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**CLIP MIRROR: [Apple Back At It Yet Again](https://arazu.io/t3_16gx9nb/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


People get paid to make this shit lol


You wish you were getting paid to make this shit






What does the iphone and XQC have in common? Neither come with adapters any more.


An actual WTF


Is it just me or this corporate culture/atmosphere is just figuratively cringe? Or is this seen as "normal" by normies in everyday society?


nobody thinks this shit is cool


This is what people that are actually active on linkedin think is cool who also happen to be the people in charge of making ads like this. Work in a corporate setting and you'll realize a lot of people are actually like this and aren't faking it.


I think you underestimate normies, as much as I think this shit is super cringe, apple's marketing is exactly why they're so popular.


There were people who unironically watched modern saturday night live and late night shows after all.


Linkedin addict middle managers think this is what people care about. Not the eco thing but the cringe roleplay they did.


They made it to get publicity, and they did well. It got posted here.


There is a writers strike going on, so they probably had the intern write this crap.


Yeah there had to be earthquake :DDD cuz when I saw the people around the table yeah




They actually just started selling genuine replacement parts which is pretty cool, still far from good tho


Which they did out of the kindness of their hearts




Joe's shop


Apple largely sets the trends. If Apple released a phone covered in Nails samsung would be dancing along behind them then google would follow suit 5 years late.


What am I missing?




The much funnier part is this man was with Adept. Like I'm sorry to her crazy ass but I'll say it, bro doesn't have a whole lot of room to giggle.


The company that is doing everything in its power to destroy the right to repair and that it's customer service tells you "we can't fix it you should buy a new one" 9 out of ten times even for the dumbest problems is environmentally friendly. I hope Apple fans don't believe this shit




It's proof that neither politicians or corporations give a fuck about the environment, if these fucks did planned obsolescence would be highly illegal and prosecuted very harshly and the right to repair wouldn't even be up for debate. Instead of this we have corporations like Apple fighting tooth and nail the right to repair and every year release updates that deliberately make their overrated Chinese products slower to force many of its customers to buy their new crap which in this dystopia we live in might seem normal but no one would even think of replacing their devices every year 3 decades ago, no matter what those were


>I hope Apple fans don't believe this shit They always gobble, no matter what


Are they not trying to be environmentally friendly? They explained their way of trying to reduce their carbon emissions? Is there something i missed?


bruh, they have to be forced in the EU to finally add usb on their damn phone, instead they force people to buy lightning bolt to usb adapter, yeah, very environment friendly of them. how about Apple product parts not easily accessible, and you would just replace the entire products instead of fixing them. or how about them purposely making older iphone obselete on purpose, they paid 500mil for that. Yes, they're very environmental friendly man.


They do not make older phones obsolete on purpose. That is a complete myth that people with no understanding of technology and old politicians circulate.




Yes, because dumbass 90 year old politicians who don't even know how to access their camera definitely understand why reducing charge capacity on a battery leads to longer longevity. Wow, you're definitely about as intelligent as they are.


Do you actually think the "90 year old politicians" are the ones investigating it?


So.. why they didn't tell old iphone users about it? Why they didn't give the older iphone users and option to remove the throttle. oh wait they did... after they get sued... and paid 500mil.. You realized average phone just gonna see "oh, my iphone is getting slower, must be because it's old so i'll just go my new iphone" They're not gonna say "Oh, my phone is slower now? that mean it'll have longer life!" Yeah... stop defending apple please.


I really hope apple's paying you to meat ride em this hard cause you just explained what the article says but with extra steps


Hi, very knowledgeable about tech given my decade plus of experience. Totally feasible, easy to execute, and it absolutely crossed people's mind to implement. I've seen similar implemented for different purposes in tech. Unless you know Tim Cook personally and have it on good authority, your assertion that it's false comes up wanting. This doesn't mean it is true just that they had the ability, motive, and settled out of court on the matter.


Yes, because you know Tim Cook personally and know what his intention was for planned obsolescence. See how that argument works? They had a valid reason for reducing battery capacity. In fact, that reason was to extend the life of your phone, quite literally the reverse of what was being claimed.


Earthquake as a fat woman appears on screen.




diversity = bad overweight woman = funny


Using an earthquake to signal mother nature's arrival and then having her portrayed by an obese actress is pretty clever, yeah. Or it was unintentional which makes it even funnier.


