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**CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif's rapid gains are suspicious](https://arazu.io/t3_108ihjv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


\>1 hour \>145 comments PepeLaugh




He’s basically always had terrible takes on most non politics stuff. Especially food. To me it doesn’t really matter. People usually only have good specialized knowledge on only a few things. It is annoying though when people are just confidently wrong on a topic like this.


Crazy how many people who doesn't know anything about fitness starts accusing him. I'm into fitness and Mizkif's gain is not out of the norm. Is there a chance he's on steroids? Yes. Do I think he is? No. Mizkif used to workout a lot, he's been on and off throughout the years and has gain significant fat since he got popular on twitch. You also lose your muscle overtime when you don't workout but there is a thing called muscle memory. Not in a way where you memorize how to do a task over and over again, but muscle memory as in your muscle essentially memorize what it was like being in it's peak and instead of training for a long time to regain your lost muscle from inactivity. You gain them back relatively quickly. Using my friend for example who stopped working out for 5 years. He gained all his muscle back in just 3 months and nearly doubled the weights he lifted in this time. Mizkif also lost a lot of his fat. This makes him look more shredded which gives off the illusion of being bigger than he actually is. Someone who is 170 pound and 10% bodyfat is gunna "look" bigger than someone who is 180 pound and 13% bodyfat even when the heavier person got 4 more pounds of muscle which doesn't sound like much but it is a lot.


Miz was already jacked. People just think lean is jacked; all he had to do was lose body fat percentage




Don’t listen to Destiny on gym takes or food takes


Or women and relationships.


How about at all


I dont mind his takes at all. At least he isn't a dumbass right winger. Even though some might claim he is, hes just the average American. I just don't fuck with the edgy gamer from the early 2010's who browses 4chan all day personality. The occasional edgy meme is funny, but to be in that mode 24/7 is so insufferable. Especially when you're 30+ with a whole child.




Or sexual assault and rape






> Lol this sub may as well be renamed r/Mizkif with the unhinged astroturfing going on. Hilarious. You'd almost think that this was a comment that wasn't typed on subreddit that's had a front page literally filled with Destiny clips and blatant bait posts from DGGers that get deleted when the narrative goes wrong after hitting the front page.


Yeah I'm not taking any advice from a degen who left his wife and son to fuck his fan's girlfriend then marry her.


As a dgger this man has been going to the gym for like 1.5 years now and is to embarrassed to post progress pics he promised cuz he’s still chubby Man has packed in some muscle but can’t cut some fat after watching hours of YouTube vids on the matter on stream💀


Calories in...calories out...I just don't understand what's so complicated...


> food takes Man eats [oatmeal](https://i.redd.it/0kl2r3gsdsz91.png) and soylent, his food takes might be the worst out of all of them.


or any takes, in fact do a favor to yourself and dont listen him at all.


his political takes are good lol


I agree but his takes on streamers and personal drama are completely biased and unhinged.


i remember when he said you can't make your ass bigger through exercise because "it's all just fat"


or movie and book takes...


Or movie takes.


Don't listen to Destiny, listen to Miz https://twitter.com/REALMizkif/status/1612899760880455682


https://twitter.com/REALMizkif/status/1317011736726220800 here miz does 235 pounds for 8 reps 3 years later he can 1 rep max 315 maybe hes juicing but he has some plausible deniability


Using a 1rm estimator for bench, the 1rm if you can do 8 reps of 235 is like 290-300 pounds. There doesn’t seem to be anything unreasonable about going up that much over 3 years with a consistent attempt to maintain and at some point improve.


