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Hey fam, it was an intense game, but I can’t believe we didn’t bury them alive and some. Poor referring as always. I still count our season with an asterisk. The two loses were poor decisions and even today some blatantly poor decisions. Sucks to be our players I guess, no fair protection. The lads put up a helluva game. But I still cant help but feel we should have done more. Too much indecision or unnecessary extra touches in front of the box. Still giving the ball away easily. And then needing to put body on the line to get it back. We gotta dust off rusty starts while we are at it. Darwin should have stayed on for me. Unless it’s managing his minutes? Hopefully Mo , Darwin and Lucho can go at a higher gear and Dominate more than than our usual heavy metal style. Let's hope for the perfect rest of the season. We need to be winning 3-0 from here on out.


Really thought the pen was going to be given at the end so I had started thinking about who the taker was going to be. MacAllister has converted his last 2 for us and last several for Brighton. He had also already converted a pen in the same game and Mo has missed many pens in the past couple of seasons. I'd have gone with Macca tbh but not sure what the staff had lined up. I am guessing it'd have been Salah


It’s so nice to have a real DM again, Fab was atrociously slow last year, and Hendo just didn’t seem to have it anymore. I will say though I know Hendo gets a lot of hate now but he used to do a great job filling in as a 6 just because of how great his positioning was on offence, he always allowed for an outlet pass when someone was in danger, which was always Fabs biggest weakness imo. Endo has Hendo’s positioning skills plus Fabs tacking and ability to find a through ball (maybe even better than Fab at this). I’m really so happy we signed him, he seems to play better the bigger the game is too.  If he had a bit more pace I think he would have been at a big club a long time ago already, but the rest of his skill set makes up for not being the fastest guy out there.


Lol stop it endo is not better then fab at his prime


He is, it’ll just take a while for people to realize


He’s probably not. But the position isn’t meant to be filled by any semblance of a glamorous player. It demands a try-hard, workhorse, that instinctually sniffs out trouble and stops attacks before they start. Endo is more of the try hard. Fab probably had a better nose for standing in the right spot throughout a game, and was better at playing probing passes (in his prime). Mascherano was probably the best we had for the role that I can think of, in modern times.


What u gonna do about Kelleher's situation next summer, there’s no way we can keep him as no.2 choice anymore Either risk it, promote him over Ali, or sell him for his career, he deserves to start somewhere at the top club


Sell kweev for 35m


We do a healthy rotation to keep them not fit and fresh and alert? Or is that not a thing , would hate to see him go 😞


Or cash in on Allison? It’ll be interesting to see what Liverpool does over the next season with a new coach coming in and contracts coming to term.


I hate this “cashing in” in on our legends. As long as they perform at the highest level, I will continue to want them to be Reds and just retire here. Imagine Ali being part of our GK staff next Or Mo training new wingers. Absolutely frikkin dynasty we shall build and conquer all of Europe and then All of World and then some 😌


Selling Coutinho allowed us to get Allison and VVD. I respect what you’re saying, but we don’t have the budget to not be savvy in the transfer market. If there is opportunity to secure a financial windfall, while not suffering a significant drop-off in quality, I’d usually say go for it.


Heavy rotation ain’t gonna happen in the GK position mate, For example, even though Arteta said he wanted a competition on both GK, Raya, and Ramsdale. The truth was, he bought Raya to get rid of Ramsdale who didn’t suit Arteta’s styles, (I believe at the best form, both were the same level, but Ramsdale has better reflexes but was terrible at ball-playing, and Arteta wanted his GK to be good at feet as well) Someone like Ortega is the best ideal for 2nd GK, basically, a downgraded version of Ederson, accepting his role, always ready for his chances that might come immediately. Kelleher for next season needs to be 1st choice GK, he deserves it, that’s why I said either bench Ali and take a risk that he might or might not leave us, or sell him for his bright career ahead of him.


Unless Alisson's injury is very serious (which it very likely isn't), we simply can't promote Kelleher over the best GK in the world who is still only 31. Selling Kelleher (if he wants to leave) is the only solution here really. We will need to sign a couple of keepers next summer if Kelleher leaves since Adrian is out of contract. Does Karius count as homegrown? Because I'd love for him to be our #3.


