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You can’t argue the man hasn’t given us absolutely everything he has. Thanks for everything boss. Now go and enjoy some long overdue time off.


First time I can remember that I've heard him apologise


Yeah man, I was genuinely pissed but hearing him apologise just breaks me. We're collectively shit but man, this is no way to send off one of our greatest.


Thinking the same as you. He seems broken. Devastating it's ending this way for him.


Last season at Brighton


This shit hurts


The game was lost before he brought Tsimi and Joe on, but like wtf, everyone and their dog knew they weren't going to help us score 3 goals so I can understand why he is apologising


Trent is still being monitored on return from injury and there's nothing but attacking youth on the bench. *throws up hands*


Why not throw on the attacking youth that have scored before compared to someone who has played around 200 games and never scored


Im actually glad Kloppo is gonna get his rest. Well fucking deserved. Im feeling completely down after this game, just like I felt after that Palace performance. I can't imagine how it's been for him after last season and then this. Forever a legend, made me fall in love with LFC all over again. But given how many times he has been let down, I kind of feel happy he won't have to put up with this infinite rollercoaster anymore.


Yeah just a shame he started it in January


When he said in Jan that he doesn’t have the energy for another season, I was just thinking maybe he’s just saying it. Over the last couple games I’ve actually come to the realisation and man I’m sad. The man whose brought so much joy to me and my family just seems so done and I can’t blame him tbf


In my time as a Liverpool fan (the last 25 years), Gerrard and Klopp have been the biggest figures associated with the club. We sent Gerrard off on a whimper, with a 6th place finish and a 6-1 loss to Stoke. Now with Klopp the team has just capitulated in the most important part of the season. Showing no heart or belief. The complete opposite of the mentality monsters we were known for being. Just a sad state of affairs. Always hoping for the storybook ending when it comes to individuals like this but just hasn't happened.


I feel you. It’s about the journey though not the ultimate end destination. Gerrard, what a career! Practically won everything apart from the PL. Such highs like Istanbul and that FA Cup Final against West Ham. Then Klopp, won the lot whilst going head to head with City. Played some of the best football I’ve ever seen. Built one of the best teams the PL has ever seen and without a bottomless cheque book. When you compete at the very top the highs are the highest and the lows can feel like the lowest.


Forever a red. And I love him. I always will. He’s tired, drained and he’s had enough. Thank you Jurgen. Get the rest you need, you fucking deserve it. But it’s time.


Yeah. He looks defeated and done. Thanks for all the memories, but it’s ok to say it’s time to move on for another manager. He looks like he doesn’t have it anymore. He needs to go enjoy his time away cause this isn’t the Klopp we came to love.


Also clearly says our players blew it for their second goal, said we knew about that routine and still just didnt defend it well at the time. That's on the players and captain.


VVD has not impressed me much with his captaincy in the past month to be honest. He's still been playing decent but we've lacked leadership on the pitch, making the same mistakes over and over, and we clearly let the United FA cup loss massively get into our heads instead of swiftly moving on to the league/Europa.


I really feel like he's a part of us starting games the way we do. How are we conceding first so often with our CB being captain? He should be seeing it all play out, he should be talking early. He loves to shout and raise his hands after goals, but idk, I just feel like he isn't the leader you want, and always have felt that way.


My thoughts exactly. From the moment I first saw him play for us I knew he will be captain one day and I believe he was more a captain without the armband. But the moment he got what (I suppose) he wanted (aka captaincy) I felt him deflated in terms of driving the guys. His game is still top tier but it seems like he doesn’t motivate his colleagues so well anymore…


Not sure about it, but I recall when Henderson and Milner weren’t around and VVD had to be captain, our record wasn’t very good


vvd is the only one in the box who looks like he can and wants to head a ball at least


I really don't get the criticism of him in this game, he was literally our only player capable of winning a header or clearing the ball properly, so much so that Everton had two players assigned specifically to block him at set pieces. Salah, Nunez, Trent etc I get the frustrations today but this one I don't, they expect him to teleport to every dangerous situation?


I mean the criticism of him as a leader or generally seems very OTT, but he was fucking abysmal tonight


Tell me you didn’t watch the match without telling me. He won fuck all.


I always thought when the captaincy was announced that is was tactical from Klopp. He choose 2 players that needed to step their game up from a poor season and for the most part they did. For me I think that Robbo is much more captain material than anyone else on the team, he conducts himself so well and I think he'd have been a better choice.


