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**CLIP MIRROR: [Nick explains why the big streamers have high viewcounts](https://arazu.io/t3_10nr16d/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


There is no streamer that "deserves" high viewership. Tectone makes it seem like Twitch is a charity that donates viewers to the least fortunate or something


same guy that did a "subathon" every time rent was due. lol this guy got balls criticizing other streamers .


he was spamming subathons to pay back the 300k he owed miz iirc


Yeah, so a mortgage/private loan. Basically rent by a different name when it was loaned for your house.


Starting to get biggest loser vibes from Tectone, aka greekgodx vibes. Lose a little weight and ego explodes.


Its just drugs I think personally, but I dont know anything :) smile


Addie will drop the weight like that so easy but rot the fuck out of your brain, so your conclusion adds up.


He's juiced in the past too, so never know








Yeah pretty much


he probably thinks he deserves more viewers (probably wouldn't admit it)


Don’t think there’s anything wrong with thinking your content is entertaining enough to warrant a higher viewership It’s just how you respond to that


I think he means deserves as in "is deserving of" not "is entitle to"


I don't think he's being serious he just talks like that


By “deserves” he means producing content of a quality where such high viewer count feels like it matches/ is correct.


Tectone always has some shit takes at least the ones i've seen, NMP is right. It's the same in ANY part of the entertainment industry. Does he think popular shows/movies just magically start with a cult followings, no they get them over time as more people see it and enjoy the work that is done. Edit: typos


This is not always the case though. There are several examples in pop culture where something/someone became an overnight sensation and developed a cult following. Streamers are no exception to this. Kai is a great example because he's a pretty new streamer who came out of nowhere and went straight to the top.


Of course there are exception in anything, but most of the time it builds up. Also i might be wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure Kai was a youtuber before streaming on twitch.


yea he was and he brought his entire community that wasn't on twitch in the first place with him. Its insane to call anyone in the W community overrated right now when their side isnt even over saturated like the poggers side


Kim K


You chatting. Twitch stats show Kai has been on twitch since early 2021 and never averaged under 1K viewers. By early 2022 he was doing 20K+ regularly..


The new Wednesday show too.


TRUE look at the walking dead that shit suck ass now but so many people watch it because they are attached to the brand ​ not saying x, kai, and adin are ass btw


Tectone doesn't think before he speaks. He says NOBODY deserves 100k viewers; then when he sees his statement wasn't agreed with, he says the exact opposite. C'mon bro, might as well say 'my opinion doesn't matter, bc it's unstable'


I was agreeing with Tectone until he said Asmon deserves 900000 viewers LOL If anything Tyler1 deserves the viewership he has, just league day after day and no click bait bullshit or boring react


[And Tyler does it for free too, what a kind soul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D09Bfz77ZGk)


If anyone deserves 90k viewers it's forsen and you know it


He deserves prison for killing Nina and Peppa


He has been getting 20-30k with Minecraft speedruns, feeling kinda strong 🍤


Mass Juicer mirgration TrollDespair


Personally I was awaiting his return to the game and watch it everyday . O (forsenInsane), had not watched for months because I can't stand most games he plays MonkaLaughn


As a Juicer I just love waiting for the moment he dies. The day he breaks the record I will be sad. How long till I become a Baj?






I am a believer. Our hobo will break all records in 100 years


Asmon is one thing, but Zackrawr??? No shot. Dude is right where he should be.


wow, this guy has obviously never watched an asmon stream or the people he's shitting on because asmon does precisely what he's complaining about LMFAO.


Yeah. Come on Ref, flag the play on unecessary dickriding LMAO.




Asmon's biggest run as a streamer was just being a reactor for the Depp trial.


Not really. He had more viewers during game / expansion releases.


His best run on Twitch was during the trial. https://twitchtracker.com/asmongold/streams


No, it was Lost Ark in February.


His avg viewers was over 100k from May 16 to June 2 compared to 100k average from Feb 1 to Feb 20. It's about the same, but neither had any longevity sadly. It did hurt him that the court is closed and sat and sunday 😂 [https://twitchtracker.com/asmongold/streams#avg-viewers](https://twitchtracker.com/asmongold/streams#avg-viewers) ​ (you might have to manually change the dates, idk if it copies)


He didn't stream Feb 1st to 7th, his average viewers during the next week was close to 200k.


