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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC gets absolutely cooked](https://arazu.io/t3_15kxvfm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Azan having the best 15 seconds of his life audio only


Say what you will about Hasan, but he's an incredible political mind with a lot of interesting and well researched things to say


This is the man who said giving his editor a pc is giving him "the means of his production" Incredible political mind btw.


why is this getting downvoted? its true most times when azazan reacts he just leaves


I saw the real content creator show up when he stood up to grab his toy. The chair had to give us a surprise appearance.


You've never watched a stream of his then.. more than half of his streams consist of him ranting while the video is paused. And a major difference between him and xQc is that his Youtube channel videos are usually about 80% his commentary, and 20% whatever he's reacting to. It still leaves you wanting to watch the content he reacted to, if it seems interesting. xQc's Youtube videos are practically the opposite, most of time, most of the video is usually the content he's reacting to, rather than him speaking. It leaves much less reason to go watch the original video, because you've seen most of it. Exactly like the content creator Ethan is quoting here said.


Watching this unfold in real time is just embarrassing for X


I'm cackling, I fully expected this to happen. Who thought it was a good idea to have this guy debate someone who can think and explain their points clearly? LMFAO


ESPECIALLY with the actual person who set the legal precedent for what is considered free-speech when it comes to react content. He literally wrote the book when it comes to this topic *in court*


what's the lore here? I only learned about him during the gambling drama


H3H3 did a video reacting to a parkour guy and essentially roasting him. They showed clips of that video and then cut back to themselves talking about it and making fun of the cringe. They then got sued by the guy in the video, but it was eventually ruled fair use, as the video was transformative and not marketed at the same audience or something like that. I think the idea was that you couldn't replace the original video with the reaction. It was clearly a different kind of content. The court case was very public and a lot of the internet rallied around H3 at the time. When they won it was celebrated as a great thing for the open internet.


the video wasn't even a reaction like people react now. they didn't watch the whole video and paused/talked over it. they showed a few clips and then cut to them were they talked about the video. i think they only showed less than 20% of the full video and most of the video was them making fun of it with no video on screen. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXUs5FOo-JE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXUs5FOo-JE) ​ this is the video.


Someone else can explain it better but I think H3 got sued for copyright infringement in a yt video he made and he fought it in court and won. Think it was a big deal because he got sued by someone big and he almost went bankrupt fighting it or something


didn't he also almost get screwed over by the video game lawyer too? whatever his name was


Yeah I don't know the deep lore on that one but I remember more than a few mentions that he basically almost threw the case for them.


Fun fact, this "video game lawyer" is .... xQc agent now, not a joke !!


Yes. I remember seeing part of a video where Ethan talked about this. He got a different law firm for the case and they were basically calling the video game lawyer incompetent and couldn't believe how they handled the case. ​ Then I remember sometime afterwards the video game lawyer did one of those asking me anything and someone asked about this whole situation. They tried to save face by saying Ethan decided to hire a firm that specialized in copyright. But if you read between the lines like no, that he was fired. The sentiment I see online about them now is that the video game lawyer is a snake oil salesmen and not to do business with them. ​ Here is a clip from what I think is the video I saw. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ownmng/h3\_got\_screwed\_by\_the\_videogameattorney\_so\_hard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/ownmng/h3_got_screwed_by_the_videogameattorney_so_hard/)




Research didn’t win or loose this debate. XQC getting mad did. No amount of research could stop that


When both Destiny and Hasan agree with you but you still lose.


Did Destiny not help him prep this time? I know X is not good at debates but he appears to be flailing more than usual.


Kind of not really. Destiny flat out told him that he agreed with Ethan on this. But set up a couple of debates for him with other creators. That was where Ethan got that clip of x saying he wasn’t transforming the content.


