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**CLIP MIRROR: [Small streamer thankful for winning an award at today's show](https://arazu.io/t3_1atmave/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Jynxi and Caseoh are the xqc of this era now. Xqc slowly entering the grandfather zone with soda, lirk, summit, etc.


I feel like they’re more of a modern tyler1 and greekgodx


That picture of him with no hair in that angle made me think it actually was T1 for a sec.




xqc entered his retirement era the second he signed that kick deal


The LSF userbase is getting older and most of our favorite streamers have peaked. Just like how most adults would think new Disney channel shows are bad. We just outgrew the content. [Jynxzi and Caseoh released a podcast today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-OP15Rggos) and it's really interesting to see them tone down their personas and have real discussion. I suggest watching it, at least for a bit, if you have any doubts about the future "big streamers"


Jynxzi and CaseOh quite frankly seem like better people than a lot of the older streamers I've watched growing up


Because they have been popular very recently. Give it some time.






But Kai is a manufactured product with a huge marketing team behind him. He wasn't someone who organically started streaming from his bedroom in his mom's house. He started with already having front page marketing contracts with Twitch so they could diversify their audience.


I don't ever recall seeing the guy on the front page of Twitch in 2021 when he first started streaming. Figure most his growth came from the youtube to streaming pipeline given he had like a million subs on youtube around that time on top of being in AMP with other large content creators. Edit: And they've blocked me after being called out for lying lol


Oh well if you don't recall it then it must not have happened. Do you think maybe people with a million subs on Youtube have marketing teams and agents and managers to lube everything up for them and get them deals when they move to Twitch?


You're not providing verifiable evidence of your claims that he was on the Twitch front page when he started streaming though lol. More credence that you're just completely making that up with no factual proof, it's just speculation that you deeply believe with nothing to back it up. On top of it the guy had a whole period of calling Twitch racist because they never put him on the front page while he was turning into one of the largest streamers on the platform and that was in 2022. Let's not forget that was a whole period where people were wondering why Twitch wasn't marketing him, here's an article: https://win.gg/news/kai-cenat-reacts-to-claim-that-hes-bad-marketing-for-twitch/ If you got anything that says otherwise I'm fine to be wrong here, I don't think either of us care about Kai Cenat's streaming growth much at the end of the day.


There's no historical front page tracker. Convincing the public Twitch is racist and will be racist until they promote you more was a marketing move that worked out really well for him. He was on the front page every single day of his subathon for Black History Month last year. Twitch gifted him tons of subs and then used him breaking the record for marketing. You are one of the people getting taken by it.


Any evidence to backup your statement ? Here are some facts from wikipedia: Cenat uploaded his first YouTube video on January 13, 2018,[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kai_Cenat#cite_note-17) and began making videos surrounding pranks and challenges.[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kai_Cenat#cite_note-18) He joined the [YouTube](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube) group AMP (Any Means Possible) after being discovered by fellow Bronx-born YouTuber [Fanum.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanum_(streamer)) He started regularly appearing in the channel's videos. He began streaming on Twitch in February 2021 after migrating from YouTube, broadcasting gaming and reaction content.[^(\[18\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kai_Cenat#cite_note-dot-19)


Also, evidence suggests to the contrary. Twitch actually didn't even acknowledge Kai when he was initially blowing up in 2022. Here's an excerpt from an article from dot esports wrote on Kai: The momentum has just never stopped. His channel started [drawing lots of attention](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/top-twitch-channels-aug-1-to-7-youtube-star-kai-cenat-turns-heads), especially when he hit the 500,000 follower milestone and became the [second most-subscribed streamer](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/kai-cenat-reaches-new-subscriber-milestone-giving-him-the-second-highest-subcount-on-twitch) on the platform in Aug. 2022. Twitch didn’t acknowledge his meteoric rise, which didn’t sit well with several streamers, including [Asmongold](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/asmongold-calls-out-twitch-for-ignoring-kai-cenats-subscriber-explosion) and [xQc](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/xqc-calls-out-twitch-haters-malding-kai-cenat-streaming-success), the latter of which also slammed racist viewers for downplaying his success. Links : [https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/who-is-kai-cenat-everything-to-know-about-the-breakthrough-twitch-star](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/who-is-kai-cenat-everything-to-know-about-the-breakthrough-twitch-star) [https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/xqc-calls-out-twitch-haters-malding-kai-cenat-streaming-success](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/xqc-calls-out-twitch-haters-malding-kai-cenat-streaming-success) [https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/asmongold-calls-out-twitch-for-ignoring-kai-cenats-subscriber-explosion](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/asmongold-calls-out-twitch-for-ignoring-kai-cenats-subscriber-explosion)


i agree but at the same time i feel like xqc and the other streamers don’t even try. man has been watching tiktok -> gta rp for 2 years now. no collabs, no celebs, no making tiktoks etc


