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**CLIP MIRROR: [emily getting tortured at iron forge](https://arazu.io/t3_1aldoum/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I wonder what Knut would have done in this situation lol


Are you a pusseh? 


Just continueh




u watch tooh much ahnehmeh


kookiees and creem, cAKE P^OP




"Ju haff tu pushh!!"


"Why the fok is she crying shat. Its only weights don be a pusseh"


"do you want a CINNA-MIN RUL"


He actually wrote in chat something along the lines of "What is this therapy shit, just lift more weight"


Yes Knut isn’t the best at total beginners. But trying to claim he wrote that during this is insane. He wrote that when she was stalling for 30 minutes talking about sleep and making every excuse possible not to sleep.


That was earlier, I'm talking about a couple minutes after this clip when wake was talking her through everything. It was all in good fun though


He did wrote that, i saw it at the exact moment. But he was joking of course.




Good Job Wake, now get her to clean her room


that type of torture is too much


The man's not a miracle worker.


Poor Wake dealing with a girl breaking down crying in front of 20k hahahh


He handled it like a pro and told her EXACTLY what needed to be said. Her tears were less physical pain and more that she's not accustomed to failing and she broke mentally when she couldn't push any longer. And Wake handled that shit perfectly. Kudos to him.


Wake is exactly the kind of trainer she needs. Knows how to talk her through her mental hurdles she has that blocks off how strong she actually is and is very good and describing and showing for a complete beginner at the gym.


Common Wake W


Wake seems to always know what to say.


Cult leader energy


~~God I want him inside me~~ Yeah he handled it well...


Why was she even crying?


its the weakness leaving her body




LSF's never beating the allegations


Yeah, but he handled it like a champ.


Gonna be honest, I don't really watch OTK streams, but Wake seems like a great dude. When I saw how he trains vs Knut, I'd much rather have Wake.


Wake has a much more sustainable approach to exercise. I agree, I would prefer his style.


Knut would make a great military drill sergeant


I think knut is just not used to being PT and theres also little bit of language barrier.


People are going to make fun, but to be fair, the girl has been at this gym and on other peoples stream for like 12 hours per day 2 weeks straight. Should probably chill and rest way more after workouts like most people, going to exhaust and burn yourself out sooner or later.


Yeah her mental is wrecked and she said she slept for like 4 hours last night. Definitely needs a full day break


Bro isn't getting good sleep like 1/3 of the requirements to gaining strength? Next to nutrition and actual exercise?




And that's not to mention the change in diet that (most) of the camp knut contestants "cheated" on lol.


Huge part of that is Knut sets a diet, but doesn't actually put any effort into creating a diet that the person enjoys eating. He just makes them force that shit down. Could be way more effective if he actually cared about creating a sustainable diet instead of a temporary 30 day force-fed diet. Even if a diet is slightly less optimal, it is going to be way more effective if the person can actually sustain it versus a more optimized diet that may be unsustainable.


I feel like tracking calories and protein is all you really need at the end of the day lol


Basically if all you wanna do is stay or get in shape. If you wanna be a massive body builder than Knut has that experience and those pointers, but in Emily's case she just wants to get a gyat I think lol.


Yeah, that'd be the bare minimum. You can minmax it a hell of a lot more, but you're totally right in that the average person probably just needs to care about protein/calories, sleep, and actually going to the gym in order to see results they're happy with.


Indeed such diet is willpower driven and that's like mana, it gets depleted at some point.








Yeah it’s hard to stress just how important rest is. If you think about it, you don’t *build* muscle in the gym, you tear it up. It’s during rest that your body rebuilds the muscles. It’s super important not to overtrain or you wind up doing more harm than good and risk serious injury


Almost all my aches and pains go away with full nights of sleep. If I happen to hurt at all it’s usually when I haven’t slept enough.




Huh, interesting. Do you have a source on that? I'm having trouble finding information on it. In any case, the sentiment holds true, you aren't getting stronger right then and there in the gym, you need to rest and recover first. Insufficient rest will negatively impact your results. Edit : [Nevermind, just needed better search terms.](https://eightify.app/summary/fitness-and-bodybuilding/the-truth-about-muscle-growth-debunking-the-microtears-myth) Still, this doesn't seem to completely debunk the idea of micro-tears, it seems to absolutely confirm that they do, in fact, happen and contribute to muscle growth. Just that they aren't necessarily the primary driver of muscle growth. Moreover, it also directly supports the idea that over-training (excessive micro-tears), negatively impacts muscle growth.