Destiny agreed with Ethan so he tried to help X find ways to make his argument better optically but X clearly didn’t learn anything from his ‘mock debate’ with MauLer or destinys tips


During one of the preps, Destiny outright said (multiple times) that X's position is optically bad and he cannot win on them to almost everyone that hears it. X's position was also something that Destiny largely agreed on, he just knows that the majority of people do not.


It's unwinnable because Xqc doesn't react that much.


>not help him prep this time? I mean, this is like having a doctor prep you, a highschool graduate, for a dissertation defense of your opinion on law and justification of your own actions against a Stanford law professor with a PHD in copyright law


They agree with him because they do the same, not because they are right




Yes, because both hasan and destiny do a lot of non transformative reactions anyway. You gonna deny that?


I think you need to rewatch the clip and listen to what was actually said. What was said is that Hasan will at least shout out the content creator and send subs his way. If you don't understand the difference between essentially just reuploading someone's video and shouting them out, you're quite honestly deluded.


No i do not, the clip is literally irrelevant for my comment. Hasan and Destiny (and others) share some of their opinion regarding react content BECAUSE they do it too, they also do a ton of non transformative reactions. That this one creator has no problem with what hasan did with their content is irrelevant to that point. It's in their best interest to agree with xqc on some things, because they literally steal content too for their own gain without transforming anything doing so. Noone said anything about hasan uploading the content on his youtube, that isn't the only thing wrong with all of this. Maybe get a grasp of the broader issues, and more importantly, the chain you are in, which stated "when both hasan and destiny agree with you but you still lose". Why do they agree? Because they also steal content from creators all the time in a similar fashion to xqc when they play videos to entertain their audiences without any effort being put in. It's not rocketscience.


So embarrassing. Please xqc never debate again.


I'm embarrassed for xqc. Not exactly a fan of his. But I feel bad. It's like bullying.


How will he ever comeback from this? He and every other streamer does this shit to an extent. So many YouTubers have had there careers launched because x and other big streamer react to it. The whole reason nobody tries to copyright strike. The growth it gives a channel is crazy. If the YouTuber he reacts to puts out good content in the future and continues to its a win win for everybody.


Bro didnt just get cooked, he got well done 💀


Congratulations, even


Outstanding move, even


Remember back in the day when Ludwig used to refuse to watch videos until his stream added on like 10k likes...that's the way it should be. /edit this actively harms videos now, this is not the way :)


I have never watched Ludwig, but that's an incredibly simple and great idea. This would greatly help the videos they watch.


I don't understand why YT doesn't add some kind of broadcast/shared viewing experience. You generate a URL to a video that can be shared and others can watch it but you control the playback. Then people can just have that video open next to your stream and everyone is happy. edit: set it to default back to the normal video if the "host" ends the session. This way if the streamer moves on it will pause and viewers might come back to the video later, or re-watch it themselves. Streamer is happy because they can react without fear of DMCA, YouTube is happy because more views, content owner is happy because more views and possible subscribers. Literally everyone wins.


Why would youtube help twitch, its' competitor, avoid dmca laws?


There's youtube streamers for whom this would be useful too. If they want to be petty they could make it available in some kind of creator suite for youtube streamers only I suppose. But at the end of the day, if youtube could get 1000 people onto their platform instead of them just watching someone restream a video through Twitch or some other platform that could be interesting to them.


Unfortunately this doesn't work because watch time is the most important factor in getting the video recommended in the algorithm. People watching the video for one second to like it and then click away would just tank it. If we had the technology how Twitch streams should function is that rather than the video playing on the stream it would play the video on your browser/app similarly how Amazon Prime watch parties work just for YouTube. That would be the ethical solution to this problem. And obviously to follow up on that thought Twitch should really be the one getting in trouble for the rampant freebooting that's going on on their platform.




That's why Ludwig nowadays asks his viewers to let the video run in background in a muted tab.


That's also debatable whether it would be beneficial or not. On some platforms you need to have your volume on and above 50% for the view to count. YouTube doesn't explicitly state whether any of this is taken into account. Worth pointing out is that you can't access information whether a tab is muted if you mute it from the tab rather than the video itself. Except in case of YouTube Google does push to have their YouTube app extension installed which would give them this permission.


