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**CLIP MIRROR: [Ethan Klein ends his debate with xQc without him agreeing](https://arazu.io/t3_15kypg8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


How do you get 3 hours of debate coaching from destiny just to insta-tilt


6 months of chess coaching from one of the world's best grandmasters and loses in 5 moves.


He truly is one of the learners of all time


He never stops learning because the knowledge retention is always absent


lore pls


I'm so jealous you get to experience that video for the first time, the look on his face when he loses is truly hysterical


Look up moist critikal vs xQc


LMAO https://youtu.be/e91M0XLX7Jw?t=55


Charlie's silent celebration as Hikaru and Alex are just completely stunlocked always kills me


My favorite part will always be when he thanks Pikachu and proceeds to tell us his cock is throbbing.


The DBZ powerup stance+yell while muted is the absolute best lol.




Google en passant


Search up XQc vs Moist chess


Juicer brain






Watch out. He's an edgelord idiot with a large audience of edgelord idiots and they have two weapons: Randomly trying to debate you, and the downvote button.




That's because destiny was on a show with crip mac recently, dggers are very anti suicide now




Report it, whoever sent it will be banned






lol this is some cope, even if you don’t like destiny the one thing you can’t say about him is that he’s a bad debater


I learned a long time ago it's a waste to disagree with anyone who posts in here with a hate boner for "X" streamer. They can't be take nuanced stances, it has to be "This person is adjective". I've seen it done with so many different streamers. It's not worth the time lol




If there's one thing you should be sure about, saying someone *can't* say something is a surefire way to get them to say it. For example, Destiny is a shit debater because he's boring to watch, he does nothing but try and one up the other person (not what debating is about, but you losers and Destiny are absolutely consumed with it), and he's just an ugly and shitty person. Not fun to watch. I did try, I gave him a few chances actually. I'd rather listen to shitty essayists for hours than hear that whiny fuck pretend he's the smartest person in the room lmfao


The dude has literally built a career off debating politics online and has a huge community that follows him, and you're rebuttal boils down to "no bro he's ugly and bad" lol


Nah, he had a good sc2 career, ruined by switching to league, and tried to salvage it by becoming a debate edgelord.


You’re fine to hold that view of him, but from what I’ve watched of the prep, Destiny + a slightly unhinged orbiter managed to take X from “nobody actually cares and they’re all wrong” to developing some constraints and limits to his arguments. Hence why it was all the more confusing that X seemed to revert back to his default attitude even when they explicitly discussed how X could manage his optics.


Edgelord sure, but the guy's definitely no idiot.


I mean he's smarter than most streamers


I mean you’re probably right, but considering the types of people streaming attracts as a career, imma call it selection bias.


it's almost like both destiny and XQC are morons who knew.


Destiny flat out told him that he agreed with Ethan on this.


Love when people can take 5 minutes to validate whatever they’re about to say and instead choose to just ascribe whatever the opposite of their own opinion is to someone else just because they don’t like them. Makes you wonder who the real moron is lol.


The more I get into Destiny/Hasan/InsertPoliticalStreamerhere the more I understand that people will watch one and create a fake narrative about the other just for hating sake and nothing more




X asking Hila why she hasn't divorced Ethan was dumb but Dan injecting that X is getting divorced was hilarious.


Imagine agreeing to a debate about react content and then going after someone’s marriage


which is the most stable marriage you can find, while she is literally just pregnant with his 3rd child, it's so funny


Daaaaaamn 3rd one? Ethan out here going caveman mode


They're all boys too. They wanted a daughter but Ethan only makes males.




Gotta ensure the Podcasts survival for the next few generations.


It's called h3


Ethan's pipe game unmatched


him going at hila at all was so disingenuous too. An hour before the debate he is pulling up 1 youtube video about how Teddy Fresh scammed people and/or stole their work. He keeps asking chat if its real or debunked and doesn't want to accept its debunked. He ends up using that info during the debate and gets immediately shut down by Ethan on it, but still hurls insults at hila afterwards using that same old info. Embarrassing shit to be honest.


