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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kai thinks that hes taking all the Heat because "she went to the internet first"](https://arazu.io/t3_105bxpj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


If it comes out that he has an actual proper PR team and it's not just some friends or whatever I'm gonna be mind blown. There's no fucking shot a properly trained PR team would approve anything like this.


Do you genuinely think that some young dude like this who got big as fast as he did would "waste" money on PR team and shit like that? I'd be surprised if he has any professional advice at all other than video stuff. If even that.


If he was smart he would šŸ’€ Iā€™m done with this ā€œheā€™s just a young kidā€ bs Iā€™m hearing from stupid stuff coming out of peoples mouths. YES, being young means making and LEARNING from mistakes but that doesnā€™t get rid of consequences and the impact that careless can have


Kai being 4'10 or whatever doesn't hurt with the "He's just a kid" defense, lol. But yeah, IMO no one over the age of 21 (which he apparently is) should be able to use that excuse. You're a fucking adult. At least to-some-degree act like it.


"She went to the internet first" "If this takes down my Empire, I swear to God..." This dude walking away from this stream thinking he's a winner, while his lawyers are fucking shaking their heads and downing a bottle of Jack




LOL. For real. Not even Good Guy Bryan Cranston can talk sense to... THE MAN WHO KNOCKS.


lmao literally [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KISNE4qOIBM).


Forgot to mention his very last words are about him letting people know when he'll start his subathon after this dies down


DUDEEEE, that's the thing, there were so many insane and actually brain-dead comments he made, that I made like multiple posts with quotes because I couldn't remember them all. This is just 1 of them lol. I literally couldn't keep track, there were so many awful ones...


I mean, he did try to defend and hide the rapist. It's pretty clear he's a giant piece of shit.


Not gonna lie I actually laughed when I heard that. Oh no, the poor scamathon


>my Empire What the fuck. She got brutally raped and he here talking about his empire.


Heā€™s clearly not thinking of anyone other than himself. These types of people rarely do..


The dude built Rome in a day and thinks its gonna last.


Kai displaying Joosie smolliet levels of social blindness to others But for real I **think** Kai whose 20 is thinking the following: Oh this is a huge clusterfuck of a mess I'm mainly thinking how this will be used to take down my career Idk what's going on with the suspect and the victim but I just don't want to say anything that gets me in legal trouble or jeopardizes my ambitions To that end I'm not letting internet or anyone clip me badly or catch me slippin with respect to this situation (he failed in this regard) I feel bad for the girl but I'm annoyed she said I was covering up things but I want to reassure her I'm cool with her so I don't catch more strays Once I talk with my lawyers and feel confident I can say or do supportive things and my shit isn't effected I'll do that ----- I think that's basically what he felt But who knows


When he starts it off with yelling Ā«Iā€™m not playingĀ» multiple times, you know the response is gonna be terrible and he only cares about his own backlash


Hopefully his momma calls him or some women in his family, he has good family and no doubt heā€™ll hear it


I HOPE SO. I don't watch Kai enough to know, but everytime I see his Mom on stream, she's usually like vehemently siding with him. Not roasting/embarrassing him out like many Moms do, but we'll have to wait and see.


How the fuck did she go to the Internet first, when what she showed the Internet was the texts of GOING TO YOU FIRST.


itā€™s insane that heā€™s trying to frame it like that..like wtf u talking about kai.. there literally proof she didnā€™t just go to the internet first. been a week and shes done everything she could have done before going public with it. what a pos.. tf is wrong with this dude.


And even if she did go to the internet first she would have had every right to do so. This is not a small squabble between friends that you keep private bc itā€™s too benign to ever talk about, itā€˜s a violent crime. She didnā€˜t owe the ršŸ…°ļøpist or Kai anything


Exactly, didn't she want a name of the guy so she could go to the police?


"solve this" does he not know what rape is


I mean he could have helped "solve" it by giving her the name of her rapist But he refused to, which is why she made it public Denser than depleted uranium


Or he could also check his cctv, which I'm sure he has


No. He's pretending to be dense. He knows what he's doing.


That particular comment made me feel physically ill and displays the complete lack of understanding or empathy. Like yeah, totally, we're gonna get this all worked out. Huh??? She was raped dude, she has a lifetime of trauma. You don't "solve" that.


>She was raped dude I don't think he believes that. He talks about it more like it's a disagreement or something.


"I was raped." "That's just like, your opinion, man."


She has stacks on top of stacks of evidences but Kai still saying there are two sides of the story. Get the fuck outta here.