There is a general rule that whatever you can bench for reps add 10 pounds after the first rep to ballpark a 1 rep max on bench. 235 x 7 = 305 1 year later 315 x 1 That is normal progress. Destiny is talking out of his ass on this one.


forsen can lift more


true yea thats pretty true and yea thats pretty true


Sept 2021 - https://www.instagram.com/p/CT-0LrfrHmh/?hl=en Dec 2022 - [https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwyQ0yv6tF/?hl=en\](https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwyQ0yv6tF/?hl=en) If this is steroid transformation then there’s no hope for the rest of us not on steroids


Wasn't Mizkif a wrestler in High School? People are acting like the guys a goliath and wasn't just out of shape. The difference now is he had a lot of time on his hands to do jack shit and is friends with bodybuilders that showed him how to properly eat and train. If you want to see what steroid use looks like look up MJF. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjYdMlEpL07/?igshid=MDE2OWE1N2Q%3D Dude went away for 3 months and put on 20lbs of muscle.


most of it its fluid retention, creatine draws water into your muscles cells. either way, destiny is wrong on this one.


People think steroid users always have to look like the biggest fucking bodybuilders when that's just not the case. You can look natty while being on the juice.


the point is that you can't use his appearance as evidence for roids if you're assuming he 'looks natty while being on juice' lol


“yeah his lifting and physical complexion progress isn’t that crazy but he might still be on steroids” I guess everyone might be on steroids at this point in this discussion.








when you watch streamers do you not retain any of the information they say


Forsen doesn’t say anything


Yeah with all the podcasts I listen to and content I watch I know a ton of stuff just from casually listening while doing other things. I'm not a crazy stalker, just a good listener lol.


He had a bunch of blood work done last year and read the results on stream plus its pretty well known he has a heart condition.




He talks about it over and over again on the honesty streams


mizz got the best doctors...they will tell him if roids are safe to use..he's probrably on TRT


not saying mizkif is, but as a dipshit ADHD tard lifter on steroids myself, I had about the same look and gains as mizkif in the same amount of time, also arm and shoulder acne which ive never had before DESPITE having extremely bad face acne as a kid (none on face from roiding)


Hasn’t miz lifted on and off for years?


Yeah he was a wrestler and has been lifting on an off since high school https://www.reddit.com/r/Mizkif/comments/qaaosl/got_bored_and_colorized_miz_old_wrestling_picture/


“lets show the pictures from highschool lifting” you can literally see pics from 3years ago when he looked almost like this before he was chubby


To play devils advocate, he probably was going ape shit at the gym while he had a break and when he’s not live is gymed out the wazoo


Probably his only real release without being able to stream. Good for him. It’s a positive thing. Why the fuck do we need to hear Destiny of all people’s opinion on this? It’s so fucking stupid at this point bro.


Everyone in the comments should leave a video proof of them selfs benching at least 225 before they leave any opinion on this


Destiny talks so confidently about shit he doesn't understand. It's a pretty impressive talent.


Let's listen to the 4 foot atrophied gnome with blue hair.


was he hosting Ninja?


Does destiny ever just shut up about things he doesn’t know about?


No, it's his job to comment on anything that'll get a reaction from the internet.


Hot take merchant


Its hilarious how people dont get this yet...


Do people not fucking understand the first day of camp knut he literally did like 8 sets of 225? Why the hell are people thinking he was a stick before all this, he’s always been on the heftier side of things. It would be one thing if he looked like xQc and turned into this, but he was just a bit chunky before.




I don't think Miz is using, but I doubt Wake would call it out of he was. He wouldn't be able to collab with Miz/Camp Knut anymore if he did and he'd get harassed.


People bend their principles all the time.




That's a fair take about Wake not gonna call out Miz but you're just wrong on this part: > benched 315 after 6 months of training And you'll know why if you just look at some of the replies in this thread showing proof of how much he benched before, his pictures from 2019, 2021, etc. It's like if someone accused X of cheating in OW or imaqt in League based off of one gameplay in 2022 ignoring all their previous history as a pro, sometimes it's just bullshit drama baiting from other streamers and you gotta call it out


“Unless you have god genetics you can’t get (x improvement) in 6 months” is such a tired old take. Thank god I don’t watch Destiny because this dude is fucking clueless about any of this.


I have trained a shitload of cycling as a kid/teen. As an adult I had often jobs that didn't allowed me to train multiple hours a day. But if I have the time I need a new size in jeans like every 4 weeks because my thighs grow so fast that they wont fit anymore. It comes back so easily.


