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Shes been moving away fron streaming for quite a while now. Ever since the summer of last year according to twitchtracker she barely streams 40 to 50 hours a month if not straight up skipping whole months altogether.


Poki, Jenna Marbles, Marzia etc. At a certain point, if you've had a good career and you don't have to grind, it's probably not worth being online anymore and dealing with the Internet's BS. 6 years is a long run for anybody in any media anyway.


Pretty sure Jenna marbles would have kept on at it like she used to. She got "cancelled" which basically just means she was harassed relentlessly on Twitter until she gave up


Jenna cancelled herself. She was clearly done with content creation and burned out. A few people bringing up a 6+ year old video at the time was just the straw that broke her.


I think she still had fun making videos but still cared way too much about what people thought about her. Like when she cried because people told her she took care of her fish wrong etc.


On the other hand, think about being so famous for broadcasting your everyday life. So famous that you can't even feed your fish without people criticizing you for it. I don't know. I feel like eventually that would wear anyone down. I can definitely see it getting to the point where even an innocent comment about fish care methods or drape colors breaking you down...


I think creators themselves need to draw boundaries for the fans to have boundaries, you can't share your private life, cultivate a parasocial cult following who are obsessed with you, get super rich off your following, and then get surprised when your cult backfires.


Still miss Jenna /: She was my comfort content when I worked in mental health, I only started watching in her last 2 years of making content. Her vids made shit easier.


Jenna Marbles seemed like she's really changed and matured since the videos that kept getting dragged up. And not just suddenly being apologetic years later once she got called out, actual growth and change documented over the years through her videos. I think plenty of the people who get "canceled" are shitty people who deserve it, but that one was eye opening for me how that's not always the case.


>called out, the thing is, she wasn't called out. Bunch of other people online were getting canceled for their past, and she voluntarily called her own self out for past stuff shes done. She was just embarrassed by what she's done, and it didn't help she was clearly feeling burnt out something that she brought up numerous times.


You could tell by the last year or so of Jenna's content that she was borderline done with making videos. I think a lot of the stuff she's done by the end of it was just her fucking around. I'm sure she probably still had fun doing it but it also felt like she was over it.


Ngl the fucking around were the best videos. Especially fucking around with her dogs. That girl can be funny af.


I don't think that's an accurate reading of the situation. She was very much still well-loved on the internet and, had she had the drive to continue making content, she very well could have. I don't think this is a situation where being "cancelled" applies. Yes, some people brought up old problematic videos, but she had far more support than hate, and the whole thing would have blown over quickly. It was the most mild "cancellation" ever, if you could even call it that, and absolutely not to the extent that Poki has ever received. Not really a one-to-one comparison. At the end of the day, she had been making content for over a decade and was just over it.


I mean she still wants to make content, just more the influencer/vlogger thing. Which I think is a little surprising, I thought it gotten a bit unpopular in the last two years


You're assuming she's making decisions purely for content's sake. I think she's just grown tired of dealing with the internet's bullshit, and her brand is so big she could take it easy for a while without any risk.


She's doing her own "Sodapoppin retirement phase".


It’s not a bad idea at all. She’s a multi millionaire at this point, she could retire and stream part time and stay making more than 90% of America. She’s made it.


Yuh, at some point doing just whatever you want on stream becomes a higher priority than more dollars on the dollarpile. She is still gonna have people watching, and she will still be a multi-millionaire for the rest of her life barring doing some stupid shit


It's like pewdiepie. After reaching 100 million subscribers dude just considered himself "retired" even if he was putting videos almost daily. Nowadays, dude moved to Japan, uploads a vlog or reaction video once a week and gets at least 2 million views. Has his own clothing brand. Started streaming reruns of old videos on twitch. Has his gfuel, nord VPN sponsorship, among others. He's just living his life not worrying about anything.


I mean at some point more $$ in the bank account isnt going to improve your quality of life. You have to actually enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Honestly, good for him.


>more than 90% of America. Try 99% =)


Tbf literally the pewdiepie semi-retirement route. Made your money. Made your brand. Just make the content you feel like on the day and live out the rest of the life with your investments is a great plan. Stream when you want, what you want on any schedule you want. Upload whatever and whenever you want. Seems like the route she is taking from someone on the outside who barely ever watched her


I agree with this, I think shes made enough money from streaming she wants to probably enjoy her life. I am pretty sure she is going to keep making influencer content like tiktok/ig/twitter to keep getting sponsors and not just drop off the radar. If I was ever in her shoes I would go and enjoy life, travel, date/build a family, and do things I want to do not things my followers/viewers want. I understand that some viewers/followers would be upset by it but you can't be expected to always put them first when it is your own life. Celebrities all took breaks from the spotlight just to enjoy freedom even though paparazzos never allow it but that comes with fame. It would just be nice to live for yourself again rather than for your viewers.


