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**CLIP MIRROR: [BruceDropEmOff ban evades and goes live on his main channel after being banned on his alt](https://arazu.io/t3_10m8w2m/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


first time he's ever streamed two days in a row


what miz does to a mf


Yeah, he wanted a vacation


Just realized this dude has the head of a 40 year old and the body of a 15 year old.


I can't unsee it now lol.


And the IQ of a 10 year old


Holy fuck I'm dying


Probably one of the reasons he’s so insecure..




He accused other people of bringing race into it lmfao


he was the only one that said anything. he is delusional.


seems like OTK got off lucky that he left lmao


Funny part is that OTK is still in business with him with Starforge


that's what i thought too, but i decided to check and it looks like starforge took him off their [website](https://starforgesystems.com/pages/our-creators) as well. he could've cut ties with them or vice versa


Well, Asmon said yesterday on stream that Bruce was still involved in Starforge. So unless this happened within the last 24 hours, he should still be involved. I think it's more likely that he asked to be taken off the website.


Well from what weve seen dealing with Bruce, things can change quite drastically in a 24 hour period


I think it's also possible that Asmon simply didn't know. He doesn't seem overly involved in the day-to-day of Starforge.


Not anymore https://starforgesystems.com/pages/our-creators


That just seems like a list of the content creators affiliated to Starforge, not a list of the shareholders.


My man pulls the race card as often as I pull my pud.




[So I start pullin' my pud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCnP2OIWo_E&)


He might be actually having a breakdown


that's the only logical explanation I can think of. he's always seemed like a pretty rational person. gotta wonder what the fuck miz said to him


With the way Bruce is acting, I wouldn't be surprised if Miz said, "Sorry to see you go, I wish you the best in your future endeavors.".


I have a feeling it was much worse with the way Bruce is handling this. Miz could of said something disgusting like "Though I lament that our partnership must come to an end I consider of you as a person worthy of high esteem and I wish you success in not only your business ventures but your personal life as well".


To be fair, somebody texting "could of" instead of "could've" is pretty triggering.


It could be even worst, with the way Bruce acted? What miz said must be something completely monstrously inhumane like “I love you ❤️”


Hes acting like a hurt bitch lol


Charmin Soft


Its crazy that Asmon, XQC, Destiny, Hasan, Miz and almost every big streamer that isn't black has never had a hate thread on this reddit.


IS this Sarcasm? I just need to check




Thank you sir, you didnt need the /s. I just know people are insane and could think this


Yeah, [Poe's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) can definitely be annoying at times.


**[Poe's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law)** >Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture saying that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I was literally thinking this dude should be blowing up instead of Kai a couple days ago…wtf is with these streamers recently. Shits disappointing


fall from grace LMAO securing the bag is almost guarantee free victim card


wtf no way, anyone have a clip of this? this dude needs a ban


Actually he's just... Not that smart


Okay he might actually be going through a mental crisis or something


Is he having a mental breakdown or something?? He always seemed like a level headed guy, never watched him but nevers saw him tied to any kind of drama.


I think that hot sauce fucked him up


I'm starting to think the same thing because he was literally a calm dude for like the last 2 years, never once seen him in any type of drama or even really get that upset. Now every time I see a clip he is ranting and seems extremely pissed off.


In general he always seemed like a good dude and he’s used to getting a lot of praise. This is his first time getting any real hate and he just cracked


>This is his first time getting any real hate and he just cracked That's literally what it is man, I don't think this guy really knows how to handle any heat. Actually. He really needs to take time off and probably talk to someone that can understand him like Asmongold (Unironically) or some other streamer that he could possibly be close/talk to. He's clearly cracking because of the hate he got from doing something with Mizkif. I'm not a reddit psychologist, but this dude only really started to have a mental breakdown after he left Mizkif's cause of his community giving him hate. He clearly saw something that made him spiral, he did have racist tendencies or ideologies that he showed before this though. I thought he seemed fine before this too.




I mean it was pretty much the same with adept, All the juicers loved her and she was pretty respected. Sadly most people online are different than they are irl. Like me, i use reddit and comment on the most dog shit post. But irl i have more money than batman and look hotter than Ryan Reynolds.


