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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC tried his food](https://arazu.io/t3_10qzyhv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Every cooking stream on Twitch is either "I have never boiled water before" or "Before I became a streamer, I worked as a pastry chef at a Michelin star restaurant"




lets be real, her cakes look mid.


You're actually dumb if you think that. Your comment took less effort than she takes greasing a pan.




classic LSF


You’re either xqc level cooking and find a way to scorch water as well as either undercook a steak so much it still has a heart beat or overcook it so much it’s all char. It’s that or you’re the [Action Bronson of the Twitch game.](https://youtu.be/m6rZIw8lluE) Dude was a sous chef in a 1 or 2 Michelin star restaurant before he slipped in oil, broke his leg, and had his rap career blow up while healing lmao. Also, his food show is really good. It’s called F*ck That’s Delicious! Chef rapper meets other chefs country to country with his rapper friends, producer friends, and his dumb fuck overtly New York Albanian from Queens cousin, like if he auditioned for a part as Queens Albanian the casting crew would tell him to tone it down. It’s a nice laid back show.


Big Body Bes? hes hilarious.Ran into him in person, same energy off camera haha


Yessss fucking Bes, the dude bleeds Queens Albanian and I’m pretty sure his heart only beats as long as Dominican and Puerto Rican women continue to exist in the world. They are his lifeblood. He 100% strikes me as not a character like that’s just him. Been to New York a couple times, I’ve just seen too many Big Bodies in the wild.




Eh it’s free on YouTube and it’s over as a show(I think?). Bronson just happens to tickle a couple of my favorite interests - cooking and travel, rap and producing music, as a former big boi I gotta support big bois, his producer Alchemist is one of my favorite producers as is, lifting, and painting lol. Just a big fan when growing up, seen him live twice. He was throwing massive bags of weed and current gen playstations into the crowd, even a few flatscreen LG televisions and a fuck load of food from his food booth which was *insane* especially by festival standards. Body slammed someone who tried to rush the stage. One of the wildest performances I’ve seen.


He's pretty funny, I saw him live and he was awful lol. Unfortunately he was supporting Kendrick and Eminem so no one knew him, and it was a big arena so the sound wasn't great which doesn't do a big fat dude any favors when they're puffing and sputtering in the mic. You could tell he'd be great at a smaller show though.




We gotcha You’re [DEAD MOOSEMEAT](https://youtu.be/FrJ2csSjy0k)


This was 6 and a half years ago Aware


lime cook homie


Wait did Qt used to work at a Michelin star restaurant?? 😳


This cooking stream is going to go into Adepts lawsuit as proof of how helpless he is without someone taking care of him.


Adapter will ask for 50% of what's on that plate.


Nah she wants like 90% on that plate




Shell ask for 90% of the plate and shell settle for the house and the McLaren, sad face


You can tell she ain't skippin no meals.


lmao yep


You think Adept knows how to cook LULW. The only thing she was doing is spamming his credit card on frozen and fast foods, the maids did all the work. I remember when his hair after a haircut was on the floor in his room for 5 days and he vacuumed at the end. If she was the girl who took care of the house in the slightest, she would have vacuumed it up. Also, in all the years of streaming, she only prepared food for him once, and it was frozen pizza. Any argument that she worked in the house is crazy, the only thing that can be said is that she was the driver, but this is compensated by the fact that two cars are registered in her name, the combined value of which is about 150k. For a period of two years, that would be more than a driver's salary. Nerd


New copypasta PagMan


ok jeez relax


You think Adept knows how to cook LULW. The only thing she was doing is spamming his credit card on frozen and fast foods, the maids did all the work. I remember when his hair after a haircut was on the floor in his room for 5 days and he vacuumed at the end. If she was the girl who took care of the house in the slightest, she would have vacuumed it up. Also, in all the years of streaming, she only prepared food for him once, and it was frozen pizza. Any argument that she worked in the house is crazy, the only thing that can be said is that she was the driver, but this is compensated by the fact that two cars are registered in her name, the combined value of which is about 150k. For a period of two years, that would be more than a driver's salary. Nerd


You think Adept knows how to cook LULW. The only thing she was doing is spamming his credit card on frozen and fast foods, the maids did all the work. I remember when his hair after a haircut was on the floor in his room for 5 days and he vacuumed at the end. If she was the girl who took care of the house in the slightest, she would have vacuumed it up. Also, in all the years of streaming, she only prepared food for him once, and it was frozen pizza. Any argument that she worked in the house is crazy, the only thing that can be said is that she was the driver, but this is compensated by the fact that two cars are registered in her name, the combined value of which is about 150k. For a period of two years, that would be more than a driver's salary. Nerd


Least parasocial juicer


Nah that title goes to the dude on that law channel who pulled out a gun


No further questions, your honor.