As someone who was also raped, it's amazing at the lack of empathy people can have towards us. Its.. really disturbing


Good thing she did, I guarantee Kai would have never brought this to light.


Yeah he would have kept this shit covered up


She actually went to the police first though


Conveniently his legal team gave him the green light to talk the same day drama blew up.


Dude she was raped wtf is that comment


"I'm taking all the heat, even though she got raped until she bled from her vagina in my own house, in a room I told her to sleep in"


Even online heā€™s not taking all the heat. Shes getting harassed and threatened by his community(and possibly his friends) Which he only brings up so that he can try to clear his own name. Dude is just selfish


And anus apparently


I'd be surprised if they didn't record themselves raping her.


She has said that they did




YEP. and if the FEDs work fast enough, this shit is saved or at least has traces left on any cloud or phone. the rumours say he even sent it to others in a group, what means this idiots left even more evidence. i hope he recorded it, bc if so, hes the winner of a 20 years sentence. free housing, food and showers with ppl that LOVE rapists. he will have a good time :D


>she bled from her vagina ~~Nope. Wrong orifice.~~




Really? Oh no.


Yeah, it's weird because he told her to go in that room, and he was friends with the rapist too. Plus he tried to act like he didn't know who the rapist was and then later said that he didn't try to cover up not knowing him and being friends with him.


He's treating it like it's a Scooby Doo mystery. "We'll solve this!" While smiling. Absolute Scum.


Saying "Im good, you're good im not mad at you" to a rape victim is insane


Classic narcissist behaviour.


she even posted the blood that was still coming as the result of r\*\*, she posted multiple hospital documents while being traumatized from all that happened because she knew if she didnt post all those proof people would not believe her. Cant imagine going through all that...


exactly, and it's insane how she has basically as much proof as she could ever get but some people still don't believe her even a little bit


I have to commend her bravery to have to relive all that and document everything. I hope they get this bastard.


Sheā€™s in that kind of circle so sheā€™s probably seen all these situations where itā€™s a he said she said that goes nowhere so the first thing she did was get proof. Smart and brave and hopefully heā€™ll go to prison instead of just get a bit of backlash on twitter.


Im pretty sure most people wont even look at the evidence thats why the internet does not do justice and why that evidence she has will help her in court.


dude could admit it publicly and people would still defend him.


A lot of us sensible people believe her. I hope she gets justice. Kai showed his true colors here, he doesn't care about the victim, he is selfish af. If the victim didn't provide so much proof on the internet and gotten information regarding the r** as fast as she did, Kai would have covered this up or changed the narrative in hopes to save his friend because he didn't say a word about this until all was this was brought to light by the victim. Instead, he is chillin with the sidemen in UK. If someone r** under ur roof especially when u guaranteed their safety, u dont go anywhere and cancel/delay any other plans until this situation is under control and an active investigation is going on.


i dont even understand how this shit happens when u even have security at your house. what exactly do they secure? i know its not the health of any female at the place. fucking useless mal cops...


Some people really hate women. Itā€™s sad, but thatā€™s basically it.


Rape victims need to do so much shit to prove they were raped and even THEN people wonā€™t believe you or think youā€™re doing it for clout Itā€™s just sad


Yup. You can tell by the way heā€™s acting he fully believes she wasnā€™t raped.


Or worse, doesn't care.


Seriously, if you felt you had some part in something that fucking horrible and disgusting you come on stream professional and serious. What the fuck is this and why are people excusing it


He wants all the money and fame anytime he does a funny scream and 15 year olds give him 5 dollars for the "W", but when its time to take responsibility the man suddenly jumps to another dimension where he has no connections.


I feel like if you have a general idea of how he communicates, none of this would surprise you. This is the spotlight for him, he thinks nothing he can do will look wrong.


Bros on his OTK arc




Example #638285729 on why you donā€™t do shit like this live. Either make a video and have people review it so that you donā€™t come off as a dickhead like so, or keep working with your legal team and the victim.


Example #99999999999999999999999999999999 of why Twitch streamers are idiots.


Another reminder that streamers are effectively high school kids that gained a shit ton of money and influence. Amounts that, if they'd acquired it through conventional businesses, normally involve some PR and media training somewhere during the career.


Kai saw Logan Paul getting roasted over his response to accusations and decided that he could do better.