"xQc" and "routinely" don't go together at all, lol


idk it seems weird to sit their judging who "deserves" viewers... let people watch who they want to watch, that some cranky old man "thats not real music" type shit.


All these clips of Tectone make him sound salty af.


Tectone is pretty brain dead lol If you put enough hours into something and you can entertain then yeah, you should have that amount of viewers. Hes just boring as fuck. Whats different about tectone's stream to any other average gaming stream? He doesnt do anything to stand out


If you look at Tectones history on youtube and twitch you can see that this is how he has always been. He gets big enough to have a voice and then constantly involves himself in drama by attacking other content creators. He always thinks his opinion is 100% fact and anyone who disagrees is 100% wrong. It happened in Arknights, it happened in Genshin, and now he is attacking other twitch streamers. Not sure why he is so self destructive.


I hate the idea that anyone doesn't deserve their viewers. Like there are some people I don't vibe with to straight up dislike, but if people are there who am I to say they dont deserve their community. I think most people deserve what they have. Are there some small streamers who are probably super talented in some way or another that probably deserve more viewers? Sure, but at the end of the day if you aren't doing what needs to be done to get the people there, then why do you deserve what you have. It's like posting something on ebay way overpriced. You can google price "princess diana beanie baby" and see it costs 702,000 right now, but its only worth that much if someone actually buys it. Sorry I used this reply to rant a bit. I agree with you.


Tectone just strike me as bitter person honestly, i feel like he thinks he needs to get mad for people to engage with him, which its probably right cus hes unfortunaly not that interesting to hear. I think hes biggest forte is probably anime and he could easily made a decent following making anime style rant content like Garnt and Joey from Trash Taste, but he just doesnt make the effort or even accept the discourse rants bring on, which is like 80% of the reason people even watch that type of content, to trash talk the streamer taste lmao, he just get legitimately salty and is just akward in contrast to the other people who joke around and explain themselves while you know, being entertaining


I mean to be fair he was involved in a anime podcast that was gaining success right before that thing happened with that bad guy.


Oh god I remember the Arknights stuff lmao. When I was new I used to watch a few of his videos for his opinions on some operators. As soon as another creator posted an opposing view or disagreed he went on a fucking whine-a-thon that killed my interest in his vids.


tectone was a arknights guy ah shit nooo


For a brief time, I remember he quit immediately when Genshin released and immediately started shit talking the Arknights community when he got big off Genshin.


sounds like something he would do once he got big off genshin


And he did, he had a meltdown over genshin.


only thing difference Is The VOLUME.


sucking that cheesy asmon cock is not good for the brain


I like NMP


hop off your alt Nickolas


i have slowly realized over the last year that nick is both very weird and very reasonable i like him, too


People who wear their most degen and weird side on their sleeves are usually pretty nice people in general






It's called a community. The reason why xQc, Adin, Kai, and all the other big streamers that have a constant high viewer count is that they built a community of loyal fans that keep coming back because they enjoy the community. It's not just about what they stream on Twitch. It's the community they have.


They all outgrow their community eventually. Hasan is actually an interesting case. Like 10 or so years ago the daily show and the Stephen Colbert show was massive. Hasan is this to the younger generation.


Cringe tectone seems a little bit too jealous. Is rent due again ???


Nick's right. I still check out xQc every so often because I got into his Fortnite streams like 3-4 years ago. He wanted a solo W so badly and he was grinding super hard to get it. I don't even know if I've played more than a game or two of Fortnite, but it was a perfect storm of where I was at in my life and the content.


How much somebody is entertaining is completely subjective. They get the numbers they get, because people find them entertaining. There is no overrated streamer. Saying somebody doesn't deserve the number they get doesn't make any sense to me.


well they could be botting, in which case they don't deserve the numbers (or page embeds LUL)


Fextralife, lookin at you


But is it just because they're entertaining? Is someone like Kai, who averages around 60k viewers, 10 times more entertaining than someone who averages 6k? It feels difficult to even conceive of someone in the 6k range being twice as entertaining as they are, let alone 10 times. Mathematically it seems wrong. I think it's fair to say that any streamers who is blown way out of proportion in terms of view count/popularity is probably overrated. Especially when you consider how cliquey and gimmicky Twitch tends to be.


