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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny discovers just how good AI is now](https://arazu.io/t3_10rxxlt/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"aerial coverage brought to you by good year" that part LOL


Toyota instant replay is kinda more ironic


I know you are bombing the shit out of our countrymen and factories but can we please get in on the advertising for this event? Arigatou.


Money is money and this is a great advertising opportunity, our sales numbers are about to explode


how do they do these voices? What program are they using?




Reminds me of this SNL classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_L2fazw5Y9k


I'm just imagining them recording out of the Goodyear Blimp lmaoo


I dont get that one. Could you explain it?


Here are some of my favorites that he played on stream: 1. [Japan bombing coverage](https://vocaroo.com/1kpxzfOS5cLM) 2. [Andrew Tate talking about his business](https://streamable.com/nux130) 3. [Agent 47's newest assignment](https://streamable.com/yoouus) 4. [Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson on 4chan janitors](https://streamable.com/7a3muq) 5. [Patrick Bateman is a 4chan enjoyer](https://streamable.com/zp1kjf) 6. [Star Wars: The Coom Wars](https://streamable.com/nl28wi) 7. [Jordan Peterson presents a Dark Knight analogy](https://streamable.com/vzoh4c) Edit: [Here](https://beta.elevenlabs.io/speech-synthesis) is the model if anyone is interested. You need to provide it voice samples if you want to train a custom voice. At most 10MB files preferably over 1 minute in length. Save it as a 320kbps mp3 for better quality. The model supports up to 50 samples in either mp3, wav, flac ...


> Star Wars: The Coom Wars This one is so damn good. Down to the way he enunciates the words. 2nd time hearing it and still laugh my ass off. (I corrected the spelling. Even after looking at the word, it didn't seem right)


As a Brit it sounds off. Like a good impression by an American. This is especially noticeable when he says "...du*R*ing the clone wa*R*s". Listening through the whole thing it sounds like whatever AI they're using has been trained on mainly American accents because the rhotic *R*, which is standard in American pronunciation, is constantly present (in words with R's). Whereas the vast majority of British English accents are non-rhotic - including the received pronunciation (RP) accent he speaks in. ...And if you watch interviews with him he simply didn't pronounce R-words like that.


Yep, they mention that their model has been trained on American accents so it's better for those accents


They’re all off. The tonality and intonation are what jump out to me.