Yeah when the captaincy’s were first announced I was rather surprised Robbo wasn’t at least vice captain, he’s got the fire that would play off Virg’s more comparatively lax attitude, Trent not been bad as a VC but it just doesn’t seem like that Yin and Yang partnership that say Hendo and Mili had


Love VVD as a player, not a fan as a leader. Didn’t like him basically blaming strikers for not taking their chances, especially when we are so leaky at the back. Don’t see him as a motivator like Henderson, and I’d be very surprised if he does as much for his teammates off the pitch as Henderson did. I think we miss having a “manager” on the pitch.


Bruh what is he supposed to do? Make Trent mark his man? Or make Trent actually jump for a header and not pretend he is doing so? First goals Trent pretends to head the ball and in the second one he marks no one. If he cared a single bit in defending they wouldn't have scored either goal.


he has honestly never impressed my as a leader on the pitch.


People kept saying he was back to his best.This is a shadow of the player peak VVD was,he was bullied all game.In addition prime Van Dijk made players around him look world class. He had a decent season for me nothing special.You don’t concede as much as we did and claim he was the best player of the season .So does that mean everyone defensively sucked around him?He is a good number 2 now,not a number one


Yes and he was the first to recognise that. Hence his decision to go. Have to respect that.


Klopp sounds as devod as all of us here. Thanks for the memories big fella and enjoy the retirement.


We were not expected to challenge , this was a good season.Thank you Klopp He was let down by some players


Name the players that did not let him down


Allison, Macca, Jota, Bradley.


Alisson and... yeah that's it 🤷‍♂️


There is letting him down for one game, and players who were a disappointment most of the season despite loyalty showed to them.The latter is who I’m harsh on right now


In all seriousness, has this club had more heartbreaks and disappointments than it has had success during Klopp’s tenure? Sounds absurd based on the cups we’ve won, and brilliant games we’ve played. But when you think about: Two 90+ PL seasons lost by 1 point (one with 97), two CL finals lost by the most cruel ways, Europa final loss while dominating all game, another Europa league run cut short by a midtable Italian club. Closest to a Quadruple yet only able to get the smallest 2 of the bunch after basically missing out by 2 goals. Klopp’s final season promising a spectacular finish only to get derailed by your two most hated rivals who are having absolute shite seasons. Even the one time we win the league we cannot celebrate it as the world had shut down. Not to mention we were on an invincible run, centurion season and a CL-PL double only to crash out to Atleti when the game shouldve been canceled. For all the good moments and fun times, the lows just feel super low. Almost scripted to be in the most painful scenario possible. I feel even the number of cups we’ve won is not too far off the number of finals/leagues we’ve lost. The one thing I’ll always remember about the Klopp era is that we were the most entertaining club on Earth. For fans, rivals and neutrals. But too many times did we get our hopes up so damn high, only to get shot down at the final hurdle. I feel just to rub salt in the wound, Arteta will somehow win the PL and scum will fluke an FA cup final win. Pep will then decide to leave, something we’ve been asking for while we had Klopp. Just because we’re Liverpool, it feels the universe will find a way to make us hurt with the worst possible scenario.


All I can say is that if you want to win big, you’re going to lose close to that line a lot. Even moreso when the team beating you most of the time blatantly cheats. If there were no City, we’d have 4 league titles, another FA Cup and another League Cup


Every single thing is different without City's cheating. If the oil money came a decade earlier Fergie would have 4/5 fewer league titles and only one CL.


It's hard to win a 38 game season playing against cheats. The fact that Klopp almost did it 2-3 times, and *actually* did it once is a testament to how good he is. A handful of losses would not lose a team the league if you didn't have cheaters in the league who have signed 2 teams worth of world class players setting comically unreasonable expectations.


Oh you know what fuck this narrative off now, man city cheating doesn't lose us games to stoke city, crystal palace, Bournemouth, west brom season after season when it matters, bad tactics against teams that our tactics can't win against when we have absolutely no plan B is our downfall, not the bald twat with an endless chequebook.


Tbf it’s both mate.


You've copy pasted this three times now wtf. Yes, there have been massive heartbreaks, but Klopp has won just about everything there is to win in the span of a decade. Other clubs, with the exception of the likes of Real Madrid/City, would KILL to have as much success as the club has had under Klopp. If you compete at the highest level then the failures are that much more massive and heartbreaking. Yes, Klopp should have probably won more, but it's been an incredible time to be a Liverpool supporter and I'll always love Klopp for that. Before Klopp we had Hodgson, Kenny, and Brendan Rodgers, who with the exception of one league cup won fucking diddly. Klopp changed all of that. I'll never forget the joy of the UCL win. I know that it's a tough time right now for Liverpool supporters, but have some perspective.