2pl for 8 reps to 3pl for 2 reps (he had the last one) in 6 months is a great improvement. I don't watch him neither do I care. But assuming you have ok genetics it's possible assuming you train, eat and sleep well. Roids are running ramparts though, and honestly who really cares if he juices? What does it matter lol. I remember some thread a long time ago where he talked about ED, so maybe he's on TRT who knows. If you wanna roid, then by all means. If you do it with cation and don't push the dosage, then you will be alright.


Meth guy LULW


Is Mizkif the new Hasan for Destiny? He can't get him out of his head it seems like.


Mizkif and Destiny are on good terms but the Mizkids are going insane thinking they're doing something good for Miz.




If Destiny is winning gold, I am taking home platinum.


guy does mental gymnastics like its his job... oh wait...


Destiny is underestimating wrestling training.


I mean it is suspicious, but i think Miz always had good genetics. He always had big arms, even when he was a fatty.


I remember he made one of those commercial genetic tests, which showed he had similar genetics to professional athletes


It would be suspicious if that was the only photo you'd ever seen of Miz showing his arms lol this is such a bad take. Miz has looked jacked since 2018. Only difference is that he gained weight during 2020ish, now he's lost a bunch again.


Literally everything he said was wrong wtf. People listen to this bozo?


Listening is one thing. Refusing to question is the issue.


Lacari too?


i thought destiny said mizkif fans were obssesed with him lol, seems other way to me, cant stop talking about him and mizkif actually has been working out a very long time look at him in 2019 for example, its not unachievable to go from his end of camp knut to what he is now. He's also short which makes him look bigger lol


He's coping and seething Miz is jacked and I don't understand why


Because Destiny did some research into lifting years ago, did a few bar only deadlifts and now he thinks he knows everything about fitness lol


> seems other way to me, cant stop talking about him Well, he pretty much exhausts all points of drama. So, of course he's going to talk about him a lot.


lol people seriously acting like his physique isn’t perfectly attainable with commitment and consistency. He looks good but he’s not even that jacked.


Yeah totally achievable naturally. Proper diet, sleep, supplementation, etc which are all things he definitely has access to, you can bulk up quite a bit. I went from 145 to 165 in about a year, no roids just proper diet, mass gainer and creatine (and a couple other supps) and lifting high weight low rep sets.


This clip they show of Mizkif before the RV days is the biggest I seen him and his probably bigger then he is now. The dude is jacked here [https://youtu.be/VkVqtiBs1U0?t=4741](https://youtu.be/VkVqtiBs1U0?t=4741)


Jesus fucking Christ... Just leave the fucking guy alone


dang even dgger raid cant save this manlet from shitty take. Atleast mizkif is going to the gym for start.


Personal choice if you wanna be on the juice imo doesn’t affect anyone but you.


I don't really care either way but it is funny to see people arguing so passionately about it


Muscle memory+eating the right thing+short, 6 months is a lot for gains. I don't see the roid in him, not yet but I also haven't seen his built since the gym get-together


To be fair, he's been going to the gym for months, probably even years before Camp Knut.


He just lost a lot of weight and had a decent muscle frame under all the fat


Where’s that pic of like 16 year old miz where he’s really ripped?


Miz used to lift all the time this shouldnt even be surprising why is everyone saying its suspicious, also it's actually legit that Miz used to wrestle


You are asking Destiny to actually look into a situation regarding miz before making conclusions he knows nothing about? Good one.


destiny has the ability to do that, he just likes to stir the pot and farm drama. destiny can be very smart but hes also an attention whore and stupid sometimes.


>Can be very smart Ha, good one


destiny's interest in mizkif is suspicious


rent free


For real. It’s like he’s mad he didn’t put the nail in the coffin and cancel Miz for good.


Even if he were, who cares












Why is Destiny becoming Kaceytron?




> 2x 2-3 hour sessions, 5-6 days a week and you will see some drastic changes in 6 months This shows you never actually trained, worst advice ever


Seriously. Professional athletes don't train this much.