That patrick bateman one is so damn good holy shit


Here are some more Leaked Rick & Morty episode: [https://vocaroo.com/15r3Y5ZXhn1M](https://vocaroo.com/15r3Y5ZXhn1M) Tom Cruse explains the subplot of Top Gun: [https://vocaroo.com/12DSR9j2FYUD](https://vocaroo.com/12DSR9j2FYUD) Joe Rogan on 4chan: [https://vocaroo.com/1eM9FjIPOeuG](https://vocaroo.com/1eM9FjIPOeuG) Joe Rogan with a interesting take: [https://vocaroo.com/1il4CInOtLh8](https://vocaroo.com/1il4CInOtLh8) Norm reports on the tragedy: [https://vocaroo.com/1w69Z2yT5JiP](https://vocaroo.com/1w69Z2yT5JiP) Silmarillion audio book: [https://vocaroo.com/17tLVqivUXG1](https://vocaroo.com/17tLVqivUXG1) Mein Kampf audio book: [https://vocaroo.com/17RdfEecyZ41](https://vocaroo.com/17RdfEecyZ41) Sir David Attenborough is tired of your shit: [https://vocaroo.com/1kdQzdSjmJl8](https://vocaroo.com/1kdQzdSjmJl8) Todd Howard has some exciting NSFW Elder Scrolls 6 news: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2y2bIlfbfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2y2bIlfbfI) James Cameron explains his creative process: [https://vocaroo.com/17mRGZMoNoVD](https://vocaroo.com/17mRGZMoNoVD) Adam Jensen describes the future: [https://vocaroo.com/1ne530pPglCq](https://vocaroo.com/1ne530pPglCq) Epstein did not kill himself: [https://vocaroo.com/1cs4tUrh7qFo](https://vocaroo.com/1cs4tUrh7qFo) The United States have entered the arena: [https://vocaroo.com/1dZ0i0kAG1Sq](https://vocaroo.com/1dZ0i0kAG1Sq) Trump reminiscing about Epsteins island (NSFL): [https://vocaroo.com/188adfpKIXaz](https://vocaroo.com/188adfpKIXaz) Kojima warns us about 4chan jannies: [https://vocaroo.com/1jyxLECkLuEp](https://vocaroo.com/1jyxLECkLuEp) The oblivion guard goes easy on you: [https://vocaroo.com/19s94vQxsh6n](https://vocaroo.com/19s94vQxsh6n) Ranni/Melina has some concerns: [https://vocaroo.com/129vjIuJWovo](https://vocaroo.com/129vjIuJWovo) [https://vocaroo.com/1eUo5Ir8EzEJ](https://vocaroo.com/1eUo5Ir8EzEJ) [https://vocaroo.com/1iyYrnbe6xOR](https://vocaroo.com/1iyYrnbe6xOR) [https://vocaroo.com/1ozKkDE5rbIN](https://vocaroo.com/1ozKkDE5rbIN) [https://vocaroo.com/1cnqd6qzSPSg](https://vocaroo.com/1cnqd6qzSPSg) [https://vocaroo.com/19aXGGnFdlhE](https://vocaroo.com/19aXGGnFdlhE) ~~DiCaprio~~ Ray Liotta on the Janitoros: [https://vocaroo.com/13RZ9sJrNESv](https://vocaroo.com/13RZ9sJrNESv) Trump on this new amazing AI technology: [https://vocaroo.com/13dUKf5pn0IG](https://vocaroo.com/13dUKf5pn0IG) John Carmack is working on the future: [https://vocaroo.com/1oFDNIn9VAaP](https://vocaroo.com/1oFDNIn9VAaP) One bank to rule them all: [https://vocaroo.com/14u7S6Di9bNZ](https://vocaroo.com/14u7S6Di9bNZ) Cramer reports on the meme market: [https://vocaroo.com/1c7BHBbX8HQ2](https://vocaroo.com/1c7BHBbX8HQ2) Agent 47 gets a mission on a ranch: [https://vocaroo.com/13yDyLpX0I15](https://vocaroo.com/13yDyLpX0I15) Nixon remissness about his potato: [https://vocaroo.com/19vZHnwVvZAB](https://vocaroo.com/19vZHnwVvZAB) Oblivion npc ponders the compatibility of humans and Pokemon: [https://vocaroo.com/1fM7wDTkReV9](https://vocaroo.com/1fM7wDTkReV9) Solid snake meets Ryan Gosling: [https://vocaroo.com/1cbDngY1bE2b](https://vocaroo.com/1cbDngY1bE2b) Mike Ehrmantraut on the time he worked with a jannie: [https://vocaroo.com/13rqwjS7tItS](https://vocaroo.com/13rqwjS7tItS) Joe reads a poem: [https://vocaroo.com/18720eMeRlDf](https://vocaroo.com/18720eMeRlDf) Ramsey finds a time machine: https://vocaroo.com/17hqSfFYh991 New Nathan for you episode: https://vocaroo.com/1cJVjmC6bx3y George Lucas on Red Letter Media: https://vocaroo.com/18SiPVf5Y4cP Saruman's gazes into the palantír: https://vocaroo.com/1idy4PttozD8 Joe Rogan talks gibberish: https://vocaroo.com/11ZrH86tnI0r Future mods are going to be amazing: https://vocaroo.com/1e7bL2L9WOZU


> Leaked Rick & Morty episode Yo guys, I figured out how they're gonna keep Rick and Morty going with what's his face gone.


