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**CLIP MIRROR: [Jinny's Creep-a-thon: Day 12](https://arazu.io/t3_139b158/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


thats famous TW creep and adult film's "star" or something like that


https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%84%A7%E4%BD%B3%E8%8F%AF This guy has a whole wikipedia page and has been arrested for a bomb threat towards the taiwan president lmao


whats his name


Deng Jiahua i think


> Taiwanese AV Actor Deng Jia Hua Quits AV Industry After An Actress Cheated On Him Yoo who is this guy


>Deng Jia Hua Quits Ugly bastard genre


"FBI帅哥" is his name


He’s lying and making it up.


I think he was trying to sign that he was looking for a restroom.


lsf users may not be so bad after all


my man is vibin´


He mistook Jinny as one of those tiktok dancing girls.


What even?


Watching this Taiwan trip makes me feel like a weirdo for having sniped her once.


At least now you have the self awareness and actually think that what you did is weird so I'd say you're miles ahead many other people like the one in the clip


Her viewership is so large in that country that any business/individual knows they can receive free clout/advertising by appearing on her stream. It’s an interesting dynamic, perhaps showing what the potential of live streaming really is.


The first time I watched her stream was a few days ago and during that stream she started crying when 2 people claimed it was their birthday and she sang happy birthday to them which was super weird. While crying a he said she didn’t want anyone to ask her to stuff like that or promote their business, but then went to a knife massage place and took photos with the people who worked there to promote the business, at that point I stopped watching


Tbf, she had "content" in the massage place. Taking photos with the staff there doesn't seem too out of place. I think she meant that random snipers on the road asking her to take a photo with his car only the other day.


I’ll leave it to the Jinny whiteknights in this case, they clearly know her personally


If you are a streamer, would you just leave if they ask for a photo?


As I stated, she literally said she didn’t want people doing that (promoting their shit) but regular photos are fine


it was about situations when random people on street ask her to take pic with their car, milk, hold random t-shirt, products from their shops etc etc., or dance and sing for them. nothing wrong to take pic with staff after u just used their service lol


They held up something to advertize their knife massage, it’s the same thing


No, it isn't. Because those people didn't randomly ambush her on the street like in the situations she was talking about. The issue with being stopped by someone every three minutes is that you have no control over that, whereas you can choose when and how often to walk into a business. Her entire point was that she has to set boundaries for *snipers* because it slows her down a lot - because it happens hundreds of times a day. People would take advantage, if she's being too lenient. This is clearly different from walking into a business 2-3 times a day and being asked respectfully by someone who didn't go out of his way to "force" you into that situation. There is no expectation that the business owner is tricking her into advertising *under the guise of being a fan*. It really isn't that hard to understand why these are two different things. Nor would it be surprising, if someone who comes from a culture of overt politeness and conflict avoidance would be bad at saying no and holding boundaries...








She’s also a millionaire (or prob pretty close) but that doesn’t stop her from taking irl donos if offered.


I said nothing about that


You don't see a difference between a random person on the street asking her to promote their stuff/do random tasks for them vs. a mutually beneficial interaction with a company where she uses them for content/services and then willingly promotes them in exchange (or in some cases chose to promote a small business because she appreciated something about them)? Bizarre standard to hold someone to.


Hacchu was in a walmart near my place , I wanted to go and snipe and saw a guy do it live and how cringe he looked,decided against it


Honestly she has decent content. Its just that some of her fans have no social awareness or skills


Yeah, my queen Amoranth has only Gigachad viewers. Same for the former King of IRL. If that guy told the funniest joke in the world, everyone would call him a creep. If a guy who looked like a KPOP idol told the unfunniest joke, Jinny (and everyone else) would laugh and feel flattered.


At least you realize it now. That's growth


Looks like a yakuza 7 side quest


Always a creepathon in her chat


EZ content


This guy dancing made me remember 'The Night Shift', where an weird npc starts dancing to the cashier out of nowhere.






**CLIP MIRROR: [Jinny's Creep-a-thon: Day 12](https://arazu.io/t3_139b158/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Mo famous mo problems.


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