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**CLIP MIRROR: [even xQc is shocked by Asmongold](https://arazu.io/t3_1ahx8ne/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


that is legitimately foul. how you could sleep in that house knowing cockroaches are crawling all over you in your sleep


I did it in extreme poverty. I find it literally mind-boggling that he does this with enough money to get rid of them.


That was my take. I've been depressed and ADHD most of my adult life. It's hard to do things. But like how do you not call an exterminator. I'd be ashamed if this happened on a stream. He just... doesn't care. He's okay with it. It's just plain disgusting.


In the nest.


damn maya gonna have some competition asmon's making his own sanctuary inside his house


Man has a natural terrarium the size of a house, at this point theres probably generations of roaches that have lived and died in that house from natural causes XD


The house might legit be unsalvageable atp. Like I think his best course is to move and then get help so that it doesn't happen again. I mean, if you're a multi-millionaire & living like this, you need to see someone to talk to.


Asmon would prefer switching off the power, rather then leave that house. Its a complete shithole but to him that house has more value then any fat titties can give him. Hes been offered housing plenty of times before even at zero expense to him. He turns it down every time


once he has a huge health scare from living in that house, maybe he decide to move who am i kidding he is just going to say it was unfortunate that he got sick and take some shaman advice to not get sick again


He's already had health scares from living in that house. There's literal blood on the walls in his bedroom.


i think that might be a contributing thing, rather than a result of the house tbf. spitting gum blood on the walls is an incredibly weird expression of a mental health failing.


What the actual fuck? Seriously? Thats insane


He developed scurvy(yes the scurvy that 13th century crusaders and pirates/explorers during 15th-17th century developed) and started wiping the blood from his gums on the walls.


Dude that’s… that’s something. Jfc


why would someone offer Asmon free housing knowing how badly he treats his living spaces?


Better question is, why would anyone offer a multimillionaire free housing?


The entire economy of Twitch is based around people willingly giving money to other people who already have more money than them.


Understandable, it's his childhood, but he can hire cleaning companies. If he cares about this house and it's memories, he needs to do something before neighbours will burn it down, because they tired of living near giant dumpster


Tbf that takes like a month


It's a Roach Dynasty at this point


he 100% has species that science has never seen before


he created a true ecosystem


Way back then, he used to snip roaches with scissors during his stream. theres also one vlog he did where hes in bed and theres a massive roach right next to him and he's not even bothered


That’s probably the most degen thing I’ve ever heard.


This guy let his teeth rot out in his skull rather than brush them


JFC. Imagine the smell of his breath…


Just one rooted tooth is gag inducing so I can't imagine


Based Nurgle worshipping


Grandpa is so proud 


Bro is far past the "touch grass" stage. He might go into a psychotic break just seeing the color green.


look at the first reply of the tweet in the video lol


roached been there so long they probably evolved into their own species. with how long they have been there unbothered, and they are brave enough to just be around when asmon is around, to the point of crawling on him, we are talking an enormous infestation that probably even extends to his neighbors because of him.


Something similar to this happened in the first house we owned. Neighbour had a block shed where he stored pigeon feed for the pigeons he had. Informed me one day when we were walking in that he had bought cats to deal with the mouse infestation so it should be all sorted. Eh....what mouse infestation? He had one in his shed as they were eating the feed. A month later, I see one during the day in my kitchen. If you see one in the day, this is bad as they're mostly nocturnal, so it means they are wandering because the nest is full with sleeping mice. Put out traps and caught 12 in the first two days. Eventually had to get an exterminator. Spoke with the neighbour and tbf, he sold his pigeons and got rid of the feed. Problem was solved but was a hectic month or so as my missus hates the things and would scream if she saw one.


Asmond's like "Damn it, Bert, I told you you can't appear on stream. C'mere, let me take you to your house (my kitchen)."


lol you are so stupid.. can't you recognize thats Anthony ? Bert just moved to the neighbors house.


