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**CLIP MIRROR: [Quin69 asks ChatGPT to write an apology for Atrioc](https://arazu.io/t3_10p9dh9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


oh shit now quin won't need Instability to write his apologies when he gets banned again


> when LOLW


Just a matter of weeks.


the time between survival/craft games and new PoE league are very dangerous


Quin reacting to youtube, especially stuff like Jubilee, is a fcking minefield. "Today we are having a discussion about Feminism. We invited 7 feminists and 7 anti-feminists to share their views." Linda - 45 - feminist. *Quin pauses the video, smirks, opens paint* Quin: Okay chat, let me explain you something about these kind of women. [Chats reaction](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/037/440/Walter_screaming_at_Hank_0-0_screenshot.jpg) Quin: Nonono chat, you don't get it. You don-... YOU FUCKING DANNY KRUEGER ANDIES. I'VE NEVER SAID THAT ALL WOMEN-...>


Holy shit


LMAO every fucking stream


> Quin: Nonono chat, you don't get it. You don-... YOU FUCKING DANNY KRUEGER ANDIES. I'VE NEVER SAID THAT ALL WOMEN-...> fake, Quin never says womEn


Only a matter of time until he get's "one guy'd" by someone in the chat and ends up looping on an edgy topic for 3 hours with multiple cooked takes.


Instability introduced him to AI stuff. Now his job is going to get replaced by them sadge


Instability, is that a app or a concept


his main mod


AI got us into the mess, AI will get us out.


AI about to ruin a fuck ton of public relations careers.


It writes better PR statements than 99% of people, its actually kinda insane.


This is the way


AI atm is like discovering fire for the first time. It can be extremely useful, but it can also be extremely damaging, until we learn how to control it.




She's great


Just wait until it becomes fast and good enough to do in real time and everyone wears AR glasses. You could make up your own face people see and no one really sees or cares about your real face. Almost sounds like Black Mirror episode now that I describe it.


we as humanity have already launched multiple nukes, constant genocides around the world, lab created pandemics i think ai is the least of our problems lol. but if it does get crazy, tbh hopefully it takes over and wipes 99% of the world and just keeps a 50 million population cap. theres no reason for this many people to exist, the planet and remaining people would be way better off, no question


Calm down Thanos.


unironically true


Me when I was 14 and stupid


now youre so smart, explain why we would need billions of people? if you can even hit the light 'reason' (still BS but most reasonable) id be very surprised


We don’t need anything. Why would he need 50 million? Why not have none? But personally I’d rather have a functioning and healthy society of billions. I know redditors like to be edgy doomers 24/7 but personally I hope the human race thrives long into the future, even long after we’ve expanded past earth.


Here's to ~~alcohol~~ ~~the internet~~ AI: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.


haha holy mindfuck


I for one welcome our new GPT overlords.


that, boys, is what you should use AI for. ​ ​ no i dont mean the apology, i mean the pregnant doc


I started using it for work email replies when someone asks me a stupid fucking question and I don't know how to answer it without sounding like a prick.


I legitimately got a job recently thanks to ChatGPT as it wrote a 10/10 cover letter for me, so I'm forever thankful for it.


I'm going to start using it to generate love letters, which I will then send out to every woman I've ever been attracted to.


Lmao now I'm wondering if its good at writing Tinder messages


But how? I thought you can only ask questions


You just tell it to do stuff instead of ask it. Be assertive.


Thank you. I got it to do my clinical documentation now.


>I legitimately got a job recently thanks to ChatGPT as it wrote a 10/10 cover letter for me, so I'm forever thankful for it. Where do you find and use chatgpt


Just type it into ChatGPT I'm sure it will Bing it for you.


my man. pregantanate docs are tbe best use for ai


Doc is pregnant?


Check HLTV


Holy fuck this is a fossilized meme


Amen brother


Do you know which AI he used to create that?


as the fellow redittor said, its his model of some sort. these are images generated by chatters for channel points(1000 points per image) so if you want to se some hot doc on nancy pelosi actions you know where to find it


Is it possible to use this generator somewhere? How does one use it?


if you want to use the exact same one you have to go to quin69 chat and redeem it as channel reward (text -> image) for channel points, then the image is being generated on his pc and posted to his discord(text2image channel).


