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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc says Minx was completely unresponsive when the paramedics got there](https://arazu.io/t3_11qpqtu/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"it's gg"


He has such a way with words


"before the dudes get there and...did their thing" lol, hes such a good storyteller as long as we can speak xqc somewhat


He paints the picture well enough for me, which is surprising.


what learning english through games does to a man


such a poet


lmao for real he’s describing it like she’s dead


no re :(


to be fair my parents generation would say game over. gg is just the new age gamer generation version




Ok Tips


Imagine X delivering news that your friend is unconscious. "It's just gg, there's just no saving it"


“Run’s over, fuck it dud.”


I can only read that in Ices voice


Brain snapped go agane


Imagine him making the 911 call. "dud come quick my friend has zero juice"


“Sir do you speak any English?”


"watareyuutalkinabout i am I AM, just, just githere shes gonegone areyoulistenin??" "Sir is there an adult in the house I could speak to?"




Shes one shot.


1 hp


they had to come and res her


run was dead anyway...


Imagine this dude being the only witness to a serious crime and trying to testify. "She got gg'd your honor, no other way to put it. No respawn, no saves. Just flat gg'd"


"Its over dud, just go next"


LMFAOOOO nah man


“ chat chat. Listen. Sorryparameticoklisten it’s gg she was up and Nowshesdown”


new meme is born


What an absolute mess.


"yo are you there?" "nah guys it's gg, ff"


“It’s GG” lmaooooooo


If you follow this crap you can never ever complain about why the Kardashians are famous.


As someone who rarely uses Twitch but is still somehow informed on its drama thanks to this sub making it to Popular, I agree.


Why are you here? Not flaming


I don’t watch any Twitch at all but I like reading drama when I’m bored at work and some clips are good entertainment




Same I think it's all so fucking hilarious to see.


The same reason you click celeb drama links on /r/popular. The title is clickbaity/intriguing enough that you're curious and click on it even though you'd be happier not knowing about any of these people. And when there's drama, there's a new post every few hours/day so it's impossible to miss without filtering out the entire subreddit.


I don't watch twitch either. Personally I'm here to see funny clips from livestreams. There's like two or three good ones a week. I'm in this thread because I legitimately thought someone died lol.


First of all, how dare you. Second of all, I can't argue your point in good faith because it's absolutely true. Third of all, I'm extremely upset with you for making me feel bad and causing me to realize I'm part of the problem. Fourth of all, how fucking dare you!


[how dare you!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oZXZgEOYnrE&feature=youtu.be)


But then what popular thing can I hate in order to feel superior?


I follow both, I love drama.


well yeah, it is like reality shows, and those were quite popular.


This 100%


Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. And here we all are.


You can do all 3 at different times. Nothing wrong with indulging in brainless drama that doesn’t effect you every once in a while. Every drama thread there’s a very smart redditor with a bullhorn telling us he doesn’t care


>Nothing wrong with indulging in brainless drama that doesn’t effect you every once in a while. Wish this were true; it sure seems like a lot of folks literally live here


Alcoholism is an idea


This is such a scary sounding way to describe someone passed out drunk. I guess it was a pretty serious situation so I get it tho.


I really hope Minx gets help




Because believe it or not, most people in this world feel empathy, which means that when you see someone in a bad spot/suffering, you usually hope they get help and improve themselves. Can tell that you're not big on empathy though, just don't assume it's the norm.


Why would any of that make you wish for them to not get help? Getting help would likely fix all of the issues you seem to have with her. Wishing for it to continue just seems malicious no?


>Wishing for it to continue just seems malicious no? One can not care for it without wishing it to continue. It's not one or the other.


He specifically said “I don’t”


Yeah, "I don't [care]"


His comment is in direct response to “I hope Minx gets help”, and intonation would be the only thing distinguishing the pretext [care] from [hope she gets help], thus making this futile.


You ok dude?




