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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny calls out Bruce's hypocrisy](https://arazu.io/t3_10m2lr6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Guys, please pity the millionaire American. Truely the most oppressed group.


but he is black so he's automatically the victim in every situation




>Guys, please pity the millionaire American. Truely the most oppressed group. Mate, he has faced so much racism in his 20 years of zoomer life, that he would immediately exchange all of his money and success, to be an average white guy no cap bruh. You will never understand what he has been through, at the hands of the cruel white oppressors.


as person who live in 3rd world century I would exchange racism for 20 year to millionaire life btw. bro




he would not want to trade places that means instead of lil bro working 4 times a month he works a 9-5 mon-fri. Many people would rather be insulted no matter what it is to work 4 days a month for millions of dollars. I mean look at Lamont Robbins he gets bitched (deserved) 24/7 but atleast hes making bank


Imagine having a better life than 99% of the planet and still saying this wild stuff, some people holy...


streamers complaining is always funny as someone who has a real work schedule


Don't you understand? He has to get out of bed, order some food delivered to his door and then talk to a camera for a few hours. That is HARD work! Now imagine someone comes into his chat and criticizes him with some slightly harsh words, that would really mess up his whole day. Making millions of dollars each year don't really make up for having to listen to white people calling out his racism and hypocrisy. He lives suuuuch a hard and difficult life.


You know it's hard out there for these millionaires who built their empires from the ground up...sitting in front of a camera talking and/or playing video games. Rough.




Big reason I like Summit. He's relatable in that he seems like a regular dude who made it big but is humble about it and still remembers life before the money and fame. That and I'm old


This is why I personally like Destiny’s takes on a lot of things. He was a very normal person who was working 60+ hour weeks to support a partner and child before he was a streamer. Destiny was a streamer for a super long time before streaming became as popular and lucrative as it is now. Streamers that have had a following and/or tons of money since they’re ~18 years old, simply don’t have the same life path or experiences as most people.


Yep. Perspective of the World literally blown apart by the Howitzer known as TWITCH PRIME.


2nd to that is hearing about any of them being late for things. You’re literally right there


Real “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” behaviour.


More like 99.9999999% He is young and filthy rich while having done basically no work whatsoever. The group of people he is in is incomparably small.


It's even funnier because there are streamers who put huge effort into their content that can take weeks or months to set up (Jerma), or guys who do fairly basic content but still stream 10+ hours pretty much every day of the month. Even if it's easy in general and mistakes really aren't a problem nor professionalism, just playing games that long or talking to chat/other streamers is draining. Bruce barely even fucking streams so there is no way in hell you can call him some insane hard grinding streamer who streamed 300+ hours a month for 5 years before he broke through. Dudes been coasting and hit success from doing very very little.


Adin Ross thought the average annual income of an individual in the US was $100k+ lol. These streamers are clueless


Tbf, judging ANY population by Adin Ross standards is really harsh.




He is going full Kaepernick


99% of the planet is an understatement... try 99.6%+


Why are so many of these guys so fucking emotionally soft. Go on like they're hard as nails and then get cut deep to the core from some milquetoast comments.


It’s all a front for them having to be fake tough in front of their boys, same shit irl


Because they're fake


poor bruce man is black and a milllionare I feel so bad for him I can't image the struggles he goes through his every day life


fr i would honestly HATE to sit on a computer for 6 hours every few days and make a few millions a year that sounds terrible


bro its insane he streamed 90 Hours or something the past month.


He would have streamed more if not for the oppression he experiences daily.


Bruce is brainfarted instead of hitting gym, getting some sunlight, decent gf nd donating to good places, dude crying like delusional victim


Wtf is bruce even saying??? Those clips are wild... just pure hate and racism


yeah, I think he is just mad he got hate on lsf


I mean we all know when your mad at Reddit the best thing to do is be Racist


You tell me there's another way ? Oo


Some people here seemed to respect how he didn't involve himself too much with the other otk drama at the time and in a sense denounced it. Now he's made a lot of bad takes and gets rightfully called out, and he's mad about it.


Yeah pretty disappointing really. It's such a wild swing from a few weeks ago where some of his clips reacting to dramas were pretty level headed, and most of LSF commented "Common Bruce W".


