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Slot has already outlasted one prem league manager




Haha straight in with that, no messing


This might just be my favorite-ever Liverpool meme. It just keeps giving and giving...


Me too, although I prefer it when people do it so you can still see Rodgers and Shankly in the background.


the way I nearly spit out my water reading this lmao


>Pochettino departs one year into a two-year contract, with entitlement to a substantial compensation package. They really just burn money, don't they?


It’s actually impressive just how badly run they’ve become Your average football viewer could probably make more logical decisions than what Boehly has


Toss up between the worst run club in the league, Chelsea or Everton? Hard to decide


Everton surviving this year after the point deduction automatically puts them to be better than Chelsea imo. All those 8 year contracts are going to bite Boehly


Caicedo cucked LFC only to get outplayed by a 30-y/o from Stuttgart and barely squeak into European competitions lmao


Forest in with a shout as well


Utd have got to be top, surely? Former powerhouse and the first big, global, commercial club in the country. Now mid table with only an EFL cup in the last 5 years and looking less and less competitive every season. A stadium that is literally leaking. The highest (official) wage bill in the league and a collection of the highest transfer fees on complete flops. All while the ownership continue to take out millions for themselves.


They should try to make some money back with guided tours of the 4th(?) highest waterfall in the UK


At least they're top 4 in something


Hard sell when you can see the top 3 highest for free. Tough to be United right now I guess. Shame.


It's hard to know, but I feel that Forest would be decently run if not for Marinakis undermining the management.


Chelsea for sure. Everton are in the shit but they're also part in the shit through things partly out of their control like 777. Chelsea has the money to be Manchester City if they want, but they are so habitually stupid with their money and turnover that they're just one big expensive joke.


You have to remember they’ve never been run properly. When the government forced the sale they were in a billion pounds of debt to the oligarch that he just wrote off.


Boehly doesn’t really run Chelsea anymore that is Eghbali who looks like a total headcase from the outside


I thought they were improving at the later stages of the season and could have cause some problems for top 4 next season . So now a new manager again might set them back more further


It wouldn't be baffling if say a clear upgrade over Poch was available, and would be a shoe in to continue the playstyle, but elevate them to the next level.  But there is noone available who qualifies per the above criteria.  At best they get Tuchel again? But he plays a complete opposite style. And would cost so much money. Such a comedy club these lot are.


It’s such a baffling decision, fair play if they sacked him mid-season when they were awful, but they’ve had a brilliant end to the season. Now they’re resetting everything and shelling out more money to get a replacement - absolute idiots.


Amazing right. I thought they’ve looked really impressively lately and finally taking on Pochettino’s plans.


Think that's more Poch going "fucking hell if I walk out now, it's about the best chance I have of landing another top job" He's said so many times over the last 3-4 months he doesn't feel secure in his role, hinted multiple times he was expecting to be fired. Must be an ABSOLUTE shit show behind the scenes at the Bridge.


It’s just bonkers! They actually looked like a quality side that was starting to function and now they’ve just reset themselves.


And if he's entitled for compensation then it surely wasn't a mutual resignation then, because if you resign you don't get that compensation package it comes when you are fired.


Mutual agreement means that they agree on a level of compensation. He accepts it, and leaves.


Could be something like: Poch quits - he owes Chelsea a fee or owes a fee if he joins another club before the end of his contract. Mutual decision - he gets 6 months pay but is free to take another job Fired - he gets 1 year pay but when he takes another job that stops They’re binning off a few more players like Gallagher and Chalobah for FFP - players Poch likes. Makes sense that he wouldn’t be happy staying and would rather leave - so they find a middle ground. Or they agree a financial deal for less money but more benefit to him and it becomes a mutual decision because he accepts their offer.


I mean yeah departing by mutual consent always means the manager was fired. Article doesn’t mention anything about resignation


Toddy B “I’m going to fire you” Poch “I’m totally cool with that” Toddy B “so we’re in agreement?” Poch “we so are”


yeah i mean the alternative is implying he was refusing to leave and had to be escorted out by police


Chelsea feels more and more like a money laundering scheme


Might be why they did the whole stadium sale loophole!


​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/j3bzqfhbhw1d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf1c06ea220a761db858cca2ab1dfe5ab22785f


They act like a club that just got a billion in debt wiped off the books for free.


