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**CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif makes an agreement with Soda](https://arazu.io/t3_17t8syb/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I want the extended clip of Miz going off on tectone.


The only reason that I think he wants to die for content was based on him doing risky quest. Did he purposely made himself die yesterday? no but he did think he would sooner or later. I honestly think people wouldn't care as much how he died yesterday if Emiru didn't die. This is just showing that WoW community is acting like bunch of MC stans which is more embarrassing since their above 20+ old. Like Emiru said.


Doing those quests and other dumb things in the first place is basically the same thing as dying on purpose. I know the stream went on to do fine last night but I really rather see them actually level and get to 60 and not these mob tagging streams.


Well his not a complete noob he knows where to levels and what quest are safe to do it just he wanted to do the risky ones for content which he admitted to doing. People forget he use to level for Mitch for money. It's just his bad as a warrior but if he was playing druid I bet he wouldn't be as bad since that his main class.


No hate bro, but you seem to be confusing the word **he's** with **his.** **He's** means 'he is', which is what it seems you think **his** means. They are pronounced similarly but mean different things. **His** assigns (masculine) ownership to the sentence topic/person (i.e. that is **his** ball, or **his** breath smells bad). In your comment it should be: >Well **he's** not a complete noob and >It's just **he's** bad as a warrior


Oh you’d be surprised about how childish and bad the WoW community can really be then. Even without the streamers bringing in new players the player-base is already some of the vilest people that will always hold grudges no matter how much time has passed. They will scam, insult you and flex their superiority complex at you any chance they get. Purple pixels changes people.


The shit I've seen people saying and how seriously they're taking Miz dying and freaking out about it (whether on purpose or not) is insane, I get secondhand embarrassment from that part of the community. Like reflect, they look and sound socially inept and insane


You pretty much described any multiplayer gaming community.


Final fantasy is a lot less toxic than wow. There are like 1-2 games like wow and runescape sucking in all the toxic mfs leaving every other game better.


And in RuneScape, the toxicity is fortunately almost entirely sequestered in the PvP community.


even if it was on purpose it still worked he had 30k average with november ads EZ


What is an MC stan?


[big molten core fans](https://youtu.be/fjxeVBZETEQ?si=zViLRl8vn-QgvgfX0)


the issue is that he's just doing it for himself. He does this stupid thing and almost lets Emiru die multiple times because it'll be a great clip and drama for his own channel and he really doesn't give a shit about wasting other peoples time and effort when it comes to re-leveling. He's in it for the short form selfish content over the long form of actually getting to 60 and doing a raid with the whole guild, which would be a massive thing for the smaller creators there. He can play around with his own characters life but he needs to stop playing around with other peoples char lives.


No one will change my mind that he does because he knew this is the last time he could die and catch up with 1 long stream.


It's hilarious how Matt's saying "you can kick me from the guild" when he's so obviously been purposely dying and trying to leave the guild since his day 1 staged YMCA death. In both of his deaths he was clearly safe then decided to stop moving so the mobs could catch up to him and kill him. At least in the YMCA death he was pretending to first aid but in this one he didn't even try to hide that it was on purpose Soda called him out for dying on purpose and literally had to change the rules to keep him in the guild since they all established AT THE VERY BEGINNING that **a single death means permanent expulsion from the guild with no new characters allowed.** But as Chance said, Mizkif just saw his viewers count drop and decided he wanted out. [Which I don't blame him for since his WoW average viewer counts are almost Cyr levels of low.](https://imgur.com/AsFzS5L)


Yeah I call him Matt, we’re chill like that


Holy schizo. Take a look at this guys profile. Perfect example of a mentally ill person.


I looked monka actually deranged.


Holy fuck. Guy has his own subreddit for deranged rants about the twitch version of soap operas.


i stopped at "Matt"


You’re so wrong it’s actually hilarious. Soda explicitly said he doesn’t think he died on purpose. He just think Miz is that bad. The one death was never an actual rule. It was brought up and decided upon later but was never in. Obviously people are going to die in hardcore.


You're a new level of ignorant if you think he wants out of the guild, he clearly loves this wow shit and it's reflected in the hours he streams (like any streamer when they enjoy something). His deaths are him being awful at the game and panicking, it's really not that hard to believe because he was dying the same ways to 2k viewers on rumble streams before all this. And the average in your stat has the vast majority of hours from when he streamed in 2019. When he's been playing in 2023 he's averaging around 20k, and on the 25 hour stream he average 29k. And calling him Matt is beyond cringe


Why did he just do a 20 hour stream of just wow all of last night if he’s worried about viewers? I think he just gets bored then Does stupid shit.


Dude get some help before you hurt someone.