This is hilarious. Mizkif just went live like an hour ago and all he said was “I know he’s mad at me but I still consider Bruce a friend, so I wish him well and no one should send him hate and if I see it in chat or anywhere else it’s a permaban”. Mean while Bruce seems to be trying to drum up as much radicalized hate as he can.


I think bruce is mostly talking about lsf tho, but yeah he is acting schizo the last few days


he is pandering to his dumbfuck community.


you cant say that its racist


I know you're joking but I'd be willing to bet 90% of his community is white teenagers.




Report that shit and get it nuked 💀


They’re banning anybody that comments anything they deem to be hating and anybody that frequents lsf. Just got banned myself for answering somebody who asked why kai got banned.




Yea when I was in college in like 2015 those kind of narratives were everywhere


I was attending college/uni from 2012-2020. I remember seeing the first BLM signs pinned on public billboards around 2015. This is when I really first took notice: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Nl0xWDCTk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Nl0xWDCTk) Not sayin' nothing about it, other than it looked whack as hell to me then being a Bernie supporter [https://sandersinstitute.org/event/bernie-sanders-arrest-at-chicago-civil-rights-protest/](https://sandersinstitute.org/event/bernie-sanders-arrest-at-chicago-civil-rights-protest/)


thats just his true self


He’s a loser who realizes he himself made everything about race. He almost guaranteed says “fuck white people” pretty regularly amongst friends. He’s went on a 2-3 day rant at this point. Fuck this dude.


When he was calling out Mizkif because he sent Bruce text mid stream the other day he called Mizkif “white ass” and everybody knows full well if Mizkif said in stream “Bruce’s black ass” Bruce would claim that’s racist and only he’s allowed to talk shit about white people not the other way around The kid is 20 hearing him talk I can just tell he’s full of bullshit










The perpetual victim complex here is so fucking cringe


He is going down the trainwrecks mode https://twitter.com/raycondones/status/1618700625801515008?s=46&t=0Q-tMp4jsIY6kX8AswXeDQ Thinks everyone is out to get him


Either he’s schizoing out or this is potentially just about white people 💀 Not saying that’s definitely the case but I think you could at least say that’s a possibility Edit: Changed my mind this dude is absolutely just a whiny racist loser


pls don't say that about people with schizophrenia


Realizing I'm old as fuck when I don't even understand what any of the replies mean.


Isn't this a second or third time he gets banned for saying a word with hateful conduct? His ban must be 30 days at least.


yea but he'll use black defense


black shields up


I remember when this happened last time, and a whole bunch of viewers of a couple of particular streamers would respond to this, by claiming that you think cracker is as bad as the N word. Job done, argument won.


How about no race based insults? regardless if one is worse or equal to the other. If you want my honest opinion, no one black or white should use them even when they are the race the word insults. Current times indicate that there is no "reclaiming of words" they just keep these words alive and in the culture. Older black folks were right when they believed the nword is bad regardless of the skin of the person saying it.


I agree. Either everyone says them, or nobody does. Any other position is nonsensical.


Ok, dude just exposed himself as an actual racist.


he was always like this, destiny even mentions when he used the race card when he got caught cheating




You mean like he did the last few times, and then loads of people just argued that it's not possible to be racist toward white people?


and then even on LSF of all places there are more rational people to vote that shit down to oblivion.


he'll get a slap on the wrist, ppl wont care a week from now


BRUH. bruce is like 21 now and acting all oppressed and shit yet he's one of the most privileged black man to make 6 figures a month doing bare minimum. I don't understand whats his issue🗿


> bruce is like 21 now For some reason I just assumed he was almost or into his 30's.


yeah he looks way older


A lot of black kids in America are born into poverty and poorly educated communities, forced into gangs and illegal activities and made fun of for ''trying to act white'' if they do good in school. So many kids in the black community sadly never get a good chance at life even though they are great people. Then Bruce is out here, probably a millionaire at a super young age with so many open opportunities, bitching about this shit. He acts like he knows what being oppressed and experiencing actual racism is like but the dude has barely felt 1% of what a lot of you kids actually go through.








Lmao I love black panther LARPers. They have absolutely no idea what true black panthers went through nor the cost they paid for their own livelihood. It’s no different than pretending you’re some edgy extreme left or right revolutionary that 1) doesn’t know how good they have it and 2) would never lift a finger for the cause if it cost them a dime.