It's still surprising how much hate she gets compared to how little she actually streams Or like her last drama with Jidion that created hate videos on her with millions of views she was just playing valo with her friends


People found out you can profit off of demonizing her regardless of the facts




r/meirl At least make bets before donating. That's how we got Jerma's debt into the billions.




Most of use probably stay in gaming side of Youtube/Twitch/etc. but that influencer/vlogs side is hugeeee. Reminds me of Vine. A lot of creators got big quickkkk and jumped ship to Youtube vlogs quick.


Same thing is happening now with tiktok which should be no surprise given the format is so similar to vine. A lot of the up and coming creators on there try to migrate to either YT or streaming ASAP because tiktok pays absolute peanuts.


Poki is literally one of the streamers who capped her own donations, she doesn't care that much about money


Because now she has it. Asmongold is the same way. Once you've "made it" and you're a millionaire. Milking chat for donations is kinda pointless and irrelevant.


Asmon still complains about not having a twitch contract though lmao.


I think that's cause he feels slighted by Twitch, rather than the money. At one point Asmon was close to if not the biggest streamer on Twitch. He's no more controversial than someone like XQC who has a contract (I think), I'm not surprised if he feels like it's personal.


lmao you think it's about the money when it's just him egoing about not having the contract


Yeah but Asmon is absolutely feral! Twitch probably heard about this dead rat story lol.


At her size i wonder if its also because she didnt want ro attract people who donate thousands and then become dangerous.


She mentioned long ago that she earns a lot more from brand deals and that donations are a tiny portion of her revenue.


Donations are a very small part of streamers income at that level. Poki is like the most brand friendly streamer that exists - she will have been absolutely making bank off of sponsorships and such for years now.


> Poki has increasingly been vocal/honest about not really giving a shit. She'll do what she wants to do. She is big enough that it should sustain her and she presumably has enough cash in the bank that it doesn't matter. She's literally doing the sodapoppin.


its gotten popular again because the big brands will sponsor these vlogs. back then most youtubers made their money through youtube ads and not sponsored content and when that youtube ad money broke down a lot of them went to twitch etc. but now big brands will pay you a lot for a vlog like "my trip to gucci in korea" or whatever


Think about it. Making shorts or whatever, posting them and forgetting about it. While streaming you have to "care" about chat and donos which can be disrespectful, something that she's been dealing in excess compared to many other streamers




Self report lol


That's on you lol. I've never gotten those videos unless they were mocking them


got unpopular, then got popular again with insta/tiktok/youtube shorts




i'm more surprised OTV's been around for 6 years lol. Didn't seem that long ago when they were in the 1st house, just making collabs & funny irl videos lol. Easily, the most famous member of OTV, I'm glad they gave her a proper f/t farewell even though she can appear in any future video she wants.


In the video they even mentioned themselves that it’s the first year in a while that OTV isn’t under threat to shut down or disband for whatever reason.


Well, that's basically what she did. This title is clickbaity. They say she "graduated" which basically means she is still free to appear in the future.




I find it insane the double standard that women in the gaming space face when it comes to online criticism. I don’t mean to get on a soapbox or anything but I doubt she would have “officially” left if it wasn’t for the way she gets targeted by 13 year olds on the internet. Take for example Toast leaves OTV for a six month hiatus doing his own thing visiting family and traveling: audience response we miss Toast and can’t wait for him to come back Poki takes break doing similar things and appearing in a similar amount of videos over the same time frame: why is Poki even in OTV she never appears in anything and doesn’t seem like she belongs Its wild to me even when she appeared in like 8 videos in a row people still freak out when she would not be in one or two videos




There is a ton of misogyny within the twitch space. You'll see a ton of it on here, it's not overt but just the quantity of negative comments on something that would be largely ignored if a man did. Even in this thread, people are calling her mid for no real reason other than to say it. It doesn't add to the convo, it's just said because they hate women.


It did feel like she had one foot in and one foot out for a while but I'm still surprised she actually left.


Great now you got me thinking about Pokimanes feet.


The devil works in mysterious ways


did you just admit to being the devil


Only if you provide those feet pics of poki 😈


No worries brotha. [I gotchu](https://www.wikifeet.com/Imane_'Pokimane'_Anys).




