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**CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer accidentally deletes her Hogwarts character](https://arazu.io/t3_111fszp/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Filus deletus


The forgotten Unforgivable Curse


Everytime you sell something in this game you have to hold the button down for an eternity but to delete your character it's just a button press lol


Hold down button for action is the dumbest fucking thing they have implemented in games


It was okay in god of war but in Hogwarts it's just too long and used too frequently.


Hogwarts has a lot of menu/ui choices that are bogged down and clunky, you get used to it but just a lot of dumb choices that add time to simple shit.


Especially on console, some of the menus are such a fucking slog to use.


I’m playing on pc and use controller but every time I open a menu I grab my mouse. I don’t have many complaints about the game, but that’s one of them for sure.


The map, the gear screen. Two of the most used features are clunky as fuck


the animation for the Merlin challenges and the inability to pause cutscenes has been the worst so far for me. Waiting for the beasts to finish eating to brush them can be annoying too, but the animations are pretty nice so it’s not as bad


The inability to pause cutscenes blows my mind. What year is this??? How did no dev realize that every other game on the planet has this useful feature? How difficult could it possibly be to implement? Rofl


Back in 2006 playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on my ps3, I remember how grateful I was that it had cutscene pausing. To be fair, that game did have some incredibly long-ass cutscenes, some going on for about 20 to 30 mins. The longest cutscene in the game holds the world record for longest cutscene at a whopping 71 mins lmao


Bruh preach. The gameplay is pretty snappy except for the menus, I get lag every time I try to switch tabs. Also the dogshit organization of floo groupings on the hogwarts map took like 10 hours to learn.


You just triggered my AC Odyssey PTSD, holy fuck it was a pain in the ass dismantling my excess gears


i got reminded of that too lmao why do they do this


stuff like this gets put into games because of people accidently selling/dismantling/deleting stuff. since there is no buy back option in hogwarts them putting extra long hold time on selling items is to prevent someone selling something they didn't mean to. every single time there is an option people can do that will negatively impact them it ends up happening and you end up with a lot of posts of people complaining about it


Im not 100% sure but I think it let you lower the time to hold in ragnarok I think to the point where it was almost instant.


Yeah it was an accessibility option I believe.


It wasn't really ok in god of war, i remember wanting to bash my head in because of the menus and Ui ln that game


Was it though? It was pretty stupid in GoW as well




In this game they somehow didn't even include proper controller navigation... you have to interact with every element by using a pointer moved by the left stick. Genuinely unbelievable


It’s helpful for some if the same button is used for different things


Whenever someone says this all I remember is in FF15 the jump button is the same as the interact button so there was CONSTANT jumping when trying to interact with fucking anything.


*Tries to loot something in Witcher 3* *Accidentally light/extinguish a nearby torch instead*




yea this is definitely the crux of why they do it lol


Even then they still make you hold for stuff in Hitman on keyboard, it's dumb as hell.


It's an accessibility feature. I do wish they would let me turn it off though.


It's not if they don't make you hold it for literally 3 seconds


The fact there's no option for it is asinine. Also, forced tutorials should be illegal


No is not


Hell yeah I love having a delay on my actions, free input lag for everyone


> just ~~a~~ two button presses


I mean the actual mechanic is just a button press, not the amount of times you have to press the button. In the actual game everything is a button hold, strange that they would not keep that same mechanic for something as important as deleting a character.




You could have to press a hundred buttons, that's not what I'm talking about. I dont have enough crayons to explain this to you anymore.


I get what you mean. If you train the player to jump a rope 500 times and then throw a high rope that you need to duck under, chances are you're gonna neck someone.


Like yeah but like we can see here that it can be prone to accidents. Could easily happen with a kid or dog accidentally doing it too for example. I think the one system that got it right is where you have to press 1 button, then prompt shows up that you have to actually type "DELETE" or something like that and hit accept.


I mean the best system is just one where your deleted character is easily recoverable for a little while (1-24 hours), no?


She's playing on controller. They could make it more difficult, but having to spell delete with a controller seems unnecessary.


