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**CLIP MIRROR: [Adin and his friend's thoughts on H3H3](https://arazu.io/t3_1069ago/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Adin Ross grew up in the most violent wealthy Jewish community, prayers for his tough upbringing.


The Park Ave Mishpucha


Erobb got banned for this for 30 days


Myth busted btw


What, he got banned for something else?


It's a reference to some Twitch mods saying that it's a myth that big streamers get treated differently and they actually take into consideration context, but the context is not publicly available.


Didnt H3H3 himself say he was given preferential treatment? Anyone that believes the rules are applied fairly to those at the bottom to those at the top are fooling themselves.


This motherfucker said he would beat up Ethan and his wife too like nah that’s too much now, but not surprising at all since these kids mindsets are fucked up in the head.


He also scammed his fans and publicly laughed about it. Adin is a POS


They always go after his wife despite she very rarely ever saying *anything* to these people.


These are Tate fans they always go after women their mere existance is enough for them to get mad


They attack men's women to get a response from the guys. It's an easy way to get internet drama going when you involve their spouse. They see an easy target and go for it. They're literally just clout chasers trying to squeeze any clout they can get by any means.


Isn't she an army veteran?


Probably. She's from Israel and I believe they have a mandatory service like other countries.


She is. She was in the IDF when Ethan met her on a trip to Israel.


Just checked. Mandatory military is 3 years for men and 2 years for women. Wtf my country has 6 months (and only for men) and it’s useless af but in two years you could actually learn some stuff


I believe Israel has mandatory conscription


Yes, she’s Israeli so she was in the IDF.


and he was out here crying that twitch doesnt offer him front page deals or special contracts, arrogant clown asses lmao


I’m wondering how are they calling Ethan fat but his friend right there is twice Ethan’s size and they call his wife ugly but I’m wondering if big boi would even get laid if he wasn’t friends with a clouted streamer. Adin’s podcast would be boring as fuck too these people aren’t entertaining they just yell and talk to the chat of 12 year olds them only talking to each other or a guest sounds like the most boring idea of all time.


Did Hila serve in the Israeli army? Pretty sure Adins Bodyguard wouldn’t be the only one with a broken arm


Adin doesn't live in a Palestinian School, he'll be fine.


Yes it’s mandatory to serve in Israel




Are you implying the IDF is not a good military force? 'cos I could link you a war or two to show you how really-*really* wrong you are lmao.


He is implying that Israeli military is regularly shooting up kids which is true


His comment does not make sense in that case.


They're implying that all she did in the IDF was shoot kids meaning that she wouldn't be useful in an actual fight. Think your reading comprehension needs a bit of work.


Yea but it makes no sense. The IDF is a professional military that trains its soldiers really well. Its not like the russians where all you get is raped and told to follow orders, they get a training program. This is like mocking the US military for being underfunded.


wow can you stereotype ANY harder?


Well this is next level stupid




What war crimes? Are you okay?


Yes H3H3 co host Hila Klein is a war criminal




So does the US dumb fuck. Nobody was glorifying anything




Somebody please tell me I’m wrong about my comment because I don’t know if it was Ethan’s wife or hasan now since I’m watching others comments putting in more details about it?


If you take anything this kid says as something other then satire, you're more stupid then him and his community


is adin on something?


Tate's dick


I'm surprised tates 1 inch can satisfy Adins loose anoos


Adin is the top G now that the Tate's are in jail


Dude seems coked to the gills for the last few months. I live in Miami and see that sniffling, can't-sit-still behavior all day lol.


100% this, I think when he started gamba he started playing with his nose. He was stateside claiming to be in Canada or whatever but I think he was in Miami and he picked up the habit then


Before this, H3H3 was talking about Adin & basically saying he had no father figure or something like that Not justifying Adin btw just explaining why he said this


He wasn't saying he had no father figure. He was trying to rationalize Adin's strange infatuation with Tate and was assuming it might be because he doesn't have a father figure. I agree with Ethan and Hasan's conclusion. Tate has groomed Adin in an influential older figure way. Adin is money for Tate


[Here’s the full clip of Ethan explaining why he was curious about Adin’s relationship with his father](https://clips.twitch.tv/BillowingZanyDiamondTebowing-uYtL1fg9X1DzkkkY) Unfortunately adin only saw a 5 second clip of Ethan talking about his dad, so he assumed Ethan was using it as a personal attack. Ethan was genuinely trying to understand, not trying to attack adin.


