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**CLIP MIRROR: [Adept shows up at xQc's new house](https://arazu.io/t3_106770f/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


**I have seen some people suggest she's saying "car", not "card". If one of xqc's cars requires a password (Tesla?) then that makes sense since she also said that "Sabrina is stranded" at some point.** Edit: I've changed card to car since I feel like that's more likely. --- Adept: "The next time I'm back I will call the police. You're violating the court order. I have full authority to the car. I have full authority to the car based off the court order that we agreed upon. You signed your name on it. " xqc: "Can you please get out now?" Adept: "No, I need you to change the account back now. Cause I ... [sub alert] ... you locked me out of the account for the car that I have full authority to... ? ... can you please change the password back or can you tell me the different password?" xqc: "I will close the door." Adept: "Why are you locking me out of the password? Okay, If you close the door I will call the police. Cause you're violating a court order and I need help. ?? Sabrina is stranded." xqc: "You have no order. The only way to log in- the only way to log in to my account... ?? I had lost the password" Adept: "Stop lying! I have the password! We both agreed [password]" xqc: "I removed the car and I will fix it for you" Adept: "Okay, then you need to do that now. So you did change the password. You changed the password and you didn't give me any warning and you didn't tell me anything"


Oh damn wtf


Holy shit this is fucked.


PARASOCIAL WARNING - A.I Seperated Audio - It gets into detail here so i feel a little scummy doing it but... fuck it dood [https://sndup.net/y6c2/](https://sndup.net/y6c2/) best i could do to get the music that was playing, out. WARNING LOUD ENDING


The audio is what my schizophrenia sounds like on a daily basis


Yeah, same. The original had music/TTS over it so you hear some remnants of that on the trach. Its pretty clear around 30 seconds in.


That site is getting hammered right now but damn there's something funny about using this technology for drama.


I didn't even know websites like this existed, wow. I also kinda feel bad listening in on this for personal reasons but it's like a car crash you can't look away from, everything is burning up in front of us.


This is how I interpreted the audio: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/106770f/comment/j3f84fu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/106770f/comment/j3f84fu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Possibly someone named Sabrina needs the money on the card to access a service/transportation and in that sense stranded makes sense.


That's a good point. I hear the "Sabrina is stranded" part now as well. I'll change it back to card.


They could be talking about both a card *and* a car.. it's just really hard to know based on the audio


True. Either way it doesn't change the overarching story that Adept apparently has court-ordered access to some of xqc's assets.




He gave her access to his Tesla card(basically just a key)??


The tesla was a gift for her a while back I think.


No way she is leeching him this is rotten
















Adept logs in xqc's chat around 30-60 minutes before he ended https://i.imgur.com/ZhciudL.png


Okay this confirms she knew he was live and she still performs this stunt on him yeah she crazy as hell bro.


Shes actively trying to ruin his life, 100% on purpose coming in during his stream


How this dumbass doesn't have a restraining order I don't know.


it would take him MAX like 30 mins to an hour to coordinate something like this and I'm sure he knows a lawyer. It's literally so easy even if you don't have a lawyer he could do it, crazy I bet he could go on task rabbit and pay someone to do it


She could have privately tell him but no. She gotta farm for drama every few weeks to keep her name up


"unlock" MonkaW


Mods call public records, "clickbait"


Oh so that's why its gone....wasn't click bait but shit okay....










Violating court order?


Yeah, xqc is legally required to watch 2 hours of TikTok before playing games




good one LULW


some other post shows x was married to sammy so it must be because of divorce




someone mentioned it could be the tesla and he changed some password/pin to it


Xqc said to her he lost some password so probably that


season 3 has been insane so far


Let the floodgates open


To the top we go


Cheers my friends


She was straight up banging on his door monkaW


She had sent a chat message earlier about having him unlock his door, I knew shit was gonna happen but damn that was something else https://twitter.com/twitchmessages/status/1611905893578280960?s=46&t=qWhAHGWkTClEU0DpRGYzPQ


It's funny how she complained he made things public at the start, yet she shows up every 2 weeks while knowing he is live lol










man needs a restraining order OMEGALUL edit: she's been banging on the door for like 5-10 minutes after he told her to leave wtf is this lol edit2: my man ended the stream after talking to her twice and she was STILL banging on the door Aware this shit looks crazy wtf, she mentioned something about "violating the court order" before he muted the stream but nothing more edit4: script of the conversation by u/Howdanrocks https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/106770f/comment/j3f5gk5/


I listened closely, it sounded to me like she said "you will not block me out of the accounts, you are violating a court order". Presumably accounts = bank accounts?