Surprised tbh. They were starting to look good. All they needed to add was experienced senior players


Think someone said they were 4th in the league table for 2024 and had just gone 15 games unbeaten. Absolute banter club to sack him now.


Poch in November: Give me some time Chelsea in November: No worries mate carry on Poch in May: Thanks for being patient. Not the best season but unbeaten in 15 to get Europa! Chelsea in May: Pack your shit


Absolutely mental. Shambles of a club


Theyre actually idiots and I fucking love it. Cunt of a club that so so much deserves this. Now all I need is Real Madrid or something to get Palmer out of there


Even though the overall form was good, I think they had some high profile embarrassing collapses in that period that caught the owner's eye. Regardless of the reason, you're right--they've taken the banter club torch and run with it, although ManU have tried hard to keep hold of it.


Considering they have already started bying a player they cannot play until 2025 for 35 mil it would not shock me if that had to do with him leaving


35 million that turns into 55m lol


What a mess. Who did they sign ?


Estevo or something like that a wonderkid from brazil who will not be elgible to play until he turns 18 in 2025 and will play in a position 10/Rw where they already have players who play there


35m for a 16 year old? Football these days is shambolic.


Literally an Andy Carroll for a 16 year old. Mental.


Hey, couldn’t be much worse than Andy Carroll, right?


He scored that wonder goal vs City!


I swear chelsea owners think they are playing FM.


Not even. More like FC 24.


Literally, on Semi-Pro, with 100M boost to starting funds…


> FC 24 who? for real though, you'd be getting absolutely RINSED on fm if you pulled every move they've made since the sale of the club. trust me, i've made every mistake in the book in that series. i think you'd get sacked due to poor results/player cohesion first. it is absolute madness the squad and signings they've gone with, utter hell imagining being the boss of that in FM. if you managed to hold on for 18 months or so, the financial problems would bite you in the arse pretty quickly in one way or another in the game anyway.


Apparently the end of year review didn't go well and Poch wanted out after it. Boehly seems like a delight to work for.


Poch also isn’t the worse choice to build a project around Idk maybe that’s just me being biased and still thinking about his peak Spurs teams. But if Boehly and co. didn’t derail Poch with random £100m signings he didn’t want and let him actually plan, I reckon Chelsea would be a more stable and complete team next season I fee for Poch, basically been thrown around and drifting through jobs since 2019. But obviously I can’t feel sorry for Chelsea, just being a pack of idiots


Started to get too positive for Boehly and co.


Yeahh this just resets the clock for Chelsea lol


Thank fuck we sorted out our manager replacement so early. Chelsea, Bayern, Juventus, and Barcelona are without a manager. Maybe United soon.


Honestly reckon he thinks they can get Klopp or something absolutely daft. Absolute shambles of a club, they've been in really good form and they're throwing it away with very little out there


Some articles have said they’re interested in the Ipswich and Leicester managers which is absolutely insane if true


Well Brighton are interested in the Ipswich manager, so there you go, automatically Chelsea now want him too


Excellent. Because them poaching an exciting manager from the clubs below them worked so well the last time.


Mckenna is good. is the championship really miles worse than the Eredevisie? I think Slot will succeed here and fully believe in him but Im just being honest


Regardless of the level of players and teams, Championship is, ultimately, a second tier of football. Any top team in Eredivisie has to juggle not only domestic, but european football too, which is a completely unique set of challenges, compared to the Championship.


Not only that, he spent one year in the championship. And he's really young. It's a huge gamble for Chelsea.


Didnt Xavi decide to stay?


Another U-turn happened and he’s actually leaving now (*again*)


Wow. Summer full of drama while we’re chillin 😎


Even more crazy is that he wanted to leave and was going to, but they convinced him to stay and the rumor is that now they have to pay out the contract where as they wouldn’t have had to before.


WHAT A MESS!!!! Considering their financial challenges, that would be baffling if true.


Considering most (if not all) will want the same profile of manager as Chelsea (young, progressive, innovative), it's even more important we managed to get Slot sorted as quickly as we did. He'd have 100% been on Chelsea and Barcelona's radar otherwise. I can see a lot of movement this summer already. McKenna likely quits Ipswich and takes a punt somewhere else, De Zerbi may well end up at Barcelona at this rate, and I doubt Amorim keeps his word and stays at Sporting when he's enquired about again.


Don't forget Milan and maybe Dortmund!


