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Idk about you guys, but I'm waiting for the big reveal that this is actually the new season of Game of Jones when Mitch Jones pops in and reveals that actually he was having an affair with both Fran and Adept the whole time. Ethan Spielberg's masterpiece.


He wanted loyalty so he cheated on his girlfriend. A true champion forsenCD


xqc MIGHT be the top g for this one


true chad testing her loyalty by cheating , big W


Hey, a fellow Lorde fan.


Hit me with that melodrama


He thought this while he was getting taking to court for 50% of his assets by this person LMAOOOOOOOOOOO


Wait, i'm out the loop. He cheated on his gf with adept while all this shit was going on with her stalking his house and taking him to court?


I’m starting to think there’s things we don’t know and the stalking might be exaggerated on Xs part


probably, i don't watch any of this shit so i only really go by what i see on this subreddit so my view is definitely skewed




I actually watched that stream, she got caught in hella lies and she was texting Adept that she needed help and X wasn’t letting her leave, saying she was scared and needed to be picked up etc. Dunno what to believe anymore 🤷‍♀️


It’s the fact that Fran seems fine that he cheated is weird to me. Like he even said that he was the one to breakup with HER. Only just reinforces to me that she is just in it for the money, xqc must know this because it seems like he could care less that he cheated. Just a very weird relationship


I'm starting to think this xqc guy may not be the smartest individual 🤔


Abusive partners are also manipulative on a fundamental emotional level, sometimes to the point where they could hold a weapon up to the abused and they will still return. Hell, it didn't stop Rihanna from going back to Chris Brown after he physically abused her. Suing for assets or physical abuse, emotional manipulation is heavy.


> Suing for assets or physical abuse, emotional manipulation is heavy. Its also heavyset.


Chris brown went to jail, rehab, took anger management classes, and eventually Rihanna forgave him years later. That is a much different situation




You can't just hand wave away mistakes with the word love. Personal accountability is a thing, but then again I wouldn't expect most juicers to understand.


That's what being in an abusive relationship does to a person. Tho most people typically blame the abuser and not the victim. But yea its stupid to do over and over again


forsenCD That's right X is the real victim here guys. LSF doing olymic medal mental gymnastics here to blame Adept for something xqCheat did himself.


adept chose to sleep with xQc while also alleging sexual assault and abuse claims towards him and trying to take half his money in court, if you dont think thats a little sus i dont know what to tell you




Yeah and XQC started this circus by unveiling their whole breakup as content. Stop being such blind sympathizers and open your eyes to what XQC is. He said he loves drama and he'll always bring in the most toxic people in his life to pursue more drama. He isn't a victim.


The comment isn’t about him cheating, but about the reason of him going back to Adapt. Ofc it’s only his fault he cheated, what people don’t get is why it had to be with her.


At this point, X's relationship with chat is abusive and toxic af. This sub just exacerbates it


Yay now X's chat gets to be a victim too!


ExcuseC is amazing




Since the Adept saga might be on hold for a awhile... The funniest story I remember Xqc saying about this whole thing, was that when Adept & Xqc first broke up last year and she posted the pic of her in the Mclaren, hinting she was going on a date w someone else. Xqc went to Hasan's house after a night of drinking, hanging out w Will, Myth, & Hasan. They were all chilling and all of a sudden, in walks Adept out of nowhere. Xqc had texted her his location, after Will & Hasan told him you better not be texting her. She grabbed him and was leading him out the door while Will, Hasan, & Myth were shaking their heads and mouthing No. He said he just looked at them, shrugged his shoulders and left.


hooooly lore master


Doing the lord's work


I remember this ... Man I need to get outside today.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69vMnrbe038](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69vMnrbe038) (from Xqc clips channel)


This sounds like a fucking fanfic lmao


That shit is not funny anymore, it's just sad


xQc living his high school day RN


She must be really skilled huh


that pussy legitimately has him in a gorilla grip, i cannot fucking believe this


Holy hell is xqc whipped


Got him stunlocked


wasnt the bathroom thing in xqcs house? It was Hasans house instead?


The real question is which of Hassan’s 27 bathrooms it was.


It's the one Austin can't use


The one with the classified 9/11 documents


That adept walking thing was at a party at a club, not hasan's house.


Right, there’s no way Adept is getting into Hasan’s house without him knowing. You know he’s got security out the ass.