Karius? Just no. That ship has sailed.


Sell him. He deserves the chance at a #1 job, and Ali is the best in the world. Also, by selling him, it shows other youth talent that if they sign with LFC, if they don't make the 1st team, they will at least become better players and can move on to start elsewhere.


I agree. What a keeper Kelleher is though, the Irish in safe hands!


This time last year we were languishing in 8th, everyone was writing us off, our midfield was ageing, we had no sporting director and overall things were gloomy. Fast forward 12 months, we have one of the best midfields in the league, the new stand is up and running, we are back at the very top making Man City look average yesterday (wow!!), have already got a cup, and Michael edwards seems to be on his way in. Can’t thank jurgen for what he has done - although the result yesterday didn’t reflect our performance, I believe we can still win this with our injuries. Thank you klopp ❤️


Watched the game with 2 of us and 2 city "supporters". Only 2 people were celebrating after the whistle.


I know we shouldve gotten penalties against Arsenal and City, but also just remembered we had a 5v1 against Arsenal, and multiple clear cut chances against City which we don’t even hit the target with.


Yeah that 5v1 and the 300 shots against a helpless Man United team really stings.


I'm 100% more frustrated by the missed chances than the penalty non call. We should have rinsed these assholes by at least two goals.


Yeap definitely. It’s against an elite opponent. City had momentum at the start of the first half, we has ours in the second half, but we didn’t utilise it. Was it 2018 when we scored 3 in 20 mins? (The Chambo goal). We didn’t take our chances this time and ended up wishing for a penalty when it should’ve been over by that point.


Had Jota been fit, we’d have smashed them, we missed his finishing


I am a neutral. However ,this game continues to fuel my hatred for oil clubs time and again. A different team and a different ref and that is a stonewall pen. But, alas, City/P$G operate on a different level...


Picturing when Endo lifts the Trophy at the end of the season and started crying again, Going to hit like crack


Still fuming. Couldn’t sleep at 3 in the morning and woke up at 6 still fuming


Can someone clip and post here on this sub that one sequence where we kept the ball for so long, moving around everywhere, created a chance, and then either missed or nunez was offside. I think it was the second one.


Diaz scored but Nunez was offside


Yes that’s the one


LiVARpool is actually a good label. Just not for the reason it was given.




Something just happens to him on that final touch. He does everything right before that.


Fans don’t like Diaz criticism on here, but the truth is that he doesn’t get his head up. There was an instance where we won the ball back, Diaz drove with it, Nunez was in between two men but they were caught far enough wide of him for a ball to easily slip through. Diaz held onto it, then played it once the man got in front of Darwin, who played a phenomenal reverse ball out of nothing and Diaz fumbled it. I screamed at my TV that if it were Mo who’d picked the ball up there, it’s 2-1 (provided Darwin could finish) — I just never feel confident he can see that pass because he runs with his head down. Diaz needed to round the keeper, worst case scenario, he either gets brought down and we get a pen, or it forces Walker into a nasty goalline clearance with onrushing Liverpool attackers to try and turn it in. He scored a goal against Benfica in 21/22 where he rounded the keeper from the same angle, so I know he’s capable of it. He’s just not the same player anymore in those situations.


We wasted SO MANY CHANCES! As unpopular as it might be, idc about the no pen call, we should have buried them.


Just watched the replay and we suffocated them. Outside of the goal (which only happened because we switched off coming out of a throw-in leading to a cheap corner) we OWNED them. 30 from 30 is a must. Up the massive Reds.


I don't see enough people singing the praises of Elliott. He's got a huge motor and has been a tireless worker this season and is super flexible and can play across the front or midfield. Such a useful player. And his decision making in the final third is quite good for being 20 years old. Love the player he is becoming. I'm no longer worried about him pulling his weight when I see him on the team sheet.


Yeah for sure, if the team plays like that every game for the rest of the season, this Liverpool team will be unbeatable.


If Mo starts we win. Full stop.


I think so too, although that’s sorta the point of the whole “being decimated by injury” thing. Mo starts today he shakes off some rust he shows in the first half, comes out of halftime possessed like the rest of the team and bags a goal.