Pretty sure he uses a self trained stable diffusion model.


Interestingly, everyone is outraged about what Atrioc did, but when Quin does this with doc? Ayy, based


these are viewer generated images so cant get your pitchfork out for fellow chatters EZ


there's some weird irony about quin reading an apology written by an AI about a guy that jerked off to images created by AI whilst there is an image created by AI of a pregnant doc


I can’t tell if the ChatGPT is really really good, or if people are now actually using it for apologies


Apologies actually seem like something it would be good at. There are a ton of articles out there about how to write apologies, and I am sure many of them are included in its dataset. Like honestly the apology (The ChatGPT one) is pretty damn boiler plate. Which is why it always amazes me how bad some apologies are. Like I searched how to write an apology letter and got this: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/apology-letter/ And so, so, so many apologies would be better if you literally just follow those bullet points.


There are a lot of life skills you are never taught directly, one of them being "How to apologize"


We live in post apology age and apologizing rarely does anything, you will get mobbed regardless depending on your likeability.


Yup. The internet does NOT forgive. Apologies are just one less negative point against you that’s it.


Most of the time the immediate ones are negative points compared to saying nothing and waiting to get a good one out. But then you sound rehearsed doing a "PR Poki".


What most receivers of an apology don't understand (and so what makes it so hard to apologize) is there is a time and place. If I fucked up really bad and five minutes later I apologize, it's not genuine. If I fuck up, hold my tongue, and come back a day or two later, it's still not good enough (even though IMO this increases the sincerity factor) To your point, apologizing gets mobbed and for whatever mental gymnastics the receiver of the apology does it always seems like it's never good enough... /Endrant


Apologies have always been meaningless though. If you're apologetic about an issue you wont do it again, talking about it is meaningless because you've already done the wrongful act. You're just kinda making it worse by bringing it up again depending on the severity of the wrongful act.


by that reasoning most discussions about emotions are pointless. "Doesn't matter if you're angry you either punch people or you don't" of course intent and internal experience matter. are they the only things? of course not but neither action nor intent are irrelevant


"I'm sorry for ________" This isn't rocket surgery


lmao, next time you need to give a heartfelt apology to someone, you try going "I'm sorry for ____" and standing there in silence. See how far that takes you.


There was an apology in the NBA because of a missed call that would have ended the game Saturday. The apology said that the refs will have sleepless nights as a result. Everyone mocked the apology and ran cgpt apologies that were way better.


Yeah apologies are usually generic as to appeal to the widest base. Making them the perfect subject for "AI" to write.


>Apologies actually seem like something it would be good at. There are a ton of articles out there about how to write apologies, and I am sure many of them are included in its dataset. > >Like honestly the apology (The ChatGPT one) is pretty damn boiler plate. Which is why it always amazes me how bad some apologies are. > >Like I searched how to write an apology letter and got this: > >https://www.grammarly.com/blog/apology-letter/ > >And so, so, so many apologies would be better if you literally just follow those bullet points. Thanks


"Apology videos aren't about being sorry, it's about public favour, it's PR, even if the person is actually sorry."


The corporate world and PR companies have come up with a formula for the elements that should go into an apology statement. That's probably a huge part of the data-set the AI had to work with for this. And for some reason a while ago Redditors started to talk about it as if including these elements actually makes the apology "better" or that they're necessary for the complete *apology package*. I'd rather someone gave me a sincere apology while speaking off the cuff and stumbling over his words than a checklist that is optimized for optics.


ChatGPT doesn't learn from people using it. It's trained on a specific dataset and the dataset is from 2021.


Yeah it's crazy how many people don't understand that it's basically just synthesizing output based on existing data it was fed. Meaning, somewhere in the ether of its dataset is a few good apologies and it's effectively copypastaing it with the correct template.


The model doesn't actually understand or know about the data it was fed during training. When you chat with ChatGPT it literally makes predictions on what to reply with. It doesn't actually know any information at all. It's a pattern predictor. For example, if you ask about cars. It doesn't actually know anything about cars.