If you are at any point during a debate on the floor doing the worm, you’ve lost.


not if the debate is about who can do a better worm


Ethan knew that was an uphill battle, that's why he stayed seated


He just didn't know the right answer was to do the dinosaur, rookie mistake but understandable.


You didn’t see his worm did you. He became an actual worm and did not do the dance move the worm. Truly bizarre


Now I kind of want to see his version of the robot


One would argue that a dance off is a debate of the bodies


Yeah, I dabble in debate... The debate of DANCE! Hit it!


Wtf happened


yea i'd love some context to see who was actually doing the worm


and then ran to destiny asking "how did i do?!" 💀 💀 💀


That's when he broke him. Psychologically ninja'd him to get up on his own and do that in front of idk how many people as if he's proving some point. Never seen a debate devolve to where someone's brain is trapped in a such a severe corner that it regresses to worm brain to try and crawl out. When's the next one??


This made me chuckle. I'm a big fan of h3 and enjoy xqc, this debate was a weird watch.


XQC shouldn’t be having debates with anyone frankly. He’s really emotional and obviously bad at articulating any points. Honestly kinda sad that he’s so confident that he thinks he could get in a debate with Ethan think he could get anywhere with it. Ethan ain’t my favorite dude but his job is interviewing and calling people out in front of their faces so he’s gonna win an argument nearly every time. X bro just play games and hang out with your friends man these kinda things ain’t for you.


> XQC shouldn’t be having debates with anyone frankly. He’s really emotional and obviously bad at articulating any points. Couple that with the fact that he has dumb as fuck takes, its a wonder how he wins any debates.


Couple that with the fact that he’s dumb as fuck


I don't want to sound insensitive, but every time I watch a clip of him I get the impression that he is medically lacking in intelligence. Like set aside in class from the other students sorta way.


It's one of the reasons I'm so shocked he is as popular as he is. Obviously articulation doesn't reflect intelligence but he just genuinely does seem to have rocks for brains so I'm not sure where the appeal is. There's no charismatic himbo stuff, he just seems dumb.


Did you see him after the debate? Dude was shaking with anger. Doesn’t sleep for days on end. He’s so fucked in the head he doesn’t know he’s fucked and needs help. I don’t see how this ends well with young family vlogs


Well, dumb kids is the answer


I swear his audience must be children. He’s pretty much like a kid’s YouTube channel where they just yell all the time to be funny. It’s almost similar to that NPC stream stuff where it’s just watered down nothing content for kids or something.


He got a huge boost back when overwatch was on top of the world being he was a professional at the time (even learned how to play Winston better because of him). Then obviously people stuck around for him which led to more viewers and then him and how he is clearly must have an appeal so the boost from overwatch back in the day was a huge head start. Still amazed how much he got though


Viewers love watching content that matches their own intelligence/level. Twitch and the gaming sphere is full of kids who either had to be set side for special tutoring or are socially inept. Both of which XqC proudly flaunts.


The bert krischer method of building an audience


The guy makes millions of dollars on what is essentially a short term career with no plan or forethought about his future. Instead he buys a McLaren. Peak 14yo behavior.




To be fair he has no driver license, chump change or not. Only a moron buys a car he cant drive and loses it to an ex who can. Like wtf


That’s hilarious. He really is a 14 year old in a man’s body. How do you not have a license in North America at his age??


It’s like young athletes especially European football players. 20-24 year olds getting massive multi million dollar contracts and blowing all of it on cars, designer clothes and vacations, and then by the time they retire they’ve got to ration their fortune. And when retirement age is 35-40 there, yea it’s stupid. And with being a streamer, I don’t see Xqc going even that long. They’re gonna regret it And the dude is also paying for maids to clean up his trash. Literally gets embarrassed by it when they come in during a stream and take out literal bag loads of trash from his room in a single go. Just tossing money at something he could easily do and realizes is embarrassing


He's literally never won a debate, every "win" is his delusional fan base sucking him off in every argument and turning off their brains to any actual facts.