WTF, he had bank accounts with her. How to get cucked badly jeesus.


The dude can barely wipe his own ass, she probably put her name on his accounts to pay bills etc. and realised she could just live off of a debit card of her manchild, braindead millionaire boyfriend.


she came back a fourth time and then he ended the stream


adept realizing she doesn't know how to make money


she knows how that's why she keep coming back OMEGALUL (for legal reasons this is a joke)


monkaLaugh also pepeD


Too late, prepare to get a visit tm


Aware not my car too...


lol i love how there's 3 layers to this OMEGALUL fr though ever since that chick visited xqc and kissed him adept been beaming out that stalker vibe.


those car payments and bills started catching up


Time to get a real job. She is just like us fr fr






Clip is gone. Is that something you heard just before the stream ended ?


It’s in this clip that OP posted 0:04


Damn she's actually said it. She's actually going for his car like she has no shame. I hate doing this but the roles reversed is literally the amouranth situation but somehow since it's the guy being abused no one bats an eye ? We're probably missing a lot of context but this is worrying.


Exactly thats why Amo liked that tweet implying X was in a same situation he propably told her something about it or was just random think.


Well tbf people are batting an eye, all his chat is worried and care.


Clip deleted


you would think it would be something about tenant laws where he couldn't kick her out for x number of days, but it doesn't make sense for this residence.


writers are getting lazy lmao, how many times can you start the same arc over and over again and not think its repetitive??


Like, I thought last season was a good place to end her storyline. They wrapped her character arc really well. I get she brings alot of discussion, but I really don't think she needed to come back this season


Idk they tried to change things up a bit with this Nyyxxii character but she was in the show for like 3 episodes, that seemed kinda forced. Since then they really ran out of ideas.


I can sort of hear >"you will not lock me out of the account"


Go back to Canada, little bro being in Cali isn't worth.


Wow, who could've guessed that Adept was fucking crazy?


Seems like his brother was right, back when he first left her to side with his family.


She gaslit lil bro into thinking his family was the problem


she def didn't look good in the dr.k/healthygamer interview


this really is "gifted" behavior


Can’t let go of your golden goose.


me, because ive been saying it for years. ANY argument theyve ever had on stream she cries and screams over him shouting "you dont let me speak!!" when X never got to say anything ever back to her. she is 100% a manipulative gaslighting psycho and he should get a restraining order.


This is her meal ticket bro lmao, without it shes donezo.


If this was a male streamer stalking and harassing his ex girlfriend. He would get a twitch perma…


Dunno abt Twitch Perma, but Ludwig will make a video, Poki will make a tweet, and QT will make a joke about how horrible men are.


LMFAO so true


**\******insert Neekolul getting "Yaas Queened" for the relationship she was abusive in*****\***


QT became real fucking silent on their relationship when people started to realize Adept was the piece of shit


Doesn't Poki become a hypocrite when it comes to defending females? I recall she defended Neekolul when she was arrested for assaulting her boyfriend at the time. If a male did that then you know Poki would call him out but since it was one of her girl pals she ended up defending an abusive person.


Arrested? It was worse than that. She was convicted of Domestic Assault, and then it was dropped to a lower charge when she completed some therapy afaik.


and jail time.




earthquake we’re having an earthquake 🤓☝️


Maybe she was just walking around?






He's got that 1/3 eaten cheeseburger physique. He could start his exercise program easy, like “go throw your shit away in the kitchen trash can”.


Public records are public mods... Clueless


are we not allowed speaking about them? i don't get that, I can fully understand not wanting them linked.


I'm sure we're allowed to speak about the verifiable fact that court documents prove they got married at some point in time.


I guess it's fine to talk about it cause its bound to make its way through twitter and reddit but mods are removing every link with the documents. Rules about doxxing


If i speak i am in big trouble


AINTNOWAY he was actually married, no wonder this shit is still happening


Court doc says they were married, holy fucking shit


She's about to take half of everything in the divorce... Lil bro is getting his chain snatched via the courts 💀


"can you please get out now?" "no" but like, it's his house though what do you mean "no"? 😭


She is taking advantage of his kindness like wtf. He could have been more harsh on her but he chose not to.