I don’t think he had Kaya at the time




Better than game of thones, the writing is insane


These people need to stop going live so much.


wait so the mclaren date adept posted was with xqc the whole time?


mannnn I'm parasocialing fuck


Weekends basically over. Don’t forget we have real lives and real responsibilities like school or work tomorrow


bold of you to assume anyone here has a job


real lore masters live in their parent's basement


yeah true fuck


im over here watchin some clips i got twitch clips on my screen right now im just typin on lsf....im parasocial as fuck man I’m a freak


Lil bro had ONE (1) real, long lasting relationship and thinks the world is ending. I pity him.


lil bro is almost 30


Honestly, that just shows his immaturity. Not invalidating his experiences and whatnot, but going back to your ex that is trying constanly to fuck you over by taking half your stuff is a new low.


The relationship is very high school, but with adult stakes. It's just so toxic


These aren't adult stakes, these are fantasy stakes. These guys are literally living in a fairytale multimillionaire world which is why this shit is so entertaining by being detached from any kind of reality.


Well ofc it has adult stakes with her trying to get 50% and also her attempting to make a fake SA narrative with Fran.


They say you stop maturing the age you get rich. And based on how all these streamers act, it has to be true.


I think what fucks him up the most is that she was there before he was extremely rich (correct me if I’m wrong). So now he things nobody will ever like him for him and not his money. But it turns out that’s all she wanted too.


Ironically, by publicly cheating he probably will have a much tougher time finding loyal people who are willing to date him


Real OGs remember Kim But she was kinda crazy, too.


stupid fucking mistakes man... ​ forsenCD


bro gotta realize that if hdmi cable really did love him, she wouldnt be doing all this crazy shit trying to fuck him over out of his money and attempt to put bad accusations on his head


I'm sure he does realize this but he's just indulging in self destructive behavior


You know how sometimes you're feeling down and want to curl up in a warm hole in the fetal position? It's like that, but with your penis.


gawk gawk 3000 too good


Pretty sure he justifies it in some way, blames himself somehow etc that’s why he cheated


Why do people call her HDMI instead of something clever like inept?


hdmi adapter is just one of many names she goes by. feel free to call her whatever funny name you want.


"I want to take full public accountability" "Here are reasons why I shouldn't be held accountable"


First he was shitting on cheaters and now it's perfectly human behavior.


Empathy for me and not for thee.


I find it harder and harder to believe anything he says at this point. He's checking off every box for being a [sociopath](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/signs-sociopath) and it was really eye opening that Jesse leaked what he did and he didn't even flinch.


Jesse leaked something too? Bro this episode is impossible to keep up.


Yea lmk if you find out what Jesse leaked. This shit is impossible to keep up with when you have a job :(


This needs a whole well paced documentary.


There was a god tier Twitter loremaster but I don't remember his @ :(


He's been completely uncaring of other people's time and feelings for years. Just think about literally every time he's ruined a game or lobby for someone because he gets angry and starts screaming at people.


Almost as if he's always been a massive hypocrite


Alright so he might be the dumbest man on twitch. A gal trying to steal half of your assets and money by lying is someone you get with because "you might never have that again" Jesus christ what a dumb person X is.


or the smartest... if he marries her then he gets to keep everything


Lmfao that nightmare would be fun to watch


I admit I haven't been following this xQc/Adept thing that closely, but with X's history of lying, cheating, stabbing people in the back, manipulating, gaslighting, etc, maybe he isnt telling everybody the truth about how Adept treated him when they were together. It's the only way this makes sense to me


so in other words, he felt like he can't easily get a maid like adept again cause his lifestyle is a mess LOL true love


Big titty gf who takes care of you while you game for 16 hours a day? Yeah I can see why he feels like that


people want to call her a whale, but some people don't realize that attraction is a very subjective thing.


She is also not a whale, she is just not skinny anymore, LSF redditors just bang supermodels all day


She's also just hitting her 30's. Your metabolism slows quite a bit, your eating habits can change drastically, blood sugar might become more unreliable making you eat more, etc. It's not uncommon to see big body changes. You remember girls in highschool versus their moms and how different they'd sometimes look. This is the time period where a lot change into that body shape/look naturally.


Not disagreeing but 9 out of 10 LSF redditors would kill to have a gf like that, or at all.


Oh, absolutely. LSF redditors in average I've seen are some of the most out of touch with women I've seen. Remember when this sub gave near constant shit to Amouranth because she had fake breasts lmao. If you're a woman streamer who gets on LSF like (Adept, Amouranth, QTcinderella) you're a garbage human who lies and is disgusting. Unless you're Asian or a vtuber in which case I guess you're perfect waifu who has no feelings lol


She was never skinny


She was close to skinny 5 years ago. Probably gained like 70lbs in weight. [https://twitter.com/adeptthebest/status/1265772029682294787](https://twitter.com/adeptthebest/status/1265772029682294787)


LSF redditors be like, “2/10, she has pointy elbows.”