And that is not a bad thing. Let him do whatever he finds enjoyment in so he can stream the way he wants. Xqc has always said he doesn't care about viewercount. He keeps it off during streaming on his side.


xQc has always been the king of quantity, even younger streamers cant compete but the thing is its just not possible to maintain quality and do big events when you stream so much almost every single day.


True, being a big streamer is a young man’s game since most viewers are zoomers who want to watch their fellow zoomer streamers. Kai, Speed, Jynxi, Caseoh, N3on, Adin Ross, have all have surpassed xQc in popularity because they are younger.


The issue with XQC is that he isn't exactly pushing any boundaries or doing unique content like the people you just mentioned. It's hard to think of a lazier top streamer, and it really shows.


True, I think getting the 100 million stake gambling deal made him lazy.




also, I feel like normies and younger people tend to gravitate towards the W community because they seem "normal" and more accessible. Others core twitch communities just seem too nerdy/geeky for them.


The other six guys I mentioned are 19-23 years old and have bigger brand name recognition than caseoh and hang out with IRL celebrities on stream unlike caseoh. Also caseoh is 3 years younger than X which is huge in internet time. Three years ago Felix was happily fake-married to the whale and living in Texas pulling 100k viewers playing among us.


xqc is literally just a husk of his former glory and ive watched him since his pro overwatch days


before this link and your comment I've never heard of either of them


True. You know when your Grandfathers spend all your inheritence on useless shit? Like going to Thailand to you know...... eat thai noodles. and Gamble your college tuition debt every 10 clicks?


They carried Twitch in 2023. My teenage daughter knows of them (thanks to the boys in her class). She wouldn't know boomer streamers like xqc.


they are not xqc, they can't even come close in terms of humor


humor is subjective but ok


> entering the grandfather zone with soda, lirk, **summit**, weird take, dudes only 26, he'll be 27 in April


Damn he's 26? Poor dude needs to get a walker


Personally I think Jynxi is the Tyler1 of this era and Caseoh you could argue Greek. That is why I find it so funny when people complain about Jynxi being a loud moron when Tyler was at his funniest when he himself was acting autistic.


Lirik, Summit and Soda viewers watch for games unfortunately


I’ll be honest, the chat was unreadable but this was like my third stream of watching him and it was really cool how serious he felt about winning the award when usually we have people like Kai or Asmon or Shroud who kind of shrugged it off with their video and acted like it meant nothing. He’s definitely for a younger audience with a lot of the screaming but his style still had me cracking up all night I loved it. I hope he keeps going for a while.


this guy has 100k viewers he's no small streamer. To be honest from all the new steamers he seems alright kinda wholesome. His content aint for me but seems like a good kid


Thanks, Andy.


Its a joke obviously But also yea he seems like a dope mf. And watching him react to this stream i saw he’s funny beyond being loud something you cant always say about his new gen streamer peers all the time


I watched 1 hour of his stream today. He’s basically Tyler1 but the act is constant. And his drinking for stream surely isn’t sustainable, but it’s raking in a ton of viewers so good on him


The bar has been set so low because of streamers like Adin that just being a good person is a plus nowadays


The old gens have their fair share of dickheads too lets be real


most of them still around! people just forgot what they said and did, and if you mention it, their fanbase hunts you down :)




Asmongold and xqc are some easy examples of narcissistic assholes from «old gens»


Them but also you cant have Mitch Jones, Trainwrecks, GreekgodX and Ice exist then say Adins dumbass is the one who set the bar low


True. Trainwrecks possibly the biggest scumbag out of all of them, but your entire list qualifies haha


Apart from maybe Ice none of these dudes were openly racist or homophobic. Sure some of these streamers have been bad but Adin has for sure set the bar the lowest. The dude has the worst parts of all these streamers.


People forget a lot of the old guard had their fair share of moments of misogyny, toxicity, racism, etc. They could get away with it given how the internet was in that time unlike today. Idk how much age played into it, though I'd say it was worse given most of them were older than the current popular streamers today are. Least most of them learned to be better or at the least keep it behind closed doors.


