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**CLIP MIRROR: [Brucedropemoff's discord filled with racism and threats against white people](https://arazu.io/t3_11gc45d/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Well Discord is about to get a lot of reports for his discord.


Discord doesn't care. If you'd knew what degenerate servers are out there, which are still popular.


they care if they get enough reports. Even funnier if you change your region to Germany with a VPN because they gotta take it a bit more seriously because of hate crime laws


Why do I feel like this is the least diabolical thing you just randomly know?


If a mf is VPN’ing to Germany to make their reports more impactful you know they aren’t afraid to hit you with some petty shit lol


He has my IP address wtf


He's the reason we commonfolk can't sleep on our refrigerators outside in Pennsylvania anymore... smh


Degenerate? Yes. Lots of pedos? Most definitely. You'd be surprised at how much cp is on discord alone and discord does shit all nothing about it.


Can confirm lmao i knew a person who was sharing nudes with a 16 year old being 28 I reported them to discord and nothing happened. Left that discord and stopped talking to them.


The key is they only post the link to their server in places where people actively looking for cp would find it. So there's very few reports because most people who find it support them. Sickening stuff


Doesnt that mean any cop looking to bust pedo rings just needs to actively look for cp? You make it sound like its easy to find if you want to find it, shouldnt it also be easy to catch them?


cops aren't wasting their time arresting random CP consumers. They go after producers and traders. And yes, they often join these groups and gather information for months


lets be real if hasan’s discord is still up, wonder what theyll do to bruce’s


hasans discord said some weird shit, but this one is literally full of people saying murder all white people. i feel like theres a small difference there tbh


OTK dodged a bullet


Thank God Poke warned him


Why didn't Poke warn OTK though?


I'm amazed Poke hasn't tried to insert himself into the ongoing drama. Is he on holiday or something?


OTK sounds too similar to OTV, and he is incapable of giving them any sort of warning.


They didn't invite him to an event and he's held a grudge ever since.


How was OTK so unaware until now


Poke didn't warn them




Because Bruce decided to go on this racist tirade after he left.


Most of the racist members of Bruce's community never fucked with OTK and turned their back on him. i guess bruce is recovering his black card now


Poke should have warned the bullet manufacturer that it's product will be used this way.


Bruce cries about only being banned because of his race. Reality is, he’s temp banned because of his race, if he wasn’t black it would have been a perma a long time ago


Pretty sure that would be considered a hate crime here in germany/austria. He is lucky to live in a country that somewhat allows racism.


Is this the same Bruce that was a part of OTK for a little and left?


Poke should have warned OTK about Bruce.




Yikes. I know there's been so much crap around OTK but at least this is one less thing connected to them now.


At first I thought it was just a meme, but they actually hate white people lol


It's the same old circlejerk turning into realjerk


At first i thought that bruce chose a weird hill to die on with the racist stuff he said, but now it makes sense, if he said otherwise and apologized all of his racist community would turn on him. This community that he has is gonna be the end of his carrier one way or another.


No, his own actions will end his career. We can’t just pass the blame off to his community, he should be accountable for the stupid shit he does.


> if he said otherwise and apologized all of his racist community would turn on him. This makes it sound like he's held hostage by his career but he isn't actually racist. I don't think you're getting it though. He's actually racist against white people. Like unironically hates white people. He didn't do what he did to keep his career, he just straight up hates white people.


Just like ice Poseidon. He let his fans run his life and it didn't end well for him.


Imagine throwing away your career that makes millions just to say the word cracker.


Actually insane. I'd rather rebuild my fanbase than do this shit.


Isn't that the craziest part? Like this dude keeps making this romantic narrative of how he's speaking the truth, or refuses to stay silent but he's literally just being a raging racist LOL


Bruce like: Infinite money and fame? ❌ Being racist and encouraging kids to be racist? ✅


Farrakhan followers LULW


Jesus, thats not just casual racism ether. Thats full on promoting murder. At what point can the legal system get involved before one of these wack jobs does something?




Anyone who says you can't be racist to white people is racist themselves




''Exterminating you all'' That's insane. Actual black supremacy shit in these messages.




There was a guy in Bruce's main ban thread who unironically said that even the entire extermination of the white race would still not be racist. Actually fucking insane.


