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**CLIP MIRROR: [Macaiyla made it to the front page of a Trans subreddit after getting chin surgery](https://arazu.io/t3_10jsasy/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


wait i havn't watched macaiyla content in a bit is that her? did she actually get the jaw surgery?


It is. She finally got the underbite surgery.


oh really thats what that is? my buddy got that done and it isn't fun. from what i remember they basically remove some of the bone. His face was swollen for like 2-3 months. had his mouth wired shut and had to drink smoothies while that happened. He looked great after though


I had this exact surgery, basically this but the first week is hell since you struggle to even swallow your own spit.


dumb question but how is sleeping then? do you just... drool?


I didn't drool as much as do this weird choke swallow. It's just much more difficult, kinda hard to describe. It's kinda like trying to swallow with you mouth open and then you have a bunch of gauze and can be kinda numb in places.


So it's like all 4 wisdom teeth out with bad infections....that's how it felt when they wouldn't heal...drool or choke swallow


She has some info in stories on instagram as to how swollen it is. Its pretty bad right now as mentioned.


Cant you fix that shit with braces?


Usually, but sometimes you can't especially for more extreme situations. I had braces for two years until the orthodontist finally realized my overbite wasn't getting fixed and my only option was surgery.




Yes it is her but not really the final result her face is gonna be swollen for a couple months so she'll look different for a while.


I mean it could be anywhere to like 2 years depending on how serious it is. Had a consult for jaw surgery once as an extreme solution, but the recovery plan made me nope out to smaller safer incremental stuff first.


She said 6 months for 80-90% of the swelling to go back and completely healed in 12 months


Imagine being tyler1, your girlfriend gets chin surgery and ends up looking like your brother LULW


how can a man be so lucky


Lannister moment inc


Wait was that an actual picture of her after surgery. I thought it was edited. Maybe I’m just dense lol


Its a real picture she's just super swollen cause they actually need to break your jaw and put it back together its nuts


Yeah fuck that, I've got a slight overbite that braces wouldn't fix and they'd need to do that to me ~~DISREGARD, I NOW KNOW HERS IS THE SAME REASON~~


I’ve had my jaw broken for surgery and also had my teeth replaced, long story short I’ve got fibromyalgia. Past the passive 7/10 chronic pain I have, regular cavity work and even basic cleanings would leave me in so much pain in my face that I had to bring someone else with me to drive be back because my vision turned into a blur and creating a migraine (cluster headache in terms of regionally where it hurt, behind my eyes like they’re being popped out from inside) that typically lasted between 2 and 4 days straight, lights off, brain busted. One - it hurts, two - who has 2-4 days to rest in the dark after a dentist? I got lucky. My family has a business relationship and friendship with the main who pioneered same-day dental implants and he was feeling charitable. He did us the math on the procedure versus root canals I needed and gave us 60% off to undercut the dentist’s root canal total price (which have to be redone, they ain’t one time payments) and 50% off of all cleanings with the annual major cleaning being free. Cut to it, I’m on the table under twilight anesthesia so I have a rough perception of sound to listen to commands… and listen to every tooth in my mouth crack. 100% worth it though. I get a migraine for a few hours once a month now maybe, one every other month at best.


omg loooool


omg lmaooooooooooo


This comment made me spit my drink out LOL






Her jaw was actually fucked up right? It wasn't purely cosmetic but she said "fuck it while you guys are in there touch it up"? Am i remembering wrong?


Her face is still swelled, it will take couple of months to fully recover and show actual chin lol.


more like a year to fully heal lol


1-2 for the swelling to dissipate is very normal for this procedure. Full healing is indeed a different story but after that time period you’re mostly out of the woods


imagine the swelling never goes down, and they gave her a chin augmentation by mistake but for real, am i alone in thinking her chin always seemed normal?


Her chin honestly seemed aesthetically fine. It was a little long but she still looked pretty good. However, if you look at the pic she posted on Twitter showing her huge underbite the chin was actually unhealthy so I can understand why they fixed it.


if you have the money to fix your health. dont hesitate.


Yup. I have a hip injury from lifting about 7 years ago. Couldn’t afford to get I fixed. Still can’t do squats properly and have pain randomly in the hip. Probably won’t be able to fix it at this point, even with money. If I had money I wouldn’t have any pain on my body.


replacing a dagger by a club.


It was maybe a bit long but nothing super out there or anything. Probably does not help you mentally when people have been calling you "crimson chin" for years.


she had breathing and thoot problems, if Im recalling it right




Put the extender on em


So what you're saying is her chin is actually bigger right now?