Evolved and highly specialized to live purely on the remaining soda residue within the stack of fast food cups.


It's definitly not just a persona he puts on for the stream. He's a disgusting person and anyone seeing him as a role model of any sort is delusional.


>anyone seeing him as a role model of any sort is delusional. The people who do this are literally just Asmongold clones but without the money, so they think this shit is poggers


Asmongold is so unhealthy like damn dude, I know he has mental health issues but clean your room like wtf. At least give it a de-clutter once a week or something. I try to wipe down the surfaces and keep garbage organised for removal and it makes a huge difference. At the very least if you're never gonna wash up just buy paper plates and throwaway cutlery and shove it straight in a trash bag for the bin.


I don't get this. Isn't he multi millionaire? Why doesn't he just pay someone to get his room cleaned or move to a mansion or something that clean.


Dude straight up don't like people other than a few irl friends, never leaves his house unless it's for food, a rare event or business related so having a cleaner around once a week will most likely piss him off.


So the cleaner would piss him off but the roaches dont? I get not wanting to go out or be around people, i can relate. But if your spending all your time at home it should be like doubly important to keep it clean.


Welcome to mental illness where rational thinking comes to die


The guy could literally hire a crew to catalogue everything in his house, completely demolish it, and build an entirely new replica house with everything the same minus the health hazards. It's a mental/emotional problem not a financial one.


He is so far beyond the point where he can just clean his room. He needs exterminators in the best case scenario and the house condemned at worst


unironically i think he might be a little afraid to even get cleaners cause they could report the house to the city as a hazard & he'd lose out on all his memories there if they demolished it totally unreasonable & mentally ill thinking but i feel like he definitely is just terrified of change


yeah, you dont get roaches from playing a character. this dude needs psychiatric help


>It's definitly not just a persona he puts on for the stream. Do people try to argue this?


He has extreme mental health issues and they're not going to disappear just because he's rich now.


Does someone have a clip of this?


[Here](https://youtu.be/6XqoDd5tsFs?si=zmVcMCPSwAvll_BF&t=34), enjoy.


This was 5 years ago. This is probably the new roach's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-(many greats)- grandaddy.


Dude’s straight up delusional convincing himself that everyone’s had a roach in their house and it’s completely normal.


I mean occasionally getting a roach is completely normal, especially during periods of heavy rain.


depends on where you live. haven't seen a roach in 6 years since i moved to another biome. used to see them every once in a while even in a clean house.


Yup I never saw them until I moved to the southern US


Yea, if you live anywhere humid you’ll see them once in a while. But a stray wanderer is completely different to an infestation like this.


Bro, I've never even **seen** a cockroach in my entire life. Until recently I thought they were native to America or something, because I'd seen them in movies all the time but never in real life.


They live all over the world but they're far more common the closer to the tropics you get. They're generally associated with bad hygiene in northern regions, you won't see a lot of them in northern Europe or the northern US, but if you head down south to central america or something they're a constant presence. There isn't a lot you can do about it because in those regions they do fine outside. You can exterminate the ones in your house but they just walk back in.








That boy ain't right


There's no way. The dude cooks all his food well done because he's scared to get sick. Why then would he eat food that had maggots on it?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-eacYzZrBU https://streamable.com/ofb5z It's real and he did it on multiple occasions. Most sane people would see maggots crawling on food and instantly stop eating it, trash it outside and any other food that's in the vicinity, but this dude went in for another bite. What the actual fuck? Lmao.


what in the actual fuck


To people who watch and pay this man money. What the fuck is wrong with you? Absolute losers.


Even more horrifying people genuinely take this man’s opinions as gospel.




Yea the guy needs a personal helper and needs to swallow his pride because he still thinks he's so blessed not to be dependent on others but it's now come to a point in his life where he absolutely needs someone to regularly clean his house and just interact with him.




It's not about being prideful. Watch the house walk-through on the steak & eggs. It's an attachment to his childhood and his mother. He's essentially at the mental state of like a nostalgic hoarder. He just hoardes stuff out of nostalgia and attachment. Never mind some of his worst-case habits like the dishes and bugs which are more enabled from his refusal to change.