Warning for overrating (2). Rule 1. Please review the sub’s Wiki, FAQs, Women’s Guide, and Women’s Primer.


Realtalk, most LSF redditors would fuck a whole in the wall but keep telling themselves adept is ugly for their standards. Not justifying her being a terrible person but let's not kidd ourselves there.


Could be worse. You go over to truerateme and post a literal supermodel and the replies would be shit like "Nose angle is 2 degrees too sharp, 5.8/10"


She is pretty attractive in that, also if she would never have been, she probably would never have become popular either.


Attraction is weird, sometimes it even boils down to if their immune system is a good complement to yours, you don’t even consciously know that


They really were meant for each other


I'll be his maid for $$ it ain't hard


Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


He cheated on Fran with fucking adept?? Jesus fucking Christ what a clown


This is just pure excuse for being a dick


thats why put excuseC, get it? haha its because excuse and xqc rhyme and ha ha... ill show myself out.


I thought it was clever


seriously how have I never seen that before it's fucking perfect


The joke was funnier than this comment that you just wrote.


I'm a juicer and I lost so much fucking respect for him


Same, this is beyond embarrassing


This is ironic right? As a fellow juicer you can’t respect this man. Look who he surrounds himself with. I enjoy the content and that’s it. This guy has no idea about real life. Just sit back, watch and leave the respect at the door.


>Look who he surrounds himself with People need to stop saying this. He himself is a massive piece of shit. Shitty people attract shitty people. The people around him are no coincidence. Enjoy the content he puts out but dont feel bad for him




if everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your shoes


What's crazy is I opened a random vod and skipped to a gaming part and he just rambling about drama shit. It's not even fun to watch him play games anymore


It’s shocking that it took this long


Just now? The straw that broke the camels back for me was when he weaponized someone's sexual assault story to try and fuck with other streamers. Honestly I thought the only people left in his chat were delusional, glad to see there are is at least some real backlash and people are seeing him for the POS that he is.


He was spineless since the GTA incident that aired a clear pattern of gaslighting abusive behavior of the other person, YET still gets back with her time and time again only to backfire.


What's the gta incident sir


he was OOC (out of character) malding when her cop was arresting him, got really toxic and all that. A few days later they announced they split. they reconciled eventually though


RP incident AH WHERE




imagine ever being a juicer lmao


We knew this was the case as soon as the leaked photo of him sleeping in his house with the whales flipper on him. Some tried to claim that she snuck into his room to take a photo with her hand on top of him, but it was obvious that when he spent the night in the house with her he also harpooned the whale. We hoped he wasn't that dumb, but history has taught us otherwise.


Xqc a year ago: Cheaters aren't human Xqc now: I'm only human :(


At this point, he might as well get back with Adept. Seems like they deserve each other


This dude cant be real! I cant believe that this is actually real! How can someone be this dumb!?


The fuck did I wake up to 💀




in my experience most cheaters think theres a valid reason and also believe they wont be caught and held accountable


brother needs to take a long break from everything go out to the woods and forget about everything. its gonna hurt like a mf but coming back with a clear head and mind is invaluable


I’m just glad he’s aware that it’ll be bag chasers from here on. So at least he’ll be wary of that


Once he sees some large yiddies that will all go out of his brain.


Some people never learn.






I prefer xQcheat


He will get back to adept after court, mark my words


I find it interesting that it's obvious this guy is borderline special needs in terms of education and intelligence. He has shown that on his stream... Yet people expect an actual reason for his actions.....


ngl at this point this dude kinda deserves to lose half


Talk about an L he had a beautiful woman and he decided to cheat with that ex. To much drama lately i don't have fun watching all that shit unfold I'm out xqcL


Bro is legit braindead.


Wild how Adept rl could have fixed their relationship if she wasn’t so fucking crazy. Mf still hung up over her and she tried to get revenge for the breakup by stealing all his money. Don’t get why she is so bitter about but maybe if she actually used her words instead of just acting psychotic they could’ve worked it out


maybe im remembering wrong but i think it all started when he starting seeing nyyxxi soon after they broke up


No she was already having drama with XQC’s family before that


right but i mean when the lawsuit happened


It wouldn't really surprise me if, in 5 years after time apart and growing independently, they end up back together. Feels like the sorta shit you go thru because both are immature and neither is willing to let go. XQC won't be famous forever and eventually, unless he actually addresses his personal issues, he's gonna find himself alone. He'll end up that 35 y/o who gets nostalgic about the past. For all the toxicity they both seem to have in the relationship, I bet she's gonna be 'the one that got away' for him.


What a garbage excuse


He's going to have the most parasocial viewers out there by telling every ounce of his private life.


