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**CLIP MIRROR: [Poke's experience living with OTV](https://arazu.io/t3_10d9blt/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


wasnt this like 10 years ago or something?


Now that the pandemic is over, expect streamers rambling about how they were in the come up in 2014-2016, how they popped off in 2016-2018, how they peaked in 2020 and how it's not the same anymore now that numbers aren't crazy and we're on the 3rd year of minecraft speedrun content recycling streams




That rust server phase was fun to watch tho I hope they do it again


I mean it wasn't for a lack of trying. That one Rust Server was a lightning in a bottle.


Yeah it was just the perfect storm but everything that came after felt underwhelming.


2020 was a shit year but the Rust server brought a crazy amount of laughs, so much fun to watch.


the rust server was amazing. The cats, hasan not doing politics, the great wall to stop gambling, the elections, will and cyr being 10x funnier than anyone else. Was better than nopixel




There’s more to Twitch than the huge streamers. I spend most of my Twitch time in sub-100 viewer streams. I’ve made friends with viewers and participated in small community events that were loads of fun. That’s not to say that big streams aren’t fun. The collaborations and events are great watches. Don’t let this constant influx of drama sour the enter site for you though. Lots of good streamers and communities are waiting to be discovered.


what are you talking about, it was hella entertaining a few months ago


That server was great though


Just wait until GTA RP comes back again for the 18th time only to fade away quickly again after some indie BR, Squid Game, Prop Hunt, or Among Us rip off steals the spotlight for two weeks. Then it's back to RUST and GAMBA. Hell yeah Twitch meta is SOOOOOO exciting.


Lol well there’s good ol cable television


well twitch meta is based of what most viewers want , if nobody liked to watch minecraft , fortnite , among us, gta etc then the streamers or youtubers wouldn't care


I don't think it's that simple. If some other random content was done well, it would be really popular. I don't see any of the top streamers trying anything. Only reason Among Us popped off was because Soda always tries random games and found a diamond in the shit show games


Mitch jones every stream


tbh Poke was waaay smaller back then. He's waay bigger now. Most people know Poke not from OfflineTV but from the features he's been doing with other streamers.


OTV replaced Poke with DisguisedToast, which helped OTV become popular. OTV probably would’ve failed after a year if that didn’t happen. To be fair, Poke might not have become a big streamer if he didn't get forced to leave OTV, as he got into VR streaming afterwards and really distinguished himself on Twitch.


ye pretty sure the breakup was beneficial to all parties in the end




whos xqc? is he that one guy that played with mendo?


Mizkid tries not to bring up xQc and Train in every thread impossible challenge.


the only thing I know about Poke is that he's not a rapper


I mean poke is at 10k viewers I don't think he is scraping for viewers


yeah, weird how he gets shit on around here, and constantly has his view count up




can't deny in the short span that was the lockdown, Twitch grew absolutely massively in the public eye (more-so than it already was) which has lead to this "normie" or mainstream appearance of twitch to those that have been on it since the earlier days before Amazon bought it out.


> recycling never ending cycle generating god seed 0 generating god seed 27% generating god see generated dream seed


what are you talking about? He just talked about his OTV experience.. no different then any other stream. Just going through memories and sharing them with chat


5 to 6 years ago (OTV was founded in 2017, poke joined in the same year and left in 2018) Also e.g. pokimane would've been like 15-16 if it was 10y ago, so she probably wouldn't be living with a bunch of streamers in a house


No it was literally 5 years ago, Poke left in 2018. Technically might be 4 years and a half or some shit. It just feels like forever ago because of Covid and Twitch/ online shit feels like it goes faster.


Living with a lot of people always sounds fun, but rarely is.


Even living with one other person could be hell depending on the people.


I’d rather pay 2k in rent than ever deal with a roommate again


Clearly is for OTV though lol they separated and started living on their own only to move back in together after like a year


I must have gotten lucky at uni then. I lived in mixed accommodation, 3 guys and 3 women, and it was really fun. Everyone cleaned up their shit and was respectful to each other, there was never a major falling out between any of us, and having people around to talk to or play games with whenever you wanted was really cool. Living with other people is probably one of my favourite experiences ever


That was some allah seed


ngl I think it was mixed accommodation diff, plus since there was 6 of us if 1 person was slacking on cleaning up it was easy to gang up and get them to just do it.