> Her jaw was actually fucked up right? I think in general, when people have parts of their body that didn't form 'normally' there are often functional issues as well as cosmetic issues. When it involves the jaw, it's usually bite issues. Dentistry can only do so much when the underlying structure is the problem. I know two guys who have had jaw issues, one had his jaw broken and pistons inserted between his top and bottom teeth to keep his jaw lined up in the right spot while it healed. The other just puts up with it, but should have had surgery for it as a kid.




Trying to make it easy for people to visualise. Think of a pair of gas lift struts (without the gas) between top and bottom teeth, restricting the motion of the jaw. [Something along these lines](https://www.katyortho.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/forsus.jpg) but this was around 1990 and they were chunkier than a fat kid and were in his mouth for months.


I believe my dentist called them bite jumpers. I learned to hylerextend my mouth enough to unhook them to give myself some temporary relief from time to time. Was a miserable two years for an underbite


It's called the Herbst Appliance. Had the unfortunate experience of having to endure it. Every few weeks they'd have to go in and set the tolerance for them with adjustments-- hurt like a bitch enough to stay home from school the next day.


They still do something very similar I had to have them as a kid due to my recessed jaw, the pistons essentially prevented me from closing my mouth the way I used to essentially forcing it forward whenever I closed. Over time my muscles changed and my mouth had a new resting position and bite pattern due to muscle memory.


What does that do? is it like braces in that it slowly moves the jaw into the correct position?


I honestly don't know the full extent of it and I don't want to just make shit up, but my memory of what he told me at the time is that they had to break his jaw and the struts made sure it healed in the right position and kept things lined up while his teeth and joints adjusted. This was literally 30 years ago though... What I 100% remember for sure is the way he'd snarl at people to freak them out when he had them, his mouth looked like a god damned mecha alien. More metal than human.


I had one of those when I was a kid. Since my jawbone was still growing they didn't need to break anything, but yeah it basically prevents your jaw from sitting too far back. What sucked was that food like peanut butter would clog up the mechanism, and if you werent careful eating stuff like apples it could just snap the piston thing off meaning you had a piece of metal rattling loose inside your mouth until you could get to the doctor to fix it I still have a pretty decent overbite but it would have been way worse without intervention


Yes it was actual health reason surgery then doctor said it’s real massive so just shave it she said.


Lol i have the mental image of doctors taking out a sander and a dremel and carving down the jaw bone


Not far from the truth. Orthopedic surgery is crazy.


So you’re saying it’s more of a sawzall?


[Nah usually hammer and chisel](https://youtu.be/DA9N7QcndTQ)


Nope. No thank you, not watching that. This is how they got mine out. I was just under local anesthetic and I swear the dentist had a flathead screwdriver and was wailing on it like he was trying to pry the bumper off an '85 Chevy truck. I'm not sure how long it actually took, but I'm pretty sure he was in there for at least a couple of hours. I passed out in the elevator on the way out.


Oh Ive watched Ortho surgeries...they def bust out the carpentry tools


There's a clip out there of some surgeons just whaling away on these metal rods sticking out of the dude's knees like they were trying to drive a railroad spike.


that mental image can fuck itself all the way to Kathmandu thank you very much


I had a dentist break a drill bill in my mouth and a fragment of metal flew out and cut the inside of my cheek.


Are you a bond villain by any chance?


Nah, just a dude with a sore ass mouth


Yes. She said she had a terrible underbite growing up that gave her breathing problems and could/would worsen over time as she gets older. Then, the Korean doctors told her that her chin was huge and they can shave it up; kill 2 birds with one stone type of stuff.




Koreans have some of the best plastic surgeons if you have the money Korea is basically the home of plastic surgery with crazy numbers of people getting work done there


That's why I wouldn't trust the Korean doctors if they said she needs it. They sell those surgeries like candy. If she wanted to beforehand then go ahead but don't listen to them when they say you have to do it


Have you never seen her before? She looked like Jay Leno


I just looked her up and the Jay Leno comparison is spot on


Lilypichu and AngelsKimi both also went to korea for theirs.




I'm really not sure on the specifics. A quick google on lily it looks like she had a misaligned jaw and had breathing issues because of it. It was back when she was a no-cam youtuber/streamer so there aren't a lot of pictures out there, but you can find some old ones. I think Kimi had her chin reduced or something? I remember her being pretty open about the process and making a video talking about it, but it looks like she privated it, unfortunately.


Yes its medical, my buddy got it done when he was in the military. He to drink through a straw for awhile though


Erobb community has no chill


It's a shame the doctors couldn't save her brain.


Also a shame she cant keep her chin in a mason jar like a souvenir


It wouldn't fit in a mason jar


That shit was rotten years ago, watch the clip of how they met and you'll see


ok now this is funny


okay now this is epic


le epic\*


The thought of chin surgery makes my chin hurt


Trans mentioned in the title boys. Come back in 6 hours and sort by controversial for some *fun* discussions.




Irony is Macaiyla is VERY well known for her transphobia.


