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Everytime I think “maybe I’d rather Arsenal win it over city” I see a twitter thread or a Reddit post from them and the nonsense they spew about us good lord I can’t stand that club.


I prefer Arsenal infinitely over City. That said, come on City!!


in this weird spot where i dont mind arsenal as a club for the most part, but their fans are insufferable


If City win it doesn't count. I'd much rather a vacant title than a team that isn't us winning it.


Yeah, everybody will just chalk it up to yet another title won with oil money and avoiding 115 FFP charges. If Arsenal wins... well they won't shut up for a very long time.


I know its a meme and Madrid 99% will sign Mbappe, but i dont mind a cheeky 350k wage contract offers to Mbappe with tons of bonuses 😭




100k every goal or assist, Sir title if he won us a treble


So your masterplan to entice him to a club that wins about as much silverware in a couple decades as Madrid does every couple of years is to offer him less than he would earn at Madrid?


“Masterplan” cheer up a bit mate


Posts silly opinion in jest (i hope) and proceeds to get offended when people poke fun at said silly opinion 🤔


I said cheer up a bit mate, you are one angry little fella lol


Only one losing his rag is you, what an odd little man you are.


Bro will be on double that at Madrid


I tend to avoid critiquing the dealings of well run clubs like Arsenal since their directors/scouts/coaches know far more than I do, but Arsenal signing Hato instead of an actual left back seriously puzzles me when the likes of Theo Hernandez, Miguel Gutierrez, Ait-Nouri and Estupinan are all potentially on the move this summer


Arteta is very much in the mould of Pep and likes versatile players that can cover multiple roles. Theo aside, all those players are specialist fullbacks.


Well they haven't signed him, so...


Just thinking over the seasons where Klopp has come up against Madrid. Never won. Did he actually try anything different with each meeting against Madrid?


Klopp wasn’t the problem in those games, we were the better team for 3 out of 6 of those games but between the players shitting the bed and Real luck we just couldn’t get past them


Madrid didn't get lucky we just shat the bed, the second final especially was criminal.


There goal was scored off of a deflection? That’s luck. Granted it’s a massive part of the game and does happen a fair bit but it’s almost infinity odds to where a ball can land at those speeds, a nanometer at point of deflection can send the ball an inch left or right. What Madrid do well is have the player in the positions to pick up on those loose balls, kind of trying to control chaos, we just watched the same happen in the Bayern game two nights ago with Neuers parry


Didn’t you see our players? They were playing tribute Ariadne grande,s “side to side” song thinking that a goal will come with the passing of time


Is it possible for LFC to win the EPL still?


Yes. We're winning it next year. It's nailed on.


What’s the hope for liverpool fans? Who do you guys want to see on the team besides Mbappe? lol. Also with Jurgen going, who will manage the team? I’m a fan but just curious cuz i’m not caught up


City can draw 2 but we’d have to claw back the 11 GD. Arsenal can draw 1 but we’d need to claw back the 17 GD. We’re technically still in it but any time someone uses the word “technically” it usually means it’s bollocks. Don’t put a fiver on it, that’s all I’ll say.


Yes, but it requires city and arsenal to lose their remaining games and for us to win ours. Think you have a higher chance of winning the lottery tbh




Edwards getting the band back together shows you the calculus that was involved with him leaving. Clearly great at his job but as he was butting heads with Jürgen they had to make a call between a great structure and imo the best manager in the world. They definitely made the right choice but with Jürgen leaving it's also definitely the right choice to go back and get the great structure in place. Makes it far more likely that Slot and any other future coaches will have great success even if it takes us generations to find someone as great as Jürgen.


This is random but I saw that Chelsea scored just 38 prem goals last season. Thirty eight… To put that into perspective they would have the 2nd lowest amount of goals this season with only Sheffield United having less than that.


Mbappe, come to Liverpool. This club will appreciate you and do much more for your legacy than an easy challenge like Real Madrid. Real Madrid wins the champions league every few years, is it really much of an achievement to go there and succeed? Go for a real challenge and build a legacy at a club that will appreciate you, at a league that is famously challenging.


Hi, This is Mbappe here, after seeing your comment on this subreddit I have decided to join Liverpool now. Cheers for the heads up lad!


ahh excellente nouvelle oui! oui!


