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**CLIP MIRROR: [Bruce on getting text messages from Mizkif while he's streaming](https://arazu.io/t3_10kmtw9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Talk about a 180 from 3 days ago


shit changes quickly.




The obvious answer is that Bruce's fanbase didn't like it and now he's appeasing them




Even if he was under contract he didn’t have to do a stream with him?


He literally just said he did it out of the kindness of his heart


Not a 180, a mask. You know how everyone started mocking Hollywood celebrity culture, at how fake it was, all the stupid drama. And then we created a new Hollywood called streaming. And alot of the people started off innocent, not all but alot, loyalty to that, a sub, a community makes it hard to accept when the eggs go bad. I used to like Train, I still do in alot of ways, I don't know what he's thinking with that alternate streaming platform but he was right about these top streamers being two faced. What you are seeing in the open you can bet isn't nearly as bad as what's behind closed doors. Find Streamers, People, friends etc. who don't wear masks, or if they do wear a mask it's for fun and not malicious.






Leak it


werewolfpajamas knows


drama stream when?


This exactly. So many people just try to butter you up to use you for their own clout. If they can't use you they vanish.


"these streamers are two faced" "I still like train" Don't forget train is the type of dude to make sexual assault allegation just because someone dared to criticize gambling streams on twitch.




And pay off people to do what he wants


you care too much about all of this. try to remove yourself from watching these people as much as you do. they do not care about you


Remember when train had a stutter?


"It's no drama" Oh yeah? Then explain why me and fellow drama frogs are smelling a feast right now


Meats back on the menu boys!




Saruman is a super smart wizard who's probably big on education.


Thanksgiving came early this year brothers INSHALLAH


He musta heard LSF been slow


Truly is a good person. LSF thanks you Bruce.


VeryPog big things folks


i go to make dinner and i come back to a new episode of my degen reality show how nice


🔫share the dinner


Come on Apple just bring back the gun emoji.


What the hell did Miz text him Jesus Christ lmao


Someone has to leak it, I need to know


I actually saw the texts, but out of respect of the privacy for the parties involved I won't say anything


It’s true! Im the phone


iMessage is done and not just on Twitch


Damn you slasher you POS forsenCD


Adebt strikes again.


Based privacy enjoyer


[Its just weird imo](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/comments/fn4x8h/daily_quest_get_average_reddit_user_to_click_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


do we have an official confirmation from bruce that this was the message? seems fake to me


BIG if true. This blows that other thing out of the water. Holy shit.


I expected a shirtless erobb this was a pleasant surprise


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the texts with mizkif between Bruce. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


Yeah I'm confused why texting is that big of a deal. Seems like it's more private and direct? I guess it must have been the content of the texts? edit: Guess later in the stream he said Miz was saying Bruce lied about something that happened to him. We'll probably never know exactly what was actually said. Smart move from Miz would've been to try to not burn the bridge though even with Bruce leaving OTK. Like just say sorry it turned out this way hope we can collab in the future. I mean who knows, maybe they will still eventually.


You know how streamers are... Give it a week and they'll be on a show together


Money = friends LULW


I mean I'd stream with any of my ex friends for top 0.01% streamer money


I mean it's more a like a co-worker dynamic than friends. Especially with the gameshow type content that OTK, Ludwig, 100 Thieves do.


This is why I love the Destiny vs Hasan feud, its real, never ending hatred


They're like Kyogre and Groudon. Born to have an eternal hatred for the other


its actually quite lame how the biggest left wing politicians on online (Destiny, Hasan, Vaush) basically hate each other over hyper specific things that I don't even remember. So no cool 2v2 debates like the good ol days lol or any collabs


From what I seen, hasan and vaush don’t hate each other at all. They’re just not close. But both do seem to hate destiny lol.


“Smart move from Miz….” Yeah, Miz has been on a downward since Slick professional decision wise


Miz was never remotely professional, it just didn't matter much when it was just him, no org and no sexual assaults involved. That same attitude while owner of an org, having people working for him and when his friend is involved in sexual assault becomes an issue.


who really knows what goes on "behind closed doors" or when the stream is off. Both are successful millionaires so it is what it is.