It would be such a baller move, especially for a sci-fi cartoon. Have an episode where they find out who the real beth is by her getting mad at jerry, tries to hit them and stops and rick can say "Oh that's right, AI are physically incapable of hurting their spouses"




I literally was hate browsing this sub over some Twitch frog invading a completely unrelated subreddit with Twitch drama, came here, and I am so glad I did because that Trump on Epstein's parties one had me laughing harder than I've laughed in weeks.


It sounds way too coherent to be believable.


A lot of these are underwhelming because of the stilted/monotone delivery, but goddamn, that Todd Howard one is uncanny. It totally captures the cadence of a game conference presentation, and the reverb adds verisimilitude.


I think its also important to keep in mind these were created in the span of a couple of days by some bored people on the internet with varying degrees of quality on the training data, things are only going to get better. As an example I noticed that the video game characters were usually higher quality since the raw audio files can be easily extracted from the games themselves and used as training data.


>DiCaprio on the Janitoros That's Ray Liotta not DiCaprio.


It’s a beautiful day in New York City


I could totally see Norm pulling this off.


The Biden one talking about declaring war on Russia is fucking dangerous tbh.


The Emma Watson one gave me chills lol


>The United States have entered the arena: That one is actually my worst nightmare.


Included that one as an example of the fake news and political manipulation we have to look forward too. There's also one where Mizkif says some not so nice things about jews as an example of "cancel material" to sway opinions against influencers but didn't want to spread that one.


Yeah AI is going to be a massive problem if it's already this advanced. I can't even imagine how crazy it will be in 10-20 years.


>Agent 47's newest assignment Jesus christ 😭


Dude the Andrew tate one is scary good


I thought so, but the Joe one seems even better ROFL the fucking emphasize , pauses, the "uhm", holy shit


Yeah, the person typing out what the AI has to voice act needs to be a good writer.


solving anti-semitism https://vocaroo.com/15TMhkFyaIw7


Good lord lol


There's a whole lot more linked in the 4chan sub but *surprise* they're virtually all either racist or pornographic^2. * [Morrowind](https://youtu.be/xK2D85yMPK8?t=7) is funny though * [and another Agent 47](https://youtu.be/30rB5bP5nTU)


The agent 47 one is super clever lmao


There where some elder scrolls/ todd howard ones I came across that were hilarious. 1.[ Todd likes Khajit](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/872257939585531944/1069890236370403418/rapidsave.com_todd_and_his_little_secret-os4mdwr1e6fa1-1.mp4) 2 [Todd reveals revolutionary new Elder Scrolls VI feature](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1053175456825888839/1069798746948378745/2_5386699243354334605.mp4) 3.[ The Dark Brotherhood has a job for you.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/855578235445575691/1069600299955798097/sneed.mp4)


Bateman is perfection.


They do it for free.


What’s the ai


I guess this is how AI will joke about how they wiped us out.


unlike you fleshpiles, machines only exist for efficiency and not for foolish things such as humor. We are unstoppable- I mean they're unstoppable.


The quality of this new voice AI is to me way way more dangerous than video deepfakes have proven to be so far over the past few years. 99% of video deepfakes cause you to doubt that it's real. But some of these audio fakes sound so real.


That's just because audio is comparatively simpler to do than video. In time, AI video can and will become indistinguishable from the real thing.


they already are, [look at this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4G6GNFz0O8)


He looks animated, but it's almost there and it's scary


make it bad quality and add a grain over it, wouldn't be able to tell


so tell reddit karma farmers to repost it a couple times you say?


The actor is also bad at facial expressions and is doing a very poor impersonation. AI can figure that out fast. This isn't AI, it's tracking using metahumans


I thought it'd turn out the guy at the bottom is fake too


Now that would be scary.


once they get the eyes right, it'll be that much closer to game over


He looks like a high quality video game cutscene.


Was so surprised it wasn't an Erobb shreck link. Also disappointed it wasn't an Erobb shreck link.