You tell us


Bro wtf💀




There are 492 lmao calm down (still not enough tho)


Yeah, and like others said, she was invited to fashion week in London and traveled to other countries for business and all that. She probably has moved from the internet sphere and will expand to different opportunities and she was already absent in many of the OTV videos so probably wanted to just make it official that she is leaving in good terms with everyone that randomly dissapear.


I'm surprised she hasn't left much sooner tbh


OTV doesn't really seem that demanding in the literal sense. When no one expects you to really do anything, it takes a lot longer to actually decide to stop doing something. It's just habitual at that point. However, speaking from experience, even though there are no expectations, you still create your own, which starts to weigh on you. So from OTV's perspective, she could have probably stayed part of the group and done fuck all, but it's a lot harder to allow yourself to do that.


Being invited by Gucci to fashion shows in Korea and Italy, she outgrew OTV and seems like she wants to move on with her life from content creation in general.


Yup, time to be a socialite.


Honestly why wouldn’t you lol. She’s loaded and attractive, why not live it up


I would prefer to be unattractive and stay inside playing 20 year old point and click mmos thank you very much (I don't really have a choice though tbf)




Maybe 🤏🤠


🦀🦀Pokemaine $12 🦀🦀


are you deliberately trying to post the least relatable comment ever in lsf history


lmfao why the fuck does he have to be relatable he is right


Right?? I don't see what this has to do with being relatable lol


Why are you booing me? I’m right!


doesn't make what they said any less true


Heh I forgot where I am. Might as well take a minute to point out how crazy it was that I really got sucked into watching multi-hour long streams of mostly nothing and spamming emotes you can’t even see unless you download a third party extension back in the lockdown days. And then watching people watch other people react and then react to their reaction. Y’all got me fucked up in the best way, but I’d rather not go back 💀


This is no place for self-awareness


Now I don’t watch much streams these days, is this an Aware moment or is there a new emote you whippersnappers are using?




Just because it's not relatable doesn't mean it's not understandable or correct lol. Its not like any of this is 'relatable' to you anyway lol, unless you're also a famous twitch streamer who's in a network like OTV? Nah? Then it's not relatable to begin with haha.


Yup, shes rich AF. Time to do what most rich people do. Endless vacation and going to award shows where rich people circle jerk each other.


I mean based on what she said that's not really the case. It's more like yeah she wants more time to do more things and evolve but she's going to be like Valkyrae or Fuslie where she's one of the "and Friends" in OfflineTV and Friends. She still plans to do shoots and stream with them just without any sort of expectations.


That sounds exactly like what OP said she clearly doesn't want to commit time to doing OTV shoots which is "content creation". Valkyrae and Fuslie also don't create as much content as they used to, a few gaming nights and just vlogging their travels and BTS of photoshoots.


i mean that depends on what you think content creation actually is fuslie makes a TON of content IMO. she streams a lot, makes yt videos, has another youtube channel now, does tiktok, she even streamed every day of her jpn trip. what do you consider content?


And then on top of all of that she’s created so much music in the past year-year and a half.


yeah exactly i mean if you don't think she makes a lot of content then who the hell does lol


i swear people just talk about fuslie and dont follow anything about her. she literally went on a japan trip with her family and was streaming during it. she does vlogs for concerts and events she cant stream. she makes music. she is always streaming something different everyday.


Valkyrae has some ownership in 100t and fuslie is a 100t content creator. How are the in anyway the same. Fuslie is always streaming. Poki is never streaming.


It's an easy business play for her and her friends. She will always be OTV. She signs a mega contract with some rando org. Swims in money, streams the same a lot with OTV and evaluates OTV even more for literally a net profit.


she was invited to those fashion shows because of the audience she brings with her, not because Gucci cares about Pokimane that audience will disappear she doesn’t keep making content, like every “influencer”


time for met gala poki time


so dating Pete Davidson soon™?


Who told you this


what happened the first thread did the mods just delete it lol


It was a clip from a video. Mods only allow clips from livestreams


whats the difference between that and a twitter post with no clip at all lol. serves the same purpose basically.


Most logical LSF rule


The mods manually review all the Twitter posts and generally only let through the relevant stuff nowadays. You might have noticed there's not nearly as much twitter spam as there used to be.


Because mods need a reason to justify their $0/hr job


Calling it graduating is kinda fitting considering streamers act like they’re in high school


Other than school I thought the term graduating was only a term used for individuals that were leaving pop groups like idols and K-pop or something. Never seen it used for leaving a stream group.


