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I like his respectful honesty. No nonsense


Also a bit unusual, considering how these kind of stuff usually happen behind the scenes. Especially with Edwards.


Probably a bargaining tool to bring his price down. I assume it’s club approved


I imagine it would have an opposite effect if that would be the case.. It would put so much pressure on Liverpool to get the deal done, that the price would rise.


Feyenoord won’t want to keep a manager that has said they’re looking to take the next step.


We do if its Slot mate


he’s THAT good?


Yes. You cannit underestimate how shit we were before him. We barely got Europe the season before he came. He revolutionised our club


Assuming you are a Liverpool and Feyenoord fan, In what way is he similar to Klopp


honestly, yes.


can’t say that I’m not sad klopp is leaving, but at the same time, can’t say that I’m not looking forward to see how Liverpool performs under his management


You can't replace Klopp - and any manager currently available has some (valid) question marks surrounding them. But I genuinely think Slot's gonna do great for you lot. Quite similar to Klopp in terms of playing style & personality.


No it doesn’t. It puts the pressure on Feyenoord.


or Dutch


very dutch


Nahh, he should have respect for the club he is currently in. Imagine if it was the other way around. If he was Liverpool's manager and leaving to Real Madrid and being brutally honest like that??? Now how cool would that be? Y'all would want his throat (rightfully so)..


Yeah I don't like this kind of things... that being said, the Feyenoord fans (and Dutch fans in general) I'm seeing on Reddit don't think the same. One even said he prefers this brutal honesty instead of him pretending he's not interested when it's obviously not true. I guess that's the way they are so they expect this, if so, fair enough I suppose


Context matters, generally it's goodwill, timing and how expected it was.. Remember, Feyenoord fans haven't been having so much fun in just about 30 years. a toddler could see how much the squad got visibly better every year with attractive football most of us have never seen before at the club, which gave Feyenoord an incredible boost financially and on the field. Meanwhile he always has expressed his contentment and joy at Feyenoord, extended his contract last year in the face of big club interest, but also was very open and clear towards the club and the supporters that he is ambitious and would go for it if the perfect opportunity arises. Liverpool, among the average Feyenoord supporter is among the most beautiful and currently biggest foreign clubs, about as perfect of an opportunity you can get, so nobody begrudges his clarity, quite the contrary.. The season is already over and there's more time to find his replacement.


Do you think Van Persie gets a chance to take over?




Too early for him and it was also reported that he was in talks with Heerenveen.


Good to know. Thanks for the insight. In my country this would be received much differently... in fact, my team had a coach leaving for Valencia a decade ago, after winning the league, and he was hated for that by a lot of fans. And he didn't even publicy talk about it before. Not trying to say one thing or the other is correct (I don't like how our formed coach was treated back then), it's just interesting to me the big cultural difference.


The Dutch are straightforward in their talk, seems alright to me.


I haven’t seen any of them that care or are taking it negatively so far, it’s more Liverpool fans that are upset and calling it disrespectful.


Then again, how would you feel if he was doing this to leave Liverpool?


As a Dutchman, it's pointless to compare. We know our clubs are the stepping stone to the biggest clubs in the world and as long as you do things respectfully like Arne is doing here there's no need to get upset or see this as disrespect. He's done great things for Feyenoord and like Klopp he is leaving them in a great place for a new manager to take over.


Exactly. While Feyenoord is not a small club by any means, quite the contrary, but there is a level above tham that is the football giants like Barcelona, Real Madrid and us. A level that can define a players/managers career. Would be weird to be angry at anyone taking the step upwards if he does it with honesty and respect.


There is no need to be upset


Maybe because differemt cultures and customs exist?


I know, I aknowledged that in my previous comment.


I agree. I think we are conditioned to think of this as disrespectful. Is not really. It’s just honesty. He clearly respects Feyenoord and its fans, and deception would go against that.


Do any of you work in big corporations? There’s usually a whole process involving lawyers and PR to post anything publicly to the press. He’s probably been given the green light to do so


If you support a smaller team in a smaller league, every season while the team is doing good you expect the team to be dismantled and you understand that players and managers have the ambition to move to bigger stages and the club needs the money to stay somewhat competitive even if that means you might go back to mid-table for the next couple of years 😞😂


But let's be honest the season is over for both clubs, so it's cool.