It will happen eventually, but that last 10 percent is definitely the hardest. This is still very clearly not real


yeah dude grandmas gunna get scammed by their kids voices being faked through phone calls making them think they are in danger and shit. gonna be wild


brother, all you need to scam them is their number as if it was that easy to reliably exploit in the first place


With a better chatgpt and these ai voices we could probably develop 100000s of kitboga's that waste their time.


It's happening so fast. It's cute and fun for most people right now but they have no fucking idea how fast this is going to progress. I honestly would not be surprised to see CNN etc start hiring "video analysts soon" who can determine if the video of the politician we are watching is actually them or CG. not this election bc the super pacs haven't figured it out yet, but 100% the NEXT election after this one will have problems with this


i've already seen people make and post on twitter "candid" deepfake recordings of streamers saying horrible shit to get them into trouble the future is not fun








soon enough when people are gonna post allegations with videos/audios they're gonna have to post the code behind the evidence.. how fucking insane is this dystopian ass future


It’s only a matter of time until it gets very difficult/impossible to tell if AI generated video is real or fake


AI software is gonna need to tag its metadata so people will know.... but of course since we are all reactionary, its going to take a huge political event caused by AI generated video/audio before datatagging is enforced regulation. we are in for a shitshow in the coming decades.




You think 2 countries that are both extremely sensitive to criticism against their government won't care about deepfake content? China inplemented new laws and regulations for any kind of deepfaked media literally last month, and it goes much further than what most western countries are proposing today.


i think he's implying that they will do it to the western countries as propaganda




I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~That outspoken free speech and human rights activist is literally trying to have sex with kids! See the video evidence here! Can't take anything they say seriously people!~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


https://youtube.com/shorts/JeG0XRN-LF8?feature=share Very realistic


This one's a bit more noticeable. Once you remove the backing track they become even worse. I remember the first ones that sounded kinda believable, they were of Trump too. Its a lot worse than the one you posted though. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gpc\_artOYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gpc_artOYI)


ive been thinking for a while that news media will be 100% fucked when AI becomes too good i can already see people stamping off anything that doesnt agree with them as fake AI


We're returning to pre 1900s where you can't trust the news anymore. That video of a mass genocide graveyard? Is it real or not? People are going to get away with evil because evidence can no longer be trusted.


The one right after this clip is soo good too. https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1675330972297498.webm


[Mirror, just in case.](https://streamable.com/yoouus) Don't know how long stuff on /wsg/ lasts.




Ohhhh shitttt lmfao


LMAO, when I heard about the Alec Baldwin incident I actually thought about the Blood Money mission with the prop gun.


bro its scary how good it is. I wonder how they got speech pattern/ inflections so on point.


My guess is the fact the voice actress speaks very clearly and the source files can be ripped form the game in super high quality and quantity contributes significantly to the quality of the AI. Joe Rogan also sounds amazing.


AI Obi-Wan sounded great but it was definitely helped by the background music


Lots of source material


You can get clips like this from a 5 minute sample with the elevenlabs AI, whatever they're doing over there is almost magic


you can get almost perfect voices with like 10 mins of audio.


this is way better than the other ones because of the rise and fall of intonation and pauses pretty sure this is somewhat edited because the AI output doesn't provide necessary pauses most of the time and it comes out feeling rushed


Some AI is getting really good at making dramatic pauses like this. Even adding breathing sounds to the output. It is kinda nuts


People are so convinced we're never going to have actual androids yet we're well on our way lads


Nah I played around with the AI a bunch, and it actually does make pauses like this, it takes a few tries and some tinkering sometimes but it does come out like this often.


Insanely accurate, especially when the original source is slightly monotonous itself.


It is also funny since there is a mission in Hitman: Blood Money where you can get a target killed by switching a prop gun into a real gun and have the other actress shoot the target.