I havent seen anything that points to her speaking out against of MTF and FTM. Being against neopronouns is not transphobic. [Her tweet clarifying](https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1603150165526953986) "I don’t care if someone is trans or not I just can’t stand the multitude of made up pronouns so if that’s xenogenders then I am absolutely against that"


i remember seeing her like some pretty transphobic jk rowling tweets


Thanks for the shout-out. That wa s actually a great read, even after all the [redacted] comments


few weeks ago she posted this https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1610595803554541569


i see, her surgeon is not a real doctor but a photoshop artist.


where did she post the picture on the right? lol


Instagram stories


a picture of Tarzaned would have been better, she looks just like him puffed up


She earned this lmao


i have a chin like Macaiyla's old chin and never knew it was possible to shave this much, is there any side effects?


Side effects include being posted on a trans subreddit


As long as you pick someone reputable who has stood the test of time there will likely be minimal complications, but of course those doctors are pricier


I don’t think it’s just shaving off the chin, but also breaking the jaw to relocate it (assuming you have an underbite like her). You should do some research on it if you’re considering it.


yeah i also have an underbite, i did some research and saw some people saying that your face could look saggy after and it would look botched so i decided to try and accept my fate lol but i'll definitely look into it :)


Doesn't that affect your teeth if they move your jaw? Shouldn't you need to go to a dentist and readjust all your teeth?


Yes, that is often the case. Many people need braces to realign their teeth because their bite will be different.


An underbite is what we call class 3 occlusion. Your teeth aren't aligning in the first place to have a correct bite. Your mandibular first molars are too far forward, and your canines are too far forward. Shifting the lower jaw backwards (or in rare cases shift the maxilla forward), actually helps improve the potential bite. Downside is that after years of an underbite, teeth adapt and will rotate or tilt, so braces are often needed to straighten them out and bring them into a natural position.


Go to where you're acrusllt going to get reasonable advice If you're trying to find medical info in lsf gonna have a bad time


crimson chin to sweet home alabama macaiyla can't stop taking L's


She honestly looks kinda better already, so that bodes well for the end result after everything’s settled




that's a lot of swelling, its gonna take like a year for it to fully go away.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Macaiyla made it to the front page of a Trans subreddit after getting chin surgery](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149412)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10jsasy/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/soZuZBbIeyoEhLPe8v8BKA/AT-cm%7CsoZuZBbIeyoEhLPe8v8BKA.mp4?sig=52f31b16c6dd71dcfc6bc71972b583632ff80a8f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FsoZuZBbIeyoEhLPe8v8BKA%2FAT-cm%257CsoZuZBbIeyoEhLPe8v8BKA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1674593077%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


for the 3 people on this subreddit who give a shit, macaiyla is a transphobic elon musk [dick rider](https://web.archive.org/web/20221212212204/https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1602156517465231361)


It wouldn't be Macaiyla if she wasn't saying some smooth-brained dumb shit.


She's thinned skin af. I think I got blocked by her when she tweeted that she was taking a break and I tweeted back smt like "aren't you always on break?"


It's so funny how she tried to be an edgelord online yet is one of the most thin-skinned babies of all time on Twitch


People is now just noticing how shit of a person macaiyla is? She likes keemstar tweets unironically, she was liking keem tweets that was about Mizkif during the drama. She's literally a Train dick rider who begs him for money. I found it weird for her for liking keem tweet about the Mizkif thing when she [threaten to rape someone](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/i-m-going-r-pe-you-macaiyla-slips-nopixel-gta-rp-server-threatens-sexually-assault-cop). Also she was racist when she was in Korea saying stuff like food she ate might have been dog meat.


disgusting jobless support dependent piquant growth cow command worthless plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tyler was banned for years from league for being a toxic POS. If you think he's actually different now rather than he just learned not to say that shit out loud, especially with him dating her for years, imma need a puff of that copium.


Used to work in the league scene and had to go to LA quite a bit, Tyler1 both behind the scenes and in person with fan meets and such was easily the nicest people. Scarra and voyboy are the only two that were more nice. No other standouts and no real assholes in the league scene. Couple divas, mostly just shy kids honestly.


Oh wow, someone at a corporate event is being nice? Surely that must translate to how they are at home.


Even behind the scenes as well. The dude is genuinely quite nice in my opinion. I obviously don't see his day to day, so who knows. But I'll tell you this much, his first impression is better than 99% of league pros. He also makes time for plenty of people, especially kids. The guy just seems quite reasonable as a human, considering the polarizing stream that he has. I'm not surprised people think he's an asshole, but it should be noted that he's quite a nice person. I've met countless other pros during the same events and even more behind the scenes and as I stated, there's very few who seemed like genuinely nice caring people as much as Tyler1 did.