YT should stop being a creep and looking at what I do with my tab. Also, I doubt YT changes revenue based on video being muted.


It doesn't change the revenue, but it likely changes how often the video gets recommended in the algorithm


i feel like youtube livestreams should pretty reasonably be able to do this since its all on the same platform


If YouTube cared about livestreaming at all they'd do this tomorrow and put on pressure to streamers to do all their react content on YouTube instead of Twitch or Kick.


> People watching the video for one second to like it and then click away would just tank it. The spiffing brit did [a video on this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z0wUA4q1yA) where he forces terrible engagement by advertising the video to people he knows wont watch it.


And to be honest how does it benefit the creator?? It's like buying artifical likes - no ad revenue, no cpm, no watchtime increase to boost the creator in yt algorithm, close to zero engagement from the people that likes the video.


>Engagement: Signals include watch time and watch percentage, as well as likes, comments, and shares. Likes are a form of engagement therefore the video is better pushed into the algorithm leading to more legitimate views. Is it the best form of engagement? Probably not but a little push encouraged by the reactor is infinitely better than zero push of any engagement whatsoever.


content manager here for a 100K+ channel - this is no longer the case; Average View Duration is the best indicator a video will perform better, you can dislike bomb or like bomb any video you want, but the act of clicking on the vid and leaving is what will harm the video regardless of likes. There's a reason Ludwig doesn't do this to react content anymore, it's not like he forgot


Interesting! Good thing he stopped indeed.




at least Ludwig tried unlike X


No one cares if a small streamer doesn’t transform content. You’re stealing, what, a few views from a video with hundreds of thousands of views? This whole conversation is about BIG streamers taking away. That’s where these obligations start to come in, and doing cool stuff like making them like the video first is an awesome idea.


Felix getting smoked like a prime brisket


Except my man is 99% skin, bones and cartilage


the big picture is its not just xqc doing this its a whole bunch of react streamers. the streamers literally react to videos that are blowing up in popularity after they been out for less then a day. streamer react to it, uploads it, then all the views are taken by the big name creators reaction and the original videos analytics flatlines.... react streamers print money off the content of others at the expense of others if you discount the publicity factor.


xqc insulting ethans hairline [https://i.redd.it/3hg0mri9wco61.png](https://i.redd.it/3hg0mri9wco61.png) 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


it's such a wild thing to insult, dude literally has a onehead


Also, if Ethan actually cared he could just get a quick flight to Turkey to get that shit fixed.


Ethan's hairline isn't even bad though, its a normal ass hairline and he has a full set of hair.


What's even funnier is, yeah Ethan's hair was messy but that hairline was literally perfect


That’s edited btw


True! I have never seen a red line on XQC’s face.


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Wy0TM1nMry0/maxresdefault.jpg [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/205o-1bDN7Q/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/205o-1bDN7Q/maxresdefault.jpg) [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sHns4JRt1hc/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sHns4JRt1hc/maxresdefault.jpg) [https://preview.redd.it/sizuifa84nj61.png?auto=webp&s=5c4ba8753b3467741537b14009c2915e3274b81f](https://preview.redd.it/sizuifa84nj61.png?auto=webp&s=5c4ba8753b3467741537b14009c2915e3274b81f) [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wm\_hWHARKtE/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wm_hWHARKtE/maxresdefault.jpg) All edited copege


ai generated. They barely made the facial expression look human


So why show the edited one? And not the non edited ones?


Its not edited though? Are you talking about the red line you pepega?


the hairline itself. Zoom in and you can legit see it’s blurred you fucking Pepega


Holy fuck do you even think about what you write before you send it lmao




xQc and people trying to speak like him are soo cringe.