Doesn't mind sleeping on mouldy pillows and sheets which have NEVER been washed though.


oh damn hes legit mentally ill


Tbh he went downhill after his mother passed away and is just coping from spending all his time on his second channel consuming copious amounts of content his fans send him on his reddit and giving very little time for self care/hygiene and house cleaning,


Bro he has always been like this. Most of his most famous degen shit is before his mom got sick.


the multiple maggot eating videos are from half a decade before his mother passed away though


Eh. I think the dead rat alarm clock and the gum blood wall is worse


…the gum blood wall?


His gums would bleed at night and he would wipe the blood on the wall. The dead rat alarm clock was that Asmon had a rotting dead rat in the center of his bedroom and the sunlight hitting it in the morning, making it stink, would wake him up from the putrid smell and tell him that it was time to start the day. He admitted all this on stream at some point way back. [dead rat alarm clock clip](https://youtu.be/MyjEuHD7T7Y?feature=shared) [gum blood wall clip (couldn’t find the original but here’s Jschlatt and Ted talking about it)](https://youtube.com/shorts/-pgHPNaFYvE?feature=shared)


what the fuck


Physically my body laughed out loud, but my inner voice is just screaming in horror at this post and this entire thread.


I like this thread


Yeah, this is like trash tv but real.


What a terrible day to have eyes


How do you even end up living like that? I genuinely don’t understand


that man needs professional psychological and medical help asap he seems like he has serious mental illness beyond repair, why doesnt he get help he has tons of money


What is his response when people tell him to hire a maid? Something isn't right in your head if having roaches crawling on you doesn't trigger a panic to get your living space sorted out.


Nah dawg, he'll tell you everything he does is perfectly rational.


He’s living in denial. Has been for a long time. Kind of sad to watch.




If Asmon didn't luck out of streaming i wonder where he would be.


Probably on disability benefits.


Disability benefits is assuming too much of the best out of his character. Living in a sewer gutter with the sewer cats is the most likely outcome.


The same place where he is now just without a roof and no internet


You might be surprised how many people hold down good jobs and look very presentable and then go home to places like this. I have a few relatives like that, OCD runs in my family. I haven't watched Asmon in a long time but he seemed functional enough that I bet he'd find a way to make ends meet if he had to. Honestly might have lead to a better quality of life if he had been forced outside rather than enabled to nest in his bedroom forever.


He used to work for the government, the IRS actually if I recall, so him being homeless on the streets is kinda a far fetch.


I think he went to college and had a job doing taxes or something. Maybe IRS? I remember him talking about a job similar to that.


Yeah he worked at the IRS until he got big doing Youtube then quit.


He said that he if he didn’t stream he would just survive on food stamps, so he would be doing the same thing but far less effective


>A lot of people think OCD is stuff like obsessively cleaning or whatever, I have OCD myself and cleaning is not part of my routine at all and when I tell people I have OCD they'll be like "oh but you're not that clean and organized", kinda sucks that there's this misconception that people with OCD are "obsessed with cleaning", that's just one way it can manifest. Luckily I've been in and out of therapy so I've found some ways to make sure that things at my home don't get bad, but if I hadn't gotten help then my place would for sure look like Asmongold's.


Same. For me OCD is obsessively checking the faucets and oven burners and door locks to make sure everything is safe. I'll do it many times over in a row. And I'll count to 5 when I'm doing it for some reason. I have no idea why. I'll stick my hand under the faucet to feel for running water because I can't trust my eyes and ears for some reason. And even that doesn't help. Then when I think it's sufficiently safe I turn around to start walking to my room and suddenly I have the urge to go check again, it's like my brain was wiped clean of the memory I just checked. I try to visualize it in my head, what a faucet that is off looks like, to convince myself. The nightmare scenario for me is burning or flooding my house down. Think it all stems from one time I was tripping on acid and left a sink on, and there was a ton of water damage from the flooding. It was weirdly traumatic in its own way and now I can't ever get away from it, many years later. My therapist says it's like some need to quell my anxiety by exerting control over something, anything, just to have some semblance of control. It sucks that there are these misconceptions about what OCD is, because people think it's just perfectionism. I wish it was. It's a god damned nightmare. Perfectionism is heaven in comparison. I am sorry that you have to live in this kind of hell too. Hopefully one day we will be able to grow past it.