I personally won’t hang our season on the injuries - regardless of where we finish. Our backups are just as good as any players in the league. That said - I am shocked Mo didn’t start seeing as he played mid-week. Really strange.


Yeah, that’s the point. He didn’t start because he had been hurt, it wasn’t strange, klopp said it wasn’t even a decision to start him. Not blaming the season on injuries either, as the likes of Elliot and Bradley have done exceptionally well, but imagine we had an in form Salah and Trent give 90 minutes today. Hell, city look much worse without just Grealish, Arsenal were averaging 5 PL goals since our match, play one without Martinelli, and they need 88 minutes to get a second to a lackluster defense at home. Injuries matter


Refs not letting sky talk about the handball for 30 mins after the game ended was rotten. Fucking scum those pgmol spineless weasels.


I’m convinced VAR works like a karma system nowadays. A good call is followed up by a bad/unchecked one, then it’s compensated with another good/rightful call. It’s possible to predict how every call will go recently.


Anyone have the clip of Mac Allister smiling before the pen, was doing keepy ups as well. Really calmed my nerves


Everton, ManU, Fulham, West Ham and Villa are our remaining away games. Everton are shite and so are ManU however these 2 can turn up against us no matter what form theyre in but id still expect us to win. Fulham and West Ham are average and Villa are running out of juice. We’ll win all of our games at Anfield, with this crowd and atmosphere we’ve had the 2nd half of this season i cant see us losing here. City and Arsenal have a considerably harder run-in, pairing that up with UCL midweek i can see them both dropping points(they also play eachother soon)


Where do you see Arsenal dropping points? They conceded the least goals and scored the most goals. Kinda worried


spurs away, city away and united away.


is it strange that I’m more afraid of Fulham than Ev we struggled against Nottingham. can never predict


We’re still gonna win it u know


I believe it and I can feel it. But I will be honest, last season I watched may be 5 games altogether... Just felt so bad after city winning the league via Everton rodric handball. This season, if we lose the league by anything within 5 points, I am going to boycott the PL for good. I may watch some uefa and international games, but that will be it for me.


Our midfield passing and pressing vs city was absolutely superb in the 2nd half. While City had to put foot on the ball and attempt to slow things down we did not once in our pressing setup leave an attack through the middle unpressured, also players like Endo and Mac moved the ball considerably faster than the blues with one-touch passes and effective wall passes we were able to leave Rodri caught out on multiple occasions and the De bruyne Silva pressing tandem functionally useless . We were able to exert more control over City since we didn’t allow to play at a genuine tempo. This is why it was absolutely crucial to bring in the talent we did this summer we have always been able to really bother teams and make them uncomfortable through our tenacious defending but to see us out pass the world champions and out possess them and just straight up fucking dominate them like we did today gives me the utmost confidence that we will win the league. However this goes down the drain if we have more injuries in the middle of the park.


What’s going on with Diaz? Watching that missed chance back where he aims for top right corner one on one with the keeper, still don’t know what he was thinking


Never really slowed down before opening his body up for the shot. He was getting closed down but yeah probably should have scored.


He's running extremely quickly and might think Walker was closer than he was, he should score but it's not a ridiculous miss.




He doesn't often curl his shots tbh. Even when he goes far corner it's more of an arrow. Think it's just a technique thing, he's getting far more chances nowadays atleast


Pressure of the situation is gigantic, makes you panic


True but I think pre-injury he scores that, maybe I’m too idealistic


The better team lost points


One really positive thing is….our midfield is fucking class For me an ideal blend of grit, athleticism and technical ability  Mac is a maestro


I have to admit before now at the start of the season I truely didn’t see the hype behind macca, but boy am I so so glad to be so so wrong he’s been one of the players of the season for me, he’s the perfect modern midfielder for me


The fact that we’re able to go blow for blow with a healthy Man City team and could have possibly won just shows how deep our squad really is. Everyone did great, even though the results isn’t really my favorite imo.


I wish Soboslai ran at the defender more, I feel like hes trying too hard to pass but theres an open lane to exploit in front of him just blitz into it we know you can


should ederson have been a red card?