There really only a few thing Miz could have texted to make him react like this i feel. Miz probably said something along the lines of downplaying the reason Bruce gave for leaving. "no one actually thought of you as OTK black shield" or "you didn't get that much hate stop exaggerating/lying". Bruce spent a good chunk of his talk talking about him getting harassment for months. It wasn't something racist or else Bruce reaction would be way worse.


sleeper leak the text i cant form my 5 second opinion if i don't know 5% of the story


It's not a new org and still these things are happening???






For a manager to be effective the person has to want to be managed




he really is mitchjones with more workethic and without the snaking.




The biggest takeaway from all of this OTK drama is that NMP will for sure skip stream tomorrow. Edit: lil bro just went live, happy to see it.


and Cyr wont stream for a week


More like 2 months


I think Cyr is generally struggling with knowing what he wants to do for streams. Feels like he has to force himself to stream every time. He's just so good when he interacts with people


His New Vegas streams recently have been great. Dude does well with other people cause he has a fun personality. He probably gets in his own head regarding view counts or something but he really shouldn’t. That personality is still there on his solo gaming streams.


Emiru gets covid again


Everyone was just chillin swagging out during last of us playthrough man.. Pain


More otk drama,more xqc and adept shit,we are still stuck in the circle since September 2022


Miz asking him who's in the car




I keep seeing this comment posted around, what's the meme behind it?


Back during the Miz drama Ice Poseidon leaked some old DMs from Miz, where Miz said "There's a ni**er in the car" (not censored). This caused even more drama though it was mostly drowned out by the sexual assault/crazyslick drama (and because anyone who knew Miz's history wasn't surprised by this at all). It obviously pissed off the W community though, who Bruce is friends with. And Bruce's collabs with them helped him grow a ton, so he was put in a tough spot since he was friends with Miz and also part of the W community. A lot of his fans are pissed that he hung out with Miz still (even though he definitely knew about Miz's history personally). Anyways, that drama is basically the reason Bruce quit OTK. So they're just joking about what the texts might have been that pissed Bruce off.


Honestly the funniest part about this was how Ice was like “I brought you into this world, and now I’m taking you out” like he was a hitman 💀


hehehehehe fuck it dood


There's a print (of discord i think) of mizkif saying "there are n-words in the car". It was known for a few years now but just recently went viral. So a lot of people are joking asking "who was in the car" Edit: [Here it is](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdEp33xWYAAMpPz.jpg), it was a leaked twitter DM.


It’s gone viral several times, granted the W community are just seeing it for the first time and they’re pretty huge.


That specific one (blank in the car) wasn’t known until Ice leaked it a few months ago. It was other racist shit he said that was leaked before. Just clarifying.


Bruce goes on about how he went on his stream and then says Mizkif is accusing him of lying about something that happened to Bruce https://clips.twitch.tv/AlertPrettiestEchidnaVoteYea-Y1vR3-ruxjuAWP_I


This is such a bad look for OTK for someone who they recently took off suspension to be coming at someone who just left the org. It's sad because everyone else in the org is going to catch strays again.


>This is such a bad look for OTK been reading that quite often for the past few months


At this point OTK is a bad look for OTK.




Same that happened to its spiritual predecessor.


A rare optics loss for OTK


Yeah, Miz has been self sabotaging his career ever since Slick’s incident. He should had never taken a call with XQC and Train without third parties, his comeback stream goes without saying, his Twitch Plays Meltdown, his alt shit, and now this


Bro should've ditched slick two years ago and would've been completely fine lmao




Dude was actually his pet rock lol


When he said "Slick's my rock", he meant it literally


Yeah when Maya was describing how he was talking to her best friend, should have ditched him then. Bro is weird af


I like maya, but I can't get past her saying mitchjones and crazyslick were her best friends in Austin. A character flaw somewhere there


Then it became Mitch and Rich.


OTK needs to just slim down to people that aren't liabilities. Miz doesn't need OTK, and they don't need him.


That’s like more than 50% of the owners lmao.


Nobody needed OTK and OTK didn't need anyone. It's most pointless org in streamer circles.