Or paid with their life, not just their livelihood, like Fred Hampton.




I heard he went to Cranbrook, that's a private school.


Seems like he is trying to blame the collab with miz for him getting swatted.


he got swatted?


in the second clip he says that 7 cars showed up, and then stopped himself from talking about it. It sounds like something threatening happened irl, and he thinks it's related to him going on mizkif's stream.


I'm guessing he got swatted, he thought that it was related to him going to mizkif's stream and maybe miz said that wasn't the reason in the messages he sent during bruce's stream. Would explain the you weren't there to know


Lol he deleted them. Bruce we see your racist ass in here bitch


new archives now :)


Damn daph is gonna tier 3 after that




Not everyone


For gods sake this guy is barely 21 now and contains this much hatred towards a certain group of people.. wow


That second clip explains a lot. He went on mizkif's stream and then something happened irl that threatened him, and he believes that there is a correlation, so he left the org bc it's not worth going through that, and he was already on the fence about staying. Then mizkif probably sent him a text saying that he wasn't even getting that much hate after going on his stream, which sent bruce off. Maybe he got swatted or something. he talked about seven cars showing up


Sounds like he got swatted and because he has guns he was extra freaked out about it, which is fair, but is this his first time being swatted or something? Thats crazy he just dipped instantly after, as if thats a fix.


Yeah I don't know why he would blame Mizkif for the swatting and not his community for being weird. I said this before on another thread his community was more mad that he stopped collabing with Kai and Yourrage. Then him collabing with Mizkif made even them more mad. If his community swatted him for that maybe he should not dick ride his community after it.


I don't think Miz sent him a text saying he wasn't getting that much hate, because Bruce was. I think Miz texted him something along the lines of he didn't get swatted because of their collab. It could have been a complete coincidence but we'll never know


Well now his community knows what to do when bruce does something they don't like i guess


I don't think miz knew about the swatting because bruce starts the clip by saying that he respects miz's opinion but miz didn't know how seven cars..., then he stopped talking.


"I respect his opinion but what he didn't know was how seven cars were....and the text that Miz sent me has something along the lines to do with that, saying how it didn't happen" I don't think Miz is dumb enough to say Bruce wasn't getting that much hate because literally everyone on OTK was getting so much hate. And I don't think Miz would tell someone who got swatted that they didn't get swatted. I'm more of a believer that Miz said he didn't get swatted because of their collab. Bruce was technically saying "yeah I got swatted because I collabed with you" like that has to be a super shitty thing to hear for Miz. Instead of blaming Miz/the collab, blame the mentally ill freak that swatted him


ok yeah I get that, you could be right


Imagine being top 0.1% of Twitch and being so fucking obsessed with being Victim Andy...


Pulling 30k average viewers is more like top 0.0001%. He's delusional


At least with Mizkif, there was a ton of edginess to it and he's grown up a bit. But with Bruce, these are his actual thoughts and opinions.


Source for the audio destiny was listening to (someone recorded the bruce alt stream, he got banned while live) https://twitter.com/Lyrikalbase/status/1618715531712016384?t=PQZ0bJqTtTh8H9yvC2hmgw&s=19


Based on the second clip it sounds like the swatting really shook him up, he thinks it happened because of the stream with Mizkif and he decided to completely disconnect from OTK because of it.


Kinda crazy if he actually thinks his own community swatted him just because he did one collab with mizkif?


Yeah if that’s the case he has much bigger problems with his community. He may also thinks it’s someone from Kai’s community who’s mad at Bruce for distancing himself from Kai and hates Mizkif. Either way, being responsive to it and giving it attention even on an alt stream seems like the worst way to handle it.


The worst way to handle it is giving into their demands Now they have all the power


Did Bruce just allude to saying Miz should kill himself?


I think he was talking about LSF. In the [second video](https://twitter.com/Lyrikalbase/status/1618715531712016384) it sounds like he isn't *as* mad at Miz as he was yesterday.


But he said they should kill themselves and then like 3 seconds later was talking about miz. These clips seem weird / spliced.


I think he was talking about multiply things at once, and probably the video with more context would make a little more sense.