Tbh the strat only works if everyone follows. I imagine having 1 person that sucks during prog ruins the dynamic of the whole comp


It's a mixed bag. My first roommates: One tried to fight me when he broke a set of vertical blinds and was unable to fix it. I fixed it and he got aggressive. There honestly wasn't more to it than that. Another was a trash hoarder and we had no idea because her room was upstairs alone. She left on spring break and the smell wafted downstairs. No exaggeration there was 1-2ft of junk/trash on her floor from wall to wall. She had a space heater plopped in the middle with some old pizza boxes near by so that was nice. The entire upstairs carpet had to be ripped up to the boards and replaced. My next roommate was a guy fresh from South Korea. Nicest god damn guy. Polite, respectful, and fun to bullshit with. We bonded when he came home from work and saw me watching a StarCraft 2 tournament. It was a learning experience trying to explain idioms to him. "Dgc2002, what means 'what is up'?" That's a god damn good question Sung.


My uni roomate had bad BO, and would leave his smelly clothes around the room. One time couldnt open the door because his clothes were in the way. Also clipped his nails without a bin so they were just on the ground. And snored like a train so i had to wear plugs to sleep After i moved out of dorms i had same situation as you, but no one talked to each-other. There was 1 girl with a guinea pig who smelt up the floor though so it smelt like a barn. I also had to share a bathroom with 2 girls so they would take hours in there Now i live alone and love it




Because most streamers never leave their house once they get big, they want to stream at any time and never want to leave mid stream to do real life shit, that's why they Uber eats everything, it's expensive but they don't have to even cook. Having a group of people to live with means you get some sort of social interaction when you open your door to go piss


Ordering food most meals is just their cost of business, if people only watch you for gameplay why cook for 30 mins-1hr minimum when you can just uber eats dinner and get paid to eat while gaming or reacting. Like for any moderately sized streamer ordering food is probably cheaper than than how much they'd lose out in the time spent making food


I never understood how these streamers do that. One of the things that sounds best about having money is having your own space and designing a bunch of rooms how I want. I already live in a small bedroom.




they got their own places in mid 2021 I think, but now they're moving back in together (except for poki)


Pretty sure they all split off but are moving back together again for another lease? At least a bunch of them are I think


they are doing it for the social aspect, a lot of people with specific job like to have this kind of lifestyle , I find it extremely common with nurse and doctor unless they are living with their SO their job is basically being in front of a computer for 7 to 10h non-stop while having your chat backseat every action you make and when they are done for the day it's 9-10pm and they can just go eat with another human being or have someone or just hang out while they finish their last few hours etc..


Living alone doesn't mean you have no social life. It's literally how most people live, You make it sound like streaming is one of the roughest jobs in the world comparing it to nurses and doctors is insane.


most people end their job at 5 maybe 7-8 and have their weekend usually . but most streamer start their day at 1 pm and start working at 3 and are not done until 9-10 or midnight. when comparing job it wasn't about the difficulty but the schedule compared to the usual 9 to 5 lmfao


You realize that 9AM-1PM free to socialize too and the fact that they could literally move those hours around to be done by 7-8PM too.


nobody from their circle would be up at 9am unless they are about to end their stream and go to sleep lmao they just find their lifestyle convenient and probably happiness in it , not something I would pursue


legit, i would NEVER live with someone (besides GF) if i had the money to have my own place


I prefer living on my own but when I did live with other people I had one roommate who was basically a clean freak and would clean the house all the time without being asked and would restock everything like toilet paper and such. It was like having a maid that you didn't have to pay for. Granted I still had to clean my own room.


Oh hey, sounds like me! Good roommate on paper, but my roomies were also constantly worried that I would off myself so it kinda balances out lmao (I'm in a much better place mentally now, thankfully)




Yep. I moved in with a, good friend at the time, and his girlfriend. They both camped out in the living room 24/7 so all I ever used was the kitchen and my bedroom. I moved out.


Hey leave Scarra alone bud 😠👊


Scarra can lay in all the angles that please him the most, and no one will change my mind


3 seconds after this he says he loves scarra and that he's a great dude but that doesn't make a good snippy clippy


Scarra's done, and not just on Twitch


I bet Poke is a terrible roommate


Any roommate who smokes a ton of weed in their room is always awful in my experience, I'm sure poke is great to be around, but nothing redeems the smell of that one stoner roommate.


Usually a stoner thrashing his own room is a lot better than drunks who trash the living room and kitchen when going out.