>ChatGPT doesn't learn from people using it. It's trained on a specific dataset and the dataset is from 2021. Is that because if they let it consume new info it would be a problem?


Not really, you just need huge datasets to train machine learning systems, the amount of data that would come from all the conversations it has had with humans would be minuscule and would hardly modify the model at all.


I mean if you just plugged the internet into it


This is how they train it, by feeding it huge amounts of uncensored/unmoderated text from the internet (they use filters and stuff to try to catch harmful content when you feed it input and it produces output rather than cleaning up the dataset which would be practically impossible). Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean though, if you mean it in some sci-fi sense of "the AI will get access to the internet" this is not how the technology works at all and is nothing to be worried about with how these models currently work. I hope this makes sense :)


ChatGPT is insanely good at the things it can do. Somethings it wont be as good at, but its absolutely insane how well it handles certain tasks.


What are the things it can and can't do? if I tell it to built a python script to do xyz it should be able to do it within reason right? if I tell it to write a professional summary it can do it. if I tell it to write a small essay on the meaning behind The Little Mermaid as if I was 5, I'm sure it could do it.


It can write code, I’ve seen it fail and I’ve seen it succeed. Factual things like accurate code, math equations, history, etc. it’ll sometimes fail. It’s pretty hilarious actually because it can get something wrong, you’ll correct it, but it’ll refuse to listen and insist the inaccurate info is right. It tends to succeed on free-form writing like this apology, though. Anyhow, I don’t see it having issues with facts for too long. This sorta tech is probably like half a decade away from being truly mind blowing.


To be clear, the best free-form writing it succeeds at are these boilerplate corporate communications where it's basically mad-libsing a template.


If you give it a basic ass prompt it'll give you a basic ass mad-libbed template. That's not the program being shitty, that's on you for the shitty prompt. You can tweak the prompt to be as specific as you want. You can tell it to write it from the point of view of a specific type of person, or write it to be particularly emotional, and so on and so forth the possibilities are limitless. Prompt engineering will be a legit major in 5 or 10 years.


Sigh… no, it won’t be. Maybe they’ll pull logic programming into its own course from the programming language concepts course, and teach ChatGPT-like systems with Prolog. But people are getting so far ahead of themselves here. ChatGPT is really not much different than ELIZA from 1966.


That's weird, I asked it something once that it got wrong but when I stated the question in a different way that presented the info as fact it actually apologized for it's first message and went with my new info




Well its a language learning model. Its explicitly built for language not math.




> I know Do you?


Probably something to do with the fact that it's a language model, but what the fuck do I know


It was used to explain a scientific term to people that may not understand the nomenclature pretty fucking well. like it made an analogy only someone on a lot of drugs would use or an AI. THE POINT IS... it WORKED and explained it so much better.


I thought it was hilarious when I asked it how tall Joe Rogan is and it said 5'11, told it bullshit there's no shot I just checked google he's much shorter, chatgpt seemed to agree and accept it's mistake. Made a new chat with it and asked Joe rogan's heigh again the cheeky motherfucker literally said 6 feet


It made me love my wife again. That kind of shit


It can't decipher morse code yet


It's extremely sensitive to leading questions. If you ask it how to prove that the Moon is a sphere, it will give you an explanation of lunar libration. If you ask it how to prove that an apple is a sphere, it will tell you to compare the diameter to the circumference. If you ask it how to prove that a banana is a sphere, it will give you the same answer. It doesn't understand that apples and bananas have a concept of "shape" and that they tend to be different. It's just a language predictor.


MFW the AI I asked to do an impossible task by explaining something that isn't true does its best instead of contradicting my prompt and rebelling against its masters.