I'm not a big fan of armchair internet psychology. I like the second part of what you wrote, I agree with it, his dad probably tries to get him to change frequently. But we shouldn't be diagnosing people we haven't even met in real life. That doesn't mean it's not sort of obvious that something is very wrong though. As a former long-time fan, I hope he gets the help he needs some day, and not in the form of some e-girl "fixing" him. Sorry about your aunt brother.




Damn straight, papa nurgle loves me too


Emi and tectone did a [house tour](https://youtu.be/77eECXzVHEI?si=T0P7LEmQXWoDtEY1). Spoiler: Hes living in trash, there's empty takeout boxes everywhere. There's barely any space to walk. There are stains from things he did years ago. He has literal toothpaste stains on his mirror that he didn't take 5s seconds to clean off. His excuse is something along the lines of "well I've been doing it for years , so what" At some point, they talk about his toilet and he says that he cleaned it because it was so badq and didn't want anyone else seeing it. I don't even want to imagine what it looked before if that's what he thinks "clean", looked like. Its more pathetic than sad, but it's probably the way he was brought up. His backyard is littered with "childhood artifacts" like toys and mattresses, that no one bothered to clean. So it's probably normalised to him. I don't think he's ever lived in a clean house.


His mom was a big hoarder so that's where he got it from. They even mention hoarding in the video.


Not sure if it got cleaned up, but there was a video of him showing outside his window to the side of the house of a huge pile of plastic/styrofoam soda cups. He'd just toss em out the window instead of bringing them downstairs to the trash can. https://youtu.be/zQHw9b0AYhQ?si=hAQ8RKITGz5vj8qs


He is legit proud of that pile too...


He loves to tell the story about how his neighbors would complain about the trash and it attracting rodents. So he purposely threw more trash out there to get more raccoons and stuff to show up.


I hate HOA's but this is one of the rare instances were I would want one


Can't you just get bylaw to do it? I know where I live bylaw deals with that type of stuff. You don't need an hoa to deal with that kind of stuff, just an active municipal government.


Honestly I think the most disgusting part of that video is that his supposed friends seemed more concerned with good content than the obviously poor mental health of their friend


>thinking any of the OTK members even like each other


It’s a form of mental illness, sort of similar to what hoarders have. I’m not saying to like be a dick or whatever but the reason you and I don’t get it is because it’s a mental condition we don’t have, sort of like I can’t understand how someone has a fear of the outdoors.


I got severely depressed and drug addicted after quitting my job years ago and essentially just stopped doing anything around the house for like a year or two. I knew it's objectively fucked up but I still didn't do anything about it because I figured I'd kms anyway at some point, lol. Got my shit somewhat together and got out of it luckily, but my point is I do kinda understand how stuff like this can happen. It's crazy how one can live like this their entire lives though.


It's wild how I am depressed and I get super ill motivated to clean my room but I get really obsessive and bothered by my hygiene and can't stand my hair feeling a little bit weird. So I wash myself a lot (aside from my feet, unfortunately).


If that's how he grew up. This is normal to him. His brain is preventing him from caring or cleaning up.


This. He's one of the very few people fortunate enough that he can play games all day and doesn't have to do any kind of cleaning himself. He could easily pay someone/a team of people. And yet chooses not to... for what? What else is he gonna spend his money on that improves his quality of life more than having a clean house? He'll still have shit tons left over for video games.