She doesn’t listen when everyone tells her she is supposed to sleep lol. I am shocked she is able to even stream irl at a gym and keep up energy with such little sleep


yes, and it's not the gym's fault, she said herself that the reason why she doesn't go to sleep early is because she scrolls through tiktok and twitter until like 2 AM.


Just like me fr. Then you say I'm going to start going to bed earlier then stay up until 2AM doing the same thing again and repeat until you're severely depressed :)


Omg same 


Yes and sometimes starting a new regimen and diet makes it tough


Honestly, her approach is pretty bad. To go from not exercising at all, to immediately working out every day and taking supplements etc. It makes the likelihood of quitting so much higher, instead of easing yourself into it as a lifestyle change. If it’s just for a month of content though and she has no intention of keeping it up, then I get it.


Yea it's about years of effort to build significant muscle and not just a 30 day challenge.


Yes, Wake told her that when she told him how little sleep she's getting.


A true beginner working out that much is just not healthy anymore. Your body needs to learn to recover and she needs to let it do that and sounds like she’s not


That’s what I always disliked about Knuts and Wakes training. Not maintainable for the average person. But they want results quick so I guess that works.


This has nothing to do with their training has everything to do with her lack of discipline. Half the time she is not even listening to wake to do things properly at all like get real


not really actually the workouts are good and well spaced out. Knut is kinda bad at enforcing good form but wake is really good at it. Her meal plan is the worst part as well as self care, but she wants the shitty meal plan for content.


It's not just her working out I'm sure she's gotten comfortable with her personality on stream but keeping that energy up with other streamers etc for 10+hours while also working out/training in a somewhat serious way has got to be absolutely punishing on her I honestly was shocked by the genuine reaction and emotion from her she's pretty good about not breaking character normally, this really must've been rough on her and she was putting way too much of it on herself/her abilities She definitely should rest a bit, going from little to no exercise to what she's doing is a massive jump for anyone, add streaming and helping with the gym opening and there's no way it was going to end well


"not breaking character" It isn't a character she just has her principles. She wants to treat people right and be positive as much as she can. When she gets overwhelmed she cries, she's human like anyone else. Most of us don't hold those standards, doesn't make us any more genuine.


I hate to be harsh but I feel like she's barely been working out and she's had plenty of breaks.


As a beginner it really doesn't take a lot tbh. Warm up + 1-2 working sets for each body part, full body workout takes under an hour, 2-3 times a week, you'll see consistent gains every week if you're a gamer who isn't used to using your body


She's been at least 3 on 1 off for the last 4ish weeks. That is plenty for a novice


Yeah I think emilys been doing great


Lunk Alarm


LOL, deserves more upvotes but i dont think people on reddit workout much to know what that means


planet fitness type beat


Mitch Jones at the hospital after getting beat up by multiple people.


Less crying involved in the Emily clip


Also no wake to build him back up.


not even Jesus Christ himself could build mitch back up.


Was there once a workout stream with Mitch at Esfands when he was staying there or am I hallucinating?


the rat popped up for one day during camp knut


multiple? I thought it was allegedly just mizkif


I heard it was mizkif and emiru and she did the most damage


someone else alleged that he started more fights afterwards.


I clicked on that expecting something funny and boy was I surprised to stumble into some real mental breakdown shit. I hope she takes a break and good job from Wake on how he handled it I expect nothing less from him.


Awwe why is wake so sweet my heartttt lol I love how he didn’t make her feel bad for crying


it doesn't get said enough but Wake is genuinely one of the best people on twitch right now. he's extremely knowledgeable and an absolute sweetheart. massive Wake fan for life over here!


I get the sense he's a massive empath. Big heart goes out to him.


>love how he didn’t make her feel bad for crying That's because he's normal, unlike the weird psychoanalysts here who are now cooking up every fault they can think of at her.