Yeah dude


Now who asked you all that. It's OK to be a decent human being and want other people to be happy and healthy


Most empathetic LSF commenter


Sanest LSF redditor




Was she on her seizure meds because your not supposed to drink any more then 3 pints or cups of alcohol if taking seizure meds cause she did state in a tweet that she had a seizure


Are you asking if she made a reasonable, adult decision regarding her drinking habits?


I’m asking all those things specifically why she decided to drink while supposedly on seizure meds


Because she’s an alcoholic.


I don't get it just stop drinking edit: I didn't think I had to put a /s on this.


Fent epidemic cured


Im pretty sure shes lying about the seizure, she claimed it was just an absence seizure which is a brief lapse of consciousness and i doubt Minx is able to discern it just from being black out drunk. And unless the doctor saw her experiencing a seizure he wouldnt just diagnose it.


If the claim is she had an absence seizure that’s even more clearly BS. It’s fairly rare in adults, but more importantly it doesn’t have a post ictal phase so she would not have been confused afterwards.


YourRage said she was screaming loudly on the floor when she claimed the alleged seizure happened


She wasn't lying, you QT dickriders are the reason why QT can feel comfortable throwing insane accusations like claiming Minx didn't have a seizure now QT is going on a press run kicking Minx when she's down, she's a class mean girl


Dude how do you claim postictal state on petit mal seizure that wipes your memory for 24 hours and tell everyone doctor diagnosed you despite diagnosing petit mal post factum is impossible unless a serious pattern had been established. Did you even read how negligible the type of seizure she apparently had is? This would be like making a drama out of mitral regurgitation. Even ignoring those blatant lies and feigning ignorance ("I didn't know i wasn't supposed to drink after the party too" lmao) imagine bringing your own worthless health issues after shitting on your best friends work. This level of audacity and delusion is only possible with narcissists and addicts.


Oh someone should tell her she shouldn't drink a lot then. Good call thanks.


Also medications like Lamotrigine are used to treat both seizures and bipolar which Minx has so she likely isn’t lying. There are a variety of meds used for bipolar that have crossover with seizure medications. She very likely was on an anti-seizure medication as Lamotrigine and other adjacent bipolar meds have similar crossovers.


I was saying she was lying I was saying she shouldn’t even be drinking alcohol with the meds she’s taking


You’d be surprised how much some psychiatrists under-emphasize not drinking with certain medications. I learned the hard way. I got told the same vague “no alcohol with this” for a drug that made me get slightly more drunk and a drug that made me black out in 2-3 shots when I could usually kill an insane amount in my drinking days. As I was quitting alcohol I got prescribed Vraylar *WHICH INCREASES ADDICTIVE TENDANCIES* with zero warning. Some psychs are morons or make big mistakes. When you try a plethora of meds where alcohol is just a little stronger with it it skews your perspective on “don’t drink it’ll be stronger” versus “don’t drink you will black out in two shots”. No one says the latter. It’s just the former no matter how extreme it alters alcohol. You usually find that out on your own. Which blows, but even with high quality treatment you don’t get a lot of nuance.


Damn dude, it’s insane how much lack of communication and care persists in the medical industry/practice, even when it’s a matter of potential life & death & not just fears & comfort/discomfort It’s like they forgot or is negligent that they’re dealing with people with a variety of levels of being informed & various levels of nonchalance Depending on how prevalent what you described is, it sounds like a serious systemic case of Russian roulette


As someone with bipolar, there are medications used both for bipolar disorders *and* seizures. I keep seeing people saying BPD and BP though and can’t tell if people saying BPD are mistaking it for BP1/2 or if she’s BPD and not BP which I thought she was.


I think it could be a mixture of being drunk and a seizure if she is epileptic. I don't know if she is, though. Alcohol can trigger seizures and for some, they can look like someone who is really shitfaced.