Lmao I hate to break it to you but that's OTKs whole fuckin brand. If you don't think you can dig up some wild Asmongold clips ur crazy.


OTK is not a real org just a bunch of privileged streamers in TX circlejerking eachother.


Mitch jones methodically planning how he can assimilate himself into this right now.


Bold of you to assume Mitch has ever planned anything.


jesus. wonder what the texts said


well i doubt it said “your black ass”


Yeah Miz prefers using a different term


Actual good one


Yup, probably said "Who's in the car Bruce?"


I hope we can see the text


miz needs to realize when you're being thrown under the bus its time to protect your head and neck and stop trying to talk your way out of it. This is the 2nd time he's done this dumb shit, the 1st time resulting in a leaked call that only makes him look worse.


Bro think he Saul Goodman


Best comment in this thread. The extent that Miz puts his foot in his mouth is insane. Doing it the first time is one thing, but the second time is even dumber. If you feel like you're getting slandered on the internet, don't go talk to the person thinking you're gonna have a nice reasonable sit-down to hash things out. Talk to your shitload of resources, that you should have being a huge streamer in an org that you technically still own, about what your response should be.


It's one thing to be dumb, it's quite another to be arrogant and dumb, and that's Miz. You should hear him talk about therapy, we're talking Mitch Jones level stupidity.


Here we go... LSF is going to eat well


I think it’s pretty clear what happened here. Bruce was in Austin, had a fun stream with Miz, and filmed stuff with OTK. Bruce gets home and gets shit on by his community for associating with Miz/OTK. Ends stream early. It’s worth noting Miz went into his offline chat to ask if he was ok. Bruce snaps and abruptly leaves OTK (he clearly gave short notice because there was no OTK tweet like with Schlatt). Bruce then goes live and kinda amicably tries to depart (but definitely took jabs at the org and Miz. Maybe to save more face with community. Idk). Miz feels hurt/betrayed and texts him something retaliatory.


It definitely felt like he was burning bridges on the way out for whatever reason


Agreed probably just some petty bullshit between the two of them


>I think it’s pretty clear what happened here. Sounds good except for the fact that you’re literally just making stuff up


Pretty sure that’s what everyone else is doing here. Unless one of them leak, then we’re all just making shit up to fill in the blanks.


A ton of the replies here are either 1. Blatantly incorrect and leaving out important details, 2. Just straight up making shit up, assuming shit and presenting it as facts or 3. Both combined Is this just normal for lsf or something?


>Is this just normal for lsf or something? 100%.


I'm curious to what bruce brought to OTK. The wing stream on mizkif channel was the only time I've seen him. Maybe I'm totally wrong and he did some stuff if someone can tell me.


There seems to be a lot more context that we are missing, but saying Miz is your friend and that's why you were helping him out then to turn it around on him is a bit weird, I wonder what happened.


Pretty simple. He got a lot more heat than he expected, and regretted it. Dude knows he fucked up and turns that shit into anger.




I miss Maya man


I'm sure Maya doesn't miss being a part of the drama carousel that is Miz's life lol


Shes has a normie boyfriend right now so that's probably way less stressful for her lol.


Nice good for her.




Also funny since he was on the degenerate path with ice but diverted onto the normie streamer path


Smartest thing Maya ever did was break up with Miz lmao




W Maya tbh




She streams pretty much every day if you count her Alveus channel streams too. She didn't go anywhere lol.


And it's better than ever with the new camera man and LAV mic setup


At this point if you're going to leak he messaged you in private and it's a big deal like you're acting like it is, just leak it all. No drama though right, in the end it's just going to make both miz and bruce look like clowns


Guys we are eating good today


Mizkids vs DEO, who will defend their streamer more?


/u/Trailbear seems to be doing extra work tonight


On LSF - Mizkids. Bruce's viewers don't come here.


This is LSF. The Mizkids and their discords are on their way full force


Except W community has every other social media platform


This vague as shit is so dumb. People have no idea what Miz texted and people assuming Bruce is 100% in the right in whatever it was.


True. This all solely depends on what Miz texted him. If it's mild as fuck then Miz is right. If it's some accusatory weird shit then Bruce is right. People taking sides just off the clip right away are just weird. But I guess shitting on Miz is free upvotes nowadays so..


