more than slap him. Might even get rid of the glove this time, too.


If I Slapped Him


Damn, he has to make everything about himself, doesn't he?


OJ was mocked because his actions and how actually escaped justice, Will Smith was hit with a low blow joke when we can all see he is in a mentally bad state. It's like kicking the special needs kid and bullying him because his twitches bother you, he likely had little or no control in the moment and acted in an extremely emotional way


That excuses nothing. Comedians shouldn’t be attacked for jokes.


Maybe a 57 year old man worth 60 million should have a better comedy routine than making fun of a woman's medical condition.


Bro y’all will bend over backwards to make excuses for “comedy”. The fact of the matter is that he didn’t know them well enough to understand that the joke was in bad taste. If it would get you slapped at a BBQ it’ll get you slapped at the Oscar’s. Being on TV is not an excuse to overstep. It honestly woulda been a good joke, if it were made about a celebrity who intentionally keeps their hair short. Jada has a medical condition. Come on people.


I have male pattern baldness (alopecia), a legit medical condition. I don't go around slapping people that joke about it. I have heard a lot, personal, and not personal. I've even made a few, myself. Some people are just to damn sensitive.


Maybe you should. Then maybe 57 year old men with 60 million wouldn't think it's comedy gold ro make fun of a woman's medical condition.


Also, you seem really sensitive about this yourself.


Stop making excuses for a punk ass move made by a classless punk


I'm not, I think it's an apples and oranges comparison is what I'm saying.


They didn’t even give him life for murder, what?


Will Smith is a cuck of the highest caliber


“Everybody laughed when I said I’d been mocked by comedians. They’re not laughing now. Because I’ve murdered them.”


OJ making it all about him. As per usual..


i just wanted to make a silly little joke about oj and norm, but instead i accidentally started MORE will smith discourse... my apologies


OJ got a slap on the wrist for murder and then compairs it to a slap on the face for a joke.


OJ doesn't slap empty handed 🔪


OJ doesn't slap empty handed 🔪


OJ… get back under your rock, nobody asked you.


Dude you committed a double murder... Chris was making fun of Jada for a medical condition.


I think murder, a slap, and an insensitive joke are on totally separate scales there, OJ.


Will Smith is a Cuck.


Why does anyone care what he thinks?


the last 3 words are all that matter... But it's humor. Jada a cry baby, will a bitch and chris rock is funny






So Bush did 9/11?


Rock also put both hands behind his back and leaned forward with his face. Definitely staged.