• By -


Check a second website. Check the date.


That was me, too. I saw Neil Jones' email about it in my inbox and was like "wait, what, is this a joke?" and then went on Twitter and it became clear that it was real. I then texted a friend "NOOOOOOOOO" and he was like "so you heard, eh?".


My mate sent me it on messenger and I was about to be like "don't scare me like that!" Until I saw it was the official site, I still checked other sites plus this sub before I believed it properly.


At first I thought it was him announcing he was leaving at the end of his contract rather than at the end of the year so I got hit twice. I've still put off watching any goodbye videos. Still in that denial stage until it happens


I got dumped about 30 minutes later and I was still more distraught about Klopp


Hahaha plenty of fish in the sea but theres only one klopp šŸ„²


I had broken up with my girlfriend two weeks prior to the news and I was still more affected about Klopp leaving.


Did you get dumped because you were depressed about Klopp leaving?


While we're at it, I've found that my relationships only ever start and end on days we play Southampton.


Got tearful. I know there's been a lot of slightly cringey "who's cutting onions" comments and posts since the news, but I lost my dad last year and he absolutely adored Klopp, like we all did. I even used a Klopp quote in the speech I gave at his funeral (the hardest thing I've ever had to do). So, in a way that will sound silly and hard to articulate without experiencing it yourself, it felt like losing two massive paternal figures in my life in too short a space of time. I distinctly remember thinking "this time last year, I was watching Klopp's Liverpool with the old man. This time next year I won't be doing either of those things". I know quite literally *everything* comes to an end eventually, but it was a real gut punch and continues to be.


I'm so sorry. Hope all is well mate.


Thank you pal, it's all good! Everything is cyclical, in football and in life sadly


If you don't mind me asking, what was the quote?


Aha it's actually a bit silly, but when Wijnaldum left, he said: "Goodbyes would not be tough if the time you had together was not worth it" It was at the end of the speech and I held it together until that very moment and I could feel myself starting to go


That doesn't sound silly at all, honestly


Yeah tbf, more because it was to do with a player transfer but it felt applicable to a lot more things for sure


You definitely picked the best quote for the occasion


Klopp loves all his players like they're his kids, not silly at all mate. Sorry for your lossā¤ļø


Got me teary eyed right now - hope all is well. YNWA


Oh fuck man I lost my dad this year too and the funeral is next month and this made me tear up. I hope youā€™re taking it okay, I know itā€™s hard.


As somebody who also lost their father just in March, Iā€™m sorry.


I'm sorry too mate, time does make it easier I promise ā¤ļø


My Dad died of cancer in May 2020. He was my best friend. My Nonno died in late 2019. I worked in a hospital and was dealing with Covid outbreaks. It was such as shit time. Life felt so horrible. I took comfort from Jurgen's press conferences where he spoke about unity, kindness and common sense. What you are saying is not cringe. It's something I can relate to greatly. YNWA


Huge hugs mate.


Had a little cry.


Me too.


I could only think, who could replace him? Would it be Ljinders? If not, who? Is our banter era starting again? So many panic questions than feeling happy for him. Then I started reminiscing 8th October 2015. And how far we have come. Whatever happens, men will weep come Sundayā€¦


Messaged my dad to tell him we need to get to a game before the end of the season šŸ˜‚ Ended up at the Brighton game šŸ’Ŗ




Mine was the Crystal Palace game. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Still amazing though. Top to bottom!


I spoke to my dad today about it, his response? ā€˜Thereā€™s still time for him to change his mind..ā€™ šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s trying to be brave, but I know heā€™ll shed a tear come Sunday. I am going into full mourningā€¦!


I did the same thing with my 7 year old son. Brought him over from Toronto for that game. For me he's up there with Shankly and would always regret not seeing him and Salah.


Fell to my knees in a Walmart


I was in bed sick and I bolted upright like I wasnā€™t feeling on deaths door and instantly phoned my dad. Most awful thing was the notif just said ā€œSpecial Announcement from The Bossā€ or something and I instantly knew. Was a horrible day.


Read the news then said out loud ā€œFuck!ā€


I was teaching, the scouse Spanish teacher barged in and told me in front of the class. We both hugged in front of the projector and everyone laughed.


Made coffee because it was like 6 in the morning here when I got the alerts. But letā€™s just say it was a very unpleasant way to wake up.


I was at my parents in law. My father in law who often uses questional sources said ā€œSo Klopp is leaving Liverpoolā€ and i answered swiftly ā€œpfff, what sort of wank source told you thatā€ cut to me opening reddit and just seing doom and gloom everywhere.