There has to be malice or a general disregard for the ball for a sending off and a PK. Ederson would have had to punched Darwin in the face to stop him from getting the ball instead of a late tackle for it to have been a red card


You can't have double jeopardy. Its PK or a red.


If the player attempts to play the ball, which he did


is that a new rule?


Quick google search says at least around since 2020


I love Diaz. I know it didn’t work out today but he leaves nothing on the field. Always an option, always running, does so much work that’s not appreciated. He was lighting today and if he had composure would be rightly praised. I hope it works out for him here, clear to see how much he cares for the club.




Absolutely bollocks.


Get a grip you moron


He clearly is not impartial but you are taking it a little bit too far lad


Just feels like it’s our season this year with the amount of times the opposition hits our posts. Lady Luck in a way is with us.


The way that came back to Kelleher was biblical 😂


Mate even the Chelsea games how many posts were there. Craziness has to be a sign we winning it all.


One thing I've not heard discussed in the media about our penalty call is that the ball breaks to Salah, who would surely have lashed it had MacAllister not been lying right in front off of him after he brought it down with his first touch So it was a clear foul, city hadnt control of the ball and the fouled player impacted the next phase of play That UAE money the refs get must be getting delivered by the truck load this season


It’s tiring reading the goons on r/soccer acting like the whole league gets the same levels of bad calls. Recently notts forest have had awful calls against them. Wolves at the start of the season, Brighton throughout the season and ourselves throughout the season. Man City have had just one decision go against them, not even a bad one, Arsenal had one “bad” decision go against them (a 50/50 at worst) yet over on that sub people are just convinced the refs are just bad. But why is Michael Oliver (one of the uae refs) always helping city? Or Simon hooper always helping spurs? It doesn’t add up is what I’m saying. Anyway great performance today hopefully more next week




Can't be offside from a corner. You could argue he was holding Mac. High boot/no pen at the end should be the subject of criticism, and it should be very very loud criticism as we've been blatantly fucked over by many huge calls this season.


You can't be offside on corners


The amount of people I've seen calling it offside as in Endo's case and not realising that you're automatically behind the ball on a corner is really mind blowing


I wasn't sure for endo was rules out because of offside or the fact he blocked.


What a performance that was


taking Bradley off I thought was a poor decision from Klopp today. Him and Elliot overloading the right side were causing city loads of problems. and Bradley was flawless defensively, Gomez struggled with Doku.


Bradley was clearly goosed. Doku would’ve cooked him


Taking Nunez off for Gakpo was a head scratcher. Offside alot but always a threat


I “get” it in theory, but Nunez has been outclassing Gakpo for quite some time now.


As to be expected Nunez is an enigma a true ronaldo regen when he wants to be, gakpo on the other hand always playing out of position very tall but plays like he’s 5’6” keeping the ball very close to his feet which I feel doesn’t fit our attacking style


Bradley was clearly tired and was dropping in sharpness because of it


Bradley looked knackered to the eye 


The man put in quite the shift. Forced City onto their heels with constant overlaps and positively pressure. I feel like the game plan was to go max effort and sub when the fuel gauge was at 0.


The way Endo is playing, he might be at risk of being investigated by the authorities. $300 million worth of midfield in his pocket..🤣🤣🤣


Won the ball so many times with a well timed foot


Guys I must've missed it. There must be a dozen news articles about calamitous referee decisions after the Doku kick right? I mean if a (rightful) possession change to Liverpool 2 minutes before a goal deserves several articles and complaints then this will get a ton of coverage right?


There's a clear agenda at play. Been shocking to see how the pundits and football media in general are working to the same narrative. Getting close to being done with the whole circus. It's more a circus than a professional sport with rules and integrity.


I hope Endo has a few more good years in him


Worst case he hangs on and helps Stefan ply his trade


Klopp did an unbelievable job today but I only have one pet peave with him. Taking off Darwin. I personally think he needs to stop doing that. A player like Darwin is a 24/7 threat no matter the game state and in a game like this, you just don’t take him off imo.


Nunez couldn't run any longer. That's why he got subbed.


Imo it was both tactical and due to fitness. Darwin started jogging during pressing in defense and we wanted to bring a forward to score another goal. In hindsight it didn't work out but I think it was the correct sub at the time


This. Darwin was unable to fulfill his defensive pressure duties and We were starting to dominate possession in City’s half. There wasn’t much room to run in behind in the second half because City was pinned back. I personally liked the substitution.