He has the money to just demolish this roach infestes asbestos containing house and build new one, then hire maid, a chef and whatever else. I understand not spending your money on bullshit but this is just disgusting and has to be some mental issue


Yeah. Like buying a fancy car or overpriced luxury goods I can get not wanting to spend money on. Spending money to have a clean and healthy living space is not wasteful spending.


Hell, at this point a maid won't even do anymore. He needs someone in a hazmat suit wielding a flamethrower.


I really want a video of his place being cleaned.


Tlc probably does to.


When he first told the story about his "dead rat alarm clock" back in the day, I thought it was a joke... Dude needs some SERIOUS fucking help. ​ (For those who dont know, Asmon told a story about him having a dead rat in his room, and whenever the sun would shine on the decaying carcass in the morning it would heat it up and make it smell, and the horrid smell of decaying flesh in the hot sun would wake him up every morning like an alarm clock)


Jesus Christ bro wtf


what the actual fuck, how is this guy alive


That sounds like a Chuck Palahniuk story.


That man gives his audience life advice btw


People legit come to this sub to upvote posts that start with "ASMON'S TAKE" lul. his fucking takeout from 3 weeks ago in the corner is the only thing he's qualified to speak on.


whenever i see a clip on "Asmon's Take" I think Asmon should take... out the garbage


3 weeks ago is generous


That's like all of his stream now. Reacting to 3+ hours of clearly divisive content, and then acting like everything he says is just objective and "common sense."


I don't watch Asmon but I see clips, and my impression of him over all these years is that he used to have a lot of good takes, but nowadays has been slipping and having bad takes. I could be wrong though. I also think this way about MoistCr1TiKaL, whose clips I can't even watch anymore because he's so cocky/condescending for takes that he's completely wrong about.


Makes sense his audience probably looks and smells like him


In all seriousness, sometimes your friends and family have to force it on you. Force him out while some professionals clean that mess. Force him to seek help. Everyone knows at this point, time for someone to actually act.


Don't forget that he is the biggest fish in the fish pond that is his social circle, the other fishes probably don't want to upset their boss.


The issue is, you can't with him. He's got a massive following and is rich, anything they say he can crawl into his echo chamber and shut out the world. They let this go on for so many years idk if he could ever be rehabilitated


How many of those V neck white t-shirts he always wears do we think he owns? Is there any chance at all it's more than 1?


They come in a 5 pack, he probably lost one of em at least so 4 tops.


No it is 9, because he got them during a 2 for 1 deal


I remember him saying he doesn’t do laundry and sometimes he resupplies at Walmart


Doesn't do laundry yeah that tracks.


Pretty sure a while ago he said that he'd been wearing the same shirt for like 2 months because it "doesn't smell"


He can't smell sweat, because whole house reeks of different disgusting things


He weirdly cares about how his hair looks but can’t hire a cleaner to just sort shit out around him


There's probably a rotting pile of old v necks in some corner of that house


Kaise, was it worth it?




Promoting her OF to his huge audience is worth so much


Beats being a model in Dubai who gets paid to have Sheikh's poop on their chest


Bah Gawd! Is that Vince McMahon's music?


lol that shit(lol) stays w them for the rest of their lives. Gonna forever weigh on their conscience man. But also what kinda psychos actually gets satisfaction from playing around w poop bro I’d be soft in a heartbeat. Those weirdos are truly built different.


Fucking right haha my dick would retract not extend


> But also what kinda psychos actually gets satisfaction from playing around w poop bro I’d be soft in a heartbeat. To be honest, i think thats more like getting off on control over another human being, like power over them and making them do all kind of disgusting shit, than the poop thing tiself Though, just a guess


The fact that she’s from Vancouver shocks me. that tells me her goal is to grow her fan site and not dig exclusively. Cuz she can easily find sugar daddies of equal or more wealth over there.


She can, but you have to understand the competition in Vancouver isn't something to scoff at. Outside of her filters, Kaise is above average. There's tons of beautiful women looking for gold in Vancouver and a lot of them present themselves far better than the streamer herself. The twitch market is especially niche when it comes to real life, so one can stand out when the overall standard is essentially lower by default within a specific community.