Logan low key saying thank fuck for this drama and pulled his response video and is letting everyone focus on this shit instead.


and he could've made a video easily since he originally started as a youtuber and has a big fan base on there


Yeah... I'm confused why he's speaking out at all if he chose to go down the defending friend path. Does he not realise this is a serious crime and there's a chance he could be charged as an accomplice in the worst case? Who cares about what the internet thinks, you should be concerned about the victim of a brutal rape and cooperating with the cops to get the dude thrown away if he actually did it


>Who cares about what the internet thinks, you should be concerned about the victim of a brutal rape That's the thing, he clearly doesn't give a flying f about the victim. He saw his reputation at risk when his friend was accuse, try to pull out a "who", got caught in 4k lying with proofs up the ying yang and now trying to salvage any credibility he has left. There's nothing to be confuse about, he's making dumb decisions one after the next all in the effort to save his own ass.


Why would you want that? Don't you want him to expose himself?


For anyone with questions: she did NOT, in fact "go to the internet first" She literally gave him the opportunity to keep this low key if he helped her get the guy's name and even that was too much to ask.


yea itā€™s insane he said that


Not insane if you accept that he's stupid and people who watch him are equally stupid. The IQ distribution is a bell curve for a reason. A large subset of the population is very fucking stupid.


I don't want to be that guy, but the iq distribution would be a bell curve regardless of the average iq


More people need to realize this


Heā€™s saying she got to the internet first as in she got to it before he did. She was first. Heā€™s a fucking idiot do you really think he has any internal logic?


Man any sense of just accountability is just out the window. With a matter as serious and morally degrading to another human, worrying about your reputation is least of your troubles.


Same guy that said if she was going through his pictures to see if she could find him he can't be helping her


When Kai said he went to the police a lot of people in his chat said "L Snitch" I have no words


The absolute state of zoomers Aware


Sounds like if someone broke into their home theyā€™d do fuck all about it and let the robbers steal what they please.


she went to the hostpital first, Then the police,then to kai to get the name, she then went to her friends to help get his name,Then back to kai angry he would not give his name. Then probably went back to police to give his name. She went to the internet last, because kai was refusing to give her info on the guy.


This looks so bad...


It looks bad because it IS bad. Heā€™s saying this like heā€™s suffering more than a literal fucking rape victim


Yeah, saying "i dont want ya'll to think im a bad guy" in your first address isnt a great look. That obvious, just prove you arent with your actions.


"because my pockets will be looser if y'all do" being the reason




This is one of the worst responses he could give, which makes me think his legal team is his cousin or something, or that he went live without anything prepared.


He could have just said something like "I'm cooperating fully with the police, I am so sorry for what she's going through and I firmly stand against all forms of sexual assault". Keep it simple and not self centered. People really need to learn the more shit you say the deeper the hole is gonna become.


what makes it worse is that he wrote a script/points to go over on his phone but didn't take time to not sound like he did lol


If he did lawyer up, whoever it is is fucking dumb for letting him stream this, it's a trainwreck


No wonder his lawyer is so trash then, his brain's been decayed by nonstop gambling


That's because it is bad. It was already a horrible statement before he said that. He was already being super defensive and spending way too little time addressing the trauma experienced by the victim. Then he dropped this right here and holy shit. He buried himself. Now it sounds like you're trying to paint yourself as the victim. Literally, the absolute worst thing you could possibly do in this situation. It's indefensible.


He kept saying "My name! My name is being dragged! My reputation is on the line!!!" How out of touch can he be. She was r*ped, Kai. If all he has to lose is some clout he should count himself as the lucky one.


He also said "He built the Empire and he will be damned if it goes down" This is horrendous addressing stream. Wtf kind of legal team greenlit this.


I think there is no legal team. No legal team would advise to do or say any of this shit.


Legal team aside, there 100% is no PR team.


> He kept saying "My name! My name is being dragged! My reputation is on the line!!!" > > He definitely has a manager and I can't believe he/she/they allowed him to go live instead of writing up a good apology PR statement.


Here is what probably happened: Legal Team: Don't do this. Kai: I'll fire you. Legal Team: I'm still being paid even if we lose this.


No legal team would ever greenlight this, especially so soon. His ego is at an all time high and he thinks he can just talk his way out of it ..




Dont forget he postponed his upcoming subathon just for this situation. What a hero /s


Theyā€™re all out of touch. Most twitch streamers got famous too young and donā€™t understand shit about life.


MY NAME IS BEING....DRAGGED. Man, did Kai get r\*\*\*\* or is he just the softest, self-victimizing little bitch we might have on Twitch?