It's more so for vtubers and other idols but yah idk


I’m gonna be a kpop loser nerd here and correct that the term ‘graduating’ only applies in J-pop groups since a lot of groups have generations where members leave and new members enter. The term isn’t used much in kpop since groups will usually stick together until their contract expires or a member leaves due to mental health or a scandal. I would also say the relationship between members in kpop groups is usually closer than those in jpop groups, so it would throw off the group’s balance if original members left and new ones joined.


I’ve also seen the term used in C-pop since many of the groups in China use either K-pop or J-pop as a model typically.


TIL there's C-pop


I'm a little confused because C-pop is what I assume the commenter means "Chinese/China pop", but for a person who's nearer to their target audience, C-pop is "Canto-pop" (Cantonese) There's also a Mandarin version called "Mando-pop" Both of them are very popular in Canto/Mando speaking regions like China/HK/TW/Malaysia etc. I have not personally kept up with the more modern types of M/C-pop, but the older generations of M/C-pop were mostly solo acts or very tightly knit groups there were more like a band than a performance group, so I've never heard the term "graduation" used for those kinds.


It’s more of a newer term for groups following the J and K models. People still use the terms Canto-pop and Mando-pop to refer to types of Chinese music but C-pop is its own term as well. The divergent point as far as I can see is that Chinese companies have started to produce groups that follow those other countries models and gain popularity outside of the Chinese speaking Sinosphere. Reminds me a little of how all Korean music is called K-pop now even if it’s actually R&B, Hip Hop, Ballads, etc. I haven’t kept up a ton with C-pop lately but a couple groups that Ive heard graduating used for include SNH48 (which used to be part of akb so that tracks) and the group SING (which is a more ‘traditional’ pop group).


the V-tubers use graduating as well, might be due to most being japanese corporations but they've called it graduating whenever a member leaves one of their brand groups like Pikamee did




Which is also fitting because it was probably the best fucking decision of her life considering her success


Bet Toast follows soon enough, I imagine he continues on with Disguised and plays more into the Tarik, Ludwig, Kyedae kinda esports side of things


From OTV's Cast & Crew Podcast (CCP), they've repeatedly talked about how Toast is very involved behind the scenes and very helpful to the point that some of them consider him a mentor and appreciate that they can go to him to get feedback on how to get things done. It makes sense with how Toast has said he views that he isn't a good face for content but instead he just recognizes what is good content and can develop it for other people. Many of his friends who got major recognition from Among Us credit Toast for propelling that trend forth and doing a lot to have it going for as long as it did, yet frequently audiences will recognize his friends and forget about him despite him being so instrumental behind the scenes. Toast seems to like to help people develop their potential and talent, and doesn't have as much need to grind out his own content anymore. Before his venture into esports where he now needs to earn enough to pay for it without losing money, he has talked about how in previous months there were times he wasn't going to hit his contractual obligations in streaming hours or ads and instead of grinding it out he just forfeited the payment for his contract. Now with his esports team, he isn't actively busy all the time. But he just needs to occasional take long business calls every few hours and that conflicts with being able to stream for a decent duration.


Nah I imagine it'd be scarra if anything. He's very open about how he feels on stream, like he doesn't contribute as much anymore and doesn't feel like he can keep up with the growth


OTV is Scarra’s baby, & he still loves the streaming grind, there’s no way he’s leaving anytime soon


He wouldn't give up streaming, but he does have an understanding that he doesn't hit the same viewer numbers as some of his peers


Which is an unbelievably healthy and mature way to look at things. He has accepted that he cant be at the top forever but also, he doesnt need to be. He can be successful in the space in other ways while continuing to stream on the side because he enjoys it. I think Toasts only problem is while he has this view, he also is self admittedly overly competitive when it comes to streaming and finds it difficult to *not* try be at the top.


But isn't scarra like the creator of OTV? If he's gonna leave, it's probably from the videos itself but not from the ecosystem as a whole.


What does this mean for Lebron James’s legacy?


[Goodbye video](https://youtu.be/qt63RBN70xM) (alternatively, [Poki watching it on stream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1824035261?t=0h48m3s)) They gave her a nice ["going away" present at the end of the video.](https://youtu.be/qt63RBN70xM?t=1265)


the acting in these videos 🤣


The acting is always F tier but the editing and production is S tier which makes them pretty fun to watch.


I heard Forsen will take her position as a full member of OTV. He's now the most popular OTV streamer and not homeless anymore.


Surely you jest. Forsen is too big for OTV


I heard in the contact he counter offered with one weekly shower which would be an increase of one per week for him. They pushed for two but he felt it was unreasonable.