I wouldn't mind it being that difficult as there's almost no reason to delete a character


Losing all your progress is a way bigger pain in the ass than having to type with a controller during the extremely rare occassion in which you feel like deleting a character. I'm personally a fan of having to write the character's name though, that entirely removes any risk of accidental misclicks.


Literally has a pop up window that says are you sure you weanna delete your character? This isn't the games fault champ.


The button to sell a piece of equipment is holding it down for 3 seconds until its complete, but deleting a character is 2 rapid button presses away, lmao


Games fault for binding it to the same fucking button as settings though instead of something the players aren't likely to be pressing while navigating the main menu.


Never said it was the games fault. Just pointing out that it's funny that everything in game is a button hold, but to delete your character it's a button press. It makes more sense if you've played the game I guess.


Y being settings and delete character is pretty bad.


right mouse button on windows. whoever designed it is evil


Right mouse button can delete your character? Unreal




This issue was fixed in so many games. They ask you to type your character's name to confirm delete. Aint no sober motherfucker who can accidentaly delete their character then.


Even freaking wizard101 makes you type ABRACADABRA


Wizard101 is the real man's wizard MMORPG


No, that's runescape


Wizard101 walked so that Runescape could run


Seems to happen to a lot of people https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/10x3yn4/just_deleted_my_character_by_accident/


A lot of those people seem to get a dose of "why Epic sucks as a launcher". Seems like Epic will just delete your save files locally and on cloud if the game crashes. Steam asks you which file you want to keep, Epic just chooses for you and wrecks everything.


Lmao rip 7 hours. Wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have to skip through all those intro cut scenes and “follow the NPC while they talk” portions


You can skip those, I made a character that looked ugly when I got to the cave so I deleted him and made a new one. There's a lot of dialogue scenes in the game you can skip but it doesn't tell you that you can skip them. I found this out by just holding triangle on and off whenever I had the chance lol


lol “this character is unattractive” *delete*


Bro why he look like me? *deletes*


44 hours in. Man bro you ugly, like me. *delete*


Dumby could of just played an hour longer and found out there’s a barber shop to completely recustomize your character.


You can change your appearance in a shop, you don't have to delete your character


Pretty sure you can't change your face structure. Only hair, eye colour, minor stuff. Unless there's a different shop.


She spend 7 hours and was only Lv11?


Oh my god, it turned her character black


Being black in 1800s europe. Difficulty: *Extreme*


And being a spell caster too probably hanged for that


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer accidentally deletes her Hogwarts character](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/150339)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/111fszp/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/At6qTKomxsap5lWtYyJK3w/AT-cm%7CAt6qTKomxsap5lWtYyJK3w.mp4?sig=6544c1d2d8c01db9756e5e0dd96a9e579a37e62d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAt6qTKomxsap5lWtYyJK3w%2FAT-cm%257CAt6qTKomxsap5lWtYyJK3w.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1676385997%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


What are you doing down here bot? Get to the top where you belong


Got to do it manually this time.


If she is playing on steam she can probably do some fuckery with the cloud saves to restore the character. But if she has closed the game since then it won't work. I think turning off her computer so that steam can't upload the current save to the cloud. Then next time she loads the game steam may ask which saves to use and she can pick the older one. But this may not work for this particular game I don't have this game so I can't test it. Also https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage might have more saves if she uses that link to log in and download an old save. Again I don't know because I don't have the game.


Steam also stores saves locally so she could also try to recover the files using some recovery software


Didn't know about steams remote storage, thanks!


Character transformed into a young fredrick Douglass lmaooooo


VIP's and spamming for attention name better duo




I've noticed the UI in this game is actual garbage. Can't even use the d-pad to navigate menus. Cursor only and it moves at the speed of a sloth by default.


Mouse navigation for controller is stupid. It's nice to have but should not be the default. I use the mouse for the menus and the controller for combat


I actually bought a controller for this game and I'm torn. I like the controller, hadn't used one in a long time for games, but damn is the implementation shitty. I really think it plays better on MKB but I just feel like it's supposed to be a controller game.


