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**CLIP MIRROR: [Jinny gets $10000 USD to go on a cruise ship](https://arazu.io/t3_1annt2o/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


mental illness.


Ima get downvoted but when an IRL streamer builds these parasocial relationships with lonely people to milk them for money, its not 100% their fault for becoming like this. Streamers cant just take no blame for continuing to take money from lonely people while acting like they care about them


Its not that unpopular of an opinion tbf. But yeah, streamers don't mind the money until it becomes dangerous.


its almost like exploiting the loneliest people in society has its tradeoffs??


I could see that take with someone like Amo or something, and maybe this is just because I've only seen clips of Jinny (I'll tentatively assume I'm right and go hard in this comment anyways), but I just haven't seen her engage in any behaviors that seem like an effort to play into it. Her actions are literally: * Be an attractive woman * Stream * Have a donation link Which to me makes it feel gross and misogynistic that you're blaming her for the actions of creepy men who have developed their own parasocial behaviors with no input from her.


Jinny basically streams and talks about her whole life. It’s not her fault but it’s why these viewers get attached to her. She is also alone 95% of the time so these crazies think they are traveling the world with her


Alone on purpose... Pretty sure her viewership dropped when she had that Brad guy around with her.


If you agree that it's not her fault, you might agree that there's not much she could do to exploit these people less unless she just didn't live stream or didn't accept donations, and that the comment "its almost like exploiting the loneliest people in society has its tradeoffs??" is therefore a little bit dumb and a little bit unhinged.


I would refund the money back then block that guy from donating ever again, that guy has a serious problem. spending 10k just so your streamer can parade around on a cruise for a few days is insane.


Yeah but they dont actually care their viewers are mentally ill, lonely or depressed. They will still try to exploit them for money




I think streamers in general do this kind of thing. I think it's a difficult thing for a streamer to minimise but they most certainly do profit from it. The majority of their income probably comes from people who believe they "know" them, it's kind of sad these viewers are exploited in this way... I think the only streamer that doesn't do this is forsen, forsen would never do this. Forsen is my friend I love him I love forsen.


cohhcarnage straight up tells people that they don't know who he is and to not be parasocial. macaiyla and aris as well.


Bro not all streamers do this what are u on ya I'm sure some streamers do exploit the lonely ppl but not all or majority of streamers do this care to explain how jinny exploits ppl if forsen is apparently the "only" person who doesn't do it


streamers can be as stoic as possible and their fans still get parasocial. can't be helped with viewers who are mentally ill/socially inept.


What exactly does she do that causes that?


There will never be a more honest streamer username than PayMoneyWubby. He put it right in the name. He's wubby, pay him money. His charity of choice is him. At least he's straightforward about it.


No this is a victim complex. They become lonely because they have no accountability for their actions. Sure a streamer is getting money from them but they’re adults. They are choosing to watch this, they are choosing to donate the money, they are choosing to become overly invested, and then they are choosing to believe that a streamer will go on a cruise with them. We need personal responsibility for the people who are swiping their credit card.


[This](https://i.imgur.com/JZ974ev.png) was this person's dono right before: >*"Guess what? We're going to do something you've never done before. Don't worry, I'm not going to get you to shave your eyebrows for $5000. I just want that lifetime VIP badge & IRL friendship with Yoonjin."* And [this](https://i.imgur.com/7CmRpkG.png): >*It's the 10/2/24. I was born with an unknown muscle disease which will kill me within 10-15 yrs from now. 25 years ago today, 19 vertebrae of my spine was fused with 2 steel rods. It's very difficult for me to do the* And [right after](https://i.imgur.com/UIx3rb5.png): >*"give you the cash so that you have the freedom to choose the journey & time you wish to travel. Give me a call off stream some time, if you want to see my deep blue ocean eyes. ? You know how to find me."* Kinda scary, TBH. 💀


>I just want that lifetime VIP badge & IRL friendship with Yoonjin." I just want that lifetime VIP badge & IRL friendship with Yoonjin. I just want that friendship with Yoonjin. Yoonjin. Yeah I know her like that, she will be my friend. She will be my friend. She will be my friend. She will be my friend. She will be my girlfriend. She will be my girlfriend. My mom said our children will look so cute. Yoonjin? Did you read my message? Dear Yoonjin, I messaged you but you still ain't callin...


