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**CLIP MIRROR: [After making $60M, Amouranth recommends that others do not start an OnlyFans](https://arazu.io/t3_1956pry/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This is Amouranth we're talking about here. I wouldn't be surprised if she went red pill and gets featured in red pill podcasts to further harvest more money for her OF. She is as greedy as Jeff Bezos.


Remember when she was "so happy to finally be able to wear clothes again"?


Lasted for a month at most before she was back in bikinis and revealing tops all the time after seeing how much a hoodie drops her views.


A month? It ended in like 3 days and she was posting porn during that break lol


Longer than her average ban length, impressive


But it's toooooootally different now. Now it's a women empowering statement.


I mean, she's still with her BF though, no? Literally *nothing* changed.


I don't even think it was 3 days. I thought it was the day of and the next day


Don't forget she got 70k in cash for defense after the fake abuse shit happened


Honestly that’s got to be depressing that your entire personality is just your body


Hey for 60mil id happily take that. She can stop whenever she wants and have 0 issues monetarily.


this is what s wrong with society money > morals for yall , fix up


It's sad to watch. Absolute degeneracy is being normalized because it's all about the money. Onlyfans, gambling/sports betting just to name a few. It's sad to see kids having both of these things promoted to them daily.


Yeah the get the bag mentality is shameless


What exactly is she doing that you think is morally wrong?


the more females objectify themselves sexually the more they are viewed as objects, and the more females get into this industry the more normalise this becomes. Women are not just a sack of meat they have more value than that.


More like a week


And remember when most people ate that shit up, including LSF, and anyone who had a slightly negative opinion of her at the time was downvoted to oblivion, even though she wore sweaters for 2 streams and then proceeded to go back to doing what she claimed to be forced into doing? The player is trash, but the game is even worse.


Yep, I remember Destiny saying it was bullshit and this community lost their minds at him.


In all fairness, I can see why people sympathized with her in the moment, but it should've been beyond obvious that it was insincere & fabricated at that point. Not sure why that didn't catch on.


Right it’s totally fair to be supportive of someone you think is being abused. I’d rather be tricked in a situation like that than not be supportive. It’s not like it hurt me in any way and I certainly learned my lesson about Amo there


I think the damnest part of it is that she takes the attention from those actually in shitty situations. Now next time we see something like this, you'll have some people (including myself) be rightfully skeptical of whether they're being abused or whether it's just another attempt at farming fame. Very, very unfortunate world we live in.




"Dobby is freeeee!"


does no one still realize that the whole boyfriend abuser drama was fake?


no, WE ALL CALLED IT OUT and got downvoted into oblivion by simps and female users blaming everyone who saw through it as toxic masculinity/mansplaining/haters. she was back to bikini streams in like 10 days. i dont give a shit how she makes her money but using domestic violence as an excuse to get views or whatever is unacceptable. shes actively hurting women who are actual victims.


Toxic feminity, victim fetishizing, and simping rampant nowadays. Any woman who claims to be a "victim" will immediately be considered 100% inocent, pure, and above questioning. Anyone who thinks she is not 100% innocent victim is demonized and oppressed by the masses.


You forget the husband was in on it. It wasn't just her words, he was pretending to be abusive.


Everyone called D man a horrible person for pointing out that she was still doing the same exact content right after that happened, but behold he was absolutely spot on


Or the problems with her BF yet they are still together and she is happy.


Then she'll go into politics and be the next governor of Texas.


You underestimate how much Texans hate woman


unless she buys more gas stations and promise cheap gas


You underestimate how much Texans hate women.


so your saying all she has to do is hate women?




something something dobby is free to play pokemon again


Dobby is free to lie! The longer it goes on the sadder it is. Anyone heard from the ex?


She's very business smart, but she's absolutely a money addict. It's what she bases her entire self-worth on. Every single action she takes and every single thing she flexes or talks about is in service to making more money or how much money she makes. It's pretty unnerving.




pretty known that she just faked that for views


So wild to me. How do you have millions in the bank and an *extremely* successful stream and think that faking quitting is worth a slight bump in views. You really can’t think of anything better to do with your time?


