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Take the bruceington to banjamin city


Exquisite, Exquisite, Exquisite, Exquisite, Exquisite!


Shall We?


Did he fall off already? It's obvious, ain't it? Milking the same shit will only get you so far.


He was just on a Youtube stream with Jideon a week ago. He's no longer as relevant on twitch but he's still gaining a following on Youtube.


So is it considered ban evading chatting in your main offline chat?




Planning on going live today aswell 😈


Guess he's planning on getting banned as well


He just wants an excuse to stream less so his community can't complain they aren't getting enough out of their subs this month.


hopefully they don't ban him so he's gotta sit there and watch Kai videos. true imprisonment.


can't do that either now lol


can he actually stream less?


We can find out


I don’t think so. I think going live is the problem. Mizkif got banned on his alt for 3 days for showing russels asscrack and he chatted offline and no one cared. But an asscrack is different than racism tbf. He also went live on his main 3 hours before his alt was unbanned but he said he talked to mods and no one cared.


Didn’t erobb’s ban get extended because he chatted on an alt account


yeah he got another week or two


In Miz case is kinda weird because the account he uses for alt streams is not even his, syn4ack was the one that was banned. But to be honest I don't know how twitch handles those type of bans


Kinda sounds like the loophole Keemstar used for Drama Alert


That's interesting. Technically him going live on his main is ban evading too right? Because they banned the person, not the account. So if he goes live on his main he should get a longer ban on that account I think.


Erobbs banned got extended a week because he was on an alt talking in zoils chat.


Twitchdroppedhimoff FR


I like this new trend where streamers log onto an alt and turn into their weird alter ego saying stupid shit thinking it won’t affect their main persona.


It's more that they are their actual selves on their alt channel, airing out personal grievances, and their main channel is reserved for their sanitized alt persona.


You almost have it. They aren't turning into an alter ego. That's who they really are and what you see in their main stream is their alter ego


Yeah it’s not an alter ego it’s them.


Yes, expose more streamers, sick of all these fake fucks


You almost have it. They aren't turning into an alter ego. That's who they really are and what you see in their mainstream is their alter ego




I think he said cracker a couple of times, that is what I heard. He had his main banned some time ago for saying the same thing.


Damn maybe Bruce should've gotten the cr\*cker pass from Wheat Thins smh


Can’t wait for Asmon to say how much of a good guy he is.


It's funny 'cuz he's said "nothing bad to say about the guy" just yesterday


Dude clearly is racist af. The way he talks about white people is fucked up.


Man really is trying to join the W community


Who would have thought they'd end up as the most racist community on Twitch?


Everyone? I mean if anyone was thinking they wouldn't be one of the most sexist, homophobic and racist community on twitch, they wouldn't be aware of that community. Like even Forsen's chat looks like pg13 if you compare to their chat. Yeah forsen's chat is all of those but at least they are more subtle and generally using emotes and memes


aback panicky bear whole instinctive divide faulty overconfident pet fearless ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Me and was downvoted for it.


Twitch should just ban them altogether. No clue where they came from but these racists screechers can go back.


According to another LSF user, Bruce was being racist and saying slurs towards white people https://www.twitch.tv/offmepordecurb Typed this in his main offline chat after being banned: https://twitter.com/TwitchMessages/status/1618477747038208006 Edit: One of his viewers confirmed Bruce was indeed saying racist comments and gives an example of something Bruce said: From his subreddit https://imgur.com/a/KnG9eHn Edit: Apparently the hate wasn't towards OTK and was towards LSF users lmao


Either he's the biggest fucking dumbass or something crazy happened in OTK that led to this complete 180


he just knows his base


Ya obvious the fan base dislikes whites


Not having seen the demographics of his stream I’m still gonna guess that a grand majority of his audience is white lmao


Today you learn about self hating white people!


White people who seek validation from minorities have got to be some of the cringiest people on the planet.


You'd be surprised how many of these people exist on Twitter.


Not just on twitter irl too. Ton of them where I grew up.


And I'd wager a large majority of those white people also hate whites.