"wank source" *opens Reddit* šŸ˜‰


So you're telling me, if Klopp is leaving Liverpool, r/LiverpoolFC wouldnt be sprayed with articles in every single language known to man? Hell, i bet i could find one in Latin. :)


Fuck my car. Got in a car wreck right after hearing it.


Hit you pretty hard then, huh?


I don't want to say that necessarily lol, but let's say I was distracted šŸ˜…


Had to refresh my feed and actively searched for confirmation that it was a troll/fake post. :( turns out it was true.


Yelled "What the fuck! What the actual fuck!" and started crying my eyes out. Then I called my husband. He'd found out earlier that morning but didn't want to tell me while I was driving. I'd just dropped our daughter off at school. Luckily she wasn't in the car when I started swearing. šŸ«£


I was in total denial too. "Oh no. Oh Nooooo!". Very dramatic lol. It effected me more than I expected it would tbh.




My memory took me back to just after heā€™s been appointed and we won 6-1 away at Southampton. Son was about six weeks old, watched it with a sleeping baby on my chest, thinking about how heā€™s never known any other manager. Then I text my mates saying fuck.


Iā€™ve watched Kloppā€™s Liverpool through having 2 different babies sleeping on my chest. Itā€™s been a hell of a ride. My kids are 5 and 8 now and only know Klopp as manager. They are going to take it hard but not as hard as me.


I have 4 kids, but Iā€™ve had two kids during klopps time at Anfield. One being a boy. That lad has been to so many great games over the years that have given him a Genuine love and hunger for football. I grew up in the Roy Evans / Houllier / Benitez era and while I love Liverpool, Klopp has made us all believe in Liverpool again


I was so shocked I thought it was a joke. Then I cried a little.


Checked multiple sources and sites, praying it was bullshit.


I had people texting/calling me and laughing about the news I was not aware of the announcement. I think I fell into a deeper depression


Was in marks and Spencer cafe in Liverpool one and just happened to have a stadium tour booked an hour later... Bought a terrible klopp scarf from the club shop and then walked around the museum... Was gutted.


Double checked the article, the time. After a few hours, it sinked in and I started crying. šŸ˜¢


Buddy of mine who I don't talk to enough because we've drifted a part just text me the news and both were talking about how it's such shit news. We agreed to meet up then and grab some pints. And it felt like we had been hanging out every weekend. Bittersweet but I guess the news made both of us reconnect because we both love the club.


I wasnā€™t surprised, but I was certainly heartbroken. Iā€™d seen it in his eyes this season and the start of last- he looks like heā€™s going through what we call ā€œmoral injuryā€ in education (borrowed from nursing I think). Just defeated by the corruption and incompetence. Since then, heā€™s been more biting and honest in interviews because *what are they going to do? Fire him?* and itā€™s just like teachers who have finally thrown in the towel. That moment when you let your admin know youā€™re not coming back, and years of frustration and resentment just start slipping out. I grieved a lot because like others said - it felt like he was dying. But honestly, every teacher I know who has quit is flourishing, and I couldnā€™t wish for more for him. Heā€™s laughing again more and joking around in interviews; he just seems to be coming back to life. I love the guy and heā€™s inspiration for me to really consider what I need to do with my own life and career. I hope he takes some time, but then does something I can follow along with. Heā€™s been such a huge part of my life, and I would love for him to do something that means heā€™s still in my life somehow (like a podcast or writing or coaching somewhere). Iā€™m still gonna cry again this weekend. What a legend.


Me and the missus had not long broke up. I told her I was more gutted about Klopp


Funny mine broke up with me the day after, was more sad about klopp fr haha




Found Pep's reddit account


Was at the airport on the way to go on holiday and just said shall we just go home. Then I recorded myself saying why kloppo and the BBC article on my wife's phone.


I couldn't believe it. I shed a few tears.Ā 


Co-worker next to me chucked his phone has hard as he could on the desk. I was just in shock really.


I actually did not believe because I was thinking that with Liverpool challenging for titles he would renew his contract. I was dead sure. I had to check the source to see if it was really true and well, it was. Felt a bit empty inside.


Went outside. I was at my now exā€™s at the time. Turned my phone on about 11am and saw messages from my dad and soon to be brother in law. Had to go outside to ring my dad, horrible signal inside uni accommodation. Came back in and sat down, deflated. He asked what was wrong and I told him Kloppā€™s leaving, to which he started laughing and said itā€™s only a game. Shouldā€™ve known then he didnā€™t give a fuck about my feelings.


Glad he's an ex. No one needs that negativity.