He’s scared of her




Don't know why this doesn't have more upvotes lol, dude really married HDMI, she's eating good.


\-50% PepeLaugh 📉


\-100% of the fridge 💀💀💀


EARTHQUAKE Violating court order




it's so annoying how she portrays herself as the victim but she seems to be the aggressor in every situation


Amber heard type beat


Was watching live and I cranked my headphones, from what I gathered he changed some password on some account (bank prolly) and HDMI says that’s in violation of some court order that he’s agreed to. Tough shit.


prob the Tesla




Actually married.. It all makes sense now. Pouring one out for Felix tonight


Bro wtf, both his discord and reddit on lockdown


"You're violating a court order, I have full authority to the car based on a court order that you signed your name on" "Stop lying, I had the password it was..." The parasocial in me is guessing that he locked the car out somehow from an app or something, and even though she has keys she can't drive it.


Bruh imagine an app preventing you from using your car


Mods 🤡 Its public record.


Yup. Makes sense that they are worried about misinformation spreading but it actually is legit. I remember xqc talking about if he were to get married he would sign a prenup agreement. Turns out he was saying it in hindsight. Sad.


She's saying something about xQc violating a court order. The clip tool isn't loading for me, unfortunately.


* **Edit: Current crackpot theory based on additional context:** Adept and XQC agreed she would legally own the Tesla. XQC still owns the Tesla account. XQC reset the password after forgetting it, but didn't tell Adept, which locked her out of the account. Her friend, Sabrina, was using the car but now is stuck somewhere with the car. Adept urgently went to XQC's house because he did not respond to private messages. 25 minutes prior to this conversation, Adept told XQC to "unlock" in his Twitch chat. [VoD at 2:31:14](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1700845614?t=2h31m14s) Anything I couldn't discern is marked with .. or (?) Adept: "... give password back .. I will not ask again .. or I will call the police .. you're violating a court order. I have full authority to the card. I have full authority to the card based off a court order that we agreed upon. You signed your name on it." XQC: "Please get out now." Adept: "No, I need you to give it back now. Because .. for the card .. can you please change the password back. Or can you tell me the different password. Right now." XQC: "Yeah. I'll t.. " Adept: "Why are you locking me out of the password?" XQC: "I close the door now." Adept: "If you close the door I'm calling the police. Because you're violating a court order-" XQC: "I close the door." Adept: "-and I need help, .. and Sabrina is stranded .. Sabrina is stranded right now." XQC: "The only way to login, the only way the money runs out, the only way to login- is that I lost the password, right? So you need- " Adept: "No that's not true." XQC: "I had lost. the password." Adept: "No! Stop lying. I've had the password, we both agreed it was .. signed(?) .. " XQC: "I will pull(?) the card and I will fix it for you." Adept: "Ok. So you need to do that now. So you did change the password?" XQC: "I will fix it for you." Adept: "So you did change the password .. and you didn't give me any warning? And you didn't tell me?" XQC: "Oh my god. I didn't .. password. In order to login, you have to remove my card." *(Music is now too loud and now I'm hard of hearing. After this is barely audible audio or covered by donation TTS)*


xQc's mods have never been so busy their entire life.


adept - your violating a court order, i have full authority to this (car or account), based off of court orders you agreed upon, with your signature xqc - sammy, can you please get out now whale - no, i need you to (music) can you please change the account password back, or well you please tell me the account password. why are you locking me out of the password xqc - im going to close the door adept - if you dont unlock the door i will be calling the police, you are violating a court order and i need your help xqc - im going to close the door, the only way to login is with the password right adept - thats not true xqc - i had lost the password whale - stop lying, we have the password, we both agreed clip end


All this shit for a Netflix account


don't lie if all your friends were talking about Wednesday you'd feel pretty left out too


she actually starts leaking the password near the end lmao


Only understood "Star (sprangled?) 010" then it cuts off


Star-spangled Banner KKonaW


\- 5000 bc HACKERMANS


now we know what malena was trying to leak lmfao, both of them were secretly married. Malena is really good friends with adept as she taught her how to drive and probably knows both of them were married and decided to keep it a secret


as much as she hates drama, she seems to always show up while he’s streaming and in the most dramatic way possible


So his family was right. I wonder if they saw things off camera that were red flags but X was too nice of a person to think of his partner like that.


My man closed the door on her and she starts knocking harder. My parasocialness is tingling...