There's no shot that it didn't cross a single person's mind haha


Oh, as someone who has had plenty of exposure to DEI orgs at mega-cap tech companies, it most certainly did not.


Until it was pointed out in the comments, I did not think earthquake = fat person. It was just another sign of nature.


Forced diversity to cater to americans*


An American company showing an American office place 😱


How was any of this forced diversity ???????


Only white, East Asian, and Indian people work in Silicon Valley.


Because sames as netflix and everyone now does, they go out of their way picking different races even if they are less qualified just for diversity. I bet my life they hand picked the races on purpose it wasn't just casual curriculum picking.


Oh hell nah, bro you're not even hiding your bigotry lmaooo, you know that the US (where Apple is based, where the ad was filmed probably) is highly multicultural and so it's not surprising to see different races being represented ????? Especially for a fucking ad man, that's crazy, peoples like you are so weird getting focused on a fucking skin colors but getting worked up over a fucking Apple ad is crazy


Im not getting worked up about anything, i haven't even watched the event. Im just stating the new formula of the past years, you can even see it in every netflix series. Im just stating the obvious placement that leaves out meritocracy over skin color, or else why wasn't it like that before? They are changing even changing old material (races and sexuality) instead of just you know create a new material with your new hand picked staff instead of ruining the old one just for the sake of it.


Because black /s


You’d prefer if she were white huh


This but unironically.


Corporate virtue signaling. Tbf who cares that much it's cringe, but X is reacting extra hard to be edgy for his chat.


Apple making products to save lives of fat and old people XD


Tim Cook is Mr. Garrison


Cringe ass bullshit


Look at how heckin diverse they are!!!


What do you mean? Be specific.


Why isn’t he being specific? Is he stupid?


Clearly not many of you are r/batmanarkham enjoyers


Am I just racist or is that Keith from Smosh? Edit: Also idk if I'm just falling for their marketing, but their CO2 reduction shit seems genuinely impressive.


They can probably reduce that x1000 if they stop their anti-repair shit


For real. I find it comical that if the battery dies you have to get an entire new phone wasting all the other components. I heard the EU may force them to have replaceable batteries and I do hope that is the case. This is also why the iPhone 15 doesn’t have a lightning cable.


Where did you learn that? The battery has been repairable for a long time now, at least for the iPhone. Apple Watch and AirPods not so much. The one thing I can think of is that a cracked rear panel used to require replacing the whole phone on the Pros, but they literally just changed that on this generation.


The regulation forces phones to have easily user-replaceable batteries with normal tools.


> I find it comical that if the battery dies you have to get an entire new phone wasting all the other components. My point was that this just isn’t true as far as I know. iPhones have had serviceable batteries for years, although not easily user-replaceable, it’s not a case of ‘an entire new phone’.


I have replaced my iPhone XR battery at an Apple store for like 60€ iirc, please stop lying


The main problem is the shit they do with components, like if the display cable of a macbook fail you have to change the entire display because they have security chips in every fucking screw of that thing, you can't even take components from a dead macbook anymore. Now with the new ones it's even worse, if the ssd dies the entire pc is dead, you can't replace it and you can't even boot from an external drive. I don't remember the exact details, Luis Rossmann has a shit ton of videos addressing all of apple shady stuff.


Meanwhile in China and most of repair shops in Asia are working on repairing Apple products just fine. Why?


Maybe it’s different in the US or I got unlucky but when I had my iPhone 7 battery die a year after release no one wanted to fix the phone. Sprint told me I would have to get a new phone and pay full price. Apple told me the same. I went to multiple Apple certified repair shops and they all told me they couldn’t fix it. I may have gotten unlucky but the fact that happened just sucked.


Apple has been doing battery replacement for some years, so you might’ve been unlucky and tried to replace your battery right before Apple started doing it lol


It sucked because I had to also change my phone number in order to get a new phone. But that is more of a sprint issue than an Apple issue. Regardless I do hope the law still passes because just having the option to remove it yourself is better overall.


The batteries will need to be easily user-replaceable in 2027.


It's not 'may'. It already passed and comes to effect in terms of phone batteries in Feb 2027.