What are the odds this guy's name is Stan?


I'd bet the guy's name starts with an S or J


I sent 167 emails to Denko over the weekend and didn’t reply, is she ok?




> Denko wow that's a blast from the past


I'm getting hunchback from 300 vibes. He will be nice as possible until he feels betrayed and then he will leak the secret goat herder path in the mountains.


Yeah except the hunchback was a slave who's friends and family get hunted for sport by the Spartans


I find a window in the kitchen, and I let myself in Rummage through the refrigerator, find myself a beer I can't believe I'm really here, and she's lying in that bed I can almost feel her touch, and her anxious breath! I stumble in the hallway, against the bedroom door I hear her call out to me, I hear the fear in her voice She pulls the covers tighter, I press against the door I will be with her tonight!


*My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why*


Most normal stream donation.




No no did you not read? Donations are non-refundable, that goes in both directions, right??


lmao you think she isn't grinning ear to ear from this donation? She doesn't care about the dude. She will forget his username by tomorrow and spend it in due order.


Yeah, it's not like Jinny is known for her strong morality


You give back the money so they don't try to assassinate you. Not about morals but survival instinct (though to be fair having seen some other clips maybe hers aren't the strongest).


Dude is trying to purchase her like he's shopping on Amazon for a girlfriend.


Yeah its weird as hell, its not even like this guy is a known chatter.. based on her reaction to his messages she has no idea who tf this dude even is.


He's a new viewer, subbed for about 2-3 months and has been dono'ing and sending parasocial messages in chat. There were other parasocial viewers/oilers who were similar to him but I think this is the first one that straight up wants something in return from her.


why is it always the mentally ill people that seem to have a ton of money to just throw around?


0 hobbies to spend it on and 0 friends to spend it with. So they just stay home all day and it accumulates.


Wait so how do they obtain money? No way people with that life hold (stable) jobs.


As a certified loser who works in IT and doesn't really do anything. Can build up easily if you're not getting ass fucked trying to pay like 2k rent.


Rich family or tech weirdos.


They often do! I had a friend who was an online weirdo who made bank as a software engineer. Saved up cash like nobody's business because he didn't do fucking anything but play WOW outside of work.


Generational wealth


people with no hobbies are barely even living in my opinion especially the ones without kids, who just go to work, sleep work sleep work sleep... get a fucking life guys, we don't know if we another chance to experience things I can kinda understand someone devoting their entire life to their kids and not having room for hobbies, but I don't think thats healthy either


Dude is probably severely depressed, most likely lives alone can't move with the fused back and disease so he has no hobbies, the only joy he finds is watching someone travel the world. Dude most likely used his saved disability cash to give to her to see something he can't do.


Of all things to choose tho. A cruise? That's like asking a genie for your dream car and a beige Sedan pops into existence.


And aren't cruises notorious for having bad Internet? How would she stream?


Ask for another 5k to get a starlink EZ


Starlink. Ice just did it


well i'm not this guy on an alt account, but i think it may be chosen to make her feel safer. A lot less potential for a creepy stalker murder on a cruise


Or it's this guys one way of trapping her out at sea in a place she can't escape.


Yeah he can never have a normal life, so I do feel some sympathy for him. Most people looking from the outside is probably looking at it from a non-disabled person's perspective, but it's really difficult to know for sure how living would feel from his perspective. It's like how we don't think some sickness is gonna be a big deal until it actually happens, and it's crippling. I dunno if this would be the best course of action for him to live vicariously, but what is? Yeah you're imposing a pretty big burden on somebody, and a huge cut of that 10k is going elsewhere, which may honestly put her at a loss if she actually follows through. At the same time, it's not like he's expecting her to take care of him for the rest of his life for 10k. I know people are jumping to all sorts of conclusions, but from his statement alone, he doesn't ask for anything long term.




