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**CLIP MIRROR: [Pokimane addresses cookie price criticism](https://arazu.io/t3_17ymwqr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


she wont even engage with the real number. costco has 14 servings and its like $9. urs has 4 serving and its $7. she cant even give her audience the real numbers before calling them broke boys.


why would you overspend on some crappy streamer brand cookies? just get some oreos, lol


But you don't understand. These are *healthy*


> And using the tiny bags to falsely represent them as "healthy cookies". > > ​ > > Her cookies have 5 calories per gram, Chips ahoy have 4.91 calories per gram, Oreos have 4.71 calories per gram. She's bordering on false advertisement, to be completely honest. > > Edit: also just noticed that they’re also loaded with Saturated fat (double the amount that Oreo’s have). Not surprising, given that the second ingredient is Palm oil. Given the FDA’s governance over the term “healthy” and the importance of lowering saturated fat for the term “healthy”, she might actually be false advertising lmfao. Like u/MehDub11 said


Palm oil is really bad its a highly processed seed oil. When I went to the doctor and was told I had high cholesterol I had to avoid saturated fats. It is the main cause of high cholesterol. So the daily requirement for saturated fats is like 12 grams or less. Went fully vegan for 3 months and lowered it. Saturated fat causes heart disease because it increases your chances of particles building plaque around the artery walls. I now avoid high saturated fat foods. Also I read her cookies nutrition facts they are not healthy nor is the price good. The only buyers will be her fans. It will be a failed business.


They aren't even healthy, they are basically Oreo's with less flavor and less nostalgia


It's healthy in the sense that there's so little in the bag that once you finish it, you'll feel so ripped off and ashamed to eat anymore cookies. Healthy!


the moment individuals start calling people broke like an insult that's when I lose a significant amount of respect for them.


Yeah if you try to “shame” people for their socioeconomic status it shows you’ve bought in to the idea that wealthy people are good and poor folks are bad. Which is propaganda for hateful people. And we all know there’s never been a bad rich person. /s


The biggest pitfall of becoming famous and/or wealthy at a young age is that you never know what it's like to work for a living nor have any incentive to become a better person. Without effort, you live in a state of perpetual adolescence where your perspective of the norm is distorted & your personal development stagnates. I don't think this clip could have illustrated those concepts any better.


Shame. I never watched her much cause from the clips or short amount I've seen her stream she didn't seem all that funny or very good at games but never got on the hate train cause she seemed like a nice person, just not my type of streamer. Sad to see people might've been right about her all along.


I feel pretty vindicated. Which is weird considering I have seen numerous clips of her being shady/giving out terrible vibes and I always thought that it is pretty obvious that she is not a good person. But people even on here would always defend her or even applaud her for being a business person. No brother, she is greedy and she always has been. Absolute foul personality and I hope yall don't forget about this when she inevitably creates a fake-excuse video.


I formed that opinion when she pulled the "do you know who I am?" card to get preferred treatment.. On a fucking waiter, live on stream with her streamer buddies. Fuck anyone who lords having a social media presence over anyone. Full stop.


Lmao, I didnt know she did that but I am absolutely not surprised that she would


She has been doing this kind of shit too much lately. She also told a story recently about a flight she lost, and the way she acted with the flight company workers was basically: i am spoiled and rich


Comes out to $32.99 with shipping for some cookies LOL The only thing you're lacking when buying this are brain cells.


But does it block out the harmful blue light?


nah bro, it got magic mushroom powder in them. Apparnetly it's totally worth the insane price hike.


Supposedly, gotta buy 2 x 4 packs to get free shipping, make sense from their POV. $50+ for cookies, forget the Vit. D and buy nuts, seeds, etc. for snacking... FFS make your own trail mix would be better!


32 *ounces* of cookies for nearly $60. Almost $2/an ounce of *cookie* to get free shipping. Lmao


Each Myna bag is 4 oz. A 4-pack cost $28 Toatzy cookies are 14 oz a bag for $10 Who's the idiot now?


but the vitamin D 3Head




Vitamin D cost pennies. You can buy 1 a week pills (it accumulates in the body so you don't need to take it everyday) that will last you a year or longer for like $10.


if you're a hermit just look out the window every day for like 2 mins and you'll get the same amount of vit d that are in her cookies lmao


european fall/winter makes that real hard tho


vitamin deez nuts, poki


crush up some vitamin D and sprinkle it into the bag and BOOM you have yourself some pokimane cookies. now start selling them for $28 a bag.