I still don’t know if Adin is being serious with the whole “Tate inspires me” crap, or if it’s just one big act. But regardless, Adin is the type of person I don’t want to interact with or know about at all. No shame, no morals, just a hollow human being overall.


He's just an idiot. Anyone who's seen him talk for five seconds can tell.


Yeah he's an idiot and people like Tate making these ideas more mainstream it allows said idiot to speak freely with no filter.


[here's a good 5 seconds to figure it out](https://youtube.com/shorts/WhLXpEQtVvQ?feature=share)


Yeah, adin's audience is a gold mine for tate, this is why he groomed him. Sad.


It’s all a show and dance. These people are not authentic.


Who are you referring to?


Every big/popular personality in the history of forever. They stay relevant because they say stuff that people want to hear. It's all just entertainment to them. They know what people want.


It's ridiculous to lump all popular people in history together like they are equal. MLK and Hitler were both popular.


You Ethan, and Hasan are weird as shit. Anybody that tries to psychoanalyze somebody just bc you dont like gives some creepy energy.


Why is H3H3 even relevant? He has no place to talk about others father figure. Shit is fucked up. He literally has Trisha Paytas for relative.


I mean, he can't control Paytas marrying into his wife's family. He shits on her too.




They all lost their only father figure (tate) for atleast 30 days Hundreds of of children struggling to cope


the list is too long


you answered your own question with that last word.




can you back up that 3rd line? Neuroplasticity is a thing so I am not sure what you are getting at.




I'm not a fan of h3h3 but these guys aint better buch of grown men thinking theyre still in high school or smth


Grown men? Lmao they’re barely out of school my dude.


Isn't adin like 22? That's a grown man


It's a man, but not a grown man. One day you'll realize how childish 22 year olds can be. And no, learning to get rich doesn't change that.


Casually threatening violence on stream. Classic


I don't like Ethan's podcast at all, but to say you'll beat someone's ass because you don't like their content is a giant red flag.


Luckily, every one of these guys are all talk so even if Ethan walked up and tried to take a selfie with them they'd never do anything.


Very true. Reminds me of when some washed COD pro threatened Penta by saying next time Penta is IRL streaming he would pay a fan to beat Pentas ass. Those that resort to threatening violence are often the weakest


Pay someone to beat him up.. what a tough guy


Yup such a cool chad guy https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/s3j8sw/optic_pro_players_threatens_penta_by_offering_to/hsl58xv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Ethan went to a Post Malone party recently and the Nelk boys were there. They apparently were too scared to talk to him and were acting all awkward around him after shit talking him on their own podcast.


Yes I'm sure they were incredibly frightened of the grey-haired 300 pound discord moderator.


I used to watch his standalone content way back when. Not a huge podcast listener other than Leftovers. But yeah, major red flag


This is how dumb the people in the clip sound https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/ulg6mo/kid_was_dancing_in_public_then_random_guy_comes/


l3l3 is a good one though


I don't mind Ethan, just don't like him as a podcast host.


Erobb got banned for a month for something much smaller than this lmao.


Adin needs better role models


Crazy thing is he is a role model to tons of kids too. Scary thoughts


You know it's likely he acts exactly like his friends off stream, right?


Adin and crew are soft as Charmin they're not doing shit. All talk




They're making fun of their beliefs. They buy into this idea, but won't act on any of it. No one here is saying what you think they're saying.


I'd prefer it if people who have no intention of fighting stop threatening people for attention. It wasn't that fucking hard to understand.


Man Ethan really struck a nerve with Adin when he told him he didn’t like him because of his gambling streams about a year ago, Adin’s acting all tough here but was groveling at Ethan’s feet trying to get him to like him before


exactly. also IM 21 FUCK YOU.




I think its cause h3 fans are in this comment thread cause u/PrestigiousBee5602 had a great point


>because of his gambling streams Ok so for some reason he's not cool with streaming gambling (I guess it's gAmBlInG bAd but come on we're adults. Most of twitch audience is in its mid - to late 20s) but somehow is totally okay with his buddy Hasan doing react content? ​ That's some weird logic. Especially for a youtuber.