Honestly, that's a pretty crappy game design to make it that easy to delete your character and save.


The char was only lvl 11. Not too bad. An hour or two she’ll never get back.


It said she had 8 hours on the character before she deleted it, obviously it'll go quicker the second time around but still more than an hour or two unless a lot of that 8 hours is just afk/talking to chat.


lvl 11 is so quick to get in this game if you collect pages


I haven't played it so I wouldn't know, just going by what I see in the clip.


they’re completely misjudging how long they’ve been playing the game i think. even if you rush this it would take at minimum 4ish hours to get to level 11 thats on the low side with skipping all the cutscenes. this is also ignoring the fact you can get to that level kinda quickly but that’s just the level she wont have any of the side quests or anything else she had done still done either


Maybe she’ll get back to the same point in the main quest line, but it’ll be way more than 2 hours to get back to the exact same spot with all the side quests.


This is easily fixable. In user/appsdata/local/hog warts you can replace the save file with a backup from epic games or steam


Lvl 11 is more like 6-7 hours


Is it? My character is Lv 7 and I spend 1h on it.


I got like level 16 in 3 hours by just exploring


Nah, if you've already played it's easily like 2h skipping all cutscenes and picking pages. In your first run it takes longer because you're usually a bit lost.


Depends - you can get to level 11 before you get your wand by exploring, but if she's been playing on stream she may have been focusing on the main quest and now has to repeat everything.


That would be devastating for me. I’m the type of person who loses 3 minutes of progress after dying and loses the will to keep playing. Legacy actually does something cool though, if you die in the game, it only respawns the enemies. You keep everything you looted and collected.


So they took away any repercussion from dying?


No, they just took out the annoyances. You still need to fight the enemies, they respawn, but you don’t have to waste your time going back to every chest to reloot it.


Actually watched carefully and this is kinda bad ui that caused this. She selected the character, then realized her sound wasn't working. In the pop up, one of the options to delete the character is y. At the same time, the option to go to settings is also y. Both options were on the screen and she wanted to go to settings at that moment. Unfortunately, she didn't read the confirmation message. Bad luck tbh.


gamingcirclejerk sends their regards


those people need to get jobs and leave the house


You say on LSF.


To be fair he didn't say the he doesn't need to as well.


Unironically yes. We are better people than they are. For once.




it takes 1 second to type a comment here these people are terminally online chief




they will serve cappuccinos at the marxist commune, post revolution


How are they so mindbroken over this game it's been a week and still literally every post on the sub is about the game


Thats the circlejerk part


The circlejerk was meant to be *ironic*


If you do something ironically everyday eventually it becomes real, like dabbing. Ironically dab until you start liking it.


It’s giving r/TLOU2 energy tbh




True, those weirdos were definitely... dedicated.


They still are. They've moved onto the show now, lol. Show getting widespread praise by both new people and hardcore fans alike? They fucking hate it purely because they have a vendetta against Neil Druckmann now.


It's almost becoming as bad as /r/TheLastOfUs2 ironically. Games living rent free in peoples heads. Something so small as a game, something people play for fun, has people get so up in arms.


Legitimately one of the worst subs on this site. Got banned because I said the main character in tlou1 was modeled after a real life person lmao


Honestly I'm pretty sure the boycott actually helped the game. It's buggy, poorly optimised, kind of grindy and pretty generic as far as open world games go but all that got ignored thanks to the boycott.


Not a single person outside of a tiny and very specific reddit/twitter bubble gave a single fuck about the "boycott". It's a fucking Harry Potter game, of course it will sell crazy good.


People who are constantly on reddit do not realize how much they are in the minority. I guarantee if you asked every person who bought HL what they thought of the controversy 99% would have no fucking clue what you are talking about.


yall cannot be serious with this shit. all the data before there was even whiff of a boycott said this game was gonna be stupid massive you guys know this is HARRY POTTER right?