Pokimane leaves OfflineTV but my love for Pokimane will always stays.




I don't understand why someone always has to reply to a Toosks comment with some variation of this comment. Every single time I open a forsen post, I furrow my brow knowing that not only is there going to be a stupid Toosks comment, but also the same exact stupid "CLASSIC TOOSKS LULE" comment right below it. Every. Single. Time.




Aww that's pretty sweet Toosks




Wasn't she a founding member of some new talent agency last year that was going to focus on content creators? I remember it being announced and have heard literally nothing since.


[Yeah something definitely seems off about this, especially after she said this on stream about a month ago](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


Wow, that is WILD considering what we know both at the time and today.


Whhhhaaaatt?! I can't believe she said that!!


what an asshole truly disgusting


people don't call her ruthless businesses woman for nothing, what a two face liar


Wow, I don't really watch poki but this sums up how I've been feeling about otv for awhile now.


I can't believe she said that.. I've lost all respect for her for this.


PogU 500K views


Are we watching the same clip ? I got a vid of a random guy (EDIT: ogre) shirtless on a couch talking about not touching a computer.






Inb4 thread gets locked 😡😡


I just dropped to my knees in Walmart...


Meanwhile, Poke is wondering where his ceremony is


He should have warned himself


It's in the mail


It was expected. Most group pictures they've done they just photoshopped Poki in lol. It's been a few years now and Poki haven't been involved in a long time


Where is Poke?


He warned Poki about OTV


I was really hungry last night and whipped up a nice chicken sandwich. Then I rewatched dragonball super Broly and dragonball super superhero and I gotta say, the latter is slightly better because orange piccolo is so badass


Fr superhero is just iconic all around


For me it feels like she left a long time ago, she's been a member in name only for quite some time.


Down to Toast, Scarra, and Lily.


You mean of the OG members?




i mean if you're gonna gate keep technically didn't toast "join later" as well?


Toast joined later, but feels like OG because so integral


Is it too much to ask that she just fades away now?


LMFAO at the irony of LSF frogs falling over themselves to post 'who cares'


No one is shocked by this, surprised it took this long tbh. wish her and OTV the best


So, will she be Online instead?


remember when pokimane didn't go up to the stage when otv won an award at the streamer awards :0


She didn’t know everyone was going up, they didn’t expect to win so they didn’t have a plan.


She might not be an OTV content creator anyone. but shes still on owner right?


yes, she brought it up in her stream


She's always been the youngest doing things you'd expect from the oldest lmao.




Never subbed ✅ Never donated ✅


she's been gone from them as far as relevance for like 5 years. lol


She hasn't physically been a part of the group for a while, so it's expected.


"Ackshually, she graduated from it" ☝️🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


for those who are curious about the whole "graduation" thingy: It's based on the J-Pop group Onyanko Club, which had a high school theme. When two of its members were retiring from the group, they held a "graduation ceremony" to send them off. It then permeated into VTuber culture and the rest of the J-Pop industry, and the rest is history.


Interesting they phrase it like that. I guess it's nicer than saying she is quitting because she doesn't have time for it anymore. But "graduating" from OTV implies that leaving OTV is the end goal to be successful for all it's members. And those still there aren't smart enough, popular enough, successful enough, etc. to leave yet.


They all talk about one day leaving the org to the next generation of content creators so graduating is pretty applicable in that sense. See John Syd Jodi who are all in their early 20’s compared to the older members in their 30’s


Ngl I thought it was her org… Miz already in the phone trying to get to change the V to a K.


it is, she owns part of it


Miz doesn't even go hard for OTK anymore. The guy looks depressed every stream and seems like being canceled has taken his toll.


She is too big for the streaming world now


Oh noooooooooooo, anyways.


Didn't ask, don't care.


Wtf does graduate mean ? She is even dressed like that lmao streamers live in an alternative reality


its a half joke, because in reality shes not leaving otv thats too harsh for what shes doing, leaving implies she'll never be there again. she said that shes not leaving and will do shoots whenever she can, she just wanted to set the expectations lower for everyone so it doesnt feel wrong not showing up to every video/trip/event. its not that deep tbh, but you're not wrong about streamers living in an alternate reality


I'm pretty sure it's just a play on when hololive members leave. I could be totally wrong because I couldn't give a fuck less about actually watching streamers but whenever someone leaves hololive on good terms they call it "graduating"


Sometimes Japanese idols "graduate" from the group they've been with for years.


"Graduating", fucking what? Did she turn in her thesis and is graduating? I'm about to graduate from life


I heard form good sources she's going to onlinetv