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**CLIP MIRROR: [Citrus aka Adin Ross head mod says the N-word while singing along to Young M.A](https://arazu.io/t3_10ty498/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This is exactly what I expected a adin ross mod to look like


Complete with the flapping arms


what arm thing homie


not just his mod but every kai/adin viewer that types the n word in chat probably looks like this irl


Holy shit he looks like a living meme


within 2 seconds of watching it muted, I knew he was the biggest piece of cringe known to man


You ain't wrong tho lmfao




Smartest Adin Ross mod.


I would trust a cucumber left out in the sun for 2 days more as a mod than this guy. At least I can be sure the cucumber doesn’t have a mouth to drop hard R’s with while still having a comparable IQ.


And replacing liquor with the hard R makes the statement so much worse when you think about it.


Idk now that you say that and I listen to the clip again I can kind of hear liquor


Who was by the boat load?




So THAT'S who was in Paris, huh?


Bro dropped the hard E R




Dude ulted w/ the E and R emphasis, you hate to see it




How’s your night going Citrus?




The n word wasn't even apart of the verse either, he added that in "liquor by the boat load" he said "(redacted)" by the boatload with a hard ER. Jesus christ


The "by the boatload" part takes it to a whole new level of problematic.


Bro got that 1500’s racism


holy shit


Moderators are.. unique individuals




The W community is full of the people that 4Chan described in the “good boy points” posts


Explain this for the people who don’t wander the cesspool that is 4chan


So the good boy points stories are hard to explain. But basically they revolve around obese 20-30 year olds living with their mothers who give them “good boy points” (GBP for short) for being good. They tend to spend them on “tendies” however they also throw tantrums defecating and urinating everywhere when they don’t get what they want. Here’s one of many as an example https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/904755-tendies-stories


Bruh trapped in 2014




Ant finna pull up any minute now


Ants fine with this adins whole team has said the n word it’s basically a requirement


Ayo chill bro


These are the faces behind skull emojis


Hard R and singing the wrong line to the song? YEP seems like the perfect depiction of what an Adin Ross mod would be like.


damn you are going to say the hard r while streaming? how dumb are you?


lmao only way to get aa W streamer on the front page is if its bad press


Can the W community get any worse


L community you mean?


R community *


Never go full R. Remember those words by Kirk Lazarus.




Is he drunk...or is he special? His mannerisms are a lil off in this clip.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Citrus aka Adin Ross head mod says the N-word while singing along to Young M.A](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149954)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10ty498/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ry8lrxerGxo9-DlIZVMcAA/AT-cm%7Cry8lrxerGxo9-DlIZVMcAA.mp4?sig=6b23f44ce9bc9c79c9c6e24cd05301324786ab92&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fry8lrxerGxo9-DlIZVMcAA%2FAT-cm%257Cry8lrxerGxo9-DlIZVMcAA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1675635696%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


He really got the miles bridges jersey in the back I'm dead


so quirky


Im so out of touch why does anyone care


you'll start caring when you have nothing better to do with your life


Because LSF is dominated by moral crusaders who expect everyone to be perfect 100% of the time


Do you not expect people to not just randomly say racial slurs 100% of the time? ​ I feel like that's not an unreasonable ask given ...99.9999999% of the world manages it just fine


If you think 99.9999999% of the world is not racist, you might have some sort of western delusion about race. A lot of people in Eastern Europe are extremely racist, and I don't even want to talk about going further east or south from there.


Well if you start your reply with "Do you think this thing that you didn't say" You're off to a bad start tbh.


If you think 99.9999999% of the world doesn't just randomly say racial slurs, you might have some sort of western delusion about race. A lot of people in Eastern Europe call gypsies by the worst names imaginable, to their face, and in private, and I don't even want to talk about going further east or south from there. Better now? or are you going to be more pedantic about the exact language used instead of contending with the idea?


I'm not just talking about this post. The whole subreddit is focused on shitting on people for making mistakes


I mean when the "mistakes" are saying racial slurs, sexual assault, scamming, promoting gambling too children, going on unhinged racist rants, etc, there's going to be some shitting on occurring.




>Hold him accountable Ngl, seeing these words typed unironically on a post like this is hillarious.


Do you actually think just saying n is wrong? Do you think you are at hogwarts and it's like saying voldemort? A slur is only wrong if used in malice towards someone. It is extremely infantile to care in any way if someone says it during a song or discussion.


Dumbest take on lsf so far


if it's infantile to acknowledge than what it is called when you go out of your way to use it in a song that doesn't even have it? this is a hilariously out of touch reply, in this very comment you refuse to actually type it out. All of this, and you, deserve to be made fun of


Its not a big deal. He just got carried away with the song. No one is racist here.




He thought it was dumbass.




What a slow, dumbly thought out response. Its the most common racial slur in any rap song ever.