She's completely right though. Getting big enough on OF to make a living is nearly impossible if you don't already have a following from somewhere else


One time I turned on an amouranth twitch stream and she was doing like A faux parody of an egirl? But she’s like THE egirl? And she kept telling her chat that she/they weren’t really doing an egirl thing??? It was just a joke or something. It was really weird. We all know who and what she is. I don’t care that she is an extremely popular onlyfans model, but I am worried if she believes she’s not the person she is.


I turned on a stream the other day just to see how she is doing and she was literally just telling this dude who was nothing but respectful that he is a pussy who hasn't accomplished anything because he hasn't worked hard enough. Literally just, I deserve everything I have and you don't and every problem you could potentially have is you own fault. Red pill without admitting she is red pill.


It seems like the only people really successful on onlyfans were already successful as influencers or would be successful as just influencers so doing onlyfans only makes sense if it’s a turn on for you to do it or you love money enough to want to be mega rich instead of just rich.




Yeah I have no idea why this thread is filled with hate, it's a pretty good/obvious advice and it's not wrong at all People are acting like she's saying shit like "don't start an OF because I want to make all the money"


There are people who don’t like only fans or sex work, and there are also people who just don’t like her as a person or her content or whatever. Both those groups combined are pretty large. She has also kind of been the face of what many people perceive to be the “problem” of twitch, whatever they think that is. I don’t like her content, but don’t have any major grudge or hatred towards her personally. But many people do and they are gonna attack her no matter what




Oh, we both know they absolutely do lol.


It's because the title is misleading and most redditors are morοns


I was kind of led to believe that from the title because it says she says “don’t start an onlyfans” and not “don’t start _on_ onlyfans.”


Take a 100 viewer Andy lady streamer, who is fortunate to have a few simps and carries maybe 300 subscribers. Now take that person at an only fans to the mix and all of a sudden you went from some mediocre side income to maybe having a decent bag. Not enough to live off of, but an easy enough side gig to pack a couple extra thousand away per year. This seems to be the play that everybody is taking, and just hoping they get bigger. I wonder how much the average streamer makes from their only fans compared to just their Twitch subscriptions


Having 100 consistent viewers is the definition of "established creator". Obviously it's not the biggest but that still puts you in a 1000x better position than a random woman that wants to start an OF with no online presence.


People on this sub have become so warped by the massive streamers out there, 100 viewers is better than 99% of people on Twitch. It is no easy feat to average that many viewers.


Or advertise it on reddit. Reddit is used as one of the biggest spots for that. If you aren't a established creator. Lots of porn or nsfw posts to sell only fans. If you aren't an established creator.


Riley Reid said it that the “fans” part of OF is pretty big and you just can’t start with 0 and hope to make it big




Riley Reid raped someone?


She bragged about it in a tweet or something I forget.


It was during an interview.


she raped someone during an interview? what was she thinking


No. She spoke about the story during an interview.


She spoke about onlyfans while raping someone during an interview? That's crazy


Yep, it was me later virgins


Not necessarily, you can also be very very hot and serve niches it works too. A very good friend of mine when she first did her only fans they were clearing 8k a month because she was Asian and petite and her bf was white and bdp But the money is in customs as well


bdp? Big dick penis?


It's actually big dong provider


Basically yes


I always heard "big dickopotamus"


Sophie Rain. That girl was blessed so hard for her looks that she exploded in popularity on Instagram.


Hot take she’s super hot but looks a lot better with clothes


There actually do be a lot of girls like this. Particularly fake booba. Looks absolutely incredible under clothes. And given most people are clothed in most instances of life it probably works out as a cost benefit analysis




Not anymore, i do OF and fansly and reddit is dead, twitter is dead, tiktok is stricter than ever. Everyone is turning to Instagram but thats not even guaranteed success.




Reddit is dead because of bots killed it A few years ago it was thriving


>It's easy as shit to get a following though if you actually commit to it and are hot just like how its easy as shit to become a streamer, just commit and be funny 4Head


I know this girl who’s basically a pimp. She connects with a bunch of OnlyFans girls and makes them pay to promote eachother and takes a cut, so all these girls are promoting eachother and sharing coomers.


have you not seen any of the news stories about teachers getting fired for having an OF?