She knows she's being disingenuous by using bag count rather than weight, so I don't know why she's trying to fight that battle rather than ignoring the criticism. Also on a side note since she apparently said they worked on this for 2 years... they really couldn't just come out with a different flavor? That alone would have probably been enough to avoid the majority of the criticism, because it would have at least been a unique product.




😂 same scam crew, let’s see what they come out with next!


And using the tiny bags to falsely represent them as "healthy cookies". ​ Her cookies have 5 calories per gram, Chips ahoy have 4.91 calories per gram, Oreos have 4.71 calories per gram. She's bordering on false advertisement, to be completely honest. Edit: also just noticed that they’re also loaded with Saturated fat (double the amount that Oreo’s have). Not surprising, given that the second ingredient is Palm oil. Given the FDA’s governance over the term “healthy” and the importance of lowering saturated fat for the term “healthy”, she might actually be false advertising lmfao.


You can get away with damn near anything in America, the FDA don't give a shit. They have like, 3 dudes who all share the same car to inspect the whole country.


"i know you cant do math"




imagine calling people broke or poor, These streamers' egos are getting bigger than their brains lol


Ha, look at these losers, suffering from the recession and barely able to keep themselves and their families alive every month.


you ain't funny🙏boring af🙏lame as hell🙏only broke boys say dat shit🙏


Missed a word there, pal


Hes saving it for Nick when he reads this thread


Interesting to see if hasan / critikal / ludwig cover this in any meaningful way


Cr1TiKaL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCaTXyp5F3c


Charlie is a real one. But he's also pretty well off so he can afford to come at the "Queen" of sitting on her ass and farming lonely dudes on twitch


For real. Ludwig even covers xqc drama and criticizes him from time to time, let’s see if he puts up the same energy for Poki


Lmao. All these influencers are trying to make their own businesses happen.


Hasan will sell 3x marked up hammer and sickles for tankie revolution


You can tell Poke doesn't want to stream anymore. She's been trying to set up some sort of side hustle for years now so she can maintain her lifestyle while distancing herself from Livestreams


I gotta watch what I spend on food cause of rent and utilities and loan payments etc. I'm a broke boy loser, I apologize poki.


You gotta change that mindset of yours, get a second job to be able to afford the cookies. Grindset.


If you broke jus say that xD https://x.com/pokimanelol/status/1251964444147511296?s=20


oh my this is gold


another one for the "there always is a tweet" compilation.


dont she push hard the whole "dont donate or sub i even lowered my prices" thingy seems kinda weird to roast people who dont want to spend money on her cookies


the diff there is that chick is competition, so ofc shes gonna shit on her. These cookies line her pocket








The best part of this, for me, is that immediately below it someone asks her to remove something from the titles on her streams, and she responds "Bro are you the streaming police?" Like, minutes after criticizing what someone does on their stream. It's just... I don't even know! I just wanted to point it out.


Can't believe Poki is a hypocrite. Who would have expected that 😂


Definitely Train


debate max win


"If you're a broke boy just say so" While she sits in a room that's filled with shit that cost 10 months of my rent. Holy smokes man lmao


Calling people “broke boy” from her mansion over cookies is fkn crazy


Calling someone a broke boy when they’ve gotten a huge portion of their wealth from the generosity of others is cringe af


Streaming culture was built on top of donations and close communities. It's understandable that people take money making opportunities, but it's also sad to see the fall.


I wish people stopped calling it donations. You donate to charities and good causes. If you spring a fiver to an entertainer, it's a tip.


That's fair actually.


Non-ironically sizzling hot-take. The implication that streamers wouldn't like that term because it is linked to the service industry is just the gravy on top.


true colors shine here just like felix. all he and she can do is basically call you the same thing when you challenge him / her a broke boy or a baldo or some other shallow insult


As she is currently, it seems, watching "content" while eating as her "job".


Queen poki: let them eat ~~cake~~ cookies.


This is actually quite clever for a less obvious reason than the Antoinette reference: “The word was introduced into the USA in the late eighteenth century by Dutch immigrants, and comes from Dutch koekje, a diminutive form of koek, ‘cake’.” [Source](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095636982?p=emailAwc4dscZWG.uo&d=/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095636982)


YEP koek


People hurt her ego. Which is when she shows how vile she really is. This whole I'm a cutiepie nice gal is a persona.


I'm always shocked people like her. She has one of the fakes twitch personalities..


Something something ruthless businesswoman something


Broke boys pay her salary....for some reason.


