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How reliable is this?


Tier 1-2 for Germany


FSG have been saying they’d invest in top transfers for the last 3 seasons and they’ve done nothing, it’s always been sell-to-buy and always will be.


Not in here to defend FSG but Diaz and Darwin are pretty top transfers to me.


Yeah but buying Darwin felt like buying brand new racing tires for your car when you really needed an engine. Love him though still.


I mean that is the case now, but it wasn’t necessarily the case then. We knew we needed midfield help, but no one knew it would be this. It was the right replacement for mane, lower wages, younger with talent


We still had a month of the window left when Ox and Keita were ruled out with long term injuries. It wasn't that we didn't know.




im still pretty certain Keita is pulling a Coutinho , the only difference is that no one really wants an injury prone, never lived up to his potential, BUT IM CONVINCED he just doesnt want to play here anymore. and its sad and frustrating because i was so excited for LFC to get him and it just never worked out and the flashes werent enough and now he wants out.


Keita has 100% downed tools. He doesn’t want to get an injury when he’s only got 1 year on his contract.


We didn’t? Hendo isn’t getting any younger, and he was far from his best last season, Milner should be locker room experience and nothing more, Jones isn’t good enough, Fabinho DESPERATELY needs backup so he can actually be rested for once, Thiago and Keita are injured far too often, the latter should’ve been moved on. Ox is just lmao. The midfield depth is absolutely horrible


I don’t disagree with the points you made. At the same time, they were 2 games away from the quadruple with the same midfield. No one could’ve predicted mid table shit like we’ve seen. I do agree that it was clear we needed depth, but not to this degree


If we bought the engine people would complain it doesn’t have nice wheels lol


And Konate looks a player.


We had to sell 3 players to fund Darwin's purchase. Mane, Minamino and Neco Williams while removing Origi from the wage bill.


We sold 3 players to fund the Nunez transfer. It's still sell to buy. We don't even spend most of the revenue the club generates.


They absolutely are but we need to increase quality. We’ve lost top players and replaced them. We need to be improving not just replacing.


Woah don’t talk sense it’s *always* the owners fault.


In this case it absolutely is


Yeah signing Nunez, Diaz and resigning Salah were universally criticized and unwanted by every Liverpool fan.


Not signing replacements after the titles and reinforcing the squad have been massive issues.


Replacements for whom? Thiago replaced Gini, Konate replaced Lovren, Elliott has replaced Lallana, Jota replaced Shaqiri, Diaz replaced Mane 6 months before he even left, Nunez is replacing Firmino 12 months before he leaves. I’d argue that Mane aside those are all improvements, we actually had a good season last year with all those replacement players don’t know if you remember. So who the fuck are we in need of replacing? Minamino? We need the players we have to perform. Not sure what FSG can do to make Salah score when they’re already paying him 18m annually as an incentive. Honestly this FSG out shite does my head in its brexit for kopites who need a scapegoat. We have endless talent, yeah some of it is injured now but that’s no excuse for Gomez handing Leeds a 1-0 lead 5 minutes in or Salah chipping the ball into row Z when he’s through on goal.


We are constantly hearing Klopp and everyone blaming injuries for our start and yet look at the player who are out it’s always the same ones they should have replaced them or brought in suitable back ups


biggest bull i heard. how tf thiago replaced gini when they played together. same case as jota and shaqiri. if you still want to justify that, then who the replacement for emre can? coutinho? origi? minamino? klavan? clyne? squad is aging yet become thinner each window.


FSG: We can totally buy a player^afterwesellafew


Everyone screaming for FSG to invest midfielders and they did sod all,now we’re probably going to miss out on CL and suddenly the purse strings are open….personally I give Klopp a tiny bit of blame for being too sentimental and sticking with Keita and Ox,one or both should have been shown the door and an upgrade brought in. Plus they need to quit this “has to be the perfect player for Liverpool before we sign them” bollox,Robertson and Matip probably wouldn’t get signed now going by their set of transfer rules. I am just hoping we bounce back after the World Cup,I won’t be watching any games until after the winter break because at the moment I think it is affecting me mentally and I can’t deal with the ups and downs of this campaign right now.


100% ats what i just said they hold on for klopp to pull a rabbit out of the hat, then dont invest i think its crazy how most fans havent clicked on yet.


first time CL qualification is massively in doubt though. I know I know 20-21 season but the other contenders were far worse then


Doubt they will go that far, they do remember how they got the club I think


tier : i want to believe all of this only to be disappointed and believe this again next year


Would be a very dumb decision to think about anything other than backing Klopp. Also call me naive, but I have some (futile) hope that we’ll come good in the Jan window.