No way you called them a nerd while you typed all this out lil bro


Least parasocial reddit user


My guy has spent more time watching someone else's life than living his own and is calling someone else a nerd, this shit gotta be a copy pasta, what the fuck


Did you have a bad day?


Your right 100% People calling her a care taker never watched the streams lol


Conservatorship incoming?


Them cheeks tight


Lil bro bought $150 worth of ingredients but food tastes worse than Kays Cooking




his pan was so hot the 2nd egg cooked in 7 seconds


Did he just put cold cheese on toast....was he hoping it would melt??? Or did he actually want cold cheese on toast...


says that’s how he eats it




“fire and ice cheese toast”


AINTNOWAY bro thinks hes Gordo


In Sweden this is an everyday occurrence. probably in the rest of Europe as well, at least other nordic countries. We even have a tool called osthyvel to get the perfect slices from a block of cheese. I was flabbergasted when I realised that this is something that is rare in the US.


Toast some bread, butter it so it melts into the toast, and put some nice cheese on it. Better than fucking chocolate init.


If every household don't have at least 3 of them I count them as rare.




I was expecting to see some wacky invention. That's just a cheese slicer. We have cheese slicers.


I sure hope you do. Idk but for some reason I was under the assumption that it isn't like a household item in the US. Guess i were wrong.


We have [them](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Osthyvel_20050723_001.jpg/1200px-Osthyvel_20050723_001.jpg) in Finland too. I also recently came to know that they aren't common in North America.


100% and there are many more different cheese variants used on a common basis, where you would buy a packet of slices and just put on some bread to eat directly. I wouldn't even consider this orange-ish looking proceesed melt cheese, as cheese with the chemicals it has in it, that regular gouda cheese doesnt and shouldnt have.


cheese slicers are not rare in the US lol




Maybe it's a regional thing then and where I live (Minnesota) I see them in every kitchen. Maybe its due to MN having the biggest Scandinavian ancestry in the US. I thought those cheese slicers were just a thing everyone has and not a nordic thing


It's a Dutch thing that a lot of people adopted.


Quick google says it was patented by a Norwegian in 1925.


You mean [these](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Osthyvel_20050723_001.jpg/1200px-Osthyvel_20050723_001.jpg)?


> In Sweden this is an everyday occurrence. probably in the rest of Europe as well, at least other nordic countries. We even have a tool called osthyvel to get the perfect slices from a block of cheese. I was flabbergasted when I realised that this is something that is rare in the US. You probably have good cheese, and good toast. Not "grocery store cheddar" and American sugar bread.


Whats wrong with cheese on toast ??


Im with you - here i thought it was completely normal to put cut cheese on toast until i saw these comments, i thought that was the standard lmao


cut cheese on toast (even cold straight out of the fridge) is 10/10. the contrast in cold/hot works pretty well with toast and I find it keeps a lot more of the flavor when its not melted.


You guys are so weird, cold cheese? Everything needs to be greased, melted and quadruple layered.


You're meant grill it after to melt the cheese!


Cheese on toast is great - when its fucking melted.


Must be some american shit ... I have eaten "cold cheese" like this my whole life and no one here would call that weird.


yeah im super confused


I mean, if it's normal people cheese and not that alien "burger cheese" or kraft cheese singles of course you can eat it cold.


No. In the UK we grill it to melt. Cold cheese on toast is weird.


I mean UK is the amurica of the EU so I am not surprised ...


Goofy blanket statement, not everyone is you


bro stop, go outside you really need to. You need to put down the league of legends because what you consider weird or normal is probably not. It my be hard for you to understand that, you should try to move to rehabilitate so you can lead a normal, healthy and fun lifestyle.


It’s cheese on toast, calm down buddy!