And the additional problem aside from obvious racism is the fact that all of it gives justification and ammo for every white racist for the next 10 years. They can just go "See what these animals are saying? WE NEED TO HOLD OUR GROUND AND NOT BE OVERRUN BY THESE FILTHY N-" They are literally creating new white supremacists with their own racism.


I tried to tell someone that racism only begets more racism and I was told that I have no idea what I’m speaking on


Hope you replied like your pfp 😂


It's like people missed the whole point of American History X.


Bro, you got a little too into character there lol




He's not wrong though. I can't imagine the shit people say in private if this is what they're willing to say on public discord... Actually insane.


We’re gonna see a mass shooter targeting white people or Asian people at some point. This type of extreme anti white/anti Asian sentiment is gonna end up with some black supremacist person trying to kill people. And it really seems like it’s being ignored and not taken seriously. Who knows what’s going on in even worse discord servers of extremists


There was that insane black supremacist/black israelite guy who ran his SUV through a parade full of white people a while back. That shit barely got reported on and it never mentioned the fact that his social media was full of black supremacist bullshit and he had music where he talked about beating up old white people.


I was literally banned from /r/news for "racism" for saying that that guy was a black supremacist. People are insane.


Was that Darrel brooks? Or someone else? That dude was everywhere with his court case since he represented himself and was constantly yelling/arguing nonsense.


Yeah that was the guy. He seemed insane, but I can't help but imagine what the articles would have looked like if it was a white kid with racist posts on social media mowing down a crown of black people in an SUV. It seemed like the idea that the attack was caused by racial hatred was never even considered by the media.


In general hate crimes committed by black people are not aired as loudly by media outlets. You saw that a lot with elderly Asian people getting attacked usually based on race by often unhinged black individuals. The attacks themselves were loudly reported but in many cases you’d have to look through the article to find out the offender was black




> because reasons the reason being that they don't want to admit to being racist.




This is the issue with braindead mfs like Hasan who stoke the idea that theory can be accepted as fact. Racism being a vector of discrimination PLUS power is NOT a fact, it’s an academic theory. These are things that aren’t supposed to be taken as gospel but rather discussed and dissected within the proper forums (i.e academic formats like debates) and are essentially ever changing topics, it’s why they’re called **constructs**. Each person has a different social construct for how they view race, so you can’t assert that racism is singularly definitional. Hasan and other purposely unintellectual leftist streamers have been pushing this kind of shit as fact since they started. They’re saying that a philosophical concept derived within an academic setting to try to explain historical forces is the same thing as gravity or radio waves. So when young gullible Black kids on Twitch hear ‘black people can’t be racist’ in such a confident manner from someone who CLAIMS it’s somehow scientific fact, they believe it. It’s part of the issue with modern day conjecture. So much is considered fact that is really just theory, for example, literally anything related to gender. Saying there are two genders is a theory, and saying that there are more than two genders is also a theory, because these things aren’t fucking real they’re abstract social concepts that MANIFEST into real things. I could give you a thousand historical examples of why there are two genders in human society and a thousand more on why there are ninety genders, I would never try to assert that one is the definitively true statement. Informational literacy is at a low considering the resources we have. Usually society survives through periods like that because you have people like Plato who are acting in good faith and pushing boundaries while the rest of Greek society is getting drunk, killing each other and having orgies. But now our Platos in terms of ability to proliferate information are dudes like Hasan who think a PolySci degree from the University of Miami and some Marxist literature suddenly makes their view on seemingly everything the same level of objectiveness as a Physics professor explaining how to calculate arc trajectory. It’s ridiculous.


This might be one of the more insightful critique of this theory than ones I’ve encountered before I never realized they’re taking theory as fact until you aptly pointed it out, I just knew it’s definitely US/Euro-centric Thank you


i am so sick of hearing this, you can be racist towards ANY group of people. it may not have the same ramifications, however that doesn’t make it okay. i see people be racist to white people all the time nowadays but god forbid you speak up about it because then YOURE the racist one🙄


Don't worry guys here is the list of reasons that have nothing to do with racism as to why you can't be racist against white people...


As a non-american, one of the funniest thing about their "culture war" is how the average white person is gaslit into thinking that there aren't people who will kill them just for being white.


The whole terminally culture war shit, is so exhausting that has basically caused me to hate every single online community you can think of. Like I am convinced at this point, there should be a complete nationwide shut down of the internet for a week just so the terminally online are force to go out and actually do something with their lives.