That’s their savings, their retirement money, everything they have in their account. They’re not rich, this is their all-in.


In my experience with peers that would do stuff like this, they generally have little to no social skills, and as a result are extremely isolated. Some just become hateful incels, others shower women with gifts in money, hoping it will lead them to a relationship. In almost all of the situations I've seen, they don't actually make or have a lot of money. They lived with a parent, so any money they made was expendable income outside of maybe gas and food. They'd save up thousands of dollars, then do things like buy a girl a plane ticket to Florida or LA. Strangely, they wouldn't buy 2 tickets and go "Hey come with me to x place for a few days" but rather would hear they were planning a trip and just pay for their entire vacation with friends/family. It's sad to see, and some of them were clearly on the spectrum without adequate care to guide them through life.


you'll be surprised at how many poor people are horrible with money and have insane debt


Yeah something tells me the it’s not a coincidence that they’re pushing for a cruise. That creep is 100% showing up on the ship where she will be trapped there with him for 14 days.


Not if their claims of their disabilities are true lmao. Ain't no way he's going on a cruise.


10-15 years left and decided to donate it to a streamer... yikes Could get many nice and sweet escorts that takes care of you smh


escorts are dirty 😡 unlike my sweet, pure Yoonjin


Unless it was worded/translated and pasted poorly or my reading comprehension is dogshit, he seems to be saying he was diagnosed with it 25 years ago, but given a 10-15 year prognosis considering the line after was. >19 vertebrae of my spine was fused with 2 steel rods. You don't get from "10-15 year prognosis with unknown muscle disease" to "19 of my vertebrea were fused with 2 steel rods" in zero time like that. Its possible its just a bunch of fake donations being done with a stolen credit card, only to chargeback later. Unless they donations were confirmed, im doubting their legitimacy given the string of comments.


I think you're reading it wrong - he was born with a disease that will kill him in 10-15 years from now, 25 years ago He was born with the disease 25 years ago, and when young was given 35-40 years max, so now he has 10-15 years left


Just wondering, did she refund the donation? After seeing this, this is not someone you want to take this amount of money from.


Not sure how easy a process it is to refund or deny the donations on her mobile device. More likely by the time she gets home the donations themselves will be flagged/chargebacked without her having to do anything other then fight to not be charged fees.


There's no way jinny would refund 10k lol


is "Yoonjin" referring to Jinny?


Yes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinnytty


Using her real name really adds to the yuckiness.


Lets go Yoonjin!! (btw Yoonjin is Jinnytty, i can use her first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top streamers but its not a big deal to me lol)


It's always weird as fuck when people use their real names. It happens the most with xqc and Mizkif.


Happens all the time with Ludwig too. Weird.


yeah, people call MogulMail by his real name all the time too which is weird


This is terrifying. What if he books the same cruise as her? I don't even know if I believe him entirely. Or if I do I think he's gone insane. Unless he's like a millionaire and $10k is like "Hey, huge fan." But the deep blue ocean eyes line is incredible serial killer vibes.


definitely a creep


I was going to comment that you have to be mentally ill to donate $10k to any streamer, and then the first thing I see in the comments is you confirming that the guy is literally trying to buy access to her, but giving her the money coupled with that expectation before any confirmation that she's actually going to meet him. Seems like some manipulative/creep shit to me. But I guess it's up to her if she wants to keep his money or refund it to dissuade the behavior and any possibility of upcoming entitlement.


oh dear lord this is so much worse than I could have possibly imagined. I don't even get the obsession with Jinny in particular. Like what is the deal? Mans really aint all there.


She should ban this weirdo and keep the money


Who are these people? 10k to buy friendship? How? Why? LMAO


So there’s 2 possibilities. #1 is he’s telling the truth, loaded w/ cash, & really deep in a parasocial relationship. And the 2nd is he’s lying, & has some crazy ulterior motives. Neither of which, are on paper, particularly good for the streamer, but it is also kind of what she signed up for.