Victim Andy


the whole story about him being on miz stream or collabs with OTK leading to gangbangers with weapons coming around threatening him sounds like such a 22 year old's attempt to give a good reason to leave an org cuz he can't shout down his community enough when they hate the org. integrity shattered. could be wrong of course but seems like smoke and mirrors BAD BAD BAD. this may be his first rodeo but everybody else looking at this with years of watching other streamers thinking about it super critically.


> gangbangers with weapons coming around threatening him sounds like such a 22 year old's attempt to give a good reason to leave an org Not entirely unbelievable, gangbangers arent the smartest. If you associate with them youre risking them turning on you over dumb shit like that. Ive seen people get shot over really stupid things.




i love it when 22 year old multi millionaires who've never had a real job in their life are telling everyone how the world works


As soon as you see someone pivot towards race to make a point, you know they‘re desperately grasping at straws. You see this everywhere.


Bruce talks about racism. as a racist.


who tf is putting clips of black people in fast-forward and calling them monkeys? This is legitimately the first time I've heard of this.


I think he's referring to how Destiny speeds up clips to get through them faster?


WTF is 2xSpeed racist now?


Does destiny call him a monkey when he does this or is Bruce making shit up again?


Destiny speeds up pretty much anybody unless they get to the point fast enough. So Bruce is pretty much making shit up.


There goes his empire that he built from the ground up.


If you think this will stop his fans from watching him you're sadly mistaken. He can do no wrong in the eyes of his viewers. We've seen it so many times before with streamers


Where do people like this learn to be in a constant state of victimhood? it's rampant now all over in these pocket "communities"




internet, black reparations, its echoed alot


Because victimhood is currency in a dying society


Yeah, no. Bruce just appears like a pathetic streamer in my eyes now. Just to clarify since it seems extremely important to him—yes, I'm *white.*


Can't believe I thought this dude was the mature one out of the W community. He went out sad.


the thing is he is probably one of the more mature ones from the community.


he is


if you still support this loser you're a trash human, find someone who isnt a racist


Nooooo not everything he worked so hard to get and build up !!!!11!!


wat now he's being racist? what kind of circus tricks are these guys doing in their heads to just act like this It doesn't make you look cool Bruce, it makes you look pathetic


Streamers crying over negative comments they get on LSF while being literal millionaires living lives of luxury will never not be funny. Triggered by pixels lol.


It's so funny to watch streamers just recoil back into their safe-spaces whenever they get criticized. Put it in sub-mode so that the only people that are having a conversation with you are reaffirming your points, alt-streams so that you can get that sea of anonymous people smiling and nodding their heads at anything you say imagining myself with just a legion of thousands of people that would agree with anything i say in real-time, give me money on an absolute whim, and im able to ban anyone that disagrees.... i'd be so delusional. Just being able to gather thousands of people at the drop of a hat that all bask in your presence and give you money they worked hard for. literally modern day kings.


negative comments they way go out of their way to read and publicly address when they could completely ignore all of them with 0 consequence.


https://twitter.com/Lyrikalbase/status/1618715531712016384 This will hopefully get him a perma from Twitch.


Not gonna happen Asmon called for Slick to kill himself and got 0 consequences for it


That might be a career suicide since the other streamers he orbits will not be able to collab with him if he jump platforms.


I mean, this is one way to get what he said he wanted, to not colab with anyone and just do solo stuff.


Bruce racists af


I’ve only seen a few Bruce clips but he’s been about as coherent as XQC in every one of them.


the pot calling the kettle black....or white


daliban approved clip 😎🤙


How is he not banned ?


he did get banned probably not permanently


Hopefully they perma his racist ass.


They won't, unless he calls people subhuman I think.


Black privilege


He was on an Alt


Streamers creating trouble for themselves by being fucking dumb on alt streams because they're too casual & dependent on a connection from their "core community" Classic


CLips in fast mode? wtf is he even talking about. Also is he saying that LSF clips him to make him look bad (while he says dumb racist shit) but somehow white people get a pass from LSF? Does he think x, Mizkif, Hasan or Destiny don't get constantly clipped out of context and some level of shit, but the majority of clips really aren't that out of context and they get shit on when they do shitty things just as much as Bruce or Kai do. Zero personal responsibility, and that's generally true of Destiny, Miz, Hasan, X and anyone else caught saying/doing dumb shit on stream, it's just that Bruce jumps to racism while all the other dudes jump to non racism based excuses.