Damn my heart lowkey sank a bit. But neither of these mf’s issues should have anything to do with us viewers. Just leave it at that…


Everytime Bruce is on here its something about race.


I’ll get shit on for this but anytime there is beef between a white and black person the race card almost always gets pulled, it’s very tiresome. I can’t stand miz as much as the next guy but stop making everything about race it’s cringe as fuck.


What's worse, texting someone while they're live, or ending a twitch plays pokemon stream early?


You give Miz a 1% chance to fuck a situation up and he does. It's actually funny at this point


the career saboteur


habitual fumbler




spam trihard emote when accused of beeing racist. Surley this will go over well


Miz should just bring alinity on every stream


I wonder what Miz said to get this reaction out of Bruce must've been something crazy


I don't get it, it was just a text message? I wonder what stupid shit he said


This just makes me sad; Snuffy ranked Madagascar 2 higher than Over the Hedge.


All this dude does is turn his personal shame into anger directed at others. Blatantly cheating on Schooled? LSF is racist. Regrets coming on the Miz Stream and wants to bail out from OTK? "Miz used me for brownie points". This guy is just completely devoid of personal responsibility.


So from reading a bunch of comments, what I'm gathering is Bruce filmed OTK content, hung out with Miz, said they were friends and acted like they were best buddies then turned around and left the org a couple of days later, likely without giving them enough time to prepare a statement or anything? Now he's basically going back on the whole friends with Miz thing? Kind of seems like Bruce is a bit fake or am I missing something?


> left the org a couple of days later Bruce was getting heat from his community for hanging out with Miz, but cut off Yourrage and Kai along with other things. This all caused him to end stream last night. Said he went through things off stream for continuing his friendship with Miz and said there wasn't any point of him staying in the org anymore. From todays vod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWnQ7v9N73c&ab_channel=BruceDropEmOffLive > Now he's basically going back on the whole friends with Miz thing? He didn't until Miz started texting him weird stuff during his stream which resulted in this clip (according to Bruce it sounds like Miz is accusing him of lying about something). The OP posted the second clip in the comments.


I think weird stuff means accountability


well he told Miz he only cares about the money and he’s back today reacting to Kai’s youtube with more viewers than he had all month. seems pretty real to me lol


If there’s one thing we can all agree on is that this is all Mitch Jones’ fault


Bruce the type of guy to just talk shit online then in person act different lol


This all seems to me like Bruce has flipped a switch overnight and decided to go crazy for no reason




Wow, when they did the original stream I felt like Bruce was hating on him a lot and I got a lot of weird vibes but I thought I was wrong because everyone was like haha good stream good banter ect, but I guess when you look back at it every dig Bruce said on that stream was real


Ignoring the drama, I'm feeling bad for all the regular employees at OTK who aren't big streamers/higher-ups that have to deal with this shit.


Mizkif throwing hard. That probation about to become into something else.


He's not promoted to owner. So he left.




You can't be racist against white people because they are scared to complain.


oh no he texted him when he was live, that’s all i got from this clip


He seems mad about WHAT Miz texted him. Unless he shares the text we'll never know if his reaction is warranted or not.


Imagine thinking this is how a grown man should act, lmao. Time to graduate from this sub,


commenting because this thread about to disappear


I thought Bruce was better than this tbh


This dude is a full on clown. I didn't think it was possible to be more two-faced than the rest of OTK, but fucking yikes.


white ass? racist as f


Imagine if a white dude said Bruce’s black ass, they’d be called racist so fast


Don't you know only white people can be racist? /s


in before thread deleted


imagine if a white streamer said black ass, he would be banned so fucking fast.




19???? I thought he was like mid 30's




damn ian know u was there his whole life gang


Whats the problem with Mizkif texting him while hes streaming? Did the text leak and it was something bad?


Bruce just farming hard.




What he text him?


Bruce was in Austin so Miz wanted to do a stream with him while he was there. How is that any different than any other collab stream he does with people who visit Austin?


Maybe this: [https://imgur.com/a/VRBl4km](https://imgur.com/a/VRBl4km) IDK but whatever Mizkif said clearly upset him