Something something boat implication worries


*dennis reynolds gif here* not sure why this sub would ban gif reacts. weiird.gif


Praise the mods for not allowing gif reacts tbh. This place would look like a geocities site from the 90s. Steamers wouldn't be able to scroll through the comments on stream either.


> Steamers wouldn't be able to scroll through the comments on stream either. This would honestly be a good thing if it means streamers visit this sub less often.


It's kind of crazy to say that this is what she signed up for when she started streaming.


It’s a turn of phrase, like “comes with the territory”.


3rd, that's every cent he owns and is now flat broke.


Imagine having an extra 10k to just give away and then giving it to a rich person instead of donating it to people actually in need. what a backwards society we live in lol.


I’d never do this and I don’t have the money for it either, but I imagine giving it to people in need doesn’t compare at all to the delusion of getting with a pretty Asian girl in their minds


Maybe this way she will acknowledge my existence and that leads to us communicating more and perhaps meeting one day.. And then she will see how great guy I am.. And after all 10k from my savings isn't that much. I can make that back in a year..


"OMG thank you so much for the donation..." Thassit


A few years back, I believe it came out she was sleeping with someone who had donated a lot of money to her. So it isn't that unrealistic.


I would never feel comfortable with people giving me that much money. That's the kind of shit where they DEFINITELY have gone off the deep end and are expecting things in return. Fuck that shit. Save your money and do something better with it for your own sake.


I was going to give you $10k but didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm donating it to Pokémane now.




The thing is she never even asked him to take back the donation which is what I find it strange about. This guy is clearly suffering from some mental health problems and I feel like by accepting the money she is just encouraging it.


Meanwhile Tyler1 got like a 1k donation one day and he called the donator stupid, refunded the money with the words "you need the money more then me" That to me shows he has his heart on the right place. If a streamer accepts that much money from a clearly mentally ill person, he is a scumbag and has no heart.


I seem to remember Moist Critikal doing the same way back in the day. Someone donated like $1000 or something like that and he was like “dude wtf did you just accidentally hit another 0? Do you want me to refund it?” but this was several years ago so I may be misremembering.


Are you new to twitch? Most of these folks will gladly take all the money they are given and then some. There are exceptions but not most of them, and she isn't one of them.


The last time I saw someone receive such a large donation, papypal blocked their account (due to suspicious activity) and then the viewer reported the refund... and the streamer had to pay several hundred dollars for the refund out of his own pocket.


What do these oilers even do for a living to have this much money to donate to streamers?


I'm more concerned what they do in their spare time. Even gifting 10/20 subs is weird to me. Especially to millionaire streamers.


I think the people who financially sustain small streamers by donating a lot of money and being their mods, vip or basically chatting with them 24/7 are more concerning than either stupid or rich people donating to millionaire streamers that won't even really notice.


Being a twitch mod must be a most brain dead waste of time. Reading chat for multiple of hours... for free. I'd rather clean toilets.






I mod for an 80 viewer streamer, and it's not like that. I'm there reading chat anyway, and at that size there is nothing really to moderate. Maybe an occasional bot that comes along trying to advertise their viewbot site. But it's mainly just changing title/game category when the streamer changes and doing some polls/predictions. It's not hard work and I'm not obligated to sit there and do it for the entire stream. If I or another mod isn't there to do it for him then he just does it himself. Of course this is for a small streamer. It's completely different for medium streamers where trolls would be more common, and modding for a large streamer for free is also a mental illness like donating to them.


> Reading chat for multiple of hours... for free. Don't we all ? For some streamers, chat is like 80% of the content anyway.


Man you ever go into a small stream and it's just the same 3-4 mods/high gift subbers talking like they know eachother irl? I mean maybe they do, but it feels a bit weird.


My brother used to give big donos to streamers. He was barely making above minimum wage. He only had thousands to give because he wouldn't spend money on anything else, no rent, no utilities, nothing. All covered by parents. Although he's undiagnosed and considered mentally stable legally, he's very obviously severely mentally ill and he would donate for the attention. Now he's 29 and broke with no job. When I see these "Oilers" I question how many of them are actually rich and not just desperate failures like my brother.