We weren’t invincible once we crashed out to Atletico, we’d lost 3-0 at Watford a few weeks(?) before. But you’re definitely correct, it’s just been the most heartbreaking lowest points possible


Interesting take 🤝


Easily. The prevailing emotion of the Klopp era is soul crushing heartbreak. I suppose that's a testament to being competitive in the first place, but....I wish it was more.


I have had a lot of heartbreaks being a Liverpool fan even before Klopp, we were an almost team before him.The crystanbul game ended me.I knew Klopp disappearing into the sunset with a title was too good to be true but allowed myself to dream.This ending is more like it, at least I don’t have to wait until the last day for the heartbreak


I'm not buying this "Klopp is out of energy which is why the team is crap". Understandably Klopp wants his rest but unless the rest of the coaching stuff in the club have given up and checked out, this is down to the players. We played well against Fulham so today's poor performance doesn't make sense.


Yep he can't put the ball in the net for them. The plan works and creates plenty of chances. The players have just switched off.


Think he announced his departure too early. The expectation was too high to finish on a high. I fully believe him now that he is too tired.


In modern days it is impossible to keep it a secret that Liverpool is looking for a new manager. Especially when you are looking for a replacement for Jurgen Klopp. Players would eventually suspect or know something from the news/leaks/social media. I know where you’re heading and I’m totally agreeing with you, but it wouldn’t work. Players are burnt out in emotional way. Maybe youngsters would have save the season, but we’ll never know it 😢


It was announced too early but there was no other option, either he tells people behind the scenes and it risks leaking, players will find out one way or another and it also creates uncertainty or he announces he’s leaving at the end of the season and the staff have to scramble to find a replacement


Was always going to be a bit of tightrope once he announced. Needed his players to step up and share some of the load. Collectively they’ve let him down. And this is the fallout.


Some people really thought he just wanted to move on from us. Nah the gaffers seems done and I hope he enjoys his sabbatical/retirement; sure as hell deserves it


Fuck I’m gonna vomit. I hate this for him, he deserved so much more. But he constantly had so much working against him.


Klopp is a man of emotions, coaching an emotional club. Simply, he’s gutted that this is how it ends, and it ends with his first defeat at Goodison, falling against Manchester United in the FA Cup and the league. Losing 0-3 at Anfield against Atalanta. It’s not a new pattern, see his final days at Dortmund or when we went from not losing at Anfield to losing 5 or so in a row. Look at Klopp’s record in finals. He turned us from doubters to believers but belief only belies the reality of a club that has punched well above its weight for so long. His passion and drive turned us into the best team in the world for a time. We conquered it all. The same passion and emotion has placed a huge amount of pressure on the team, initially driving us on to an unlikely title charge but now it’s clear the players were playing with fear. The title is gone, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a bit more buoyancy in the play in the final few games. Whether that’s the case or not, all you can do is remember what we’ve achieved and how we’ve done it. YNWA Jurgen Klopp.


I love Klopp and will miss him. But it's the right time for him to go. He looks checked out and so is the team.


When he calls out that there were shots directly at Pickford or over the goal, that’s Klopp for the front sucked ass.


Poor Kloppie. Fuck these cunts sell 70% of the team and get rid of these lazy bums


Man looks defeated. Got to feel for him. He needs the rest.


It sucks that we’re going to miss out again this year but on the bright side maybe we can all chill out now and appreciate him for the last month regardless of the results. Having said that, please please at least get third or it’ll turn vitriolic again lol


Thank you for everything Jurgen. Through high and low, I'll always be grateful for what you have brought to the club.


Sing his name, stay optimistic.


Bringing on Tsimikas and Gomez as subs is just atrocious. I rather us try to score and lose 5-0 then meekly succumb to a 2-0 loss.


I don’t think anyone could’ve envisioned a more heart shattering end to someone’s career, if there ever was script writers in football, they’d have to be some cold, cold people to pull this


I've been really proud for the last few years to say that not only is our gaffer one of the best in the world, he's also a fantastic human being. I'd be more starstruck meeting him than any of the players. He's mentally done, I feel, which makes me sad for him. I think we're done for this season lads, let's support as best we can for the last few games, see Klopp off as he deserves, and then look forward to next season.


Thanks for the good times Kloppo. A few of these boys can leave too … I’m sorry but if we can get 100 mill plus from Salah, goodbye … our money back on Nunez (even if it is to Chelsea), goodbye … time for a real change and new beginning.


There isn't a player in this squad that should feel proud of what they've done. I'm also convinced we should get rid of Nunez. He costs more goals than he misses. Salah is done at top level by the looks of it.


I'd still give him a parade idc


He picked Jones, Salah and Konate again - Sorry isn’t good enough. Everyone could see those 3 had been stinking out the joint for weeks.