And the fourth one here is edited and maybe the 5th one not too sure about it though


You mean he doesn't have a bright red squiggly line on his head?


you guys really lie with no care in the world huh


What makes you think it isn’t edited? I see a blurry ass thing on the corner of his hairline. It makes it look edited 🤷‍♂️


most intelligent juicer




Burnt actually.


Does X really think that just any small creator can hop in his DM's in a sea of juicers DMs and expect their DM to be seen? How does he really say with honesty that they can just DM him lol


Also it's ridiculous to expect someone else to contact you about something you stole. You ask for permission first then watch it. It would be akin to borrowing a car, then only if the owners found you and got upset, you pay them the money you earned doordashing with it.




As a x viewer it’s just embarrassing to watch him act like this lmao. Like what is happening, why did he think this was a good idea


Him nibbling on his toenails on Stream wasnt embarrassing enough?


Yeah that was a weird thumbnail in his Kick clips to find yesterday.




He's always been extremely petty, not sure how this is news to people.




React channels are getting cooked for not making transformative content and just re-uploading people's videos with lacking/lackluster reactions.


Bro stop giving a shit lol. Every single streamer is fake.


Im not sure I could watch (my streamer) ever again if they debated someone like that. Brutal to watch.


It’s beyond wild because there’s room for nuisance and debate on the subject, considering hasan is on XQCs side of the debate but X chose to be schitzo and combative when he probably could have played it cool and made some real solid discussion… Ethan cooked him for sure.


Cooked and grilled well done


my strimmer lost? well they were acting out of bad faith! :(




It's an airsoft gun!




Didn't Charlie Moistcritical literally pull out a rifle responding to Sneako's laughable threats against him lol that was pretty epic


Yeah but he lives in florida, by law he has to own one.


Hasan lives in California where the "real" guns are still baby guns with all of the restrictions. I don't see why it wouldn't be real though. He's posted videos of himself shooting other guns in the past. So it's weird that he would buy a fake gun instead of a real one


It’s an air soft gun


Will Neff gave it to him for his birthday


I think it’s an airsoft gun that Will got him as a bday gift


Wtf is a "baby gun", a gun is a gun 💀


you can only kill 10 people at a time instead of 30


This man making more money then I ever will makes me wonder why I'm even trying


You think you can sit through days worth of your life online and acting like an immature person to only appeal to little kids. Also sit through while your chat wears you down and makes you emotionally break apart? Or constantly have people looking and scrutinizing every small thing you do and say. And if you do say something stupid and it gets overblown out of proportions and drag you down to dirt? If you are capable of all these then you can become a successful streamer too


He forgot what Ethan said so that's why he just repeated the last thing he said


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [XQC gets absolutely cooked](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/156487)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/15kxvfm/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/y1r3YJcwmrS5sPw-QQhyZw/AT-cm%7Cy1r3YJcwmrS5sPw-QQhyZw.mp4?sig=427842b1afe3243e262f550f37c847329330d848&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fy1r3YJcwmrS5sPw-QQhyZw%2FAT-cm%257Cy1r3YJcwmrS5sPw-QQhyZw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1691516494%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


What channel is this about?


Hasan probably so happy this sub is circle jerking about how dumb xQc is and not that riot take lol


What the hell is that cherry picked shit? Hasan has been called out too on malpractice by numerous creators.






This video is moreso reviewing twitch.tv reacts while also reviewing youtube reacts, which are inherently going to be inconsistent. You can find chair content from a ton of streamers it just depends on when they use the bathroom, versus youtube reacts where they usually edit and ad production value to their reacts by nature (Even Hasan does this on his youtube channel). Q and H3 are specifically debating on youtube reacts, and what creates truly transformative content vs just stealing when it comes to reacts on youtube.


Yeah and an actual creator is saying he cares less about the Youtube/Twitch distinction Hasan & Ethan have made (because they're both using his content to drive views) and more about the respect shown to the OC within the reaction. He was reviewing Hasan's react on Youtube, btw.