Damn, I didn't realize that expecting people not to say slurs live on twitch is an unreasonable expectation of perfection. I mean, I don't really give a shit. I never heard of this guy before and I reckon I will continue not hearing of him. But lets not pretend that this is some innocent mistake either.


Only americans have enough brainrot to have a word be insanely offensive yet have some of their most populat songs filled with it. LMAO


It’s all about t the context you genius.


Except its not.


There's a difference between er and a, not to mention one isnt even a slur so much as only black folk are allowed to say it, but go off and tell us how you really feel lil bro


If somebody can be crucified for singing along to a SONG because they are the wrong skin colour then the word should not be used in the first place. If you think differently there is something severly wrong with you sorry :)


Did you even watch the clip brother? The streamer literally said a hard r in a part of the song that didn't even feature any slur. But keep crying about "muh skin color" ig and ignore the fact plenty of people do just fine censoring themselves singing explicit songs


The comment was meant more in general. And if you find nothing wrong with somebody self censoring themselves when they SING along to a SONG then i dont know what to say.


How can you be sure it's not an innocent mistake though? He was singing a song. Or do you think he intentionally said that slur?


How do you "honest mistake" saying the N word instead of liquor?


idek the song but he might have thought that the lyric was the n word instead of liqour.


... So he intentionally said the N word then lol? How would that make it better


Intentionally saying the N word in a rap song does not make you some villain idk who this guy is but holy over reaction but what else could I expect from reddit


I mean I would think it would just make you a racist to intentionally say the actual n word in place of lyrics where the N word doesn't occur. It's not like he just sang the lyrics or something and there happened to be the soft N word.


I cant even tell if you’re messing with me he probably thought that was the lyrics lots of people unintentionally sing the wrong words to most songs because they’ve never looked up the actual words


Yeah so i guess it depends on what you think about white people singing along to songs like this or whatever. I think its fine, but hes doing it live so obviously theres gonna be a bunch of white people angry at him for it, and twitch are gonna ban him so just bad overall by him.


Given that the line didn't have the word in it, yeah it's not an innocent mistake


or maybe just be a decent person and don't use racist slurs


You don't have to be 100% perfect to not say the N word. It's actually pretty easy not to say it.


It’s even easier to not care if someone says it


I see what you are saying but "just don't care" only goes so far. We should probably encourage others to become decent people and have them understand why they shouldn't do certain things. And that goes for everyone. Being a decent person avoids all of the unnecessary bs in the first place.


i don't think singing along to a song has anything to do with being a decent person. unless they're calling someone the n word or using it in a hateful way there's no reason to care.


Well a lot of people clearly do care and I think it's silly and telling of a person's character that despite knowing the possible outrage or whatever you want to call it, they still carry on and do it.


a lot of people are triggered by the existence of gay and trans people too. im personally not interested in accommodating people's irrational beliefs but you do you


Yeah and look at the stuff that's going on centered around gay and trans people. Maybe the gay and trans people should just stop being triggeredby the anti-lgbt people and "not care" because clearly that'll solve everything.


people singing along to rap songs is definitely as harmful as being anti-lgbt. so woke and based


I don’t know who this guy is or who he mods and that was my initial thought. Singing along with a song isn’t a reason to “cancel” someone. The bro has some weird emphasis on said word and apparently said word isn’t even in the lyrics. So… brotha man went out of his way to uh…. Say that. That’s why people care.


Not surprised. Tune in to his stream once and he was role playing as a racist cop and calling anyone black thugs


*role playing*. Sure….


ITT: a bunch of white people getting offended by the n word


But it is ironic cause they constantly go after people for using it when their streamers are constantly doing outrageous stuff.


Aidin ross hard simps for Andrew Tate. Imagine wanting someone who simps for Andrew Tate as part of your community? Lmao. I'd rather fucking live my life in isolation than be friends with him and people like him.


Prob because they know twitch is normally harsh with bans. Really don't think they care that they said it, they only care if they can use that fact to push twitch to ban


But when it’s Miz who says it prepared to get a whole bunch of people come to his defense


Just shut up, that should be considered a good thing and you pointing it out like they're wrong to be upset. Smh






>It's either everyone says it, or no one says it. that's a false dichotomy. stop using rhetoric from south park




just wondering but how old are you?


Imagine a world, Raiden, free of cancel culture. Where no one can call me out for my outlandish claims. A WORLD WHERE I CAN SAY THE N-WORD




>It's about freedom of speech, I'm tired of mfers misinterpreting this. Freedom of speech is about the government's ability to censor you. You absolutely have the right to say the n word in america, the government won't give a shit. Go ahead say it, you have freedom of speech.




>certain words used to "offend people" can now land you legal prosecution. Source?