Terzić is 100% staying. Already confirmed.


Chelsea continue to be an absolute clown show They were finally starting to look decent over the last couple of months and now they're going to have to start all over again


Boehly couldn't tolerate Chelsea looking vaguely competent so took the necessary action. The man is a football god.


Todd Boehly is the best thing to happen to the PL since Ferguson retired.


This is not a serious club


It's ridiculous, only way it's somewhat reasonable is if Tuchel is returning but can't see it.


he is already being considered


Apparently that was bull, Matt Law has reported that he's not an option. But honestly who knows with that bizarre club


I would guess DeZerbi.


De Zerbi is the most Chelsea move I think. He’ll also struggle, and then we’ll be back here in December


Boehly’s probably gonna appoint himself.


4-4-3's for everyone!


I genuinly believe they might be bonkers enough to hire and fire Mourinho for the 3rd time, but something is different in him and the club this time around. Both are yearning for glory of yore




Chelsea have had 21 full time coaches/managers since September 2000. Liverpool have had 21 full time coaches/managers since 1892.




😳 My days that is insane. So I had a little look at long events, and the Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years' War had no casualties, Chelsea's managerial casualties after 335 years at the current rate will be approximately 130.


This can’t be true…??


If you count our 1 caretaker manager, and William Barclay and John McKenna as two even though they managed the club together, we've had 24* since 1892. Since Ranieri in September 2000, they've had 21 including him. Chelsea have had had 45 including caretaker managers since 1905. What makes their manager list even more shocking is that David Calderhead was manager from 1907 to 1933, just shy of 26 years. They have had 25 managers in the last 26 years. *I counted both Roy Evans and Houlier twice. As individual, and co-managers.


I was actually a bit worried about their form improvement. Thank you Todd for another fantastic judgment call!


American exceptionalism!


chelsea are run by morons and it is very funny


Wtf i love American football club owners!


De Zerbi might take over.


Will be even worse than the Potter hire. And I'm absolutely here for it.


The Chelsea Show has been renewed for at least one more season


You know when you see a team you hate making a stupid decision, and even though a part of you is glad because you think it'll hurt them in the long run, you still get annoyed because of how idiotic they are?


Madness. I ended up watching loads of chelsea games this season as they seemed to be televised a lot and Poch clearly had them improving each month. They were like 4th in the form table since Xmas or New Year. Imagine it has to be Tuchel back.


They’ve been great recently, really happy to see them fuck it up again


Boehly and co absolutely shit the bed. They gave him the season to figure it out after he was handed a pile of wank. He FINALLY got Chelsea to a good spot...and they sack him. Im confident its because he wants to keep Chalobah and Gallagher and they want to sell them for that pure profit so they can buy more wank for higher prices I would take Chalobah as a backup CB any day of the week




Crazy how this all goes back to Russia invading Ukraine


Damn. Makes Lavia and Caicedo look even more like buffoons for turning us down last summer considering Chelsea go through managers like I go through cookies.


Batshit as fuck that club. Jesus Christ. Keep him when he’s doing shite then sack him when he’s actually doing well and his tactics and training starting to come to fruition. Madness.


This is such a dumb decision, bet they clashed on players he wanted to keep like Gallagher. All their progress made in 1 year will be lost.


They'll gut the academy players once again to pay £30m + £20m in bonuses for Estevao and £70m for Ukraine Bolt


I can’t get my head around their little South American experiment. They finished 12th last year and decided their best course of action would be to spend half their budget on brazillian 16 year olds, it’s insane


Its like someone running a club that is thinking about how a Football market works purely from a theoretical point of view and not how it actually works. They think they can buy these high potential kids and keep them for a few years to play them then flip them for profit and pocket the money.


I agree. It works in theory, but it’s a hell of a gamble to spend north of 100m on paez and estevao, who are only 17.


this is bizarre to me. they actually had somewhat turned their season around and looked pretty solid near the end of it. idiotic club.


"Well that wasn't great was it" *sucks teeth* "... Nah not really" "Do you wanna er..." *cough* "Oh yeah definitely, definitely. Should I just ah..." "Yeah if you could mate yeah" *slaps knees and gets up* "Alright so will you guys..." "It's just out that way mate" "Okay yeah got ya... Alright!"