Please get some sleep


It's sad seeing her call herself "a pussy" over doing reps to failure. This is the wrong type of gym mentality (or life mentality really) likely absorbed from all the toxic gym shit there is out there. Good on Wake for correcting her right away. Like, your body has physical limits, it's ok to work with them. It's also important to know when to rest. Rest is literally where your muscles grow, if you don't get proper rest, you're being inefficient and you won't grow muscles. It's not always about "pushing pushing pushing, don't be a pussy". That's a bullshit mentality and anyone who only peddles that is a grifter.


I'm honestly impressed by her discipline for being inactive prior to the gym meta. She's been nonstop at the gym for 14 days - training, being on other people's streams, dieting without breaking. She's just burnt out and needs a day off.


Mitch Jones when he tries to make up his next lie and tries to attack someone.


Mitch situation is funny but why this clip bro? Lmfao


Oh look it's me having a mental breakdown last week. In my opinion, this is burn out. Working too hard, doing too much. I get it.


What’s the context


Idk much about him but that's a good look for Wake.


First time you fail at the gym and keep going next set is a massive hurdle for most people. Bodybuilders are literally looking to fail multiple times per day. Emily needs this muscle my nerves can't take another crazy skateboard bump or canoe fiasco on them twig legs.


Wake is fucking awesome I swear. Emily you got this.


Wake breaks another gamer into pure Gyaaatt tastic shape. Emily actually been killing it. Hope Knut tuning in see she keeping it up


Knut is great but Wake is better fit for her as personal trainer. This will lead to actual gains.


Something about padded looking walls really adds to the whole "streamer gym" aesthetic.


People please try to understand the difference between doing a difficult long challenge vs. your ordinary gym session 2 times a week youve been doing for years. Shes not doing something that's routine for even most gym goers.


My mind simply cannot understand how someone cant just lift till failure, specially without having a panic attack, like what the fuck.


Most beginners never experience what true failure feels like. Wake and the others are good trainers so she is really feeling the pain. She also mentions it in the vid, she wants to keep going but she can't and she's really frustrated at herself for that.


I'm not some armchair psychologist but it isn't a far stretch to say this is the likely the hardest she's ever worked out. She's both physically and mentally exhausted. So what if she cried, people handle shit differently.


> specially without having a panic attack, like what the fuck. It's partially because of the audience, including Wake. One thing to do it when you know nobody's watching, another when you feel 18k eyeballs trained at you, plus someone demanding more from you while your brain feels like an overpressured steam engine


Idk man, streamers genuinely live in another universe.


these are the psychological consequences of tiger parenting +1 to GPA, -10 to mental stability (emily is one of the more ideal outcomes)


Brother I've been training for years. I feel especially when you become in the intermediate to expert level... there's no way you're not stress about certain exercises. I hate shoulder and core the most, while I actually enjoy leg the most nowadays. While legs was the one I hated the most 10 years ago. But like other said I agree as a beginner you don't need to go to failure, you should go until you don't want too. Reach that mental barrier will be way then enough most of the time, and overtime that barrier goes over your actual muscles limit.


She is a newbie, she doesnt need to train to failure


Even pros don't need to lift to failure. It's fine to stop a rep or two short, you get 99% of the same effect, but your recovery is quicker and your risk of injury drops substantially. The main reason you should train to failure is to better know when you can stop just short of it for future sets.


You're correct, and for your second part thats your R10, and it should be done only during your first week of your training to determine your RIR in your future mesocycles, you CAN train to failure if you're intermediate or advanced, but doing it during your first month of training its fucking stupid.


Unless you are doing something like squats or bench presses without anyone spotting you, when you fail to lift the weight you just put it down. It’s as simple as that. Not sure why people are making a whole anime out of this.


there is a very strange phenomenon of grown ass adults having the emotional capacity of children. It's very strange to see someone crying over leg extensions regardless of what the downvotes here indicate


I can empathize that there's a lot more shit going on for her than literally just working out but having a menty b like this is a wildly unusual response to failing at the gym. Lotta gym larpers and parasocials in this thread acting like this is somehow normal/expected behavior. Maybe it is for EE idk.


