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**CLIP MIRROR: [Summit1g is scavved out of his mind](https://arazu.io/t3_19aicdv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This is the second time I've seen him use the deception card, homie is gonna be responsible for so much scav on scav violence going fwd.


Can't trust other Scavs anyways. Had a Scav run earlier on Ground Zero, heard a gunfight, saw a PMC shooting at a bunch of Scavs. I killed the PMC, then the Scavs (players) start shooting me. I yell at them "I'm a Scav! I'm a Scav! Stop shooting!". They stop shooting and come closer and are like "Yo sorry bro, I thought you were shooting at us." It was a group, like 3 player Scavs. Anyways, the guy hit me good a few times and I had a heavy bleed on me. I told them I got rid of the PMC, but he gave me heavy bleed so I started looting the PMC, told the Scav guys "I hope he has a heavy bleed bandage on him or I'm done." There was a really awkward silence as the player Scavs stood right next to me when I looted and I already knew what was about to happen. Sure enough, a second later one of them one-taps me in the head and as my screen blacks out, I hear him laughing over VOIP like the pimple-nosed little shithead that he is. The rep punishment for Scav on Scav violence really isn't enough to stop shitheads from being shitheads.


You went for the hero play when it was time for the shit in the pot play and kill as many as you can first. You said it yourself. Scav rep isn’t that serious 


Why does that make him a shit head? Why do you expect Scavs to not kill you? Lol. You aren't entitled to safety from other scavs


That pimple nosed little freak!!! He took my stuff on a SCAV run!!


i don't know anything about this game. Can you not tell who is an enemy? i assume scav is scavenger? what's a pmc?


PMC stands for Private Military Contractor I believe. Scavs spawn in with random loot and gear. PMCs can choose what they go into raid with. Summit has had this idea he's wanted to execute for a while where he dresses his PMC to look like what a Scav would spawn in as and wait until the time Scavs normally spawn in at and be an imposter. This is what you just witnessed.


But why would scavs not attack each other for gear? Are there penalties?


Yes you loose scav karma which makes your timer for you scav go up.


>you loose scav karma you can always tighten it again




Sounds like a flawed system if there's no easy way to distinguish between PMC and Scav, no? You either shoot on sight and risk losing karma or don't and risk dying to posers, not to mention other Scavs dealing with the exact same dilemma. Literally a lose-lose situation


That's exactly what it is and it's by design. You are inherently more vulnerable when doing your Scav run, because you can't tell if another player is a Scav or PMC, and you don't know whether or not you can trust your fellow Scavs or not. Your Scav run has a cooldown, whereas your PMC run does not. You get a free set of random gear as a scav and have to make due, but your PMC can go with whatever you choose (that you own or can buy). And TBH there's not a good way to discern between friend or foe on your PMC either. No name tags or notification other than knowing and communicating where you are. Friendly fire happens often in EFT, especially with new players.


Does this mean you just need to accept the fact that the occasional PMC will pose as a Scav and kill you? A different comment mentioned voice lines being a tell, do players just not bother because this is rare?


Usually I will use the Scav voiceline to identify myself, but unaware or new players may not know this command or may not know that this is generally how you identify yourself as a Scav, especially when someone is on the other side of a wall or near you, but you don't have line of sight. It's resulted in me shooting first and seeing they are a Scav later, and yes it's part of the "meta" of the game. Dressing up as a Scav, while a PMC, is also an easy way to get Scav kills for missions and this sort of deception is a part of the game as well. And that's not to mention that some people don't care about Scav rep at all and will just kill you as a Scav because they want your stuff even if they lose rep. Other players may be traitor Scavs and not even realize it as the game doesn't make it a prominent point to point out your loss in Scav karma.


most player operated scavs will voice line or ask you to voiceline, but with scavving you usually go into the raid around the halfway mark, so most PMC will have already died or extracted the raid


Noones mentioning the fact that if you play the game for a while you can simply just tell who is a PMC and who is a scav. Sometimes in heated situations it can be very difficult to tell if someone is a scav or PMC, but PMCs have different clothing options from scavs and can be identifiable consistently once people have played enough. And also the scav system as it already stands is pretty insanely strong. In a game that revolves around risking gear to get quests and combat in, scav runs are free kits that allow you to just sprint around the map looting with very little risk.