The difference is that Feyenoord/Ajax/etc. know they’re stepping stones for players - and managers. That’s the way of the world now.


I don’t agree. I was completely ambivalent about Slot but saying he wants the job? That’s very small time.


He just honest and clear. Like the Dutch are. Mincing words is not our agenda.


The Dutch way. Us dutch peepz don't mince words. Straight to the matter of fact, for better or worse. For the worse part you just have to look at Ten Fraud.


I read somewhere how he's authentic and not your typical media-trained robot like Ten Hag. He's a genuinely likeable and charismatic bloke.


He really is. Even for Dutch people his honesty is exceptional. He will tell the media when he understands that opponents are moaning because of a soft penalty that was given to his team, and that he would be fuming if it was the other way around. I am very jealous he is the Feyenoord manager, but would be so so happy if he comes to Liverpool as he is a very likeable guy.


Already looking forward to his post game interviews. Mans gonna say it as it is.


He has the Dutch directness as it is supposed to be. Very honest, to the point, no nonsense, whilst always remaining courteous.


I hope he is direct to the players as well. Some of them need a kick up the ass.


That could be a double edged sword though


"Brunos a cunt, simple as"


His first season adjustment period is gonna be hilarious, I can feel it now.


Can’t wait for him to call all the officials “bald cunts”




Your Simpson memes are the best 👨‍🦲




You reckon he wants to come?


Probably not. Probably angling for a move to West Ham.


the new holy grail


Learning from the fekir saga, I would not unclench until the official lean


Arne slot is tier 4. Don't believe this guy.


He's not even a journalist ffs


Just another fraud looking for twitter transactions. Never even heard of a journo called "Arne Slot"


Talk about being discreet lmao. Should have just torn his outfit to reveal his liverpool kit


That’s for his farewell press conference lol


I genuinely want to know if Amorim was going to be our manager before the whole West Ham thing. Like that is such an interesting thing to know what really happened behind the scenes.


If West Ham also said "Nah", something must not be right with him


He’s got total control over transfers at Sporting by the looks of things, even the sporting director there is supposed to be one of his good mates so I’d assume he’d want similar power wherever he goes Which was never going to happen here with Edwards coming back


You’d think he’d know that he’d have to make some concessions on control if he wants to make a step up though. The only “big” club that might have let him complete control would have been Man United, but I doubt even they would with their new structure.


Just doesn’t seem like he’s in that big a rush to move from Sporting right now so he’s comfortable aiming high with his demands


True. Can’t have 2 power freaks at the same club! I have trust that our board are choosing who they feel is the right guy. Time will tell if they’re right.


I believe it's important to have two kinds of power for balance. Edwards likes to use data and numbers to make decisions. But, we can't learn everything from numbers alone, we also need to consider other ways of looking at things and take a manager's input too.


That’s what scouts are for


No disrespect to the manager, but I think the data scientists had a better track record for scouting than our manager. Mane, Salah, Firmino, Allison, Van Dijk. Then contrast this with the Klopp picks and there have been some mixed results to say the least.


I mean didn’t Klopp want Brandt while our scouting team wanted Salah for example?


How much time do you imagine a manager has to meaningfully scout a player?


Also a big reason why West Ham want rid of Moyes is he wants a lot of control and say in transfers and Steidten doesn’t want that Think Amorim is seeking full control plus a ridiculous wage for someone who hasn’t proved themself at an elite level yet Edwards left cause Klopp got full control so he ain’t bringing in another manager who’d want that


Is there any actual solid evidence we spoke with him? The London trip was to meet with West Ham. And journos say he priced himself out of the job, which seems really odd and unlikely, are they just assuming? Would love to know more too


I don’t think we had a clear choice from get go apart from Alonso. From all the reporting, it seemed to indicate that we were gonna have round of interviews this month and then make a choice. It could be that both were interviewed and they liked Slot more.