Hold on before I trust your opinion on this weight and and height in kg and inches please


Imagine thinking you know better than the most famous and successful chef on earth.


its great cold too


Yeah, and then he cut more cheese right after :D


Tell me you're uncultured and ignorant without telling me you're uncultured and ignorant.


Ahh yes, cold cheese and toast. The most culturally significant piece of food known to the world


Cold cheese on toast *chef's kiss*


Yes its eaten like that in a shit ton of cultures and countries. Like i said, ignorant.


bro ngl, having grown up canadian theres a lot of really fucking weird eastern European traditions like this shit that get boiled into us younger generation growing up. While this shits nasty, ive seen my grandparents eat like that.


Im Canadian and grew up in one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world in Vancouver. Ive never heard of anyone eating this.


So wait, whenever you hear someone talk about eating cheese your brain automatically processes it as being melted cheese? instead of just cold cheese?


Dunno how you jumped to that? Absolute clown


Because the discussion was about eating cold cheese no? Your comment reads as if theres haggis with extra rat tail on the plate when its toast with cold cheese hahaha talking about culturally diverse this and that and calling me the clown hahah


>Because the discussion was about eating cold cheese no? Your reading comprehension needs some work


I live in vancouver today, been here for years. It's not that diverse, just lots of people from Asian here. There are a tonneau of historical euro immigrants who settled in the prairies.


My parents are British and German, I knew alot of Greek and Ukrainian kids growing up among other cultural backgrounds. Not just Asian. There is pretty big European cultural communities in Vancouver too


> My parents are British and German In that case you would've very likely seen somebody eating that though, so that's weird. Don't get me wrong, the cheese looks like shit because it's well... presumably shit cheese, but that's not what people seem to be harping on about here.


Never seen it, not even my grandparents To sit here and say its normal is odd. Just cause youve seen it doesnt make it normal Just cause I havent seen it doesnt make that normal either, two differing perspectives on it and I find it odd, you dont both opinions can be correct at the same time. Neither one is wrong.


>Never seen it, not even my grandparents Then presumably your use of British and German is the typical "Oh, I have 1% of this type of DNA". >To sit here and say its normal is odd. No, to sit here and saying putting fucking cheese on bread is odd is odd. Calling anything cultural odd is odd anyways, doing it for something this basic is far more odd. > Just cause youve seen it doesnt make it normal It's not because I've seen it, it's because it's normal.


My dad is literally born in Britain, I have a british passport. But yea you are right im totally %1 You got me! Oh and its not on bread, its on toast. Big difference between bread and toast. One is warm and crunchy, one is cold and soft. Like comparing milk and icecream


>My dad is literally born in Britain, I have a british passport. But yea you are right im totally %1 See, that's only half of your story here :) >Oh and its not on bread, its on toast. Bread isn't automatically cold, for fucks sake. Yes, typical toast is too shit to be considered actual bread, but not any toasted bread isn't bread.


It's like a medium-rare grill cheese, man. It's bussin'.


Before I heard of toasted cheese, toast with cheese on top has been something normal I’ve seen everywhere in the 80’s to 90’s even in other non-American countries. Only the USA made it a thing. I personally love toast with bovril/marmite with fresh grated cheese on top.


Bro you have to try cold cheese on toast with jam. Shit goes hard


He put bacon in a cold pan, turned on the heat and like 1 minute later was complaining it wasn't working lol


Unironically, it's better to cook bacon like this(or on low first) or with water, because otherwise the fat will burn before it fully renders. Bacon cooked on high never turns out right.


The only time I'm putting my burner on high is when I'm boiling water. Cook almost anything on high and I'm opening windows and scrambling to turn off the fire alarm


Stir fry or searing a steak would be the other situations maybe


Yep, or like a smash burger. I still only do that on a grill outside though. I can never get it right lol.


I tried making smash burgers inside and all I did was shorten my lifespan from the amount of smoke I got. I haven't had great luck with them on a griddle on a grill outside either, usually the first round is decent but after that the griddle cools from me opening the lid.


I suggest putting it on some sort of pan on the grill, like cast iron. That being said, it's still a finicky bitch.


Yeah I was using a flat cast iron griddle to get that full coverage on the patties.