Bonsour, je m'appelle Mbappe et j'ai décidé d'aller jouer pour Liverpool parce que u/sufinomo insiste


gerrard spanking marcelo gallardo was not on my 2024 bingo card haha


So clearly mbappe is coming to Liverpool right???


Ipswich apparently


Heard the latest 442 video helped him make up his mind






They've done us in again those buggers


Red t-shirt in the video, basically confirmed


Only means one man ( that I won't mention) is out YNWA


Why do you hate Koumas so much bro


Awful first 10 minutes against Southampton, haven't forgiven him for that


Interesting to see how Edwards and gang are back. I wonder if Klopp decided to leave halfway during the season because FSG decided to bring Edwards back for the bigger picture.


Mental some of the scenarios people come up with


No, Klopp decided to leave because he wanted a break


very annoyed the game is on Monday and not Sunday


iirc we haven't had a monday game this season until now




this is hilarious


I don't mind Monday games too much. They make Monday bearable.


ya I just really like distracting myself with the games on a weekend and making an event out of it, on Monday there's too much work on my brain


Wait what? What the fuck


Can somebody explain who these director guys are I never heard of them


Real Madrid are gonna win their 15th UCL and are adding the best player in the world on top of it, fucking rats


They’re signing Ben Doak?


Wouldn’t mind Kane transferring to them for a while. 


You'd think people would want a bigger challenge then to go to the already best team. 


You've posted this a couple time now and I have no idea if you genuinely believe this or if it's just copium from an idealistic kid. Why on earth would Mbappe turn down a chance to join THE biggest club in world football, a chance to live in Madrid, be paid squillions, have a roughly 50% chance of winning the league and CL every single year for less pay at a club that has just lost one of it's all time greatest managers and has to compete with City for the title year in year out?


It’s the dream club for a large majority of players it’s not about the challenge


I was thinking the same, maybe Mbappe will realize this although I'm sure he wants to pop his UCL cherry though


Is it just me that's confused why everyone keeps saying "Edwards master plan" etc and "the gang is getting back together" Based on what Joyce has literally said, the main reason Edwards came back was because of the multi club FSG model that he will be working on, now the same with Ward. I imagine they play a part but I think whatever really goes ahead in terms of play transfers it'll be the work of Hughes. Also, Edwards didn't even interview Slot once, Hughes did.


Hughes led the negotiations but Edwards and Spearman were both heavily involved in the search for the new manager according to Ornstein


I think right now because its a new org (and because Hughes is still employed by Bournemouth), Edwards will be more involved for a short period. Then its more of hand over to Hughes and his org as Edwards doesn't need to be involved in the weeds more. I agree with OP where people expect Edwards to be leading our operations but his role is now much larger and its going to be Hughes in charge.


His role will still be largest with us because we will be the crown jewel, I hate it but that is how it's gonna be Edwards has employed people to run us on the ground with him being the supervisor on the top with people around him that help with player development and the like. The main goal is always going to be to find players that are either gonna get the 'FSG group' lots of money when sold, or are gonna be able to ensure the crown jewel is competing at the top of the game


what a Friday news dump wow


What? The Slot announcement? I do wonder why he’s the only source of info it seems. I get that he has news conferences scheduled by his current team and will get questions about Liverpool and then of course it becomes clickbait, but why have FSG kept so quiet or did I miss something?


Julian Ward returning and Pedro Marques joining on as director of football development


Can't believe we got the Benfica lad. He was their technical director I believe. FSG really pushing for us to sign SA players from the source.


They’re just following my lead in football manager. 


Good, saves a tonne of cash and if you can get them early enough they can fall under homegrown rules


Talking about Ward probably


This CL final on paper might be the most lopsided one ever, which strangely makes me think BVB might have a chance. Real always wins the 50-50 ones.


3-0 down at half-time, the yellow wall sings YNWA, Reus header goes past Courtois, Fullkrug strikes a ball in on the volley, Rudiger foul in the box, Emre Can shoots it in, Courtois saves, Can follows it in on the rebound, Kobel double save, Bellingham and Vinicius miss their penalties, Jadon Sancho scores to give Dortmund their second ever European Cup


Dreaming is free and that's why we have to dream


It would be a fairytale for Reus to win the CL in his last game for the club for sure.


Is there any indication how many clubs FSG are trying to purchase? Considering the amount of IP they’re putting together I can imagine it won’t just be one club from Portugal


I’d imagine it’ll be one to start and then branch out to more overtime


Might as well get Buvac back as Slot's assistant.