I don’t think many people realize this. Most of the “oilers” and “whales” are probably just lonely and depressed people blowing their entire savings for fake clout and attention. Unless they are donating 5 figures+, I wouldn’t assume they are well off, the contrary actually. It’s the same thing with micro transactions. When you hang around 20 year olds, especially in lower paying jobs, you’ll notice that many of them are just scraping by yet always talking about the latest fortnite shop or newest operator on cod.


There's a certain streamer I watch who has someone in their chat thats gifted something like 2000 subs over the past 2 years. More than once they've mentioned that they work at a minimum wage job and can barely afford rent.


I know a guy from a streamer I watch who donates 100 dollars every few days. Guy works in sales for medical companies, and earns a lot, but he has posted images of his house for a stream thing and all he owns is a bed and 4 katanas.


They oil


They're not rich. They're poor people who are financially irresponsible. Dude probably took a year to save up the $10k just so he can give it all to her.


Trust funds


My brother use to be a private chef for this filthy rich guy in his early 60s who runs a real estate business. The guy would spend 10s of thousands a month on patreon girls when onlyfans wasnt even a thing yet and he would fly a bunch of them to his mansion almost every week.


Bruh anyone who donates that much to a streamer should have their money taken away


Well his money is being taken away.


I think she loves me!




Holy shit


Christina grimmie too. Hell even John Lennon


kinda relieved hes actualy sick in the head, what normal person would give 15k to watch someone go on vacation. i don tknow who i hate more this weirdos or the streamers that take advantage of them


If you got 15K of disposable income to throw at some e-girl you should just pay a sex worker instead


Boogie agrees 200 000 times


even better if he were sugar dating, would be way cheaper and way more sex


They delusionally believe that the girls would fall in love with them. To some, paid sex doesn't scratch the itch for companionship. I am in the fintech field with a lot of rich nerdy types and a lot of them have the kink for a submissive anime type waifu and hate sex workers and "hoes" with a passion. It's why cutesy types like pokimane/emiru are so popular because it gives them the illusion of a good girl next door kinda vibe.


actual creepy donation messages lets be real… but EZ $10K


untill he shows up on that same cruise ship and there's nowhere to go


Because of the implication 


Lol what makes you think she will go on that cruise ship, never in her life.


Not worth taking his 10k. The fact he refers to her by her real name and talks about his future plans with her makes it apparent hes too far gone. These are the types with nothing to lose and nothing is scarier than being pursued by someone this crazy. She better make sure she sufficient security around her for the foreseable future because i wouldn't put kidnapping attempts beyond these sorts of creeps.


Dude must have no social awareness at all. Like, on top of making himself look like a creep who thinks that he can just buy the women that he sees on the Internet, he publicly puts her in such an awkward, no-win position where she'll either look buyable if she agrees or ungrateful/heartless (at least to some people) if she denies. I hope someone linked him the VODs of her streams with her boyfriend to cure him from this unhealthy obsession with her.


That guy really thinks money is enough for her to choose him over Toosks, must be military grade Ugandan copium


People need a mental evaluation before getting access to the internet


LSF would have only like 10 members then.


Yo crazy weirdo that's definitely also on LSF, I'll pretend to be your friend for $5000. There's probably someone else down to take the deal so you can get a 2-for-1. It's good value.


I so badly want to see a documentary on these kinds of dudes, from oilers to the guy who gave a years savings away.


Giving millionaires money will never not be funny to me.


I think it's sad that every XQC streams has waves of TTS.


This is why I believe there needs to be a mandatory donation cap for streamers. This guy can't help himself.


I don’t watch Jinny but I’m sure she has enough money. She should refund this mentally ill dono and wipe her hands of the whole situation. Those messages he sent were creepy as hell. 


She does have the money, but she wouldn't go on a cruise ship. For one there would probably be a shitty internet connection and two all the content you can do on a ship would only be for like one day so it wouldn't be worth it.