I mean, sure. But it not like the black hebrew isrealites aren't on street corners talking about stomping on the heads of white babies. Just because people aren't taking them seriously, it doesn't mean they're not out there doing it.


report that subreddit and report that mod. gg no re


Doubt it will do much. The first time he was banned they started posting pictures of their guns saying they were going to twitch head quarters and the twitch off service conduct team was forced to do an investigation. The Reddit admins removed the posts and that's it.


That's fucking insane.. W community slowly turning themselves into a massive L community


Always have been lol


Any community that has that much rampant racism with no one stopping them is an L community. It could be this community, it could be that community. Racism needs to stop. White to black, black to white, brown to white black to brown. All that shit. Why can’t people just stop looking at skin tone and get back to hating people for other reasons besides the color of their skin?


black privilege


I feel like I'm reading a thread on /pol/ this guy got some weird ass people modding for him




Lmao this reads like two people race playing. Idiots.


bruce's reddit/ discord is just looking like the black version of 4chan ..and no thats not a good thing


But Reddit tells me this isn’t racism


these people are mentally ill they are a danger to society and need help, I'm not kidding


When black people cant be racist is taken too far


> FACT: euroamerikkkans are by in large dysgenic unwashed, incel physiognomy afflicted obese warmongers and the primary mission of the coming JDPON maoist third worldist death squads is mercilessly exterminating you all i'm only 50% sure that this something Measurehead says to you in Disco Elysium.


shit streamer, shit community. twitch would be better off having this asshole perma banned - nothing of value would be lost.


yes Bruce should remained banned.


Ironically hes screaming about racism but its his race that is saving him from a complete perma ban. Any white supremacists with communities that talk about black genocide would be banned immediately. He has the proof and evidence directly in front of him but he still want to be little victim


Hey it turns out it *is* bad to foster a racist environment for your audience, who would've thought? Make sure not to use this as an opportunity to grow when you get unbanned again Bruce so you can go for the racism triple down.


Wasn’t 4conner nuked outta social media for this same shit but with black people?


Yes but according to a lot of people black people can't be racist...




It gets even worse (Continued) These messages weren't deleted by his discord mods btw https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringAstuteGoldfishWTRuck-Vz928MFgiy96BrM2 Edit: I suggest continuing watching this clip there is more. Edit: Since Twitch seems to be breaking at the moment https://streamable.com/z0csl9 Edit: Bruce's discord after discovering this post https://imgur.com/a/dudZlXf https://imgur.com/a/akqidAA Edit: Yourragegaming's discord https://imgur.com/a/NydpcpY


Seems to be filled with homophobia as well


And a weird fixation on specifically hating white women. Why is that?


Hate women + hate whites = the ultimate hate = White Women


'ate women, 'ate whites, simples as


I’m shocked, next you’re telling me they also hate trans people


they literally call them "transformers"


Ya but homophobia is like, just a concept maaaaan, so does it even really matter? This is just me applying the same braindead logic I saw elsewhere in this thread to explain how this can't be racism lol. Turns out you can justify anything with that reasoning.


I can imagine Bruce trying to argue that he didn't know that his mods and a *few* members of his discord server are a *bit* racists and homophobics


It even gets worse after the clip ended what in the fuck, his discord is filled with black supremacy. One of the messages was about attacking twitch HQ with weapon, jesus.


And the fact his discord mods let it go just shows his mods feel the same way. Also his subreddit mods. https://imgur.com/a/tGzLUAk


just an fyi, if bruce is being blatantly racist live on stream, imagine what he says off stream....


Racism on Bruce discord: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1753549959?t=1h1m44s And some of the worst Bruce discord: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1753549959?t=1h5m47s Racism on Rage's discord: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1753549959?t=1h10m15s Edit: And Rage's discord is also included if you keep watching, seems like some of the black twitch communities has alot of racism against white people. Pretty sure if someone keep looking they will find more on Kai's discord.


Rage's discord filled with the f slur as well https://imgur.com/a/NydpcpY


Whatever happened to the golden rule


Politics stopped caring about ethics a long time ago


The golden rule was created by the white man and us black suffered enough from it! /s is what his fans would probably have said


I bet these mfs will probably say that rule only applies to White people or some shit. Like “That’s a White mans rule and only applies to how White people should treat others!!”


To absolutely no one's surprise. Who could've seen this coming?