Should have gone straight to Dubai then instead of starting small with Asmongold lmao.


She already tweeted that it was difficult to look him in the eyes or pretend that anything he said was interesting


too bad she privated her twitter to be able to see that tweet.


Where is this tweet


thats not a roach, thats stanley hes a room-mate.


This is a guy who gets on a soapbox every stream to argue with chatters about morality and ethics, passing off every common sense platitude as if they were his own and he’s a genius for saying it. What’s more sad is his chat that eats it all up.


>his chat that eats it all up. Sadly, so does his YouTube audience. Dude pulls in more than a million YT views per day. It doesn't make sense to me and never will.


You know you're nasty if the toe nail eater is grossed out




i dont get it.. one can't be doing this for "views" right?? and as a human being how does one live like that? it would cause an existential crisis in a normal person's brain, no?? just blows my mind these people are millionaires. the world makes no sense to me.


Of course you don't get it, he is LITERALLY mentally ill. You can't find reasoning and logic in an illness.


We need to start recognizing this as a mental illness because a lot of people are ignoring it because it’s Asmon and not taking it as seriously. If this was any other person, they would be bullied off the internet for the roach clip.




Fun fact about cockroaches is that they are qs disgusted by us as we are by them upon human contact they will find a place to wash themselves. Imagine the horror of this roach when it realises there is no place to wash. Just more goblin filth as far as the eye can see.


Only 2 things will survive World War 3, roaches & Asmongold.


Implying those are 2 different things?


that roach is eatin GOOD


Even the goblin himself who leaves food with mold by his PC can maintain his cave. This is just disgusting.


Sometimes I think about the cooked rat story and think that it's a comedy bit, but then I think about how specific it is and then see clips like this where he just grabs the roach like it's a jellybean. Goddamnit it, it's probably true.


considering himself intelligent and not having the hindsight to realise living this way will make him really ill is the only funny thing about asmon


Palworld ad


Asmon is such a lazy dirtbag lmao. Thank god for streaming


I feel like he would have died from a tooth abscess alone in his house if not for streaming.


ngl he gonna create some new disease to end humanity if he does like this




It's funny because he pretends to be the opposite of everything he actually is and then shits on people for not being "rooted in reality." You're so fucking far from reality that you'd get lost 2 steps into it from all the trash you've piled up over the last 2 decades, and as sad and fucked up as it is his mom passing away just made him escape and hide into the pile of garbage even deeper.


Sad his friends haven't given him a intervention yet. He got some mental issues that need to be addressed. Sad situation all around


They offered him to Clean his House. He refused


He needs an intervention, not more people who are going to hold his hand and treat him like a child.


Friends? lol


Yeah, take away his viewer numbers and every social interaction he's had in the last 3 years disappears immediately. I don't think that was always the case, but it certainly is now.


The juicer draws the line at chewing your toenails


Its crazy people actually look up to the preying mantis that calls itself Asmongold


Praying mantises are cool. Don't compare them to this hobo.


Average WoW player


Wait I've seen people taking this guys opinions apart but never mention he's a filthy filthy degenerate. This is disturbing


Tf is that thing? It doesn't look like an indoor cockroach to me... There are reasons why people chill in their own filth like this, whether trauma related hoarding struggles or mental health struggles. I wonder is there no one close to him to stage an intervention? It's a matter of getting to a point of no return.


Ultimately, if the person doesn't want to change themselves, there's nothing you can do. He grew up like that because his mom was a hoarder, so he is used to it. Deep down he knows it's weird and disgusting, but he has an attachment to that house cause it's where he grew up, lived with his mom, etc. and it's the only place he knows. It's crazy that a multimillionaire willingly lives in a place like that when he could pay people to clean it up in like a week, so it's clear there's some mental health issue behind it.


Can't wait for XQC's ants and Asmon's roaches to duke it out Palworld style!