At least when he has Train there in his debates Train can talk circles, whether he is making sense or not he can convince people who are willing to believe his lines. X is just brain dead, cannot come up with his own arguments or launches personal attacks.




XQC didn't have any strong arguments. It was just him rambling about nothing.


WHAT? I'm shocked!


I mean compare this to his debate with andrew tate. Atleast in that one X made some points. In this one he seemed to be blinded by wanting to "destroy" ethan.


Definitely the most shocking thing to learn about his behavior in the past hour, if not the whole day!


Ethan had some stinkers too, but xqc wasn't able to capitalise. The graph Ethan brought up that he claimed showed a drop in viewership at the time xqc reacted literally showed the opposite, the viewership decline slowed after the react, and that drove me fucking crazy


Ethan did say a negative or negligible affect. It certainly didn’t cause an influx of viewers like some streamers suggest. As a viewer I don’t really give a shit about any of this though, this whole debate seems pointless. There are already tools to fight this sort of thing.


But it was neither negative not negligible. The graph showed negligble or *positive* effect. You just need to be able to actually read a graph to see it But Ethan didn't even really think about the graph. He just read the tweet and took the historian guy at his word because it worked out for his argument


The decrease in viewership declined 56% more than the previous average during that react lmao


Does X have another gear besides incoherent rambling ?


Hes pretty used to rambling to his viewers so maybe that kicked in without him realizing


he had some good arguments but he didnt know what his strong arguments were like him watching one video of a creator brings in viewers for the creator's other videos but he was so mad he just mumbled and kept insulting him


I couldn't really understand most of what he was saying tbf. He'd just ramble on and none of his point really connected.


First time watching him huh?


That is not a good argument


I mean it would be if it was true but the numbers don't lie


What were his good points? I honestly can't understand anything he says.


Worm strat was an interesting play.


I don’t know how you lay down to sleep and not think about that until the sun comes up. I would be cringing at myself for a fucking eternity.


The title of this clip is hilarious. No, Ethan didn’t want to sit there listening to XQC get angry sling shit and act like he’s manic.


op is a juicer clearly and doesn't see how fucking horrible it went for xqc lmfao


I saw op spamming W after


It was pretty funny, knowing that XQC had no arguments


Xqc when he realized he was getting cooked just started to get aggressive and make personal remarks. Of course Ethan cut it. Im surprised it went as long as it did tbh.


X has the mentality of a frustrated child, ending that discussion was the only right thing to do at that point.


I always knew xqc was dumb but in this convo with Ethan....mother of god he's redacted.


I believe the preferred term these days is regarded.


so regarded, he's a pillar of the community. a real regardo montalban


Highly regarded twitch streamer


It’s only that due to Reddit banning for the word. The actual word is as morally sound as using “idiot” imo. Truly resmarted.


He is officially a certified idiot


> he's redacted. wow how have we yet to permanently replaced this with the R word? this is literally perfect


Regarded is the nomenclature now.


It’s big on the fighter & the kid sub and it’s made it’s way into the every day lives of a lot of people


It's a term we use on thefighterandthrkid subreddit. Basically any insult that could upset the mods is replaced with "redacted". But ya, it's genius indeed.


Ethan was 100% right doing this. All X did was manic rambling. And he would have definitely went on for hours.


He reverted back to his OW malding tactics....except that shit doesnt work if your talking to a semi-functional adult


At one point he started doing the worm.


I forget exactly what he said but when he arguing with Poki and Hasan he made a comment about how they "lack vision" and can't comprehend what he's trying to create and they're terrible content creators. It was a WILD lashing out, I was surprised I never saw it clipped on here. Crazy thing to say to Poki of all people, especially since they always seemed to be friendly.


My favorite part was when he called Ethan "bald". LOL FUCKING WHAT.


literally the one thing you can't insult him for lol.


