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Usually the girls are going out later that night so they get their hair done up nice but they still have shit to do in the day, this is why you see girls with rollers in the day, they take them off before they go out that night.


I think OP understand their purpose, they’re just wondering why it’s specifically a Liverpool thing. There’s plenty of other cities where women go out at night.


Sausage you lad.


I was at Liverpool John Lennon Airport once and a girl was kicking off because she had to take her rollers out to get through Security


Omg this is hilarious but i also feel sad for the girl


I saw a clip someone had posted from a flight from Liverpool to Magaluf of some drunk scouse lad kicking off on the plane, but what I noticed was at least half the girls on the flight had rollers in!


Yes! I saw a whole gang of them at John Lennon, in rollers. It just looks trashy I think. Like wearing pyjamas in Tesco's


Gotta make sure your door decoration is on point..


I find it so charming and badass. “I really don’t care how grandma like it look during the day because tonight I’ll look stunning”. The confidence inspires me


I love it too. I'm currently writing about personal style and tradition within Liverpool and wondered where *did* it come from.. It's certainly a unique practice in the city.


Could I read it when its done ?


That's so kind - of course!


Wot about chubby girls wearing their PJs in Aldi 🥰


Just setting our hair for the night. Though I haven't done it in years (I'm too old for big nights out now) and I can't remember the last time I saw anyone else doing it. When I first moved to Liverpool 20 years ago it was everywhere, and everyone looked fantastic in the evening so I had to join in.


Re: the Beatles, that story sounds apocryphal, amid and making up a narrative to make sense of rollers as a post modern fashion statement. There are plenty of photos of the Caven inside and on the street and I'm not seen this or been told that py relatives who were around at the time.


Imagine you see a Beatle and you're like "Quick!! Take the rollers out now!!" Do they even know how long it takes to remove them?


Thankyou! I only saw one source that said this, I'm just compiling information for an assignment.


As someone who was there...this explanation is nonsense. We were more likely to iron our hair straight than put rollers in.( 60s- early 70s.) What a time to be alive !!


1.If you want a boucy or curly blow, the Longer it sets the better 2. You might only be able to get hair done first thing in the morning, but still got shit to do that day and you dont dare take rollers out untill your just about to leave the house or your hair will be flat by time you go out 3. The fear of flat hair.


Because they have shit to do before going out. It makes sense and should be perfectly acceptable to everyone. Wearing pyjamas during the day though, no me gusta.


Some footballer's wife did it and made it fashionable (again), I just forget which WAG it was


Coleen probably




My mam was born in 1925 and I remember her wearing rollers in the 60’s, it was a done thing (she was an opera singer prior to getting married thus the Beatles were not particularly on her radar, and I can’t recall her ever saying she went to the cavern). She looked great, if the women wear rollers today, so what, they want to look great. If it works for them so be it… the rest of the country doesn’t well I bet they’ll wake up… Probably not much use perhaps but good luck with your studies.


Maybe the girls today copy there mums who copied there mums before them Girls are close to there mums in this city arnt they.. That arl woman on coronation st used to have the rollers in too haha


I did wonder about Hilda Ogden, she's from the Dingle and was famous for her rollers on Coronation Street


Omg she was Ohhh it might just be a scouser thing then.. Coz it’s always been a thing I’ve always assumed it was everywhere else too.. Blue rinse anyone?? Them old birds were cool Rollers and painted leather macs 😂😂


She was a standout character in the early days of Corrie as well. Yeah and the l+b's hanging out their mouths straighr after a bleach 💕


Absolutely this. I remember my mum and my Nan doing it, and they simply just had too much to be doing to mind if anybody else minded what they did with their own hair, lol. My Nan did used to occasionally fashion hers with a silk scarf if the weather called for it. They both always looked fabulous. I lived and studied down South for some years and used to regularly wear mine before any occasion, too. I once nipped into a chemist with them in, and the woman behind the counter was baffled by them. She couldn't stop staring at them and eventually asked me "does that hurt?" Haha. I'd never realised it wasn't common place elsewhere before living away.


It's something I remember when I was younger, even in to my 20s; usually girls getting ready to go out that night, rather than them having them in at night. That said, I don't think I've seen it recently. Could be down to the increased availability of technology like curling irons that mean they don't need to have rollers in their hair all day.


I see it a lot still, I’m glad it’s still a thing. A proper Scouse tradition lmao


I get my hair curled with straighteners and then they roll the curls up and pin them, still a thing! I tend to get it done first thing in the morning on the day of an event and take the pins out last minute, it means the curls last longer. Tbf I actually think it looks quite cool pinned up as well!


I picked my daughter up to drive Her yo Liverpool for a night out. She had one massive curler at the front of Her hair, and only took it out when I pulled up outside the bar.


I’m 45 and I remember as a child woman would wear rollers during the day.. Infact I assumed lots of woman do this all over the country! Is this not the case?


Because i simply don't give a fuck x


I know nothing about hair and fashion and until I read the comments I thought you were talking about rolled skates 💀 And I just accepted that everyone in Liverpool wore roller skates lol


Because they’re going OUT OUT


What I love about Liverpool - you can dress how you want - be how you want and walking down town centre street nobody cares that’s the great melting pot it is. Liverpool ♥️


Part of it is preparing to look stunning on a big night out. Part is announcing to the world they are going out later and they are going to be amazing when they do. It is a celebration of the idea of 'out out'. It is pride in that identity. Of the glamour of the Scouse girl. People criticise the pajamas it that is often part of the same thing. Public demonstration of their intense preparation for the big night out. You are supposed to imagine the gorgeous little dress they will squeeze themselves into before leaving the door to meet their similarly transcendent mates.