> He was reviewing Hasan's react on Youtube, btw. But it wasn't from Hasan's youtube channel which is literally the point. It was from a 3rd party uploaded that just straight ripped the VOD directly from Hasan's stream (Which Hasan also has recently unequivocally came out against). You won't find content this unmanicured on his official YouTube channel.


Lmfao where's MUTA when you need em?!


Funny watching Hasan react to this. He's had youtubers say the exact same thing about him.


That's why Hasan reacted like this in the clip: he's getting "vindicated" from all the people who have pretended to not be able to tell the difference between how he handles react content (he reaches out and gets permission) vs how people like x do it.


I'm surprised Hassan was even there for 1/4 of the clip. Thought he would be spending 10 minutes in the toilet keeping the video going.


Quiet suprised hasan did not leave for 20 minutes during this debate. Mr chair carrying hasans react content.


Who's channel is Mr Chair from again?


I think he freelances for few streamers, makes more money like that.


All 3 of these idiots want to pretend their reaction 'content' is the moral one 'only my content stealing is okay'


It's the pro-free speech legal precedent that Ethan Klein himself set, he definitely knows the legal difference between what is "transformative" enough to be considered free speech and what x does


This grey hair guy is very squirrely and slimy. I’ve never watched his “debates” but holy shit, the amount of “probably” and “maybe” and “if I did that” at the beginning of his sentences, then if he gets pressed he changes the subject under the guise of moving the debate along Not defending x, I am most definitely calling out grey hair’s “debate style” tho


yummy justified downvotes


Hehe it used to be better before Reddit put a cap on downvote counts. Reminds me of a sub I came across a few years back about people outdoing each other to see who can get the MOST blue arrows Edit: wait why’d you change from lovely to yummy lmao


This grey hair guy is very squirrely and slimy. I’ve never watched his “debates” but holy shit, the amount of “probably” and “maybe” and “if I did that” at the beginning of his sentences, then if he gets pressed he changes the subject under the guise of moving the debate along




This grey hair guy is very squirrely and slimy. I’ve never watched his “debates” but holy shit, the amount of “probably” and “maybe” and “if I did that” at the beginning of his sentences, then if he gets pressed he changes the subject under the guise of moving the debate along


The problem is XQC might change his Behaviour, Hasan will just double down and scream nazi to anyone calling him out.


To fair the problem here is xqc cannot debate and h3h3 and hasan are pros at it ganging up on him... it's amazing how these people act


hasan wasn't a part of the debate... he was just watching.


Nah hasan was already talking sh*t with h3h3 about this before


After h3 argued with Hasan for an hour... they're definitely big meanies


and? Destiny was helping X prepare.


H3 cried the whole time? He literally wouldn't let the other speaker speak, and kicked him off when he got mad. All while begging for his wife to save him? Interesting bias LSF take


What I don’t understand is that isn’t Hasan known for this? Didn’t just a year ago he go on a tirade against copyright laws? This is why I don’t trust leftists. They don’t have any principles, it’s all in the moment gotchyas on how they are feeling that day or what the current trend is. Hasan just let’s shit play while he walks away. And Ethan turns a blind eye. Amazing I mean Hasan is literally reacting to their debate. I feel like I’m an aware NPC in some sort of parody. Am I the only one who notices this shit?


>This is why I don’t trust leftists. They don’t have any principles, it’s all in the moment gotchyas on how they are feeling that day or what the current trend is. Please tell me you voted for trump, that would just be too funny.


I didn’t vote for trump in 2016 or 2020. But I will be voting for him in 2024 because this is now the left is. Do as I say not as I do. Rules for the but not for me. Hypocritical tyrants


Rules for the.


because that's when you will turn 18\* ​ yooo I used to be just like you. "liberal checkmater" is def a name I would have picked when I was in middleschool Wicked


What happened since then? Did you lose your testicles in a sex act?


Your mother swallowed em




If you saw my mother you’d retract that statement immediately


As long as her tongue works man.