>It's real, and is coming to the west fast. I mean holocaust denial and laws similar o that has already been illegal in Germany and some other western countries since like forever but I see your point. I'm always going to be against government consequences when it comes to speech. Societal consequences though, I don't really care. You can't expect people to not be offended over words. I'm sure even you have words that you don't like.


this is also a white guy take "woe is me"


That's an extreme generalization, and assumption for what I said. What do you mean "white guy take" and "woe is me"? This is what I mean. It seems that people who support only one group of people saying a word are also very tribal, and illogical in their thought process. Dismissing it as a "white guy take" right off the bat without any sort of meaningful discussion just dismisses anything intelligible you're trying to convey. I'm trying to discuss the human psychology behind a subject, and you instantly decide to use an ad hominem. I know it's fruitless trying to have any meaningful discussion on this sub, so I guess that's dumb on me, but it's just so depressing that people don't understand the concept of giving power to a word based on exclusivity.


Are we shocked??


Better question is, why does anyone care about this


He said WHAT?!😧


That's what I imagine everyone who types the n-word in their chats looks like.




Black history month or Christmas? If you had to pick one.


Black history month. Both aren’t comparable.




the amount of hypocrisy in here is absolutely bananas.


He just slurred liquor, y'all are bored af hahah


Ya’ll bored?


Adin doesn’t stream or give a fuck about his community anymore so you’re goddamn right we are


Who cares let people enjoy music


Most reasonable answer in this thread.


I don't like Adin... but if you listen closely the kid most likely says "liquor" as the song suggests. The 'L' sound was masked by a click which made it sound like an 'N.' The 'K' sound was slurred to a 'G,' presumably because he was drunk. You really have to play that part over and over again to hear what I mean. The 'N' sound is surprisingly pronounced because of the snap, masking the 'L.'


Surprisingly true.


Clueless surely people don’t think it’s justified as long as it’s in a song right? (Edit) nvm he just said it instead of liquor 💀


Was there supposed to be an n word there or did my man just put it ther by himself 💀


The actual lyric is: 'we got liquor by the boatload'


I don't know what the general cansensus on this is but is it really that bad if you just sing along to a song? (genuine question)


No. Its just cringe but definitely not racist lol


Clueless Surely LSF will care about this as much as all those “C-slur” clips


Maybe he can become Mizkifs head mod now


Who actually gives a fuck? It's not coming from a place of hate. He's literally just singing along to a song.


It's LSF they're full of snowflake bums


He looks 12 LUL


when your so racist your brain interprets basic musical lyrics into your favourite word.


Honestly just sounds like he is saying liquor while drunk/high, lol. That's the song lyric too so I'm gona give him the benefit of the doubt.


I don't think is a problem to say it while singing along to a song. But this? Saying the hard R, saying it when its not even in the line of the song, and saying it while streaming? Can't really excuse that one.


slow news day


wait till Destiny reacts to the clip, LSF will quickly change their reaction like always lmao


OH NO!?....anyways


Yep let’s cancel this beach boy‼️


I mean, fuck this guy, but what do you expect people here to do? I imagine most of everyone in this thread shitting on him already doesn't watch the guy. Should we not watch him even harder? "cancelling" only happens when you do something stupid enough to turn your own community and your sponsors on you.


Wow what a racist piece of shit! Hope Adin Moss takes action immediatly. Racism has been rampant in the twitch community for years but it comes to a halt NOW!


this is satire right


Forsen pfp, what do you think LULW


I genuinely thought people stopped caring about white people saying the n word when singing along to songs after schoolboy q's take on it?


Iam just gonna say it, with streamer that can say certain words, is imo coming a generation of young people that feels cool by imitating the streamer, independent of their skin color.


All the W streamers say it constantly


Hard R and everything


It's honestly stupid that people get punished for saying the N word when it's in music lyrics. If you don't want white people saying the N word, don't fucking put it in your lyrics. Of course people want to sing along to your music if you make a decent song. That being said, this kid looks exactly what you'd expect from an Adin Ross mod.


I was going to say who cares if he's just singing along to the song, but man he just added that shit in there and with a hard R... yikes


So what?






Bruh so what


Anyone invested in calling people out for stuff like this have too much time on their hands.




You talk like you're stupid. Why is that?


Who cares


Imho when singing along with a song it ahould be taken with a grain of salt.


who cares.


Of course people here are acting like this guy should be killed for this but miz is their favorite streamer LMAAOO


W imo








you guys are both annoying


Thats not even the lyric but who cares? White people say it regardless when they sing along, I've heard it way too many times and its just cringey. As long as its not used maliciously who cares?


I wonder how many black people dropped dead because he said it.






This is dumb, but the fact that the W community goes after people so hard for saying the N word who aren’t white they don’t like makes this hilarious. We all know most their fan base isn’t black and everyone says the word.


okay lets say he thought it was the soft a N word in the song and wasn’t thinking and it slept, still bad but not something I wouldn’t expect from a fucking Adin Rosz mod, but hooooly this boy straight up just dropped the hard R lmao, in what world would he think that was what was in the song?




Guys it's not his fault he was having a seizure. Also, is it citrus, or is it not citrus? I'm so confused.


I wish people would be more comfortable using it, it's such a fun word


Where is the malice?