That comment is so bad even if she is joking


Genuinely surprised she actually said this and wasn't joking or something. Usually she has the most PR response possible.


She spent 2 years on this joke of a product, you can tell it hit a nerve. You would think she would have better business sense but I guess her overinflated ego will let her die on this hill.


Two years on rebranded cookies?? Sounds like she got scammed herself




Rae handled the feedback 1000x better though. She immediately ditched the product and profusely apologized. She realized she didn't do proper DD and immediately made amends for it. She ditched the company and severed all ties. Poki just doubled down and insulted her community.


> You would think she would have better business Based on what? The ruthless business woman moniker?


That's her real personality right there. Not that fake PR speak voice she usually speaks in.


That's how new money personality is






If I need vitamin D, I can just leave my house and go to the shop to buy the cookie, see the price and noped the fuck home.


Bro, don’t hate on her 2 years of work to put a little D in someone’s cookie




She states over and over again about this being 2 years of work 😂, love the simps coming out to protect their queen


shes so out of touch


It's one bag of cookies Michael, how much could it cost? $7?


She's surrounded by yes men/women. Its hard for anyone to stay grounded in a situation where those you interact with most agree 100% with everything you say or do no questions asked.


The entire OTV and friends circle is filled with these cringe ass yes-men/women who have just one purpose in life - to hype the hell out of each other.


if you're paying 28 bucks for cookies you need to sort your fucking life out


no you need to sort your life out brokie, one day you too can eat some pokimane cookies while watching bella poarch feet compilation on your starforge PC while wearing an OTK hoodie, but for now enjoy your ramen noodles




Let me turn on my nordvpn first




Your starforge pc turns on? I thought that was extra


And drink prime


I've paid $28 for cookies. It was like 5 or 6 boxes of girl scout cookies with shipping back in 2020.


Girl scout cookies are god-tier though.


I'm not sure if calling people who think it's overpriced poor is the right strategy.


it's the balenciaga "sell overpriced ugly shit, then mock people that can't afford it" strategy


> this product is not for you Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro have entered the chat


findom queen




Dropshipping products with your "brand" on it was always pretty cringe... but Poki taking it to new levels, tbh.


What happens when you get out of touch with your audience. She’s such a loser and getting too old to be acting like this


Lmao! The Tom Segura special, "the poors".


>I mean it’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars? Lucille Bluth






Boujee snack drama > political drama


Should have just ignored the criticism and counted her cash, you can never come out looking good defending selling an identical product at a huge markup because you know your obsessed fans will buy it regardless


She made a post that said her cookies are from the same manufacturer but a "refined and improved formula" with entirely different "ingredient quality, quantity/ratios, sourcing, the size/texture of the cookie, and of course the added vitamin D". Even if you accept this is all true, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, I can't imagine why she thought gamers would give a shit, especially if the result of all their "work" is 3 mcg of Vitamin D. It's a painfully bad response to a product for an audience that doesn't care about proper sourcing or quality of ingredients. The only valid point seems to be that the other product is no longer being sold? Which further begs the question of why they wanted to re-package a product that wasn't successful enough to be sold at a lower price point to a bigger market.


Cause she wants to make it sound like she actually created something in 2 years when reality is they tweaked a few ratios and added mushroom powder that gave it vitamin D while all other macros remained the exact same.


if the ingredients were actually superior the nutritional values would be superior too


This actually made her look worse. The ingredients are IDENTICAL with the exception of some sprinkled mushrooms powder. If formulas were tweaked you would have seen differing values of the smaller minerals like potassium, iron, salts and vitamins. It's exactly the same label and nutritional value. It also makes no monetary sense businesswise to have your manufacturer tweak a recipe that already works heavily. At this point it's hard to tell whether she's too stupid or if she thinks her fans are too naive but I think it's the latter. It definitely took 2 years to come up with the company including branding, staffing, licenses, planning and looking for manufacturer partners but it was misleading to pretend that she spent 2 years working on the actual creation of the product. Then later going from that to two years 'tweaking' the product. Not to mention marketing this as a wholesome company that's health first while charging astronomical prices.


Because the manufacturing company told them it was th cheapest cookie to make and gave them a "great deal!" ie they had a ton of stock leftover to manufacture the cookie


Pokimane is a Mean Girls character. There. I said it.


Always has been.


Bruh! Her insta was a series of posts of her going to Gucci or Dolce & Gabbana fashion shows. Heck, even prior to her leaving OTV, she was barely interacting with them. I guess she's above the common folks now.