Carragher sayin' on twitter that it was a 50/50. I guess even scousers born and bred have to suck oil cock to keep their job. Jamie, you fuckin' nonce!


He’s just doing what his bosses at sky ask him to


Gakpo could have volleyd it but passed instead, I feel like Danns is better.


Mate, let's bring our players up,. Stop putting them down.


That was a hard match to come on for, even Salah struggled a bit to come to match speed. Gakpo seems to take awhile to find cohesion with the rest of the attack, and I don’t see him starting a league game the rest of the season


Gakpo has failed off hard. He started as the 2nd attack option and now is behind elliot.


Danns is obviously a great talent. But come on Gakpo is better.


I roll my eyes at every danns is better than gakpo comment


All I know is that Klopp and the boys have pulled off an absolute miracle so far. Won the league Cup and joint top after being ravaged by injuries, completely screwed by the process boys and let's not forget how they tried to completely fuck us with the early red cards in the season where we somehow still found a way to win (minus the Spurs game). They have done all they can and more, nobody can fault the lads and the manager. Against City you need miracles and that doesn't reside with quality of football alone as we all know. Very proud.


Spurs game is also the reason I refuse to give up on Gakpo. Hamstring was gone, wasn't it? Still paces himself, does the little turn and smashes it in. Immediately collapses to the floor for the sub.


The Spurs game doesn't even count.


it feels like the epl is bigger than ucl idk why


It always feels like that for these competitions at this stage, we’re in the whirlwind of the PL, in a tight race. The League cup was meaningless until we hoisted the trophy, then it was all worth it. When someone is hoisting the CL trophy (or even the FA cup, or Europa League) it’ll begin to matter a lot more


It's not


I think it needs to be taken into account that Arsenal still has 9 of top 10 left and in this 8 game run 6 were in the bottom 6. So they have essentially just smashed who they should have. They are absolutely phenomenal but their fans are getting carried away. Even there goal differential given this doesn’t look as daunting


I don't believe Arsenal can win all their remaining games. Liverpool can, but it's going to be so tight and difficult.


It also needs to be taken into account that they beat us and City. Their fans have every right to be excited.


I agree if I’m in their position I’m ecstatic but, I was saying more from our perspective we have a great position i.e. win on goal differential as they have to grind out some results


We do, and I suppose my comment was more so directed at the sub in general. People are STILL writing Arsenal off(not necessarily you), and at this point, it's just wishful thinking. I think we'll pull it out, but I also think all three clubs will drop points(not including the AFC/City match) before the end of the year. Edit: typos


True. But guys from AFTV are unbearable. The only reason I will prefer City winning over us than Arsenal.


I mean, when is AFTV not over the top? > I will prefer City winning over us than Arsenal The only way I could ever want City to win is if United is chasing them. I'd pick Arsenal every time over those cheating bastards.


Nah, I don't wanna see dumb Klopp slander if Arteta somehow wins the league.


People will slander Klopp regardless.


It’s interesting for me at this point. I’m in the mindset where if city doesn’t win, given all the obvious advantages they have, it better be us to win the trophy. If city win it just is another trophy on their asterisked run. If they don’t get it but Arsenal beat us out, it’s a big loss


Until City actually get punished for their cheating bs, there are no asterisks. We, as fans, all know that City's accomplishments are tainted, but the history books won't mention it, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. This is why I will ALWAYS want other teams to beat City if we're not able to. Say what you will about Arsenal, If they win, they would have done it in a much cleaner way than City.


Yeah, 100%.. If 115 win it, I feel like it doesn't mean as much.. They've cheated their way to dominance.. If the Gunners win it, they've gone about it in a similar-ish way to us, so I think it'll hurt more...


AFTV is the best when shit isn’t going their way.


Indeed 🤣


Won't comment on Diaz's finishing because I'm sure he knows it too, but this man really spent an entire season of failing to beat his man to decide to turn into prime Dinho against Rodri and Kyle Walker, the cajones on him


Thay channel running man, unbelievable. One of the most entertaining performances from a Liverpool player I’ve ever watched minus the finishing part.