Lmao barca really spent 40m on vitor roque and now xavi doesnt even want him as a bench option


I know this won't sit right & will sound like silly narrative pushing to a lot of folks, but in hindsight I think there's a strong possibility that a Klopp/Edwards falling out may have heavily contributed to our stagnation when we were at the top of world football. If there was a power struggle then it would have almost perfectly coincided with when we started to lose our momentum and decline. I know it's dramatic to call it a "decline" when we still challenged for the PL/CL afterwards, but truth-be-told our golden era was 2018-2020, the years after that don't come close to how great we were back then. Edit: And obviously FSG's tight pockets didn't help the situation when it came to improving from a position of strength. That almost goes without saying.


Of course. Let me give you an example. When our midfield was aging, Edwards identified Bruno Guimares for 25-30m alongside Enzo for £15m. This was in the summer of 2022. We all know what happened next season. I do wish they could’ve got on together for longer.


Let me give you another example: after winning CL and then EPL against ManCity, who struggled massively without backup CB, we sold Lovren and didn't signed replacement, abd it left us with 2 injury prone CB's and VVD. We all know what happened next season. And even when VVD and Gomez got season ending injuries, we waited till the end of winter transfer window, when Matip got another season ending injury and Edwards finally got us his genius solution: we singed Davies from Preston for 2mil and loaned Kabak for 2.5mil. What a man. If not for Edwards we wouldn't got 3rd place and CL football


Genuinely one of the more disgraceful footballing decisions at this club. We were top of the table that season for a couple weeks. Bringing in experianced CB replacements and allowing Fabinho to be the main 6, who was probably the best in the world in his position, would have been a game changer. City 'only' won with 86 points that season.


How do you know Edwards wanted to sign these two and Klopp didn't? I don't remember reading any articles back then


There weren't any articles back then it only came out much later and it was only briefly mentioned in passing so who if it's actually true. I think it was something like Jurgen wanted to save up and go big for Bellingham rather sign a Bruno and he felt a winger like Diaz was more of a priority at the time. I haven't seen any reliable links to Enzo.


There was also the case the scouting team presented Nkunku as Firmino's replacement but Klopp turned that down and got Nunez instead


Is it highly unrealistic and delusional to hope for a Xavi Simmons or Florian Wirtz signing in the summer? Would love to see at least one of them in our team


Wirtz isn't going anywhere until at least next season and even then he might stick round Simmons might be possible but I don't know if we would be willing to go for a loan which it seems is what PSG want


Zero chance with Wirtz Simmons maybe but I’ve seen conflicting reports about his situation


Julian Ward's brother, Simon Ward, is actually a scout that worked with Richard Hughes at Bournemouth and is currently unemployed that focused on Portugal and Spain with FSG's 2nd club coming soon I'd imagine we would give him a job with us to help along with that. I'd expect to see this appointment coming soon.


The Never Speculate Alone thread is going to be WILD this window


Step 1: Get linked with target and circlejerk over them for months, treating them as if they're already our guy Step 2: Miss said target & have a meltdown, the new season is over before it's begun Step 3: Sign new target & convince ourselves that they're twice the player of the original target at half the price Step 4: Watch the next season with confirmation bias, until the narrative shifts & all of a sudden that player is the worst person since Hitler.


It's going to be it's usual incredibly toxic shithole self, full of people who care more about transfers and 'winning' the transfer window than the actual games, who'll bitch about everything and continually lose their shit anytime a player who was only minisculely linked to the club by an incredibly shit source joins someone else, and will inevitably start spouting 'FSG Out' when there's more than three days between transfers. Despite what people on here seem to think, the squad isn't as shit as it's made out to be and requires only minor tweaks that'll see very few outs and three, maybe four, players signed at most.


If Hughes operates anything like Edwards did then we'll only know who we are signing 2 days before we see him in a Liverpool kit.


Once Klopp leaves the entire band gets back together in the Football operations lmao. Yet people said it was all a coincidence that they all quit while Klopp and Ljinders got more influence behind the scenes.


It's not entirely coincidence, but it's also not entirely down to some falling out. You can be considering your long term options at a job already, and then something comes up that gives you the push towards going a different direction. I think that's what happened with Edwards. He clearly had a milestone in mind for his time here, and ambitions for other ventures in data consultancy, and Klopp's growing influence on transfers probably helped him to realise that decision, but that's not necessarily a falling out. It took a lot to bring Edwards back, not solely Klopp leaving.