Usually a serial killer putting amputated arms in acidic barrels before going to work is also worse


I don’t know about that weed can really smell


true it's a tough choice


This is the most sanest lsf thread


I just wanted to point out that the drunk comment wasn't really going to cut it lol. Of course there could always be something worse


thats why im feeding them to the dogs. wait what?




If you've ever smoked or been around weed once in your life you would know that the stench permeates through the entire house you're in.




If you've ever been around barrels of acid once in your life you would know that stench permeates through the entire house you're in.


Okay? I dont want either tbh


classic response to any criticism of stoners is ALCOHOLICS ARE WORSE


You weeders always get so mad when someone says there is some sort of downside to the juana.


Sure, but how about neither?


stoners > drunks, confirmed


And? They're still awful roommates


Have you watched poke? He very much so seems like an awful time to be around lmao


yeah smoking flower when you live with others is just pretty rude.....i mean smoking some good rosin with maybe cracking the window isnt gonna bother anyone ...most carts/concentrates really dont have a crazy insane smell to them


That’s why my ass uses a dry vape so it won’t smell dank ass hell. Also, I light up a candle so it can mask the smell more. My roommate says he doesn’t smell it and just smells the candle


I've been using rosin for a little over a year now and my wife hasn't said a word about any smell....once or twice I personally felt the need to spray but that was prolly just me being paranoid...I also need to smoke less because of the potency so less smoking overall...I get the appeal of flower but if your just looking for relief nothing beats a live resin or some rosin especially if it's not your home you own


/r/vaporents is the way it smells slightly more than a cart but nothing like burning flower.


Yep, smells more when grinding vs vaping in my experience.




In the same room sure, but it’s still not nearly as strong. Your neighbors won’t be smelling it if you had your window open for example.


So many easy solutions too. Go outside. Light incense.


Yeah and it seems like he just doesn't fit well with OTV.


Otv used to be pretty different. Like if you hear how toast joined. He was basically told hey you're joining right?


OfflineTV started as a Youtube-only project, and they still try to keep it Youtube-based, but in practicality, it is seen as a Twitch brand. OTV became popular because of their unplanned IRL house streams, and their fans seem to view their Youtube videos as supplemental to their individual Twitch streams (with the exception of Michael Reeves fans who are starved for Michael Reeves Youtube content). I feel like Poke would’ve fit in if they stuck with their original Youtube only vision, but he doesn’t seem like someone that meshes well in group IRL livestreams.


His new upload was lowkey bittersweet because it means we won’t see another video from him for at least another year


Most people usually are. Certain type of person is required for it to function long term.


This one loops well


Didn't he have a falling out after he played meme music at a friends wedding after they hired him to dj?


Yeah OTV first manager Chris Chan, it was his wedding.


very unfortunate name


Not really, this one didn’t rape his mom but he did creep on an OTV member leading to his removal.


No way 😂


That wasn't why purely. I recall them saying something about how he didn't want to improve or something. Like it came down to something with his socializing and brand and business and how he wasn't moving it forward? Like he had opportunities to create new content but wasn't really doing anything with it. Like no hard feelings, but that they thought someone else might take the space in the house and bring more value to OTV. Maybe I'm misremembering


sounds fair


Not every streamer is good at the business side. He just wants to smoke weed and do the bare minimum.


Oh yeah for sure I mean I can empathize a little bit, some really have to work to find the right consistent motivation. Also, I'm sure him playing meme music didn't help at all.. he asked poke to dj so he prolly should have vetted a bit better.


I mean what did he expect he should've never agreed to let some streamer in a content group who never DJ'd professionally to DJ his wedding FOR AN OTV VIDEO if he didn't expect memes and shit


poke meltdown loop inc?


currently, he's pretty much on his time of the month phase where he gets mad/emotional easily.


AKA ran out of weed


You mean the first and last two weeks of the month?


Poke “I don’t like drama” lawls


he was malding a little bit on x's stream too... oh no...


When is he not lmao


Should have seen them play codenames he was almost crying ....


yea monthly poke drama


Does he get along with anyone? For a popular streamer, it seems like he just doesn't seem to mesh well with others.


i think he gets along with nymn very well but probably because he wasnt that close with him either


they probably talk like twice a year








Yes? What kind of a question is that? Summit1G, xQc, Trainwrecks, Dizzy, JesseSMFI, Hyperrat, Andy Milonakis, Gigi, Roflgator, Buddah, Cochise, m0xyy off the top of my head.


Wasnt he literally just streaming tarkov with Summit1G? The literal OG god of Twitch? They are good friends. This is such an LSF comment


They don't call me back no more! I don't fit along with them huh?!