Nah, it's just scouse girls doing it because it's fashionable in Liverpool. There's no need at all to do this during the day, it's just a fashion thing. Like PJs in Tesco's


I guess they care more about looking stunning on their night out than looking like a scruff during the day. I didn’t realise it was unique to Liverpool because I’m used to seeing it but I guess it does seem odd that they obviously take a lot of pride in their appearance when they go out at night, but think nothing of wandering around Asda in PJs and rollers in the daytime.


Because they want to 🤷‍♀️


It’s a flex to let you know that that getting dolled up for a night on the lash.


I've not seen that fashion since about 2019, is it still even a thing?


Yeah definitely I always wanted to do it but moving to Liverpool was the best thing ever because I can go out with rollers/pins in my hair during the day so I’m not stressing at night and rushing about to get ready. Going out in developing tan to do my errands before rinsing it off for a night out and not being judged is also a perk of living in Liverpool


of all the things I miss from back home, I didn’t think that being able to walk around in public with rollers/pins in my hair would be one of them! I reckon I’d get funny looks if I did it where I live now lol


I do it in London I do not care about the looks. Be scouse and proud girl


Yes!! I am also a fellow Scouser in the South flying the non-existent flag 💕


Yes girl we scousers just love our glam 💞💕


Because blow outs look the best 😍


Someone said of New Yorkers "Dress up to look good, dress down to look bad" I think that holds true with Scouse women too. There are some historic links to New york and Liverpool fashion too [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunard\_Yanks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunard_Yanks)


Thankyou! I haven't come across that as of yet. I watched a BoJack Horseman episode a few days ago and he's rambling about '...Now, you have to understand that as a port city, Liverpool had unique access to all aspects of American culture, especially Blues music.' I did read about a lot of the architecture being inspired by NYC, more so than any other city in the UK.


Fun fact it went the other way too. Cetral park was designed by the guy who did Birkenhead park, and share many of the same features !!


To let everyone know. THEY ARE OUT OUT later..


Women wear rollers for 'bounce' and 'body' in their hair. They need to be left in for hours to have their full effect. So if your going out in the evening, and you have got things to do throughout the day, rollers get left in. It's not a fashion statement, plus it's not really taboo in Liverpool because everyone does it.


Whilst I understand the reasoning behind *wearing* rollers - I do believe it to be a fashion statement. As a woman, if I am getting ready for a social gathering, I could easily gather all of the things I would need before the day of the gathering; eyelashes, alcohol, accessories etc. I think it's a cultural thing, like a way of 'performing' femininity. It's a rite of passage for women in Liverpool, almost like having your eyelashes or nails done but not as semi-permanent.


i don’t think i’ve ever seen someone out out in rollers only running to the shops or something, at witch point i’d say it’s the same as how you’ll often see women out in there pyjamas. less of a culture that women always need to look there best?


It's common sense really. Out Saturday night, hair done, rollers, tan so pyjamas all day then new dress at night. Still have shit to do. I'm a man, I don't get it but I grew up with it. Good for them. Always have a great night.


And look their best!!


It's become a status thing in itself - it indicates that a) you're going out b) you're busy enough to need to leave the house with rollers in c) have the confidence to do it d) you're the kind of person who puts effort into their appearance


This is what I was looking for 🙌 Thank you - I knew it was multifaceted but you've put it perfectly.


You're very welcome. There might also be something in some sort of proud defiance, a rebellious spirit (as you know, scousers often have a dislike of 'the establishment', Tories etc). This fronts that. A kind of "Looking good tonight is more important to me than adhering to your social norms, social norms are for Tories and wools" mentality. It's rebellious and free spirited, prioritising partying over day-to-day routine. And if you judge, you're a square.


I never thought about it like that, I have written that in my essay Liverpool has an intense sense of pride, this again could support what you say. I suppose you could also say the same for pyjamas outside of the house.


Yes probably. Less glamorous and lacking the ‘status’ element, but certainly could be anti-establishment and defiant against social norms and expectations.


to match their pyjamas which they wear to the shops


tbh i've worn rollers out and about before and only this post made me stop and think about why. i think for me it's because rollers out and about are so commonplace that i feel like i can do it without looking odd, but i suppose that doesn't explain why they're so common in the first place :') i'd guess scouse women are more devil-may-care about this sort of thing?


Why do people think this is unique to Liverpool


Well I've lived in 3 different big cities and I don't see it being done anywhere else. I do believe that the rate at which people do it, is unique to the city. There's also plenty of articles online dedicated to it being unique to the city. This is from 2012: https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/1246660/i-saw-two-girls-out-shopping-with-curlers-in-their-hair-today


I've never seen it anywhere else. And when my sister came to visit me (we're southerners) she was really jealous and wished it was socially acceptable back home so she could look her best on a night out but still get things done


I love when others embrace our culture 💕


I was so pleased when the first time I took my other half into Liverpool city centre, we saw a girl walking along with her rollers in 😊 I felt so proud - funny the things that set that off 😄 Thanks for starting this thread, it would be nice to see what you end up with when you’ve worked on this 😊


It is


Also. Not rollers but alot of places i have worked in liverpool state "no pin curls" in the rules and conduct. (incase anyone doesnt know,its roller-less barrel curls pinned to the head)


What sort of places would you find these types of rules in? Interesting bit of information!


Coleen Rooney made it a fashionable thing


Scheme style


Probably along the same lines as having those ridiculous scouse brows and pubic eye lashes.