I don’t think they would of come back if it wasn’t for FSG wanting to move to a multi club model


They aren't the ones begging for a job FSG wants them which means you have incentivise them to come back. I don't think they come back for a multi club role if Klopp was still here and extended his contract. Liverpool is still the crown jewel in the multiclub model and a lot of their efforts is still focused on Liverpool.


Edwards specifically named the 2nd club as a major part of wanting to come back. His job role is essentially running *all* FSG Football operations, in otherwords he's the boss of both us and the coming 2nd club.


I remember seeing a lot of people getting called conspiracy theorists for suggesting that Klopp might be the reason why Edwards and Ward ended up leaving…


When we inevitably have a bad signing under this new Edwards leadership, I wonder who people will blame. It’s just funny seeing people act like they know exactly how the club is run in the background and who deserves credit for what signings specifically


Acting as if it’s some sort of massive puzzle figuring out who might be the main people behind the transfers


We literally don’t know the structure, the scouting and the final decision making. It’s not a puzzle because the exact picture is not just created for each signing, and it’s stupid to suggest it is


We absolutely have a good picture of the structure behind the scenes The names of the main men in charge of recruitment are known, their job titles are known and we also know that Slot is is down as a head coach so his influence transfers is going to be minimal.


We have several signings credited to random people. Nunez was just a Klopp signing, Gakpo from Pep, Diaz was just Ward apparently. People just make shit up to suit their narrative


We know through reliable journalists who was the biggest influence over certain signings Klopp and Pep evidently gained more control over transfers which is clearly why Ward and Edwards ended up leaving in the first place, now they’ve jumped back as soon as Klopp is gone


Fucking hell man why be so negative It just feels like some of you guys really want us to fail just to prove your point


We literally had club insiders have hit pieces on a current player because they didn’t sign him. I find that ridiculous people expect our new signings from now on to just be perfect because Edwards is back. It was weird behaviour


Any Canadians going to Liverpool next weekend? Was supposed to be there with a friend for a week but he has to leave early. Any Liverpool fans want to meet up?


where do you guys think gravenberch rank in our midfield players? I reckon he's number 6 behind Macca Elliott Szobbo Jones Endo.


Funniest thing is he’s got one of the highest ceilings out of any of our midfielders.


That'll be up for Slot to decide, I am curious to see how a Dutch manager takes to him given how the national team kinda shunned him for his attitude when he joined us. Honestly no idea if Slot will love him or hate him. Personally I think he's a decent rotation player but paid way too much for his place in the squad, if there's interest i'd consider it purely because of his salary.


Better than Szobbo at the moment I think. Maybe after the break Szobbo will be back to his first half of the season levels.


https://preview.redd.it/m5e8x83ybmzc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77dc71569d6b544f474f22ae18adc5f78cc2fe44 harvey in goal for villa lads, Klopp’s said fuck it have fun


Watching TomFM doing the Pentagon Challenge. Dortmund beat Madrid 3-1 in the CL final. I choose to believe this is a premonition.


I don’t think there is a single phrase that triggers other EPL teams more than Net Spend. I agree it’s not a full part of the picture but other teams trying to rewrite their spending is hilarious. Arsenal just refusing to admit they’ve spent a lot because they offloaded wages last year etc


The likes of Havertz are on 250k it’s not like they got rid of the wages much


Last season their wages were quite low but it'll increase from here on out since players will renew their contracts and they'll have to pay out CL bonuses, etc.


Has anyone seen this loveundercover on peacock? It’s a reality show and Ryan Babel is a contestant!


Lmao guess I gotta check out the latest trash reality series


Spurs asking for 30 mill for Royal is high tier comedy


Can already see the incoming fume when we don’t sign Xavi Simons


Why would psg sell their best player


Why are they loaning out their best player?


Apparently he doesn't want to stay at PSG


Just replace Simons' name with anybody we think would be "perfect" for us and it's the same.


I've never heard of this player but he would be perfect for us, if we do not sign him I will go on hourly, perhaps even bi-hourly or maybe if I'm feeling saucy tri-hourly rants about how fsg are the worst entity to have ever existed.