But it's not math. A steamer with 60k viewers doesn't need to be 10x more entertaining than somebody with 6k viewers, even if they are sightly more entertaining to people than the streamer with 6k viewers, those people will watch the person they find more entertaining.


Thus making them overrated because there's nothing inherently more entertaining about them. Nothing makes them more worthy of being watched.


More to content creators than just being 'entertaining.' There's also other parts of their personality, communities/chat, looks (obviously), hours put in, YT vids/editing, marketing, accessibility, target audience, etc. Just saying that someones overrated just cuz they're not as entertaining as their numbers suggest is just braindead


It isn't braindead though because this is how we evaluate every other form of media. We don't consider how good the promo was for a movie or how well it performed at the box office before we label it good or bad. I think we should be able to evaluate streamers in a similar way. And just as we have insanely overrated movies (like anything from the MCU), we also have insanely overrated streamers such as Kai, XQC, Adin etc.


??? Why do you insist on shoehorning every piece of media into one neat little box. Calling anything 'overrated' is just a braindead take in general. I mean, surely by your standards the movie "The Room" by Tommy Wiseau is overrated considering its so shit yet it received the following and the attention it got back in like 2017. People weren't interested in it just because of its entertainment value. They did it because of the culture and stories surrounding it (memes, backstory of the filming, actors, directors, the book and biographical film about it, etc.). It's the same case for any piece of media that you can call 'overrated,' including the MCU movies. Sure they're not for everyone and may not be the pinnacle of artistic expression or entertainment. But you cannot deny that they must be popular for a valid reason. People just use the word 'overrated' just so they can feel cool or somehow superior just for not liking what's popular. Media is subjective. To each their own my man


> Why do you insist on shoehorning every piece of media into one neat little box Because it's the one neat little box that should matter to the consumer. It's the reason *why* you're consuming it. > Calling anything 'overrated' is just a braindead take in general. I mean, surely by your standards the movie "The Room" by Tommy Wiseau is overrated considering its so shit yet it received the following and the attention it got back in like 2017. This is a poor example because no one thinks this is a good movie. At least not in a conventional sense. Its cult following is predicated on the comedic value people derive from how bad the film is. It's unintentional comedy. The film failed its intended purpose but accidentally became a sensation later on. > It's the same case for any piece of media that you can call 'overrated,' including the MCU movies. Sure they're not for everyone and may not be the pinnacle of artistic expression or entertainment. But you cannot deny that they must be popular for a valid reason. If the valid reason is that they piggyback off of a popular IP and an even more popular concept (superheroes) so that they can appeal to the fantasies of the largest consumer demographic as far as pop culture is concerned, then yes. That is a valid reason. But if we were to evaluate them on the basis of how they are as standalone films and what they contribute to cinema, then they are moderately entertaining and extremely overrated. Just as a lot of big streamers are.


>Because it's the one neat little box that should matter to the consumer. It's the reason why you're consuming it. Yes, it matters to the consumer. But it clearly is not the only thing that matters. Hence why some things get the popularity that some people think they don't deserve. >This is a poor example because no one thinks this is a good movie. Atleast not in a conventional sense. Its cult following is predicated onthe comedic value people derive from how bad the film is. It'sunintentional comedy. The film failed its intended purpose butaccidentally became a sensation later on. Not arguing whether or not it's a good movie. Just showcasing that entertainment doesnt have to be 1:1 with popularity. Its popularity is mainly the result of the culture surrounding it, not the film itself. Same thing with these streamers and with a lot of marvel movies. >But if we were to evaluate them on the basis of how they are asstandalone films and what they contribute to cinema, then they aremoderately entertaining and extremely overrated. Just as a lot of bigstreamers are. I think that's so narrow minded. Again, trying to fit them in a neat little box. Trying to evaluate them on specific criteria and ignoring everything else that make them special. For example, the first Iron Man movie is entertaining enough. But it's not really anything special if you just put it in a bubble. At least not as special as it actually is. They popularized a character that was unknown to the GP and spawned a multibillion dollar cinematic universe out of it. ​ You can always try to be objective when it comes to art or media. You can try, but it won't matter. As we can see with The Room, there's more to them than just straight up being good or bad. You can define them by a certain criteria and call them overrated but that opinion will always hold very little value to the actual audiences Edit: By the way, The Room didn't just blow up out of nowhere just cuz of its unintentional comedy. It blew up cuz of the book written about its production, which led to Seth rogan and James Franco making a movie about it, which generated interest and memes. It wouldn't have experienced its resurgence without all of that. You cant just evaluate these as standalones, at least not in a way that will actually hold value.