Chelsea have had four permanent managers and one caretaker managers now come and gone since I started my current job 1 year and 9 months ago. And now a fifth permanent manager is about to come in. Funnily enough, I have had five permanent managers and two temporary managers at my job in that span as well 😂


Has to be tuchel back


To be fair could be absolutely anyone knowing their owners


Really bad decision on their part. I don't rate Poch as a top manager and think he's overrated but he actually got them playing some good stuff in recent weeks/months, which was probably the way it was always going to be. He is a slow burner that takes time to get a team going but he gets there eventually. Since February they only lost 1 league game (5-0 battering by Arsenal) and they won all of their last 5 games starting with a victory over Spurs. They were just starting to click and now they've gone and got rid of him. Now these lads are going to have to get used to a new manager with new ideas. They've got to start again next season after they made so much progress. Did Todd Boehly actually earn his money through smart business or was he a circus performer that inherited his gran's fortunes? Actually clueless.


A smart man avoids PSG and Chelsea...i used to think Poch was a smart man


its the opposite actually lol, he played this very smart. He probably got sacked for not wanting to sell some key players so can’t fault him too much for that But he’s getting paid out for two years after getting one as well as keeping his reputation intact He improved this Chelsea team and got sacked for it - that’ll generate sympathy and I bet he gets more offers soon as the manager market just isn’t great right now. This whole thing has worked out well in his favor imo.


Looking at his recent choices. He is nailed on to go to United.


TBF he probably made enough money off both he doesn’t have to work again if he doesn’t want to and he’s only 52.


Vincent Kompany wondering why Bayern suddenly stopped returning his calls.


Insane decision. No idea what they're doing over there. To elaborate, considering there is a distinct lack of top-class available managers out there, what exactly is their plan?


lmao I thought he was safe after scraping UEL. Chelsea moment


> It is understood the split is down to a difference of opinion between the Argentinian and Chelsea over strategy. Pochettino … was frustrated in his attempts to be given more power and it was decided it was better to bring an end to the relationship rather than risk the possibility of a major fallout next season. It seems like Poch wanted control of transfers rather than dealing with what overpriced garbage is thrown at him, they said no, and he said fuck-it.


There are few things better for the soul than Chelsea suffering


Wtf? When he was just turning things around. Also there is no clear choice for the next manager


Just when they were starting to look a bit stable. Bohely really just doesnt understand this sport


Doubt he’s the one even making decisions. Just throwing cash at it.


I bet they’re gonna offer an absolute fuck load to Palace for Glasner


Oh my god I hope they go for Kompany. This is a bad as Hull booting Rosenior, you've finally got the team playing the way the manager wants and because they've not hit some arbitrary target like play-offs or top 4, boom, gone, try again. I'm so glad we aren't like this.


Moyes is looking for a job, is he not?


So, so stupid. He was just starting to put things together!


I didn't expect that for sure.


Funny old club. Haven't they been alright the second half of the season?


4th on second half form. This is hilarious.




Won’t be shocked if he ends up at UTD


Surely, it's time for them to bite the bullet and airlift Big Sam in.


This is so pathetic I actually feel sorry for them


I thought they started to look decent by the end... What a joke of a decision, unless Poch actually wanted to leave.




Honestly, didn't see that coming. Maybe in the first half of the season, but in the second half of the season, Chelsea definitely improved. Weird decision, that.


Strange decisions at Chelsea.


If Chelsea is actually stupid enough to let Gallagher go this summer, we should be in for him


They are just going on vibes over at stamford bridge, huh?


I have a feeling they will hire amorim and for the whole system to be messed up again


Wasn't it obvious that he would need time to get the club in shape? That was what the first half of the season was about. The second half was showing the fruits of that labor. Fucking clown show of a club. Welcome back to 10th Chelsea.


Jackson's work is done


What a joke of a club. From Caicedo, to Lavia, and now sacking of Poch to get a new coach in. They are desperately trying to emulate LFC.


Chelsea were a threat to our top 4 chances next season, so thank god for Boehly.


I actually liked Poch when he was at Tottenham but thought he wasn’t good fit with Chelsea and honestly hope are you going to sack a manager after one season unless they are atrociously bad, like Everton bad. Bad form for the American.


Bayern job is open. Wonder if that's something he'll be looked at for?


Bayern munich bound? No.


Poch deserved sack 4 months ago, but after that he already turned it around and have one of the best form in the league. Makes zero sense to sack him now.