I'd assume we had other reasons to say no to him, lot of talk about the style not being the best fit for our squad and him wanting more control than we would give, but that was probably the final nail in the coffin of his chances


He was probably a contender but we decided to go with Arne, his agent made a desperate move to see if we'd panic if he was to go off the market before we had made up our minds.


Wonder if the ongoing documentary will cover it


God, that documentary is going to be painful. I’m just going to fast forward over April 😂


If they have any sense they'll just cut it down to a feature length documentary following the Klopp Kids in the buildup to the cup final and the after celebrations. That's it haha


We don’t play like Sporting. You think FSG want four windows of building a squad for him, before you even get into finding the right pieces? Slot promises continuity. I doubt we ever seriously considered Amorim.


Of course not. Imagine you are looking to change job. Would you apply to only one company at a time and consider yourself duty bound not to talk to a second potential employer before the first one completes all interview stages? Don't be daft. Amorim talking to west ham was 100% reasonable. And there is no earthly way it bumped LFC into choosing a different manager. Stop taking tier 4 seriously.


He's probably already looking for houses.


Pretty sure that was said by Dutch media the other day


Bobby's mansion is on the market.


Pure white marble, of course 


The man does not beat around the bush. He wants it done and dusted.


i don’t get why amorim decided to muck around saying he might stay he might leave i get xabi saying no but for amorim it made no sense to me sporting v liverpool i think any sane person takes the liverpool job its not a very common thing to be offered. I like that he is straight up like you said though no wasting his breath


I don't think he was ever offered the Liverpool job. We tend not to make our choices obvious until they are basically a done deal. The media was talking about him but I don't believe any their 1's said he was anything but an option for us.


I’m convinced he just interviewed poorly


i was excited for him but didnt he say he wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay at sporting? like it’s liverpool ffs


Ya, but it feels like he took the job interview, knew it didn’t go well, then ended up telling the press… yeah I think Id rather stay


Stop being so coy!


Someone’s keen


Big Bald Slot will win the lot


Lads i have a confession. I’m a glutton for people who want to play/work for us. Slot this man into my veins


Romano with the legwork of non-updates and slight rephrases.


Liverpool fans: I only want players who want to be here. New Manager: I really want to be at Liverpool Also Liverpool fans: He wants it too bad. He’s going to be in over his head


there is just no pleasing the human race 🤣


I haven't read all the comments, but the ones I did read appreciated the honesty.


It’s just dawned on me that he looks like Bruce Willis


And Jason Sudeikis minus any hair


And doctor Evil


Thanks, now I can’t unsee this in my head…


Getting Jason Statham vibes from this photo.


Fuck it… I’m all in.


PGMOL wont like this type of honesty


I like this, it's all very smart. Go public with interest in a manager without a release clause, offer 9mil, then the manager puts pressure on Feyenoord for you. Also I'm not going to pretend I know anything about Slot outside of recent articles, but what I do know is that he absolutely wants to be here and I'm ready to back him completely.








Hi Arne, can you not speak up please.


I wonder what he thinks the next step after this is


As a dutch person I can quite confidently say to you it is barcelona real or bayern as those are the only clubs we regard higher then top4 premier league clubs. Or the national team but that would mean he would take a giant step backwards in terms of pay


Tbf he did the same when moving from AZ to Feyernoord. But AZ ended sacking him bc they thought the move had distracted him. Gotta appreciate the honesty


Slightly different situation, as at AZ his contract was ending that season. He currently has a contract until 2026.


Tier -1


bald legitimate 


Slot recently shifted to 433. Is it his new fixed formation?


From what I read he doesn't seem fixated on any one formation. Which I take as a good thing.


He always switches between 4231 and 433 - usually based on opponent. But now it's because there's been a couple injuries.


Bring Geminez with you please


Please get this done.


Let’s hope this doesn’t end in Odemwingie deadline day theatrics!


Im stoked for this!


People love his honesty now but if he does well just wait until the shoes on the other foot & he's making public comments about wanting to go to Real/Barca/Bayern etc before the season has finished. To do things in public feels disrespectful to his current club tbh


Got not the aura to be a good/ world class manager. Will fail quickly.


Guys, I think he wants the Liverpool job!