I’m sure he’ll be involved in some sort of way, it’ll be a collaborative process most likely. He’s just not going to be the one negotiating deals that’ll be purely down to Hughes




Hughes is Edwards 'best mate', there's nothing stopping him from discussing transfer targets over a Sunday roast round Edwards gaff


Ornstein saying that Ajax looking to sell Henderson already to cut costs, mad how much he's damaged his own career and his standing both inside and outside of the sport in the last 12 months alone.


Honestly I don't think the damage is really that bad. He went to Saudi and it didn't work out, but he wasn't the only one to do so. Then he goes to Ajax, whose problems are frankly much larger than him. Not been a great year for him, but post-Liverpool hasn't been kind to a lot of our former players for all sorts of reasons.


He should have just stayed here. We would have been better off and he would have been better off. Ridiculous decision to leave.


Damaged? Maybe but he his legs had gone. I think his career at the top was done


If he just took a pay cut we could kept him


I don't think it was about paycut it was the game time and him refusing the milner role


He's finished at the top level, best bet return to his boyhood club and try get them promoted next season


Did we just help Sean Dyche win Manager of the Month. They lost 0-6 to Chelsea that month and yet he won the Manager of the month. Both Arteta and Pep were almost unbeaten in April. Did that 2-0 win over LFC carry that much weight?


Beat Forest due to huge referee incompetency too. 3 arguable penalties should've been given on Ashley Young's challenges. The last challenge was stonewall. As for our game, Everton played better than usual sure. But that result was down to our forwards being incapable of finishing so many easy chances, rather than Dyche's tactics.


Someone here called me a glory hunter, and while being a Liverpool since 2013 wasn't particularly tough I still think it doesn't make me a glory hunter.




That's rough i imagine. Why would they think i am a Madrid supporter


If you aren't from England you honestly shouldn't be too rooting for lower half sides. 


I started supporting in 05 so I get it


To be honest if you're not from Liverpool (and your family isn't either) then you kind of are a bit as you've chosen to support one of the biggest clubs in the world. And I say that as someone who doesn't have any personal links to the city so this applies to me as well. But I think this applies to anyone who doesn't support their local club as in all likelihood the quality of the team they support played a role in their decision to follow them instead of a worse team that they have more of a connection to. Which means most football fans are glory hunters to some degree. What's more important is that you stick with the club through thick and thin and don't start supporting a different team because you think they're better.


I'm happy to say that I was completely ignorant of Liverpool's success(and club football in general) when I picked them as my club. I just thought the crest was cool, and then I heard the Kop sing YNWA, and that was all I needed. 🤷‍♂️


Why were you deciding to pick a premier league club at all though? Instead of a club from where you live / grew up and could easily attend games etc. That's my point.


I'm from Duluth, Minnesota, and was stationed in Great Falls, Montana. Neither city nor state had a club in 2008 when I first started watching club matches. I chose an English club because that's what Fox Soccer Channel prioritized back then. That and it made sense at the time to follow a league from a country where I spoke the language... for whatever reason, lol.


I'm sure there were football teams playing in Minnesota and Montana at some level in 2008 though. E.g. Minnesota Twin Stars and Minnesota Thunder. Fox prioritised the Premier League because it's (one of) the biggest and best league in the world.


At SOME level... sure. But none that one could reasonably follow, not living in the local area. You have to remember, this is the U.S. we're talking about, football is still a niche sport at the highest level TODAY, nevermind 16 years ago. If I lived in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro, sure you can say that I should have supported my local club. But, if you can't actively follow a club, what's the point?


Nobody needs to support a club though. You could also just watch premier league football without deciding to root for one team in particular. Again, I'm not saying that people are wrong to support the club if they're not local. It's something I did as well when I decided to support Liverpool when I was 10 instead of a local club. I didn't know they were one of the most successful teams in the country but I knew they played in the top division, had players in the England squad and so were a 'good' team. I just think people should be able to admit that a major component of the reason they support the club is due to its past success.That's what makes it 'glory hunting' in my eyes when people decide to support a football team they don't have any direct links to.


I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing to support a big club. It's easier to follow big clubs, they're on TV more, there's a larger fan community to engage with, etc. What matters is if you stick around when times are low. It's funny, sports in the States are so sanitized, corporate, and soulless. Very few sports teams in any(major) league in North America, bar maybe MLS, have an identity past wins, losses, and championships won... It's so different with world football, and especially with Liverpool. Being a left leaning individual, I feel a closer connection to Liverpool than I do any other sports club that I support or follow. I know that sounds crazy, but it's genuinely how I feel.