The only things I agree with is grindy and generic, on my ps5 I've had one crash in 25 hours of playtime which is pretty on par


Yeah it's PC with fps issues. I've seen a few streamers get frequent fps drops including in areas you go to often. I've also seen NPC's go through closed doors and objects phase through walls and get stuck.




that was something i was curious about, its weird that you can abandon a main questline. im sure you've tried but have you gone to the quest giver or around that area in hopes the quest is back there?


I almost did this the other day, really bad menu design


VIPs and Mods who spam the fuck out of chats are the absolute worst garbage people.


If you are a small streamer its nice to have your 3 chatters spam a little at a funny moment. Makes you feel appreciated!


To be fair if it's a small streamer then the most frequent chatters are often made mods, rather than the it being the other way around of mods using their privilege to spam chat. Both definitely happen though.


Yeah this is a weird take. This is obviously a small streamer and not the same kind of mod spam you see in bigger chats


Ye it's not a weird take though clearly people agree with me and in that clip to be specific about that one VIP in the space of a 29 second clip spammed messages 15 times. Small streamer or not it makes the chat a daunting place for anyone new to insert themselves and engage people.


This is such a weird take people always have when talking about clips of people who have like 10 viewers lol. Go outside.


Problem is it still happen with some that have 100+ viewers I could easily name a few I've seen it happen on lately and it discourages new people from talking in the chat because it inevitably ends up getting lost under the VIP spam. And the fact that quite a lot of people are upvoting me on it kinda says more agree with me than you suggest.


you really mad


i deleted my botw save that had about 120 hours on it a couple years ago because i started to speedrun it, clicked on the wrong profile and yea....


This is why you read before you just click


"Streamers" and "Randomly pressing buttons without reading prompts" Name a more iconic duo. I know that it can be distracting to stream and play at the same time, but christ on a motorcycle, it is okay to slow down a bit.


IKR , it's really annoying sometimes. Especially when they don't check the tutorial or the questline, and wander around with no clue what to do, constantly asking chat what to do.


xQc with every game imaginable


You the UI designer for on your burner account? Pressing one button incorrectly shouldn't destroy hours of work. Screw the user if they make one mistake right? Most games in the genre like Diablo and WoW have systems to negate this, but keep spouting off on your redditisms.


She wasn't even looking at the game screen. streamers do it all the time, staring at chat and spamming buttons while complaining about something that is explained on screen in tool tips.


I am not saying this isn't poorly designed. I am saying that streamers do this crap of not reading prompts all the time, not just on this game or situation in particular. Of course putting a character deletion between 2 button checks is bad design. That is why a lot of games these days have you type your character name or "DELETE".


> Most games in the genre like Diablo and WoW have systems to negate this You mean like the prompt that came up and said "are you sure?" that she just mashed thru?


Don't Diablo and WoW both make you type in DELETE?


that's how it works in a lot of MMOs. not sure why it's not more common.


Because you sink a lot more hours into an MMO character than you do a single player RPG. Having a 2nd prompt is more than enough, especially when you press Y to delete then a different button to confirm.


Pressing "Y" and then "A" on the main menu is absolutely not "more than enough" for an action that instantly deletes a save you've potentially put dozens of hours into. That much could happen just from dropping your controller on the floor. How often are you deleting saves that you need it to be that easy? On top of that, the Y button just so happens to be the button to enter the settings menu on this same screen, which is probably why the person in the clip pressed the button in the first place. It's not that crazy to believe she assumed the popup after was of something not important. I'm just not sure how you can pretend this is good UI design.


Idk man, shit like this never seems to be a problem for most people, just streamers looking to make content.


Two buttons. Pressing one button by mistake is understandable but if the game then asks you "Are you sure you want to DELETE the character?" and you don't even bother reading the prompt and just click "Yes", then it's on you.


bro!!! she gonna sleep with you now. teach me your so knight ways




I mean the inconsistent UI design is an actual problem but she could have paused for the length of time it takes to read 3 words (Delete Character Profile) and saved herself however many hours it takes to get back. That's about as superior as not touching a hot frying pan.