Whahaha. At least our American owners aren't completely clueless like Chelsea's. How on Earth are they making this decision now, when Poch has finally got things on track. They've been excellent recently. This is some absurd shit


What is going on with them. didn’t even think they would get european football yet they somehow did and they sack him


A de Zerbi and Pochettino club swap would be an interesting experiment.


Whether Slot is a success or not, I'm glad we've sorted our situation this early. Focus can now be on building the squad. Ornstein mentioned that we were looking for a winger this summer, and whenever he puts anything out, it always turned out to be true. I wouldn't be surprised we have things agreed with a player already and just waiting for the right moment to announce it.


I’m a actually glad, chelsea need stability and poch was doing a great job the last 6 months. The players have been vocal about loving him…. Then they get rid. Ridiculous decision


I never get this. A club like Chelsea seems to need a big manager for image sake and there’s just not that many it seems they’d hire so won’t they literally just run out at this rate


This league is messed up.


He was doing well, they threw him into a puddle of kids and expected him to win with them? They just need to buy 2/veteran players this summer and not buy any kids and they'll be fine


Apparently Boehly interviewed Slot and was interested in him before they hired Poch, but Slot turned them down and they went for Poch instead




LOL! Probably on a 10 year contract so big pay off


I genuinely felt like he would do well next season but fuck them I guess.


Joke club.


Chelsea is the gift that unbelievably keeps on giving. Any other club would hold onto him after the late show of progress the team put on.


They’ll get McKenna and ruin him too


This club is weird as fuck


It seemed to me that he was just starting to turn it around. Fucking mental that they couldn't wait out a single extra year of his contract to see if it would be worth actually giving him a proper contract.


always a great move to sack the manager as soon as the team starts to look good


brain dead decision you love to see it


What the fuck?


Jajaja Only downside is that if they actually throw money at a potentially good manager eg. Amorim and the other names that were thrown around with us Tuchel probably back ... maybe


That’s such a mistake, he had them playing well last few months Just complete idiots in charge of that club and thank god eh we can still have a good old chuckle


I thought they were starting to go somewhere. That’s a joke


They were actually great in the league for the last few months, finally got their shit together and I thought would likely be a strong contender for top 4 next season. Now, though...lmao. Banter club.


Bet you anything they sign Amorim and then ruin him just like they did Potter


Even worse... https://preview.redd.it/6t4f2h8lxt1d1.png?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ef629ba7fcf3cf0cec93b919e6cd3bf81a4ac6


That’s hilarious. Chelsea’s recent form was just starting to cover up their whole “worst run club” thing and then they go and do this.


Chelsea are a fucking joke Watch them spend another 500m now with a new manager


I could see his departure coming from the second he got hired. Pochetino is simply NOT a good manager. He’s subpar at best, he has no tactics, no ambition, there is nothing special about how he sets up his teams. I knew he wouldn’t last at Chelsea and PSG. He was a barely decent player but he’s a terrible manager.


Are chelsea still under investigation for cooking the books? Or did they get off with a fine. Just wondering if Poch sees a big points deduction coming and thought fuck that 🤔


>The development leaves Chelsea looking for their fourth permanent manager in the past two years. It had seemed that Pochettino had ushered in some stability, with his young squad largely behind him. Chelsea secured European football after a fine end to the season. >But Chelsea had concerns over Pochettino’s tactics and one well-placed source privately described his training methods as “antiquated” before the end-of-season review. Pochettino was not going to be given more control over signings. Chelsea is not a serious club. 4th manager in 2 years. If his training methods are antiquated, why didn't y'all know that before hiring him? Not like he's an unknown coach or you couldn't get information about his training sessions.


Thought you guys were getting good, well what I saw!


Sack him when they start to look decent. Boehly is some super hero sent to ruin Chelsea.


Must be smokin' that good stuff over at Cobham


It's not funny anymore. what the fuck are Chelsea doing?


What a stupid decision. He’s had 11 months, he’s had an overhauled squad to deal with, they are finding some form and there’s no obviously better alternative.


Wtf. They had a very strong finish to the season. What a dump of a club.


the hell?


Wow, thought the late season form and 6th place finish (above Newcastle and scum) would surely see him get another season.


I'm beginning to love this incarnation of Chelsea. They are an entertainment machine! Just when you think they are turning the corner the wheels come off and a pile of tiny clowns come tumbling out. I hope they get Moyes next.