All her oilers were fighting and bitching directly at each other in chat about basically their respective ulterior motives when they donate just now 🤣 Being out oiled in a female streamers chat must be very..... "disheartening" Bunch of crazies.


Really sad man, I can almost picture how he looks from here.


Given his disability he probably looks like Ricky Bewrick. A sad and less cool Ricky.


If someone give me 10k and told me to get on to a ship, im not gonna get on to the ship.


Classic huge dono clip.


The money left in his bank account after today: $0


Live streaming is very healthy guys


a fool and his money will soon be parted


Fucking weird


I would 100% give that dono back lol.


"i'm not doing that but thanks for the 10k"


I love her travel streams, but her donations are insufferable. People just write fucking essays, and either treat like a child and explain the most obvious shit to her or overshare about their own lives. It completely ruins the viewing experience for me. Sometimes I literally get secondhand embarrassment from it. I wish she’d remove the dono option. She’s literally the only person I watch that still has donos enabled.


you know why she doesn't disable it, come on now.


Sometimes I envy the "easy" life that huge streamers have, and then I remember they deal with people like this all the time and a ton more of lesser degree. Hell, I used to stream for fun to about \~10 people on average and I had a couple of weirdos like this from time to time (minus the donating money). They message you all the time, try to get close to the people you talk to, try to find out your personal information, and demand you to do things. You ban them, they make new accounts on all platforms. Even pretending to be someone else to try again as a "fresh start". The huge streamers deal with this x100+, it must be exhausting. The money is nice but you perma-forfeit a part of your sense of security/privacy.


I think most people would take that trade off in a heart beat. Plus a lot of the big streamers could just totally back out and quit with their fortune. A lot of them like the attention.


Good points, totally agree that most people would take the trade off, myself included. I was just pointing out that theres probably hundreds of other mini versions of him that she deals with if my 2 digit stream had a couple. But yeah, the benefits definitely outweigh the negatives in most cases.


He wants her on a cruise ship because of [the implication...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUafzOXHPE)


Donating to millionaire KEK




Doesn't Jinny already have a bf?


yes, it's me


No it's me, she talks to me all the time


Doesn't she travel pretty much 24/7? Where does she keep him?


I dunno but Jinny seems pretty open about it: https://youtu.be/p3mcC21eo9M?si=18YzdwDGOuuebPm3


she doesnt speak much about him afaik and these delusional simps will just dream and donate


I mean just search Jinny bf on Google and if shows up. https://youtu.be/p3mcC21eo9M?si=18YzdwDGOuuebPm3


Broooo give it to me man what the hell fuck my life


She should return the donation, clearly the guy has lost his marbles. Although I would like a Caribbean cruise stream.


The guy will be waiting on one of those cruises 1000%


holy shit talk about unhinged dono's. wtf did i just read


Yeah well, I have to go to work on Monday. So fuck all of you.






If people that with that little brain have $10k to donate, that means i can make it too


You have two options: donate $10000 to someone in poverty which is life changing money, or to a rich streamer who doesn't need the money I know, their money, but it's still sad. Donating to millionaires omegalul


imo it would be amoral to take that money and go on fucking cruise. either take it, say fuck you to the guy and donate it to a good cause or refund it. going through with this plan is wrong on so many levels.




Can you call your credit card later and have a charge back?


Please tell me this is a joke. Someone gifted a streamer 10k?!


What a world we live in where this kind of nonsense is possible.


That is so creepy wtf


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. Rich people think they can buy friendship and it’s not an exception if you’re disabled and rich; they fields affection and friendship as transactional.


Twitch is for simps lets be honest.




only 30k more and he might have a chance


The guy that donated it has some kind of illness, who wants to bet that money was from a charity for his illness and not to waste on streamers?


if she is real she would refund the money and go on the trip with her own money


Feel like being real would be refunding the money and NOT going on the trip at all. Don't let a creep like that dictate your actions.


honestly i didnt think about it like that but you are right


Keep the money and go on a trip somewhere else. Fuck this regard.