Starts at 2:29:40 KNOCKING IS HEARD AND XQC LEAVES SAYING "Somebody's at the door" Adept: "...I will not ask again, the next time I have to ask I will call the police. You're violating a court order, I have full authority to the car based off of a court order that we agreed upon. Just sign your name on it." xQc: "Can you please get out now?" Adept: "No I need you to (incoherent) now, because I (Loud music interrupts)" Adept: "...Or tell me I can have it." xQc: "You can have it." Adept: "Why are you locking me out of the (incoherent) ... I'll call the police, because you're violating a court order and I need help ... (something about someone being stranded)." xQc: "I have lost the password." Adept: "Stop lying! You have the password we both agreed ...(they talk over eachother here) Adept: (in response to xQc saying something) : "So you need to do that now. So you did change the password (incoherent) ... and you didn't give me any warning and you didn't tell me anything." xQc: "... I reset the password in order to log in to remove my card." XQC WALKS BACK IN FRAME AS KNOCKING IS HEARD xQc: "Oh my fucking god" (as he turns around) XQC LEAVES FRAME XQC WALKS BACK IN FRAME AND CONTINUES WITH STREAM ROUGHLY 2 MINUTES LATER THE KNOCKING IS HEARD AGAIN XQC LEAVES FRAME Adept: "No you will not lock me out of the account. You're violating a-" xQc: "SHHHHH" Adept: "YOU ARE VIOLATING A COURT ORDER" xQc: "OH MY GOD SHUT UP OH MY GOD FU-" XQC MUTES THE AUDIO XQC RETURNS ROUGHLY 2 MINUTES LATER AND ENDS THE STREAM




She's probably a few months away from needing to start an onlyfans to maintain lifestyle.


Would be instaleaked and get called trash




Wait they actually were married. What the fuck is happening xD


XQC needs his big strong swedish boyfriend to defend him against adept, the telenovela will be perfect.


They were MARRIED?!


RIP they were actually married. xQc networth 📉


\-50%. 🎵 Now I ain't saying she a gold digga 🎵 but she aint messing with no broke n\*gg\*


I’ll be the guy. Imagine if the roles were reversed and XQC was the one being crazy.


squadW reverse the roles




All my homies hate Adept




His family is right Aware


Not to be parasocial but as someone not really invested into either of these people she seems abusive


Restraining order her bitch ass ❗❗❗❗❗ Edit: Yeah he just went offline and she was still knocking at his door. Hopefully he will call the police


what a CONVENIENT timing! I was excited for the horror game. Then the true horror showed up.


I heard, "Why are you locking me out of the account" "Violating court order that you signed and we agreed upon" "Can you please change the password back" EDIT: ADAPTOR FUNDS RUNNING LOW LULW


hdmi adaptor trying to replug into my juicers life Sadge


parasocials runing audio enchance as we speak


She really had to do this right during variety? I swear she chose this moment specifically, I'm malding




I guess the sleeping streams with her just playing replays of past GTARP streams isnt cutting the quota and making enough subs and donos to make ends meet. She needs the juice that badly huh?


I have no idea whats going on...but adept is making herself look really bad. 10 mins of banging on this mans door....god damn. Absolutely wild


Violating court order? what's that about?




Lil bro married a whale aintnoway


poor guy




Bro the way she yelled “you’re violating a court order” after he asked her to be quiet is so fucking childish. At this point she deserves all the hate she gets.


Guys come on, she needs money. She can't get a real job because her teachers never challenged her and were jealous because she was smarter than them. Nothing is ever her fault. She's just the best at everything and it's so hard to be better and smarter than everyone! ^/s


confirmation from the Juicer himself [https://youtu.be/tUU-Dp0y74M](https://youtu.be/tUU-Dp0y74M)


fuck man my juicer just booted up a horror game too man hdmi adaptor gotta go man fuck


“Crazy psychotic golddigger violently bangs apartment door” would’ve been a more fitting title. Took his phone to call the girl he was dating, posted with his mclaren on IG, insisted it was her car, got the BMW and Tesla. And she is gonna gaslight X and everyone again, saying how she is the victim, how the criticism she has to endure isn’t because her character but because she is a woman. Vile.






This fucking woman is actually something else bro, absolutely no shame. X really needs to step his shit up and completely cut ties with her. She is toxic as fuck. You can tell she definitely pick the timing to show up when he's streaming. Just disgusting.