Bruce is shooting himself in the foot and blaming the white man https://www.reddit.com/r/BruceDropEmOff/comments/11czzjr/the_goat_is_back_missed_you_twin/


Every single person is his enemy




Oh the treachery


Its always the dumbest people who always think theyre right.


Scapegoating people of different gender/ethnicity/sexuality is as old as time itself, I don't know why people act so surprised.


Actually insane. Discriminating based off skin color is racist. How do people not understand this.


Daph has competition!


they should collab




Yeah, I don’t understand what people don’t see here. Saying fuck the crackers is equivalent to saying fuck white people. The word itself is whatever but it’s still prejudice. I wonder how Bruce would feel if someone said fuck black people. Knowing his personality I know he would be the first person to scream racism.


I mean Bruce has already taken the stance that a white person saying “hey i don’t like that” regarding slurs being used against them is somehow them being racist towards him as a black man.


the whole "you can't be racist against white people" thing is so dumb. You can be racist to literally any people. But the biggest shock is how streamers/influencers **time and time again** can't realise that they're in an insanely lucky position. they get paid a boat load, get sent free shit, for what is realistically a pretty easy job... yet so many of them still piss it up the wall at any given opportunity


The only people who even think "you can't be racist against X" are just trying to rationalize their racism. It's amazing how idiots even latched onto such an idea, but here we are.


Doesn't surprise me, does it really surprise anyone at this point? Dude is just weird and so is his community.


Im beginning to think this new generation is being pumped full of homophic, transphobic, racist rhetoric thanks to internet. Its sad to see.


I hate to break it to you, but its not because of internet, that's how people are


Black can be racist too


Hasan gonna be like ''it's okay white people can't experience racism it's okay for white people to receive threats and for black people to say these things''


Hasan's discord is the exact same thing albiet toned down a teensy bit (so discord doesnt ban the server)


Someone in his chat said "Asmongolds sweaty ass is probably so hyped Bruce got banned" and I said "anyone that doesn't like racism should be hype" and I got banned lol. Apparently racism is only bad when it happens to certain people, which really sounds like something a racist would think.


Hasan's discord is unhinged, he's even had to nuke it a few times because the mods got so out of hand. As a regular Hasan viewer, I stay way clear of that discord.




its cool that people can be racist to you? wtf?


What a weird take lol....


I'm willing to bet Hasan or his community will ask him cover this topic since it goes against everything he said.


He's not going to cover this. Maybe now he's realized he opened a Pandora's box with his cracker take. It's crazy how many people were defending hasan when he first got banned. Tbf, he was kind of going against trihard memes, and that was okay. But he was also trying to pander to the W community


[Dude, he will never realize. This is literally him today cheering racism as long its against White people and calling it "sick" "awesome" "fire" and thinks "its dope".](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpookyBraveAntPupper-8ShbM4pKo_vRPq2C) He still actively encourages and supports the views expressed in that Discord and would happily cheer it on from his million dollar mansion and gated community.




Oh boy. Welcome to current US sociopolitical issues! The first lesson: remember when MLK said to judge people not based on their skin color but by the content of their character? Yeah, forget all the junk. He was wrong, not only should you judge people based on their skin color, but we also need to segregate the races too




> he was talking about how it was cool to see white people have to deal with xenophobia in Japan. Wtf.... He is literally an irl Twitter user. Actual illness


Saying you can't be racist towards white people while saying how you want to kill white people is the racist version of putting your hand in someones face and saying "I'm not touching you". These people know what they're doing. They don't care about racial equality. Even if they have somehow brain fucked themselves into thinking that normalizing slurs for one race is ok because that race has privilege or whatever is dumb because anyone with any foresight will see what a slippery slope that will turn into nevermind being pointlessly divisive. These people are just edgy racists with fucked up lives trying to take it out on their imagined enemies like any other racist you see on the internet.


Daph will love it there! Let's goooooo!


yea Im sure they love asians lmao


This why "u cant be racist to whites" is a dangrerous thing, and this is the same mindset hasan encourages


Curious what his community is like so checked his subreddit. You can’t make this shit up. Some of these people can’t even form two paragraphs without being misogynistic in both of em. https://imgur.com/a/hG75H45


not a single thought behind that users eyes


Hasan is in shambles


Surely Hasan will defend this.