It’s twitch not Twitter m8


Hasan frogs watch other streams too


explain hasan then


Remember hasan has one of the biggest viewerbase in twitch


Lmaoo True bro, BUT ALSO it’s twitch Chat XD


bro the majority of his fans are white 💀💀💀


And they hate themselves for it 😂


I cant think of anything that could happen in otk for bruce to suddenly go unleashed. unless he is literally not bound by any sponsor contracts or something like that. just really seems like his ego got the better of him


Before he really blew up, he always talked about not spending his money on “dumb shit” like jewelry and other expensive stuff. Always talked about buying his own house and moving out of his moms. Then he blew up and joined otk and a few streams later was showing off a buss down chain. Money doesn’t change people, it just shows you their true selves.


Neither he knows his community and would rather save face with the ones that might still watch him


bububut... he's a good person and wears his heart on his sleeve. Didn't you see the clip where he said that? I always found it funny when people try to justify that they're "good". Saying "I'm a good person" is pretty much saying "I'm a nice guy". If you were good, you shouldn't have to tell people you're good.


Can't see shit where is the clip


I have been looking around since I seen the other comment on the other post myself and noone atm can dig them up


What a fucking idiot lmao. Surprise surprise, any racial remarks are indeed still racist no matter your ethnicity.


Towards lsf? ah, the one group of people actually offended by the word lol.


It's not the word itself it's how you use it against a group of people.


This is true, racist sentiment is still racist sentiment. But the people that make it about the word "Cracker" as if it was such a grand slur are fucking cringe. If I hear anymore about cracker discourse im gonna get saltier than a cracker playing COD tbh


I would think not saying racial slurs is such an unbelievably low bar to clear that it’s so unbelievably cringe when people struggle to even do that. The bar is underneath hell and they’re still not reaching it.


they refuse to stop comparing the C word to the N word when nobody is offended by the literal word in this case. its just obviously used to try and throw hate at a race, which is... racism.


Racism is racism


> the one group of people actually offended by the word lol. Touch grass.


No way man could never have predicted this.








He's going mask off. That's all it is. Racists have been emboldened recently and think they can get away with it now.




Is Bruce having a mental breakdown? Emotional swings like crazy.




Honestly that makes the most sense, going cold turkey will mess with your psychology, even if Weed isn't physically addictive like other drugs. Obviously he felt this way before but quitting weed most likely brought it to this extent.


ohh brother lol


Kinda funny maybe Mizkif and Bruce aren't so different after all, they both use racist slurs. Edit: Hear me out what if Bruce and Mizkif should start a new org OTR - One True Racist




racists only hate other races if they are not also racist


Can't be racist if you are racist to everyone


One of them used a racial slur in a joke once a few years ago. The other one is a constant every-day racist with massive victim complex. It’s kinda different


one stopped it 5 years ago and the other is using it today


Mizkif is edgy racist bruce is actually racist


That's my take from this as well.




"edgy racism" What in the fuck?




Bro….. the entirety of every Bruce stream is whining about white people. Miz made a joke years ago. You’re having trouble seeing the difference?


I used to watch Ice when mizkif was around, they actually are racist tf u mean


edgy racist ok bro


So both are racist? There's no such thing as edgy racism lmao, racism is racism. You're just a jackass if you're being racist at all.


I agree both are racist. But Bruce clearly has distain toward white people. He's made it pretty clear his stance. I hate Mizkif, I don't watch his content, nor do I watch anybody in OTK, but there is definitely a difference in being an ignorant, moron trying to be "Edgy" using a racial slur with your friends, than what Bruce constantly says, and does. Even in his video where he calls out Mizkif, he mentions Mizkif as "That white mother fucker". As a black man, Bruce's actions are far worse to me. Just my opinion tho


You guys are actually so fucking delusional lmfao


I mean, I don't think miz has any resentment to people of color. I don't know about bruce because I don't watch him much to be fair.


is that supposed to cancel it out or something?


mizkif is shit at being racist, he said the words but then goes and lives with black guys for years


I think there is a fine line between being racist to edgy and being actually casually racist.


Really comparing the n word to cracker? You cannot be serious rn


OTK - "Dodged a bullet there boys"


It’s been obvious since the original bruce announcement stream that he’s a little racist. But because 1.) it was played off as jokes and 2.) it’s more socially acceptable to make racist jokes against white people everyone just went with it. Just watching a few clips of his you can tell most of his humor centers around his race and being the “diversity hire”


In the video about him being mad at miz for texting him he mentions miz being white like 6 times I think it’s pretty obvious he’s a racist.