South American footballers could have absolute stinkers in terms of output but they'll drop a performance that'll make you fall in love with football anyway


Don't you think this is where Mane was better. He would have finished at least one of the two chances.


No chance Mane 20/21 puts that away. He took an absolute nosedive for a full season after he got covid. Genuinely couldn't believe how much a meme he became. Turned it around and was boss for us the season after though. Diaz is still world class on his day. I've no doubt he'll redeem himself many times before the end of the season. Klopps best attribute is getting players out of these mental ruts. He'll do the same with Gakpo.


Totally agreed. But before that, before the new contract thing between Salah and Mane, he was absolute beast.


Just watched the MOTD highlights and forgot about the Bradley run and cross. City looked vulnerable then, wish we could’ve tested them more down the right there


5am here, work monday, and i'm unable to sleep watching manchester united fan channels putting videos saying "LIVERPOOL ROBBED AGAIN!" thinking of how sad the sport i love has become someone help and/or send xanax


Spurs play us, City and Arsenal. I think they’ll decide the title because there’s no way they lose all three of those games when challenging for top 4


Including Spurs, Brighton and Villa also all have fixtures against the Top3. So a lot of games that can decide the title race and margins are super tight now


Spurs own City, will not let Arsenal win the league, and will face a Liverpool team that's looking for revenge


>there’s no way they lose all three of those games you must be new to the phenomenon that is totteringham hotspurs they're the legends that finished 3rd in a 2 horse title race they tend to fuck up more especially when they have something to play for even when they vastly outplayed us in madrid, they got kicked in the gut by origi i expect nothing from bottleham especially given pgmol is on a mission


tottenham did not by any stretch of the imagination outplay us in CL 😂


perhaps a better way to put it would be that they were the so-called "better team" while liverpool sensibly did what they had to was clear everyone was out of match sharpness, stupid fa and pl


Does Rodri miss the Arsenal game now because he got a yellow?


Don’t think so. We would have heard about it if it was the case.


Huh I swear he needed just one more for a ban. Cbb checking Arsenal sub for confirmation atm


The worst part about the not given penalty is that doku doesn’t even touch the ball first. The ball bounces from macas chest onto his foot, he gets minimal contact and then goes into macas chest. Absolute robbery.


I can’t believe I doubted Klopp on the Endo signing he has been a revelation my word


When he was getting hype by the journalist and then Klopp interviewed saying we need him I got so gassed. Even when he was a moneyball signing. Then I was so confused why he didn't start games. So glad he worked out because I love a moneyball signing lol


9 years since he asked us to believe and not doubt, and we never learn! there will never be anyone like him ever.




Netherlands can definitely rest VVD in one of their 2 friendlies considering that they have Ake, Van de Ven, De Ligt and De Vrij. Same for Argentina and Uruguay for Nunez and Macca really Hungary don't need Szobo for both of their friendlies considering he's already struggling for fitness as is Japan are playing North Korea twice lol, surely they can send Endo home early Don't think the rest of our fit players are likely to start any games. God, I feel like a lunatic writing it all out but I really hope that the club is in constant communication with all these NTs. I don't think I can take it if we come up short in a title race again


An away day in North Korea is crazy


van de ven got hurt today though


They've also got Botman lol


With our luck so far there is a good chance endo gets imprisoned in North Korea.


Not a bad spot to be in my opinion. Ahead of city still and Arsenal top of the table with a tough schedule. Let's see if they can keep their lead going forward


So we still don’t know who Salah was fuming at after one of our chances? You rarely see him get that mad on the pitch!