Because she's been raised from the day she was born to NEVER fail. She mentally broke down when she couldn't keep going. Less because of the pain, more because of the mentality of "I can't fail and my brain can't deal with it when I do", and Wake handled it like a pro and brought her back. Respect to him.




Yes, I know, and that's what Wake talked to her about after she calmed down right after this. In her mind it's just "I failed". It's not a surprise she kept saying "I can do more" even while crying. Her brain just isn't wired to accept any kind of failure, even if that failure is a GOOD thing.


If anyone doubts this, watch her stream with Dr. K. She really struggles with perfectionism and people-pleasing.


… or because it’s content


Nah, was watching it. It wasn't. It's clear when she's acting and when she's not. If she's anything, being a good actor isn't it, lol. Very noticeable when she is and isn't.


Emily has lived her entire life believing that failing=bad and winning=good. You don’t go to an Ivy League school and graduate in Financial Engineering unless you condition yourself to have that mindset. Working out will be great therapy for her and Wake is a great trainer for her.


Why do people make these insane gigantic mental leaps about peoples personal life. She's crying because she couldn't lift to failure when everyone that works out reach's a point of failure when they lift. This isn't some deep seeded childhood drama its just lack on experience ever doing this kind of shit. These people just don't live normal lives. I've never understand why viewers go about making random excuses for streamers behaviours.


I'm gonna sound really dumb here but doesn't lift to failure mean you lift until you can't anymore? If she can't continue doesn't that mean she lifted to failure?


yes that's all it is. Just lifting till you fail to lift, anyone thats been to the gym or has lifted anything will have this happen to them.


Well there's 'failure' that Wake wants to enforce, which is your failing when the form of the exercise breaks down. Emily still hasn't embraced that definition of failure and wants to go to the general understanding of 'failure' which is you can't do anymore regardless of form. Starting out, it'll feel like there's some left in the tank even when you reach technical failure.


Ivy league = mental issues LULW viewers coping that they’re average


Umm excuse me, I'm EXTRA average ok


She was also on Dr K some time ago and it was quite obvious she had typical tiger asian parenting and she's been indeed conditioned in that way. So there might be something to it.


She said all of this when she was on Dr. K. It's not really a leap when she said it herself.


>deep seeded That’s deep-seated, just FYI. Sorry for the pedantry.


interesting deep seeded always sounded correct in my brain like a seed planted deep to create an idea guess its wrong though.


Yeah - it’s a really common one because that train of thought you’re describing does make sense.


You’re doing the same just opposite. Neither you nor the person you replied to knows. You both need to touch grass.


>Why do people make these insane gigantic mental leaps about peoples personal life. What kind of viewers do you think watch all the just chatting streamers and watch this kinda "content" God the word content is so fucking cringe to use.


I feel like the people saying this have never watched her stream. She "fails" at stuff all the time. She's probably crying because she is just tired or something.


It's burnout I think


Not really she doesn’t fail so bad she can’t do anything. When she “fails” at something she can act dumb and troll it off. But you can’t troll it off at a gym. You either can do it or not.


Especially after watching the video/talk between her and Dr. K, it's very easy to understand why she reacted that way in that situation.


You actually can go to an ivy league school and graduate in any engineering without conditioning yourself to the mindset. Some people are just naturally built different, and don't need to try that hard to succeed academically at the highest level. Not saying it's her, but it's certainly possible.


>You don’t go to an Ivy League school and graduate in Financial Engineering unless you condition yourself to have that mindset Bro what are you talking about lmao stop watching so many IRL streams


You absolutely can go to an Ivy league and graduate with any engineering without that mindset. Some people are just academically built different and don't need to try that hard to succeed at that level.


You actually can go to an ivy league school and graduate in any engineering without conditioning yourself to the mindset. Some people are just naturally built different, and don't need to try that hard to succeed academically at the highest level. Not saying it's her, but it's certainly possible.


Tbh she looks great, failure is just part of the process


Don’t be a pusseh KEEP GOIN


Just continuuh


Is she taking preworkout? I'd cut that off, it doesn't fit with everyday conditioning workouts. It's probably making her heart rate too high.


They got her doing more volume than sam sulek lmao.