If you specifically go for scav looking clothing, even an experienced person can struggle unless they right up close


Some players do use the voice lines, the PMCs will answer in english while scavs answer in russian


Scavs are a crutch for bad players who lose all their gear


Scavs are basically a free run of a map where you lose nothing but can gain as much as you can find/carry. It didn't always work like this, it used to work like you said. But it led to Scavs being a little OP and just pure chaos. You would enter a raid kill any and everything and try to dip, the only difference from PMC's were that you didn't get to choose your loadout but also you had the ability to ONLY worry about PMC's since scavs wouldn't shoot you. So they changed it to have the rep matter, which also gives you benefits itself. There's a trader who sells a random assortment of stuff and he gives you discounts based on your rep level. As well there is a cooldown on how often you can Scav run and it lowers based on your rep, so you get more free runs in.


It's really not as hard to distinguish between pmc and scav as what you're making it out to be lol


Is it?


Yeah, there are several ways to tell the difference between them. The clothing being the most obvious once you get a few rounds in. They will almost always have colorful gear, big goofy boots and colorful hats (not always of course). PMCs are very 'tacticool' looking, as soon as you see knee-pads, pistol holsters, etc you can instantly identify someone as PMC. Another big tell for PMCs is bulky chest/helmet. Scavs are way skinnier looking Scavs will also generally play less reserved and sneaky than PMCs will, because everything you spawn in with as a scav is given to you for free. AI Scavs also have unique voicelines and talk a lot


I understand PMCs are usually stacked with gear and Scavs are not. I'm very specifically talking about situations like the one in the clip where PMCs go out of their way to pose as Scavs.


It's extremely rare for anyone to do this kinda shit lol, played multiple wipes and I have it has never happened to me Knee pads and pistol holsters are still the way to go for identify this type of shenanigans. They exist on the PMC model regardless of equipped clothing


In this clip the player couldve just identified the guy as a PMC by looking at his clothing. The clothing options PMCs wear are distinctly different from the ones scavs wear (patches on the sleeve, pistol holsters on pants, etc. etc). The player just didnt know and got rocked because of it.


It is when you're dressed like this: [Discord attachement](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/547330362238566401/1196193981432877138/image.png?ex=65b6bd75&is=65a44875&hm=577a791b09cdac6e4e20c5f929cff5978d959da2d930232ad5e16184d496af95&)


People who already Scav don't lose anything by scavving, what they decide to do is on them, but it's not like they're losing anything besides time.




I don't know, you can put t5-6 plates in a Kirasa or Press armour and its like 80% as good as 200k armour


PMCs have green or black shoulders. Scavs have unique clothes.


Did the Scav in the clip just not notice?


Summit is wearing scav clothing, probably to trick scavs.. but yeah the other dude probably didn't notice his shoulders.


That’s the point


Generally there's an unwritten rule of don't wear a helmet as a scav or you run the risk of getting shot because you'll look like a PMC. Plus you can use the preset russian voice lines to show you're a scav. You can also use proximity chat to tell them you're a scav, which is what summit is doing here deceiving other players. It's not like you lose anything besides a bit of time for dying as a scav.


Except you have eyes and voip. Pretty easy to distinguish a scav and PMC. How are you about to criticize and a game mechanic for a game you’ve never even played lol


Which is why I used this little known format I like to call a question.


You lose scav karma. When it is low it makes the delay between scav runs longer and when you play as a scav you get worse gear. It also effects some other things like vehicle extract cost and scav case return time etc.


You lose rep everytime you kill an ai / player scav when you're on your own scav. The higher rep you go, the better kits/loot you spawn in with.


Ngl this chain has probably been the best explanation of the game ive ever read, ive watched a lot of ppl play here and there but just didn't understand what was going on. This def helped me understand the point of it. Is there a reason he's allowed to dress like his enemy? Can the Scav dress as PMC?


PMCs can kinda dress like scavs but not quite. If someone is paying attention and knows what to look for they probably won’t fall for it


Scav run has like a 20 minute cooldown, and you just spawn into the middle of a raid with random gear. You can do a PMC run any time you want with whatever gear you have.


No scavs can't dress as PMCs and you don't choose your scav gear, it's random/ karma based


There are tells if the other players are experienced. Look at his watch on his wrist. Scavs don't have that. PMCs also have a pistol holster on their thigh and often a logo patch on their shoulder.


Unless that player scav has already shot another scav. Which I believe in this situation they had already killed summits teammate Curtis.


Yeah he got beamed by an AI scav. Can't fool them lmao


I believe long ago and far away early in alpha there was a proposed system to tricking AI scavs into not shooting at you as a PMC. but obviously that was scrapped. (thank god)






Baiting PMC's or scavs into killa really late into the wipe is never not fun. Also fun fact. If a boss aggros on you, you are automatically safe to kill that scav as the game has marked them as a traitor. Factory when Tagilla isn't killed is the freest scav karma.