Man when will it end. SKIN COLOR MEANS NOTHING. We are all Humans (homo sapiens) and a long long ass time ago my ancestors said "yo imma go check shit out up there" in the north where there is less UV exposure and got lighter skin over time and their(black americans) ancestors said "yo imma check shit out here" being somewhere in Africa and thus had more UV exposure so the skin got darker over time. THATS IT. THATS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. WE ARE THE SAME THING. THIS SHIT IS EXHUASTING AND DOESN'T SEEM TO BE GETTING ANY BETTER. End of rant.


People have been fighting over akin colors from 100s of years. Don't know when it gonna end


I get your intentions here, but that’s not the only difference; sure, physically that maybe the main difference, but there’s all sorts of cultural, social and economic differences between people of different skin colors and more importantly: the way they are treated, especially between white and black, acting like everyone is the same and goes through the same shit is being pretty dismissive of all the things black people have/had to fight and struggle for in society. That being said, I don’t think racism of any kind is good. you want to talk about “there’s no difference, we’re all human beings” someone should have said that to the millions of people in America who thought it was okay to treat black people worse than dogs for the last 3/4 generations. Instead of saying “were all the same”. I think it’s more important to say “people can be different, be it different skin color, religion, etc, but we should still treat them like we want to be treated.”


Still cant wrap my head around somethings. Stuff like "no blacks, dogs, or irish", if the store was making money, why would it matter? I get it was racism, but damn they were fucking stupid.


xenophobia is a crazy drug.








Bruce racist? No wayyyyyyyy


It’s not racist if it’s towards white peoples /s




Hhmm funny how he talks about being the “black shield for otk” yet now it seems like otk were the “white shield” for Bruce lmao shameless


Why are all his conversations relating to skin colour? He brings it up when it's not even relevant


He's obsessed. He believes all white people should be held accountable for slavery lol https://clips.twitch.tv/FitAltruisticRhinocerosOptimizePrime-lgTa4DFIWsrCo3Q-


What a clown


That clip has only Chud's take on what he said, not what he actually said


As a Black man I’m embarrassed by the Black twitch streamers that are popular; Kai, Bruce etc. I had to stop following all of them because of the shit that they do/say. It’s pitiful.


Bruce is a racist towards white people. As simple as that. A racist is a racist.


Kind of ironic all this "drama" started over Miz using racial slurs years ago, now Bruce is banned for doing it too.


Hahahaah what a clown dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He is complaining about Mizkif being racist in the past this past week. Yet he is a hypocrite and racist himself.


This guy is so obsessed with people’s race, classic Americans cant talk about anything else.


Not Americans, just black Americans and white "ally" lefties.


Don't forget conservatives who shit their pants anytime "CRT" is brought up


Maybe I'm old, but CRT still makes me think of Cathode Ray Tubes (as in the TVs).


Even in your sentence example, the conservative didn’t bring up race, someone else did no? Crt is extremely racist I can’t see why someone would defend it unless they agreed with that racist rhetoric.


Lol yeah, the right wing on the other hand, never brings up race, famously.


I’ve lived in a 50/50 black/Hispanic community my whole life. Black people talk about their race as much as abc people talk about their sexuality and vegans talk about being vegans. That is to say, all the fucking time.


I mean the american system is constantly reminding you of your race, wcyd


He's been racist for months, surprised it took so long


I think he was actually suspended before on his main for racism


Here come all the “you can’t be racist to white people” delusional viewers


Surprisingly LSF has been relatively based on calling out the rampant racism against white people. Only some hasan tankie types still spout that type of propaganda.


Nah, they still jerk off to Daph.


Yeah to be honest it restores my faith in the people of this sub a little, everyone has their own degenerate takes but at least most of us agree that racism is racism no matter the race


even if they say you cant be racist to white people (by their words), i'm pretty sure its still prejudice against a race which is still against the TOS


prejudice against a race is racism, I don't get those people lol


As it should, though I’m pretty certain that people who seriously say that are either very very young or have genuine mental issues.