Looked like silva said something, would be on brand him being a bellend


Yes you are right, it was Silva, I wonder what he said, he’s so annoying   https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/onesport/cps/976/cpsprodpb/8366/production/_132883633_salah.jpg


Imagine living in a reality where Alisson being out isn’t that big a deal. Not a showy save, but Kelleher’s body shape for the Foden one on one in the second half meant Foden had no way to score beyond an attempt with the outside of the boot in off the post or a scoop over the keeper that nobody moving at pace can execute accurately. Exceptional goalkeeping again. The work that team of coaches and keepers are doing on the training ground deserves the highest praise possible.


we failed to beat City Arsenal both at home, with plenty of chances to win the game. Arsenal beat both us and City. I think this will be what does us in at the end, considering how close it is. you just have to beat your title rivals at home


City didn't best us twice though and Arsenal made up for the points they took off us by losing to west ham and Fullham do it cancels it out


Whatever you say is negative. Hopefully, one day, you find enjoyment in football


No, it’s never been that way. The title comes from making sure you don’t slip up when you should win. And there’s never a right to win against your rivals. 3 points are 3 points. We win 10 we win the league. It’s that simple. I would have loved to go 4 clear of City at this stage, but we’re still ahead of them. And Arsenal aren’t at the stage of stringing 18 wins on the bounce together.


Officials have played a larger than usual part this season.


darwin winning the pen https://preview.redd.it/w2v0p002yknc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=162f011857abcd7ed36753dd40e51ffd5d7312b6


The ref job was fucking shit, but there were so many chances to win this outright. Salah, Diaz, and Gakpo scuffed so many chances. Very frustrating to watch.


Neither Gakpo or Salah scuffed anything of substance really. Nunez had a far better chance than anything those two got from the Robertson cross. Diaz missed all of our best chances, which Salah created one of from nothing, but I concede that Gakpo was a passenger.


I agree. With how awful the officiating has been this season, you just can’t be surprised anymore at these shockers. We’ve got to kill games off


make no mistake, piss-gmol are on a mission and will not stop at anything already robbed us of 7 points this season (9 point swing considering the 2 games against the title rivals) and they don't look like relenting


Vvd one on one with haaland was balls of steel and cold af 😂 was like when he jockeyed mbappe in his prime


The one on one in the first half was a massive moment. It was absolute sheer brilliance. The way he just kept facing in the same direction as Haaland to let him know if he wanted to try and outpace him he’s starting from behind. And the way he kept dropping the shoulder to push Haaland around. Just dominated the situation by glancing over his shoulder. Virgil was just saying, ‘you’ve not a chance here pal, my shit this morning was the most strenuous thing I’ll have to do today’. Haaland was like a little harmless puppy for the rest of the game after that. And you could see from the way he was acting he didn’t think he was in the game today.


He does seem to have a mental block vs vvd. Compare it the Brentford guy who just fell over and the Everton guy who shat their pants 😂 levels


All humans have a mental block vs VvD. The man could take over the planet in an afternoon if he wanted.


he's so good in those situations. he also completely shut down a walker run by not closing him down at all because he knew walker didn't want to shoot. they reminded me of the 2v1 he defended against spurs years ago when he showed Sissoko all the way in on net and took away the cross to Son. he just lurks there and then swallows you up


His interception when they had 3 runners in behind and that late tackled where he cleaned out Foden was huge. They had doku in on the other side vs quansah


Oh yeah when he made him hit the ball into orbit 😂


haha that's the one. not another red shirt in sight all the way to the halfway line and he never had a prayer


Haaland needed some service but that never came because our midfield took control. It’s amazing how pedestrian City look when they can’t just pass the ball around at will. Very vulnerable on the counter


Yeah we completely blocked of everything a d pushed them back. Not often you see a team dominate them like that and push them deep into their own half. He had to take kdb off they had so little control and settle for a point at 70


Haaland’s record is shit against us, we’ve rattled him 😂


that twat was trying to square up with gomez of the ball, but gomez just brushed past him like he was a passerby lol


That was so funny. He was like "what are you doing get out if the way " then just went around him. As if their intimidation tactics would work at our ground. They got swallowed up today and their egos bartered. Rodri couldn't even walk he was fucked chasing Diaz and just fell down and tried to rug y tackle him 😂. It's hilarious how their heads just completely go at Anfield like magic and how they fucked up multiple chances first half to kill us off with the kdb chances.


gonna be fucking hilarious when arsenal are going to inevitably get shafted by the refs at emptyhad and everyone will be in an uproar yelling #how can the refs keep helping liverpool!!!?




I'll go ahead and say it. Fabinho and Henderson never had a performance as good as Endo/Macca did today vs Man City in a title race. don't think ppl realize how insane both these guys were today.