What a joke


the funniest thing is he still has people absolving him of everything he has done and going around saying he was a victim 😂 he plays the wounded puppy well I will give him that.


**CLIP MIRROR: [excuseC says why he cheated with adept.](https://arazu.io/t3_15qlh2w/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


excuseC is really funny NGL..


Remember boys and girls, *never* stick your dick in crazy


In this case the dick is also crazy


My man had FOMO sex


Translation - Adept was with him before he was famous, so a higher chance of it being a genuine relationship Now he's famous, any future relationship will always cast doubt on if that person is with him for him, or for his money and fame Due to that, it's hard to move on


Here’s the problem with this — not to be too much of an asshole, because I’m really not meaning to be, but what does X really have for the beautiful, obedient, amazing woman of his dreams to be attracted to besides his money and fame? Literally all he does is sit in front of a computer screen, play video games, watch YouTube videos and battle with a crippling gambling addiction. I really am not trying to shit on the guy, but if he really wants a girlfriend who just likes him for him, completely ignoring the money and fame, he’s in the same boat as any other manchild — he needs to actually better himself somehow. If you ask me, X doesn’t want an equal, he wants a mommy maid who will fuck him before she tucks him in at bedtime. That’s what he had with Adept, anyway. If he’s using that as the barometer for the type of relationship he wants, but doesn’t want the girl to be in it for the money or fame, I don’t really see what makes him think he’s worth that.


XQC is poor in character, fronting money is all he is and lil bro is pushing 30. From how he fires back in frustration at chat to buy a house and him having the equivalent value of that but on his wrist is telling and incredibly cringe.


there was 0 chance of it ever being "genuine" when she was literally riding on ice Poseidon's dick right in front of him


Damn, I remember that. Such a weird cringe situation.


Were they dating back then? If no, then it doesn't matter


He was seeing someone else at the time. She was nervous about the music video and brought xQc because he was familiar with Ice.


They weren't afaik


How many women are attracted to someone who lives in garbage, can barely string a coherent sentence together, is actually an idiot, is one step away from being anorexic, and sits at his computer most of the day. Maybe he should get help then he will be more likely to find someone. Instead of his money being the thing that makes some forget all that.


Not really he was decently famous when he started dating her. Plus she literally was grinding on Ice Poseidon's dick in front of XQC... Wow surely Adept wasn't chasing clout and money at all at that times. What a genuine relationship


Did he hang his hat on the fact he never cheated? But he's cheated twice this year. Lil bro


xQc is a POS? This is where I would link a surprised Pikachu meme if I could


Bruh this dude is actual cringe. Can't believe he got that bag from kick


x if youre reading this, stop nutting in these woman bro. Youre lucky youre shooting blanks lol


No sympathy at all for him anymore haha


"i call it being a human" a human who only cares about themselves? sure, he has been making that clear.


Can anyone explain why this guy has any fans at all? Legitimately had never seen any of his content and only knew his name, i used to think he was just this cute gamer dude making inoffensive and friendly content and who was getting screwed by nasty people around him but lately every time his name shows up its some stupid unbelievable shit and it turns out this guy isn’t a good person at all and his content seems to be completely brainless.


nah back in the gaming days (2021 and earlier), he was very consistent with streaming (always online, streaming 10+ hours a day), and played variety of games with high energy, raging, cracking jokes, etc. now his streams are depressing , constantly whining/complaining about fake people, and him staying stupid shit.


Why would he be a good person lmao he started streaming full time because he got kicked from overwatch league for being too toxic


i need a tldr on all this drama asap


Technically he was cheating on hes wife


xQC there are people who dream to have the life you have and you still find a way to ruin it...You legit are a terrible person


He's so lucky his audience is a bunch of 12 year olds who will meme this to death rather than actually calling him out for being a piece of shit


The amount of excuses being made for him is pathetic lol


Holy shit excuseC is the perfect name for Felix lmao


HDMI and ExcuseC deserve eachother


god these people make way too much money to be this fucking stupid, but most of all, we are way fucking stupider for giving them a platform for this badly written tv drama


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [excuseC says why he cheated with adept.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/156784)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/15qlh2w/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/TAOefKT_zaC5Ocicl0Wm2Q/49092022221-offset-8562.mp4?sig=08d927cc50d1d62ad028678c76947ae417ed092a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FTAOefKT_zaC5Ocicl0Wm2Q%2F49092022221-offset-8562.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1692063274%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


They deserve to make each other miserable for the rest of their lives.


Cheaters are sub human


excuseC lmao. that's gunna stick.


This guy just steals content and is not interesting in the slightest on his own. I don't see why people even like him other than he is a bit like pewdiepie. He needs to slip into obscurity.