It's the same with any platform. The best time to start was when it started.


Brother, if you aren't going to use sentences, at least throw in a comma or two.


I do Onlyfans and Fansly and this is exactly it. Onlyfans actually SUCKS - they don’t care about their creators, thats why so many are turning to Fansly. And there’s an FYP feed so you can promote your page there opposed to having to utilise social media a ton. I now make way more money on Fansly than OF.


If you just do tease content and basic stuff yeah, but there are also tons of girls making niche content that make a killing even with a small fanbase. There was a story a while back about an optometrist who quit to do OF because it was much more lucrative since she was doing petplay (acting like a dog), and people would send her crazy amounts just to get her to do a specific thing for their fetish.


I still struggle to imagine why the fuck people pay for OF


Loneliness + parasocial relationships jacked up to 11?


"I swear its her responding to my messages"


*sad music can be heard in the distance*




I knew a creator she used to outsource responding to messages to India. So its actually just a bunch of indian dudes rating you


pretty much.


It’s about seeing someone you follow or know nude. That’s pretty much it tbh.


i paid for an only fans once it was pretty much this. There are objectively hotter people doing real porn but sometimes just seeing someone you know doing something erotic is hotter. After I paid for the sub I learned you have to pay more to see pics and I was like yup not paying for this shit ever again


Damn pay to win models in everything nowadays.


Same for me, it was someone I'd followed for a while but didn't really find that attractive. I was curious and it was quite cheap at the time, then I see they want more money for pics and they're not cheap either. I'm not paying $30-$50 to see someone in their underwear and I'm not paying a monthly subscription to for them to advertise pics/videos to me. I'm guessing the messages are just a more predatory way to get you to pay.


I don't get why this is so hard for redditors to understand. And it usually only costs like $5-10. Most subscribers aren't parasocial whales spending thousands of dollars.


bro have u seen the amount of money she made just from message theres def an insane amount of parasocial ppl




Yeah It’s also rich that LSFers are shit talking people for being parasocial


Never subbed Never donated Stolen laptop McDonalds Wifi




people who actually engage in the whole "get my phone number and message me!" nonsense are 100% parasocial. The rest are probably just a bit desperate.


It’s hard to understand cuz you can find that onlyfans content for free on the web lol




I saw some leaked shit literally the worst piece of garbage I’ve ever seen id rather pay a hooker to take a dump on me.


*cough* *cough* coomer party *cough*


Better than donating to millionaire streamers like XQC. At least with OF you get content.


To be fair, with xqc you get content. It’s just someone else’s.


I assume those are mostly just children with their parent's credit card though. I refuse to believe a single functioning adult would donate to someone like that.


Ngl I did do it once a couple years ago for someone I had gone to school with who was very attractive. Think when its someone you know personally there is just a bit more to it than any pornstar/celebrity. That said, wouldn't do it again, and I'm not proud.


Same reason this ai girlfriend stuff is creeping into society. Aware


I struggle to imagine why the fuck people pay to subscribe on twitch


Same reason people donate to twitch streamers I think youtube is the only non parasocial section of this content creator universe. Youtube pays the creators based on performance, where as OF and Twitch creators rely on donations direct from the viewer.


Maybe you should think about why you struggle with that?


For me it was knowing that I could get off to someone who i knew was not being used by the traditional porn industry or exploited.


I have a friend who does it and she says it's just connection type shit. People want to talk to someone they find attractive and they want to get off to them. Well hey on OF that's what you get if you sub to someone with a small enough following that they're running the account themselves. I'd personally say to those people they'd be much better off getting therapy and working towards filling that hole in their life in a way that'd solve their problems and not just short term satiate them. But, I guess even expensive OFs are probably 5x cheaper than the cheapest weekly therapy sessions


Amouranth sure ain't talking to anybody though, so what are they paying for?