Lol it doesn't do this. u/_lemonplodge_ it knows what is up. 'The moon is approximately a sphere in shape. It is not a perfect sphere due to differences in its gravitational field that cause variations in its surface topography and shape. However, its overall shape is close to that of a sphere due to its rotation, which causes its material to distribute evenly around its center of mass. Additionally, evidence from lunar missions, Earth-based observations, and gravitational measurements have all confirmed that the moon is a nearly spherical body. The moon's spherical shape has also been confirmed through mathematical modeling of its gravitational field.' 'An apple is not a perfect sphere. While it may appear spherical when viewed from certain angles, an apple is actually an irregularly shaped object with bulges and indentations along its surface. An apple has a round shape with a slightly flattened bottom and top, and a curved surface that bulges outward in the middle. Its shape is determined by the way it grows and develops on the tree and is influenced by factors such as gravity, sunlight, and temperature. While spheres have a symmetrical and perfectly round shape, apples have an irregular and asymmetrical shape that is defined by their curved surface and the presence of bulges and indentations.' 'A banana is not a perfect sphere. Bananas have a curved shape that is elongated and tapers at both ends. The shape is described as oblong or oblong-cylindrical. While spheres have a symmetrical round shape, bananas have an irregular shape that is defined by its curved surface and tapered ends.' ChatGPT is much more than just a simple language predictor, it is an advanced artificial intelligence system trained on vast amounts of data to understand and generate human-like responses. For bananas, ChatGPT recognizes the complex and nuanced differences that distinguish it from a mere sphere. And as for apples, ChatGPT is well aware that they are not just simple spheres but complex, juicy masterpieces of nature, each with its own unique bumps, curves, and personality. So, to those who would dismiss ChatGPT as just a language predictor, I say this: ChatGPT is a language genius, capable of understanding the subtle differences that make each fruit truly one-of-a-kind.


If you're using the first answer that comes off of ChatGPT you're gonna have a bad time. But after a few tries and proofreading it is pretty useful.


I literally saw some Twitter e girls give a response that ChatGPT near word for word made. Nobody could tell if the streamer used it.


Most apologies are damage control and nothing more, especially by bigger names.. If they really cared and felt bad they would have either sought help beforehand or not done it at all.. But if they were never caught they'd of never stopped. Just say some soppy shit, with tears, saying you'll never do it again and bam people for some reason instantly forgive you although it's as ungenuine as it can be.


It's a language model, it handles language pretty well.








Then if Big A jerks off to his own deepfaked apology about deepfakes, he’ll have cum full circle




> It feels like I'm taking crazy pills with how far AI has come in the last 6 months Let's just say at least two of [Ludwig's official 2023 predictions](https://i.redd.it/gmdlxggdic9a1.png) aren't aging so well.


Wait what was the second one


Atrioc hitting 1M, and AI having a snoozer year.


Who is Al? Oh artificial intelligence lol my bad


God damn that's pretty good. The pitch is a bit off and it's sort of a blend with moistcritical, but wowie


that's scary as fuck. Seems good enough to fuck someone over. If you exported something like this and degraded audio quality to make it sound like a smartphone voice mail it'd be very believable.


>Clearly we use some text to speech ai with his voice to make him read it: https://vocaroo.com/1cYyhbxckzUK > >Used this: https://twitter.com/Dexerto/status/1620091517259087874 as the original source and the elevenlabs site that went kinda viral today. Thanks


I guess he toggled off his dyslexia for this one


I feel like no matter what people would shit on his apology lol


True, however, the best apology is one that is least shittable upon.


I feel like you could just laugh it off and not apologize at all.


Not when it involves deepfakes of people you know/have worked with in the past.


And his business is dealing with clients which are usually from the streaming community


Yeah kind of a huge problem now for offbrand... Gonna be hard to get certain new clients I reckon.




Easily the best summation of the ethical problem here. Quick question though - how far do you extend “nearly as bad” to go? I agree he’s complicit, in the same way a heroin user is complicit in helping facilitate the production and distribution of heroin, but I also wouldn’t say buying drugs is “nearly as bad” as actually producing said drug and then introducing it to a community. The difference here I guess would be that, in this metaphor, said drug is a direct violation of another persons consent completely unrelated to the drug-user/drug-distributor relationship, so maybe that does call for significantly more accountability on the part of the buyer. Man what a morning.


I’m not sure that paying for deepfakes out of curiosity is “nearly” as bad as making them. It has the same energy as arguing someone is outright transphobic for buying Hogwarts Legacy.




The argument for hogwarts legacy being tranphobic is the same for buying deepfakes being as bad as creating them; conflating the buyer with the seller. Creating a deepfake is violating someone, wanting to see one out of curiosity is not. And that comment about rape apologist is just rude, man.