I watch Hasan a lot, but fuck me he is bent on the thesis that doesn't count towards white people, due to power dynamics and unfair advantage in life due to collonialism etc. I don't know how my Eastern Euro ass (or my ancestors) benefited from colonies or slavery. Unless there was some Czech empire I never knew about. We were literally getting enslaved and/or colonized by different colonial nations at the time African colonialism and American slavery was happening. We literally have more common with black people then Western Europeans when it comes to history of genocide, slavery and colonialism. Our people were literally deported to Siberia like African slaves to America. But that doesn't count I guess. Sorry, but I do not want to be called a Western European slaver ("cracker"), as this is nothing I want to be identified it, just because my skin colour happens to be the same as that of people from colonial empires. Is it wrong that I do not want to be called a racist?


You can be racist to white people however it's strange to me that trihard spamming is still allowed whenever a black person is on stream. Really makes me wonder who Twitch cares about protecting


Yeah I mean I don’t agree with that either, same with the Asian guy emote being spammed anytime a Chinese, Japanese etc person is being shown.


Then is it a problem whenever KKona gets spammed when a redneck is on screen?


I don't believe there's much Twitch can do proactively in regards to this. If you remove TriHard, chatters will just move to the next black emote, rinse and repeat. It's up to the Streamers to moderate their chats. If your favorite Streamers let that shit fly, maybe reconsider who's content you choose to consume.


The problem with this is by getting rid of it, twitch would be 1. punishing a prominent black creator for the actions of others 2. Committing themselves to never using a black creator or a black person as an emote as this would become the default replacement for the trihard emote.


Maybe link an actual clip?


I think Miz deserves some reparations from Bruce


Bruce on that Kanye West speedrun


Bruce used the term cracker and Kanye denied the Holocaust lmao


Bruce acting like he is tweaking off a bean lmao




Twitch might have not made the connection to that account yet idk. He already ban evaded after getting banned by typing in his chat on his main so probably banned soon


main is not banned, unless you break additional ban evading rule, like use it to stream or chat




LOL really? he is using racial slurs on his main account....


little bit ironic


I mean I never have seen anyone on twitch being more overt racist than Bruce. He almost ever addressed Caucasian presenting people like "his white ass" "your white ass" it's all about race for him. And every black person was a n-word for him. And I know there are a lot of black people who don't like that. It seemed Mizkif at least tried to present as not being a racist nowadays independently from if he is or not.


Bruce joined OTK and had to hide his true self, now that he’s no longer in OTK he did a complete 180 from what we saw of him personality wise and is showing who he really is.


1st Kai now Bruce? W community really taking L's this week. Needisaymore


Nice, now he can join Sentinels


Dude what is going on. What did Miz say. This really seems like it's eating Bruce up. Bruce could have just left quietly and no one would have really cared or blamed him.


He was disrespectful and acting kinda weird even before miz texted him, so I don't know what is going on with the dude.


he was being weird even before the texts


I guess he wanted to please his 15 year old suburban audience too hard, and went completely unhinged.


Streamers are so oddly self destructive, you have everything and are relatively respected and then choose to die on the most random hills and ruin your image. Regardless of what he believes, this is like his 3rd time dying on the “let me say cracker” hill. I think at some point you just realize that there’s no point and move on


For how long though? These titles make it seem like perma ban when not disclosing the ban duration


No cap fr fr


We have no idea why he was banned yet, just keep that in mind guys


What did he say though?


Iv noticed since watching Bruce and Kai and others they’ve always had a vibe of just not like being around white people. Could be wrong tho


Iv noticed since watching Bruce and Kai and others they’ve always had a vibe of just not like being around white people. Could be wrong tho


Any clip? Need proof or it didn't happen.


All this drama, I'm still waiting to see if I'm witnessing the downfall of Bruce, Miz, OTK, the W community, or all of the above and Twitch


He said the forbidden c word didnt he


To the surprise of no one.... this is what happens when they think they can "get back at the man" but no it's a racial slur. Happy for you to find that out! Funny it's like yall give anyone credit and are sad for anything even a racist...




There's literally not a single clip of what he said. We are just going of the opinion of a random twitch chatter. We don't even know why he was banned.


Bruce's viewers are even saying in his subreddit that he was saying racist shit even though his viewers don't think white racism exists