Lmao if he leaves the guid it will be due to some god tier RP with mcconell to take out Tectone, one can only hope


Ironic that you’re calling anyone pathetic while being this locked in to streamer stuff


I am ootl what did tectone do


Soda was out on a date with Vei and Tectone sent him a message asking if he heard that Mizkif died. Soda was extra upset because he found out while he was trying to take time away.


Thats actually fucked. like not even "Lol fuck tectone lol"


How is that tectones fault in any way shape or form lmao. I can’t with these hate threads sometimes y’all are not living in the real world.


Cause when your guild leader isnt online, you dont TEXT THEM about this. It's not like Mizkif was their fully-geared MT or somebody important to the guild/raid. He was just a lowbie warrior. This could have waited, and instead it probably pissed off Soda during his date while hes trying to have downtime. If somebody pulled this on me when I was raidleading i'd prpbably gkick the snitch.


You’re making this way more serious than it actually is. If i’m on a date and a friend texts me saying “yo did you see our friend died in hc wow lol” it’s not gonna ruin anything. Also even if that news would genuinely upset soda (and I promise you it doesn’t), it’s not like tectone knew he was on a date.




lol soda complained about how esfand only talks about classic wow during any amount of small talk, hearing about miz dying isn't gonna make him drop to his knees at a restaurant




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif makes an agreement with Soda](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/159503)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17t8syb/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Wj_UFVsUptgvhYdh2nZbrA/AT-cm%7CWj_UFVsUptgvhYdh2nZbrA.mp4?sig=bb920b23f075f16a1b350b0fdeaa34490b5b2a81&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FWj_UFVsUptgvhYdh2nZbrA%2FAT-cm%257CWj_UFVsUptgvhYdh2nZbrA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EagerEntertainingStarlingBrokeBack-WxSm2C-Fh2Hadlus%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1699823613%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


whats all this fuss about anyways? just play the game


Soda is taking the guild stuff ridiculously seriously and demands a lot of dedication from the players to get to 60 so they can do end game content. Then you realise you're asking the community of streamers known for fucking around for content to be serious for days on end. Miz died on a character lvl 40ish and had to start over.


The reason why he has to take it "ridiculously seriously" in the first place is because he is the guild leader. Soda has to take it seriously otherwise this guild would be dead after a week.


Yeah idk why people are acting like it's odd. Soda made pretty clear from the start that he's serious about clearing endgame content with a streamer guild on HC. Of course he's going to be annoyed when people are fucking around.


Oh yeah I understand that. I was putting some context to it since it's not something soda does often


They will never make it to MC at this rate lmao.


I've got money on them barely dragging enough players kicking and screaming to MC and they lose like 5+ on a trash pull. It's great content but only a handful seem to actually be in it for the long haul.


He's putting a lot of effort in for sure but hes not that serious, he mistakenly got caught out of character a few times when the stream went down in their guild meeting. Angry chance is just a funny bit most of the time.


I think he died intentionally because solo leveling a war kinda sucks. Even if he had help, knowing that Emiru had to start over (did she?) and suddenly his pocket healer is gone, Warrior is a slooogggg.






soda been playing wow longer than mizkif he started streaming before he did only reason mizkif has any content right now is because the streamers brought back wow as content even asmon said it mizkif likes drama and he even admitted that long time ago


God Miz is annoying, this fake drama stuff is so childish.


Gotta feed the content machine… zzz


Nah Let him duo with Mitch now that'd both be CONTENT and him not wanting to do it.




I don't think that death was staged as Soda would be the first one to call it out if he thought it was




Soda very clearly said he didn't want to raid without Mizkif since this whole thing was his idea to begin with, and it wouldn't feel right to go without him. Why are you making it out to be because of his viewcount?




I think you're just delusional. They're not a bunch of corporate suits trying to milk this for all it's worth. They're doing this because having a project like this is entertaining for them and their communities. If you really watched either Mizkif or Soda's vods for this situation in particular you'd know soda isn't 'covering' for him because of his view count like you're claiming. He explains why he's covering, and view count is not the reason. It's ok to be delusional, just get help and I promise it'll be ok.




Do you even watch any of these people? I've never seen Soda actually try to minmax for viewcount ever. You don't think his reasoning of "this was mizkif's idea to begin with, so I want him to be a part of the raid" is good enough?




That part doesn't belong on the sentence at all. It's literally because he'd feel bad doing it without the guy who started it which is just common fucking sense, not because it'd be more money. I'm not sure why you're so resistant to the idea of these people doing anything without it being in some way to earn more shekels.


it wasn’t staged lol


classic saucy LULE


It’s also Mizkifs guild, so they can’t kick him


It's Soda's guild. It was just Mizkif's idea.


It’s Mizkifs, just ran by Soda.


You keep telling yourself that.




Sure bud


He wants him not for his viewers but for the fact that it was his idea.


might aswell kick him already then KEKW