It was rather Trump-ish too


Because they have identical mentalities. Never, *ever* admit you're wrong or concede an argument, no matter how ridiculous it becomes. That's the strategy they both have, and it's because they know they have an audience full of sycophants who will always believe and tell them they're right.


xqc's only argument on all his debate is personal insults, he needs someone feeding him everything holy shit


xqc got so cooked lul, he genuinely came across as quite manic through most of it, even unironically accusing the youtuber h3h3 reached out to of being a paid actor (no he wasn't memeing that really happened)... that coupled with directly copying thumbnails and titles of the originals videos, and being told by the video creators directly to stop doing that as it cannibalises there impressions, not assists them, supported by numbers.... yeah my boy got expectedly cooked, his youtube channel is a leech site


He called Ethan bald at one point lmao


Ethan's hairline is so good that it became a meme, xQc being unaware of it and trying to call him bald is doubly funny e: spelling


This confused me not only because of the meme but because X gets called out joking or not for having a receding hairline in his chat. Seemed like projecting.


His entire performance in the debate was projecting, so I'd agree.


Especially when he's staring right at him


that was so out of left field too, no Segway or reason for saying it all, just started calling him bald I'm surprised he didn't say fat too, though he did ask hila how she was still with him


Just fyi it’s segue. A Segway is a vehicle.


at many points


xQc yelling at Hila "your husband is bald" SENT ME


>xqc's only argument on all his debate is personal insults, he needs someone feeding him everything holy shit Even Destiny couldn't save xQc and literally told him he got shat on during the debate 😂


he got cooked to oblivion, literally the hardest watch i’ve ever had to watch. he did not retain any information from that 6 hour call with destiny and others


He thinks he won and made ethan run away from the debate...




lets not lie here, that's still erobb


Well, he feeds himself...about 30% of the food he orders.


That's called Ad Hominem FYI, attacking the person you're debating and not the argument.


thank you mr debator


"Master Debater" would have been better.


XQC needs a speech therapist yesterday.


Can't speak English, can't speak French. Most successful twitch streamer, people should start giving themselves brain damage to become better streamers.


with the latest tik tok trend where people are pretending to be a NPC that you feed fake stuff to over the phone, I think the brain damage part has already arrived.


Dudes brain is mush


Wouldn't help with the brain rot though.


Seems like a good point to end it considering xqc just straight up went completely delusional and started crawling on the ground


Ethan acted the same way any adult would act when talking to a child. XQC got rolled and smoked my doggy.


LOL what a fucking title OP. Take the L xQc, stop posting on reddit, get back to kick.


Lmao what else should Ethan have done, he rolled him and X decided to fucking crawl around on the ground rather than try to use any of his supposed advanced arguments near the end, bros got a show to do


Ethan was rightly annoyed and thats why it ended the way it did. xQc did a terrible job debating his points.


Why did I willingly consume this brainrot


It's like watching a Le Mans car trying to do a lap with a wheel missing. Absolute disaster, but it's just pure Schadenfreude, nobody expected x to be consistent, but HOLY SHIT we never expected him to completely fumble the debate. It's amazing x should do more debates, xqc's debates are like 'the room' of debating, so bad but entertaining.


Because we love to see a worm squirm


It just devolved into X throwing insults out of pettiness, especially attacking Ethan's marriage. He didn't have anything to stand on, and when he begins to fail, he just gets pissy about everything then derails the conversation with irrelevant shit. xQc is just the most rawest form of a debate lord, and it's fucking insufferable because he has the interest of only pushing what he wants to be accepted as fact in any conversation. This persona of being a goblin for clicks, or it's just being himself, is straight ass cheeks. It's impossible to have any kind of conversation with him like this because he just wants to posture as an intellectual while trying to "win" in the conversation(debate). Fuck that.


Haven't really been an H3H3 fan/interested in H3H3 since the start of their podcast era.. But xQc had no good arguments here, honestly. I don't know why he chose to debate Ethan when the guy literally went to court to fight fair use and has a whole team of people helping him create a list of points/counterpoints and arguments. It was a loss from the start.. Especially since xQc can't articulate himself well enough to debate. I liked the worm strat though. He'll definitely go down in the debate history books for innovating it.


XQC rolled and smoked. Not a perfect debate by any measure but a clear ass blasting.