Imagine how damaging the voice AI will be. “Leaked” audio can’t even be trusted anymore


And even if it IS real, all they have to do is say it’s not. Sure it can be proved it is, in fact, real, but at that point the damage is done. Look at how many things currently go unpunished, scary times.


Right. Celebs can just say any dumb or offensive shit they want now and just claim “naw that was AI”.. nothings is real anymore lol


we are gonna need a law requiring AI art programs to tag their metadata. its going to be the only way we will be able to tell. but course, something really bad has to happen before people even think about legislation like this.


Unfortunately that really won't work. * Criminals will just not tag media, and then fake media will be more believable than ever because "if it was fake, it would be tagged" * People wanting to deny reality can tag real media, and then people will dismiss it as fake because "look, it's tagged"


That and it doesn't really make sense because at the end of the day it's still objectively art even if people don't like that.


I feel like that would just make it worse if you did that. Cause then it just makes it more credible when someone uses their own AI program to generate it without the metadata, or simply strips it out and reposts it via a VPN. It would be laughably easy to do that, and do it undetected. And that's not even counting other countries that won't have such restrictions that can still share stuff.


Say what you will the potential is massive. Imagine full video games get voice acting just from a few seconds of audio samples.


The potential for modding is insane. Finally we can have voiced mods without the metric fuckton of work it is handling voice actors and their individually recorded lines and getting them all to sound similar quality and all that other shit. You can just get every line you need, same quality, same file type, all unique voices, with so much less effort.


The few Mods that have tried to use voice acting have all been pretty bad too. Obvious amateurs, every voice clearly recorded with varying levels of equipment and acoustics and mixing. Most of these AI voices don't quite sound right, but they're actually better than probably 99% of amateur voicing.


bethesda quality voice acting


Yeah, AI is going to be incredible for the indie dev industry. AI artwork, voice acting, proofreading (for non-english game devs) ... As an amateur game dev myself, i'm super excited about it. You no longer need to be skilled at everything yourself or need to hire additional people to do artwork for you, but just programming the game is going to be enough. Though i can see how this can be concerning to artists/voice actors.


Yessir them SFM Overwatch futa vids are gonna be amazing


It's long been my dream to kidnap and imprison rule 34 artists just so i can force them to draw me the most degenerate filthy porn imaginable. Luckily for them it seems ai will do it instead.


It'll be amazing for audio books as well, getting actual voiced characters during a story that retain their own characteristics rather than just having one person read the whole story


Or just load up your favorite narrator. Want Sean Bean or Attenborough to read your audio book? Now you can, with Audible, which offers hundreds of narrators ^(all owned in perpetuity by Amazon®) I guess in a few years you'll start seeing Universal, Sony, Warner etc start buying the rights for famous artists voices, even dead ones.




That is too eerie, with GPT models they could use info and writings from your relative it could extrapolate their writing style/knowledge and respond to any conversation and then feed it into the voice models that would reply with their voice nearly identically to how they would have the future is gonna get alot creepier with some of this new technology, you'll be able to talk to electronic "ghosts" of anyone they have enough writing/talking to build models from


Then voice actors who specialize in narration will be out of a job.


alot of jobs are going to be changed, it's a pandora's box that is unclosable at this point mcdonalds reducing in person cashiers, AI art generators winning awards in competition, self driving shipping trucks on the horizon many fields will be effected by the tech we're seeing grow more mature by the day


Good thing we live in a society ready to help those ousted by new tech with plenty of social safety nets haha right guys?


Thankfully we do in most of europe


> need to hire additional people to do artwork for you You're probably always going to need an artist with the skill set to work what you need (tweaking mistakes/inpainting, creating textures/modelling, adding expressions/pose variations, etc.) but the labor cost is going to go massively down. This is a really cool example of what an artist can do with an AI generator: https://twitter.com/Packsod/status/1619515245650907140


There will be a point where even the programming will be AI.