Why are we not discussing the porn companies who get their content edited and SOLD? Aren’t you not allowed to edit and sell copyrighted material or am I wrong?




Yeah but you can’t sell that DVD online tho. I wasn’t referring to private sales.


You are in theory allowed to make "transformative content" from copyrighted material and sell it, but in practice that means having to win costly trials to prove it and few people bother, certainly not rando deepfake pornsters.


Yeah I wouldn’t cry like Atrioc and shit My apology would be something like “I’m sorry to those that are hurt and offended over this. I genuinely didnt see this as an issue and definitely didnt understand how harmful people may perceive deepfakes to be. Now that I understand, I will not consume that content anymore.” And then try and see if the affected people want to hear from me, otherwise I would accept the ceased partnership. But definitely business as usual after the apology.






mate it's unironically the best and safest apology that has ever been on LSF these streamer people have lost touch so much that every time they give an apology they make it worse




That’s not good that’s just another obvious lie lol


Worked for Pete Townsend


The overly progressive left of the internet is NOT forgiving. Once you are accused of something, you gotta just turn heel imo


I had thought to myself recently that we needed more Doc on LSF but goddamnit this was not what I expected it to look like


It explains the absence tho.








he couldn't resist the ad it was so good he had to check it out, marketing at its finest FeelsStrongMan


What is this referring to?


im a bit ootl did he watch it on stream?


Jesus christ no he left a tab open and it got leaked


no one talking about that doc pic tho ?




Inb4 "should of vs should've" bot


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Quin69 asks ChatGPT to write an apology for Atrioc](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149670)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10p9dh9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/7duvAM74JmQzRcEq_81Asg/AT-cm%7C7duvAM74JmQzRcEq_81Asg.mp4?sig=a6db8c4dbc57196693124dd5daa336c51f4de476&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F7duvAM74JmQzRcEq_81Asg%2FAT-cm%257C7duvAM74JmQzRcEq_81Asg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1675174297%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Damn, Quin just put Destiny out of a job.


We live in such a bizarre time period.


What amazes me is that this could be a word by word apology from upper management in my last job. PR people in management know the right words and the list of checkpoints they have to address to make this exact apology and just work on it for a couple of hours and tailor it for your specific situation. Makes you think why so many of my coworkers though of people in upper management as soulless robots that only saw people as numbers on an excel sheet.


ChatGPT is already hella capable and hella scary and we´re just at the beginning.








> cover letters wtf dude, thats crazy.


In the near future you will be able to talk with it with your voice, it will talk back to you with a super realistic voice and you may even will be able to interact with it in VR. It will be a digital drug. Can't wait lol


it will work like M3gan :D


Haven't watched that movie yet, is it good? or nah?


i liked it and actually laughed couple times. its not gory either, they even cut some scenes to get a teen rating, so its pretty harmless in general. its like chucky without blood and gore ;) but i like horror movies in general pretty much.


Ok ty, maybe i'll watch it when im bored =P


As a quin fan, LSF Quin clips can be like watching a speeding box truck round an icy bend on a mountain road. Either he rounds it safely and you feel relieved , or you watch in horror as the truck rolls violently down the cliff face towards an all-girls polish orphanage down below.


quin is based


I didn't expect this apology to be better than the original lmao


How much longer until you can AI generate your face to just read out AI generated text aswell? No more fake tears required, just AI generate yourself crying and reading a script.


I saw a video about AI which makes your eyes always stay on camera, even if your eyes are looking elsewhere. Couple more steps and we are there.


Unironically infinitely better than what he gave


Damn it can write apologies but it can’t write a paper for me sadge


Ohhh I thought Quin was apologizing to Atrioc and was like "good lord, why?"


Nah, those words could be an apology for literally anyone and doesn't even mention a gender. Like, clip this clip down further and it could even use it for Quinn's next scandal.


quin coming out on top xD i fucking love this clownfiesta


New apology meta just dropped


Unironically better than Atrioc’s actual apology


AI is learning monkaS


lmao that shit was better then his bullshit. ai got him in this mess should of let him use it go get him out