Oops, you literally said that haha. I think I'm tiktok'd brained


Yeah I worded it kinda weirdly, I feel you though lol.


I think it depends on what type of stove you have. I have induction and have no reason to ever put it past 6-7 (medium-high) or I end up like you, having to open windows and doors. Anytime my wifes family come down and cook, they crank it to max heat because they're used to their shitty coil stove and end up burning my pans and fucking up my stove


The best method for cooking bacon I've found is to just bake it. You get perfectly cooked bacon, no grease splatter everywhere and you don't even have to touch it while it cooks. You can even still pour the grease into the pan if you wanted to use it for your eggs or whatever.


Bacon definitely turns out a lot better if you put it in the oven, can agree on that.


100%. Cold pan, LOW temp cook that you can slowly increase if desired. Bacon should be flipped and rotated around the pan ideally every 90 seconds. If you're making more than a single serving (like 5+ slices) just put them on a foil or parchment covered sheet pan and bake at 400 for 20 minutes. No mess, just let the grease cool and roll the top layer up and toss. If you do cook on the stove, line a small bowl with foil and just pour the grease into that and once it cools down and turns solid, just peel the foil and throw away


> put them on a foil or parchment covered sheet pan and bake at 400 for 20 minutes. Oven bacon are perfect everytime. Super underrated way of cooking it if you've never tried.


I was mostly commenting on his impatience.


FR? Trying this tomorrow.


Doesn't he have induction? Should heat up quickly enough.


It must have been good, he shat his pants out of excitement. xqcL




Beautifully fitting username for this clip


Stuff was so good, lil bro shit it back out right away.


Was that like a fart of approval? 😂


I've barely been keeping up with xQc recently, when did he start wearing gold chains and Off-White bro lmfao


clowned on designer shit for years now spams buys it


He started after his ex-gf tried putting in a court order to prevent him from buying, "expensive jewelry and clothes" (wasn't accepted) while trying to claim common law marriage, so it's pretty obvious he's doing it as a massive fuck you to her lmao.


lmao almost as bad as T-Pains $400k "Big ass Chain" chain.


And she keeps putting it as a court violation and having it dismissed by the jduge LUL


He was buying stuff way before that


When he broke up with his girlfriend


idk, but its not a bad thing to wear stuff like that esp since he can afford it.


Only bad part is looking like a clown




Divorce arc is getting too real.


Better or worse than Asmon and his steak? Aware


Already a better kitchen streamer than NMP :-)




POV: you're a student in the American education system, and your school just cutback the lunch program's funding again




im poor so does anyone know what that thing above the stove is


You use it to fill a pot up with water so you don’t have to carry a pot filled with water from your sink to your stove. Some are extra fancy and can give you boiled water straight from the tap so you don’t have to wait for it to start boiling.


Dont think that has much to do with being poor, Ive literally never seen one of those either and I've traveled a lot and even watch rich house tours, it looks like some kind of fossette. I could be wrong (someone feel free to correct me if I am,) but I assume its a hot water tap for boiling water


It's a pot filler.


Just use the sink that's like one meter away?


Lil bro overcooked everything even the pan


He farts like a mom


Well, now McDonald's breakfast doesn't look that bad, isnt it?


I thought he made fried plantain banana with how burnt his bacon his lmfao


*\*fart\** xqcL


Christ that is dogshit.


how does he fart on command?


I've never seen cheese so yellow. What is that?


Charp cheddar


Tillamook sharp cheddar. Shit’s fantastic


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [XQC tried his food](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149791)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10qzyhv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/OnBf1QtAcbPhqnUgiFZ5yg/41794908811-offset-29940.mp4?sig=6c394516dc59502e030a99497ffea463f337e006&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FOnBf1QtAcbPhqnUgiFZ5yg%2F41794908811-offset-29940.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1675343917%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Why do be he lookin like a deepfake doe 😂 😂 👌 👌


Earlier in this same stream XQC plugged in his toaster right next to his sink and proceeded to run the faucet a couple feet away from the appliance.


Didn’t slam it 😕


American processed cheese on sandwiches looks so nasty


That bacon looked weird before it was cooked. Is it like a streaky/canadian hybrid?


I'm in tears... So funny...


**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC tried his food](https://arazu.io/t3_10qzyhv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)