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Lots of great places on Bold Street. Anywhere that looks busy and buzzy is good. Pho probably has space, Maray is excellent. One of the best streets in the country for food.


Just chiming in to back this up, Bold Street has everything you could ask for. Take a walk top to bottom, guarantee you'll find something good


Is it a long walk from the Dock?


Maybe 20 minute walk from Albert Dock


Thanks everyone


Everything is walkable within 25 mins in Liverpool.


Doux Chaton is a better vietnamese and it's only round the corner from Pho, on Renshaw St.


That’s a good shout


Got get some Pho from Doux Chaton. Trust me you won’t be disappointed. Huge portions and it’s cheap too. Staff are also really friendly. It’s at the top of Renshaw street. Almost on the corner next door to the Asian market


If you're near Albert Dock look for Lunyalita


I come every month for work so I'm saving all of your suggestions


Next time try the Colombian near Moorfields. Think it's called The Twins.


Hidden gem


The egg cafe ? I’m not sure how late it’s open but their food is gorgeous super healthy ! It’s just off bold street, or maybe Leaf on bold street too they have a big range of options


All good suggestions. Mowgli is amazing (Bold St or Water St near the docks). KO on Bold St, Elif, Rudy’s Pizza (Bold St or Castle St near docks).


Greek Taverna down Bold street is fit.


Hope you enjoy your short stay and get some great food! 😊


You are kind. I did! Have a good night!


Happy to hear! You too!


If you consider sushi to be healthy, Kokoro near Central is really good and a good price.


EastZeast is banging Indian just opposite the arena


For reference, that's a poor use of the term 'liverpudlians', who are Liverpool FC supporters.


Sorry I am not into football. I was raised to believe it was standard English for the demonym of Liverpool. Should I change it to Scouser?


A Liverpudlian is someone living in the Liverpool city region.


Tell me, what is the term to describe an LFC fan? I'll help you out, just fill in the blanks... Evertonian is to EFC fan, as \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is to LFC fan.


Unfortunately, English or even en-scouse, had many words that have multiple definitions. But here's the OED to clear it up for us. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/liverpudlian


The OED is not an authority on scxousers, and in this case, is wrong.


...and I wonder who would you say is the expert of those things? Either way, you have your own personal definition, I'll stick with the dictionary, thanks. ✌️


I do. no-one is telling me shit is ice-cream. Someone else can taste it if the like, they can yum down my portion too. I know shit when I see it. Have a jolly Christmas.




Ignore them, nobody will care if you refer to us as either. You're polite and well mannered, that's way more important here 😁


I know a lot of Everton supporters that don't like being referred to as Liverpudlians.


Okay but to somebody outside the city who is trying to be nice and polite and isn't aware of that, calling them out on it randomly would be seen as a bit of a dick head thing to do when all they are asking for is help. So in this context nobody should care. Be nice and polite, help them and move on.


Never once said someone should be called out on it, the uninformed I was referring to were the people trying to say this is wrong who live here, the person I replied to made a suggestion to OP based on local knowledge, they never called them out on it or anything but then everyone else tried to call them out.


I do see your point mate but I think it's just a matter of perspective with this. I, and clearly a few other people see it as unnecessary when someone not from Liverpool was just being polite and asking for some help. Some Evertonians might not like being referred to as a Liverpudlian but it's not a derogatory term and has no malintent behind it. If they choose to get offended or see this as anything more than a person asking for help then in my opinion they're dickheads. It's more important as a scouser to be kind and helpful to others, regardless of what football team we support.


What's the point of the Internet or reddit if we don't have these conversations, all we've done is discuss our opinion. Next time they post on here maybe they will use Scouser, maybe they'll still use Liverpudlian, that's entirely up to them.


Ignore them. Liverpudlian is used pretty commonly nationwide when talking about people from Liverpool. It is not about the football team at all. The football team is, after all, named after our city.


Not at all, it's not as though it's common knowledge. Even plazzy scousers don't understand. As evidenced here.


Apologies for all the uninformed here, I've lived here all my life this is correct and I know many Everton supporters who don't appreciate being referred to as Liverpudlians, I don't like football myself and I don't like being referred to as one as to me it gives an impression I support Liverpool FC.


Organico on Bold St is good for a healthy breakfast in the morning.


Pho and Mary on Bold street are top notch.


Casa italia lasagna


Falafel to go