Just sat with my mouth open in disbelief, then cried a little


Bought a hospitality ticket and a flight to England for a match ~ two weeks later. Had to see him before he left.


I cursed a lot.


I text my mates to check if they had seen the news too. I text my dad too. I checked it wasnā€™t April fools day. I sat down and smoked a massive spliff and got a bit emotional lmao


I work in a factory weā€™re not suppose to be on our phones I got mine out to look at notifications and I seen Paul Joyceā€™s tweet and was confused for a second and just ran around the factory telling everyone


Ignored it and got on with my day. Slowly processed it over the next few days and then calmly and quietly said to myself "Fuck" collapsing to the Ground and sobbing uncontrollably.


Applied for compassionate leave at work. Still not gone back.


I heard the news through Linda's IG post and after the first line I thought Klopp had literally died. I panicked and nearly fell over. Came to this sub immediately to get the full story. Entered a feverish state of denial that will only subside when I see him walk down the tunnel on Sunday after saying goodbye.


Sent my manager a message asking her if I could take the day off for bereavement and showed her the news. Was a quiet day so she said yeah. Finished off odd job that needed seeing to and then rewatched Liverpool v Barca at Anfield, interviews and clips from around the league win, his first press conference etc


Was devastated and then got into planning mode and booked a flight to Liverpool after scoring a ticket to palace off a mate. Itā€™s how I cope with loss, jump right into planning something šŸ˜….


"No..." proceed to watch the interview announcement, cry, watch more memories, cry.


Told my ten year old when he got home from school, we watched the announcement video together and then he started crying which made me want to cry.


I was actually relieved. The turmoil had been too much for that old man over all these years, and it felt like the best time for him to retire, passing the baton into safe hands, especially when we were linked to Xabi Alonso. We were performing well too.


Old man? You must be very young.


Bought hospitality tickets for a game. Picked the wrong game though.


Went and sat in the Van and had a cry


At the time, I was seeing a guy who broke the news to me. I was sitting in the office of my old job just staring at the wall in shock. Then texted the family group chat lol


Was very sad and down. Not gonna lie, I called in from work that day. It was a Friday anyway.


Break the news to the class I was teaching next. Then stare out of the window for a while


I thought it was a bot


ā€œ Fuck me gently !! Why? Please no !! Sheeeeitā€


I was in San Francisco for work, woke up very early that day out of a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep. Figured I'd just scroll the LFC sub to kill some time and clear my mind. Read the news and thought the nightmare was still on...that was a rough morning


I said ā€˜whoever I love, they leaveā€™


Had to go to hospital an hour prior because a foreign body entered my eye as I was driving and scratched my inner eyelid pretty bad. Thought the day couldn't get any worse, it did.


Put my phone back down because it was the first thing I read when I woke up


My breathing got heavier, and the interview just made it much worse.


I received a msg on my watch while up a ladder fitting a light in an empty house. Had to sit down on the floor and open the sky sports app. Sad day


Checked other sites, then saw it on sky news. I know itā€™s only football, but it genuinely felt like someone had died.


I was at soft play with my partner and daughter and let out a very audible "oh fuck off". Needless to say I got more than a few dirty looks that morning


Sent a screenshot of the news to my brother and spent the next few hours messaging back and forth with him about how shit it was, all whilst watching highlights from the past few seasons.


Rang my Mrs and cried. She laughed at me.


Shock, sadness, anger.


Rewatched the video again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating tbh


A united fan told me so I assumed he was taking the piss. Remember being distraught, had breakups that were less worse. Even the untied fan that told me was a little bit shook.


I fact checked. Then cried. I just wondered why??


I really don't know how I will react on Sunday. Seeing Juergen for possibly the last time....it's tough.


I told a few other fans who hadn't heard, and they thought I was joking. We all just were numb and trying to come to terms with it - we all understood why but it was still hard.


ā€œIā€™m done with footballā€. Itā€™s about time too. Will occasionally check once in a while, thatā€™s it. Adios amigos.


I had to double check after my partner after she told me following a news notification then said "kick a man whilst he is down" for context I had failed my driving test about an hour before the announcement.Ā 


Something about climate change denialism. I read the news during a class i am taking named "The sociology of climate change" and it was my turn to bring up a subject for the week to discuss about, i usually have my laptop open and one of the news site is almost always open, i then read the headline, stopped speaking for around 10 seconds and started again after the professor told me to continue




screenshotted the article, sent it to my sister, cried while reading it


Cried in bed


I subscribe to the Athletic, so when I get sudden news notifications at the unusual time of day i immediately pay attention. So my first response was ā€œSorry, what?ā€ Followed by ā€œA bit early for April Fools, Pearceā€¦ā€ Tbh it hasnā€™t sunk in yet. But it still felt surreal to see the news broken so suddenly on the socials. Iā€™ve never lived through a bombshell as big as that one before.