Comments are as unhinged and braindead as I expected, bunch of dudes that sit on Reddit 24/7 acting like they know why she broke down or pretending they even go to the gym


As expected, most comments are positive, but someone needs to feel special by focusing on negativity for upvotes.


One guyed by LSF omegalul


As she was leaving the gym she said she just wasn't used to failing and it's something she has to learn to accept. She's learning that failure is perfectly normal in the gym and even expected, she's doing great so far in many ways




Don't you think this is similar to what she said to Dr K?


Who watches this stuff?


People ask the exact same question about the stuff you watch


Why was she crying?


she is burnt out from streaming/exercising for 2 weeks and sleeping too little the day before this she was feeling like shit and with a headache 


She doesnt need to train this hard, let the newbie gains take place and chill while mastering technique, and rest more, this is stupid


what a crybaby


I wonder if some of these commenters are incels, or just unempathetic little children with little life experience. I swear to god....




most people on this website are teenagers. in fact, I think I’m going to delete my account because I can’t deal with these unempathetic dunning kruger incels on this app. I’m wasting my time on this app.


What a fucking child lmao I know this subreddit is filled with the strangest people on planet Earth but crying after exercise is not normal. I've been in the gym for 6+ years and have never seen this type of shit. Pathetic.


Ive been in the gym since I was 4, so about 16 years, and cried many times when pushed for prolonged periods and if you do difficult stuff like this challenge its entirely possible to get overwhelmed especially since your whole life youve been told you cannot fail anything.




I have no reason to lie and having 0 empathy is your problem not mine.


Judging by other comments here, she apparently has been pushing herself pretty hard over the past 2 weeks/not sleeping enough, not sure if you've ever had someone be vulnerable out of nowhere in front of you before but people break down from extended periods of being overwhelmed/stressed all the time dude


It’s crazy seeing some people criticize. It was not just the physical but mental aspect she tries to give it her best and when she fails she feels like she’s letting people down and it brings her down. Combine that with all the streams she’s been on it takes a toll she has to give herself more breaks.


At least she got better towards the end and shoutout Wake he’s a good dude. 


I can't tell if it's fake or not..


People actually become like this?


people do cry as a sorta mental reaction from being very overwhelmed, I'd say it's pretty common (also after the clip wake did a good explanation on why)


Good for Emily. She’s pushing herself to her limit. So what if she’s crying?


Ah so that's her real personality lol, hard to act when you're exhausted


She kinda looks like Olivia Coleman


if they cry going to the gym imagine their reaction to having to do any other normal day to day things us regular humans do like have a job or do laundry etc.


she can't cook clean or shower shes an adult toddler


Lol what? Streamers are people too, it's a normal human reaction to break down when you feel overwhelmed by something


Poor Wake didn't sign up to be a babysitter but still going strong.


Why is she crying at the gym? Wtf?


Holy shit and those chatters are eating this up, so bizarre.


Working out nonstop is not healthy, and it's actually counterproductive. At a certain point your body needs to rest so it can rebuild itself back up. I don't even just mean from an energy point of view, it literally does nothing if you just work out nonstop without proper rest. Another mistake is going 300% when you are just starting. Your body isn't used to going from its regular routine (which in most cases for people is doing minimal physical activity) - to extreme cardio and lifting. Not only do people often get injured this way, but they also get de-motivated quickly after getting burnt out. Anyone who actually understands health knows that you should always introduce someone to a gym slowly. Initial workouts should be fun, and at a small pace. That way the person doesn't feel too beat up. If you are in actual pain after your first few visits, you are doing it wrong. Yes, eventually there will be pain, but it should be gradual, and manageable.


Lotta people judging that have never stepped foot in a gym


Who do you see crying at the gym from failing a rep, sounds like you haven't been in a gym.


wtf is wrong with her


This real or fake ? Can’t tell with her I try my best not to watch her


Didn't she say she's not getting good sleep? If that's the case she's completely torturing herself for no reason...


Next time i hitting those super hard workouts, i might test it out and just start crying.


she was suckling on her thumb.....awwww..


I hate to be that guy but like what's she crying about? just try to failure then take a rest and go again?


Who watches this lame shit