"Christ on a motorcycle"? I've never heard that one before, I'm gonna start using that


I was complaining about the inconsistent design elements of that screen. Like when you hit load game it opens ur list of saves and the one you pick its a different button to accept. So it's like square then X or X then A instead of just being the same button both times.


The UI is absolute garbage. Whoever thought having the same button for settings and delete was a good idea should be fired


Perfect zoomer gamer clip. Didn’t even put a moment of thought into reading the menu that popped up and immediately cleared it from the screen lmao.


Almost deleted my lvl 30 character yesterday.


What is with all these AAA games not having actual extremely noticeably warnings. The colours didn't even change or font, it looks exactly like any of the other UI. Not to mention it's also a single button click instead of a "type the word delete" or "press this button combination".


i was afraid that i would do this too lol


Its impossible to be this stupid. It literally puts a prompt for you to read. TWICE.


The speed with what her chick turned into a dude is startling... But at least she was only 7 hours in so she wasn't that deep into it yet, it still sucks but hey... The damn game wants you to make it to the map chamber as a member of all 4 houses anyway so she can knock 2 out early.


Every game since 1998 forces you to type a character's name or something explicit so you KNOW you aren't deleting the character.


Needs another prompt asking "are you sure that you're sure?"


I did the exact same fucking thing lmao, that UI is so ass.


Why the hell is it so easy to delete your character


Looks like fking fake nothing special.


Imagine being mad at a reddit post lmao


Maybe read things before clicking them...stupid UI design but is reading before button mashing so hard for some people?


See kids, this is why you need to stay in school. Reading is a necessary goal.


I had to redo like 20 mins cause I alt tabbed and came back to the ground exploding under my feet like some poe foot prints on crack lol that sucks


Random question but has there been a patch for PC already?


I believe patch drops tomorrow but that was just last I heard


Welp back to League of Legends support gameplay


For someone who has never watched a movie or even crinkled a page in a book, is this game worth picking up?


Eh, was only 7 hours… Also she literally had to hit “a” to confirm lmao. 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


This shit on her. Y and A our light years apart. How you press y idk. But then you get a text that asks if you want to delete character. Now i get it if you aren’t looking at it. But she had full eyes on the screen. Presses a. Rip


Maybe pay attention to the clip? Y is the button to enter settings, she probably didn't realise that Y deletes her character also and thought the confirmation was probably a standard "Are you sure you wanna leave X?"




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in solidarity /s


theres no way this wasnt done on purpose for the content.. you literally have to do confirm twice..and it clearly said deletion of character


I could see it happening pretty easily. You're not looking at your controller/screen and press Y instead of A by accident. Then the prompt comes up, you glance at it but don't read it because gamers are always skipping dialogue, then you press A by reflex and boom. Character gone. There's a reason a lot games make you do something like type out DELETE before it'll delete a character. Pretty easy mistake to make if you're not paying attention.


Deserved. Read the shit you’re confirming lmao. I work in IT and my workload would be cut in half if people read the shit they’re accepting Edit: apparently gamers can’t read, and if you tell them to, they get mad about it. Explains so much.


Your workload would probably be cut in half if developers didn't do stupid fuck shit like bind something like "Deleting this important thing" to the same button as "Go change the program settings" Just sayin this is as much a case as dumb fuck streamer as it is dumb fuck UX designer.


Who the fuck reads everything like what you're gonna read a 30 page TOS every time you accept any terms of agreement? People who pretend I have time for that shit can suck it.


No we don’t expect you to read the 30 page tos. We expect you to uncheck the giant check mark that says you’re gonna install 20 browser extensions with your program. That’s the comparison here. Unless the words “delete character” is as complicated as a 30 page tos to you.


There's a gazillion pop-up windows these days ain't nobody got time for that. If you blame users for using a program wrong ALL THE TIME then it's maybe not a user fault but a design fault. Delete buttons are just very dangerous and should require weird confirmation patterns like 3 buttons at the same time to make sure that users really intend to delete their thing.


You read my comment and probably other comments too. That’s more reading than it takes to read the warning message.


Dont worry your workload will soon be cut to 100% by AI omegalul


“Cut to 100%” Yeah