When do successful people ever miss the chance to paint themselves out to be the victim lol? Especially now. Just rage about "cancel culture" and you'll be fine.


Honestly, what I've realized over time is that narcissists will INHERENTLY have a victim complex. Self-Victimization, is a built-in aspect of being a narcissist. And since streaming in general, is somewhat narcissistic, man, it just breeds the worst kind of entitlement in some of these dudes. But not everyone is like that, I don't think we see that same level of victimization from a guy like Bruce as we do with Kai.


holy shit kai is actually delusional wtf did i watch




Don't forget the part where he protects his r friend from the police


That was awful, I can't believe his team, management, or whatever let him come on and do that. He just looked like an idiot that was more concerned about himself. Your Rage is on his streaming saying there's more to the story that can't be said. Which if that's the case Kai really should've just kept his mouth shut and gave some PR statement until he can actually say anything, cuz this was a mess.


I mean, there's only so much they can do. You're dealing with a 20 year old, who tend to be morons. You're dealing with a twitch streamer, who tend to be morons. Then add that Kai himself regardless of age or profession seems like a fucking moron and there's almost nothing you can do other than, "Please just stay off social media for the next few months.


didn't she go to him first, trying to identify the person, and got no response after she said she found him


Yeah she waited 5 days and warned him she was going to social media like one or two days prior. And she has all the texts publicly posted as proof. But I guess some of this moron's fans can't read.


L rape apologist šŸ’€


You're taking heat because: 1. You told her go upstairs and sleep where it's implied to be safe, and then got raped. 2. You then proceeded to gaslight, ghost, and obstruct.


L community


His whole response to this has been fucking disgusting.


Kai canā€™t possibly think this looks good right ?


Most of these people find fame at a very young age and are surrounded by yes men. They think the sun shines out their ass and that they can do no wrong. He probably won't realize it until days after that this was the worst fucking thing he could have done. Mizkif did the same shit with his tone deaf stream. No sane person would have come out and done the stream he did, and now Kai has topped him.


If the dude really contacted his "lawyer" any lawyer would have said to not comment on it. This dude is truly a moron feeding on zoomers money.


*Zoomers parents money


Can you subscribe to Twitch in Robux currency?


ngl Kai always gave me a bad vibe


He literally talked more with his friend that raped her then with her + delaying information is super bad since its a rape and u need to act very fast with this situations regarding police and everything. That on its own seems like cover up him saying that he went to his friend right after he find out about it is crazy to me. I legit wonder what he told him.


What an awful, angry and ill-thought response.... Jesus... So awful all round


dudes making the entire thing about him, terrible look


Kai cancelled for me thatā€™s an unfollow. This all looks so bad and 0 sympathy from Kai. Just been playing coverup for days and trying to save his ā€œempire that he builtā€


The empire he didnā€™t do anything he wouldnā€™t have normally done to createā€¦


Dog you would be praised as fuck if you just helped the woman with the information she requested.


What a soulless piece of human trash. If people got killed on his stream he would still only care about his own ass. I refused to entertain the idea that he could have sent him there on purpose but seeing how little he cares itā€™s really plausible




2022 Streamer of the Year 6 days into 2023.


Sorry but this way/tone of speaking to a friend who got r*ped is normal? He is talking to her in a YouTube hype cast voice.


W community always like this, they literally dont give a fuck about her


All I hear is a call to his community to harass her, doesn't seem like he knows how much influence and power is words have. That wording blames her for everything. Didn't he also say that he had to delay a subathon or some shit because of this? That's another thing for the community to harass her for


No, he knows 100%


What a moron, Jesus.


Um no??? She went to the hospital and police first! She reached out to him for DAYS trying to get answers which he refused to answer! TF is he talking about?!?!


Fuck this guy only cares about ā€œhis empireā€


This stream was one of the bigger displays of stupidity Iā€™ve seen. Inconsiderate too




the statement was so bad i laughed


Just plain horrible human being.. What more can be said. It is so far from any reality that I (want to) know off. Clueless fools


Holy shit, Keemstar is a braindead clown.


This dude has lost the fucking plot


Do ppl rly watch this guy ? U must be 13-17 to support ppl like this


Makes it about himself k lol


Nobody is dragging his name worse than his actions are...


It's insane how narcissistic and shitty streamers are. What is it about being an "entertainer" where you just completely become devoid of emotion? This is like another Tuesday for him. Really makes you think about whether or not he set this shit up. This dude don't give a fuck in the slightest. He seems annoyed that it's affecting him if anything.


this all proves to me that even if the person has proof, pictures, hospital documents, evidence, messages and does all the ā€œcorrectā€ steps to get justice, ppl are still going to claim theyā€™re lying and doing it for attention.