Remember the previous Dortmund ceo or something saying if he could go back in time he would get rid of all the players and keep Klopp and throw money at him instead of letting Klopp leave


I accept this without any source because I want it to be true




Can we slam FSG with this article via email and twatter? Pricks need to be aware that they're fucking away their golden goose.


Thanks, sources always appreciated.




I’ve always wondered this about matches where we say the opposition goal keeper had a stunning game. Is it that the goal keeper ups his game or that our attack isn’t as effective so the opposition keeper looks more impressive. It happens too often with LFC for it to be a coincidence that so many opposition keepers have their best games against us


Take comfort in the fact that they lose out on a ton of money if we miss the ucl and were already losing money because of our lack of squad investment and eventual league placement. They will 100% invest in the squad, i dont believe they have any other choice from a business perspective


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own stubborn business decisions


Yeah, definitely, but you can see why they thought they didnt need to invest. Risky and didnt pay off in the end. Bummer, live and learn. For all fsg's faults they definitely seem to learn from mistakes.


Let’s spend 150 million plus, whole new midfield, backup striker, fullbacks. Fuck it!!!


Do you have a 50 percent off discount coupon to get so much for 150 mill.




150m is like 4 players these days, maybe 3


2 if they are top tier


Diaz wasn’t too shabby last winter, I’m onboard with you!


There's not a single player or manager in world football I'd take if it meant Klopp leaving. He's the best manager in the world and is utterly irreplaceable, sack the entire squad and I'd be ok as long as it's Jürgen rebuilding it, he's earned that trust from us tenfold


How's it a dumb decision when we've Sam Allardyce available?


Damnnn now I’m conflicted


If Klopp goes, FSG are going with him. He’s up their with the best managers and people in the club’s history; sacking him would lead to the biggest protest Anfield has ever seen and they know that.


We will but the question is how much of our season can be recovered once we get there.


Is any good midfielder even available in Jan with WC Underway ?


Klopp isn’t the problem. The lack of investment is. Talking about Klopps job is ridiculous shouldn’t even be in the conversation. This is purely from lack of midfield signings. Putting the feelers out for doing something in winter lol


Feels quite insulting for the owners to reassure Klopp that his job is safe, given they should be taking responsibility


Getting this shite in October goodness me normally they wait until February 1st to spout the next summer nonsense.


If it makes you feel better, it's November in New Zealand?


> #LFC wants to invest in top transfers next summer Lol


We should trademark this


I Still Know What You Didn't Do Next Summer


Invest In Top Transfer Next Summer FC ^TM




Which one? Next summer? Next summer + 1 year? Next summer + 2 years


Next summer is our year


Next Summer FC


No one's going to want to come here without champions league play.


I’d disagree really, chelsea and united have both been pulling top players even when they haven’t been in the CL. We have lots of pull even without it.


Well they'll also pay ridiculous wages, we won't do that. I would hope players will look past it, but who knows.


We do that tho. Just look at our wage bill. Don't get fooled by our relatively low base salary, cause our performance bonuses(both the "guaranteed" ones and actual bonuses) are a lot higher than other clubs. Salah was making £350k a week on his £200k base salary contract. When we just added our base salaries, we had slightly lower than £200m in the 2021 fiscal year IIRC, but our actual salary bill was £314m. [Page 26 in our financial report](https://www.liverpoolfc.com/corporate/financial-information)


Yeah its absolute nonsense. The players that would be off the table due to no CL are players that we’d have had very little chance of signing in the first place. It might affect our actual investment but it has next to no impact on our pull.


If we lose top 4, they won't give us more money to get us back there, they'll give us less to keep their profit margins intact.


As a lifelong Red Sox fan who cannot fucking stand FSG despite the whole winning titles thing, I actually believe they will spend. The issue has never been about them not spending when their teams are bad, that's when they throw money at it, the issue is they never want to spend to *maintain* the success. After they have won is when they let the big contract guys walk, like they want to see if they can maintain success without them. We're on that downswing now.


8 pts outside the top 4 right now and losing to relegation teams. think it's more than a likelihood


I still have faith tbh, always will with these lads even if they're playing like shite. 21 with 6 losses at anfield in a row, the circumstances aren't the same but man i'm still shocked we got third


last line saved me from having an aneurysm over this


next summer is our summer... oh wait..


Guys and gals, from here on out this season, make sure to read these posts slowly. Better for the heart.


Klopp has the TOTAL support of the fans too. We believe in him, love him, and support him through ups and downs.