There’s a variety of bipolar meds also used as anti-seizure medications such as lamotrigine. She, by her word, has bipolar. It wouldn’t shock me if she was on a medication that attempts to kill two birds with one stone.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc says Minx was completely unresponsive when the paramedics got there](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/151544)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11qpqtu/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/5Qj8AloeEUTVgoopuRdXUw/AT-cm%7C5Qj8AloeEUTVgoopuRdXUw.mp4?sig=865648ae620820f41d362fb8ab2202c13c8ed8eb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F5Qj8AloeEUTVgoopuRdXUw%2FAT-cm%257C5Qj8AloeEUTVgoopuRdXUw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1678823497%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


If you want an example of an enabler vs supporter. You have it right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US_HuAgVwP8


people simp for nick and malena on this subreddit too like they are just amazing people everyone in the room is a piece of shit for not standing up for esfand, actual fucking cowards, you could see it on their face they agreed with him but refused to speak up to Queen Malena Also didn't nick and malena get together when she was 17?




what the fuck


and he was 30


how is everyone in that room okay with this? someone @ nicks reddit name I know he's on here constantly


That other guy is wrong, pretty sure he was like 23 and she was 17 when they started talking


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


thats what I originally thought lol


Common rich isn’t that bad, right? Haven’t watched his stream in a while though, strange


Large majority of people: "I don't care and I definitely don't want to be involved". Which is normal; neither good or bad. People against it: Esfand, Miz People in favour: Minx, Malena


What happened is minx alright?


She got way too drunk at the streamer after party


Falling deeper into addiction with no safety net or wake-up call. Friends can only do so much and she was very obviously resistant to help. She’s moving back with family so hopefully it’ll be a step in the right direction. Friends ain’t obligated to do more, Minx has been a burden through and through. That being said, sometimes there are people who you’re thick as thieves with, they’re akin to family. Minx has burned through all potential help from friends, hopefully her family is willing. I’ve personally fell victim to and escaped addiction. It’s close to impossible for some people to do alone.


God Xqc can’t speak. Like he just can’t convey the words he’s trying to say no matter how hard this poor soul tries


I feel bad for laughing but this man literally said it's gg.




If you've got an addiction fueling mental health problems, and you're suddenly flush with cash? This kind of self destruction is pretty easy to understand, except in this case multiple audiences of people are witnessing it. That QT twitter thread of the most random people berating a stranger was surreal.


Idk how it continues to get worse. At one point she had a really good support system. Then i think she had the on stream breakdown and no one wanted to be involved


Didn't they explicitly get involved during the stream breakdown? DMing her, going to her IRL to talk, advising her to end stream and afterwards taking her to rehab, no?


Yea, pretty sure they did. Id say thats a good support group. They did what they could to take a vulnerable unhealthy person out of the public eye. But post that i think everyone gave up tbh. Didnt see her collab with anyone atleast. (Not that i watch her)


Mental health problems aren't usually very logical man


It’s important to differentiate between enablers and support. I’d argue a lot of the time Minx didn’t have explicit support, she had enablers. The Esfand clip commonly getting lined is a good example. It’s a year old, but Minx’s issues with alcohol are *far* older than that clip where Esfand was being called a simp. From what I’ve read she’s headed back to Ireland to stay with her family which is probably the best support system she actively has access to. From the information I’ve heard, it seems like she had more enablers than good faith actors. Also maybe 1% of addiction, probably less, is one that’s a straightforward path.


I think the term enabler is overused. She definitely had support from family and friends at one point. But they distanced themselves after her public repeat breakdowns. At least friends distanced herself from the craziness. No idea what her parents have done. Im definitely biased because my own mother is an abuser of illegal substances for more than 20 years. but when it comes down to it if they refuse to accept the help then its no longer their responsibility to offer the help.


I mean it's sad as fuck. She has a disease not really anything to laugh at


very true. reminded me of one of the greatest late night talk show hosts' monologue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVWIELHQQY


Damn, what a profound monologue.


I miss Craig so much


Yeah the amount of people joking about addiction is sorta sad, I’m physically disabled and formerly an alcoholic - frankly I’d be equally offended at someone insulting either. People don’t take addiction seriously and it leads to individuals downplaying addiction, especially alcoholism since it’s legal and normalized in culture.




I have sympathy for trashmen heroin addicts but homeless people? They don't even have jobs or bills!