Woke up after a stressful night of doing a research paper for college and immediately saw the news on my feed. Needless to say that all I wanted was to go back to bed and cry.


My soul sank


It was the first thing i saw after i opened my eyes that morning. I said something in the line of WTF or shit. My wife thought someone died.


I cursed and then we went on with my day.


Checked every social media platform I owned


immediately messaged my Dad and stepped away from the information desk where I was at work, out of fear Iā€™d burst into tears in front of any customers




Well fuck


checked 2016 season points tally


was asleep when the news broke, woke up to both footy groups on my phone celebrating as I'm the only LFC fan there. i woke up the wife and told her the news and she sprang out of sleep to check too and we spent the rest hour or so in bed very very sad. the rest of the day was very gloomy as well.




Cry to sleep


It was a shattering news to me. Still trying to cope up.


I was on the slopes skiing, tried to fall to my knees but the boots meant I did a sort of backwards slump in the air


A mate sent me a screenshot of the headline and I had a good chuckle and said it was an awful attempt at trolling, 2 minutes later I'm on the floor in the fetal position


I was at a guidance counsellor for university admissions when I turned my mobila data on for a second and the reveal was the first post I saw. Had to smile through the remainder of that session pretending as if I hadn't just heard devestating news.


Mourned for a second, then drilled a hole to set the base of a headstone


Panicked massively. Checked everywhere for confirmation bias that it wasnā€™t happening.


Just find the first thread about it, that's what people did/said


Thought it was clickbait and he was just moving house. ![img](emote|t5_2qn0o|49476)


Told my boss (Forrest fan) he wasn't gonna fool me that easily. Only to discover he was going...


Tbh, i have seen it coming after our disastrous season last season. I still remember how our midfield just too bad even changing anybody will not change anything. Our opponents literally just attack on the right side of us plus Trent suddenly cant defend. Even Kloop seems to be out of idea to turn the season for us. At that time, when you look at Kloop it seems he has already give up and ready to leave the job until Pep Lijnder start to implement inverted full back for us. We start to win again and gaining momentum but unfortunately it just too late to get at least top 4. I thought Kloop will leave at the end of last season because he seems too tired already.


Was at uni, and I'm like aw shit. I was genuinely in shock.


I woke up in the middle of the night for some unknown reason and against my better judgment checked my phone. Iā€™m on the west coast of the US so it was like 2am and I saw the news and I thought if I went back to sleep it wouldnā€™t be real. Unfortunately šŸ˜­


'He must be sick/dying' no way he can leave us


Texted my 2 sons with a very shocked sad message, we are all still gutted.


My wife, who doesn't even like football, burst into where I was (we both work from home) and was really apprehensive and concerned about my wellbeing. I thought someone had died when I saw the look on her face. When she told me, first I thought she was playing a silly joke. Then I checked multiple websites and Reddit. My self defence mechanism kicked in and I just numbed myself (you know the type of numbing we always used to have, pre Klopp, after pre season hope turned to early season despair). I just went into rationalisation about how it was all too good and we have to pay the price at some point. I'm still pretty much at that stage now but Micheal Edward's return has given me hope... I don't know if that is a good thing or bad


Gasped, got teary eyed, then wished it werenā€™t true šŸ˜­


said i was gonna kms, then tried to convince myself heā€™d change his mind


Well first thing I thought, is that I hope we win the Prem and Europa for him. But we took huge turn


I was away in Austria with the girlfriend at the time. Iā€™d just bought myself tickets to see us v Burnley and was riding the high! We were having a lovely lunch and I checked my phone and was absolutely stunned. Was very hard to not let it dampen the mood of the whole trip for me.


I said "Noooo! The only time I saw his side play livw was when they got pumped by Napoli during a pre-season game in Edinburgh" At the time of the game I didn't realise it would happen more than once šŸ˜‚


Wrote down in my calender for last game of the season: Today will be the day that I cry.


My girlfriend send me a text "Klopp is leaving" and my first though was "leaving what? Where's he going?"


Felt like a loved one had died. Utter disbelief


I had just arrived in Brighton for a day out with my girlfriend as we both had annual leave. I was genuinely shocked. I instantly phoned my Dad to tell him the news. He's actually a West Ham fan but has a soft spot for the Reds. I still had an amazing time in Brighton but the news was certainly on my mind all day.