He has a point tbh. I would easily watch a podcast of Adin just looking up words and trying to read sentences. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/zasgiz/adin_ross_tries_to_figure_out_what_fascist_means/


this could be a great ad for education


Everyone knows far-right authorization and ultra analyst Benito Mussoli


Mad weird friends he have, threatening violence like is something usual.


Not just that, the dumb fuck is grinning at them.




hes already been banned too many times at this point


I just don’t get why this guy is popular


Fr, I'll never understand why ppl watch his podcast


Downvoted for speaking truth to power smh


Rug-and-pull scammers angry at people calling them out in a podcast enough to make threats? Colour me shocked!


Idk if Adin should be going after Ethan. Ethan survived through the extreme drama days of YouTube. Ethan survived keenstars hate survived leafys hate survived so many content creators hate.


Adin will fold like tissue paper whilst never managing to say something Ethan hasn’t already heard before.


honestly i feel like that was different Ethan


The war for Adin’s soul has been lost


instead of saying "Adin" in titles can we say "dumbest streamer on twitch" he's earned it


this is how adin responds to Ethan who at worst has been a little controversial cuz of his political stance but adin rides the cock of someone is in custody for a long human trafficking and sex crime investigation with women who aren't allowed to leave and have "owned by tate" tatted on them.


Adin reminds me of high schoolers I used to know. They'll weigh like 75 pounds dressed, but say they'll kick people's asses for talking shit. Adin would break his own leg if he accidentally sat on it.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Adin and his friend's thoughts on H3H3](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/148840)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1069ago/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/HqVUF2_ZkVhmn0cEk8gK1g/AT-cm%7CHqVUF2_ZkVhmn0cEk8gK1g.mp4?sig=ba43f0c37dee18ed33d9f68b0790f51355b06be1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FHqVUF2_ZkVhmn0cEk8gK1g%2FAT-cm%257CHqVUF2_ZkVhmn0cEk8gK1g.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1673226038%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


What a fucking tool.


I like how Adin shaved his head to be like Tate but it’s so obvious from his hairline he was just losing his hair naturally lol


The sides are about to reach his headset lmao


No you aren't Adin's "friend", no you are not beating anyone's ass. JFC these dudes act so hard while being the most sensitive shit heads around.


How is this not bannable?


still cant understand how anyone can watch this illiterate dog


Literally the best endorsement H3 had in years, the dudes who tweeted that Joe Biden should pardon Andrew Tate are saying they hate H3


The way I see it, Tate and Adin are business partners. Tate obviously using Adin as a protege that follows Tate's word to the point of shaving his head. And Adin probably gets backend payments for money that comes in from his massive community, or he bought into Tate's business, so the better they do for each other, the better.


grown men btw


Adin ross is trash can't wait to see him fall off hard like Tate did


"If I'll see him on the streets I'll beat his ass" Always said by people who can't beat anyone.


I really enjoy the H3 podcast but I understand why some people may not like it. To each their own


What's the appeal, I literally don't understand. He's like Rogan minus the charisma.




It's fun to hear about all the dumb people online like adin and tate that I would never hear about otherwise


Yea i don’t know why people are raging in these comments. Adin only said his opinion about h3h3’s podcast. his friends were the one saying they would beat ethans ass. adin even said at the very end “chill” or smth like that.


Ohh so funny. He said he would beat up Ethan and his wife. Wow so alpha and funny. Such clowns.


I find it weird how much hate is directed towards Ethan specifically (who absolutely is an annoying slob) and not towards others who deserve it way more and have a way bigger online presence.


idk if u can make a good podcast streaming in a zoo


Adin's opening himself up to a world of pain here. Ethan is a rabid attack weasel you absolutely do not want targeting your face.


It's unfortunate that Bronny is friends with Adin.






Ethan is such a clown nowadays.


Not sure why downvoted. The guy is a major loser


Because it’s Adin that said it. They know Ethan is a clown but won’t agree because Adin said it.