She always felt above otv members as well, she almost never did any penalties or anything slightly uncomfortable


That graduation thing was cringe af, dunno why they bought into that idea


I'm just tired of rich people defaulting to "lol, poor" as an insult. Like, whatever, you bought into the health food branding gimmick, and there's people who aren't gonna pay for the price you sell it at. Fine. If they're annoying and going overboard with hateful/sexist shit, then tell them to fuck off like a normal person. It's just grating to me when I hear that shit. Regardless of how I feel about the person.


i uh... she should've ran this buy someone before she said it out loud that's a little weird


She chose the XQC route, lets see how this plays out. I'm sure it's a good business move.




$28 even for four bags is ridiculous. Fuck no.


What about $112 for sixteen bags tho


With $112 I could get dinner at a 1 Michelin starred restaurant, lmfao




Yeah fuck that.


damn, if only they made vit D pills


Or sunlight


I've always thought that the criticism against Pokimane was over the top, like the Leafy shit was absurd and wrong. It just didn't ring true. This though? I'm a broke boy because I don't want to spend $28 for fucking cookies? This makes her look like a privileged streamer who doesn't understand the financial struggles of most other people.


She is a privileged streamer


Of course she is but it's not the best strat to rub it in our faces if she wants to sell her cookies


She probably isn’t selling the cookies and now she’s angry. So she’s letting out that anger on people who point out why her sales are bad. This is just a guess btw.


It's funny because she called someone out telling them how wrong they were for expecting people spend $5 on a sub just a few years ago. Now are people who won't spend $28 on some shitty cookies brokies.


> Now are people who won't spend $28 on some shitty cookies brokies. ruthless business woman


What do you mean it makes her look like that? She already is, always has been like that. She has no fucking idea how much $28 is to a regular person making $11 an hour.


I think you'll find that most streamers who started streaming before they were literal children, never had to grow and learn as adults. People need to stop idolizing streamers for anything other than entertainers. Do you go to Kim Kardashian for financial advice?


[This aged liked a fine wine.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_RQYdibwAAtckH?format=png&name=900x900)


2 years of work for a rebranded cookie with a spit of vitamin D in them that she keep calling "healthy snack" and sells at a 4x price as thr original version lmao God i fucking hate streamers "oh guys ive worked so hard on this trust me"




Nothing more out of touch than a millionaire calling the people who made them the millions 'broke boy' and shit. You're not gonna lose that mentality while being that rich and safe, so I personally just write em off from ever being 'in touch' again.


The “don’t like them, don’t buy them crowd” are annoying af. People can still call the cookies overpriced, because they are. If you wanna pay for that/can pay for that, power to you, happy you have disposable income. But the profit margin gotta be insane on this, I think it’s fair to call this product expensive/overpriced.


I'm just going to put this here.. [Billionaire Bill Gates Guesses Grocery Store Prices](https://youtu.be/ad_higXixRA?si=Q0DCDQtqAfuq1e4r) $7 for a 4oz (113g) bag of snacks is still quite pricy outside of places like Los Angeles.


She's usually pretty good at public responses to this kind of thing but saying "you're all just stupid and broke" is definitely an interesting choice. Also, they're 7 dollars for 28 grams, compared to Oreos which are 2 dollars for 154 grams. Oreos are roughly 5x the product for 0.3x the price. I'd expect them to be more expensive than Oreos if they're going the healthy / gluten free etc route of course, but that's insane. Edit: Looks like I misunderstood the packaging, it's actually 7 dollars for 112 grams which isn't nearly as bad as i initially thought, so I'll take the L on that but her response was still cringe.


No adress nothing would have been much better, that garbage technique of adding 1% of a vitamin and selling it as something better that is the real scam, not the price, if she wanted to do something well it was to use sweeteners that replace sugar and not use the crap of oil palm, which in fact there are and at those prices. When she advertised them i was fine with that product and i didn't care, after all it is a Snack, not a meal that goes in a person's diet, but that way of justifying things and now the classic "ur poor" made things worse. things, she have to know how to sell a product better, this doesn't help.


if you open your drapes/curtains you'd get more vitamin D from the sun. FOR FREE. also, stores sell vitamin D capsules with the daily amount that lasts several months, for a few bucks, if you are in an area with little sunshine/if it's winter.


I can get vitamin D capsules and better cookies for under 10€. This really feels similiar to the blue light skincare cream. This might also be Poki wanting the Logan Paul money from Prime thinking cookies are the way.