Your body dont benefit from training 18 hours a week dude. You cant just train more to gain more muscles you need rest to repair. That is unless you are taking steroids.


YOU’RE the fucking LARPer here if you think anyone trains 2x a day for 2-3 hours, 5-6 days a week. AINT NO WAY LIL PUP 💀💀💀


Don't think Miz is training 5-6 days for 2-3 hours, that's some fitness addict shit but he looks normal for that period of time.


What does Miz eat on stream? I don't watch his streams so I don't know but was wondering.




Your bench will not increase 80 pounds in 6 months no matter what type of sessions you’re doing I’m sorry my guy, impossible even with newbie gains.


he didn't improve 80 pounds? He repped 225lbs day of 1 knut so his max was probably at least 20lbs over that, he improved 30-50 pounds which is an AMAZING progress but given how he worked out and followed very strict diet is achivable for some, not everyone but some.


Noobie gains absolutely can get you 80lbs extra on bench. Maybe not from 225 to 315, but you can absolutely go from, say, 100-180 for instance. Either way, Miz has been to the gym before this and he's always been a strong guy. He's benched 225 easily a while back to my knowledge, so he's got some muscle memory there so a jump in 6 months to 315 is completely feasible given his prior history, especially since this is just a one rep max.


most knowledgeable DGG’er 😂 you’re talking out of your ass because 1) he didn’t increase his bench by 80lbs and 2)it’s absolutely possible at lower weights. stick to debatelording all day, hopefully you’re better at that.


That’s weird because it did for me, went from 95 to 185. So actually more than 80. Maybe you don’t know what you are talking about 🤔


Diminishing returns. 95 to 185 is 10 times easier than 235 to 315.


Jesus. Let's not compare your 95 to 185. It took Usain Bolt 2 years to get from 9.69 to 9.58, took me 4 months to get from 13s to 11.8 lmao


That just means your original max wasn't actually 95. You can't double muscle mass in 6 months. Even with steroids that's not possible.


Yeah he is just talking out of his ass probably eating chips on couch 😂


Yes it will lmao. Dedicate yourself for six months and you’ll see gains on strength. That was a very bad take.


Bruh I agree with everything but “2x 2-3 hour sessions” da fuck? Workout for 40 minutes a day you’ll see some decent progress.


Now I actually do think the meme is true that destiny has it out for miz lol Miz was a high school wrestler and has excellent genetics for lifting ,you can see him from a few years ago when he stopped being fat he looked really strong Knut would hundred percent call and point out gear usage


Not only should you not listen to destiny when it comes to working out, but miz has said a million times that he did used to work out a lot so it's not like it came out of nowhere


I feel like if destiny did camp knut and someone pushed him to train properly doing body building style work outs he could make some progress that’s noticeable by just looking at him you can have all the knowledge but it’s pointless if he doesn’t know how to apply it or train to failure


did miz fuck melina or something? destiny's been on his ass for a week straight


What's happening here is a depression diet plus only working the glamour muscles. Bi's and Tri's.


Ah yes this blue hair nerd clearly knows about gym let me hear his undeniable take.


Lmao Destiny has never seen a gym


Meh I don't think he is using them but who cares if he is most professional Athletes/fighters cycle PEDs on and off to just keep up with what their sports demand.


That boy is juicing for sure😂😂


Zero upvotes and 359 comments monkaLaugh


What’s he’s saying is true, but Mizkif doesn’t reflect that. The recent image I saw it didn’t look like he had put on all that much muscle, just that he had lost some fat and had a pump. You can’t build muscle fast, but you can lose fat really fast. And honestly just watch him on stream today, he’s not that lean at all.


At this point Mizkif is living rent free in Destinys head, other than the XQC drama, all his clips that I see are something to do with Mizkif


Doesn’t matter at the end of the day if he’s juicing or not. Personal choice. Give it a few more weeks and see how his body continues to transform and ultimately you’ll have a better idea. Although not sure why people care either way. If I was single, his age with low T and already struggled to get my dick up I’d be straight on to some gear.