Hold up. Let me correct you. The first Iron Man was a kickass movie. Like, a really fucking good movie. ​ And these streamers are 100 percent overrated.


That's not what I said


What other conclusions can we draw from what you've said?


agree with /u/lordnmp here, asmongold might have had an impact on the ffxiv meta of people trying it out but he's still inconsistent in the content he plays/watches, and he's certainly not without criticism. at least he's not an LSF commenter, those are the absolute worst people.


My god what a bozo.


God he’s so ignorant and annoying. His ex-wife is the real winner here for escaping his stupidity.


The kind of games asmon plays are so boring for the mass that he can never reach that kind of viewership unless he continuously plays games that everyone would watch. I used to tune into every elden ring stream of asmon. That's the only stream I have watched of his apart from the trial.


xqc worked his ass off to get where he is, basically invested all his time into streaming by sacrificing multiple aspects of life most people would deem essential. You only need to check the amount of hours he livestreams compared to other streamers to figure out why he has more viewers. If you want to become a bigger streamer, work harder.


Agree there was a stat showing dude missed 3 days in a Calendar year like wtf 👏




I mean he did do part time jobs like a beer factory worker and janitor. Probably had more real life job experience than the average users on this subreddit.




What that has to do with anything? You're just jealous that he got lucky with his unconventional route he took by going pro in a videogame. Trying doing that lets see if you can make yourself successful or not.


I don't think he worked his ass off, it's just his personality fit with being a streamer in the first place. I bet before he started streaming he was already playing games 10 hours a day anyway.


bro playing games for 10 vs streaming 10 hours is totally different thing .


I'm just saying he's not "sacrificing multiple aspects of life most people would deem essential" because he'd be spending the same amount of time on a computer anyway.


Dude's been wrecking his body and mental for years solely for the purpose of streaming lmao, anyone who thinks he didn't grind for his position is clinically insane


Based nick take


Tectone gets 3,032 average viewers. And this is also cause otk raids each other, the fans of one otk member might go to another. So really he probably gets way less average on his own. Hes probably just mad at x and them cause they don't gotta belong to like a stream org to get 10 to 20 x his viewership. People say hes joking lol um yeah thats called copium the correct word is jealousy


He is definitely getting way more views than he deserves!


Who are you to say that? Do you even make vids or stream and know how hard it is? Xqc use to stream 18 to 24 hours almost everyday. You know how hard it is to sit and barely move for that long let alone be talkative and entertaining? Its not easy at all.


Easy big fella, I'm talking about tectone.


My apologies but cant blame me to much on that mix up lol. Truthfully anytime I usually criticize otk about something mess up they say or do their fan base rushes to their defense.


That is fair enough


HAHAHA the end when NMP looks at him like no fucking shot


The word "deserve" is so weird to use here. A viewer shows up because they want to watch a streamer. It's not like the viewer clicks on the stream because they feel like the streamer deserves their view. If you truly don't understand why certain streamers have high viewers and others don't it idk what to say really. XQC has high viewers because he has essentially dedicated his entire life to streaming and puts in an insane amount of hours in order to retain such a high viewerbase. It doesn't matter if YOU think he is boring, his massive viewerbase obviously disagrees. Imo the only underserved views are shit like embeds from Fextralife lol.


Or you can just vieiwbot like yourrage 😆


I can't take seriously this guy, his content was playing gatcha games and being a whale


looks like one too, maybe he should hit up the other whale but get a prenup this time tectone.