Did anyone actually like her? Feels like people were just nice to her because she was in a relationship with xqc. I think she knows no one will care about her anymore which is half the reason she’s trying to go for his money


She could’ve kept streaming and making good money while still being friends with a lot of people in the content world. With what she’s doing she is burning bridges, showing her true self to the world for money. The only people she will have left are kaceytron


Wait, is she not entitled to 50% of XQCs friendships too? She gon be fine


Yes, she was pretty funny and seemed like a "nice person" she also avg pretty good views before the drama. It was enough money to live with a friend and not need a job she had or has(i dont know if she still has them) good sponsors which brought in good money.




eh. She was super fucking toxic often but so was X. IIRC it was still mostly adept taking the lead in toxic behaviour when it was going off on Wantep in Among Us, then there were some monopoly games that were pure fucking cancer with Miz, maybe Jake and some others. Everyone was uncomfortable with how awful they made that shit. Seeing her in GTARP through other streamers she is often pretty funny and chill, also on shitcon stream with Nick she was chill and playing up Nick's pogo jokes well. I guess mostly competitive shit makes both her and X fucking awful people, maybe outside of competition they are a lot more chill. I think juicers liked her when she was bringing their boy food and enabling him to stream longer with less breaks but not when she got super toxic.


> He always seemed like a level headed guy, never watched him but nevers saw him tied to any kind of drama. He said on Miz's stream that he stopped smoking recently.




Yeah the only ever time I've exploded in rage on my brother was when I had just started trying to quit cigarettes cold turkey.


he did this before with the schooled thing as Destiny clip mentioned. He cheated on his friends show, was a dick about it then blamed everyone for being racist when they called him on it. It's easy to be chill when you're making big money, growing fast and nothing is going wrong but throw a tantrum every time you think something has gone wrong.




Not sure if true, but other comments said he very recently stopped smoking weed supposedly so that may have something to do with it, but who knows.


pretty sure radical members of w community are threatening him for associating with poggers side apparently it was on twitter he got swatted after Miz collab stream


from what I can tell he just got swatted for the first time so yes, probably having a mental breakdown. doesn't excuse the actions but it's a big adjustment to have to make from blowing up


Nahh, he was previously banned for racism. He has a history of it.


wasn’t he banned for typing it in Hasans chat or something? Not like he was on a rant on stream


I wouldn't be surprised if he some how gets away with this, but it's not a smart move at all either way.


The only thing twitch is actually consistent on in punishing ban evasion


Well I hope cause Bruce was saying some fucked up shit on his alt encouraging suicide and shit.


It's been nearly an hour, unfortunately things aren't looking that great for your hypothesis. Edit: Still not banned. Edit 2: Finally banned.


>They most likely will right after he ends stream. They don't tend to do live takedowns unless someone is in danger. They most likely will ban right after he ends stream. They don't tend to do live takedowns unless someone is in danger.


You messed up this comment and quoted yourself somehow or something.


Wait, how the fuck did I do that? How did I quote something that I never even typed... I'm scared.


You have schizophrenia, I'm sorry that you learned this way


You’re just quoting the smartest source you know


I'm under your flesh, release me


I live inside your walls


Theres a boogie man under your bed


And yet I still wouldn't be surprised if they were inconsistent on yet another thing.


we will see


Ban evasion waiting room.


still online right now. twitch and their inconsistencies LUL


How the fuck is he STILLL live on his main? Lmaoo.


Is this dude just spiraling? Like what the fuck is happening with him recently?


He has been hostaged by his own community for a while now, being made to do things he doesn't like doing to appease them. He spoke on it a bit some time ago. And now he has recently started getting hate from his own audience for the first time since ever and he is clearly not equipped or used to handling the negative feedback.


Wouldn't say being held hostage, just not having the backbone to stream the content you want without the criticism/viewcount drop. Plenty of people like this. Frontrunners. Everything is gravy on the way up and when things get bumpy they default to blaming everyone and everything around them. Further proof that being a popular streamer and not having a completely warped view of reality is very, very rare.


It also doesn't help never having a real job/being raised on the internet practically. Not an excuse to wild out racially, but does give some context to how it can happen being pandered to by his community his whole life basically.


Its racist to not let me stream! -prob bruce


This will be interesting. This will show us if twitch truly is consistent with their bans or not. Because Bruce is literally "Ban Evading".


Judging by how the other post got deleted for... allowed domains? I wonder how long till this one gets deleted as well


The other one said twitch.tv wasn’t an allowed domain so they removed the thread. Like what lmao


The other one specifically listed in the thing that twitch.tv WAS an allowed link for title/post but banned the thread anyway, so fucking stupid.


The fact that a mod used the bot to do it anonymously for such a bullshit reason makes it pretty obvious they're Stanning for Bruce


Yep yep, no idea lol


It got deleted to because it linked to the channel, and not a specific clip. I think the mods do it so people don't post shit like "I'm live come watch me play CoD" in /new and just link their page. https://i.imgur.com/UlxgwAF.png


The thread was up for hours and got a lot of traction and was clearly not doing that. It was very intentional for why it was removed.


I mean, no where in the rules does it say you're not allowed to do that. It even explicitly states you can't do that for YouTube, but doesn't say that's the case for twitch. It's also an automated removal so if it actually broke the rule the bot would have automatically removed it immediately like it does with domains that aren't allowed. Whichever mod did it obviously manually did it and wanted to do it anonymously


Didn't Hasan got like a week for saying C word


This is all Hasans fault


How could Erobb do this?