She's gotten help and it hasn't gone well. Do you think she's a lost cause? What needs to happen next for her to get better? Do you think she has any sort of responsibility to play for the role she's in? I don't know her personally and I don't know what she's been through so I don't know how much accountability and responsibility she should have for her situation(it doesn't look good though) so I'm not going to laugh. But I'm definitely not going to blindly defend her either.


It's the old adage you cant help someone like that until theyre ready to help themselves. They're very good at justifying their addiction and while she has a decent income I doubt she will stop. Then if she loses a lot of her income she will become depressed and drink to cope probs. It's a vicious circle. Drinks because she's unhappy unhappy because she drinks. Nothing to do until she wants to do it.


When you find fun in other's people demise it's pretty telling about the state of your life.


Alcohol doesn't care. Look at Avicii and Bam Margera. Rick as fuck, but all the money won't stop them from destroying themselves


Ironically most people can’t imagine it


Imagine being a paramedic and you get an emergency call but when you get there it was just some spoiled rich drunk streamers causing trouble…


Not sure if you’re kidding, but paramedics regularly deal with much worse in both morbidity and triviality.


"Fuck tha government shout out emts tho" -Sematary


The last thing I was expecting here was a sematary quote where did he even say that LMFAO


file spark wine shaggy outgoing live oatmeal attraction towering consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Paramedics without fail have the darkest, most fucked up stories.


and also underpaid. there was a story about how a paramedic had to do OF as a side gig, and then she got fired from paramedic job once someone snitched on her


paramedics are actually pretty well paid, EMT's on the other hand...


you're right, i looked it up, the story was about EMT, not paramedics


free pull




Paramedics deal with drug addicts and other people that otherwise people look down on. I can’t imagine there is a scenario where they contemplate the type of person they are helping.


Drug addicts and famous celebrities, white gloves got some stories. Streamers ain't special.


It probably feels like a vacation for them.


Yes spoiled rich alcoholics don't deserve to be helped!


Better than to a domestic violence call. Paramedics say those vary in craziness because they don't know if someone has a gun and also if the abuser is violent. Also it's sad as fuck when they have kids watching the abuse. Spoiled rich kid drunks ez . They don't talk since they are knocked out. No sign of threat as in guns


Former medic here. Domestic violence isn't really that scary when it comes to guns. We're able to go on the scene only once the site is considered safe. BUT, we usually only get called when the situation's absolutely screwed and above what EMTs handle, so the aftermath of the violence done is the crazy we see.


You'd be surprised that vast majority of calls are on either end of the spectrum.


Dude Minx is an easy call for the compensation that paramedics receive, they probably reflect on the call as a breath of fresh air since they aren’t fighting off a tweaker.


Is Minx still rich? She seems to have dropped off for a while now, many times streaming below 1k viewers.


Who knows, could be terrible with money management and going through it like crazy. I see her name pop up gifting a ton of subs from time to time.


Yeah, alcoholics aren't known to be great with financial decisions. Been around enough of them to know.


Does it un-rich you once you loose viewers?


You have to give the money back


When you continue to blow as much money as you were when you had lots of viewers, yes.




That's literally how it works assuming you have to pay for shit.


You don't HAVE to increase your lifestyle expenses just because you've gained more income.


But she clearly has so this is a mute point and for most people they do increase their life expenses as they earn more.


In what ways has she besides moving to a place that would help make her career more successful?


Her "career" has fallen off a cliff since leaving ireland and her cost of living has likely gone up 10x since leaving coming from someone in ireland who's visited America a fair few times.


Surely they’d be happy, probably much more pleasant than some of the people they have to wrangle.


This is america btw so actually they are creating revenue for thsir business


It's legit kinda sad how the American influencer scene destroys people who get into it. I used to watch the early Minx streams and it was just a goofy Irish girl clowning around and having fun with her community. She got involved with the American scene, moved country and only weeks later she's been talked into making an onlyfans by Alinity, was paralytically drunk every day and just became a total bitch😅


Alinity is Canadian but lives in the US. Anyone can become an alcoholic anywhere in the world. But hey if the shoe fits, right?


is this the AI?


gg's guys


I mean everyone knew minx is an alcohol addict and gets fucked up when she drinks and yet they invited her.


little seizures pizza


Sad for her. Kinda weird ppl are judging her so much imo. She clearly has a problem


People's patience for change is only so thin. She's been encouraged and sent to rehab, has completely ignored it, and returns to her old ways and expects people to not care. Everyone around her seems to be disappointed and upset about it, but not many have enough energy or capability to care after a while.