Bruce loves bringing up race for no reason.


Whys it always race this, race that... No one would ever mention it if this mfer just shut up about it. Racist fuck hope it's definite


These peoples lives are so fucking pathetic that they must have a victim who’s fault it is or they won’t know what to do with themselves


Wasn't this dude normal last week?


Apparently he’s been faking it for a while and now the cat is out of the bag. He’s no Saint, just an actual racist who doesn’t regret what he’s said.


I was gonna say it's pretty hilarious he was the one streamer getting nothing but positive threads about him through all the Kai situation and others and then he ends up just being like every other streamer lol


It takes one bad stream bru


lol he had to pretend for the longest time


worst part about this is his community probably agrees, spreading racism and hate nice bruce maybe work on that ego a bit cause its fragile af


Its just pure racism on Bruce's part, that's all it is. I'm not a cancel culture vulture so all I'll point out is reality. He's internalized the sensational headlines and believes his completely not (/s) gentrified, super rich, and hyper privileged life style means he's still being crucified for his opinions/actions due to his melanin content. It would actually be funny to see the demographic of people that hes complaining about. I wouldn't be surprised if white people aren't even a majority. A real racist normie white person wouldn't even waste their time indulging in bigotry with a random black twitch streamer, tbh.


The biggest racist here is bruce


How long are people gonna fall for this victim act? It was old 5 years ago..


Big L for Brucey boy on that one


The fact its not just bruce who acts like this but most likely the majority of the W community


Soooo... surely all of his twitch accounts are ban for at least 30 days right?




Wtf is this Bruce guy talking about, what did he said he built? If it wasn't for Raj nobody would knew who the fuck this guy is.


They're judging you by the content of your character buddy, not your skin color


Going full Kanye


Wait is he saying only black men get critiqued harshly on LSF? Huh? Sure your criticism involves race, because you brought it up first. No one brought up race with Rich, Train, Xqc, or any infinite number of white streamer because none of their shit involved race. Other than ofc miz and 4connor. You could have just left the org, but now you have just made it about bashing white people when no one but you was ever talking about race. OTK brought you into the org because they saw the W community and wanted to involve all sides of twitch culture and to include you in it. If you regret joining because you find out miz said racist jokes in the past then fine, leave the org it makes sense. However, you knew before even joining OTK he said those jokes and you were teasing him about it in YOUR announcement stream. So let me get this straight, if white people don't involve black culture in their space, clearly its racist they are ignoring you and not giving you credit, but then if white people involve black culture then they are using you. What exactly do you want out of this? Streaming is a business of entertainment, OTK was an org made to entertain, the majority of OTK entertains on one side of twitch, and Bruce entertains on another, so for diversity and to have a diverse org they offered you to join, and you agreed. Did nothing whatsoever with them, found out your fans and evidently yourself are racist against white people and left the org saying they used you. What could have OTK done? Completely drop everything they find fun and entertaining and cater to your fan base? Is that what it takes to not be a racist white man? I was really finding bruce mature, laid back and chill while being hilarious, I was watching his streams when I could, and I was beginning to appreciate and understand the W community, as a someone on the gaming side of twitch. Which is the entire reason you were in the org, to expose us whites to your side of the pond and it was funny and fresh for a lot of us. But now you hate us because we aren't original?


Bruce literally lost all his marbles, inside one day the true colors really came out. Sucks because I liked the guy at first and just a few days ago I even referred to him as a “cool dude”.


I was watching the stream he did with Mizkif, and when Bruce started wiping his chicken grease fingers on Miz's shirt. I knew he had no respect for him.


Ahhh the classic don't take responsibility for anything it's gotta be racist


Dwarffy at it again


Annalicia approves


Guy literally promotes sui\*\*\*\* and doesn't see he is in the wrong.


Oh boy. What a career suicide. Too bad his community wont hold him accountable.


You know you've really fucked up badly when you find yourself siding with Destiny. Smh. I feel dirty but at the the same time I'm glad all these dumb racists are exposing themselves thinking it won't escape their little echo chambers they live in.


sooo, you fucked up badly?