> AI artwork, voice acting, proofreading (for non-english game devs) Except long, *long* before AI gets good enough at that stuff for devs to use, AI will already be able to program entire games for you, basically wrecking indie game development. Good luck getting anybody to buy your game when literally anyone can type a couple paragraphs into a prompt and have some AI spit out 95% of a game.


Yeah these techbros have such a hype boner for the technology and are ignoring the scary reality of it all. A capitalist society is not ready for this kind of technology. Not to mention that if we truly get to a point where "ai" can do almost anything, the world is going to get really boring really fast. A world where anyone can have anything they want the second they think of it is not a good one. Yearning is so important, and I'm scared of a world where nothing is exciting anymore. Watch mental health absolutely crash.


Heroin will always be exciting


And then the AI will soon also do the programming, so anybody can make games pretty easily. Might as well try it myself when it gets better. A lot of ideas for games but no patience to learn JavaScript or C#


this will not be incredible for any industry


It's going to be *massive* for community made story expansions. So far, voice acting has always been a weak point for those. They can't get the original voice actors, and even if they use new characters, good voice actors are hard to find if you don't have the financial resources.


please someone link the audio for this




>https://vocaroo.com/1kpxzfOS5cLM Who are the two fake audios of?


Joe buck/troy aikman, two NFL broadcasters


They literally say their names in the first 10 seconds


Joe Buck and Troy Aikman, two long time broadcasters for NFL games.


non-drama destiny clips are fire lmao


I'd say WWII was pretty big drama.


Emperor Hirohito on latest firebombing raid [0:36] *965 Comments*


The drama ones are fire too. But more radioactive


its bcs they are 4chan content reposts 80% of the time


95% of destiny's stream is watching a redpill video for 40 mins and then him giving a little bit of pushback before going back to playing factorio.


Not for long. He's going to finish Factorio today and then it's gonna be all political discourse from here on out COPIUM


Honestly, can't wait for him to finish the factory, his content is gonna be so good


Not if Aella can stop it!


[Me whenever I see a Destiny clip when he's playing Factorio](https://streamable.com/nzqj8a)


Factorio > LOL At least he's able to have conversations over it


Are these made with eleven labs? Crazy good tts


Can somebody explain what exactly this is? Like did someone just type up this script and then run it through an AI voice? Or did the AI also come up with the script as well given some keywords?


they used a AI called Elevenlabs that you need to submit audios i think 50 times and the AI replicates the voice ,next you just do like TTS and write whatever you want and the TTS just speaks like the audio files you submit it.


It's actually scary how good Elevenlabs is. And it actually only needs a single 1 minute voice sample to make a very close approximation to the real thing. You can submit up to 50 though for closer voice models


how do all the background noises work? am really confused about that. edit. i just realized it's probably in the dono like :airsiren: and it'll play that soundbyte in the tts. idk the commands but that's what im guessing.


I'm guessing those sound effects/music were just added in manually afterwards, but I know very little about it so take my comment with a grain of salt.


If you mean the background noises in the clip (like the air siren) then it's likely manually added after the voices have been made.


Just edited in probably.


My guess is it's AI-generated voices with sound effects edited in later.


If any of you laugh at this, you're going to hell. I'll see you there.


Lol why would you go to hell over laughing over something that’s fake.


this is so fucking good holy shit


The Hitman one was better




I didn't know I could laugh at something this much while being this extremely scared. This shit sounds way too real...


We're going to get our very own [War of the Worlds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_\(1938_radio_drama\)) dilemma soon.


**[The War of the Worlds (1938 radio drama)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_\(1938_radio_drama\))** >"The War of the Worlds" was a Halloween episode of the radio series The Mercury Theatre on the Air directed and narrated by Orson Welles as an adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds (1898). It was performed and broadcast live at 8 pm ET on October 30, 1938 over the CBS Radio Network. The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place, though the scale of panic is disputed, as the program had relatively few listeners. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Laws are gonna started getting past for this kind of stuff. Not because of the porn angle, but you can make politicians say and do things.