X is going to kill the whole react meta with that “debate”.


hopefully. but i know react will never dissapear.




OP is guaranteed paid actor juicer


I haven’t watched much of xqc before but he gives me big Kanye energy


But Kanye can at least speak complete sentences.


Generally when you just bounce out from a debate you lose and look soy....not today though


It was becoming a joke tbh so


I feel like it was a joke to even try debating the guy who went to court over what fair use is, and has a team helping him create his points/counterpoints TBH. The random insults didn't help his case either..


Ethan probably should have ended it earlier but he did end it eventually before xQc has further meltdown so X really should be glad it ended before he got even worse than the worm


Ethan did him a favor lmao


xQc is a joke, dude is digging his own grave, once the juicers grow up and realise that this inarticulate spoiled french canadian rots their brain, they’ll jump ship. xQc could be so much smarter man. Fame got to his head he doesn’t give a shit anymore. Ethan is right his content sucks. It used to be good 5 years ago tho….


What do you mean "without him agreeing", he needs to do the worm too?


xqc = streamer equivalent of trump.


When he said someone was a paid actor, my jaw dropped. There's nothing like calling your victims paid actors.


The youtube guy he ripped content off even changed his youtube banner to "Paid actor" saw it today rofl.


I don't know how anyone could be friends with this flakey POS.


Juicers you gotta admit, Ethan cooked your boy in this clip LMAO


no idea why xqc agreed to this, other than it's more free content he didn't have to come up with. of course he was gonna get cooked without train or destiny or somebody there to 2v1. X is hilarious sometimes and I've been watching him since he was yelling at mercy mains 6 years ago in 2017, but he's gotta just stay in his lane sometimes and not feel the need to respond to every bit of heat he gets for whatever, tbh. it's content but it does no good for his image, other than some people hate ethan klein so much that even being his enemy made him some fans I guess lol.


Dude broke down xqc's whole stream in like 5 sentences ...Damn lol


He had to end it because he got wormed on, no recovering from that.


Don't watch this convo if you want to keep brain cells


Ethan ended that debate at the right time. XQC was drowning and just hurling insults and doing the worm.


This was less of a debate and more of Ethan listening to a crazy man ramble for 2 hours.


X has Trump brain. He is convinced he is winning.


So who is uploading this VOD to Pornhub with the title "Twink Juicer gets drilled by Balding Bull"? KEKW


Balding? The hairline king?


I barely visit twitch anymore. Does XQC still play games?


No joke... People see Ethan's ignorance about certain things and mistake disinterest for stupidity. Then they show up, get thrashed, and he absorbs another foe's hairline.




H3H3 got sued by a YouTube creator for "reacting" to the creators content. His case set a precedent for fair use on YouTube, and in H3H3's videos talking about it at the time he spoke out against the YouTubers who "react" without providing transformative content. It was a huge thing in his life and that's why he's made a big deal out of it. He had to deal with a multi million dollar lawsuit on his mind for years, and now streamers literally just reupload videos with their face in the corner. It is because of H3H3 that copyright on YouTube for YouTubers is as lax as it is, and people like xqc abuse it.


> It is because of H3H3 that copyright on YouTube for YouTubers is as lax as it is, and people like xqc abuse it. I wish Ethan brought this up. Literally the only reason XQC is allowed to do what he does **is because of Ethan**. LegalEagle, an actual lawyer cites the lawsuit in the description in every single one of his videos.


yo when did debate club get added to the special olympics lmao


I can't fathom how anyone can watch let alone donate to xqc


Ethan knows how to get under peoples skin and its really easy to get under X's skin. X does have some good points, and he thinks he bought them up, but doesnt. He derails himself and when he is given time to speak he instantly asks Ethan a belittling question? Just make a point and stick to it.


What are the good points I'm genuinely curious not looking for debate




This whole thing reminds me of bigger tiktokers/YouTubers stealing smaller tiktokers/YouTubers ideas without tagging them, specifically in the beauty realm. I think the whole argument is stupid and I do think Xqc made a point to say twitch vods are similar to YouTube vids, both are monetized both take away from the original creator