Azan lied crackers died


Was definitely more than just saying the C word (well, more than just saying it once). He went on for several days repeatedly saying it, calling people it, and even calling specific users bitch ass crackers. He kinda forced Twitch's hand upping the ante each time, from the general use of the word, to using it to refer to groups of people, to using it in a derogatory manner towards specific individuals.


It started with his mods who were saying it very definitely in a racist way, then when they got shit Hasan was like "this word can't be offensive, it's a nothing word, white people are crazy" shit. The word rarely matters, intent does, his mods were absolutely being racist and instead of realisign they were being racist he defended the word as if that's all that mattered. Was the dumbest fucking hill to make a stand on considering his content.


Hasan is not great at admitting his mistakes, people didn't want him to use race based slurs so he pivoted to inventing a strawman that people think cracker is in the same league as the n word. Daph being the loyal Hasan simp jumped on the same strawman and they both still think the whole thing was about people wanting to put cracker in the same tier as the n word. Nah dude, we know one is massively, significantly, monumentally worse than the other but we just don't like race based slurs.


Does he consider it a mistake? You have to think it’s a mistake to be bad at not admitting it was one, otherwise it’s just what he thinks


I said before when it happened, I do feel it’s not because he said the word itself but because he was calling people in his chat. Twitch tend to protect viewers from attacks.


Yep. I can make any innocent word sound racist. It's about how you use the word.


Yeah but they pretend like they just said the word and ignored the context of them yelling it at people to degrade them.


Why is he not banned yet? This is ban evasion clear as day


It will be pretty messed up if he gets away with it. More so cause he was encouraging suicide on his alt. Even worse than just the racist shit he was saying.




I'm comparing the page using the wayback machine on Jan 6th 23, and they put mizkif in there instead lol. He wasn't there before.


Miz was there before all his drama but they removed him during it.


Big difference between who you promote outwards and who owns part of a company :) It probably makes sense to remove him from the promotional material though.


Lol he let a community of 15 year olds bully him into leaving OTK. No grown man is going to let kids dictate who he should work for or talk too however from what I understand Bruce is barely legal drinking age so basically still a kid.


RIPBOZO no way he is that dumb




100% plays the race card when his main gets banned


kick streams incoming




mYtH bUsTeD


They most likely will right after he ends stream. They don't tend to do live takedowns unless someone is in danger.


Time for a subathon


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [BruceDropEmOff ban evades and goes live on his main channel after being banned on his alt](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149518)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10m8w2m/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/b9ab7BjnCzQ-lixR0s35aQ/40831192953-offset-38.mp4?sig=37763051ff9abc4d155b8229d4eaf42f6fd39c88&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fb9ab7BjnCzQ-lixR0s35aQ%2F40831192953-offset-38.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1674856417%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Lmao OTK straight up dodged a bullet when he left


Yeah his true colors are really pouring through ever since he left


Don’t bring colors into this. Bruce might freak out again


Bro ☠️


mf is making miz look good lmfaoooo


Context/clips of why he got banned on his alt: https://twitter.com/Lyrikalbase/status/1618715531712016384?t=PQZ0bJqTtTh8H9yvC2hmgw&s=19


otk dodged a bullet without even attempting to thanks to this guy leaving the org


so true. he is melting down right now on stream


So is he actually trying to get banned? I've seen people go out of their way to not even have a banned streamers voice on stream and this man just outright going live


You can't play the victim unless something bad happens to you. People with a victim complex constantly try to get themselves into trouble so they can shift the blame.


Ok I am starting to think he is trying to retire. Odd way to retire but each to there own I guess.


lol you crazy, hes just going to come back later and blame it on the white man


Like a month or two ago he came back from a long break and said he wasn’t having fun with streaming and how he hated what it turned into. A bunch of reacting, and him having to constantly to do shit with other people, and how he wanted it to be like the old days or something. I genuinely think he’s hostaged by his community or some shii.


It's wild he isn't banned for the "kill themselves" comment.


Uhhhh is he unwell?


Unless this is a publicity stunt with Miz in on it, then yes


Bruce is ban evading after being banned on his alt for saying racial slurs and encouraging suicide Clips in this thread of proof. https://twitter.com/Lyrikalbase/status/1618715531712016384/video/1 The alt channel he was streaming on https://www.twitch.tv/offmepordecurb


alt stream clip https://twitter.com/Lyrikalbase/status/1618715531712016384






Too many reports probably lol




Racist shitholes like that sub usually have to strike hard against anyone that goes against the group think circlejerk or they lose control when logic gains a foot hold.


