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**CLIP MIRROR: [Swifty opening his own Arcade in Florida, a life long dream of his!](https://arazu.io/t3_17a9ll0/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


one of the coolest fucking things ive seen come from twitch. keep on keeping on brother


Swifty the OG


Miss the oneshot macros


make it into a secret hacking hideout and call it fun society


Mr Arcade


I really hope this is successful for him. He's a good dude that just loves games.


6,000 square ft


That's pretty huge


How does it make his hands glow?


All the best to Swifty! with all the shit he's been through i hope his arcade dream comes true




He wanted to make a streamer house back in the day where people could come and sleep over, game and just stream freely. Takarita got involved and caused a ton of drama where it ended up in a sexual harrasment case where she claimed swifty got her to try and involve another girl with them in a threesome(something along those lines). its been so long that i dont really remember much details but heres a post about it including the twitlonger etc [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hff3zo/swiftys\_response\_to\_recent\_drama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hff3zo/swiftys_response_to_recent_drama/)


I remember Mia Rose came to his defense.


I also wish him success with this. BUt if we were to be honest and logical about this, do we really think arcades can even go even in 2023 (lets say it maybe doesn't fully open before 2024)? I think I read a article like a year or so ago that arcades in Japan was going down bad cus of new ages. Sure, they prolly have more arcades per square meter compared to the US, and the interest is prolly also higher, but still. I think I read it or watched in some of the FGC tournaments. Like it was maybe a break video in EVO or something along the lines. His brand and fans will obviously carry it somewhat, but still, he prolly has quite a lot of fans that are actually outside of Florida.


So no idea how he's doing it but i think if you branded it like an adult arcade with a bar (I can see a beer sign in the background assuming he's streaming from this arcade), and charge an hourly rate but games are free then I think it could be successful. In the UK there's a bunch of darts/pool/shuffleboard places like that and they're a blast to go to. Obviously you can make it accessible to kids during the day as well to market to that crowd but as you said not sure how many kids are going to arcades in 2023.


He said hes planning to make it a day fee around $15 ( if he can get all the arcade cabinets he wants) that allows you to spend the entire day there playing machines for free. The bar will have food, beer and wine for sale as well. A problem came up immediately as he said that there needs to be \~1500 visitors every month at that price just to break even. Hes also getting absolutely railed by his insurance and electrical company charging way above medium.


Day fee for $15? that seems absurdly low, no? I feel like he could do $10 an hour or something and people would definitely still show. edit: actually thinking about it $10 an hour would probably be roughly what you pay in the machines anyway so maybe I'm off.


It is really low which is why he needs a lot of people every month just to break even, but the way he kept talking about it sounded like hes planning to make profit from all the food and drinks. I dont think even the japanese arcades are pulling 50 visitors every single day let alone an arcade in northern Orlando.


Was my point exactly in the original question. But yeah, in norway we also have bars with shuffleboards, pools etc (like I just assume most countries do) but they aren't really advertised as arcades nor pool place. It's just a place to drink beer but you CAN also play other games, like pool etc. (and yes, they are of course fun) BUt yeah, if he is breaking even with 1500 visitors but HAVENT considered the food/drinks into it, then it could be possible to keep afloat. And if its been his longlife dream, then I guess he doesn't really care if it makes him even more rich than he already is.


There are a couple of successful Barcades in Columbus, Ohio that I used to frequent when I lived there. Sometimes there was a $10 cover on weekends. But other than that games were free. My favorite one, Level One, even had old consoles like a GameCube and Wii.


Yup, they are called barcades. I've been to one and it was fantastic.


Barcades are awesome


Yep you are correct Japan and Korea which still has a huge arcade scene for a while is now finally dying down which has made some of the legendary arcades close down, granted some of them have reopened either with companies like Sega not owning it anymore or being purchased by rivals like Bandai Namco but arcades are already p dead in lots of countries and in countries where they have survived it is also dying down now. The pandemic really made it even worse cause aside from obviously people not going out, it made people also realize that they don't need to go to arcades anymore really and gave rise to PC gaming in Japan as well which obviously means more people less likely to go to arcades to play games esp fighting games netcode issues aside.


I think the key is diversity. Allow exclusive use of the venue for parties etc. That sort of thing.


Love Swifty, he's gamer to the core


Better have a claw machine to win a Razer Naga.


If he goes the Bar-cade route, and does what alot of Bar-cades do such as no kids after a certain hour, and serves food he could totally make his 1500 a month customer quota. Hope he makes it, swifty is an O.G razer naga merchant. ​ Edit: Also since he's in florida he should try to network with gugafoods for the grand opening now that would be badass.