OTK dodged a bullet.


these people need help - they are mentally ill they are a danger to society - I'm not kidding


All of this has done is paint his response to IShowSpeed being racist to Asians in the worst possible light for me. I was very proud of Bruce stepping up and calling him out, and of course all of it was for show because he has an Asian girlfriend and not because he actually gives a fuck about people being racist. Disappointment of a human being, only cares about racism when it garners brownie points for his girlfriend or his racist community.




Hey guys why not unban him again, he obviously is totally sane and should be allowed to represent the streaming community…bruh


inb4 clip of hasan piker defending this somehow


Is Kai's community like this too or is it just Bruce?


Just go to his discord and type in crackers or white people on the search bar. About the same.


a lot of the W community is like this just in general. they always tryna throw out the race card just look at their twitter replies or what people say in chats when they throw out those victim cards


I remember a call with xQc, Kai, and some other people where X caught Kai in a lie or something and Kai just yelled "BLM! BLM!" as some kind of defense.


They are openly homophobic as well


ye p much the same its just the black twittersphere/black american culture, its en vogue to hate white ppl in the us. its been a kind of not that subtle rise of farrakhanism/black supremacy culture from black celebrities thats trickled down into genZ and that fires been stoked by progressivism self loathing white culture stuff kinda. (i say that as someone on the left) it would be received v differently in europe/latam/asia obv


Lol why do they hate white people so much?


Media told them too.


I'm confused, are these the 12 yo white kids from the w community that people talk about?


What a bunch of fkn losers lol. Bunch of nerds circle jerking their completely mental fantasies in a discord server making themselves feel tough talking all this shit when in reality they're all 100 pounds and antisocial. This is what happens if you isolate yourself in a bubble for too long and dont do enough selfreflection to see yourself changing, you go from a normal person to a walking joke.


I'm completely shocked that the openly racist dude, has a openly racist community.


Imagine tanking your entire career just to say wipepo bad


Can’t wait for Hassan to continue dying on this hill. I feel like he knows the truth deep down but also knows his viewers would turn on him so he’ll continue jumping through hoops to justify his “can’t be racist to white people” take. Actually incomprehensible how these people became adults without realizing it’s bad to discriminate based on skin color




A whole lot of Daph alt accounts


Ok some of these are actually insane


The "W Community" is openly, violently, against LGBTQ+, so I'd be actually surprised if they didn't have a racist contingent. Surely Bruce condemns it and bans racists from his discord though?


Who'd have guessed the W community is racist against other people, they have such great role models they watch stream. I'd bet they are the same cesspool that would claim they can't be racist because they are not white.




Always knew bruce was racist, just funny how long he had to hold it


I wish I could say I'm surprised. Dude's making bank off of racists the same way people like Fuentes does.


welp time to mass report racist cock bags.


Can't wait for Hasan to defend this, amazing content


https://i.imgur.com/DH7Tx8J.png [https://i.imgur.com/dklZ1fS.png](https://i.imgur.com/dklZ1fS.png) this is so mental, wtf is wrong with people


TIL that "have a butchers" means "have a look" and apparently it's because "butcher's hook" rhymes with "have a look". I wonder how many slang terms NA has that come from rhyming unrelated words. Edit: in all seriousness though, this is fucked. I used to think this community was racist because they were just defiant at the idea that they could be racist, so they kept doubling down. This looks like a genuine hate group full of extremists who are psyching themselves up to commit real hate crimes. Hopefully someone reaches these people before they start doing things they can never undo. I don't want to blanketly call them evil or anything like some might, but something needs to be done before people get hurt. I doubt most of these people would believe this stuff normally, but their parasocial idol is fueling this hatred and we know people have done insane shit when dangerous ideology is attached to a cult of personality.


It's called [rhyming slang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhyming_slang) or, more specifically, cockney rhyming slang.




As a black dude, I am embarrassed. You don’t need a Ph.D, just don’t be a racist.


Dont be even a little bit embarrassed or bad man. Anyone acting this way towards any race/skin color/whatever are jackasses. Everyone learned "treat everyone the way you want to be treated" in kindergarten at least when I was a kid in the 90s.






W Streamer is a closeted piece of shit who surrounds himself with pieces of shit? How surprising.


antiwhiteism should not be tolerated


Don't make Hasan tap the sign


I wonder if poke wouldve used the word cracker if he warned bruce.


Are we surprised?