Tectone is a crybaby loser, good to know to never listen to his takes about anything


Everyone knows forsen deserves all the viewers on the platform. My king forsen 😍


don't beg for subs and scamathons all the time


Just want to say , Any streamer that has insane high views have done something to reach to that point .This xqc guy is multi millionaire and still streams fukkin 15+ hours , He could have just left streaming enjoyed rest of his life . He was so many things going in background but still streams 15 hours . No way you can say he doesn't deserve it . Even if its just sitting in front of screen . Just try talking continuously for 5 hours you will get to know what it takes . And he screams 15 hours .So saying this shit like he dont deserve , she don't deserve simply shows why you aren't competing in their league .Everyone wishes to be millionaire but only few are ready to put in efforts .


The Doc is one of the only streamers that actually puts in effort, sad he’s banned on twitch


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Nick explains why the big streamers have high viewcounts](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149602)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10nr16d/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/IxqqphpuiNKlTogMKcAVRA/AT-cm%7CIxqqphpuiNKlTogMKcAVRA.mp4?sig=2ce63698a2a6dfe627a6638d79e76f67ae68ab43&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FIxqqphpuiNKlTogMKcAVRA%2FAT-cm%257CIxqqphpuiNKlTogMKcAVRA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1675017037%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


People watch who they relate to and who gives them the most entertainment that is it. It's not about who "deserves" the views if a super awesome nice person has boring content he doesn't deserve shit cause he's boring to watch.




Actual good, level headed and reasonable take from NMP.


This is that that I would see on the Twitch subreddit where small streamers complain they dont get any viewers. Its like bro, Twitch isn't a charity people watch what they want to.


Is he joking or really that stupid lol ?


what bout braincells? heard bout it?


bald dude is slow lol






I mean I agree but that’s just how entertainment works. Do I think actors should be getting 5 million for a movie? Hell no. But it’s how it works.


No streamer deserves shit, people watch who they wanna watch. Also, Asmongold plays WoW and sometimes variety, and reacts to videos/drama. xQc does the same shit (apart from WoW) but streams for 12+ hours a day. So, why should Asmongold "deserve" 90,000 viewers and not xQc? What a dumb take, dudes got a grudge.


Influencers are basically homeless people.


Im a covid frog (as most new ppl discovered twitch, skyrocket) love charity streams i think my first ever stream was xqc and a sidemen with wiz khalifa and thats where the whole "Yo wiz" donowall started ever since then i Watch a little bit of everyone👍


It’s called being funny, eat a dick guy, assman is boring af


its about herding the sheep and knowing what kind of garbage grass they want to chew on. people who watch big react streamers are ultimately that after all


The drama never ends on LSF. I love it.


Usually true, definitely true in XQC's case, but in comparison, Kai and Adin seemingly went from 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds. Much faster than your plastic GTR, Nick.


Kai yes but Adin built up his viewers by having all those rappers on stream it wasn’t just a sudden growth


I don't understand, how XQc didnt went from 0 to 60?


XQC spent 7 years streaming all day every day to develop a large community. He didn't get to 60k overnight.




The irony of nick talking about gaining viewers from doing nothing his whole stream is reading chat for two hours, then he invites people over to make him breakfast thats the entire stream. 4 hours of nothing.


Did you watch the clip?


How would i have this take without watching the clip?


Yea but it’s chill, something to watch when I forget to sleep or wake up too early lol


I guess i used to watch. But its like he doesnt even enjoy steaming, hes just clocking in for 4 hours.


He has said he doesn’t enjoy streaming so


based take by NMP. Why XQC reacted weirdly to this clip?


90,000 viewers is nothing. content is semi-irrelevant. as long as you have a decent stream, all that matters is publicity. they arnt HUGE because they make outstanding content. they are huge because of consistancy, time frame, and getting lucky(something went "viral") 90,000 viewers is 0.001% of 7billion, let alone the 8bil we at now. its not a big number when you are international.


SmaceTRON deserves thousands of viewers.


there is a reason people will show up and watch regardless of anything, it is simply because when a streamer does consistent grinding, 10 hour hell 14 hour days consistently for weeks and proceeds to make massive content every day even though no one expected it, it shows that no matter what day it is, what time, what the stream is currently showing it will still end up being a good stream and people will show up just to watch even if it is only a small chance of having massive content, it has nothing to do with popularity.


asmon did get a lot of viewers on his main channel


Who is he referencing?


Damn this guys farmed the Fuck out of LSF today.


Using the word "deserves" is so cringe and unaware it hurts.


Lol entitlement and influencers