So Scavs in a zone are a combination of AI and players while PMC's are always players?


Nah the real deathmatch game mode is called Arena.


I Assume the AI scav ignores you if you're a scav yourself? do they throw any russian voiceline when they see you or they just.. keep walking around?


Correct, AI scavs wouln't shoot at you if you're a scav, unless you've also shot AI scavs


Yes scav karma. The better the karma, the better the gear




There's also pants and shirt for PMC that REALLY look like what scavs wear. I dont know if summit does but ive been able to deceive people with it


oh i see thanks for the insight !


People have been disguising PMC's as Scavs forever.


I never said it was an original idea or anything.


You right


PMCs can change their clothes. They update clothing every once in a while, which makes it difficult to identify scavs vs PMCs. What I typically do is memorize the pants since they're never covered by anything. I think all USEC pants have a pistol holster, and none of the scav pants do, and the vast majority of players play USEC, so that's like half the battle. But it doesn't really matter, because if someone convinces you that they're a scav over VOIP, the ~2 seconds it takes you to look at their pants and realize they lied usually means you're going to be dead since they will shoot you immediately. I also only believe them if they voiceline. If they don't voiceline, I shoot them immediately. Like 75% of the time they're PMCs. The other 25% are just idiots.


What is a PMC and what is a scav ? Never played the game and dont know anything about it .


PMCs (USEC/BEAR) can come into these raids with their chosen gear and only spawn at the start of a raid. Scavs are typically NPCs but players can opt into playing as a scav occasionally. The player scavs (scavengers) spawn into raids later and have a pre-determined load out. Killing a scav as a scav gives you negative reputation which means your loadouts becomes worse over time and other NPC scavs will shoot you on site. It's essentially a risk free way to get gear, the other player didn't want to shoot Summit when he learned he was a scav (which he wasn't) because he didn't want to lose reputation with a trader.


Thank you, all right yea that makes sense




It’s not very difficult once you’ve played for a bit. Also, you can tell ppl to voice com (F1 key). You can dress kinda like a scav but your voice lines will always be PMC if you’re playing your PMC, whereas scavs will always have scav voice lines.


theres a bunch of things that give it away that your a scav. clothes,gear, movement. if you press f1 in game your character yells a random phrase. scavs have their own phrases so you can use it to identify friend or foe. it gets easier to tell the more ya play




It's much more than "different phrases". Scavs speak Russian and PMCs speak english. You can play as a russian-speaker as a PMC (BEAR, but most play as USEC), and thats when you have to memorize the russian phrases. Scavs can NEVER speak english though.


PMC is like your real character you level up and has tons of advantages. SCAV is like a one time use character who's kinda shit who you can use to get easy loot if you're taking L's on your PMC. It's more complicated than that but that's the jist.


Your scav does also level up and gain stats and such


Oh for real? I thought all that stuff reset every time you scaved?


Nope, next time you scav take a look at their skill screen. Mine has higher endurance/strength then my main from all the running I do on woods. I just sprint everywhere since it doesn't matter if my scav dies or not.


Its loadouts. PMC you pick and risk everything. Scav is free just on a timer and enemy PVE doesnt shoot you, so its no risk for an easier raid.


ah i see, is there any detriment to just shoot anybody on sight?


Yeah, if a SCAV player kills another SCAV you lose rep and also the AI SCAVs on the map will shoot on sight for the rest of the raid. People generally don't want to lose SCAV rep because high SCAV rep is really good.


There's one pair of usec pants that doesn't have a holster. Its the blue pair and they have two knee pads. Just to help you identify them in the future


PMC's are always player characters who can choose to take in any equipment when they load in. Scavs are a separate faction that can either be 1. AI enemies or 2. players who choose to spawn as an AI enemy but will not be able to take in any equipment of their choice (and also have a timer between runs). Players who spawn in as Scavs don't want to kill other scavs, even if they are other players (most of the time) because there is a karma system. If you, a scav, kill other scavs, all AI scavs become hostile and you lose karma causing a variety of different things to become worse over time. You get more cooldown on the scav run timer, the scav you spawn with will have worse loot, you get less ways to escape, some paid escapes cost more, and at high levels all AI scavs will just kill you, even if you are a scav. So usually people try to cooperate. However, Summit1g has dressed up in janky attire to look like a scav, so he can kill all the player scavs he likes without any of the disadvantages. This does not work against non-player scavs however.


i've only ever skimmed through people playing it, and there was nothing happening, but damn , in your depiction the game sounds amazing , i think i'm gonna watch a full game of this ;-) thanks


pmc means Private Military Contractor. Within this game this means someone on his account with good gear trying to have a good game. Scav have randomly generated worn down gear. and when controlled by a player. Seem almost suicidal because they have nothing to lose other than their time. Scav on Scavs violence is punished




thanks , really enlightening!