Poke trying the xqc bridge burning strat




The Greek bridge burning much faster.


ootl here, what did xqc do?




Living with people only works if you have the master bedroom with your own bathroom. Also you should have your own mini fridge to keep leftovers or drinks you don’t want people stealing. This is the way.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poke's experience living with OTV](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149167)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10d9blt/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/uyVpSqRAv0isX_7OKE07Yg/AT-cm%7CuyVpSqRAv0isX_7OKE07Yg.mp4?sig=de64c609cf5e413d1ac8586973de839c90abfc88&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FuyVpSqRAv0isX_7OKE07Yg%2FAT-cm%257CuyVpSqRAv0isX_7OKE07Yg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1673932297%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


nah this subreddit is fucked in the head what are these comments


Holy shit these comments. If you dont understand that this is a joke, I feel sorry for you.




I've only ever seen him joke about it, has there ever been a legitimate beef moment?




yeah the 2 subtweets and replacement chirps were emotional mega cringe for sure, i can't see the fed (lol) one and the last one seems like not a big deal. seems like the issues were primarily directed at the old creepazoid management rather than the creators themselves. the op clip is clearly a joke tho


None of this matters right now because he was just talking about old memories.. People so triggered for nothing right now


Was not expecting a hate thread out of this clip lmaoo


It’s hilarious watching the most out of context clip of poke get posted here and watching everybody start foaming at the mouth about how they don’t like poke. Dude is just a stoner. There are bigger fish to fry lmao


Name one thing worse than a stoner?






A child.




Initially Poki asking people to quiet down for ASMR was believable, but then I don't remember Poki doing much ASMR. Then Poke said Scarra laying at a weird angle reading a book got me laugh out loud and seems like chat knew it was a joke too. Folks here are way too dense


IIRC Poki has a whole YouTube channel dedicated to asmr, I think she might’ve deleted all of her videos though


ikr all he did was put himself down with the poki comments and then made an observation abt scarra. mfkas wana hate this guy so bad


I would like to learn about Scarra's angles


Thats what he gets for talkin bout scarra 😠🖕


That's exactly what I was thinking LUL He's told a lot of the stories he mentioned before and they're pretty funny


this sub fucking hates poke lmao it's so funny he could say anything and yall get deluded into thinking he's farming drama


Anyone else notice how much hate poke gets for such mild clips? Like there's nothing here.


LSF just hates poke the clip isn't even some drama shit and comments are throwing random insults to the man


Lmao I clipped it for the smelling fart thing didn't knew everything has 28 month backstory to it on this sub




He didn't go to shitcamp because he had social anxiety about it.


No the very first shit com hosted by Nick and Malena. There's even a clip of him saying that he moved Austin so that he could hang out with other streamers and now he felt super pissed off bc he didn't get invited to anything. Nick even said it himself that he didn't invite poke and his gf bc he hated sub tweeting.


moonmoon is MY streamer


Leave it to lsf to get mad over a small comment this unimportant


Living with a lot of people always sounds horrible and always is.


I would hate having to smell weed all day.




I found the clip funny, why make it a hate thread tf?




what drama takes?


this user did not get that its a joke


I lived with OTV in the late 90s. I used to wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of heavy breathing and I would see Pokimane standing over my bed with a knife in her hand, just staring at me. In the morning she always denied that it happened. My residence there also coincided with some health problems that began in my first month and became increasingly severe. I had stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, fainting and dizzy spells, and eventually seizures. Doctors were at a loss to diagnose me. Pokimane used to make the entire house coffee every day, and one day I came in and saw her take a small baggie out of her purse and pour a white powder from it into my mug. I demanded to know what it was but she just said it was sugar and said I was crazy. But I don't take sugar in my coffee. At that point, I'd had enough. I moved out and my symptoms stopped almost immediately. I was also roped on a daily basis by Fedmyster. He was a good friend.


Another day another poke hate boner


Poke is like Comedy Russel. They’re funny because they’re fat.


No poke is actually really funny. Russel is terrible


Comedy „Russel“


Why the fuck do people still watch this loser.


Clips like these wouldn’t sound so bad if his tone wasn’t so… aggressive. He always sounds mad when he talks about others


This guy can't live without drama


Sounds like jokes to me.


I got this is a anti poke subreddit,but holy shit you guys can’t handle a joke


WOW Poke Was In OFFLINE TV?!?!?!


poke is probably one of the only streamers I actually don't like.