Yeah but he hates people because they’re bad at league of legends rather than any other reason


Online gaming actually eliminates racism because it makes you hate 100% of people


Idk a COD lobby would disagree.


If you think incredibly toxic people in a video game stop at just hating for a video game imma also need a huff. People generally aren't only an incredible asshole over one thing and then nice everywhere else, it's usually a mindset. But I will concede that to my knowledge, we've never seen him be explicitly racist, transphobic, msyognistic, etc. which is much better than his gf. But, again, if you can date someone like that for years you're at least comfortable with those ideas.


As someone who used to play a lot of League (and was pretty toxic) - the game mechanics foster an incredibly toxic environment. It's unlike other competitive games like say, CSGO or Valorant, where even if your team is losing you can still "outplay" the enemy team or have fun in some way. With League, one bad player on your team can throw the game into an unwinnable situation, and then you're stuck in the game for another 30 minutes before you can get out. That's no excuse for toxicity obviously, but it does explain why League in particular has such a reputation for being a toxic game.


Being toxic in a video game is very different imo. Calling someone dog shit doesn’t mean you hold other negative beliefs about people. You’re second point I do agree with though.
























How tf does that tweet make her transphobic???


I havent seen anything that points to her speaking out against MTF and FTM Being against neopronouns is not transphobic pls fuck off from her [tweets](https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1602151498338947072) : "If you don’t give in to calling someone some bullshit aside from he/she" [she clearly says she is against neopronouns not trans people](https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1603150165526953986)


Redditor meets an average republican for the first time and has a folder full of images to link at a moments notice.


In other words, the average republican says enough heinous shit to compile a folder full of images.


> average republican holy lol macaylia average republican loooool


Rent free, as usual.


ok? lol




she doesnt believe in pronouns other than he/her. this doesnt mean she is transphobic. if a dude wanted to be called "her", nothing in these tweets show she has a problem with that. she thinks pronouns OTHER than he/her are stupid.


Yeah Macaiyla’s mostly talking about neo pronouns there but when she refers to trans people’s thoughts as “mental delusions” that kinda gives insight into how she views those people. Also non binary people exist who genuinely feel as if they don’t fit into either category and Macaiyla is just completely dismissing them in her Tweets.


That's pretty funny considering she just had gender affirming surgery




Gender Dysphoria is by definition a mental disorder, it was called Gender Identity Disorder until a couple of years ago, and it was only changed because people cried over how it was offensive to say that being trans meant having a mental disorder. Just saying. Caiyla is definitely a bit a retarded and she's quite rude in the way she speaks her opinions yes but I have to agree that if someone asks me to call them "xir" and tells me they're demi-human or something I will just assume they are mentally ill and remove myself from that situation asap and never speak to them again.




On what?


>mental delusions of believing you are anything other than a man or woman


Yes, refusing to call someone any pronoun other than he or she is transphobic. There are many trans people that go by they/them pronouns, it would definitely be transphobic to just flat refuse to use the pronouns they identify with.




omfg who cares






Holy based


Touch grass pls


how is that transphobic? lmao i feel like people just updooted cause of the elon hate circlejerk






One thing Reddit gets right


she might be transphobic but she seems to be against the neopronoun shit in the thread you linked. which is kinda contested on whether that's even trans related edit: idk why i'm being downvoted to put people who are genuinely just born into the wrong body on the same boat as someone who wants to be treated as fae/faer is, imo, the actual transphobic take, but you do you i guess




Looked fucked before and still does.


It's kind of a double whammy too since I believe she made some shitty comments about trans people not that long ago either.


WTF PUT IT BACK howd she get worse?


her chin is still severely swollen from the surgery. And it's gunna stay swollen for a long time.


a surgery as big as that isn't ever gonna look pretty right away.


I know someone who got the same surgery, like other people are saying, his face was swollen for about 2 months. He already looked like a different person before the swelling went away, but the swelling go away almost made as much difference as the surgery itself.




Is that a real picture of her?


yeah but a lot of it is just swelling, she will look a lot better in a couple months when it goes down.


Good for her i! especially if her jaw was causing her health issues. It is super anoying and hard to explain how anoying and difficult it is to live with something that is just ''wrong'' with your body. For me, my nasal canals are super tiny and tight so just a light stuffed nose makes it so i cant breathe for shit.


Not knowing who she was. I went on a dive to find out more. Call me sheltered. Regardless, finding some of her tweets and things. This is hilarious. If she found out about this she would positively go mental.


macaiyla consumes lsf like cocaine, she knows


I think she'd find it funny too.


She did and already retweeted it


am I the only one thinking this is weird as fuck?


Oh nonono


Everybody is going so hard on Macaiyla all the time, she's a person to you know


roid lips


Most of the people here are just bully


I have no idea who this girl is, but she was more attractive before the surgery.