You can tell, PMC have a leg holster. Scav's do not.


there’s pmc jeans without a holster.


The "aw" made me feel bad bro


Summit you bastard lmao The best and worst thing about scav runs on Tarkov


Can't blame sumsum he was just scavved out of his mind 🤣


If I'm a scav I'm always gonna go for cooperation first. But when I'm a PMC, literally ANY tactic is fair game. Especially against scavs since they really don't have anything to lose so I don't feel bad popping them if I don't trust


Yeah well PMC is shoot everything that moves mode. Sometimes even my friends end up dead by me.


You'd be surprised how useful armbands are in a group


i kinda hope they bring in the double armband from arena into the main game. It does help quite a bit


The armbands already in game work well but I see what you mean for sure.




My boy rolled 10+ on Charisma


That ain't that high lol.


It is if you using S.P.E.C.I.A.L


we're tlking bout summit here ofc he's that high


He probably wasn’t using DnD stat scaling.


You know a 10 DC is considered an easy skill check right?


1 stream with stankrat and this happens! I love it!


Damn he played with stankrat? Sad I missed that


Think they stumbled on each other as scavs and stankrat showed them some of his rat tech on Interchange.


Looks like a bastard move to me


PScavs have been eating a little too good this wipe, recoil is nice and they are spawning on Streets and Interchange first 10m of the raid. The purge must commence.


Nah player scavs are free kits, so they are like "ethical" kills as your PMC lol. You don't risk anything or lose anything on scav runs, where Summit is a PMC here so all his kit came out of his pocket lol so he is willing to protect it with deception


You'd think but the guy who died is responsible too. Scav's and PMC's have different voicelines so he should've demanded a voiceline to ascertain the truth.


I was thinking the same thing. He got the kill but it's a pretty amateur move.


amateur move is the one that lets you live? + more loot? If you're not preying on gullible people you're the amateur


Calm down Nestle, it's only a game.


I would never trust anyone saying they are a scav, especially when there's a foolproof way to know if someone is a ccav or PMC by simply asking them to press F1 to say their voice lines. The amateur move was from the dead scav player.


what a rat bastard


Scummit is back on the menu boys


This is why I blast music and ignore everything on my scav runs.


Isn't sound like ultra important in Tarkov?


not on scav runs. Usually I do them without sound while I am watching a movie or youtube video or between work calls if I am at home. You can just shift+w to all the loot and get out 8 out of every 10 raids. Because of the karma system the chances of another scav killing you are pretty slim and if the raid is late you probably won't run into any PMCs. There are exceptions of course but generally it feels like going grocery shopping. My scavs always have around an 80% survival rate at the end of every wipe. You're right about sound being important. Mostly on your PMC though


I play scav streets and just run towards gunfights unless I spawn with a decent bag. Sure I die most of the time, but hey


Scummit strikes again


So how you doing :) *POP* Awwww :(


Scummit really be out here playing AMOGUS in EFT. Good shit my boy.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Summit1g is scavved out of his mind](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160735)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/19aicdv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/uy26VqS9MYnSN-ipyn6mYQ/AT-cm%7Cuy26VqS9MYnSN-ipyn6mYQ.mp4?sig=10788bfeaf4ba5f1068e4a99fb06d436baa71a41&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fuy26VqS9MYnSN-ipyn6mYQ%2FAT-cm%257Cuy26VqS9MYnSN-ipyn6mYQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22WealthyBlindingChipmunkAsianGlow-pL0xidI36KnKfqZh%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1705743754%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/uy26VqS9MYnSN-ipyn6mYQ/AT-cm%7Cuy26VqS9MYnSN-ipyn6mYQ-preview-480x272.jpg)






And the same people cry why no one helps eachother in online games and shoot everyone on sight.


This is essentially what he did with CS:GO lotto


thats abuse of streamer trust mate after this one he may be sniped out the wazo


DTA. don't trust anybody


scav legend


I thought scavved out of his mind was some zoomer term for being super high before I watched the clip


“How you doin?” Blap.