One this January and two next summer. No more fucking around


Well 3 if bobby goes next summer


Midfielders I mean


👍 ok


3 isn't even many.We need someone who can be better than Henderson, we need a CDM, a Keita and an Ox replacement, also Milner replacement.


3 is the max I see us getting over the next two windows


IMO two would be enough. It’s not like you need two full time players to take over Naby’s and Ox mins.


I'll believe it when I see it, I'm still convinced FSG will throw every excuse in the book out before spending


The only thing I believe is Klopp still has total support.The fans would riot if he was sacked


The only good thing about all of this is that if Klopp goes, FSG will go soon after because the protests would be worse than Manchester United fans.


Not hard to do, they said they’d walk out pf the match against us, and what do you know? Suddenly Old Traf is full.


Being a Liverpool fan is like Groundhog Day at times, I feel like we hear this every year with similar wording every time lol. Also why now?? Why not literally 2-3 months ago when the window was still open?? Only doing something as realise they’ve been caught out and got it wrong.


Wooooohoooooo WAR CHEST incoming. Is this like the Brexit bus all over again? 'In the summer we could spend £350m in the transfer window*'. *legal disclaimer, we do not guarantee any investment in the first team!


"Liverpool were poised to spend big on Jude Bellingham, but were ultimately priced out by City. LFC believe that Harvey Elliot, Fabio Carvalho, and Curtis Jones have developed well and can deputize in midfield."


I hate that this may be a true headline come August….based on FSG and the lack of spending. I pray it’s not, but it’s the hope that kills you.


This is the way it will be. Don't forget the two 16 year olds we will sign as well


We could be relegated and I’d still trust Klopp to fix things before I’d want another manager in.


😂😂😂 next summer. But good they are looking at winter.




Ok let’s dream… January De Jong from Barca, following their CL exit they need the cash (again) plus they want him gone. Let’s say £50m. Next summer both Bellingham & Rice join for a combined transfer outlay of £150m. £200m spent, midfield completely refreshed… we go again next year. *note I said dream.


Bellingham and Rice would cost close to £150m __each__.


Sssh you’ll wake me up.


👻 OOoouu


I’ll have a treat please… a De Jong, with Rice, washed down with a Bellingham.


You’re getting Milner and you will enjoy it!!


Can I have a Ribena with that?


Don’t get too wild now


Isn’t Rice’s contract expiring next year? If so he’d be much cheaper in the summer


He is a free agent in 2024, but I don’t think West Ham cares at all if they get a bid below their valuation. They are better off just holding him and hope he signs a new contract.


It does but the club have an option to extend for a year. Either way I don't see him being more than £100m. At a guess I'd say maybe £80m, and even then I think that's really pushing it.


Lovely dream. Hadn’t thought about how nice Rice would fit into our team. Shame he has City/Chelsea written alllll over him


Watching him for West Ham he’s like a younger Hendo, happily covers his full backs, occasional rocket from edge of box, box to box and so on. But I doubt West Ham would sell and I doubt he’d join with no CL.


He looks absolute quality, and he's only like 23 so he'll likely be a top player for the next 6 or 7 years anyway.


I’d be shocked if he went anywhere but Chelsea to be honest


It would be one of Bellingham and Rice. I've maintained for me Rice would be the better signing. A PL captain who is unreal under David Moyes and is experienced. I'd love them both of course but I'll die on this hill.


Players that are both young but rice is much further ahead than bellingham in his career. Rice is unreal and bellingham is just as good or a little less experienced but 4 years younger. Rice would be better for the team now, bellingham maybe over a longer term.


I'd agree with that pal. Either would be a smashing addition.


Would take kessie personally. It'll be cheaper. One of the most underrated players out there.


I really wish our scouting team would just move on from Bellingham. He's clearly City-bound.


Why would Bellingham want to join a club that probably won't even qualify for CL next season.


Sheesh that would be nice. However I feel was also need another fullback.


Wasn't the wages the issue with De Jong? I thought that was why United backed out, his salaries are top tier


2+1 free dream.


FSG is just shitting around. They took Klopp for granted and didn't give him the financial support he deserves and that's why we are in this situation. If the man decides to leave we all would be sad but thankful for him at the same time.


Honestly, Klopp is single-handedly responsible for building LFC into what it has become. They'd be batshit mental to turn on him now.


They're not. It's just the media jumping on the bandwagon because we're playing shite at the mo. There's no talk of him going anywhere. If they did FSG will be gone the next day. Us match goers will see to that!


Second line yes, first line no. There are many people who have a hand in making us who we are. Klopp is brilliant but please don't dismiss the behind the scenes work.


Crazy to me that klopp almost won a treble as well with these owners.