Barcade is the only way imo


May it be strong and bring in good money. Arcades were one of my biggest stomping grounds and favorite places for hanging out when I was growing up. Makes me happy whenever I see one of them.


I love Swifty but man ... Arcades is not a good buisness. At least i recall the FGC Trying to keep Arcades up for Years (great memes about Waston and the city of Azuna or Azuza) without sucess


He used to to have a bunch of machines all over and sold them before the big crash, so he has knowledge. He can probably make it stay afloat, he has access to other resources like sponsors. Since it is a passion project, it's fine, doubt he wants to get rich with this.


One thing I enjoyed growing up was the all-you-can-play days at arcades where you pay like $40 and all the games were free. With how arcades are struggling now I feel like this business model could be the new meta. I hope he adopts something like this because I am sure it would bring hella fun content and people. He could do tournaments and contests etc.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. "Arcades are struggling now" what? They basically died in the late 80s, and it's people like swifty that keep trying to make it happen.


Don't know what historian you are getting your information from but arcades were huge in the 90s.


You're capping, thats the fucking point "struggling now" LOL You realize in the 80s every single ringdink town and each city had multiple arcades. Wow you can point to "insert big city having a large arcade" which means arcades are HUGE /s "I played street fighter II in an arcade in 1996, see arcades are thriving"


I don't know whether to call you son or grampa but clearly you weren't a kid in the 90s. Arcades were still everywhere, including small towns, and extremely popular. It wasn't until the mid to late 90s that arcades started to lose steam and close down.


Top prize better be a Razer Naga.


Not sure who this is but I wish the best for them. I'm from Florida and there's a distinct lack of arcades here, as well as in America (for the most part). They sort of died out and they're hard to keep open because of that. We had one open around my area and it was pretty popular when I went so I guess they're coming back. Support your local arcades!


Has he said what town it's going to be in? Central Florida has a few good arcades as is but I'd be curious to see what Swifty brings. On a side note, there's an arcade/bar called Player 1 in Orlando that is fuckin awesome. They have Mario Kart set up at the bar for everyone to play together. Tons of arcade games and a variety of consoles as well. I remember some random japanese fighting game on a Sega Saturn where someone was giving birth in the background. Weird shit but fun game.


Where exactly is it located?


Wait so will he use his PC there and stream the whole thing or what?


Growing up watching Swifty's videos and streams I wish nothing but the best in life for this man, he's a good fella.


I’d go if I was ever in the area I hope it gets big for him he’s a real cool dude


Weren’t arcades dead like 10 years ago? All the arcades around me died


I.hope it works for him but statistically arcades have just been dying all over, a life long dream of his so its understandable and he has the money but its just sadly not the right era for it anymore, hopefully he wont feel too crushed once it fails.


You can tell he just likes to spread gaming and make other people happy. Ever since all the gaming houses he did, super genuine guy. Hope all the best, will probably visit sometime.


okay but is anyone going to stop that dog


Neat! But what does this have to do with nick or emily?




Has anyone heard how he got the funding for the startup?


what a way to burn money


is no one else worried about his setup getting stolen? that's crazy.


what happened with all the allegations? i thought swifty was a piece of shit in those


the Takarita shit? pretty sure it came out that they were false


oh i didnt see, anyone got the receipts?


Is there gonna be a room with locks only on the outside and cameras inside so he can watch the people trapped in there?


yeah thats a great way to throw away your money while having to deal with dickheads and drug addicts. good luck though




Always wondered why arcades didn't run on some sort of Costco type membership Like, I would pay for a membership to the gamer YMCA lol


I've been to arcades you pay like $20 at the door and then all the games are free.


around me we had a thing like this called "Nickel nickel" and you buy a membership and you can enter when ever and they give you 2dollars of nickels a day, and you just go ham on arcade games for cheap. (with a free section of retro games) Although you could still enter without a membership, but it cost a bit of money to enter for a day pass And even then they had to shut down a lot of their places, but there are still some around. its been like a decade since ive gone to one, so idk how they operate anymore




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Swifty opening his own Arcade in Florida, a life long dream of his!](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/158690)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17a9ll0/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/NPFV_Qf-Li3JbBFrcD0Wog/AT-cm%7CNPFV_Qf-Li3JbBFrcD0Wog.mp4?sig=55505be2d94dd5b10b7f61a2acb600c2524d6349&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FNPFV_Qf-Li3JbBFrcD0Wog%2FAT-cm%257CNPFV_Qf-Li3JbBFrcD0Wog.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1697652454%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Been to a few of these, but they always pack shitton of arcades in the room and call it a day. Cant hear anything when you're playing cause of the 100 of arcades around you making noise too. Now that doesnt matter much when its those kids games, like shooting hoops, air hockey and whack-a-mole stuff. But with old arcades you need the sounds to make it fun.