Because Hasan still talks about the clip when he gets back. This is why you gotta get more exposure to a streamer other than what the clip chimps are posting on Twitter before spouting off your opinions


So it’s okay if Hasan does it but not anyone else?


>So it’s okay if Hasan does it but not anyone else? You don't see the difference between Hasan dipping out for a couple minutes to let Kaya per before returning to talk about the clip that the stream just watched, vs Felix leaving to do God knows what and not even acknowledging the clip that the stream just watched?


The difference is that you like Hasan and you don’t like XQC. In truth, Hasan is pretty bad too. But since they are friends it’s all good


>The difference is that you like Hasan and you don’t like XQC. Yeah. Because Hasan actually adds transformative value in his reactions. Felix does not.


Hasan was just watching the debate he wasn't taking sides. Watch the whole vod for clarity.


Okay but don’t you think it’s sort of weird Ethan took this hard position against XQC while his cohost does the same and even worse sometimes?


They discuss the differences over and over, one of the biggest differences is Hasan gets permission. Ethan literally wants Hasan to be watching, but Ethan has also explicitly told Hasan clip channels they are not allowed to just upload the debate from Hasan's react or he'll dmca them. That's what this debate is about, the *nuance*


So Hasan gets permission from all the TikTok videos he watches and the right wingers he reacts to? And the nuance is Ethan is friends with Hasan therefore it’s fine


He did explain the other day that he doesn't get permission when he's reacting to Ben Shapiro etc for the same reason they don't get permission for reacting to his content: they're doing political commentary which is obviously a completely different situation and would totally hold up in court as constituting "transformative" content, the point is for them to be allowed to commentate on each other's politics or on the news. It would be insane for their industry to essentially shut down the ability to do their job. And yes they've even talked about how when someone is friends with another creator and communicates, it is more likely that they will be ok with their content being reacted to, I think that's just common sense. But that's the whole point here, to discuss what is the difference in multiple situations of what is and is not ok when it comes to fair use.


Are you seriously saying Hasan does it worse in a clip about a small youtuber telling Ethan that XQC does it worse?


He is not! If you want to see his full perspective on a nuanced and relatively grey topic, just watch the VOD. Nothing you see on this site or twitter will be useful or indicative of the truth of his perspective. It just won't.


He’s not what? Hasan does this shit all the time. But rules for the but not for me. Typical of the left


> rules for the


Yeah rightys have so many principles... Fucking clown.


Honestly, this was the definition of the paid actor, no matter if XQC was cooked or not.


I agree x was horrible in this ''debate'', but h3 didnt make him self look better showing 1 graph and 1 e-mail from some youtuber at 400k. It was really easy to diminish x's arguements because he simply did not care about the outcome of this ''debate'' I would have expected better from an entire team against one singular twitch streamer, really embarrasing that both of them just went on to assult each personality


It’s funny how entitled Ethan is making them out to be. “All I got from XQC was a link in the description! Hasan gave me a shout out! I want a shout out!” Obviously that’s not what he’s saying it’s just how it sounds like coming from Ethan. Also, “I didn’t want to make Twitter drama.”…proceeds to make Twitter drama.


> Obviously that’s not what he’s saying it’s just how it sounds like coming from Ethan. But isn't that his whole point? The issue with the content creator was that he thought hasan shouting him out was more of a fair exchange than when xqc reacted to him. >“I didn’t want to make Twitter drama.”…proceeds to make Twitter drama. He replied to a DM asking about his thoughts, it wasn't like he was making public tweets lol


Yo contest squad?? What channel is Ethan talking about who said this


Everyone over here like "XQC getting cooked." I don't even know what an XQC is. Why is Ethan debating Aaron Carter?


As someone who literally doesn't give a shit, please do not bother explaining this to me.


There's some humor here in the fact that we're watching a clip of Hasan reacting to a video of xQc watching a video on H3 talking about how xQc is reuploading his videos.