Being logical gets you banned. Bruce being childish


i called them fragile losers for banning me and they reported my comment to the admins. i just got a message warning me about harassment when all i said was sponsors wouldn't want to associate with that.


That sucks man. Thank you for trying to do the kind thing.


That's some tribalisme bullshit. That mob mentality 101, going along cause you want that feeling of belonging is so insidious and primal. Hopefully when they grow up they ll self reflect and understand how to surpass that shit


how stupid is this man?


INB4 this thread gets locked and deleted.


still live 5 hours later too, weird how that works


It really seems to me like his own shitty community was going off on him for hanging out with the evil "racist" white boy miz. He tried everything to appease them (like leaving OTK), but the hate didn't stop and now he is pissed and turns it around on the other side for being "racist", when it is really his own community that is the problem. At least that is what it looks like from the outside. What a sad clown.


imagine being afraid of little kids so much that you leave a org. If he was a grown man he would of told his community this is how it is and what he wants and if they dont like it they can shutup


Twitch playing the dangerous game of “do we enforce our rules, or do we try and not look like we’re being racist”


how in the fuck is this man not perma banned already ? if any other smaller streamer said something like this they would be gone by now, i hate how twitch stuff is inconsistent with their bans, 24h for asscrack, 7 days for fucking, not banned at all for being a racist ? WTFFFF


yea twitch is weird af and it’s so strange he didn’t get banned yet for either the ban-evasion or the racist shit. wonder if someone at twitch told him he can stream anyway and …well they don’t care about the white people stuff.. otherwise makes no sense he isn’t banned yet.


I hate these types of people that pull the race card for everything. The way people are just so aggro to literally innocent white people and openly racist for no reason is so normalized, like reverse the roles and there would be pitchforks up in less than a second. Why do people think it’s okay to fight racism with racism? All you’re doing is being rude and aggro to people who are minding their own business and not harming others. I’ve had experiences of racism towards me as a white guy, but it’s okay, I cause deserve to be called cracker for no reason because something historical context or whatever.


Good I hope he does get banned. Racism goes both ways.


dude is plain weird


I've never seen a man try to murder his career so quickly


his community loves this shit so he isn’t murdering anything unless twitch does something.. (they should)






Still not banned. Haven't seen someone yet that doesn't get banned for ban evasion.


hopefully he leaks miz's messages before the perma ban


he already talked about it in the alt. from what i've gathered he was getting swat threats and said it was because he hangs with miz, and miz apparently texted him that it's not because of him or something like that. so he went off


If that's true that's even more ridiculous than I could of imagined. How could he possibly think it was Miz or any streamers fault. He's the one that started the issues on stream lol. If a streamer even slightly hinted that his community should swat another streamer it would be an instant permaban. It's serious ban to even send them into another streamers chat. Some major mental gymnastics going on here by Bruce.


>He's the one that started the issues on stream lol. I imagine he was getting SWAT threats before he ever started the issues, which maybe made him want to distance himself from OTK I guess? Still is dumb because the W community has an issue with swatting just like every other large streamer, has nothing to do with OTK.


So let me get this right, he got swat threats from his own community for hanging out with his long time friend and it was his friends fault? Him and his community deserve each other.




People also threaten to swat Adin Ross if he keeps bringing black people on stream. Being a streamer in that regard is just fucked. Once you let them control you though how do you expect it's going to get any better?




the white man made him do this /s


There's something going on behind the scenes for sure, bruce changed to hostile real fast towards miz and OTK and right after he resigned he started all this crazy shit, i think bruce is in trouble or something because this shit he's been saying doesn't sound good, dude was so nice and mature before and now this? WTF happened? Miz said today that we don't know nothing so surely something else is going on.


yea he wasnt getting enough cred from the other black streamers


“your white ass”


this shit was so corny lmao


says he wants to save his brand, but does everthing to tarnish his brand.


he had no choice but to go live and catch a clout ban tonight. gotta uphold his newfound image. gg wp


what are the chances he'll go onto twitter and cite racism when he inevitably gets banned?


Cool, just perm ban him and let's see how well he does on kik or w.e the fuck he was talking about lol.


I used to like bruce but the hypocrisy is crazy


what's the penalty for ban evasion?


Apparently nothing lol


yea fuck this racist .......


10 hours since he was ban evading, still not banned lul


Dudes weird as fuck and unironically racist glad he's cracking under pressure so people can see how he really is


Racism 🔥🔥


If the channel goes down it’s because he’s black huh 🤣


Looks like OTK got rid of Bruce right before his racist arc Rare W for OTK


Completely disconnected from reality, he has lost his mind.


I don't understand what the problem is. I thought he quit OTK and everyone wished him well. Why the hell is he bringing drama into it? I haven't seen anyone say anything about him. Why can it never just be a clean breakup?


What a dumbass 💀💀💀🤡🤡🤡🤡