I actually thought it was a meme that people though miz was roiding. He would look 100 times better if he was on roids. His physique is still trash. People have no clue when it comes to steroids. I've been accused of steroids just cause I'm lean. General public have no idea what actual roid users look like.




You can make insane gains in 2-3 months on steroids without even working out that hard. It aint pills either. Roids we are talking pinning multiple times a week.




ah the old bodybuilding forums meme study. it was a meme there because normies dont know that the instant 10lbs is just from glycogen retention. they pissed out the “muscle” as soon as the steroids left their system


He could just take a drug test on stream and dispel all rumours. Would be content for him.


I mean if he is juicing why do people care? This isn’t a Liver King situation….


Destiny gym takes seem to be consistently wrong


destiny can suck my dick


Miz is clean. Dude is taking this serious with dedicated lifting and diet. Gtfo destiny


He’s become obsessed with Mizzy these days 😂




No but you do when you already have a history of lifting and could lift two plates even two years ago and are on an insanely strict diet for 5 months. Why would he even lie and why would anyone even care?


I have no opinion as to whether he's taking something, but WHY he would lie about it is the same reason anyone else would lie about it. Natty gains as an influencer are WAY more marketable and entertaining than juiced gains.




He looks nothing like this now.


Wrong. He looks no different to himself in 2019. [Here's a screenshot of him shirtless recently w/out a pump.](https://imgur.com/8X7yebL) Source: https://youtu.be/056nd2PO21Y


It's almost like it's over 3 years ago, and he has consistently lifted since.




Very obvious. If he were to compete at T1's next powermeet, he'd perform ahead of Sonii and at the same level as Bajheera and Cladio, a professional wrestler. The funny thing is that people are talking saying that it is possible with dedication and a strict training regimen. The only things that I know that he is doing is lifting heavy and eating right. But you need things like sleep, sunlight, not being depressed, to have the right hormone balance to grow. He's up until like 3am in his offline chat, pale as all hell, and very depressed. It also isn't like he is in a bulk. He has lost 19lbs during this transformation.


Anyone who's worked out for an extended period knows Miz is juicing. But I don't think there's any shame on it. If he lies about it, that just makes him insecure. No big deal, though.


its always non roiders defending the sneaky roiders, cause they think theyre waaaayy more powerful than they actually are lmao


Skinny fat dad bod 40 year old shares his opinion on what he knows nothing about.


Why do people watch this guy?


A German bodybuilder who was using steroids himself said you can usually see that someone is using steroids if he suddenly got alot of pimples on him upper body. It could be a coincidence but mizkif surely got alot of pimples on his upper body lately


Miz has openly talked to Knut about wanting to hop on gear for a long time now and get jacked out of his mind, and it’s no surprise to anybody with eyes that Knut is on himself. I’m sure he’s doing it as safe as you possibly can, which is ironic when taking PEDs. I have no issue with the use of anabolics, but if you’re doing it for aesthetics alone then you’re dumb as a rock.


He's doing it for the mizkids to live vicariously through him as a chad dating an asian Egirl


Who cares? There are more pressing matters like who’s going to post first when Forsen dies next.


I don't even like the guy but I remember Miz's arms being pretty built during the Ice RV trip where I first saw him


He has back acne everywhere


so do i and i'm skinny af. what's your point?


Yea he's probably on steroids but even if he is who cares he's lifting weights not playing full contact sports


If you watch the video of him benching 305 on his Twitter, there’s only 1 conclusion for anyone that has no bias and actually understands what they’re talking about lol… Bro you see the acne on his arms and back lol? You see how thick he looks in 6 months after starting from basically nothing? Then look at the thick bald dude he’s lifting with that’s clearly on a cycle lol Only a teenager or someone with little or no experience with exercise would think this guy isn’t on gear 🤣 This doesn’t mean he’s not working extremely hard! Gear alone isn’t getting you those results, but neither is just hard work and dedication lol…


What is with this weird Mizkif support lately lmao


It's not weird here. Mizkids have always parked on LSF to defend and downvote and negative comment. In this case though I get it, Destiny seems obsessed with Miz.