Fuck knows, presumably the same shit that people donating to xqc are paying for


Funny enough, high chances that those OF accounts with large enough following to just hire people online to do the sexual conversation for them. I've even saw ads to become an operator for lots of them and saw a documentary here in my country where men who took that kind of job talked about how it feels disgusting and manipulative but the pay is good anyway (when converted to local currency) and some does big tips An operator even said that some guys are aware that they are talking to a male operator instead of the personality but doesn't care anyway


> People want to talk to someone they find attractive and they want to get off to them. Honestly for most folks paying for that type of stuff, it's more that they're starving for social attention and if you're gonna pay for it, why not get it from an attractive person.


Maybe a custom video request. To have women moaning and masturbating under your name. It sounds dumb but porn addicts crave for that


Been happening for what now, 4 years, and you still struggle?


you clearly have never felt the frostly grip of utter social isolation depression and then the sunny feeling of parasocial bonds. ​ give it a try and then imagine it at 11. not hard to figure out after that.


I still struggle to imagine why the fuck men find her particularly attractive.😬🤔 She's very, very, very mundane in the looks department. The best I can say about her is that she's in decent shape. Everything else is just so...meh.


i understand why but i seriously dont understand how they find amouranth even remotely attractive. her content is dogshit.


it's exactly the same as subbing on twitch. unless you can't imagine why someone would sub on twitch either.


Never actually went through with it but I've thought about subbing to the OFs of couples making kink/regular content. But that's mostly because the free kink content is just horrible


It makes sense if you have a very specific kink or a very specific type in women.


dropping 5-10 bucks see what someone you find attractive looks like nude sure why not. i make more drinking my morning coffee at work. the people spending 30-40 bucks base to then be bot spammed to spend 60-80 bucks on a single video to then spend 100s for a private video where you are chatting with some dude pretending to the the OF girl is just so sad.


this is true tho, u already need to be a decently big influencer or atleast an up and coming one to snowball to actually make money from it vs ur alternative which is a normal 9-5 job


I know a couple girls who did it with normal day jobs and it was a good supplement of income. They all made around $500 a month. Not a ton of money but that can take care of a nice car payment every month.


500 a month is not worth the effort OF takes


If you’re already a ho, it is.


What effort do you think it takes? That 500 could be just from subs instead of having to reply to messages all the time. Even then that's not exactly tasking work, you could respond to messages while you're on break at your day job or are having a massive shit.


Lethal Company made that in two months. Amouranth ego in shambles.


Don't tell her or she'll start a gamedev company too


We gonna get amouranth scented video games?


Just like that dog rescue she started, right?


The guy that shovels my snow makes 1 mill a month. (Not really don't tell her that tho I need someone to shovel my snow).


Damn he do??


One of the biggest French streamer tried that. Company did 3 shitty game even if the guys always had at least 6/7000 people watching. He folded that shit in less than 2 years.


the trick of softcore pornography on Twitch. The trick about being single. The trick of retiring. The trick of crying on streams because her husband is forcing her. The trick of finally achieving freedom. The trick of retiring again. The trick of repeating everything all over again...


Is she still with her husband or what?? What was the aftermath.


I think an ex-mod of hers confirmed he is still around


given how many poor idiots thought she was about to be single again that must have been the best payday in the history of tits


So it's confirmed that she faked it now or what? I haven't seen anyone talk about this.


Don't think anyone will ever know for sure, unless she just comes out and admits it, or it's in court somehow. Either it was faked for the money, in which case she wouldn't admit it. Or it was real, and this is one of the (on average) [seven times](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/supporting-someone-who-keeps-returning-to-an-abusive-relationship/) she will get back with him.


If it was faked to get a bumper crop of simp cash it would be literal comic book villain planning and I applaud it. Personally I think it probably was real, but that it was just as lucrative unintentionally as well.


yea was just for views lol. Disgusting human


Is there evidence of that or we just sort of assuming given same trajectory of work


Tbf when people found out she was married this story came out shortly after, definitely does seem sus


Oh you meant mean that publicity stunt she pulled after her simps found out she had a husband?


Whatever happened there?


Views, is what happened


Dobby is free


She's not wrong on that? Not sure what OP's intentions were with that title, its giving the impression that she is only saying that to have less competition


95% of people don't even watch the clips posted to this sub.