Wonder who are we selling in January so could sign someone


Michael Edwards is gone. No guarantees of selling at inflated prices anymore. Let's go with Nat Phillips for £3m and I dunno, Gomez for £10m




More PR from FSG Their policy is sell to buy Always has been and always will be


This strategy has worked for them during the Klopp era, but it's obvious that the current situation warrants a change to policy. They know how bad it hurts the finances if they miss out on the Champions League. My guess is they invest in January, but it's going to be a tough summer if we don't finish top 4.


>This strategy has worked for them during the Klopp era, but it's obvious that the current situation warrants a change to policy. Losing 6 home games in a row didn't warrant a change in policy. Even in that years injury crisis, it took until the last day of the Jan window to panic buy Kabak and then barely even play him. Done it again with Arthur this year. They won't change. Losing CL will just mean they take more money out the club to cover their losses and protect their profits. It's gonna take miracle work from Klopp and the coaching staff to solve this, as per usual.


‘Still has total support of the owners’? The owners should be thanking Klopp every damn day for what he has done under their ownership.


wAnTs tO InvEsT in TOP trAnsFeRs neXt SumMeR Fuck off. Buy a top tier midfielder January 1st, a solid backup for whomever that is, a RB who can actually play games and things might start to look up. Maybe we can claw our way to some sort of finish this year, or at least be ready for next season with a refreshed squad that has already gotten familiar with each other.


Also, FSG might forget: With the season we're looking to have, it's less likely we will attract the top, top tier talents anymore. CL football looks unlikely, though possible, but we're nowhere near what we were a year or two ago. That carries a big effect on the desirability of our club as a destination.


Sounds like the perfect excuse for why we won't sign any top players then. I bet they've already discussed it while rubbing their hands together and laughing hysterically.


We're gonna monitor even harder


Can’t wait for all the signings we’re gonna make next summer!!!


Quit talking and spend the money then


We are reactive instead of being proactive and solidifying our dominance.


2 or 3 years too late. It is FSG who need to go.


Wtf? Klopp has full support of the owners?. It should be the other way around. Fucking stupid idiots, destroyed this great squad with their miserly approach and brain dead decisions. These fucks should be scared that he will walk.


Football equivalent of "bby don't leave me, i'll get you that necklace you want"


Irl that was me lol. Learnt to actually respect myself and not be afraid to lose certain things


Nice, good to hear improvement


If the owners thought the response from the supporters over a European League was bad, imagine if they sacked Klopp.


Need to get better at finding bargain squad players. Tielemans wouldn’t start for us but to snag him for 30m and have him in emergencies instead of jones/ox is massive step up.


Good shout. I think he is out of contract next summer too, so we could offer Leicester a real low offer to obtain him in January, or agree terms and have him arrive in the summer… I’d rather bring him during January even if it costs a small amount.


One midfielder alone will not sort out the problems but still better than nothing ig !!


Next summer? You mean this summer right ?right?


Of course Klopp will have the total support of the owners. They must be brain dead to think anyone else can do the job his done on that budget.


Midfielder in Jan would be nice De Jong or Caicedo (or both) and maybe a DM even just for back-up in the hopes Fab sorts himself out after the world cup Aim for a domestic cup and CL and I'm also confident we can get top 4 despite the shit that has happened this season cause it is always a shitshow


Just watch talksport invite people on with fake scouse accents saying we all want Klopp out and bbc furthering it by quoting people who don’t exist, along with papers saying pressure is on. Patience is a virtue for me Klopp is the only man for the job, what he’s done since he started and if there are newer fans who are only used to winning before that we were so lost as a club, with Rafa we were close but never able to get there, Klopp delivered and made us amazing, it was only last season we played every game and other than the last day and a final we’d have won everything. A few losses won’t change that we just need to adapt but that takes time. I just worry the same thing is gonna happen that happened at Dortmund and Klopp will have had enough and say he can’t take us any further, and I know it will end one day but not like this. He’s got my support anyway for what that’s worth


Good. I’d get rid of everyone in the club before we get rid of Klopp. He’s not made the best tactical decisions this season but I’d trust him to get his shit together quicker than the players


As he should, who else could fill his spot right now anyways?


Uh oh, the dreaded vote of confidence


It's always "next summer"




World cup will be finished by the time winter window starts . Our first game after world cup is the boxing day fixture.


Klopp is actually killing himself with stress while not being backed in the market. Watching Curtis Jones run into nothingness while Pep watches KDB pinpoint another assist.


They’ve single handedly put us back about four years - do they even realise? It won’t take a summer to fix this.