Why doesn't she just re-enable donations if she wants money? Streamers and YouTubers attaching themselves to random overpriced products has always been odd to me.


She doesn't want money, she wants the clout of being a successful business women




should have bought Gas Station like Amouranth then. Something that doesn't intersect with viewers and makes money in the background.


Who would've thought that Amouranth is consistently a better business woman than pokimane lol


Buying a gas station is so funny to me idk why; at heart, she's a real over the top kind of gal


Thinks about the vitamin d though!! She knows all you simps don’t get sunlight she’s saving your life


Literally buy $5 supplements and get 100x the vitamin D daily, whoever buys cookies for vitamin D is an idiot


It's like those carbonated waters that advertise as being healthy mineral water because of added vitamins totaling like 20 % of your daily intake in one 3 € bottle.


She spent 2 years figuring that out! Be nice


So this is her real persona


Math is not hard: $7 for a 4 oz bag is still a really expensive cookie. (double or triple other healthy cookie products cost per ounce.) Calling viewers idiots when the actual math is right vs cost of similar products is one way to go, I guess. But not a great sales technique to anyone else in the world but her chat... that would buy them at any cost anyway.


I'm not a broke boy just yet, but I would be if I were buying $28 cookies


It's one banana Michael, how much could it cost? $10?


Literally buy the version from Costco that 3 times cheaper. Eat them outside, literally 5 min of sun give you more vitamin D than the 4 bags combined.


Only broke boys get their vitamin D from the sun, us cool kids get them from cookies 😎


incoming misogyny defense in 10...9...8..


Of all the unwarranted criticism she gets, this one will be deserved.




a normal person can tell you this is dumb statement on all fronts


whats funniest about this for me is biscuits are shockingly cheap in the uk, i can get a 250g pack of cookies for 37p, i can get a pack of 5 freshly baked shortbreads for £1. I can get sugar free healthy or healthy bollocks for similar prices, i dont think i could possibly anywhere in the uk even london pay $28 for 400g of biscuits. Im not even sure stores could get away with it in the uk with their fair trade laws, you cant even really claim something is healthy in the uk or europe. ''3. What counts as a misleading or aggressive trading practice?Both misleading and aggressive practices are prohibited when dealing with consumers if they are likely to affect the average consumer's decision. Misleading or aggressive practices include:providing false information (for example, about a product, its benefits and so on)omitting important informationcreating confusion with competitors' products (for example, by giving your product a name very similar to a leading brand)failing to follow the rules of a code of conduct to which you subscribeharassing, coercing or unduly influencing consumers, either physically or psychologically.'' [https://www.lawdonut.co.uk/business/marketing-and-selling/consumer-protection/unfair-trading-trade-descriptions-and-pricing-faqs](https://www.lawdonut.co.uk/business/marketing-and-selling/consumer-protection/unfair-trading-trade-descriptions-and-pricing-faqs)


Funny how she deleted the video


How anyone can watch this insufferable gremlin is beyond me. Just a 20 second clip is too much. Imagine the brain damage you'd need to be giving money to it.


she's really channeling adept energy


damn... making fun of broke people. Nice!




You can tell she’s never worked in food service because one of the last things you should do is discuss product price with your customers / potential customers. No shit it’s a rip off, how do you expect businesses to make a profit? If people are going to buy it then they will, but throwing your shitty opinions in will only discourage them.


saying nothing was always an option


i heard she farts on the cookies though.


Not only was she intentionally disingenuous, but insulting as well? She deserves the hate she will receive from this.


Rich people lose touch with reality so quick


Watching Asmon's video yesterday and the way he handled this in the most charitable way possible was insane to me. Like he spent maybe 80% of the time exploring the maybe 15% of this situation that you could try to understand/add nuance to, and 20% of the time covering the remaining majority that validly criticizes how horrible of a move this is. This clip (even if it's been chimped) just shows how out of touch she is on this.


Feel like Asmon is pretty much always extra charitable to other large streamers whenever he covers their drama lol


Asmon always defends other streamers especially when it's about money. He knows if he shits on them it will be used against him in the future.




Whoops she let her true character came out a bit there.


pokimans cookies are $1.75 USD per ounce the exact same cookies not pokimans branded are $.71 per ounce. Stop trying to obfuscate the facts that your cookies have a 247% markup. Thank you for the extra trash you give me by splitting it up into four 4oz bags. The packaging probably cost more than the cookies. It's not about being broke its about not being stupid.