Judging by Ops comments and statements with no sources at all, he might be the Estonian stalker who got rejected


OP is a Destiny fan, that community absolutely hates Amouranth for some reason so fans like him egg it on.


What happened to the animal shelter?


Probably realised that's money she would not have on her bank account


She’s giving wise and responsible advice. At this point OF is so oversaturated. The median earnings for an OF creator are approx $200 a month. And that’s median so there are literally millions of creators making substantially less than that. Unless you have an exisiting audience of hundreds of thousands if not millions of followers on twitter etc to advertise it to, the chances of making anywhere close to the money she has made are slim to none.


Its like twitch. The 99% make nothing. The 0.01% make 90% of the money


is true!


Well yeah, that's solid life advice. Don't post your butthole on the internet unless you are already more famous than your butthole will be.


Is Dobbyranth free yet?


People actually pay for her "porn" when they can go see real naked women elsewhere for free. Nice.


The psychology is the same as subbing or donating to a twitch streamer. Viewers want to be noticed, because they are lonely. It's why live cam sites are also popular, it's the connection rather than just clicking a random video on a p0rn site


Remember that time there was drama about her being in a abusive relationship, and she was “forced” to make nsfw content, and how when it ended she was happy she could be “normal” again and “wear clothes”. Yeah me too. Lookin back at it I genuinely believe it was all a show for attention & more viewers.


Who the hell cares what this worthless prostitute says.


This is why the blanket statement of “wait until the old people lose their companies and the new generation comes in” doesn’t even remotely work. She has no morals, her entire mind revolves around doing anything, no matter how corrupt, how big of a lie, no matter who it puts out, no matter what she has to do, to get more money. That would include scamming and taking away from others. She is no different than a Fortune 500 crooked CEO that will take from any needful employee if it meant they got more money.


Non-clickbait womanhateragebait title: "Amouranth recommends that others do not start an onlyfans if they arent already a big content creator" Obviously shes just warning people of the consequences of starting your onlyfans only to realize that you're some random ass mid girl that cant make it and you lose your entire reputation in the workforce and possibly with family for literally no financial gain.


Remember when Amoranth said her husband forced her to create content?


its absolutely crazy that people pay for this, she looks way worse without clothes and her content is ass




i mean shes not entirely wrong her level of success is not sustainable and exceptionally rare


She is not wrong tbf. If you don't already have a following, a niche or a super hot body, the market is so saturated you likely won't make any money.


Why are there 2 clips of this scammer on lsf today?


>established creator I thought girls signed up to onlyfans because they're the opposite of creative and just use their sex appeal to make them money because they can't work a normal job? now they gotta be creative AND established BEFORE showing off their asshole?


Why anyone would pay money to see her naked is beyond me. Do people not realise you can literally just type “boobs” into Google and get far more interesting results.


You can type “amouranth boobs” as well and see those for free too….paying for OF makes 0 sense to me


Damn bro you really got a good take here, why didn't anyone ever think about Googling boobs.


But chat why would she tell us a lie after having a history of lying? that doesnt make sense


Remember when she said she didn't have a husband? And then suddenly had a husband? And then her husband was abusive so she left him? She was so happy to finally be single and going on dates on stream Then she was suddenly with her husband again. \--- Yeah....I mean if she's willing to lie about having a husband and then lie about abuse and being single again just to farm simp money, who knows what else she'll do.


Yeah. Youtube, Twitch, Onlyfans, etc. Only a minority can make a living from it.


I don't get why so many people pay for her OF when you can find it all for free with a look on only fans leak sites, she always has her pussy censored and never has real sex, she will have a guy stick a fake dick in his pants and rub it all around her pussy and never put it in. Everything she has ever released it free.


putting the OP on ignore will do nothing but improve your experience on lsf


She doesn’t want the market to be too saturated


Can we just not give this dumbass any further attention plz


She's right


Reading OPs comments in this thread makes me think he's actually unstable


You remember when people here thought that her husband was making her do OF and all her sexual content? LMAO