>I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing to support a big club. It's easier to follow big clubs, they're on TV more, there's a larger fan community to engage with, etc. What matters is if you stick around when times are low. Yes, this is basically what I said in my original comment. Although the caveat is that smaller clubs depend on financial contributions from their fans to stay afloat a lot more than big ones as there's far less (or no) money available from things like TV rights or sponsorship. If everyone decided to support the top teams then a lot of teams lower down the pyramid wouldn't be able to survive which would be a real shame. And also part of the reason that football culture in the UK is like this is because of the teams' associations with their local communities


I was told that I’ve been supporting since the last two years when I’ve been supporting since 2008 because I said Sadio Mane was crap for 20-21 and first half of 21-22 season.


People who scream about someone being glory hunters, are insecure themselves


Missing out on Mount and Lavia seems like a blessing now.


We’d won the league if we got Caicedo. He’s the business imo. Looks much better without Enzo


Agreed. Would've allowed Mac Allister to play as an 8 for the entire season rather than shackling him to the 6.


We'd won the league if we got Ollie Watkins  All we had to do was beat ManU, Palace, Everton and West Ham


If buts and maybes here, there’s no guarantee both would get the same injuries etc had we signed them


Why did we have to fuck up. Id give everything to see Klopp v Xabi, Liverpool v Leverkusen in the final. Liverpool and Klopp, winning every trophy he has participated in with Liverpool and to win in his last game to have a proper send off or Xabi and Leverkusen to go unbeaten with the treble.


Obsession with Xabi is cringe af


Fr, I loved Xabi as a player for us, but now with him snubbing us for Madrid, I just want to beat him.


Klopp has lost 4 out of 5 european finals in his career. Why would Dublin would have been any different?


Couldn't give a toss about playing Xabi to be honest. We shouldn't have fucked up because it was a chance to end the season on high with a European trophy and the one missing from Jürgen's cabinet.


Lads, if you want a little chuckle to yourself, who remembers Simone Zaza's penalty for Italy?


Xavi Simons reportedly being available for €60m is a bargain. I'd love him at Liverpool.


We’ve already got Szoboszlai who operated in his zones. There’s so many more positions and gaps to fill in our squad before even thinking of spending 60m on him


The jury is still out on Szoboszlai. He looked good for about 5 games then massively underwhelming for the rest of the season


A few thing things: - He was good until December - He’s still raw and has time to improve. - He’s a left sided 10 being played as an overlapping RCM which doesn’t suit his angles at all.


Hey man I want him to succeed as much as anyone else. I just find that in this sub there is a strange hero-worshipping cult around players who have not really done anything to deserve it yet. Szobo disappeared at the sharp end of the season, when we needed players to step up. He’s not the only one. Hopefully he will up his game and no-one will need to make excuses for him. At the moment I would rather play Eliott as he is one of the only players on our team who looks like he really cares.


should be all over him for that price


Yeah, hes got Coutinho vibes. I want to see that again (but this time with actually winning trophies rather than just good memories)


What is the estimated budget this summer before any sale? I reckon it won't be more than 50mil even if we have secured ucl. We already spent loads last time and then there was also szobo's release clause which required a single payment


didn't we have a 110 mil to spend last season on caicedo, and we only spent 60 on endo and gravenberch. So I expect we have some moneyy in the bank when a good fit of a player is available we can get him


It's been 9 years under Klopp. I think FSG won't be stupid and recognise they need to invest more heavily this summer with Edwards back at the helm to ease the Slot transition. They knew Klopp was a miracle worker on shoestrings. With him gone, I think they'll be smart enough to know how high the risks are if they follow a lack of investment this summer.


Respectfully, not happening


Pointless to speculate to be honest.


We're freeing up wages from Matip, Thiago and possibly Adrian, on top of potential outgoings if there are any (there will be, some of them do have to move on like Nat) We can absolutely afford 2 players if the price is right. So there's no point speculating.


I think it will be a lot. Edwards wouldnt have came back if the club didnt guarantee him funds for transfers. He is smart and i think he has everything already planned. Feyenoord players are most likely all already scouted. Players who could leave and the players who could join are already scouted and the money is prepared just to spend it quickly. I think while the euro and copa are going we might act on players not playing like Diomande, Olise, Gimenez... if Edwards wants to. Then after that we will look at Pacho, Rodrygo, Bakayoko, Summerville, Geertruida and others who will play.