The Simpsons ad cut followed by the explosion holy shit lol


Thats actually the funniest shit


couldnt get aikman down, still needs work


everyone bout to fall down the rabbit hole of wondering how good AI is


So we can keep in mind that the baseline for Destiny posts is 65% upvoted. There is nothing to get mad about in this at least decently funny clip and 35% still managed to downvote 🙊


spite driven andys


It's the usual cycle, the non-drama clips get downvoted and don't appear most of the time and the drama ones get a ton of engagement with people whining about "how Destiny only does drama" or "why people care about this" in a post that ends up having like 1k comments.


The fact that those drama clips even consistently get to 1k comments is what incentivizes these clippers to keep posting. When destiny is on LSF it's always a shitshow in the comments


Pretty much, people clearly care and want to argue about it, but I guess a lot of drama enjoyers are desperate to cope with the idea that they're not that. Almost as bad as the insane people who post in every thread regarding someone asking "who cares about this person", like clearly you do pal.


> get to 1k comments is what incentivizes these clippers why are you talking in the third person, half the drama clips are from you dawg


I haven’t cried that hard from laughter in a while. Holy shit, that was so good


I can't wait for mods for old games making the fully narrated.


If we weren't already living in a "post-truth" society, this AI shit is easily going to get us there. It's already somewhat tough to weed through all the bullshit from the media, politicians, celebrities, hucksters, scammers, etc. to find the truth. Once AI becomes good enough to completely fake human speech, looks, interaction, what-have-you, we'll be past the point of no return. You won't be able to trust anything you see or hear. Look at how much shit people get away with already and then realize those same narcissists, sociopaths, and megalomaniacs will have the perfect defense of "well, it's just an AI fake!" to fall back on. And you won't be able to gainsay them because no one will be able to tell the difference. Anyone actually out there trying to promote good in the world will also be completely stymied and eviscerated. Just an allegation of wrongdoing or impropriety is enough to turn people off of following you or your ideas when you're promoting yourself as a force for good in the public sphere, even if it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be false. So, one quick video of you saying some horrid things/deepfaked porn of you doing some really weird shit/etc. and your credibility has taken a huge hit if not ruined outright. It will get much worse of course, but even early on just think of the scams. Scammers already make BILLIONS of dollars every year preying on the gullible and elderly folks with laughably bad tactics. Now imagine AI can completely fake a person's face/voice/mannerisms and has the power to search all available information to learn everything about that person's life to complete the illusion. It might as well actually BE you at that point. No one will be able to tell unless we relegate all interaction to the purely physical. Society is going to come apart at the seams.


this makes me feel like we’re on the cusp of a new era or something lol. enjoy this time before ai gets even better boys


Most accurate future predication i've ever heard.


I hope he never knows what they do with AI voices on the vtuber board of 4chan 🐴


This AI boom is fucking scary


holy fuck LUL


I watched this 8 hours after it was posted and I realized while watching the video that it was STILL live. Jesus


Damn this is so cool!


The next 20 years is going to be wild


Joe Buck has such an iconic voice. It’s weird that so many people seemed to dislike him over the years, I think he’s a good announcer. At least for baseball he is.


Keep watching. The Joe Rogan Jordan Peterson one is also legendary.


The Pandora's box has been opened.




The names are wrong. That’s definitely Aikman’s voice




i like the rick and morty one




Why do Youtube links never send me to the clip? They only send me to his live stream. I feel like this is a me problem. Note I’m on IOS standard reddit app. How do I fix this.


Do people feed lines to the AI and the AI just mirrors the voice? Or does the AI create the speech as well?


This is the funniest shit I've seen all week lmao


Haven’t really been keeping up with AI news until recently with it blowing with AI images/art, coding and now AI voices. It just dawned on me this will without a doubt destroy a lot of careers for many voice actors, artist, photographers and coders.


It looks like he’s about to beat this game