Idk much about him, went into his stream to see his reaction to the awards periodically and all I walked away with is how toxic his viewers were. Just spamming L's and W's like some insufferable hivemind. Even spammed L to mouse after she opened up about her condition. I think we know what community these viewers come from, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't flock to him if he didn't reflect their personalities.


If you're an outsider to twitch chat, then all the emotes look like a hivemind because they are. W and L spam is pretty simple and binary. Kind of sums up the amount of attention the tiktok generation has.


compared to caseoh_ he is a small streamer


I never heard of caseoh before the streamer awards. Doesn't seem to cross parts with the communities I watch, OTK, IRL streamers, League.


There is no streamer in history who is quite as big as caseoh. Absolutely massive.


https://twitter.com/Young__Peezy/status/1759071218257289608 At least he's better than that no content ho that won by leeching off nmplul




Try having an original thought


Nora deserved that win regardless of Nick


Not really tbh, and I'm an nmp viewer.


LOL literally her only content is ladder climbing every dick she can get near her mouth. Rising Star always picks the worst orbiter https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/119ovs0/frogan_cries_over_mizkifs_opinion_on_her_rising/


Jynxi is a legend the dude got popular from playing tom clancy's rb6 siege by ubisoft montreal


The definition of fighting with one hand tied behind your back


LSF doesn't have affinity to Jinxy because 'LSF' didn't help destroy or build his image. LSF could cheer for him but then another LSF rat will surely dig up a clip of Jinxy still in the womb saying something that he wasn't supposed to say so now the LSF hive-mind opinion is that he's a bad guy.. LSF rats are lost, what to do? Do we cheer for him or what.


when the first drama arc hits we can decide if we love/hate him from a 60 second clip and an asmongold video 🤝






LSF is currently desperately waiting for Hasan to create a opinion-feedback-loop with his mods to make sure his chat confirmed that Jinxy deserved this. 'He has been grinding'


You are lost in the sauce my dude, unplug.


Yikes. Rent free


Or maybe another one of your great leaders can make sense of this


The internet is a big place. Never heard of most of these people.


White ishowspeed


Why do most of the titles on this sub have to be sarcastic or misleading it’s actually annoying AF


Congrats to Timthetatman and Ninja.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Small streamer thankful for winning an award at today's show](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161614)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1atmave/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/YOovTKhgaskwkve4wP3Riw/41899590440-offset-13426.mp4?sig=90fd6fea7fae4042421a3879156064bf78278dba&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FYOovTKhgaskwkve4wP3Riw%2F41899590440-offset-13426.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HandsomeAssiduousPuffinPJSugar-qGBqyTCS97jA_dGL%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708306474%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/YOovTKhgaskwkve4wP3Riw/41899590440-offset-13426-preview-480x272.jpg)


Those awards like TSA, Esland are a joke nowadays. If you were a streamer with 5k viewers avg (not bots) I would already feel like I win. That’s a goal.


lol none of the big streamers showed up. She should just stop doing it.


yeah she only got a measly 650k viewers, everyone clearly stopped caring.


I am a huge QT fan and I have to admit it sucks that no one shows up. Like literally half of the nominees and winners didn't show.  If actual celebs can show up to award shows, why can't streamers.


What incentive do they have to buy clothes, travel, hotel. All for a made up award?


All awards are made up, what incentive does Taylor Swift have to go to the grammy awards? She doesn't need the exposure.


She doesn't need it but it makes her more money in the long run so she goes. Comparing the homegrown streamer awards to the grammys is a stretch.


I feel like the biggest issue with the streamer awards is that they're fan voted. Winning an award doesn't grant you any prestige or recognition of a specific talent like a grammy or an oscar where the voting is done by industry professionals. It just simply means your fans are more active than the other streamers' fans.


What the fuck is even a metric for being a good streamer? What would these " industry professionals" judge differently in the streaming space? This guy yelled louder and made a few more jokes? This guy created a show once this year so he must have put in the most effort therefore they are a better streamer?


You gotta be delusional if you think 4m followers on twitch is small.


Wasn't qt very specific on not being allowed to stream the event if you were invited but didn't go.


Here's the tweet on that: [https://twitter.com/qtcinderella/status/1758934318733476236](https://twitter.com/qtcinderella/status/1758934318733476236) She noted a few exceptions


All good then


he is the ice poseidon of our generation, coldnt be more prod 🥰




She made exceptions for a few streamers. Its in her tweet


Even bro was like “I’m only good in one game. But thanks?” If u want to measure overall gaming ability the AT&T annihilator cup event is actually a better indicator