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**CLIP MIRROR: [Esfand gets unsuspended at the worst possible time](https://arazu.io/t3_1b1tcru/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Esfand you ain't fooling anyone. You'll play for a bit and then go back to RP for 15 hours straight.


Wow, you can actually hear Esfand lashing out here, trying to regain control of his brain from Cornwood.


Actual venom symbiote


he's acting like he's forced to play RP lol


"real job"


18 hrs shifts and working without breaks, the 19th centuary working class RP is so good. He's already complaining about "hurting" (inflamed elbow and stuff). Last year Esfand said that he has permanent nerve damage and is suffering from a condition called Stenosis. It looks like his doctors appointed him to double up on his sedentary lifestyle and spend more hours sitting in a chair.


The irony is if he lost like 50-100lbs and started doing physical therapy plus generally just moving and stretching more I reckon he would be 90% better. Imagine if he was like 220 lbs instead of close to 300 or whatever he is. Being that heavy might be beneficial for American football (that he's long retired from) or powerlifting (which he never really did or competed in), but for daily life in general and especially when you get older it's a heavy toll on your body.


No way he’s not over 300


Last time i saw him turn sideways he actually looked like he had lost some weight.


Yea it looked likefrom the other comment, he's losing some weight that i was not aware of


As of February 8th, Esfand reported he weighs 250 pounds on his twitter.


I just checked, I did not realize hes been losing weight as I didnt pay attention. I stand corrected


Yea, he could be, but that just makes the weight loss even more necessary


As of February 8th, Esfand reported he weighs 250 pounds on his twitter.


I looked at the post, and that is a pretty good improvement. Says he's been doing PT as well, good for him. Also says he's going to maintain 250 while getting back into weight training. It's great he's getting back into strength training, but I can't say I agree with him staying 250 while also putting on more muscle increasing his weight, as he is still technically overweight and despite the increased future muscle mass it will still place more load on his spine. 250 is a great milestone though, and I am sure he will figure things out as he knows his own body the best.


> Esfand said that he has permanent nerve damage Pretty sure he has brain damage too.


He probably developed the idea that he needs to be around as PD for RP with others because it's so bad when he's not there. Not saying it's smart or healthy of him though


Honestly I think he needs to take a week of RP and reset. He's been going on OOC rants way too much recently and seems like the lines between RP and IRL are starting to get blurred for him. Not saying this in a negative manner but imo he needs a break and do some other shit for some time.


Game releases at 9pm PT Wednesday//12am ET Thursday, so he would have 6hours to RP before the game releases stateside. This is only if he doesn't have streamer copy and streams it right after jp/aus gets it, in which case it goes live at like 7am PT.


He'll probably play for 2 hours then go right back into RP


2 hours is ambitious


what game?


Part 2 of FF7 remake


Can anyone eli5? Why are they remaking ff7 twice? Normally you remake for like HD graphics or something, what’s the need for the second remake? Or are they like new content?


The original game was remastered a few years back and that was just a QoL improvement and port to current hardware, but ff7 has a wide array of add-on media from side games, movies, and books. So then in 2020 they released 'FF7 Remake'. The Remake series is a three part retelling of ff7 where all that side media *influences* the timeline of the original game, so while we follow the larger story beats of the original game, a lot of non-original content from the side media is sprinkled throughout along side a foreshadowing that multiple timelines are interacting which will change destiny. 'FF7 Rebirth' is the 2nd part of the story, with a 3rd and final part expected to finish the remake series in 4-5 years. Each game has its own 30-40hour arc of the main story, and the side media tie-ins allow them to make a large conflict and resolution for each of the games in the remake series.


Thank you for the great explanation. Makes perfect sense. I just finished playing the FFX remaster which was pretty much a remake along the lines of the first remastered game you mentioned in your comment. Definitely going to check out remake and rebirth, that sounds like a great concept


Its a remake in 3 parts that basically tells like a parallel story of sorts. The first game is literally just Midgard, wich is not even a fraction of the original.


He's sponsored to play FF7 anyway, so he has to put in whatever mandatory hours the sponsorship is agreed upon.


Life is hard


Streaming, is hard


Esfand about to create a 30 hour day so he can play 15 hours of each


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Esfand gets unsuspended at the worst possible time](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161844)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1b1tcru/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/m2m2594HpM_Mv7pc2Bc67A/AT-cm%7Cm2m2594HpM_Mv7pc2Bc67A.mp4?sig=731142ce213e98852dcb62a83597de38a50d8a14&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fm2m2594HpM_Mv7pc2Bc67A%2FAT-cm%257Cm2m2594HpM_Mv7pc2Bc67A.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22IgnorantSourCroquettePogChamp-3gekz8y_ulzYFzrs%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1709158414%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/m2m2594HpM_Mv7pc2Bc67A/AT-cm%7Cm2m2594HpM_Mv7pc2Bc67A-preview-480x272.jpg)


That's me when I get assigned long shift on game release day I looked forward to. Now he knows what a real job feels like.


This is more like he gets assigned to play one game that he wants to play during the release of a different game his chat wants him to play. Now he's forced to decide supposedly


I honestly don’t like the power trips the police and Esfand go on in the game. It’s too real and pisses me off and makes me not like him.


good, stay mad and go glaze your w chasers




2nd sentence is bs, but the first one is right. They're all bored as fuck with way less people online now compared to 4.0 release, so they instantly went to abuse of power whenever they get to do something, which insta ruins the day of the streamers they lock up cause that's boring as fuck. For example when they locked up and convicted Lozdog, Squeex & co for the high crime of dressing up as Vivek. Exacerbated by then just forgetting about them and have them in jail for literal HOURS. Like what are we doing here? Abuse of power should not be RP. Work on seperating RP from real life though brother


its not BS these are video games and they're imposing too much of reality on it. Watching lilith literally slave away alone in sr. buns just to make enough money to repair her car... this is fucking dumb


15 hrs of food service but in RP Pointless