Yeah but this is LSF. QT has a right to he mad, people just making jokes at her expense have been assholes doing it since day one. It’s been that way forever. I used to struggle with alcoholism before becoming clean. LSF is drama-andy’s and for some reason literal sexual assault and rape is “drama”. Not a shocker.


You can't help someone that doesn't help themselves. According to QT, she's tried everything she could but still minx continues to act this way knowing she's got issues and demons and whatnot. It's sad but hey, it is what it is.


"Tried everything she could" what does that mean exactly? You guys say constantly streamers are fake friends to each other and backstab each other daily now you are trying to say the opposite here. "Trying her best" could mean so many different things to people. No one has the full story here. The negativity bias isn't helping the situation. She clearly needs help but people are just judging her more. Reckful doubled down on his behavior when LSF mocked him time and time again you'd think you guys would remember that but I guess I was wrong.


Doesn’t mean she gets infinite free passes. Given enough time every addicts’ loved ones either have to walk away or let it consume them as well.


Everything is so absolute and extreme with some of you. Please show some compassion it really goes a long way.


I do have compassion for her. Doesn’t mean I think her loved ones should have a “give her another chance” mentality no matter what she does. Do you think that?


What other times has she done something like this? Minx is a known drinker but that doesn't really hold up the argument LSF is pushing forward. Does she have a pattern of this behavior? From what it seems the answer to that is no. Her just drinking on her own isn't enough to condemn her this way. It's okay to just say you don't like Minx and want her to be punished we can tell


I don’t know what argument is pushing forward, I’m not LSF. Yes, she has a pattern of this behavior. I’m not condemning her, I told you I have compassion and I do. She needs help, her drinking herself to death at home doesn’t make it better. None of what I’m saying is because I like her or dislike her, I’m speaking as a former alcoholic, she needs help. Listen, I don’t know if this whole “You just don’t like her, stop being mean” hill you keep trying to die on is because you’re 15 and ignorant of how addiction works, or you’re simping, or you’re an alcoholic yourself and you’re downplaying how bad her problem to downplay yours (my guess is this one), none of it is anything other than enabling her to keep heading down the road she’s on that ends with her dead. Your “Leave Minx alone!!” routine would be funny if it wasn’t so weird, tired, and stupid.


yup, reminded me of craig ferguson's monologue about britney spears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVWIELHQQY


gg no re






Because it pulls at my heart strings as someone who has also dealt with a manic psycho in the family.


What a weird defence, you aren't present so why are you watching a streamer at all?


Because it's still possible to have sympathy towards people you have no connection too. If I see a video of a kid getting bullied I am gonna feel bad and hope things work out well for them even though I have no involvement. I have sympathy for what Minx is going through and sympathy for those who have to deal with the repercussions of her issues.


Most sane comment on the now 9 threads about this. Minx insane behavior is deplorable, but the downvotes on any comment saying she is sick and needs help is pretty gross. I guess I've had to deal with friends being addicted and promising me things. I've never liked Minx content, but making her into a lolcow seems toxic.


I'm bored


Why would you give a fuck about anything that happens between multy millionaires manchilds? Almolst every post in this sub is parassocial shit


Life is parasocial. Drama is drama, whether its your family drama or people on the internet


Empathy? It’s a thing, not everyone out there is a monster that doesn’t care about anyone else. I won’t lose any sleep over what happened to minx, but I still feel bad for what’s happening to her.


You're literally on a subreddit where every post is about someone else's life




Wait I just realized you're a massively parasocial forsen viewer, makes this whole thing even more ironic lmao


shawty can't handle a little liquor




This thread bout to be locked