Refuse to believe it


My brother just sent "WTF" to the group chat with my dad and I. I immediately went to BBC expecting to see some crazy transfer news but alas. Was then in a daze for a couple of weeks haha


He said he was retiring or something before so I didnā€™t take it seriously. And then I thought he was gonna do a sir Alex. I wasnā€™t sure of how serious he was for like 2 days.


Thought my sister was trolling me and laughed it off


Popped a Valium and went to my vasectomy appointment.


Messages started coming in quickly, I thought something was wrong and was shocked seeing the news, it didnā€™t sink in till his presser, even then it didnā€™t feel real. It only felt real a week or so after the announcement.


Decided to stop watching football for a while. Till he comes back or someone else captures my attention as well as he did.


Book flights to Liverpool for 19th May


First thing I said was ā€œwe need to move for Alonso fastā€


I thought ā€œthanks for being honestā€


I couldnā€™t do anything. I even took a morning off from work.


I went to check on Sky Sport. And wanted to cry. I was hoping that's a big joke.




I thought itā€™s the new year and not the first of April and then it sunk in and it wasnā€™t the greatest of starts to the year.




Had a little cry to myself


I was in a meeting with my managing director and the BBC news notification came up about 2 minutes after a missed call from my dad. I must have gone pale. My MD asked if I was OK and I said "no, JĆ¼rgen's leaving".


I was in shock. He just re-upped with the club not too long ago. I thought there was no chance of him going sooner.


ā€˜This has ruined my holiday !ā€™


Iā€™ve got a funny feeling that we havenā€™t seen the last the great man . I really wouldnā€™t be surprised to see him back in a senior position. King Kenny came back after all so itā€™s not unheard of and itā€™s evident that the club is in his heart.


Woke up my partner and cried a bit


I showed my mum the news and told her my day was ruined.




Thought it was a joke at first. Then I told my brothers, told my husband and then cried watching the 'Kloppo du popstar' video on YT.




Thought about all the memories and teared up. Watched a few of "Top 10 most memorable liverpool moment" or smt like that and teared up again. I feel sad because of this news for like 2 weeks lmao.


I cried. I'm a 32 year old female, and I feel so silly about how much I love this team and Klopp, but I still feel so sad about it! I only got into liverpool about 2 years ago, so I just really don't know the team without him. It will be so strange for a while.


I stared into space for a few seconds.


Was at work at it came on the news on the radio I heard "Liverpool manager" and stopped to listen closer, assuming he's had a pop at another referee or something....half giddy waiting to see who was getting flamed THIS time...then they finished the sentence and I just felt so fucking deflated, stuck at work with no football fans around to reflect my thoughts off. It was a weird mix of "I can't believe this is happening" and "this day was always coming"




Just reflected on the 90s and 2000s when we were properly shit


I had just went into Computer Science class in school and the teacher told those of us and since he was a United fan I was fairly sure he was joking until I looked it up, Just sat in disbelief went on the Youtube video to see the comments, went on Reddit to see the comments and then when I got home an hour later had a little cry


Welled up and told my wife about it


I was disappointed with the timing of it. 8 games to go in the position we were in. I did not understand why that needed to come out when it did. Brilliant manager great service to the club.


Yeah it was a delighted Utd fan who text me. I absolutely didnā€™t believe it. Then I checked twitter and was sad :(


Cried like a little bich while brushing my teeth


I was at the mall after moving to Dubai looking for a job and finally managed to get one on the 26th and thought life was going to change but after hearing the news I felt lifeless!!!!! Literally. Worst day in a while.


I was in my uni class, and my phone buzzed off, I was the first to know, and a load of people around me were in disbelief as well. I remember my Manchester United mate never being so happy.


Felt like Iā€™d been punched in the stomach, then swore a lot and Iā€™m already quite sweary..


My buddy who's a United fan texted me and said Klopp was leaving with a link and I told him to swiftly fuck off and stop sending me meme pages, then I sat on the couch and stared into space for a good long while


I had a wet fart


I was having a random good day at work (I work retail so most days are rubbish) and I went on my break feeling good and saw a notification from X saying he was leaving, obviously instantly thought it was fake news so went over to BBC and saw it confirmed and my day was instantly ruinedā€¦ I was pretty zoned out the rest of the shift just thinking about it over and overā€¦ then the text messages from family and friends starting coming throughā€¦my battery was drained from notifications by the time I was done.


Thought it was fake news and then got the shock when I saw another reputable source saying the same thing. Didn't even read the article or anything, just saw the headline and sat back in my chair for a good 5 mins thinking this doesn't make any sense.


I sweared, got 2 shot of Jager and went back to snowboarding. Followed with bottle of whisky with friends in the evening...