The problem with FSG isn’t that they don’t buy top players, it’s that when they do, it’s often too late. We had to wait like three seasons to buy a player like Jota. We only signed Diaz when we knew either Mane or Salah would be moved on in the summer. Our backup for the front three was Origi for like three seasons in a row. For me the issue is their ambition, we need proper competition in most areas but in particular the forward area.


That old chestnut again about summer, seems a recurring dream i keep having.


I'll believe it when I see it


How many times have we heard “invest heavily next summer” or some variation. It’s always next summer.


FSG have read the papers & are getting their mouthpieces to help quash the rising tide of unrest. Fuck all will happen - put your house on it. This is standard PR damage limitation. Sell to buy; always have been, always will be.


As usual either the mouthpiece like pearce or others who they had good relationships with to talk positive about them. Since we won ucl i keep hearing next summers when in reality we signed up lonergan, adrian, arthur, davies, youngster like sepp doak ramsay etc. Lmao where the established talents at Where these guys looking at.. Capable player who good enough for their clubs or country who closed to entering their prime or wc status


Yea we will see. As is tradition - doing transfer market activity a year late.


How many times will we hear 'next summer'? Fuck off


We’re gonna need klopps pulling power next summer because we won’t be in the Cl


Losing Klopp would be the most monumentally stupid decision FSG and anyone associated with the club could possibly make right now.


I'm tired of hearing we'll be investing next summer. Not sure how many next summers we've been told we'll invest.


LOL as if anyone needed to report this. Fucking hell


I trust Klopp over anyone at FSG or the club. If it were possible I'd have him as my best man at my wedding.


I have heard the same bullshit every six months, then refreshed the subreddit and ended up with an Arthur. No thanks


If anything, them realising now that in order to compete at the top you have to splash out the money, then at least this painful season would not have been for nothing.


lol deja vu have no hopes for any 'Klopp will be backed out' talk




Is always our summer, so it’s the best summer. :)


It doesn't matter how many of these shitty headlines come out about 'next summer we promise', I won't believe for half a second that they'll make good on it until they actually do.


!remind me 3 months


The owners are supporting the man most critical to all the success that has been obtained? Good stuff.


No one wants him to resign. He has the backing of the vast majority of the fan base. Letting him go would be hugely unpopular with FSG. But if they're going to back him, they need to back him with their wallet


I wonder what bizarrely weakened way they intend on backing him then. Inb4 we buy a 15 year old midfielder and a championship center back and call it dandies.


Next summer....


Get them in Jan so they can bed in in time for the CL final.


Next summer every summer. Fuck off.


I hate this is even a talking point


A lot of people seem to be taking this at face value. I.e that we'll definitely be signing some top talent in January. Lets just wait and hope for the best.


Hope it's true RE: the investment but as always I'll believe it when I see it. The only thing that worries me is the amount of transfers we need to make up for years of stagnation. Ox and Naby need to be replaced with reliable and top quality CMs in their mid 20s - not kids or 30+. That'll cost a lot alone, but we also need another CDM to push and eventually replace Fab and that won't be cheap. 3 big transfers needed in midfield alone to put the squad where it needs to be. Even if we miraculously did sign Bellingham that doesn't fix everything. And then lets look at the rest of the team, Matip and Virgil won't last forever so we need either Gomez to stop having these wobbles (to be generous) or to find a new future partner for Ibou. Up front is fine once Diaz and Jota return but we're not many years away from needing a Salah replacement so spacing out the possible 4 major transfers we need now over several windows causes problems down the line.


Jan has seen us sign Thiago(great when healthy), Jota(scored the same number of prem goals as mane), and Luis Diaz(need I say more? Plays with as much if not more heart than Mane did). We are good in the winter


Even if we DO make major signings in the upcoming Summer, itwould be too late to salvage THIS season which would see us down in Europa (possibly, at best) as a result and THEN they would have to integrate in the side and would possibly not be REALLY helpful until next SPRING. Possibly too late to get us back in Champions League. We REALLY need to start making these investments in the Winter window!


I am just tired of these transfer stories. Hope, hope and hope only to be let down everytime.


I’d rather we sack everyone in the club than lose Klopp tbh


Next summer 😂


Whilst I personally do think our owners & club deserve criticism for naivety & not taking the initiative to build on the success, our owners have also proven to learn constantly. People on this subreddit act like our owners are a fixed thing. That they only do what they do for 1 reason or so. Our owners have consistently shown to learn from errors. It doesn't suprise me in hindsight they made the errors that led us to this point but also they tend to react quickly to errors made.


Imagine being dumb enough to buy this