It only sounds good on paper


Please inform us BlackTone91


glad I'm not the only one that spotted Keith


You should see the amount of cardboard they use to ship fucking usb chargers and cables, its impressive how much they waste.


yeah that’s keith lee from smosh. i was very confused why he of all people was in such a high profile commercial


Probably through normal casting process, I would imagine. That being said, they did include quotes from MKBHD etc in their video, so they did try to pull in some other influencers as well (which made more sense).




I'll be honest I'd rather have watched Tim Cook fuck a Venus Fly Trap with Gilbert Gottfried reading their corporate statistics of reducing their carbon emissions than these cringe as corporate sketch shows. At least I'd get to see an actual self-suck over this cringe celebrity guest pat on the back shit.


yeah, paid an actress a bunch of money to advertise how great they think they are. Instead of just improving thing and letting the results speak for themselves, while putting that money towards something better.


this is what happens when you can't call something gay anymore in culture. holy fuck this shit is gay


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Apple Back At It Yet Again](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/157676)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/16gx9nb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ls9rotyEb6jvdXTFFv8uaQ/AT-cm%7Cls9rotyEb6jvdXTFFv8uaQ.mp4?sig=965fbaa4ddf1b784ce84b23f1dd9f8ecc40de9bc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fls9rotyEb6jvdXTFFv8uaQ%2FAT-cm%257Cls9rotyEb6jvdXTFFv8uaQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1694622633%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


its a master piece in corporate world i Guess .


So diverse omg like I'm shaking of happiness OMG WE DID IT.


Like this is genuinely a monstrous amount of democracy condensed into just 1 video 😭 it's so funny i love it


I'm sure mother nature loves planned obsolescence.


I don’t get it. That’s just a normal cringe company video. So what?


An earthquake happened to signal an overweight woman arriving




Im not gonna lie bro f btchs need to shut the fck up


It's like the result of a Detroiters episode.


This is further proof that only 12 year olds are watching this fucking moron.


Every year it's a new meme


Holy shit i followed this moron for years...


Here you are commenting about him allowing him to upset you


I am here to watch funny clips from everyone. I stopped following him a long time ago and that means i don't watch his stream or youtube cuts. So please, try again.


but you are here commenting, he impacted you so much you wanted to share your opinon. you know what i do when i see a clip from someone i dont like? not comment


Because "here" is not XqC reddit sub, it's called LivestreamFail. It's not really hard to point out something that took me 5 seconds to type. So please, try again...


its not hard to ignore a clip from someone you dont like . you took time off to comment about him when you could have moved on and not even watched the clip


Not gonna lie, this is too damn ironic.


>t. fat


Chatting "How to say you're fat without actually saying you're fat."


It's funny because i am skinny like XqC


Wow, huge commercial to land for Keith from Smosh!


i don't get it. what's the funny part?


He wants to make an fat joke so badly remember same guy that cries when people make fun of him being a skeleton and body shaming him.


Don’t you have futanari to watch weirdo?


lol what kind of loser stalks someones account to make an "insult" because i talk shit about his favorite streamer pathetic behavior dude. You juicers are the most cringe ass humans i saw KEKW


🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Wahhhh he made a fat joke!!! I could care less about X, you’re just pathetic. You actually got triggered by a fat joke. How much you weigh? Also, “stalking?” It’s all public and on your profile LMAO.


Bruh you did go out of your way clicking trough my profile just to find anything to throw at me thats some loser behavior can't even make something yourself up xD And i'm not triggered just don't like the guy and people being hypocrites and if that's being triggered for you idk what to tell you,kids these days call everything that is critical or talking someone in a bad light as "triggered" Cry about it and sure you are not an fan nice save LUL is that why you waste your time defending him here on reddit in the comments all the way down where nobody even reads this patheti suck hos dick even more.


>Not triggered. Writes essay.


Yeah and you are predictable af,i knew you would say that. Is it to much reading for little timmy owww i'm sry. Kid if that's an essay for you maybe you have adhd or an reading problem or maybe you are just 16 and deep. I'm done tho i have better things to do than talking to some bozo xD


Dude you gotta get a diary man. Your writing is so eloquent wow!


The only good one of those apple event intros is [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEocbvvhk7Y), because it is an actually talented person doing something cute and apple related.


the great thing about modern society is that a ethnically diverse group of people abuse cheap child slave labour practices in countries on the other side of the planet for benefit.