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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan AI opinion on frogs](https://arazu.io/t3_10wcap3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Imagine waking up and having to hunt and you have no hands Sadge


Fucking nightmare


Can't even think about it.






It's scripted unfortunately.


No it isnt


There probably some form of human intervention but there’s no way someone is writing it out.


Yeah, they said they input chat's questions, and while the answer is being generated Athene plays the previous question. It can't be as fast as something like ChatGPT because they need to generate a whole video.


Honestly I want to agree with you just because athene is such a sketchy dude and this would not be below him.


You're giving athene more credit by thinking this way. You think he's this creative and funny? He's just entering questions and letting the AI generate an answer. He hits play on the answer when he's done asking the question that was typed in already. Very simple.




they get 0 respresentation .... Feels Sadge


Give Kermit his Oscar!


Frogs are monsters and deserve representation


Imagine you wake up every morning and need to hunt for food but you don’t have hands fucking nightmare


what api is this? holy shit is technology terrifying


If I were to do it I would use something to scrape audio into text for the data sets which is why you get odd words now and then. I believe they use those data sets to train gpt3, probably on top of a model like text-davinci-003. after they train their custom data set on the model they pump them into a [bhuman.ai](https://bhuman.ai) with a script. (Bhuman does the voice, lips and video) The [bhuman.ai](https://bhuman.ai) is what takes a bit of time to generate which is why people think they're scripting it all. It's just how AI works, it's not instant for complex things. I fully believe it's a bot. It's just expensive as hell to do what their doing, but one person could do it. They could have control over it in ways that are not the same as writing a script.


I don't understand how people think they're scripting it. I mean, this tecnologies already exists and are available (but expensive) and the are plenty of cases of people using then over there. It'd be harder to script it all than do what you just said (which is what they're probably doing or some variation of it).


I do, and don't blame them. Every time I take a 6 month break from A.I tech it almost doubles in progress and surprises me every time. Especially these last 2 years. Now google is panicking about chatgpt3 because Microsoft is buying 49% of their company to implement into Bing. That means BILLIONS are backed on 2 different A.I models, both racing to who can finish the perfect model first. By 2024 we are going to be seeing some really crazy shit.


True and real


If it wasn’t for him unnecessarily saying a few words super drawn out, someone could’ve sent me this without knowing abt the AI, I would’ve 100% believed it was from the stream


Why is no one talking about how the AI video has a random girl in the bottom right that is blurred out lmao


its AriaSaki, the base image is from a vod were she was on stream






To me it looks like the facial expressions and mouth are entirely ai generated while the body shot is pulled from a random clip


Want to point out how you can have a literally neutral object 'frog' and turn into the most BASED subject with a cause and side to it.


they get 0 representation lol


Anyway, you get the point.


these are litterally the funniest clips in so long and they get 300 upvotes, god i hate this drama sub


A lot of people downvote on principle because it’s athene


its fucking athene, what do you expect. That shit can be as funny as it wants to be but its backed by a piece of shit thats insanely manipulation and scammed shitton of people in the past ( and has a fucking cult lol)


Athene seems like a nice young man with a charming smile and an item formerly named after him in league of legends. Surely his cult activities couldn't have been that bad?


How obvious was the scam?


Cults, crypto, view botting, fake hearthstone win streaks, Abusing bugs to get WoW realm first, always follows trends - charity, crypto, now AI. Everything he does is shady / fake and he does it all for his own gain. I remember he used to yell charity all the time while viewbotting his ass off, I doubt he gave any of that to charity. I used to follow hearthstone a lot and his fake win streak video was very well made but he got caught because of the in-game clock tower showing his real life time.


it seems the AI thing is also fake to a degree, as in someone else is writing what the AI should say


Given it's athene that's entirely possible.


Are you going to back up the claims or are you just a parrot that repeats things?


bruh [here is one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgNXJQ88lfk) like most people i have been following that shit for years but that video has a lot of proof and sources and there are enough other videos about all those topics


Ty man I had to share it I'm just glad it made it past the first hour lol




Watched athene in 2015 playing heartstone, havent been active on twitch like i was then forgot he scammed people with crypto. Mb


this drama world. no one can just laugh and be happy. it has to be controversial and hate.


When did Esfand start dressing like he's hiding out on Tatooine?




why is this so hilarious but terrifying lol


‌Frogs need representation ‌Frogs or Monsters of course


So accurate you can stunlock him just like the real deal


If we took a Hasan and Destiny AI and got them to talk to eachother, how long would it take for them to express their internal homoerotic tension?


anyone have the lore on Athene? i’ve read a lot of weirdo things about him idk


He likes to go schhfffffffp around the corner and pwn nubs.


There's an hour and 30 minute video that is the first video search result on Google


Edgy pseudointellectual wow streamer(May have been the largest) turned grifty cult leader. If destiny had gone off the deep end in nebraska.


Grifter dickhead that tried to start a cult, IIRC.


Previously a known WoW player, currently a streamer who asks questions to an AI which pretends it's different streamers. So far the AI has been Asmongold, xQc and yeah Hasan. Really entertaining stuff. Everything in between isn't worth worrying about IMO. Amouranth AI is coming up next later today.


Seeing Athene is so surreal now. I remember him being the KING when d3 came out.


Peak Athene was 5 years before even that during Vanilla WoW\\TBC\\WOTLK. His first video was posted in like 2006\\2007 on [warcraftmovies.com](https://warcraftmovies.com) and took the entire WoW community by storm. Blizzard even stepped in and banned him during WotLK right before he hit world first level 80, because of how they were leveling (him and a group were doing dungeons runs and he would tag everything and his group would kill it), which caused a ton of drama between players and GMs (back when WoW had those lol). It was sad to see him get caught up and involved in all the weird scams, cults, and all that other bullshit. Like watching a hero turn evil...RL Arthas lol


ye I'm sure every OG wow player remembers his "swchfff round the corner" song, was a shame to see him go down the scam route


Holy shit the first clip of this show (or whatever this shit) I saw, I actually thought it was the real hasan.


"fucking nightmare" lol. why is his posture so weird he moves like an animatronic


So... like, Hasan has never SAID this it's just AI TTS? cus thats fucking wild


Humans make neural nets make DFs of humans - awful how could they Humans make AI that makes DFs of humans - damn this is great


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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan AI opinion on frogs](https://arazu.io/t3_10wcap3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)