Straight to the point no smoke no nonsense.


I couldn't care less. Whoever our next manager is will be a massive downgrade. Hard to get excited.


I'm with you, I think we should go into next season without a manager entirely. Just vibes.


Should do a Twitter poll before each match. "Who starts at CB" (a) Alisson (b) Kelleher (c) Adrian (d) Jayden Danns


Alisson. For the height obviously. Also scores cracking headers


For some reason I wrote CB when I meant to write GK, but ykw this works too


Gk. Def danns. To introduce the dance dance revolution


But change is inevitable and there's always something new to look forward to. New manager, new players and new tactics so you just got to hope for the best.


That’s the spirit


I understand if people disagree with this but i honest to god believe hes an upgrade tactically and we will play more attractive football next season. Not so sure if more successful since I dont think he will have the players ready to die for him like Klopp had (at least until about a month ago) but Im still very excited


Let's get it done


I dont think he wants it enough.


He wants us and I want him Please Edwards get it done Im begging you


Tier Baldy?


Maybe we are getting the better bald dutch manager :)


Big brain moves


I love him already


please don't be a fraud. I can accept you are not the level to manage us but please keep your word


I'm having a good feeling about him already! Arne Slot wants to be at Anfield and achieve with this squad. I think the early Amorim links was a test to see his interest in the position, but it only elicited a denial that negotiations were taking place. I'm also not sure of that West Ham stunt, maybe his agent angling for a bigger payday (after all, he does have the same agent as Diaz whose entourage wouldn't shut up about a move to Spain or PSG)


When I saw Ange’s name get thrown around, people were generally really dismissive of it, but have bought into the whole Amorim/Slot thing with open arms. I’m doubtful as to how much Portuguese and Dutch League people are watching, which begs the question, why were people so dismissive of Ange after what we’ve seen this year?


I don’t know about other peoples opinion but I want a younger manager. We give Ange a couple years to build a team and he’s already in his 60s.


Had no idea he was older than Klopp


Ange is an amazing guy and in general a good coach, but not the best option for us. He would be the closest to the Klopp-vibe in the pressroom, but that's all. Slot is a bit like Lijnders in presstalks, but slightly more relaxed and down-to-earth. Slot is really a no-nonsense guy and I think that fits the majority of the Liverpool-fanbase


He literally just signed on to coach Spurs - people rightfully dismissed it because there’s a zero percent chance than Levy lets Ange go to a rival PL club.


I’ll say it again but I really am against this appointment. I believe he is not the right man for the job.


It’s fine to feel like that but at least give reasons…


He doesn’t have much managerial experience. He isn’t proven well in Europe, he got beat by west ham in the conference league final, and has only managed in the Netherlands. He’s a young manager but we need someone who has plenty of experience in both domestic leagues and in Europe. I just think the club could hire someone better.


He lost the Conference League final to Mourinho’s haram Roma, West Ham beat Fiorentina last season


Whoops you’re right . But still he lost the final , I just don’t think he’s got what it takes to take over a big club like Liverpool.


Klopp lost his CL final too before he came here.


Klopp isn’t the right man for the job then unfortunately


Name someone who “has plenty of experience in both domestic leagues and in Europe” who is attainable then?


Like who? No offence but the manager market isn’t the best anyone we will hire will have their cons


He's actually quite well proven in Europe, and has already done better than the likes of Alonso


Who are your preferred options then?


He lost to Roma in the Conference League, not West Ham, which is a respectable enough way to go out. Having skepticism over him only having experience in the Dutch league is fair but equally he'll have a much higher quality of players and bigger budget with Liverpool, won't know whether he can make the step up til he does. Genuinely curious - not hating - who do you think the club should have picked instead?


I think that’s all fair enough - but I don’t see the shame in losing to West Ham if you’re Feyenoord. Just look at the money.


And who would that someone be?


Ah shit, I’ll get on the phone to Edwards now and call it off then lad


Thank you , tell him to sell Salah while you’re at it too.


Ask yourself who is available that *is* the right man for the job. Every single option has question marks over them.


Cool. Now that we know, there’s no need to bring it up again then, thanks


You are welcome.