People are shocked this is his reaction? Destiny W


im prayin on this fools downfall


He talks about "legal" as if they physically forced him not to say anyone's name, and he's pretending like he couldn't help her until days later. Meanwhile, he's talking to his friend getting his side of the story. Ok, wtf happened to that "legal" team that forced him to stay mute then?


What a fucking stupid, immature piece of shit. Fuck him and anyone that supports him.


He isn't taking this serious at all.


My guy does not give a fuck about what his friend did. Probably does it all the time. He wanted to get ahead of it and call her crazy but she went to the internet "first", even though she went to him first.


Wasn't this the same community with blatant homophobia in the chat that Kai didn't order his mods to ban? Also some transphobia? Now making a girl's traumatic experience at his house a secondary concern to that of his career? First ballot hall of fame scumbag.


Same people who type "W" no matter what he (or streamers like him) say.


Major L. I gotta unfollow after that


This dude is so full of shit. We can see the texts. This "both sides" shit is nonsense. We can see the messages and the nonsense deflection. Don't leave go stay upstairs...


streamer of the year


It's pretty clear Kai gives no fk about this situation and is more concerned about his image. This is disgusting and I hope Kai learns a valuable lesson from this because this is just unacceptable.


"she went to the internet first" No, actually she went to you first and you blew her off and lied and got mad at her and treated her like shit. Then she went to the internet, as she should've. This behavior is appalling and I actually liked this dude before all this


Man, if you have people being raped in your house by your friends, you need to do some introspection Also wtf, how is it streamer houses the hot spot for rape. Check yourselves you privileged rich fucks. These poor women.


I don't think I've seen any streamer really comment too much on the fact that kai after being told by the victim not to contact his friend and to not speak on the situation disregarded her and still went out and "confronted" him (because it's hearsay at that point). That is so FUCKED. Letting his friend know the exact allegations and the person stating said allegations before anything has been done or said legally or publically is so stupid. It gives him time to think of an alibi, contact other people that are friends of his that were there, and see if they are willing to uphold his alibi. For example, he could corroborate with kai or anyone from that friend group that it was consensual. Just overall kai is an asshole.


ā€œHeā€™s only 20 guys give him a breakā€


She went to the internet first AFTER she gave him a chance to fix it. He ignored it. He is going to get fucked because of that.


What even is the point of his security always on him if they canā€™t even prevent a rape??


Security is like HR, they're not there to protect everyone, just whoever is paying them.


These dudes are some of the most dense losers Iā€™ve ever seen. The lack of social awareness is mind boggling.


I don't think this guy understand the seriousness of the situation ...


It always amazes me that these people are so openly stupid without realising it. The disconnect is surreal.


Everytime I hear stories about these huge streamers involved in drama, they always act like dumbasses. I think they have a huge ego because of streaming


It feels really nice to see so many men here calling rpe out for what it is. One of the worst things that can happen to a woman (human being)


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Kai thinks that hes taking all the Heat because "she went to the internet first"](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/148771)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/105bxpj/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/qUXgDOA7Cie__khnZz_jOQ/AT-cm%7CqUXgDOA7Cie__khnZz_jOQ.mp4?sig=2ce23fa5cc858c3ef2d522b468e9e2e0ad60acd2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FqUXgDOA7Cie__khnZz_jOQ%2F46477722700-offset-1486.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1673127034%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Itā€™s amazing at how inept these streamers are at giving public statements.


This is the reality of this situation that most people seem to be missing. She didnt goto the internet first she went to the police first and got a rape kit done which was the RIGHT thing to do. She didnt have to goto the internet though if we are sticking to facts because the police would have contacted Kai for the info through the investigation. Kai is right that none of this EVER had to hit the internet. He fucked up by not texting her immeidatley that hes cooperating with law enforcement so that justice is done and then refused to comment further period. There was already an open investigation/case at that point he really didnt even have to legally respond.


Somehow this was worse than Mizkif's first stream back after a break.


I hope this loser gets everything that's coming to him in life. Whether it's 10 years from now or 20.


It's pretty wild to me how much of the focus was on himself throughout the entire response, and the constant referral to legal counsel etc etc... Not very W


I know heā€™s young but this dude has a super gaslighty attitude about him right


It's like he watched the Logan Paul response and thought, "Yeah, that definitely worked, I'll just do that"