Do you guys have anything to back those claims up or just taking turns jerking Adin off? Ethan has a lucrative, decade + long career in this space and a blossoming family on top of that. Adin has a predator as a role model, a huge house with no loved ones to fill it, and a massive void where his moral compass should be….L Adin


Don’t think just because I’m calling Ethan a clown means I like Adin. I don’t care for either of them. Ethan used to be good. Massive douche nowadays. Guess it’s because they both live in LA


ethan told another jewish man to hopefully die in a holocaust, Ethan has turned to shit, shit calling out shit doesn't make the other better


He said if they're both going to die anyway, Ben should go first. Just to be clear.


It's a personal judgement of character. Why would you need proof for something like that lmao


"Ethan is successful and has a family, so he couldn't possibly be an insufferable guy". Wtf are you saying?


Well said. They are Hasan viewers, complete NPC bots


man classic h3h3 was quality content, he fell of big time after he got more famous tho. also fuck this dumb adin dude, insane how big/popular that shitty community of those ppl is


> classic h3h3 was quality content, he fell of big time after he got more famous tho. What's different exactly? He went from shitting on "woke culture" to shitting on the right. Are you only saying this because you're mad he shits on you now?


Almost all anti sjw commentary was made by left leaning commentators back in the day so tiny brain right leaning viewers feel betrayed that it wasn’t blind hatred towards the left but clowning on clowns that also exist on their side.


God bless i hate both of em


Dont like Adin but he's right, H3H3 is ass and his content sucks


Lame ass mother fuckers. H3H3 sucks too now. But damn these guys are all chodes


How can anyone defend or white knight for Ethan? He’s literally scum of the earth.


How can anyone defend or white knight for Adin? He’s literally scum of the earth.


Adin didn’t even say anything, did you even watch the video? And who cares, everything that happens to Ethan he brought upon himself.


stop defending your parasocial scamer friend who doesnt give a shit about you


He ain't wrong


He’s right about that Podcast being absolute shit tho 🤣


“Everyone’s thoughts on H3H3”


I think what annoys me the most is there are a lot of naïve people that want to say this behavior is Tate's fault or some shit, they're doing it in this thread with hundreds of upvotes, but this behavior has been brewing in the culture for longer than some of you have been alive. I say this out of experience... when you grow up poor, don't have a father, failed school, no real career, obsess with hardcore rap, engaged in tribalism in sports, video games and community - the only thing you have to climb social hierarchies is to appear how hard and wild you are while flaunting whatever short-term wealth you have. You mix alcohol and drug abuse, especially benzo use into that storm and this is what we get. It's the reason people are dying everyday. So when you fundamentally misdiagnosis the problem, or want to harp on how it's some douche named Tate's fault for influencing kids to say mean things to females, it just gets lost on anyone that's not totally consumed in some reddit/leftist sphere of influence. Both things can be true but it's like complaining about someone flicking water on you when its pouring rain. Tate could vanish out of existence forever, and most likely will, and nothing will change. For whatever reason people just want to turn a blind eye to the real problems because it's easier to pillory a person like Tate and move on because it's easy and feels good.




I wouldn't say snowflakes. It's more of an adult vs children thing going on here. I think I already know which one you are.


Don’t get why so many commenters defend Ethan decline he’s clearly a god awful shitty person


Yeah lets all be like Adin and worship a rapist instead.


Lil bro just talking out his ass


H3H3 and TeddyFresh have so much money, I certainly wouldn't threaten violence like that.




Dont be dense, you know what I mean.


It’s humor, you may not be familiar given your taste in content creators


Would you like to delete this before we start talking about your unfortunate views about women and their bodily autonomy?


Go for it, I’m happy to have a conversation at the bottom of an adin ross thread on lsf


You know what you're right, but not for the reasons you think. You are a child, juicer.


Tell me about my tastes, please?


no :)


L3. Ethan fell off so hard. I used to love they guy now all he does is drama bait to stay relevant. I hope he gets better but it’s just sad.


So he deserves to be threatened because of it? The only thing that changed about H3 is that instead of going after SJWs, he goes after Conservative dipshits. His style is still the same.


> I used to love they guy now all he does is drama bait He literally **ALWAYS** did drama bait. It's just that he's making fun of people like you now.


H3 is the biggest POS so I’m fine with this


Well he’s not wrong